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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Oct 1955, p. 7

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-~ ~ ITNURSDAY, MCT. lSth, 1953 eSoial & Ékersonal Phone. MA 3-3303 Mr. and Mrs. J. Miller, Nex, Toronto, spent Sunday wit] Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Greenfield Mr. and Mrs. Ray Harnelý Toronto,, spent the weeken( with Postmaster and Mrs. Gec Vice. Miss Lillian Hoar, Tarontc ' the weekend with he a ]r ' Mr. and Mrs. Wrightsor Recent visitors with Mr. anc Mrs. W. Ross Strike were Pro. 1§pssor and Mrs. E. C. StillwelJ Oelph. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Nich. ols, Kingston, spent thfe week. end with bis father, Mr. L. B Nichais. Miss Irene Bragg, Taranto was a weekend visitar with he: sister, Mrs. Howard Coucn, Beech Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Hacking, Cynthia and John, spent the Weekend at Inverlachie Ladge, Parry Sound. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. H. Canr bave rcturned home after visit- ing relatives in 'Manitoba anc Saskatchewan, Miss Edna Hughes, Ottawa, spent Tbanksgiving weekendl with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Carruthers. Mrs. Raiph Dawson, Tilîson- burg, spent a few days witb her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Bell, Prospect St. Mr. Rass Rice, Toronto, was a weekend guest with bis bro- ther, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rice and family, Ontario St. Miss Janet Dale, University of Toronto, spent. Thanksgiving weekend with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Melville Dale. Mi'. and Mrs. Bert Law and son, Uxbridge, wcre weekend 'visitors with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Claude Ives. Mrs. David Gregg and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Major, Toronto, Visited their aunt, Mrs. C. G. Curtis, Tbanksgiving Day. Mr. and Mrs. C. Johns spent TMfanksgiving weekend witb their daughter, Rev. and Mrs. Stanley Snowdeb at Bancroft. Miss Janet MeGregor, Que- en's University, Kingston, spent ST. JOHN'S CHURCH (Anglican) 191h Aller Trinif y IIOLY COMMUNION & i CHURCH SCROOL 10 & il EVENING PRAYER wv the weekend with her parents, lh Mr. and Mrs. Alex McGregor d- Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cour- 1, tice and Miss Mabel Cleveland id Ottawa, visited bis brother, Mr. o. and Mis. Kcnneth Courtice, at Courtice. 0, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McDon- r aid and daughter Karlyn spcnt ,n the weekend in Rochester, N. Y., the guests of Mr. and Mrs. ,d E. Lingard. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cator and , daughter Diane, and Mrs. Editli Hobbs, Toronto, spent the bhi -day with their mather, Mrs. F. -Cator and Edgar. 3. Constable Lyle Trimble,- R.C. M.P., Ottawa, bas returned to Ottawa alter two weeks' bh.i rdays with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Trimbie. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Fergu- son and family, Hamilton, were wcekend visitors with Dr. and Mrs. Harold Fergusan afid Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Nichais. Miss Martha Jarvis with her sister, Mrs. G. P. Frceland, dTqronta, motared ta Lake Cecebe, Parry Sound district, f9r the Thanksgiving weckend. 1 Weekend visitors with Mr. S. Charles Alli.n wcre bis daugh- ter, Miss Nan Allin, also Miss Lenore Drury, Mr. at-d Mrs. J Mark and Mr. and Mrs. Hecto Joncs, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Osborne, 9Mr. and Mrs. Alan Williams, Bowmanvilie, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Mason, Toronto, spent Thanksgiving weekend at Liai- berlost Ladge, Huntsville. Tbanksgiving visitors with Mrs. J. W. Jewcil and Mary were Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Wight- man, Napance, Ont.; and their daughter, Mrs. J. H. Fisher and her son David, Nanaima, B.C. Many local people were a- wakcned et 2:10 a.m. Tuesday by the sounding of the fire alanm. It wes a false alarm. originating through a defect in the systcm in the sautb ward. Mn. and Mrs. Russell