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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Nov 1955, p. 11

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-"tt'SDAY, NOV.., rd. 1955 THE CANADIAN AEM . OMNMLOTM Rotary Holds Panel ôn- Comm unist Motives Inducts New Members An intereting panel discu:i- ano, who has travelled throu gh £lion on whether the present Russia; and several members friendly atttu4e of Russia !o- of the club in addition to the Ward the West is sincère, vas panel members, took part in COflducted at the regular -meet- the discussion. Dr. Mikios is ing Of the Bowmanvmnle Rotary, now practising in Newcastle. Club on Fridlay by the Inter- Dr. Siemon started the dis-; jtonal Affairs Committee uni- cussion off by stating that since ~Rotarian Keith Siernon. the death of Stalin, the Rus- ~pnew members; Kenneth sian attitude has been one of antry d- William Steven, increasing. outward friendli- re also initiated into Rotary ness ta the westerni powers. lernbership. The purpose of the panel dis- rL.S. Mîkios, a native of cussion, he said, was to try ~1Ingary, 1 which was under and ascertain whether this at- t*h Qernian and Russian dom. titude was sincere. Ifiitton during and after World He introduced L. W. Dippeil, Wer I, Rev. John Kitchen, Or- who apent some time in Rus- -sia in 1918 as a member of a field artillery unit. Mr. Dippel] ;p explained that in World War j~fl j IV"i~V 1, the Russians had fou.ght on ~ QJ.(JJ~ the side of the allies until early "in 1917 when the people rebel- led against the Czarist reginie and a people's councîl took PC OU over the governiment. Germany hacked Leni n in his move to rh r take control of the govern- ment but England and France were very wary of Lenin and the Bolsheviks because they feared the spread of this type of communism ta other Euro- %pean countries. For this reason the British sent an expeditionary force into Siberia and a field artfl- lery unit in which Mr. Dippell served ta Archangel, from iwhere it proceeded 400 miles iniand. Mr. Dippeli found the SRussiani people where he was stationed ta be very ignorant and dirty. The animais were kept under the sarie roof in which the people lived, he said. The British and Canadilan ar- ~~ tillerymen also found them -ta be treacherous, since they turned on them eventually. Rotarian Arthur Morgan ask- Dark, dreary days depres. ed Dr. Miklos what he had cananies, toc. Thay just don't found the Ruasian people ta be fee! lk singing. But now-gaod like at the present time. Dr. mmw for canary coboratisras 1If Miklos stated that there is no- thing wrong with the people tbey'I1 anase te have th themiselves and had found themin bette.oe their capes lned with to be good-hearted and friend- aluinuci, theyli sing thmogh ly as long as they were flot on the darkcst day. The' ight duty. The Newcastle doctor also pointed out that It is a r.ffected frein the sparkling different rhatter with their MW ot!it tivus thair SeUls that leaders and top Communist qwmatilmolift. party members, however. "The Poopi. hidedl.u ho"ohld Rtussans have learned ta amile use fo aumiumfoi. ou now, but can anyone point out um fr auminm fil. o d one concrete tact ta show their tndustry-tor ev«ything frons incerity", he asked. "Thev fte ftghtins clothing to photo- don't say "no" naw, they say Ilash buibi, to wrapping for "I don't think so". I believe the cindy and food. Canada umd 8 aini of the Russian leaders are Milio pond o fol astyer. the aime as they were before milio puna o fu ai ~ they adopted their recent ,ALUMINUM COMPANY OF friendly attitude". CANAbA, LTD. (ALCAN> Historleal Revlewt Rev. Morgan went back into "orm 6UtB NvI *ON WOULD PP*GREeS MORE RAP IDLY IF VOUP M1A'JE A RELIABLE HEPATING £EPEtT PUT VOUR FURNACE IN PROPER WOIkKING ORDE-R.!" £Iw.ys COU -a RelNom. Ne.tlng Contractor for Expert Workmanship-wQuolity Matorlalit Try Le A, PARKER & SONS PUJMBING -*-NE.ATING - OIt BURNERS dl KING ST. E. - 80WMANMVLLE - MA 3.565 DUIFFERIN PARK, TORONTO Oct. 221. Nov. 8 1- p.m. Oct. 221 Nov. 4 AND t:30 p.m. Nov. 5m8 ADVM. (mnc. Tax).