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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Oct 1955, p. 8

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MmmI - - PAGE EMONT The e besP eeoutiined the cnéec cii f t ies on Monday morning begin- m for club presidents ind secre-JI taries, bulletin editors,srg a Report on Convention. ents-at-arms, and sang lead- ers. The conference was gîven The a civic weicome yTrtoshd Mayor, Nathan Ph fips, and Tuesd Intreszngreprts on he d ay tsksgiv~n im.HeGovernor Nominee Walter De bles praceedings et the annuel con- painted out that it is difficuit Gelres als. otricandn iCur vention ai Rotary Districét 246 ta repart, on a conference, as watreil reee RtieoantKendSimc beld in the Royal York Hotel fthe Rotarian actually has ta be President ai Rotary Interna- pies bctober 2-4 were given by there hîmself ta benefit from tional at the conférence, and Churc] Ihree-BowmanvilIe Rotary Club it. He thanked the members Rotarian Harold GuUly, wha is App inembers ta the regular meet- for their good attendance at weîî-known. in Bowmanville, efljoye ng af the club Friday. the Governor's Bail, which w3s were the speakers. A fareign The canference this year was attended by 19 Bawmenville student studying in Canada on bf more tijan usual interest and Rotarians and their wives. a Rotary Fellowship also spoke fignificance ta the Bowman- Vice-President Bill Rudell briefly. ville Club since il will be re- reported on Sundays activities Aiternoon Session I jponsible for staging the con- which opcned the conference. RA terence next year as the home This xvas a anc-day Rotary In- Rotarian Rex Walters report- lub of District Governor Nom- stitute. meeting chaired by an cd on the afternoon session A tnee Walter DeGeer. International Councilior. Graup which included the intraduc- President Keith Jackson in- discussions were held on Ro- to ifi atCu odr troduced the three members tary Information, he said, and ence Canmittee. "They al o Fwba reparted Mr. DeGeer, it \vas stressed that informa- loe like average beings ta Mrorley Vanstone, William Ru- tion on Rotary cen be passed me and I *sec no reasan *hy the Clerl dcll and Rex Walters, and also along by making sure that each Bowmenville Club cannot do 3rd ai expressed his aývn impressions member receives a copy ai The just as gaad a job next faîl as with7 of the conference. He stated Rotarian, through fireside thcy did", he declared. Five A r that it was a merked success as meetings, and through meet- new clubs formed in District Mr. fer as the Bowmanvi]le Club ings of the Rotary Information 246 during thc past 3mear were thrs è was concerned. 'Everyone Committee. recagnized. These were Eglin- treair tan (Toronto), Aijiston, repairE knew Bowmanvilie was there", Another group discussion Georgetown, Islington andha b he said, and went on ta explain was held on Rotary Extension, Woodbridge. hdb thet the Bowmanville Roter- both internai and externe], Mr. T years. ians had been featured et tWO Rudeli raid. Internai extension The report of the credentiais perinte, of the meetings singing thej can lbe aéhieved by m aking committee shawed that 39 Out have ti sang which bas becorne almost1 surec that ail sections of the in- f4 lb nDsrc 4 eegne a trademark of the Club, "The, dustriai, business and profes- registered, for' the canference pair Te Battie Hymn of the Repubiic". sional community are repres- and there was e total registra- J. C CongatultesNomlee sipstian af 830 Rotarians and 529 CnrtltsNmne ented in Rotary members ldishAgoupdsusin nrequesi The President congratuleted External extension cen belRa inf Agomatinscuhonld si p District Governor Nominecebrought about by sponsoring Rndary bIfrmatin JashCal-sieco Walter DeGeer on the fine in- Ilte formation of new clubs and uder Pairict Goernor Bn- aidroec pression he had made at thcl hel irig them in the early