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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Oct 1955, p. 4

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...w-.. PAGE FOUI O i AuWMA.qvu.I.ZX, ONTARIO TEURSDYOC.1i IS Current ~9 and [ Con fiential ~f By EMieCautesLn y TO MAEKIET, IO MARKET ruch more ancieit lImpression TO BUT OR'*TO SIT~ Also, quite often, as in Strat. fard, there are benches wherE We were interested to note a the weary May rest, or wherc picture story in The Globe and On a quiet day one May loitez Miail recently on the markets of for the sole purpose of watcli Western Ontario - that is the ing the world go by. open markets 'in -the market While mentioning this paint sq uares af these towns. That of we must add that we noted Brantford was plctured and It benches alang some Guelph irmediately caught our eye, streets too, and we thought it because we spent an hour or so an excellent ides. For those In Brantford this summer and who rush madly, it la a gooa particularly noted the town reminder that they should slow hall and market square. down and take a breather; it The lay-out of 80 many of is a godsend ta people waiting Western Ontario's cities and for buses; and it is wonderful towns, wîth the town hall sur- for people who have leisure to rounded by the market square. stroîl, but like to sit a while, was somnethlng we found parti- especially thé elderly. cularIy attractive. It gives these Observing these benches ir towns an old-world atmnos- different towns this Summer, it phere, especially where the was brought home to us once buildings are of limestone. again and forcibly, that the Thaugh- in inost cases only a only such bench in Bowman- hundred years old or a littie ville is the one kindly provided more, the gray stone gives a by Frank Jamieson at Silver IL « o. j m anld King Sts., and usually lni use. If, for any reason, such as feeling faint, just tired, or lazy,l a persan on Bowmanville's Imain street feels like sitting jdown and is flot near Frank's jbench, he just bas to sit on thée post office or bank steps& or leau againat apost. Provision ut jbenches here and there about town we thlnk would. be an n.excellent Idea-one which per-, thaps the Chamber of Com-, e merce would like ta sponsor. eReturning ta the market rsquares, they are not only or- namental in Western 0na1o I towns, they hum with activity ýon market days, sometimes d twice a week. Thre most beauti- h fui fruit and vegetables are dis- ;e played and rapidly sold there. IdOur awn district, on the lake- afront east tram Toronto, does fl ot go in for market gardenmng, .hence, we suppose, no markets. 9 Those ai us who must buy %eg- ietables devoutly , wish there 0 were, for thre supply of veget- ables in the stores east of To- ronto, except frozen, is very n limited, even when summer i t at its height. e We thmnk too, that aur towns with their one long street, in- stead of a square, as a focal rpoint, are flot nearly as attrac- tive. 0f course, Bowmanviile did have its market many years ago, running tram behmnd the post office, then the old town hall, to where the present town hall stands. The aid Aima Ho- tel was where the Bell Tele- 1phone building is, and an the bbock aibuildings "wbichar VOTEUND R LIUOR now about ta be pulled dowi VO E ND R IQ OR for the new Postaoficç. W e LICEN S A CT ame sort bounding it on tIr town hall. Town oT Bowman ville We don't know about Ca- ___ bourg, but we thing Port Hope - nr~IPI~L. OF once lad a market square. Pro- NuTI E 0F i~c .