$1.15 No children under 16 First Class Lunch Counier history ta point out that the ~ J~i doing for others. The aoa!., Rsi leaders have been su.,- nofai lnitting and sewing she a.r pilu fteetfor man,,': th comphshd foritmilies centuries. Peter the Great hai fpise or ail l deviated tram this attituaie ,T lp nls o eled, for Red Cross workMs~ ec n anly because he wished hissin and Church Bazaar, wag country ta learn western in- beodconIg dustrial methods sa the coun- lu h C in Early. this summer she f--, Iý40 irs.' crian leaders have always hael and suftered a fractured hii, dn-Lit a plan for expanding through1 The cairn commcmaratrgcsiating sSeriden i ey the G the east inta China and India. the first World Pioughing esitin svrawekin e othG, and through the southwest into Match, held at the home fr hospital. Throughout ahl her Rubber Camp; Atrica. lof the United Counties Home suffering and discomfort sti here and veter "Tispln ! xpnsononyfor the Aged two years aga, maintained hier familiar cheert ic ecpi fro faispbeaus of epninol will be planted with tulips sent disposition and was sa hapoy Wai Denny faild bcaus oftheinefficien- from Holland.pui alDen cy of the Czarist regime', le we ragmnscud declared. "The Communists at The tulips, due ta arrive in a whnraneens aldb the present time are stili after short time, are sent as a gift mnade ta return ta her home. the same things as the Czari. by Dutch ploughmen, samne of Right up until the week before EThey have already gotten into whom campeted in the 1953 her death she was busy knit- China, they are warking on In- ploughing match in Cobourg., ting Christmas gifts and there dia from within, and Africa News on the tulips was wir- are many articles iabeiled for has been their happy hunting ed ta Perov Goodings of the their destination. 9 grounds because -the west has Counties Plaughman's Associa- Although since maving tram I done lîttle to combat them tien by J. D. Thomas. ,presi- her farm home ta the village, ~ there". He believcd that the dent of the World' Ploughing ghe lied attended St. Paut's plans o! the Russian leaders for Association. Church, assisting with ail its world domination are still the Presents Problecm work, she haed aiways main- same as they were before thé A problem has arisen ovor tained a warm interest in the death of Stalîn in spite o! their1 the care and upkeep a! thp ehurch o! her chiidhood. It ' more friendly external show at flowers however. ît s nt seemed fitting that ber funeral the present time. known whether the Counties, service should be heid tram St. Rotarian Charles Carter ex- which furnished the land for' Màry's, the oldest church in presscd the opinion that the the cairn site. of the tawn if Manvers township, which her present Russian attitude is Cobourg whie~ will provide parents haed helped ta build. A camouflage for their real aimns. power and lighting for the nephew, Robert Sisson, presid- "The tact that they are pre- cairn, will undertake ta plant cd at the organ, accompanying senting a different front ta the and cultivate the tulips. the choir tram St. Pa.uls wesernword a prgen dos Te cirnioctedin ron o!cburch. As they sang "For Al wesernwold t resntdoe Te cir loatd i fontofThe Saints Who From Their net mean thcy have abandon- the Counties Home for the aged Labors Rest", we thought how cd their plan of warld domina- should be bright with flowers aptly it suited the occasion. tion", hie asserted. He aima feit awing ta the graceful gesture. The Rev. T. S. Gauit conduot- they may be trying ta find It has been suggested that plos cd the service and as we lis- Sidney weaknesses in NATO ta create sibîy