lirNTW3DY !C.ZtTl,1 - -- ~I..UWM fl* 'L '..ONTARIOPAGE IPMV Mr. and Mrs. G. Graham Mark 5Oth Anniversary Mi-. and Mrs. George W. bouquet of gaîd 'mums fi-r Graham of 29 Se cond St., Bow- the Town of Bowmanville. Mr.1 nianville, received rnany calls, Graham was employed with gis and messages of congrat- the Town staff for some 15 ulationt on the occasion of their years before bis retirement. A Golden' Wedding Anniversarv,, most weleome message of con- October lSth. The reception; gratulations was that received was held at the Memorial Park! fromn Prime Minister St. Laur- Club House. ent. Mrs. Graham is the formerý Mrs. Graham wore a grey Elizabeth Ann Poolton, and ber rp dress and matching hat 'barriage to Mi-. Graham took ý for- the occasion. and a corsage .'ace on October 15th, 1905, at. of red roses. The groom had lowden-on-Tvne, Naithumber- a white carnation boutonniere. land, England. Mr. Graham A bouquet of yellow rosebuds, and the eldest son, William, tegf ftegadhlrn cameto anaa i 193, rs.was presented by granddaugh- Graham and five children fol- ter Doree n Brown and grand- Iowi ng in 1924 and settling in son Thomas Graham, Jr. Bowmanville on Higb Street. Guests were welcomed on. They later built their own entering by members o! the home where they now reside. family, with Mrs. Ben'King, ai 'Yheir youngest child was born niece, in charge of the guest in Bowmanville. book. This book was a work The honored couple were aio art, being beart-shaped, very pleased that ahl members. fashioned of mauve silk, edged of their family of six sans and'i in gold lace with mauve and one daughter, ahl of wbomn are gold streamers and bearing maried, were present for the gld lettering. It was made by occasion. They are William., i Mrs. Gea. W. Graham, Jr., thei-r Oshawa, Sarah (Mrs. Bruce' daughter-in-law. Fuilong ), Tao-onto; Thomas, A tea table at the other end G e rejr , Robert, John, a!! o!f o! the hall was beautifully Bowmaxiv ile; Albert, Prescott. decorated with two sets o! sui- They also have 19 grandchild- ver tea service and silver bas- Yen al of whom were presefp.t. kets of roses. Pouring tea îa The hall was tastefully de- the afternoon were Mrs. JackZ corated and the table where the Poolton, sister-in-law o! the1 couple received was lovely with bride, and Mrs. C. Arkle, Osh-t white and pink wedding beils awa, and Mrs. R. MeKinnon1 and gold streamers, centred and Mrs. S. Hays, Oshawa, int with a three-tier wedding cake the evening. made by their only daughter. Serving were Mesdames B.i and beautifully decorated by Fui-long, W. Graham, T. Gi-a-c their son Thomas, a former ham, G. Graham, R. Graham,1 baker. Gold candles flanked J. Graham, A. Graham, grand-E the cake. daughters, June Brown, Dor- In spite of wet weather a een Brown, Barbai-a Graham.1 large number of relatives and They were assisted by Mm~ A. friends called bath afternoon Etcher, Mrs. W. Woolley, Mrs. and evening. The couple re- A. Lobb, Mns. H. Hughes, MrF. ceived many beautiful gifts, A.ý Maijerrisan and Mrs. Ed. numerous cards, telegrams and Rundle.i1 flowers, including a beautiful During the evening, Mrs. Le A. PARKER & SONS PLUMBIG NEAING -OIt BURNERS 47 KING ST. E.. BOWMANVILLE. MA 3.5651 1 WEDDING TURNEY - ROBLIN A wedding of Bowmanvill interest taok place in Milford United Church on Saturday af- ternoon, Sept. 24, when Ehlet Elizabeth Marie Roblin of Pic- ton became the bride of Mr- Glen Arnold Turney of Bow- manville. The bride is the daughter o! Mi-. and Mrs. Wil- liam Thompson Roblin, Picton, and the groom is the son of Mr-. and Mrs. Ernest Claude Turney, Bowmanville. The ehurch was decorater with white and yellaw 'mums, palms and ferps for the cere- mony which was performed by Rev. Robert Sberwin, assistec by Mn. George Wright. White satin bows marked the pews. Mrs. Laverne Wright sang 'Fil Walk Beside Yau" before the ceremony and "At Dawn- ing" during the signing o! the register. Mrs. George