sur.ppt DspokictenrgBa- ofN. i conference and the efficient stages of their existence. izetion ai a large club, using ln.i way in which he had perfornm- Rotar,"an Morley Venstone the Toronto club as an exam- mission ________________________________________________ ple, and the President of the 40 foot Scerborough Club spake on the orgenization of a smelier club. ner an ----~ Members from four different Presi( clubs spoke on the four avenues birthde, of service in Rotary Interna- Ian Dr: tianal. Presidei 'Highlight ai the 'afternaon inember - praceedings, Mr. Walters said, TI was the play "caster ,Seals in Roter Action" presented by crippled nounced ,children whom Rotary bas on Intei _____ ( R helped, including this year's be held -"Timmy". ing of Tucsday morning Session ted thai LJ - District Governar Nomince vice ME Walter DeGeer repoi-ted on the evening last plenary session ai the con- Lions1 - ference on Tuesdey morning. whicha Past District Govera Ken dents st t.Smith spoke ieelingiy on In- be invit ternetional service, and Roter- be gues ian Judge John E. Pritchard o! homesc Whitby spoke on Vocational he askei Service in a vcry interesting sult tbei eddress. The,. conference was ing thei 'YOU W>OULDN'T BE WONDERNG concluded by the luncheon dents oi Wki4CH PEOPLE TO CALL IF '?OU meeting Tuesday et which Bey. asked HAID BOUG4- TIS FROMv A C. W. Sowby, Principal of Up- color st: PLUBINT ONT~CTR.HE ELL.~per Canada College, was the Canadiai 1-r, INSTALLS IT, AND speaker. Mr. DeGeer stated ta the SER VCES' IT!11 that the conference was ane of These w We sii W.Insail W Seyke WeGuaant.! the best he had ever attended. a tapei WO SU! e lstol! W Sevic! WeGucranee! President Jackson painted manville Alwayb Coli This PLUMBING CONTRACTOR out ta the members that Mr. in New De Geer, as District GovernDr next year, will need e great SONS deal af beip from the Bowman- L. . P RKE & ONS ville members in arranging the Beth, LeA A K Rconference. O One guest, Ken Morris, Se- PLUMBING HEATING - it BURNERS cretary-Maneger of the Bow- O t manville Chamber af Com- merce, was weicomed ta the Bether 17 KING ST. E.. BOWMANVILLE - JM 3.5651 meeting. Rotarian George Moo- Warnen's ___________________________________________dy reminded members ai the Unitedl C Chamber Thanksgiving Dmn- cd for th the homE teous, 'w low pre -seripture lesson t] See the new givint celebrateý with spe 0 K ýp__day, Oci business QUAKER was the 1Turkev E VIGOR STANDARD GASOLINE VIGOR HIGH TEST GASOLINE v LJDjWwmNnri v uTgT, MAJm. TMMRDAT OCT. Uth. 1953 west Clubs Attend ick and Jili Cl ub Dance eannual falU dance was and a floor show presented bit at the Lion$ Centre on club members. day evening, October 4th. Door prizes were won by guests for the evening,,were Helen and Bill Doe, Glezi and bers from the Happy flOU. Marie Turney. Club of King St. United ch, Oshawa, 50-50 Club of Tag dance by Ethel Hendry oe St. Church, Oshawa and George Marshall, Bowman- TIhe Merry Married Cou- ville: Eliminatian dance by af Newcastle United Evelyn and Tom Cale, Newcas- ch. tle. proximately 75 couples A delicious lunch was .served ' evening af dancing by the cammittee in charge. airke Council Baffled sto Grader Loaned Darlington.Council rke Township met Oct. three feet from, the Townshil ýwhich fume. they deait raad eiiowance line and ter Township business. feet frorn the County line. Thi 'quest was received froin local building inspectar was in. Noamen Kennedy ta bave structed ta contact the Count: ie-road by ber praperty Boad Engineer in this mettei 'd and serviceeble. It was and repart bis findings ta lbE pY Council thet tbis road Reeve. cen closed for meny An aid horse or trector drawn On motion the Boed Su- grader came up for discussion endent was requested ta The Township awned suchi the District Municipal En- grader and a number af yeer. give a ruling on the re- ago it was taken ta Darlington -quested. Township and neyer retjmnedl ý.Tamblyn submitted a It is understoad that Damling- tat buiid a milk procea- ton were ai the opinion that ýlent and dairy store et the giader beionged ta thein mer a! the Township The Clerk was instructed ta go d and County rad west peruse the files betwcen 1923 35 Higbwey on the Sixth and 1925 ta caiiect information 4r. Tamblyn sought per- on the purchese ai the grader. n ta buiid the 60 foot by The Township intend ta re- ýbuilding, a distance ai deam the grader, if the neces- samy information cen be found. iOctober 13. Clarence Allin approeched dent Jackson made e Council on the drainage ai Ry presentation ta Roter- Trickcy's Corners and asked if . C. W. Siemon, a Paît any repart had been received nt a! the club and e in this metter froýn the Depart- ýr sînce 1927.* ment of Highway. Council ne- ntemnational Service ported thet tbey had nat. How- ever thcy stated that saine di- rian Keith Sieman an- version construction had been id that a club.,assembiy undertaken an the west side af ernational Service wauld the Highway. Beeve and Boed d et bis home the even- Superintendent were authoniz- October 28. He also sta- cd ta take immediate actioft and at anitrnationl S er- teting will be held the aio December 9 in the Cammunity Centre ta a gmoup ai foreign stu-' îudying in Toronto wil ied. These students wiil sts in the Rotarian's ovem that weekend, and d the members ta con- Àr wives regarding open- ir homes ta these stu- )f bath sexes. He aiso those members with tlWs a local and typicai in scenes ta bring them October 21 meeting. wi11 be sent, along wit'h recording, by the Baw- eClub ta a Rotary Club Zealand.j IBusiness Directory Accountancy WM. 3 H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant 64 King St. E. Bowmanville (Above Garton's Bus Station) 64 King Street E. Phone MA 3-3612 J. HUNTER AND COMPANY Certified Public Accountants Oshawa 5-1621 - Successors to O. S. Hobbs C h ir opr ac fi c G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. iany W .A. ~ ~ffice: Ciorco Specialty Peper Products Bldg. Meeting 63 Tempemence Street Phane MA 3-5509 ny -Membrs o theOffice Hours: .By Appointment sy AssMembeio of the Assciatioe nteo! the D enial ~hr c wereetein -. ei ob rs ervetng ai R.W . UEL.DDS e o! Mrs.Mrvn Par- DR.iW.:M.ur uie Ld.S itMreFadnkge-t ffhe:40 JurygJubilW., lsdn andreading the 4Offieg uSt.W omnil lesgsn ane riingathe9Office ours: m dil ;weedghts Th a eau 9 a.m. ta 61in. Stday tered th aThenks-9 a.. ta12 oon Surda esough5t. h ne hurh OffclPoe unAy359 seia itics , 55th aniSar-,Offe Phone - Mwast3-5790 ýciai er 1ic e onaSn os hn Nwate35 itbem ofthTe ming DR .E. .SSOLDSDD itaemet foth heetgff ieSin, L.DS home . arrnem o etsefre Off0 iet i.N.bis howmn )inner ta h Lrv Un .- 10 Libe'tv l. N- Pwav Oca 1 9th, %vith commitees Office iHours: appointed ta 1ook after the var- 9 a.m. ta 6 pin. dafly SPACE H EA TER D ous details. The dinner wiîî 9 a.m. ta 12 onStra be served in the church base- Closed Sundy ment, with the pragram prov- -___Phone MA 3-56 04 ided by musical enterteiner' R .F ATADDS fromn Lindsay, in the TownDR .FCATA,.DS Hall. Office n diplayMrs. O. Spencer gave the ta- 23 Kine St. E. - Bawmanville n;wjn dipla pie for the day, "The Bread af Office Hours: 6pn el paemn, "What is Success". 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Wcdncsdey 'm ~ * ~ Yau wiIl be rcally amazed et these nclw Mms. H. Cappins gave e teik Closed Sundey on Thanksgiving. 'The f irst Telephone: Office MA 3-5459 a - ~'I' -~Quaker Oil-burning SaeHetr. Thenksgiving day in AmiericaT i;;;; ilh:Poudtahv aco tee was aday set aside by the Pil.. i e g ai Yo wllIlePiu t hveoe f hse grmFathers ta give thanks for c_____________ termaterial blessings follaw- SRIEadTRK heaersinyour home. ing their first harvest in 1621. TIEadSRE Truhthe years this custom Barristers, Solicitors has eenobsrve wih secil 1 Noteries Public e preceding the holiday observ- A .H tie A L. ddiionyouwih beplesedet he OW ric en th rei eonoy teyance set by thîe gavernment. It 40 King St. W. - Bowmanville L. anition ou min he eag youhe.