anc or more of its accu-' tened ta his eulagy concerning a sense o! false' security. pants might take on the respon- hrlf;hrfihu'tahnalregtei Mr. Carter also feit that the sibility af looking aiter the tuin he litecoo; her fattltac-n aiae pgahlei mare friendly and co-operative lips. tive work in ahl the branches ference roam ea attitude of the Soviets might af the church, in the Wamen's An accaunt be due ta their wish for marc Institute and the Red Cross So- lite and cre expert markets and mare fav-IU R ity etogh Wl 1on, e cre arable treatmcnt 'in trade O IU R ce tho g o ndtathfll servant; mie ome A agreements with the western ~ANEM ISN ert ou an inth joserofty factsm h word.Lord". We are quite sure there A native ai Lesa Disinjît By1Mnr. Rosa Carr will be a very special place re- Little was edut Rotarian Alan Strike felt A littîs aId lady has passed served. among the saints for there for 26 yci that the recent cordial treat-onan ueytetuptMisSsn.ngtBwmv ment afarded Canada's Minis- Sn, and surelylthe trumptetbeMiss1Sisson. ter of Externial Affairs, Lester have sounded a wcîcome on.-he as loingla carrindtaintao anc B. Pearson, and newsmcn tra- the other aide. Miss Aninie. family plat in the cemetcry ad- the boliers. T, velling in his party may indi- Margaret Sisson, aged 91 ycars, joinîng the church by six ne- when the New cate a genuine lcssening af daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. Mi. phews: Dr. Elmo Sisson, Bow- started operatiai ern nations. "They may also chael Sissan, pioncer settiers avnl; Hrs AlantnaCa- RobrtFanayr. realize that we are grawing ai Manvers township, died tan; Gardon Staples, Cavan' hcad engineer. 1 stranger militarily and thcy peacefully et ber home in the William Hannah and Aibanchargea!te may have came ta the conclu- village of Bethany on Tuesday, Sisson ai Bcthany. bouler roam evei sion that for this reason alane October 25th, following a brie! :"For those we lave within the "Sid", as he they will have te adopt a mare ca-operative attitude", he said. illneus of one week. veil, who once were cami- practically everyi He. still did nett eed that the Much could be writtcn o! rades ai aur way, manville, has Russians have abandoned their this gentie lady who had lived .We thank Thec Lord, for thcy hours ta bis duti hope o! world domination, ber useful lite time ini the cam- have won ta cloudlcss day. bably put ini however. Free froni the fret o! mortal hours than anyor Rev. Morgan pointed out fiunity. always reidy with a years and knowing now At anc tume it w that the Russians actuallJy helping hand outstretched ta Thy perfect will, him ta work seve have little reason for feeling taei ed Teifune Wîth quickcned sense and and he bas bct friendly toward the westerrx and exemple af her lite and her beiheed jy, heysereheursfar n th powers as the anlv tume that. iue rit n ,,n ..n Tecsil."hî,- rvfii tbey have helpcd Russia w. when it served their own end! Dr. Mikios pointed ont tha bath England and the Unitel States had sent them vas amounts o! supplies ta defent teir country durîng Warl( Wrar II, but Rev. Morgan re -Jplied that even this was don essentially tram seifish m(c tives. Dr. George James askcd Ro tarian Ross Strike what sort o jmen the Russian engineers ser over ta wark with -Ontaria Hy dro on a project during the las war bad been. Mr. 9trike re piied that the aider engincer who had been educated durini the Czarist regime had beet very capable men, but wher these were recalied and yaung er men sent over, they bac been typical hardoare Com. jmunists and their engineering knowledge bad becen sketchy iRev John Kitchen tald ai tra. J veiling tbraugb Russia in thE 30's and «-tated that be bac tonnd the people very cordial and friendly. President Keith Jackson thanked Ratarian Keitb Sic. mon for arranging the panel discussion, and the members and guests