Wil- liams, Niagara Falls, N.Y., were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Greenfield and Mr. and Mis. Frank Williams. Whie here they were also en- tertained et a dinner party given by Mrs. W. A. Edger. Mrs. Lawry Cryderman and IMrs. T. Gertan left for a holi- Iday, the former ta visit friencls in Winnipeg, the latter ;altera brie! visit in that city ta con- tinue on ta Victoria, B.C., and finaiiy ta Sacramento, Calif., ta visit ner aaugnter anditami Mr. and Mrs. Art Humpaj W. 1. Smith, Town, spent ti Tbanksgiving weekcnd in I trait. Beverley aifr Jean Hum- age spent the weekend wi their grandparents, Mr. ar Mrs. V. R. Hooper, Carlis. Ave. Pilot Officer and Mrs. Bari Armstrong are visiting the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Smythe and Mr. and Mrs. A fred Armstrong w hile Barry enjoying two wecks' leave. E bas been at Cold Lake Altt but is now posted ta Nart Bay. Tbanksgiving visitors wit Dr. and Mrs. Keith S1cmo were ber parents, Mr. and Mr SPECIAL CHARTERED BUSES BiIIy Graham Crusade SATURDAY, OCTOBER 151h, 1955 C.N.E. Coliseum (AUl Seats Reserved) LEAVING 4 P.Mf. GARTON COACH TERMINAL ADULT - $1.25 Returu CHILDREN - 75e Return <12 years and under) CONTACT Garton Coach Lines Your Local Mînister, or Phone MA 3-5424 Trinity Uinited Church Minster - Rev. T. Arthur Morgan, B.A. 11:00 A.M.- "John Wesley - Evançrelisi" 7:00 P.M. - 1Rev. S. J. Pike of Newtonville WEDNESDAYI OCTODER 19-8:15 p... "JOHN WESLEY". Full length, colour, sound film Admission: 50e and 25e To be shown in the Church Auditorium Organist-Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M. '...JC.N i.AAN TATEhBMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO James Thampson, St. Catha- Ted Buxton, Newcastle; Mrs. -rifles; brother, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hogarth, Mr. and Mrs. Skatin r James Thompson, Jr.: Mr. Jack Sam Dewell, Hampton; Mr. and Thompson, Queen's University, Mrs. Jack Baker, Solina: Mrs. another brother, and Miss Jane L. C. Snowden, Miss Miidred Pop ular M an. Von Zuben, Toronto. Snowden and Mr.' Bob Snow- Mr. and Mrs. Frank N. Down, deri, Mapie Grave. \ IL n Detroit, Mich., spent the holi- Among those fromn thîs dis- W ~ii rUplS day weekend wvth his sister, trict who attended the Mason - 1 Miss Lola Dawn. Te see Mr. Hoskin wedding at Harmony On Tuesday afternoon theý and Mrs. Down back in their Unitéd Church recently includ. Tots and Juniors turned out home town one knows' it îS ed: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wood, in large numbers for the first -Thanksgiving time for this is Orono; Rev. and Mrs. R. R. figure skating of the year. Mr. d, the way they have observed Nicholson, Bowmanville; Mr. John Rodway, the new profes- this annual holiday for many and Mrs. Frank Hoskin, Joan sionai skater, was a popular tyears. and Pat, Blackstock: Mr. and figure on the ice and xvas in Among those from this dis- Mrs. L. Hoskin, Mr. and Mrs. dernand as a teacher. Hlé han- trict who attended the Honey- M. Hoskin, Burketon; Mr. M. dled the children very well and it well -Spicer wedding in Deer Heard and Eleanor, Enniskil- took a lot of trouble in sorting ~Park United Cburch, Toronto, len; Mr. and Mrs. Harland out the squads for group in- *on Oct. 8 were: Mrs. W. J. S. Trull. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hos- structIbn sa that skaters of, Rickard, Mr. and Mrs. Garnét kmn Hampton; Mr. and Mrs. W. equal ability wauld be . toge- d Rickard, Sbaw's; Mr. and Mrs.. Vivian, Tyrone; Mr. and Mrs. ther. li Brenton Rickard, Mr. and Mrs.