- o rniend cthe ra cmy-day. regrettable thet many cariier Telephane MA 3-5791 meanto ou n hetin yor hoe- omein ad se tem t-da. hly deys have not become bal- LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. idays. It bebooves us ta rcmem- Britr'oiio ber that Thanksgivîng Day BareruSlicto shauld reaily be e day set a Natery Public nvl M ta remember gratefuîîy the Phine s. W.ficBowMA 3-58e many things ý'e bave ta be Phoes: Offce MA 3-53 W .@ B R O W N conclkded ber talk w1ipîna JOHN REGAN, BA jThankfuivifor.". Ms apis Rsdnce Ary3-u5l 3 CASE DEALER Floigte oigexer 3 Temperance St,Bowmaivme Ki ng 'St. W . M A 3-5497 lo, srd lunh. Te N e-NR APHA 1 OGN ________ber meeting wiil be heid ht the Britr oiio home of Mrs. Earl Weatherilt. B-r'itr, Publicea __________________________________________Tempemance St. - Bowmanvflleil Morigages. LEROY BAIMTON - ORQNO Phone 1 r 16 First znartgage funds Residences - Farina Business Properties 0Op fo m efry KET A. BILLET Optometrjst 141 King St. E. - Bownianville Telephone MA 3-3252 Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday except Wednesday, 9 - 12 Evenings by Appaintment JOHN A. OVENS Optometrist Jury & Loveil Bowrnanvilie Phone MA 3-5778 Piano Tuning Professional Piano Tuning ARTHUR COLLISON Phone 14Arket 3-3900 ta contact the Department af Highways in having the drain- age problern corrected. A further request was pre- sented ta the meeting by the Clerk from EI-1,Farrow, H. Mill- son and S. Hallowell. The re- qucst asked for' three bridges, ditching and road -open on a Portion of Township road in the vlcinity oi the three pro- perties.. Here it wau revealed that the intention was ta revert a stream ta its original course. At present the stream is using a new bed and .making land un- usable through flooding. The Clcrk was ordered ta prepare an agreement in duplicate ta be signed by the côneerned par- ties in order ta revert the creck ta its original course. When an agreenment in signed the Town- ship intends ta teke action on the stream. Requýst fromi Orono Police Trustees was received ta widen the Milîson lýaad and ta erect guard rails across the Millson Bridge.' In this the Road Super- intendent was instructed ta contact the Municipal Engineer ta establish a ruling. ,n Woman'a Auaeiatlon n. September Waman's Associa- a tlan meeting was held et the rs home of Mrs. Lloyd- Ashton on in Sept. 27 with 22 members and ithree' visitors present. Motta I-and Creeci were repeeted by it ail. Devational was in charge of n.Mrs. Harold Milîs. Bible read- 10 ing by Mrs. Jin McLaughlin. ;3Mrs. Milîs read a poem and led nin prayer. RaIl cali was answercd by "Whet's Your Beef?" Treasur- er's repart was given by Mrs. *John Siemon, Assistant Treas- d uirer. it Prograin was in charge ai 1Group 1, Mrs. Jim McLaugh- * lin taking charge, sala by Bey Ashton. -We ail enjoyed an cvening af leerning ta tic fancy bows. A vocal duet by Mrs. Raiph Vir- ftue and Mrs. Gordon -Yeo, was enjayed. Mrs. J. McLaughlin movcd e vote of thanks ta the hostess and those on the pro- gramn. A deliciaus lunch was servcd by Group 1. Service Club Meeting Service Club met et the home of' Mrs. Wmn. Howelis, Tuesday night, with the new officers in charge. More plans were made for the bazear and Penny Ar- cade on Nov. 23rd. Lunch was served by Mis. H. Milis, Mrs. E. McNair and hostess. Next meeting et Mrs. E. Trewin's Oct. l8th. Congratulations ta Garry Beckett, on winning third prize et Blackstock Pair on bis two 4-H Swine Club saws. Mrs. Herman Fameli's, Mrs. Cecil Wilson, Misses Gwen and Eunice Wilson, Nestieton; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lamb, with Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Lamb's. Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Dickey, Bowmenviiie, at Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stainton's. Miss Marguerite Wright, St. Catharines; Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur Wright, Barrie; Mr. Fred Wright and family, Bowman- ville, were et . Mr. and Mrs Norman Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Boy Hunter, Grand Valley; Mr. and Mrs. Alymer Hunter and Marilyn, Mount Forest; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ferguson, Bowmenviile; Mr. and Mrs. Percy Westiake and family, Saline; Mr. John- ny Aildreed, Marie,., Jaekie, Judy and Bevenly, Newcastle. werc Thenksgiving visitars et Mr. and Mrs. Cari Ferguson's. Congratulations arc extcnded ta Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry on celebrating their 25th wcdding anniversary. Master Ronald Farsyth, Mr., and Mrs. R. J. Ormiston, spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Haydon. Mr. and Mrs. J. flemme, Scu-. gag Island, were Sunday visit- ors ai Mr. and Mrs. Adar-n Sharp. Mr. Clark Werry, Miss Win- 1 nifred Cale, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr'. and Mrs. E.! A. Werry. Mr. and Mrs. Cari Ferguson! and famiiy, were recent visit-I ors o! Mm. and Mrs. Edwin Sandercack, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Wlker-,, Dalphine and Joanne, Bow- i manvilie, spent the weekend' With Mr. and Mrs. F. Griffin. ,Miss Doreen Trewin, accom- panied Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms, who were dinner uests af Mr. and Mrs. Wn. McCabe's, Yelverton. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Werry, Mr. and Mrs. Be. Veale, Jack- e and David, were dinneri guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allang Werry's. Mrs. Allan Werry atnd Mrs. Wallae Griffin, attended a1 showcr for Miss Dorothy Skin- ner at Tyrone on Wed[nýisday evening. Mr. and Mrs. H. Ashton, Clae and Douglas, were Thanksgiving'1 visitors of S.1 LOW LSTRE Kersey's, Hamptcqn. Mrs. Whitfield, Miss Evelyn Whitfield, Mr. and Mrs. F. Cowling, Cartwright, Mr. and Mrs. R. Vanstone, Whitby, werc visitors of Mr. and Mrs. R. McNeil. Rev. and Mrs. R. M. Sey- mnour, Battersea, were Saturday cvening tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wearn's. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tomes at- tended Blackstock Fair. Mr'. Brian Lee, Kedron, Mr'. and Mrs. Keith MeGilI, Bow- manville, were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Werry. Mr. and Mrs. R. MeNeil at- tended Elackstock Pair. $2.10 Quart RUBIERIZED WALL SATIN For walis und ceilings 6 SATIN IMPERVO ERAMEL for t.rim in many matching colors MBenjainÀ Conlsult US about your Mason & Dale MA 3-5408 36 King St. E. 'Bowman'~ lue "KNOW WUAT I'M PoJINTImc AT?" *'Well, actually, l'm not realiy painting at anything, l'm merely bere ta point out the valuc of lîaving a weil-knawn trust campany toaedminister your estate. You se, your estate is fat too important ta put away in the background." He heu a point, yau knaw. If you were ta, take advantege of the co-operation and experience of The Sterling Trusts Corporation now, it could very weil save a lot of inconvenience and trouble later. Write today for aur free bookiet, "Blueprint For X'aum Fatnily." It covers many of the aspects af estate administration. TH E STERLING TRUSTS COR POR A TIO N H4EAD OFFICE 3?2 Bay Sf., Toroni. 1-3 Dunlop Sf., Barri. ~4.5 announces the opening Of1 its New Service Station Two miles North of Newcastle on Highway No. 35 àMà BRANCH OFFICE .4 p4 389 STOVE 011-for your convenience, in amali quanusties available at the station Cal. fax Ine Gal. Irax ine Open Eveuings and Sundays HARDWARE Fiee lasswave given away with the purchase of six gelions or more of gasoline ip In ie er ie MA 3-5408 36 King St. E. 5 « . #%%»MAMVàk -4,ilu ýVIGOR OIL. Co*

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