for taking part ir it. He weicomed Dr. Miklos andi Rev. Kitchen and three Rotar- ians tram Osbawa; Stan Ever- son, Jack Graham and Ross Mills, ta the tneeting. Two new mnembers. Kenneth Werry. Superintendent of the i Ontario Training Scbool for Boys, and William Stevens, new awner o! Robson Motars, were initiated into member- ship in the Bowmanville Ro- tary Club by Past Presidents Morley Vanstone, Walter De- Geer and Mcl Dale. Mr. De Geer prescnted the new mcm- beswith copies a! the Rotary Sbook "Service Is My Business" and cxplained that they would be expected ta impart the mes- sage o! Rotary ta thase witn wham they came in contact ini their professions. M 1lr. Vanstone presented te wihtheir dinner b9dges and informed them that their regu- lar attendance is a necessity iin preserving the fellawship ai the club. Mr. Dale impressed aon the new members that the primary abject o! Rotary is i 'Service Abave Self" and pre- sented therm with framed rc.rolls of the Rotary Code of Ethics. President Jackson pre- sented themn with the club ras- ter and welcomed thcm inoa the club. Sccretary Jim Stutt read aj latter tramn Ajax Rotary Club stating that it had held a jointJ imeeting with the -Scarborougii Rotary Club at which the OF Rabson Memorial 4ell bad been passed along in its tour around the clubs o! District 246. A letter o! thanks for ýh 'Ratarv share o! te $27.80 con- tribution ta the Boy Scoi.;t Ap- pie Fund realized at the recent inter-club meeting xvas reccrv- cd. A bumoraus presentation wvas made b\ Rotarian Dave Marri- son. who presented a capy of ! -Dag Research Progress Bulle- tin" ta Rotarian John James who had di!ficulty recentlv d,- termining the sex of the tam- iiy pup. President Jackson made a' birthday presentatian ta Rotar- ian Jim Hogarth, and Rotarian Pete Newell and George James jwon tickets in the b(aple Lez! hockey draw. The president congratulated Rotarian Mark Roenigk on the tact thathi stepson. J. P. May berry. had ià iecentlv received bis Ph.D. in IMathe maties* tram Princeton Uniiversiry. -, impe ceeaor . LU1LLgunto Rs thersas you would be donc s.- by" will shine as a guiding t light tealal thase who maurn ýd her pausing. et As a young woman, she knew dthe care af an invalid mother, dWho was confincd ta a wheel chair for many years. Her de- le votion and care was aomething ta marvel at. Although it cur- tailed many pleasures, '%he neyer complained. Aiter ber Ifmother'm death, she remained Lthe unmarried sister in a large it family and she went whenever -and wberever she was nécdcd, attending the births ai nieces Sand ncphews ai four genera- 9 tions; helping in the homes ai neach family in tgrn, where hber cheery presence . was beyondi valuation. When a brother's wife died suddeniy from the result ai a car accident, she -went ta keep bouse for him until bie family couid make other arrangements. When ber sister Dorathy became ill, she went ta bier houmcbald and *gave ber ioving nursing care 1for many ycars. Foliowing ber *sistcr's death, she remained ta look aiter the weifare o! bier brother-in-iaw, Artbur Flack. Sbe nnrsed hlm thraugb a long illness until bis death just two years ago. It is twenty-thrce years since we moved te aur home, next door ta Miss Sisson and we cannot sp.eak taa highiy o! bier as a gaad ncighbor. We wiii miss bier so mnch. She bad such a happy sincere way o! living; a! apprcciating the lit- tic every-dýy tbings a! lufe. Our hanses are In very clame proximity, sa that we talked ta eacb other tbrongh open windows in gaod weather. Wc will miss bier calling ta notice the beautitul sunset, a new family a! birds nesting in the tree. or, a rainbow aiter a storm. Wben there was sîck- ness in aur home, Miss Sisson was always bere, doing for aur welfare. She bad an uncanny sense of the way things cao pile up samnetimes when there are small cbiidrcn in the