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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Oct 1955, p. 9

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TMUEEDAy. OCT. Soth. 1955 TEE CANADIAN STATESMAIÇ, EOWMANMqvTE, OTAR!O I like this ad. Spindle bed for1 7/ s iyears od-uitbe or aniqu Mron to 1. slover. I hae jut ben listening. ta a concert on television by Ar- %%~f tur Rubenstein, pieying an aid B y IF Chopin program. I hope many 1 lfyou were listening, for words --------- =,ezeeý ýare quite inadequate when i ýfl _ 1cornes ta describing such ma- Frank Tumpene, columnist 1 Farsighted parents are ý ai- jesty in music. We are sa for- in the Toronto Teiegram, wrote1 ready preparing bor Christmas. tunate to live in this age af recently of a wanderfui idea I heard in Toronto the ather televisian when you consider concerning Hallowe'en. It was,j day about a young father who 'how few of us would have the in effect, that tht childrep, I spent hours iooking at m-oppartunîty ta hear anything ho goaut coiiecting on that cel train H'ed i ae or-las rnagnificent as this ada fearful, hai.mted night mightl werd, back up gently, hitch. On the seme time get such an in- caliect funds ta contribute toi the cars and generally a dmiredsitinohecaceratt UJ.N.I.C.E.F.. instead af shop-' the entire ieyout. FinaDy he pernormer. In spîte of the *manv ping begs fiiied with canîdies. said ta the salesgirl that he, unkind critigisms ai aur new- and apples. There is nat a child; would take if. Whie wrapping est medium I stili feel it has in Bowmanviiie, who gots hun-1 the parcel the girl remarked; enabantSh mjrt gry for, I believe, one who! thet his son wauld have hours' aen anstl bo ss ai th at dosntget a reesonabie quota aif fun with the train, the young'dial. af candies, sa, how very appra-j man paused, thought a moment s * priate for them ta cantribute and said, "'Hm yes, yaud better! A Young fellow In the ta these poor yaungsters wha I give me enathen." lack even the necessities for * * States has got hisaselfI trouble for steallng a ni- aurvival. Poor Prîncess Margaret. ckel. Evldently It was a Instead of witches and wur- Must every move she speciai ont which was not I lies, we could put the good makes, cvery look she for issue. The lnterestlng fairy ta work and brîng a littie1 gives, every smile and thing about the case is the joy ta innocent hearts. Thenel word be se mercilessly re- v o u n g man*s name- are, sadiy enough, stili corners, corded. The Royal romance George (1 cannot tell a le)- of aur "civiiised" world where' la onc of the blggest news WahgonJ.I chiidren go in rags, hungr1,ý stories of the year and no __________ without hope, who are sick,ý ont wants to be found lag- There is no mortai tnulv wise unto death and no anc ta gKing but it must be a posi- and restless et once; Wvisdom isj hea]. where young souls havei tive nightrnarc for tht cou- î'the repose off minds. - John neyer known the upsurge ofIl Pie to be se hounded. 1 Casper Lavaten. joy in the possession af a cud-! suppose it is the price ta A perpetual holidav is a goodFit diy toy, a warm blanket or offý be paid for the immense wonking definition ai heul. - buitt having a reireshing. fragrant! popularity af the lave'ly Bernard Shaw.but 'bath. Parents ai young child-,' Young Prlnccss but it must__________ a fin ren, laok et your own and make ber decision doubly rn spart a tiny bit of love for: difficuit.rag these others and yau wili find If ber decision ia in fa- MORRISHouc there is after ail enough ta go vour of handsome Group rever araund. Capt. Townsend, I for ont Intended for lest week into This wouid be an exciting hope that some of tht an- We offer aur sincere sympa- the cý cause to be sponsored by the; tiquated laws, admirable as thy f0 Mrs. Robert McHoIm trans B. and P. Club ar club i5 . they may be ini many res- and farnily off Roseberry Hill in â p a* * 1 ec.ts. wlll be altered in tht passing ai a dear 'husband God will not seek7thy race, her favour. I wauicj even and father. L-: Nor will He ask thy birth, go so far as ta say that in The late Mn. McHolm was presei Alane he wlll demand of the remote chance that weîî known in Hope and dis- sonm Whthas ho e' Margaret should reach the trict having lived for rnany points Wht as tou on throne that ber husband vears on tht homestead