>1 W. McCay, Nestieton. On the same evening, more Bowmanville seniors turned out than at an-y time last year. That means a good skating Than sgiv ng S iritclub with lots of talent to draw - . cisses, Tots, Juniors and Sen- Prevails as A uxiliary fore the Boatn flot b long e Voices Appreciation ntoa apttos It was in a real spirit of their loyal support. Taoane ChiIdI'ef Tbanksgiving that the Women's and ail we say "Tbank You." (Continued from page on. Auxiliary of Meinorial Hospit- Mrs. Cawker was the only ai, Bowmanville, met on Oct. representative from the aux- some of the children over threr- 7th, just prior taoaur national iliary ta attend the Regional can be moved into it ta relieve Day of Thanksgiving. meeting in Civic Hospital, Pet- crowding in the house. The The wcll pianned and wideiy erborough. She reported a newý Darlington Township Building advertised canvass had justi- auxiliary in Uxbridge had Inspector has informed ber that 3fied the untiring efforts Of joined. the children cannot live in the Mrs. L. W. Dippeil, convener, bidn ni hsi oc andbercomitte, nd rs. Buying Committee brougbthbuildin uniths is idne. Dan Smit co nviten r" h in a list of bis to be paid a- hv a ihsxcide FinaneComittcneewofhv mounting to $506.43 and they moving in next weck andi tbat's were asked ta purchase 16ante rasnwyw ae ing faith in the generosity of dozen sheets and circular cot- anxious ta finish the dormitarr," Bowman-ville and district, per- sh Id sisted in trying this method of I ton for piliow slips, also 2 doz-shsad finncng nseadofa bzar.en silver teaspoons and one Started Six Years Ago Winacn nsteadof a bazaar dozen forks. Mrs. Whyte's w york of helping highly the captains and their Miss Shaw congratulated the peopiçý in troubole began six canvassers wbo brought in the Auxiliary on the success of the years ago when a couple who splendid sumn of neariy $4600. canvass and announced the now live in Bowmanville ran This noble response came from Nurses' Assoc iation dance and it ifclis h ubn not only the citizens of Bow- card party ta be held October was aut of work and Mrs. Wlivte manvilie but fromn the wbole l4tb. A letter fromn the East- offered ta let themn stay at ber surrnunding 'district. Some- ern Star was read announcing home until tbey got back op.r tims te ornn o ar Ax-their Art and Hobby Show. their feet again. The cou1r iliary feel discouraged by the The annuai Hospital Associa- sae 9 be ots n hard work and large expendi- tion Convention wiil be, heid turcs but such a hcart warming in the Royal York, Toronto,- report that our treasurer, Mrs. Octolier 24 - 26. Geo. Young, gave at aur meet- After the meetingpmast of ing proved to us that the citi- the ladies presentpoceeded zens of the district served by ta the cafeteria for a cup of Memorial Hospital, Bowman- tea, the cheapest and most de- Durham's Fait Viewed by Hur Service HeId a! Beau! y dreds iiy. ige, The climax of a Toronto Tele- Toronta and tenor Robert Under- .rs.1 gram sponsored calour tour of wood led the musical part of the r T hie Durham County took place in program ta perfection. Nine bus i Ni!our cnoîee ol De- Orono Park on Sunday, Oct-aber loads of people arrived, bun- i np- 9th. dreds of cars and people on foot itb These tours are a reîativeîy joined in. 3w Gillet-tie .nd nexv feature and t-be idea behiad The bymn singîng alonte wasSU RSPE ,sIc them is ta acquaint people witb quite tbniliing and ta look UE-P D the wonders and beauties of the around this beautiful park and R ry countryside. Even people wlîo sec families standing, sitting& on R A ZO R S! eir live autside af the city Jnits! the grass or benches, leaning on H. don't often havec the opportun- Isbady autumn tinted trees, sit- Oebseatytergteg ,j_ ity of learning about the bis- ting in cars or buses, raising jOebseaty h ih <g jstrclsgiiaé fpae ntheir aoices in praise of el1 *ngle' edge exposure and weight to He their ncighbourhoad. Wîtb a gav'e anc indeed great hope fori match your face for superb shav es, ta., littie added knowledge, greater the future and truc thanksgiv- 7t understanding and love are ing. Clean, conifortable, long lasting hound ta foiiow and make ricb- Dr. Pidgeon without a note, shaver, are guarante ed. it er aur lives and beritage. gave a Bible readiag and .on The tour included the rich straightforward addrýess on the i-s.