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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Oct 1955, p. 5

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mm.---M, _________________.__ T!!URDAYOCT. lsth.los§95 PAYNE. NEAL Toronto on Oct. 7-at seven deck in Carlton Street Unit- ed Church, a double ring cere- niony was performed by the Sev.-Scott, uniting Robert John ayne, Pontypool, and Thelma Marie Neal of Toronto in holy znatrimony. The bride wvore a heavenly blue crepe dress trimmed in lace with matching black ac- cessories, and corsage ai red rases. She was attended by Mrs. Jean Morrison who M'as wearing an ice blue nylon dress with black patent accessories. and pink corsage. The groom was attended by Mr. Melville John Mornison. The bride and groom left shortly aiter on thein honey- xnoori which will take them ta several points in the United States. The couple will reside at the groom's home near Pontypool. M%.19ING }ROM A[1 à Aluminuni was naMed by a man' who neyer saw it. In 1807 the great scientist Sir Humphrey Davy decded that alumina had a metallic base, but failedt t finti a way ta extract the metal. But he went ahead anyway and christeneti the unseen metai "ýaluminuim".,Later he changeti 4'bsmind and re-nameti it alu. um. Bath versions arc 'lused. oiwli.nder if the English scientist ever dreameti af Ehe day wben, tj far-off Canada, millions aof IjAdro-electric horsepower would lmock the riches of alumina to produce more than 500,000 tons tf aluminumn a year? Many guests from out o: town attended the marriage ir Harmony United Church ü: Shirley Earline Hoskin and El. gin Laverne Mason, on Satur day aiternoon. The bride is daughter of Mr. and Mns. How. and Hoskin, and the bride- groom is the son ai Mr. iiI bent Mason and the late Mrs Mason, al af Oshawa. Against a background of yel. low and bronze chrysanthe- mums the ceremony M'as per- formed by the Rev. David F. Summers. Mn. Ross Metcalfe presided at the organ and Ronald Werry, Kedron, cousin af the bride, sang "The Lord's Prayer" and "O Perfect Love." The bride was attended bv ber four sisters, and was givcr in marniage by ber father. She wore a full-length gown oi white Chantilly lace and tulle over white satin. The moulded lace bodice, with long sheath sleeves and a high collar, was trimmeti with iridescent se- quins and pearis. Her nylon tulle veil was helti in place by a headdress which complement- ed the trimming on the bodice. She carried a white satin-cov- ered Bible cnested with an ar- rangement of white button chrysanthemhims. The bride's twa sisters, the Misses Anna-Marie andi Betty Hoskin. attendants, were in identical ballenina gowns of bronze crystalette, toppeti with haleras encrusted with pearîs andi sequins, and worn wi2 matching feather headdress-es,. They ca'-ried cascades ai yel-, iow to amber shaded chîr-ssan-1 themnums centred with yellow roses. The two younger sisters of the bride, littie Misses Don- -a andi Joanne Hoskin, as flow- er girls. were alike in yellow niylon dresses with full crino- lines, and bronze v'elvet sashes. 140W DO VOU MANAGE WI1'go50MANY CHILDR-N P VIIC OOCTOR A4, LOVELL'S WELL AND WAPPV!r I ~ ALUMINUM CC 0F CANADA, - (ALCAN S POTS VANISH AIL DIRT OUT N EW L00K RESTOREC ITYS GUARANTiEED T AKES OUT PERSPIRATION O DORLESS EVERY TIME N EATER PRESS LASTS ECONOMICAL# TOO You'Il -be amaxed at how much cleaner br-ghter and fresher your coat will b e when dry cleaned our miracle Sanitone way. Patterns, colorsanad texture, look "like-new" again! Try tu todry and let et prove 1<10 yen! *DAILY PICK-UP AND DELIVERY Local Axent.