~..i'ibably most Ontanio towns were NOTI E O F REV SJO N O F laid Qut with one, but in tIris ares at least, they have beer VOTE S' LSTSabandoned and tIre land cover- PUBLIC NOTICE is hiereby given, pursuant tb tram thre standpoint «~ view ai Sec.74,of he Vter' Lsts d, 951 of he eviion picturesqUeness at leàst, anc Sec.74,of he otes' ist Ac, 151,of he eviion besides, we long for a market of the Voters' Lists for the Town of Bowmanville. where an abundance ai good, fresh vegetables might le pur- AND FURTHER TARE NOTICE that sittings chased and where the best af will be held by the Revising Officer at the trnes and aur Durham apples would le place set forth in the schedule hereinafter set out. available. A city which gave up Any ersn qulifed t voe atthependng ote its aid market place but made und er the LquorLiens c to be t heled ongte good use af the space, is Peter- unde theLiqur Lcens Actto e hed ontheboroug. It provides parking space for a large number ai ~uj cars in the down town area. I otn yay ofOctober, * ** "1FROM SOME DEEP 1955, IMMWMORIAL PAST" in the Town of Bowmýnville, and whose name has Preparations for tIre long trip bee amttd fom orinorrctl eterd n, he South are under way with beenorntte frm, o inorrctl entredinthe many ai tIre birds. These Octo- enumnerators' list of voters, is called upan to attend ber days one Irears tIre subdued at the times and place hereunder mentioned for the warbling ai a Robin, and a Sang purpose of having his namne enrolled upan the Sparraw inging as the leaves Voters' List ta Ire used at the said vote. Complaints falTepe othie m argashe which have been properly filed with reference ta -latepe otside twe ieadtIe namnes wrangfully entered upon the enumeratorq' tplate sangarw.I t Ie Wite- lists will be heard at these sittings.. migrant Irere, and one hears them, and cees them, on their Vaters' Lists fan the Town of Bawmanville have way north ta nest in tIre Spring, beenpasectat arius lacs wthii te sid own then nat again until Autunn beenposecft ýVr!bs paeeswitin he sid own their ilight lacic. Thre sang Iras and will also be open for public inspection ai the therefore a quality which seeme affice of the Town Clerk ai Bowmanville during daubly sad at tIns time ai year. office hours from this date until the l3th day of To combat tins feeling we Octobei, 1955. have thre cheerful harsh cry af tIre Blue Jay, which seems s0 ~f~.II'~Ii ~particulanly titting ta the re l *J4C II.L.D .L.. liant and colontul days of Au- tumn. We are doubly cheered Sittings will be held for ail Polling Sub-divisjons when we know that tIre Blue in te Twn o Bornanill beteenthe eur of Jay stays with us ail winter, in he ownof owmnvile etwen he our of a flashing, Irardý, reàident. It il a.rn. and 12:30 p.m. on. SATURDAY, THIE Sth wiîî îeîp ta temember this DAY 0F OCTOBER, 1955, and between the hours of when we hear, anc ai these il a.rn. and 12:30 on THURSDAY, THE 131h days, tIre saddest and anc of DAY F OrOBE, 155, n te Conci Chaber the most moving sounds af ail, DAY F OqrOER,195, intheCoucilChaber that whîch cames dawn ta us in the Town Hall ini the Town of B3owmanville. tram high in tIre Autumn sky Regitraion nd eviing ffierby day or night- wild geese Regitraion nd eviing ffierflying South. It je a wild, ead ÂAIIIrrand beautiful experience; anc JUDG M. . MILERwhich tIre lover ai pavements Cler b eviing ffiercan neyer know. [t reminde Cler to eviing fficanc af tIre passing of time, yet A. J. YLE, j itseii aloof tram timýe, A. J.LYLE stretching back aven centuries Town Clerk's Office, Bawmanville. ta when tins continent knew ______________________________________________only forests and waters and ~tt-jess zzzsz ::::~Îq.z~gI.primitive tnibes. "Roy, 1'. glad I lookol h tho I WUOW~PACES j Ii!