- farmlands of Gormley and Thanksgiving theme and was -Stouffville, abounding in Men- anc of the main highlights af the Snanite bistory, the Ganaraska tour, In part he said that when Watersbed, Port Perry-, Ponty- lie iooked back on bis awn life For men with pool, and ended up with a trip and reaiizcd haw it bad beenseitv kn through the Reforestation Sta- directed, often in such surpris- O0rano and a devotional ing manneî', be couid net help service in Orono Park, cunducted but bave faith and hope for the by Dr. Qea. Pidgeon. future. He also said that in jThe setting of the service visîting churches througbout the alo ne was beautifuil and inspir- province lie was imrpressed byl ing. It made one tliink of the the work the yaung people were 1 For overoge skin pin neers. who endured unbelicv- daing and tiere again was great nbar Jable bardsbips in order ta wor- hope for the er XL ship openiy, and bere in this The Te]egram should be con- littie town xvas tlîe resuit. Any gratulated on bringing together religiaus denominaiion was wel- these people lna.a further ap- camne ta jota la tbis open air preciation of their country and G1 service. aisa in bringing tbem tagetherFome h Harry O'Gradv, organist and in worsbip. cirmaster of St. Peter's in Hte-oPfc i k h elc Federation Con siders 'With Bitte Made dis" 12 penser and travél rase.S 2 Taking ona Fieldman orcie a Feattied on GilJette's World Series TV and Radio Broadcat. To Improve Activities ____ Tequestin of hîring a aiso made. Chantie Osborne and VITA DIET CAPSULES tidman for fv fail and wtn- Bob 1Hendry wcre asked ta trmonths agaîn came ta the make the arrangements for a 7esnta for-e as the Durham Federatioti esnta minerais iao Agriculture beld its first speaker and entertain-ment and executive meeting of the sea- Secretary Ed. Milîsoln was ia- and vitamins. son atlith orne of Presideat structed ta ask anc of the Far,, -~~ Edgar Nichais in Welcome lastFoustatashtfrte **e* iThursday night. head table. Mr. Larmer, Mr. ______________ tSeveral members expressed Osborne «and Mcl Staples were the opinion that a ficidman is asked ta bring a new siate o! jInceded ta obtain greater co'- officers for the Federetion for « 0 ordination betweén the Dur- 1956 befare the meeting. "ForBabysC mot ham Federation and other agri- Mr. Larmer rcportcd that a -cultural oî'ganizations in themetn oftwsi rev countv. He would also recruýt mbetwinPor towrr nship eer nwmembers for the Federa- barugh ndort Persadter-e A YP W E tian and work on Federatioriborouth cndtof A igbwayd AB O W E projects. On motion of Raiph ihe odtind A iha ILarmei' a cammittee coasist- cen been beid in Bethany re- ing of Vice-President Clarence cetly ta protest the Ontario al Bob endy an Prsi-Department of Highways' in- deln Nic h aet u tandPrs- tention ta tura back the high- vestigate the possihilitv of hir- way ta the caunties for main- ing a fildman through the tenance. Mr. Larmer and Mn.Lag Ontario Federation of Agricul-e Bowles were aPpointed 'te find turc. This committee was also aout more about this -metter givea autbority ta hire a field- and offer the group the back- 5 nai if a suitabie anc can be ing of the Durham Federation obtained. o Agriculture if desired. I To Attend Convention N Plans were made te attend the annual convention a! the Ontario Federation o! Agricul- ture in Toronto fram November ________________ 1- 4 inclusive. Chanlie Os- M 330 borne, the Durham Federation's M 330 director tu the p@rent body, f1 will attend, anîd Clarence Allin, Ralph Larmer, Richard Bowles E IM and Mrs. Dalton Dorreil were alsa named as delegates. annul metingof the Durham.rne x Fdration ta ho heid in the forni of a Pot Luck Supper at the Newcastle Conîmuntty Hall W e Deliver on Thursclay, December 1, wcre after they left, word of Mrs. burris have healed quite weli from 6 o'ciock ln the morning, Wbhyte's kindness got around. and he seemns to be a normal, until 12 at nigbt, and the rest of Since that time people who have healthyhpyyugtrectte i 1sndnbete been unable ta care for their - ,bpyyugtrecp h ieIsedi c, h cbildren because of financial for the badt buras on bis bcad energetic wamnan stated. -'I was' difficulties have turned ta Mr. which have cost him mast of bis onc of 17 cbildren myvseif, sa 1 and Mrs. Whyte for help. hair. . guess I have had good7trainipg." Thle only steadyM helper she'has The follawing case is