off his 1 shoud b alowe taactas athen, tht lafe James McHolm, P.a -Persian saying. Prince Consort. at Roseberrv Hill. Robert or ~g WA lm OI. rýà. jý MONTREAL -Nothing so satisfying, seeme to me, as a sense of pride in the housework we ve -, dqne. Whe n iaundry is snowy-white and beautifuiiv ironed. theres a pride in our rki11 that's pricelessl One way to he sure of this pleanîire in ironing, la fo use GLIDE LIQTJID STARCH week by week. ltso simple -just add. water to Glide, bot or coid. Thatioail! There's blue in Glide ta add wniteness, and wax to smooth your ironing. . As the days darken into late Fall -you'll find that Glide makes a wonderful difference in your lauindryt Use it for cattons, curtains, bouse dre;ses, youngsters' elothes. Buy. it in the 32 oz. or 64 oz. giant economy size - today 1 Start The Hot Tap Ranning... pour in just one cap-fui of GAY, the gand new concentrated hiquid detergent .. let Uic owy suds froth Iuxurious)y and if's beigh-i'o! for a dishwaghing routine that*s more of a piPasure than you've eter known! Tlhiis wonder-working detergent Gay bas a very picasan fragrance . . and washes dishes. glassware, slver aparkling clean I Youli find it bas extra greas- rutting power -yet is gentle on the hands. I've proved that Gay is very economical, f0 - won t y'ou see for yourseif? One hottie does fifty dish- *washings. Yon get far more dishwashing satisfaction in Gay than in eauy other iquid or powder detergent. Hfow T. Lay An Eg-a ncst-egg, that is! No better way than with safe, dependabie Canada Savings Bonds, 'backed by ail the strength and vast resources of this great -ountry of ours. You can buy 'Ianada Savings Bonds right now at the BANK N~* * 0F MONTREAL with a down payment of o-nlv 517. Thats 230 down for a W5 bond. and e5 down for a $100 bond. The remainder is spread aver the year in elever elzs monthlv paymPnts. A'nd Canada Ss.vings Bonds psy you a good intereat . . eip featber your nest at> the rate of 3% Why not discum Canad.- 3Pvinga Bonds t' is wýek with yauî. uvighbourhood B of M managS- THERE'S A LENNOX Aire-Fl Heatlng MODEL Trhatys Made to Order for Bowmanville Deslgned especlally te meet reQuirements ai the average as well as the lowest tem- Peratures we face ln this part af * eountry. Built te balance the heat lasses that are common le the types of homes we live in. That'u how LENNOX Warin Air Conditionlng Systema are 'tallared" to the neede )f yourhome sud the homes of your nelghbors. Whether yeur bouse is smill or lange, built on a slab or aven a basement on crawl spece, you cen bave modern, efficient, fuel-seving LEN- NOX wanm air comiort. Cali us today. Let's go aven your heating needs tagethen -and look aven the LEN- NOX Aire-Fia Heetlng systems that are made ex- pressly for your home. FIVE YEAR GUARANTEE Lennox guarantees its equipment for 5 vears. The matons, ail pump, transformer, contrais, heat exchanger and ail burner are guaranteed for a period of f ive years from tht date of shipnient, against defects in rnateniai and workmanship and defective parts will be repiaced free of charge. Terms can be casily arrengd Seo Your Aclhorized Lennox Dealer la IowaavilIe A.E. COLE Plumbing & Heuting 26 Ontario St. N. Bowmanville MIA 3.3473 1 mq " Pat" as he 'vas generaliy cali- ed, was a market gardener and until the lest few yeers sup- plied fruit and vegefables ta several stores inq Port Hope. rHt was of a gentie, guict disposition with aiways a smiie and cheenful greeting foi, bis many friends and acqueint- ances. Three brothers prtdeceesed him, William, James and Tho- mes, elso e sistar, Jane. Ont sister, Mns. Wmn. Uglow, Mary, ai Newtonville, survives him. Tht funenal service was held in the George Funeral Chapel with interment in Welcame Cemetery. Tht large number off relatives end friends attend- ing the service and tht many loveiy floral tributes testifed f0 tht love and esteemn in which this old friend and neighbour was heid. Ht leaves bis widow, Nelly, three deughters, Elsie, Hazel and Muriel, also a son Donald, ta mourn bis loss. 1Mns. Ada Johnson end sis- ter Mrs. Dempsey, af Toronto. were visitorý> during the pasti week with Mrs. M. J. Osborne.1 Mrs. Mary Simpson, Toron- to, spent tht long weekend with her sister, Miss M. Beck-ý ett. Mn. and Mrs. George Beckett off Hagersviiie, were guests ai Mr. and