~# ~ ..YEUlOW P4E5 ,.if 'wlir om auy I i HAVE A ~Iue~ le as Id Le gai Baffle -Complet e A ssessmen t Problem Resuit Not Conclusive The expected long le gai bat. tic between thre United Coun- tics of- Xorthumberland end euha nd Port Hope and Ça' bourg' ended lni a stand, recently, as Judge M. A. Miller con.tirmed the assess- ment made by Colnties' Aumes- sor Gannet Shleld. Thre municipalities by consent heard George Lister, Toronto assessment expert, who gave It as his opinion that Port Hope was aven assessed approximate- ly $122,460 .or approximateiy ane and ane haIt Per cent ln companison ta Cobourg. Tis figure as against the total af $61,000,000 Is Insignificant and was absorbed by agreement by the other mnuniciplirtles. The decision, while favoring Part Hopt, ln reallty gave thre western town littie c!omfal't since the total amaunt ln act- ual cash throw off wouid amount ta cons1Merably iess than the casts ai the experts engaged by Pont -Hope ta tight the case. EscIr Municipality agreed ta pay casts ai lawyers and thre èounties will psy tIre1 court costs. In regard ta Cabourg the de-1 cision means that the one quar-1 ter million dollars over thre for-1 mer assessment stands. The1 County rate wiil be doubled as1 ai 'next year. Assesear Victor Hewson. The Town of Cobourg and the Township of, Hamilton, however, may content thre at- sesment et a future date. This observation stems from the tact tIlt re-assesment lni Ca- bourg lu about ta stant and thre Munlclpaity would have clear cut tacts and figures ta content If It s0 deslred, infarmed sour- ces amy. The Townyhip Ia in much thre same boat, thre as- scîsment must be put lni betten saae before a legal action coul'd b e fougît with clear eut facts at hand. Cobourg was not represcnted ln Court by le g1a expert J. C. COombs who felt that It would be better ta accept the assess- ment as ai now and decide ai- ten tIre re-assessment fs coin- pieted on tIre matter ai an ap- p eai. TIre case at one time loomed as a runnlng battie ai same length and It was beiiev- ed that tis week's session might have been considerably longer. The County rate which was farmenly appnoximately $35,000 will naw be approxi- mately $70,000. Cobourg Town Solicitar A. R. Willmott, Q.C., represented tIre Town and Town Clerk J. B. Ewart was aiea on the defence lineup. Principal witness for the Municipaity was Cobourg Maple Grove Institute HeursTaIk on Psychiatry District Donates $300 .e Mrs. K. Sumersford, canven- wealth, let no man be a 'spend- ior of "Home Economica and thrift", wss composed by Mrs. nHealtIr" for Maple Grave Wom- K. Hopkins and read by Mrs. en's Institute, and her group, W. H. Brown. ;provided an unusual but very Mrs. Hopkins pointed out that )fprofitable program at the Oct. ta provide for aur needs in liv- d3rd meeting. img we can not be financial !t Following a skit staged by spendthrlfts. The wealth of 1several ladies on "Safety Hints gaod health is a state ai well- Sin thre Home", Dr. E. D. Htub- being wherein through aur dbard, Bowmanviliè, who had senses we enjoy the beauties ai ebeen asked as guest speaker ta the warld around us and are Pspeak an "Psychlatry"l said that physically fit for our daiiy eane could nat speak on psychia. tasks. There- is no bank ac- Stry, but rather abaut what is count af health if we are spend- 9dune for it. In an easy affable thriits ai sleep, relaxation and fmanner he proceeded toar~t fod ta build out bodies. an argument, somenrn Mrs. Wm. Laird presided at wlth questions or Suge tion'te piano for community sing- on discipline and love in deal- ing. ing with chlldren. Questions President Mrs. Cecil Milîs and answers were immedi- presided for thre business ai iateiy flying tram speaker ta the evening. Rail caîl "My iaudience and vice versa. Both Thanksgivlng Blessing", was .speaker and audience Oueyasee 100 per cent. Mrs. 1gleaned much food for thought.aHsward Cryderman gave sev- Tirere was evidence that eral items ai curnent events ini children who are wisely disci- thre W.I. warld. plined feel that their parents Mrs. Milis announced that care for them and therefore de- Maple Grave hsd collected aver veiop a feeling of security even $300 for the Bawmanville Hos- though