typical There are severai cases of i ,awmnwolvsa h of haw childrcn find their way yaungsters from broken ho mes 'ýshva whme wbo bes thet the ta the Whyte home. Mrs. Whyte being cared for by Mrs. Wbvte \ht oe ihbrthe hl twas at Grace Hospital in Toron- as well as caes where the par-i aren. tat a fèw manths ago when ber ents simply cannat afford tai In one raam dawnstairs is a son's wife xvas baving a baby. bring up their own yaungsters nursery with four srnail cribs, a Wbile there, she asked the l'as- and have turned the job aver ta bassinet and a»playpein. There pital miatran if she knew of any ber. One beart-warming ex- is a buiUf-in sink and counter in destitute farnilies unable ta care ample is a 10-year-old boy who this reom at wbich the babies. for tbeir children. The matron cames from a smalî cammunityv are bathed, powvdered and dress- told lier of a Nev Canadian who north of London. Mrs. Wh\x' te cd. This rooni, like àll the xvas working as a disbwasher for was attending a religiaus serv'ice Mroinsin which the children $16 a week. From this meagre in this cammunity and follo,.%- sleep. is spotless and decorated salary be bad ta pay $10 a week ing it, the boy's father came to in pretty wallpaper with figure!j for a single room 'in which be ber with tearis linbis eyes as«k-- of Bugs Bunny. rabbits and and bis wife and twa chiidren ing if she could belp bim out. squirrels. Upstairs, anc roorn were living. Unable ta properly The man was living in a base- contains six cribs and another ,care for bis youngsters, the man ment on $15 a week relief pay- bias four cribs and four bigh- did not know wbere ta turn. ments. He told bier about his chairs. A fourtb room whicb is Mrs. Wbyte offercd ta look boy, whom he believed ta be naxv the dining-room an the after the youngsters for him and paralyzed. This youngster bad ground floor xvili soon be con- they are now two of the 28 be- lain on the floor of their mis- verted inta a nurscry raoom for ing cared for at bier home. Whcn erable quarters, receiving no the tinv tots. this mari learns more Englisb training of anY kind. T%'o Refrigerators and gets a bett'er job paying a Mrs. Wbyte took this retarded MUeals for 24 people must be decent salary be will probablY boy borne with bier and the pro- cooked in the large and spotless came back for bis childrcn. In gress be bas nmade in the few1 kitclien wýhich lias two refriger- the meantime tbey are receiving manths be bas lived there is' ators, rather than* anc, ta take the very best of treatment Pas- amazing. Unable ta stand up- care of the large quantifies of sible, since Mrs. Whyte gives right or ta talk m-hen lic arrivcd, milk for the tiny babies. "It the samne loving care ta eacb of the youngster cani now wvalk,ý takes, my liusband's pay cheque bier "adopted" children as she although still bad]y bent over. J foi, food." Mrs. Whyte said. "WVe does ta ber own family. and cari speak manv xx'ords îîope ta start buying it wxhalc- Another Tragie Case clearly. Mrs. Wh te is a deeplv sale., but hax'en't been able ta Another brigbt two-year-old religiojs woman whose Christ- sa lai-.' She bas rcceived some boycam tatheWhye brneasianitv is of the practicai kind. outside lielp in the way of cloth- boe reut ofteyteandmeas "I krew that if God xvanted thi,; ing for tlîe yaungsters. The throe hoe. A fiedindHiga-boy to walk and talk. he %would Oshawa Jayvetes learned of lber la n home.kAove ryeain a g r- be able ta," she said. iîînelfsb woî'k and have be4 sulted in a Canadian soldier No Organized Support tliore three times with x'ariqus serx'ing ini Korea losing his home Mrs. Whyte's work is nat sup items of children's wearing ap- an d txvo of bis children. The, ported by any c'hurch or cha,'- gare]. The Ladies' Auxiliary cd tragedy receivcd considerable itable arganization and stems the Bowi-manville Branch, Canad- space i n the Toronto newspapers purely from ber Christian 'pr'i- ian Legian, are also plannming t6 at the time as the soldier was ciples and desire ta hcip thosel donate chiildren'.s clathing. "Wè flown ta Canada fromn Korea for less fortunate than bersblf. 