Wriglit played the wedding music' and accompanied the soloist., The bride was given in mar- riage by ber father, and wore a fhoor length gawn 'o! white Chantilly lace over nylon tulle and satin. The bodice was but- toned down the' baek and fea- tured a sweetbeart neckline en- hanced with sequins. The full skirt of lace was fasbioned Nith scalloped diamands o! ny- lon tulle aver satin. Her French illusion fingertip veil was bar- dered with lily of týie valley and caught ta a pheated tulle ,onnet trimmed with sequins and pearis. She caried a bou- quet o! red roses and tiny white 'mums. Miss Marean Jamieson, Osh- awa, was maîd o! bonar, and ridesmaids were Miss Barbara Cochrane and Miss Dorathy ,IcLean, also of Oshawa. The attendants were gowned alike in very full wahtz length gawns fd ice blue crystalette with ound pleated necklines, cap sleeves, and pleated gathers at te hip line. Tbey ware ban- eaux of matdsing feathers and carried bouquets of yellow ;asta 'mums. Mi-. Richard Ward, Clare- nont, was best man and ush- rs were Mi-. Chai-les 'Coch- 7ane, Oshawa, and Mr-. Hugh îoblin, Pictan. A reception followed in the ,urch hall whieh was decara-1 I Il r c ci 1 AM READY TO SERVE YOU' JI will be pleased to take your clothes for Dry JCleaning at our store, 77 King St. W., and have them fresh and spotless for you when you return. FOR FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY - I PHONE MA 3-5520 Bowma nvi lie -:Cleaners &Dyers Ltd. Operated by Carl and Ed. Leslie Grace Kersey 77 KING STREET WEST B3e Wise à % Buy Canada Savings Bonds NO019 at any brancIh of. TH E CANADIAN BAN K 0F COM MERCE OU RINAfN 700 &RANCHES ACROSS CANADA M-lé e i -i Il Golden Wedding, Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. George W. Graham, Sr., 29 Second St., Bowmanville, were the recipients of manv cails and messages of congratulation on the occasion of their 5th wedding anniversary on Saturday, Oct. 15. The couple welcomed friends and relatives at a rcccption held in the Memorial Park Club House, when ail members of their family were present with them. Deputy - Reeve Wed in Toronto, Mr. John Payne, popular Deputy-Reeve of Manvers Township, is shown with his bride, the former Mrs. Thelma Marie Neal of Toronto. They were married in Carlton Street United Church, TÉoronto, on October 7, and will ceside at the groom's home, Pontypool. -Photo Courtesy Toronto Telegramn ted with pink and white Mai streamers and -wcdding bell-.'JIn the EdtrsM i The three-tier weddingi cake, candles and pink carnations de- MORE MEMORIES corated the bridc's table. ABOUT ENNISKILLEN The bride's mother received Port Perry, wcaring French blue cre pe October l2th, 1955 and lace with navy accessoriesDerM.Jms and (orsage of pink roses. The erM.Jms groomis mother assisted weair- I was pleased ta read in The rng rosewood crepe and lace Statesman the story of Ennis- with navy accessories and cor- kiilen by Dr. L. B. Williams. i sage of tiny white 'muras. recognized a number of namesi For their wedding trip tao (f people of that day and articles Quebec and the Adirondacks, in use sueh as "Palper Collars", the bride chose a steel blue though I neyer wore one of dreýss xith pastel rose coat, them. matching hat and gloves. Her It was quite true what he said corsage wvas of pink rosebuds.I of "Credif' or "Charge" instead Mr. atid Mrs. Turnes' wilI re- of cash, in making a purchase side in Bowvmaîîville. bv even those who had the cash. Guests attended the wedding 1 rec .ali as a small boy accom- from Ottawa, Kingston. Camp- panying my aunt, Mrs. Jane beilford, Coîbornie, Oshawa, Hibbert, on her shopping round Balsam-, Peterborough, Toron- that she alwavs "charged," and to and Hamilton. then was ready with cash or cheque w'hen the account was rendered. I recail driving as a small boy, 75 years ago, with mv aunt in a Bill Glover livery with driver and going to Enniskillen and Hîîtchinson was stil! the merch- ant there and mvr aunit speaking to him and telling me later hel $O~UIO* was no relation of mine. I also recaîl that Wes. Me- Cung ran the store there. He xvas related to the Bowmanville ciClutigs and Shaws. 