Mrs. Dawson Beebe on Sunday. Miss Vivien Mitchell, Part Hope, was a holiday guest off ber cousins, Joan, Ruth, Arthur anid June MIýarvin, rn. NHei Anderson off Brant- ford, s pont Tllanksgiving bhl- day wit h bis mothen, Mrs. F irank Anderson. IdMn. and Mns. C. Werner off Toronto, were Sunday guests off Mns. Wmi. McHolm. During the afternoon they visited fricnds et Warkwarth end Ca- bourg. Mvr. and Mrs. Harold Osborne rnotoned ta Toronto on Sunday ,to visit Mrs. D. Haines. Mr's. Ada Johnson rgturned with themn. Sunday School was held at tht regular time lla.m. Mrs. F. McConnell presîding. A special hymn ion Thanksgiving was sweetly sung by Joan Mervin, Vivian Mitchell, Elaine Ander- son and Mary Beckett, There was a smallen attendance than usuel but we hope for a ful muster next Sunday. We are wondering where tht thousends ai tiny flies came fnom, day aiter day they ep- pear in hundreds just as soon, as dessert, fruit on preservesl off any kînd are on tht table, They swarm even eround the bed-light and a swatten is of liffle use. Tht pesky things are evtnywhtre. We are hopin.3 that tht first real frost will make an end of this nuisance. BRO WN'S Intended for lest week Home sud Sehool Club The Octaber meeting of Brawn's Home and Schooi Club was heid et the school an tht evening ai Tuesdey, Octo- ber lith. After tht reading Of the min- utes, conrespondence, etc., e discussion wes held cancerning tht Hailoween Party ion this i v tan. It wes decided thet this Party should be held at tht school on Fniday evening, Oc- lober 28th. Anyone attending i who is not in costume wiii be charged 25c admission. Tht four vice-presidents ai the Home and School Club wîll be 1 in change ai melsing detailed arrangements for the evening. Tht meeting was then turned o ven ta Mrs. H. Sinclair, who intraduced Mn. Cecil Cerveth. Mn. Carveth showed meny i - teresting pictunes taken anound tht district. whicb brought back memories ta a number of those present. Next. Miss Ar-I dele Pickeringa favoured tht gathering wit h a lovely solo, eccompanied hv ber mothen. Mrs. Sinclair* next cailed on, Mn. Murray Patterson a! tht I Ne wcastle Lions Club ta make Ipresentations ta tht pupils ~ reco2n' . on of ,n,-r fine o- .: ,ý ýcfm ý i a. whîch %vj liein iin June. lMn. Pattersan o-y a Mr, piaqu thet point! the r the e upi Here's what the push-button contrai unit for Pow( eautomatic transmissions looks like. The panel hous tons for neutral, low, reverse and drive. A touch nger is ail it takes ta go from neutral ta any drivii ge, or from one range ta another. Cars can be "rocke, of mud, snow, or sand. by alternateiy pressing t] rse and iow buttons. Two safety feetures are bu the push-button mechanism. One prevents startii car in any gear except neutral. The ather prevents, t ismission from bseing shifted accidentaliy into reve: peeds over 10 miles per hour. ented Miss Evelyn Robin- with a medal for tht most Is won by any girl under ilso a medel to Miss Patsy efor tht most points won àgirl ten years and under. r.Bowen accepted the [e won by t he school for highest total number off ts won et tht field day, and pupils who participated in events were asked to stand as the presentation wvas e STARK VILLE r Intended for last week Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elliot t, David, Fiossie and Mrs. Eiliott, Sr., Dunsford, were guests et VMr. Uorne Tadd's, last week. Misses Norma and -Beuieh Hloelspent tht haliday et Mr, Llew Hallowell's. *IMr. and Mrs. M. Shutka werc * ini Oshawa Saturday attending tht weddlng af their niece, Misa Janie Trimbie. Mn. and Mrs. Alf Dobsan, Mary Lau and friend. spent tht **weekend in Perr Sound. Severai fromi Shiioh attend- ed the wiener raast et Kendal, ied by t he Fellowship Circie lest week. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Berrow- ciough, Wesleyvilie, Mrs. J. Mr. Arthur McKey's. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Trimà spent the holiday at their cot- Mns. Westheusen and sans, spent the weekend i Ottawa. Messrs. Len Falls and Haward Farrow are enjoying television in their homes. Mn. and Mrs. Orme Falls, Mrs. Thas. Fells, Mr. and Mrs. 1Liew Hallowell attended the Falls - Reynolds weddingi Trinity United Church, Bow-' manvilie, Seturday. Tht Union Communion Ser- rer- vice et ShilohI Sunday efter- 1 noon wes weli' attended whtn; [ses Rev. Pike gave a fine Thanks- af giving message. Kendal chair ing rendered tht anthem, "ýHc edToak Every Burden Awey," and Jim and Alvin Souch e the duet, "For the Beauty ai tht tilt Eerth". Mrs. Llew Hallawel [ng was pianist. *1, ýrse made. This lovely plaque wili hang in the school for one year, and next year wiil be again, presenfed to the winning sehool, with the name of the school engraved each year who, takes top honours et the field day. Mrs. Pickering pla ' ed the piano and led the group in a sing-song. Foliowing this, lunch was scrved. Bus Operators GE A HoId Meeting AR At Toronto C. J. Garton, owner of Gar- j ton Coach Lines. Bowmanville, wiil be emong the delegates at- tending tbe 25th annual meet- ing of the Ontario Association of Motor Coach Operetors be- ing beid ini the King Edward Hotel, Toronto, Oct. 19-20. Bus 1 f z, Py -ýMO0U"'TH'56 -w .....,.,. 8(/tom8t, ic par0fSO/6ofinJ NOW-Just push a button ... and away you go! Push-button driving is here! That's right, you now contrai Plymouth PowerFlite automatie transmission with buttons on a special panel et your finger tips. Tht shift lever is eliminated. Just presà button .; step on tht gas.-. . and GO! Try this marvellous new driving thriii. PowerFlite with push-button contrai available et extra cost on al '56 Plymnouth models. N OW- More "-pickup"b pouer! New Pl'mouth 6-cylinder engmnes give you more power than ever. Sa dam tht new Hy-Fire V- 8, naw availabie in ail Plymouth striee. Yau get higher torque, too, for mare walaop and getaway. N 0W- Safer ttian ever with many exclusIve feature! New Life Guard door iocks. New, stronger freine. New headiamps that provide mare light with iess glane. Exclusive Safety-Rim whtýels that heip ta guard against blawout dangers. Electric windshield wipers. N 0W- Better-than-ever power driving aids, New tasier action power brakes. Coaxial fuil-time power steering-the kind with na annaying "on and off" feeling. Power-operated window lifts. Power seat adjuot- ment. AIl are optional et moderate extra cost. /Vew Jeoie, 4'ij e&wio§sçIo the fo wtfIokŽ praPl/moutz ooeu»v/0yo bse oryouise// Now, Plymouth, flnest car in the low-pni ce field, bringu you new flight-styled beauty. The '56 Plymouth ha. greater power, too, and revolutionary push-button automatic gear seiecting. Forward-th.rusting front fenders and low, sloping hood enhance the streamlined Forward Look ... give you better vision, too. Newest styling innovation is the upward-sweeping line of siender rear quarter paneis-sleek as the tail of a jet, amooth as a jet in flight! Yes-Piymouth for '56 is brilhiantiy new, inside and out. It's styled to make your spirits soar-powered to give you opine-tinglin'g performance. Manufaciured in Canada by Chrysler Cor poration of Canada, Limited PHONE- YOUR CHRYSLER- PLYMOUTH. FARGO DEALER NOW FOR A DEMONSTRATION RIDES MOTOR Bowmanyi4e SALES Phone MA 3 -5487 I t PALMER 20 King Street E. operators from ail parts. of On- the association ini co-operation tario, as weli as proviicial gov- with trucking groups. One of erfiment officiais, will attend the main features of the code the meeting to discuss prab- wouid be a standard system of lems in the bus transportation light signais which commercial industry. vehicie drivers wauid use to JIiegai competition, from tax- warn each other of danger on is which operate on the high- the road ahead and to relay viays contrary ta the Publie other messages when passlng Vehicies Act and private car on the bighwey ' owners who transport passen- In addition ta bus operators, -gers for compensation, wiil be a number of Ontario govern- among the subjects discusaed ment officiais wiii attend the et the annuel meeting. How meeting. Among them wiii b. toli roads affect commercial E. J. Shoniker and S. Hughes vehicle operation anti a propo- recently appointed members o sai to offer reduced bus larts the Ontario Highway Trans- to miitary personnel travelling port Board, and J. P. Bickefl4 on duty will aiso be considered. registrer of motor vehicles. Delegates ta tht annuai meeting will also hear a report on progress of a "safety code" About one-third of the popula- for drivers af buses and trucks tion of Quebec Province live ini which is being developed by thc Montreal area. ibiem.

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