'Mx' j ouid some volunteer help the funeral. The sequel ta this mother died when I ,as a in taking care of therri tÙa," Mrs. sad event was just as tragic, youngster, ard iwe also wcnt WI»vte said. since his wife later .deserted him through the depression wben we She and ber husband lix'cd in and their third child, xvbo bad bad nothing oursel\,es.' she said. Saskatchîewan before max'ing ta been sax'cd from the fire ai- "These things gave nie a lïeart Ajax in 1941. They baught their though badly burned about the for tbese people in trouble." She present farnm in 1945, onlly a few head, stomach and back. This puts in a fantastie amiount of -cars before Mrs. Wbyte began littie boy was brought ta Mrs work caring for bier 28 charges, bier unselfish work ta help those Whyte by bis father and is naw*l and it is work cheerfuiiv and who are flot able ta belp tbem- being cared for by ber. His' capably perfnrmed. "I work selves. COMPETITIVE PÉICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS EFFECTIVE ALL TIRIS WEEK IT S -BAu* _________>___________ i For Baby's Comfort LD.A. Brand - SPEC1AL!,' F.mous products by Olive 011 Refined for medicinal or kitchen use reg. 35c reg. 55e reg. 98c; di "»IM Ik 4 oz. 8 oz. 16 oz. o Baby Cream -- ------_60e2c 1 Baby Lotion ---- 69e29 AI4c 7 , ; Baby Oit --- 69c, 1.15i______ Baby Soap 2/35c,5cM adsBalanced Baby Powder /9c,35eM ad *RU9cU Baby Shampoo - --59ecn Gxift Boxes 1.25, 2.25, 3.50 Bb rdcs Fte' H eî n z B ab y F o od s M altose ------- 95 , 2 15 1 9 % For ivide v'ariety of sousMcad's vegetables and desserts, Oleum Perceomorphum PESN choose Ileinz Strained Foods -1.10, 3.00, 4.75 2 tins 19e Mead's Mulein 1.50,.2.75,.4.85 ATN Teetbing Biscuits, 10's 25e I.D.A. Brand Baby and Mennen Baby Magic 79e Children's Couglx Syrups Mennen Baby Oit 65c, '1.20 3 ounce bottie 50e Mennen I.D.A. Baby ('reamn 50e Baby Paw'der. 33c, 59e Baby's Own Tablets 39c, 85e Squibb Suppositoiies- 50e Castoria -4c 5 Steedmnan Powders 33e Children's Aspirin - 29e Swifts Meats - 2 for 45e Jack & Jill Cough Syrup 50c' E ATREIFwt Z.B.T. Baby Powder 35c, -59C Absorbent_ Chux Cotton - 25c, 40e, 70e Disposable Diapers --- 2.29 Nipples- Dennison 10c, 3/29e, 13c, 2/25c, 15e, Diaper Liners -- 35e, 1.50 Nurser Unit with heat i I L Ti,'in Tips 39c, 59c, 98e resistant glass bottle 39v, O H Shop at your Drug Store, the safe, logical and KID N EY S X dependabie place to huy drugs. medicines and other!g products for health and beauty cdre. Reg. Size,59 T..A rad- SPECIAL! CO G1NDCL Economy 980 li No calories Effervescent O GIA DCL Quick édissoiving Saccharin Tablets R M DE L..Bronehida ('ough TÀ grain 1,' grain Syrup, 8 oz. -75e1 500es reg. 55e 500's reg. 65e I.DA. Friar's Balsani, 39e 49e 1 oz., 2 oz. 25e, 45c I.D.A. rand -I.D.A. Idaloids, over 100 I...Bad-SPECIAL! pellet-, 35e Milk of Magnesia Bromo Quinine Tablets - 49c, 79e 16 oz., reg. 3')c - 29e Dr. Chase Brand 32 7., reg. 60c -49c Tablets 59c, 1.49 l.D.A. Brand- SPECIAL! I.D.A. Braind Beef, Iron & Wine Shaving Cream With added Vitamin79 For a, srnooth BI, 16 oz.. reg. 1.0079 shave, 2',2 oz. tube 9C 1.D.A. Brand isterine Antzyme Speetal' CenTOOTH PASTE Free 14-day Trial Tube las fthc teeth, freshens with the purchase of g the breath 32c, 57e1 Giant Size 69iC VITAMINS FOR HEALTH Halibut Liver 011 ss No Femca m p iCapsules --. 1-5, 2.95, 6.60 Capsules Hre' 100%s 250*s .50013 Infantol 1.00, 1.90, 3t.2.5, 5.80: reg. 1.15 reg. 2.29 reg. 4.29 One-A-Day Multiple N E S N scott100 200 L!EII.00,I2.00 C od Liver 011 Squibb 10-n1 CDd LiverU Ifl I L I I.D.A. Speelal Squibb Special Formula i 16 .8c----- 9 'Caas .4.00 e because Prom neutralizes 1 lb. 75e, 2 lb. 1.29,, 4 lb. 2.29 6 "Taok@s" every time C.Da.peuias 1.00, 1.85, 3.50, 8.00, 15.00 9 Waves with ony pléstic 1 ..A Sp0's Haliborange - Tastes like curiers 00'usr Fresh Orange Juie- J niy $1.75 PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY MeGoregor, - Your Local l.D.A. Drug Store D rugs' Phone MA 3-57921 PAGE SEVEN ý a 0 H eqAINTAITAI& li 1 1.00, 1,75, 3.2.5, 11.50 1 9

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