they msay bitterly re- sent the discipline. Discussing motives for unde- sirable behavior by children, adolescents and even adults It would seem that undWtlylug resentment through jeàlousy, a feeling ai inferiority through not being included in play or through lack ai attention, or DIid yo u 3< opportunities ta use inherent talents or leadership In society might Ire determining factors. Adolescents who are trusted ta make their own decisiong are lilkely to- receive counsel tramn their parents and the pitfalls aof revenge at home or in soclety due ta dictatorship trami par- ents is avoided. Y Dr. Hubbard ssid that shack treatments, Insulin and drug sedatives ave three treatments for psychiatric patients. It would seem after this dis- cussion that much cauld be ac-C a t : complished thraugh preven- by Mrs. Sumersiord and a hearty "thank yau" wss ex- tended on behaîf ai those près- ent by Mrs. W. IL. Brawn. Thre motta "Health 10 OBITUARY fOMM_ ALBERT MeMAIION Aiten several y cars ai tslling health, Albert MeMahon pass- cd away peacefully at his resi- dence, 4 Lambert St., Bowxman- ville, an Sept. 27tIrN He was bar in Hope Town- ship near Port Hope, 1865, tIre son ai tIre late William and Mary MeMalan. The deceased went West and took up a hamestead in Klnley, Sask., irn 1902 and wae oone ai tIre tirt settiers In that dis- trict. Atter fanmlng for 10 yeare in tIre West Ire moved back +0 Ontario and tor sevenal years had a genenal store at Ponty- pool. Owing ta pon health Ire soid thre business and moved ta Hampton, thence ta 13ow- manville. He was a member ai tIre Un- ited Church also 'an honarary member ai Pantypool L.O.L. 82. TIre tuneral, held at NartIr- cutt & Smith Funenai Home, Bawmanvllle, on Thursday, Sept. 29th, was largely attend- ed. Service was candueted by Rev. T. A. Morgan ai Trnnty United ClurcI, and Pontypool L.O.L. 82, took part lI service atgraveside. 1% Temany beautiful floral tnilutes bore testlmony ta tIre higb esteem i whlch tIre de- Iceased wss held. jLeit ta maurn Iris loss are Iris wiic, Lillan ICellar, anc dau- tg ter,' Grace (Mne. Arche Mas- tens), Bowmanviiie; ance on Percy ai Toronto, four grand- sans, Doald and Terry Mas- ters, Bawmanvile: Wayne and Bolby McMahon, Toranto; anc great grandson, Jahn Masters, Bowmanville; aneaiter, Mn. wm. lioss, Kinley, Sask., tIre aniy surviving member af a family ai seven. Palibearens were Arthur Mc- Mahon, Wesley McMahon Ger- aid MeMaban, William Millier, How ard Master-s, Eiwaad Mas- tens. Interment was in Bow- ammula Cmmm. -- The Statesman SoId Ar Following, Stores Reg. Edmund's Store, Bethany Johnson's Drug Store, Newcastle Tr. Exawright, Newcastle S. Brown, Newtonvllle qb C. Pethick, Enniskilen T. M. Slemon. Enniskillen P. L. Byam, Tyrone G. A. Barron, Hampton Trull's Store. Courtice A. E. Ribey, Burketon H. T. Saywell. Blackstock Keith Bradley. Pontypool C. B. Tyrreil, Orono H. K. Reynolds, Kendal Gilbert Food Market, Mlllbrook Henderson's Book Store. Oshawa -Bowmanville - R. P. Rickaby- "Big 2011 1 W. J. Berry Jack's Smoke Shop Rite's Smoke Shop Jury & Loveli Gaheen's Handy Store The Statesman Office «Who told you-you can't save? 'Course you can! And a lot more and a lot easier than you yaung 'uns niay think! Ever hear of Canada Savings Banids? There's your anîiwer! l.