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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Oct 1955, p. 3

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- - . - ?~!UR5DAY~ OCT. l3th, 1955 TUE U4"A "A A iU4 s-. STwuiATEM.jANr, njWMjir<Vn.n., uONTARIO 'PG R Fail Brid-ai in Trinity Miss Kay Frances Sim, daughter of Mr. ar-i Mrs. John Simi of Shaker H-eiglits, Cleveland, Ohio, became the bride of Mr. William Edward Buttery of Bawmanville in a ceremony perfarmed in Trinity United Church, Bowmanville, on October 8th. 'The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W., Buttery of Boxvmanville. The couple will reside here. -Photo by Carson Studio, Part Hope Wed in .St., PauI's Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hancock vere Unite-d in a quiet double ring ceremony July 9, in St. Paul's United Church, Bowmanville, by Rev. Harold Turner. The bride is the former Marilyn Farder, daughter of Mrs. Joseph H. Farder and the late Mr. Farder. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hancock, Bowmanville. Former Bowmanville Girl Recently Wed s i i I i \f7 aria Anne Clarke, fourth daughter of Mr. anda 'irs. William Amos Clarke., iormerly of Bowmanville, now of Oshawa, was rnarried reccntly ta Mr. John 1{enry Wimpenny. The ceremony took. place in St. Gregory's Church, Oshawa. The groom is the son of Mrs. Wimpenny and the late Mr. George Edward Wimpenny of Toronto. Pictured with the bride are the litle flower girls and ring-bearer, nieces and nephew of the bride. On the left is Margaret Mary Flintaff, on the right Winona Ellen LaPrairie, and the ring-bearer is Carl LaPrairie. Li ndsay Bride Wed in Trinityl - WEDDING i HONEYIVELL - SPICER jA wedding of interest ta r B3owmanville and community t - jtook place n Deer Park Unitedc Church, Toronto, on Saturday, Spicer became the bride af hlugh Rice Honeywell. The bride is the daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. George James Spicer of Toronto. Mrs. Spicer is the formerý Gertrude McMullen of s ~ IKendal. The groom is the son Sof Mr. William Bruce 'Honey- we li and the late Mrs. Honey- %ve eh Mr. H o iie yvw -- 1 is a former- resident af Bowman - White 'mums and gladialil decorated the church for the * j ceremony, performed by Dr. G. Stanley Russell. Mr. Albert tPuniter o Rosedale United pre- sided at the organ, and Dr. j rnesta Vinci and the Rosedale jChair provided wedding music. f iDr. Vinci sang "Whereer You Walk." Given la marriage hy beri * r father, the bride wore a floor, S length gown of Chantilly. lace and tulle over satin, with lily 4 sweetheart neckiine. The fuill * j skirt ended in a sxveeping traini .~of lace and tulle -uffles. A ~ -~ t iearl and sequin tiara held hier f fingertip x'eii of tulle illusion, - * , ~ .and she uarried he chry- zlanthemunis, stephanotis and baypink roses. She xvas attended by Mrs. Robert Christie, matron of lion- * .or. Miss Diana Michener, Miss! Kathleen Honeyweil o! Oak- v ile and Miss Marilyvn Lowervt who ware waltz length gown s1 n i peacock taffeta with veryi 1 offn k-r. Tetghtfit-1 tbng badices featured a high neckiine and dropped xvaist. -They wore bandeaux ta matchi * their gawns and carried white j Shasta 'mums. Ronald Lawrence Brock, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mr. Peter Dennv vas besti ',erock, Bowmanville, and Shirley Loreen Coppins, Lindsay, man and the ushers werel ,'Werc, married in Trinity United Church here an October 1. Messrs .% BiCarkadsoK e The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrý. Harold Coppins, Spigt. k likoaiDui. .Lindsav Far the reception held at thie Io ý -ht y Carson studio, Port HopeiCasa Loma, the bride's mother 1 Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Hay, sonm 1Don and Billie, Islington, spen- Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. tE. Logan. Mrs. Garnet Gamsby an( daughter Judy, Kingston, a. Mrs. Robt Allin's. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Barrabali i Maple Grove, and Mr. and Mrs Luther Barrabali motored tc Frederektown, Ohio, ta visi Mrs. Barraball's brother, Mr Fred Tucker and family. Mrs. Jean Barr, Erie: Penn. visited lier cousin, Mrs. Ale> Watsan and Mr. Watson. The Evening Auxiliary of the W.M.S. held a successful after- noon tea and home bake sale Saturday afternoon., The usual large cangregation attended Thanksgiving service in the United Church Sunday morning when Rev. John Kit- chen conducted the service and preached on the subject, "The Baseness of Ingratitude." Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barrabali, Whitby, were supper guests of jMr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood on Saturday an their 20th Wecl- ding Annbversary. The regular meeting of the W. A. for October was with- drawn and aur members were gucsts of St. Pauls W.A., Bow- manville, to hear Mrs. Stur- tridge, Past President of Dom- inion Council W.A. On Tuesday afternoon, Oct 3 the Orono Afternoan Auxilbary af W.M.S. held its Autumn Thank, Offerbng Service and guests .were present from Newv- castle Afternoon Auxbl 'iary. In the absence af Mrs. Drummond, Mrs. M. H. Staples presided. The worship service, a Thanks- giving mnessage, was taken by Mrs.Cha. Wod.The .guest speaker was Mrs. L. M. Som- merville of Caurtice and in her very pleasant manner braught a challenging message on our obligations and responsibilities in our home and community. Mrs. H. Muir of Courtice, con- tributed a lovely solo and a so- cial haîf hour was enjoyed at the close of the meeting. Misses Audrey Billings, Mar- Igaret Flintoff and Shirley Por- ter, Oshawa, Miss Eleanor Rab- Inson, Toronto, spent the week- end at their respective homes. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wiggins and family, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Stapies and Miss Penfaund. Mr. and Mrs. Colin Taylor, Bowmanville, were guests on Sunday o! Miss Sadie Brown. Mrs. John Coryell and twa daughters, Ottawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rowe. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Crabbe and daughters, Ottawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Duncan. The Tely colour tour No. three attracted huge crowds of people ta Orono and vicinity Sunday. At 3:30 o'clock for the devotional service i the Park, eleven 40-passenger buses and hundreds of cars braught wax- shippers together. Mr. Robt. Underwvood, tenar s olo is t, brought a message of sang and Rev. -Dr. Pidgeon, first Moder-' ator of United Church of Can- ada, a message of Thanksgiv- ing, reading Psalm 65 and bas-1 ing his very- approprjate mes- chose a floor length gown of cinnamon lace with corsage of yeilow roses. Mrs. Judson Se- cord, Oakcville, aunt o! the groom, assisted wearing flool' length navy lace with corsage of pale pink rases. For their wedding trip ta Haliburton, the bride chose a tailored suit in charcoal gray with black accessories and cor- sage a! bronze 'mums. Mr. and Mrs. Haneyweli wîll livel in Taronto. Prior ta her marriage the bride wvas entertained at show- ers given for her by Mrs. Wal- ter Richardson, Mrs. Christoph- er Milton, Mrs. Robert Christie, Mrs. Ernesta Vinci and by Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard, Shaw's, atj which relatives of this district were guests. A dinner and pregentatiani were given by the chair of Rosedale United Church where the bride is contraltô soioist. M 1r. R. B. Honeywell', the j groom's father, gave a dinner, j and thc bride's mother, Mrs. G.1j James Spicer, gave a trousseau tea for ber dau.gbt.r.- -1 ssage on verses in 2 Cor. 4. t Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Stevens, and famiiy, Hespeler, visited Mrs. Wm. Cowan. d Mr. and Mrs. Mac Smith and ýt famiy, Toronto, visited rela- tives here an Saturday. Mrs. Neil Smith returned ta her home here after spending Dthee weeks in Toronto. .t Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Forester, David and Ronnie, Mrs. Ione FQrester spent the Thanksgiv- ing weekend at their cottoge at Lake Simcoe. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Bell, Osh- awa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Allun and family. Mr. and Mrs. Charîbe Walker with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Cooper for Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Elliott and famnily, Kendal, Mrs. Irene Dunbar and son Elliott, Port Hape, visited on Sunclay with Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Aif Masan, To- ronto, with Mrs. McGrath. Over eighty people attended a very interesting meeting of the Orono Horticultural Society in the Odd Fellow's Hall on Monday evenirig, Oct. 3. Cal- ourful slides were shawn for the enjayment of all by Mr. Hubert Burke of Omemee. Mr. N. Porter, President of the Or- ana Horticultural Society ar- ranged the very profitable evening and introduced Mr. A. W. Rundle of the Garden Cen- tre, King St. East, Oshawa, wha gave a wealth of information on bulbs, their planting and care. Mr. Aichin of Oshawa, judged the entries of dining table bouquets exhibited by lo- cal members. Prize winners pere Mrs. M, H. Staples, Miss E. Penfound and Mrs. Don Goode. Lunch wvas served at, the close o! the evening. Mrs. George Butters is ill at ber home here. Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Luther Barrahail were Mr. and Mrs. Russell Charle- ton, Mrs. Ethelyn Bone and Miss Vivian Bone, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Barrabal attended the funeral at Hamp- ton, on Saturday of Mrs. Barra- ball's uncle, Mr. Wesley Adams. Miss Marlene Cantreli and girl friend are leaving by 'plane fromn Malton on Satur day ta spend twa weeks with Mrs. Cantrell's cousin,. Mrýi. May Price in Redwood City, California. YELVERTON Supper Big Suecess Today, Tuesday morning _after the night before, Yelver- tonians, proud as Punch but ail pooped out, rest on their laurels-for they "doed it" i again. The annual Thanksgiv-j ing Turkey Supper was a suc-j cess beyond their greatest ex-j pectations. Two, three, four, five hun - dred anid stili they came as thC 450 pound mound of turk"x', purchased for the event wasi graduaiiy gulped down gullets, 1 leavbng stark staring skeletons 1 picked and repicked bare asl Mother Hubbard's cupboard t until aill was gane. The late! arrivais founci ta their disap-! pobntment the "turkey" had aý definite "porcine" flavour. i How a community encompas-; sbng a sibm 25 famiies catersý ta a gathering o! such immen-1 sity is a continuous source of! amnazetnent until one contem-, plates the iniensity of the zeali of every member of every farn- ily not ta mentcion aillaur kind friends, acquaintances andl weil-wishers and citizens o! by-gone days, etc., who at their own invitation and with scarcely any recognition a! ser-1 vices rendered. .pitch in toAas-1 Sist *our up-and-at-'em" com-1 munity in this, ils iargest year- y endeavour.i Yelverton appreciates (and ilt gives us pleasure to vaice thisi appreciation) the mnany frienois Wrho make this annuai e-"c,-- bion ta thîs community and çaused our coffers ta ring this ,'ear to the pleaEant lune o' over $700. This- amouint le.,c expeinýes, gaes ta our Ladie-* Organizatian, a large part* t') be returned no doubt, in Im- ProveMenta tu church hall and i a r d S t( s: a p 0 il fi m b ti S( v SI IT 9 si Y4 el 0 b 0,Di other worthy enterprises to numeraus ta mention. S The variety concert provide'd the necessary light entertairi- ment after such a heavy meal. Those contributing ta, the 'shin- dig" we-e Miss Lorraine McGill, and Master Lloyd Wilson who 1' harmonized their way *throubh 1 sevèral duets, some of novelty i variety; littie Miss Linda ra who favoured with a dancet routine; the Bristaw trio, Dat! - and Jerry Bristow, abetted with Clarence Page on the!I .violin, provided several "hot"i numbers; vivaciaus as well asi pretty Misses June Wright and Ingrid Radski, accampanied by Miss Nancy Lowry, tappedi their way into aur closest scru- tiny till sharp-elbowed spouses prodded taa attentive husbands. back ta, grim reality.t Other numbers well receivcd were solos by littie Miss Van- etta McGill and "Davy Crack- ett" Brian Gray, selections by Yelverton S. S. No. l's 0owni rhythm Band and a *'ho-se o1:- eretta" by Messrs. Ted Spence- 1 ley and George Timms. Two skits by Yelverton participants, by the Ladies-'New Hats", and