1 used to hear mv chum, Jack Shaw, now of «Toronto, frequently speak of his cousin Wes. Steve Cotton ivas ,vell known and his place, now part of Boys Ï,Y Training School, %vas used for pinics. 1 think he was.a man ofratherviolent temper and ~ feared as such. T!he Sta -s Dr. Williamsn refers' to w ere women's coi-sets, Frenh ,- NEW W'hen ý'ou get a Fec chef ta /:/t.IP ERS touch mass-produced, quick- frQzen foods m;ith a ten-foot i hePr.Pstd apr spoon-that's a kitchen revolu- heà, -te Pprs1 tion. Yet soine fifty quick-frozen ' are now in stock t Gallic dliîcacies are now being marketed by a French compan They are Pasted, of CookS. Prccision Trimmed Wýc're glad to report that and will stand aluminum gels a Cordon Bleu 4 . from the gastronomes. They, use repeaLeu washing it in conseyors, containers and Litchen cquipmcnt- and thev use Be sure to see themn and nothing else for paciaging their gtfilrpriuas prodîîcis. 'Ihev respect the e.iy 4 e ife priuas é tsCc.odOrIess, nmoitire- 1Ie pioot alurninîm respects iheir " lr c-ainkeepig their fre'.h- thy5Paint & WaIIDaDerè AI UMi\Ni OMP\'~F 4 Phone MA 3-5431 ýf CANADA, LTD. (ALCAN) j'85KnS. ,Bomanville /é The world's largest Bibles are the Braille and Moon Bi- bles for blind readers. 1 i Braille 39 volumes occupy 7 feet of shelf space and weigh nearly 150 pounds. Thev con- tain 5,356 pages 14 x 12 inches. A 'Moon" Bible requires 12 feet of space and consists of 58 books. Braille is a systemn of raised dots and Moon has lem- bossed partial letters for peo- pie with less sensitive fingers. Even blind people without ià arms have learned to read it' with their tongues. Parts of the Bible in Braille have been made available in over 100 languages by Bible Societies although only about 40 of these are in current use. They are co-operating with the United Nations to International System, Publishing costs of an ordin- ary Braille Bible run to near-ý ly $100 or about $2.50 per vol- ume but are sold at $10 com- plete or .25c per volume an 'v- where in the world. Moon costs more to produce but is sold at' the same low price. In Canada 137 people in 100,000 are blind. U.S.A. has 250,000 sightless citizens. In- dia and Pakistan have 2,000,- 00.Q totally blind. Upper Can- ada Bible Society is planning to present a complete Bible ta the Canadian National Insti- tute for the Blind for its ne\V library soon to be opened in Toronto. For the blind who cannot I read any embossed systemi the! complete Bible is available on 169 Talking Book records.1 While very costly to produceo these are available at .25c per dise.1 Helen Keller has highly1 commended the Bible Societ'i s' for 'bringing the light of faith to those who dwell in physical dàrkness." : Here's the world's newest and finest shaver by Schick - inventars o! electric shaving. It gives the ciosest shaves in the histary of the face - for these 3 reasons, exclusive with Schick: Super-Monod Heods with New anorpnots. RHoned and fished ta a shorpness unmatched by ariy Curved CoMbe with New Precision. Curved sllopg presses dorn slcrn for genfle shoves. Comb guides *ocic whisker into place no motter which way li grows. 3 H-Power Moto, with N.wPefton Snop it On wthh 0 touch of the ssitch. World's most powerful * notor for its sue. More thon enough Power Io shove thse (ougisest whiskers, //O1t04>/yZ /v ykm ',6*kp Hocpeur sJewellery & 28K*nSS. .Gift Shop 28 ingSt.W.Bowmanville MA 3-5747 Frank Crowe, on behaîf of the North Ward neighbors, present- ed the couple with a bouquet of yellow roses and a sum of money. Mrs. B. King for the relatives, pýesented them with a sum of money. In the even- ing, the bride's only surviving brother and his wife, Mr. an d Mrs. Jack Poolton, Elgin St., received with the honored couple. Later, their eldest son and daughter presented tbem with a purse- of maney on bebaîf of the immediate family. Their son George, on behaif of his brothers and sister, in a fe w well chosen words thanked h is parents for ahI they bad don e for their children, bestowi.