~ Put a percentage--.even a sm'aIl percentage--.of your weekly or monthly earnings into 'em. It's easy. Have it done automatically for you if yau Iike-through the Payroll Savlngs Plan where yau work or, by your Bank. ,Like surprises? You'll be surprised how your pital Women's AuxiliarySel stated that 39 blanketsZadlhsix pairs of sox had been providedi for through aId wool sent to the1 mIli at Preston. A motion wasl carrie4 to provide lumber for two mbre bicycle racks for the school children and to provide wire for a baIl net on the school grounds. Mrs. Stephen Jeffrey and Mrs. Chas. Green- ham were appointed to look aiter gatting lumber. Aiter due consideration by the directors it was recommen- ded by themn that. since our community has grawn so large the W. I. discon~tinue the giving of gifts to newly-weds, but that carda of good wishes be sent ini- stead. A motion was csrried to accept the recommendation. Mrs. W. H. Brown and Mrs. Morley Flintoff were appoint- ed ta look after arrangements for transpoçtatlan to the Area convention in November. It Is reported that as usual we make up a bus load with Bowman- vill1e W .1. to gcr on Nov. 3rd. A motion was carrled that 'if a seat In the bus lu iàked for, whether the party poes or flot, she wiil be responsible for the fane. A motion was carried that Maple Grove W. I. go on re- cord as approving the open let- ter by the citizens committee in the Sept. 29th issue of the Canadian Statesman which points out that the tact that the more outiets for alcoholic beverages, the higher is the cansumption of such beverages aj;d neasonabie people realîze and ask for the necessary re- strictions of this trade ta pro- t the citizenship of our com- munities. Arrangements were made for transportation ta Newcastle forj to eert h 5hanvr the turkey supper an Oct. l8th sary of the arganization of the W.I. district of West Durham. A tasty lunch was served by Mrs. Dr. Allun revle4ed the Study Book dealing with out work with the new Canadian. Mrs. Bradley, the temper- ance secretary, .treused the li. portance of each mêmbur to urne their franchise and vote on Oct. 20th to kcep for Bow- inanville, the hlgh standar~d it bas hcid for years. Mrs. Cowllng preslded for the bualnesa ession when the. dit. feront secretarles g ave their re- ports. It was declded to hae a \pot luck lunchedn for tba Navember meeting. The members were re- minded af the Fail Rally of# eastern section of the Oth Presbytery ta be held at Hma( ton on Oct. 25th. Mrs. Cowllng ciosed thé FUEL QIL and STOVE QIL STOVE QIL FUEL OIL 16 ' FORDELVER cents per gal. cents per gal. PHONE OSHAWA 5-1109 k~n Adjusio Sltowor for Tour Bathrooiu l In the greatest dlscovery in a shower fixture. Spray eau be dlrected te any part of the, body lust as you wvould like to have ItL No need ta get yoxrr haîr wet. Ideal for showerlng tire children or for ghampooing. Where lnstalled it la cons- tantly la use by the whole famlly. Tire Adjusto lu guaranteed fon 10 years and Its cout là; surprluingiy low. Cail us for a helpful suggestion as te how to make your bathrooni up-to-date.' If building a flew home speclty an ADJUSTÔ SHQWER and Tub Piller, a tixture whleh thre whoie famully will enjoy uslng., FOR FURTHRER PARTICULARS PHONE S, Blain Ellioff Plurnbing - Ilenting - Tinsrnlthing 55 Ring St. W. Bewrnanvllle Phone MA 3-e34 - I savIngs pile up In-Shiort orer?.tucked awad@al from- your own 'easy spending' ..-. earnlng you good, steady interest., And any time you want or need money for an opportunity or an emergency, your Canada Savings Bondi are caâhable rlght off for full face value plus earned Intereït 1 Don't tl me you can't save 1" Anyone can 8ave-eCluilV, rogu1arly, saallvitW ..CCea.,daavig Bon Caad SvngeOnons*"4 FOR CASH OR ON Y INSTALMENTS 3M' h ~ t Trinity W.M.S.' Oct. Meeting Thre regular meeting ftr aiternoon Auxlar iTrInity W.M.S. ws hld lni the Sun- day School roam on Tuesdme, Oct. 4, wlth President, Mr&.P R. Cowling pnesldlng. Mns. Badger'a group wau ln charge ai thre devotional, tlbe theme being "The Cali To Pel- lowship". Thae taklqg part were Mns. Badger, Mrs. Hal- lowelI, Mns. Mosnes and Mns. Bradiey. Mns. S. James' ad Mr#. . Dunn accompanled by Mns. Hircock sang a bèautiful duet Vîgor 011 Co. Ltd. I m 1 %ý THM EAMMMTAW -apPA"Ruà%r JNILVM&M.,m Reduces the Prices on

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