a Shakespearean effort by the Young Men's Drama Clubj - (pretty heavy stuff), "tAs You Like IV' - a ridiculous takeoff on Yelverton W. A. Al tis M. C.ed by aur poDular and genial Theadore Spencelcy, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Malcolm 1 welcomed as tea-guests un Wednesday evening a forme~l, friend and assaciate of Ruth's in the teaching, profession-- Miss Phyllis Moore of Peter-! borough. Miss Moore, as guest-' speaker in the afternoon at the local school-marm"s meetingý, ha mni nteresting experien- ces to draw upon having tira- velled extensively this summer, in lower Europe, Scandinavia and the British Isies. Congratulatians we extend on behalf of the Yelverton read- ers of The Statesman ta Dr. George and Mrs. James on the accasion of their 36th Weddinl Anniversary on Oct. 15; alFo' the first anniversary of theï ominaus passing of: Hazel theý Hurricane.1 Everything at Yelverton was! in its cuslomary state of tur- maoil p:-e\'ius to our annual tu-key supper held on Thanks' t giving Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilson were Sunday hasts ta Mr. and! Mrs. Don Berry and family of Toronto. Chuirch on Sunday was well attended as token of apprecia- tion and thankfulness for plac- ing us Canadians in such ai bouintiful land. Sincere sympathy of the, cornmunity irs extendcd ta Mrs. Norman Wilson (Isabelle), of Yelverton, and other immedi. ate relatives in the death Of a loving father and husband in persan of Mr. Thomas J. Jack- son of Bethany on Friday ar. Interment took place Sunday. Congratulations are in order ta Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gibson in the birth of another grandson ta daughter Gladys (Mr.. Howard Trewin) of Blackstock on Tues., Oct. 4th. to Deputy-Reeve of Manvers .Mr. Jack Payne, erstwhile cor- respondent of Pontypool ta the Statesman, who on Friday lost his bachelor status. A few fram Yelverton werc present at Janefville on Wed.,111:: Oct. 5, ta enjoy a bounteotus of Port Perry held Open House supper served in Orange Hal1 Fridsy evening, Oct. 7th, te by the ladies of the Presbyter- conimemorate the occasion of an Church. A good feed, %velI Zhe 25th Wedding Anniversary w~orth the dough! of Eunice's brother and sister- Mr. and Mrs. Êugh MlcGiil in-law. Mr-. and Mrs. Perey .ere feted ta a fowl dinner 01 t Malcolm of Toronto. Percy is Sunday in celebration of h:,' rt2mcmbered Iocally as tha 85th birthday at Wm. Carnesg- , iyounigct son of the late Jim- e's of Port Perr-* my Malcolm - a skinny imp Hold Open Hanse in his teens wvhen they moved from the homýstead in Cart- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hunter 1 vright ta Port Perry. CLASSES- IN iBASIC ENGLISH and CITIZENSHI P For New Canadians nt Central Public School commence Thursday, Ocloher 201h, 8 p.m.- Sponsored by the Bowmnanvjllf Public School Board Registration Fee .O Bowman ville Lions Club A&UÈTION' SALE 1 wiIl be held at the Lion s Community Centre ai 1 p.m. Sat. ce Aucfioneer - W., J. Challis TOWN CANVASS A town canvass wvill be made by the members of the Lions Club on MONDAY EYENING, OCTOBER 24 for donations to this sale Ail articles such as furniture, clothing, bouse furn- ishings, produce, etc., will be sincerely appreciated. =g li Check The Savings With A&P CORN A& P PEAS A&PI s EVERYDAY LÔW* PRICES!e CHOICE CHOICE CHRISTIEFS ;SALTINES PEA SOUP MARMALADE APPLE PIE' HA8ITANT ANN PAGE ORANGE JANE PARKER 2 200ztis27c 2 20-oz tins 31 c .1-lb pkg 27c 3 15-oz tins 29c 24-az jar 2 9 ecd 49C GLAZED DONUTSE R~:25 POo 35C PITTED DATES BULK1 2bi 33e 'SIUPER-RICHT" QUALIT Y MEA TS Porterbouse, Wîng Rump, Point Sirloin Ste ksor oats oneess Round or lb '69C Steak or R as Cirloin Your Choice EtaLean'- Ideal for Fi.'mburQer3 Pure, Es--ex Brand, SmaII Lmnk or Country Minced Beef ib 29t Pork Sausage -lb635c iFRESII FIA'LITS & VEGE TA IL ES Florida Marsh Seediess, New Crop, No. 1 California Tokay No. 1 GRAPEFRUIT lOfor49 GRAPES Ontario Grown Red Macintosh APPLES 6.q batet49C Prices Effective Until Saturday, October 15th, 1935. , __ h .Mr 21323C

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