- g much praise for a job well done. Although much affected emotionally, the happy couple thanked the gathering for al most enjoyable and memorable, day. Shortly after fine o'eloek, formality ceased, and aIl join- ed in dancing to reeordings and the music pravided by Mrs. R.i Evans at the piano. Guests' attended from Minden, Pes-1 cott, Peterborough, Toronto, Oshawa, Courtice 'and Haydon. wvhich all women wore at that e peio adinwhe teyl Ce!ýo bou rg Goes in their waists tili it is a miracle how they breathed, and tbey e were knawn as *'Wasp-Waisted." i M o e nW ith Prenella footwear was worn i b vboh enan wme. Dia l o e remember wearing a pair myscîf iO e Styles change, as vou know'. All telephones in the Cobourg tber easa siod men aea were eut over ta dial opera- wore trausers that were literaUl tion on Sunday morning, Oct. a pair of bags, and at another 16th, codn oS .Vn they wore t r o u s e r s that acrigt .R a- were sa tight they couild hardl ' ydusen, Bell Telephone manager get into them. Then we a!! wore for that region. tai! coats. Present day styles This will mean quite a change seemn a bit more sensible, for district patrons, because ahl 1 was a constant visitor at Dr. 'phone nuimbers will be eh ang- J. McLaughlin's home an Beech ed for the area. In addition, ia-! Ave (now Lions Commuinitv stead of dialing '*Operator " to Centre) as 1 was a school chum report 'phones out of order.ý o! his son Arthur. As a smalh usoer.iî .wb rq i boy at the Miss Welch's private ta dia! -114" to report such dif- sehool I used ta hear theni tel! s af their brother-in-law b til d fe tes that boiuse with its two l Bowmanville phoned users, the gaies, which were at a later date j first smaI! towý%n ta have dials sold or rented as individual homes and Beech Avenue open- ed uip. 1 HIGHLY STYLED 1Major erthur S. McLauglilin,tî MODERATELY PRICED who was killed in the Fi-st World War, used toc frequentlv' LADIES' WEAR speak o! his uncle. the late Robt. La ou McLaugh lin, father of Col. R. S.I ou McLau.ghlin of Osham7a, and bis carriage and blacksmith shap atj / Enniskillen and his later remav- j acqu eln al to Oshawa. Sincerelv, Cr to eia H. G. "Bert" Huteheson. Co.Ahl& einO aw The Bible SWI*$STE#I#rail To - Day SU TENDER AND, J'1EME. Dredge round steak with flour and pun with edge of «oe ooii plate. Brown in a little hot fat. Add 1 tin condcnsed AYLMER Tomato Soup, rver pan, ladsime 1/2hors ortiMatO S tede IAYLM EZ R TLyoMaT su AMessage for VOTERS As iembers of the Womans Missionary Society, and the Berean Bible Class of Ebenezer United Church, we go on record as opposing any outiets for the sale of alcoholic beverages.- Owing to the close proxiniity of this community tô Bow- nianville, the town is a centre for education, shop- ping, sborts and entertainment for our people. We wish it to continue to be the type of town that will contribute to the best deifmvnt of our young people. We pledge our support fo you, wIio aval yourselves of the opportunity to vote aÜainst the opening of new outlets for the sale of alcoholic beverages, on Oct. 26th. à SCHICK "25" Trode in your oid efectrkc shaver - ny mnake or con- dition- on a new Schclc 'M5 With trodo.,,, you pay on/y 2 6.951 AND 6E? us A suppsV< Ot VITAMINS. WEN YOU SUN THEN TibiREÇ NOU CAM OEPEt4O ON GrtTTriNG TuE SST# way back in 1937, will sympa. thize wvîth Cobourg folks in their problem of becoming accustom- ed to the new svstem, but could also tell themn that, once they have learned the new numbers, the dia! arrangement will be found to be much more conven- lent. "- ANO JIM. Wit.L YU STrOP AT j 0 U RY& THE CANADIAN STATESMAN nwmi&'DTe% 1 20 1 -..Omà>