- HOOPER'S LADIES' WEAR PHONE: OSHAWA ZENITH 13000 THE CA2fADIAN STATESMAN, IBOWMANVMLE, ONTARTO PAGE FV f They carried tiny baskets of chrysanthemums and roses in the same autumn tones. The best man was Mr. Clar- ence Mason, brother of the bridegroom, and the ushers' were Mr. William Delve, Or- ono, and Mr. Kènneth Hosk in To receive her guests at thel reception held in the hall ail Westmount United Church, the I bride's mother wore delft blueý lace over taffeta with pink car-- nation corsage, and pink c cessories. The bridegroom'sb sister, Mrs. H. Barager, assist-I ed, wearing a printed blue tafi feta with a rose corsage, and j navy blue accessories.j Later the couple le ft on a wedding trip ta points in Unit- ed States, Algonquin Park, and1 Lake St. Peter. The bride's tra., velling costume was a grey1 wool suit with turquoise fea- ther hat and gloves. FERRIES - RUINDLE Citizens of To-morrow The marniage ai Marijane! Grace, Rundie, daughten oi Mr.l and Mî-rs. S. Charles Rundle. and Alexander Clarke FerrieF Jr. son af Mr. and Mns. A.C. Ferries, al af Oshawa was sol- Semnized nccently at St. Ste- , phen's United Church, Oshawa.j 1The Revercnd H. A. Mcllow officiateti assisted by r.- .G Saywell. The wetiding Music- w-as played hy Mr. Matth.w. Goulburn and _1M1i ss Hael ' Rudesang "The Lord's Pr'axý- l er'. "O Perfect Love" and "The! eWedding Praver'. 1mThe bride who was given in manriage by hen father wore Tht rýs Dale, agd 2 a -Ir, I the son of MJr. and M rss an empire gown of imponted monastery' white Chantilly lace j P. _Ï. 'J"l]n& I rnce- Iîe- sty]ed with alox-V petal shapetiM" ncckline and long sleeves. Thc bouffant skýint swept intoaa chapel train. A matching cap bpld ber tingertip xcii andsh carried a white Bible, the gif, of hcr grantimother. on wvhicaI rcsted a corsage of pink tieligh, roses. 1 Miss Lois M. Fiee was maiti- oi-honor. The bridesmaids wcrc Miss Sylvia R. Rundiet* bride's sister, andi ber coyuýsin.-I, ', Miss Mary Joan Dumontle oft Sudbury. AIl wore balles-ina gowns ai twilight blue crvstal- 1 ette ox'er taifeta with matchin, headtiese and mittens at carrieti nosegavs of pink ant' w'hite echrxsanithem-ums. Mr. Jack C. Ferries was best! man foi- bis brother. Ushering ~ were Mr. Cari Millar oi Osh- - awa and Mr. Lewis C. Rundie . oi Barrie. 1 A reception followed in the ' hall at the Church. For the oc-,- casion the bide's mother chose; romance blue lace anti nylonî1 chiffon aven taffeta with navy blue accessories and a corsage of reti roses. The bridegnoom's mother wore a champagne col- oreti dress Mith broxvn and champagne accessonies anti a corsage of bronze chrysanthe- m um s. For hen wedding trip ta Nýia- gara Falls, New York city antid points east the bride travelleti in a pink suit with a navy blue: shontie coat and a corsage ai roses. The couple will, live in Oshawa. - BIUTTERY - I Miss Kay Frances Sim of Shaker Heights, Cleveland, Ohio, became the bride a! Mr. William Edward Buttery, in a ce-eînony performeti in Trinity Unitedi Church, Bowmanville, on S'atuî-dav, Oct. 8. Standards ai yeilow anti white *mums de- conated the church for the oc- casion. The bride is the tiaughter af Mr. anti Mrs. John Sim, Cleve- and, andi the gr-oonm is the son of Mn. and MVrs. Thomas W. Buttery, Bowmanville. Rex'. T. Ai. Morgan officiateti, anti wed- ding music was played by Mr'. Arthur Collison. Mrs. Jean Cook, Oshawa, sang "~The Lord's Pray er' anti "Because". The bride was given ini mai-- riage by ber father and wore E gown ai wbite nosepoint lace and tulle aven satin, the fitted bodice fe9ttiiing an off-the- houiden neckline edged in lace 'callops embellislied witl i i- tescent beads ànd pearîs. The itteti lace sîceves came toaa oint at the wrist. The bouf- :ant skirt was iloon length andi ýashioncd of four layens of ny- ýon tulle. Her elbow length cil of French illusion was -aught ta a queens crown ùf carl and sbe carried a cascade )ouquet ai whîite. 'mums, with bi candlellght formed the setting minating Ca. of which the bride for the ceremnony penformed was a member. entertainpd fol E NNiSKILLEN by the Reverend George Tel- her at a diinner'show\-r at-1 ford, D.D. Mr. Kelvin James Stouffer's Restaurant. Miss1 Mr. and 'Mrs. Nelson Samis. - 'played th e wedding music, and Ruth Jacobs entertained the Enfield; Mn. and Mrs. Ross jM"s. Ray Lathangue, Bowman- bride and hen family at the; Page and family, Newcastle; ville, was soloist. Town and Country.1 Mr. and Mns. Howard Bradley The bride was given in mar- In Bowmanville, where thc: and Brian. Bowmanville; Mr. rig yhrsefteMr. Ai- bride is acquainted through th27 and Mrs. Keith Bradley. Pan. bertBradord.Herbouffant visits of her family here a..d typool, with Mr. and Mrs. 4~ gown ai Chantilly lace and net in Bobcaygeon for some years,; Bradley. aver satin was styled with a she was guest ai honor at-ai Farmiers' Union met at Union fitted bodice, long sleeves and miscellaneaus shower at the School on Monday night. All a scalloped neckline beaded home ai Miss Joan Butterv. those present enjoyed hearing wth pearls, camplementing About 15 girl iriends enjoyedi John M. James, M.P., give an the crown securing her finger- a pleasant evenirlg together anrA informative talk on parliament. l ip veil. Her' flowers wiere the bride received many lovely' Wallace Pascae supplied violin sweetheart roses and white gifts. music accompanied by Mrs. chrysanthemums and feather- Fred Grif fin on the piano. A ed carnations in a cascade social time followeci. Thematon f hnorwastheitFor those who do flot think, Thie s sîtr, Mf r albe t heFin- is best at least ta rearange brie'ssiter Mr. lbet Fn-their prejudices once in a' There are about 2,200 Indiait ney, St. Catharines, in copper while-Luther Burbank. rescnx-es in Canada. crystalette, and the othen atten-...... dants were Miss Barbara El- cock in beige, Miss Lydia Bates ineli in champagne. They ware - ~ BIU~ match their waltz-length gawnsi e* and carried bouquets ai bronze, Says ,01./ 11ý I~ ~ jelwadwiecrsnh AY MER munis and tawny-gold rses. on a square of white cake... place a scoop of 0ýeE onot Mr. Ronld Bryant was best ice creami. .. an AYLMER Fancy Peach half ..and man, and the ushers wene Mr. top with Avlnier Canned Pted Red herries Donald McMurtry, Mr. Clement and cheir syrup thickenedwsith cornstarch. Hewitt and Mn. Albert Finney. u iu5 CANNED PEACHES The reception was held at tI YLM E' -Z IEY aad The Twes, Whitby. Receiv- -PRL ondo ing. the bride*s mother wore -n blue organza witb a pink fea- thered hat and the bridegroor-'- mother, navv blue crepe with a matching velvet hat. Eacn had a corsage of gandenias and nases. Later the couple left on a irotaning honeymoon ta Northl ern Ontario and the New En.- ]andi States. As they leit the bride was wearing a navy blue suit with cerise bat and acces- sories and a muskrat jacket. A C , corsage af white gandenias completed hen ensemble. Mr. and Mrs. 'White will ne- turn ta make their home iii Bowmanville. oc n Kay Frances SIM -Have more fun when you cooki ... use milk Entertained ai t? often. It's easy to use in lots of ways. . . 'M any S owersgives you better re- ManySowers \ ~s.suits... makes cook- Miss Kay Frances Sim, pniorj ta hen marniage on Oct. 8 ta Mn. William Edward Butteny,' was guest af honor at several pre-tsuptial events held by frientis in her home city af Shaker Heights, Cleveland, Ohila. Miss Marilyn Facks af Cleve- landi, who. was maiti of honar for the bride, entertaineti at a miscellaneous shower at ber home when many lovelv gifis v.ene presentet t the bride. * Mrs. -Henry was hostess at aI linen shawer. Personnel staff of the Tîli,- e 4' .Jo Anne, ageci 6. and Billy, 4, are children of Mr. and Mrs.! R.J. Woodward, 19 Jane Street. white heather flown__frorn Sea-t-I landti minrelatives ai the bride. Miss Marilyn Packs, Cleve- landi, was maid ai honon, antiÎ Buttery, w'as brîdesmaiti. They Iris, aged 7, is the daughter of Mrs. E. Campbell, 26 Flett St. wore waltz length gowns of -Photos by Carson Studio, Part Hope aqua crystalette tashioneti with _________________ _______________ di-aped stnapless bodice worn wxiîlî matehing shrug jackets L AMB - GRAIVBARGER ger anti Mn. Gilbert Grawbar- with three-quarteir sleeves. Restoule Uniteti Chureh was Agenrtesofolthebd -e, Matehing cummerbuntis forin- the scene ai theA ecetio falowd aoth ed-abeslmanniage th fuln1home of the biesprns etia usiebak ve te ul IOct. 1 of Betty Joan Grawbar- the bride s pohe warntsa bouffant skirts. Picture hats ger, daughter af Mn. anti Mrs *d bn o i's mate we ackg matcheti thein gawns and theY Thomas J. Grawbarger ai Res- î-ess o! iank crsepeowit blac carnieti cascades ai yellow andti tule, anti Charles Ralph Lamb, aoses.ane and orsgeo pin white 'muins. The bnîde's anti son ai Mn. anti Mrs. Lamneroe.Te goms ate attendants' gowvns w-ere original I Lamb oi Enniskillen. Baskets chose navy crepe with reti ac- designs, ai pink nases anti white glati-oesaisat.oraea e Mr. Glenn Buttery was best ioli decorateti the church ionross man an is rotbî, nti 's1 the occasion . Rev. E. Knawles The bride and groom leit on ens were Mn. Murray Kennedy j penformeti the ceremony anti a wedinghtnpbtadettaaigat anti Mn. Bill Lyie.Mrs. Bertha Gerber playeti the sMtofntra te bid oweaig A receptian foiloweti at the -wedding music anti accomp s it bai n tavkn t an wol wit Lions Conînunity C e n trn , led -Miss Janet La Ron an s log lu o Beech Axe., the bride's maîher ist. sorces with corsage af pink xveaing rose lace oveîr tafieta Gixen in marniage by her fa- rpscst . n. antiMrs. ambil wîth matehing accessories anti ther, the bride wore an ankle Oul-ox'e an ets wan'le. corsage of white mums. The!I length gown af white nylon O ur - -taw nn gulets wr graam's mother ware irosteti lace anti net aven satin. A long peetmi nikleBw turquoise crystalette with blacrk I~e- dlc aktfsin manville. North Bay, Caesarea accessanies anti yellaxv 'muna i ih Peter Pan coilar anti but-1 anti Powassan. Pn'ior ta her corsage.I marniage the bride was the re- Fanther wcitîng tnp~ *t onedti t the waist, m-as wox-n .- a ayboeygîsa Iox'er the strapless bodice. Her cent Ottawa anti Eastern Ontario finge tip veil was helti by a a shawer given by the com- points, the bride chose a pnîn- canet aif net embraiderecj munity of Restoule. cess style dress ai winter dot- xith sequins anti pearîs. and tan in icb autumn brawn ,leczirriccd a showen bouquet WHITE - STACEY shade. Wîth il 512e woi-e a beige ai reti nases. coat anti hat. The voung cou- Mviss Ruth Lamb, sister ai In a double-ring ceremany in ple wvill resîde in Bowmanxvile the groom, M'as maid af honor, St. Andrews Unitedi Cburch on thein return. weaning ankie Iength paie bIne Satunday afternoon, October 1, Amnong the Out - af - town'! net aven taffeta anti carn-ix)g j Helen jean Stacey ai Oshawa, guests atending the w~ed ding j' ellow 'n2ums. Miss Elaine At- 1 becamie the bride af Russel 1were the bride*s gadprnt chson was bnîdeqmaiti antiý James White, Bownianville. Mn. anti Mrs. JIohn Duîncan. %vore a vellox v xxltz leng*'ý-iThe bride is the daughter of East Moline, Mi., anti theI gown ai nylon lace anti net ho Mrs. Albêrt Bradford, Oshawa, groomi's grantimother, Mlrs. A. straplcss style. Her fiowers anti the late Mr. Eldan John Cockburn, Oshaw%ýa. O t h e n j ere mauve 'mums. Bath wvore Stacev. anti the bnidegroom is guests were present froni: Pils- matching bandeaux anti gloves. the s'on ai Mn. anti Mrs. Narnis burg. Penn.: Cle'veland, Ohia .I Mr. St-uart Lanib brother of iW'hite of Boxvmaiviile. Toronto, Lindisay, Bobcaygeon, the groom. was best mnî, andi Golden, bronze anti white Coibarne anti Oshawa. .- -1 ushes-s were Mr. Bert Grrawbar- chrysanthemnums in a glow uL' ie SI a k k k 1 e r t HOT OR COLD-DELICIOUS EIIHER WAY :)MPANY L.TD. Refresli 'our Fali Coat with Our Belter Kind of q1%Ad%-

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