bouse. Often, we rememnber berE comning, and "May. I borraw the baby for awhile; I j»ve nathing ta do .iust now and want some company." How did she knaw se weii when heip was needed? Our cbiidren loved ta go "next door". Thev werc always sure a! a welcome. i Miss Sisson was neveu' too busy to invent ncw games ta play,. ar read their favorite staries ta them. Her time wasalaways spent The Statesm@n SoId A( Following Stores Reg. Edmund's Store. Bethany Johnson's Drug Store. Newcastle T. Enwright, Newcastle S. Brown. Newtonville C. Pethick. Enniskillen T M. Siemon. Enniskillen F. L. Bvam. Tvrone G. A. Barron. Hampton Trull's Store. Courtice A. E. Ribev. Burketon H. T. Savwell. Blackstock Keith Bradley. Pontvnpool C. B. Tyrrell. Orono H. K. Reynolds. Kendal Gilbert Food Market. Millbrock Henderson's Book Store. Oahawa Bo* *. - owma.nville - R. P. Rlckabv, - 'IBliz 20" W. J. Berry Jack's Smoke Shop Rite's Smoke Shop Jury & Lovele Goheen's Handy Store The Stateiman Office I fllounîedon oncw Liieguard design featUres j the drve a 0h icli protects dierfrom 'ntact '%oi t sterig we the event of an accideîît Fod ast eerin t8eh î oo at s iwith a specical dob ewr, th tprevents doors from oenng ude r ipt poWer, a tc.ouh i neans * instant ans5-wer ... addd psing safetY i rffC nthe highway'. ,Od' mre responsIve brakes ana pOwr i#Cr ~d ride ail waik toget .her 1ojiiake yon arjviflg saje r. mLittle iized for Service Le, Plant Engin. 'odyear Tire &i pany Ltd., plant ýan of civic poli- his 40-year ser- n Vice-President recently before yLittle ing o! lang-ser- rs in the con- it the plant. a! Mr. Littic's- rwith the firm %bert Cale. wào umour with the Part Hope, Mr. iated - and iived !ars before cam- iille in Septcm- starting to work on hand-firing rwo years later ,Toronto plant Dns, the late moved there ta Little became H{e has been ini îwer hanse and er since. bis known ta yadult ini Bow- devoted long les and bas pro- mare workmng )ne at the plant. vas cammon for ren days a week e,n cîlled Into ce wce morning ------------es ta-attend--t some situation in the bailer raomn or power plant. Very .Acive in Poitios During his 40 years in Bow- manville, Mr. Little bas been very active In. civic govcz'nment and community activities. He has held practicaliy cvery pqs- itian in municipal 'palitics tram l a member Ai the school board ta mayor. Sid has been Mayor o! Bawmanville three times andI Reeve seven times. includ- ing this vear. In bis capacitv as Reeve he bas attended a large number o! sessions ai County Council and narrowty mîssed being named Warden ai tie United Counties this year. He bas been a member o! the Board o! Directors o! Memor- ial Hospital for several years. *Mr. Little is a Past Grand o! Florence Nightingale Lodge No. 66, I.O.O.F., and District Deputy Grand Master thre times. He is keeniy interestcd in sparts, particuiarly basebali, and bas done nch ta promnote that sport in Bawmanvlle. Re bas served as Vice-President o! the Lakeshore Basebail Leagne and in ather capacities. OBITUARY REV. H. L. IVOLFRAIM Rev. H. L. Wolfraim, a for- mer beloved United Church minister of Courtice and Jan- etville circuits ini Durham County was a vîctim of a sud-i den heart attack at his home1 in Lakefield on Friday, Oct. 28,. Vi*gor Qi! Co. Ltd. FUEL CIL and STOVE QIL 3 STOVE 011 20 t ents per iai. FUEL ail 16 e ents Ver gal. 56 OlP (Ce, *rd' 09n" sm mdels, optimal ai e 'Ireouon aker.) b ej or see youi Fo s- I 1' 't ;~ -1 / nL cirlli h. a- Forda qj, -Your Ford.Monarch Dealer will give you the bes deal in town NO W... re you make any deal, we invite you to 'rd-Monarch Dealer and drive the '56 Ford! Ford Dealer For Bowmanville and District Showroom and Parts Depot at Newcastle Phone Newcastle 3251 For Delivery Phono Oshawa Ha S. 1109 6Z~16~'kA< -I- - ---- agreut new idea Îuned to CARVETH i g PAGE ELEVEN rhospitai. He was 60 years aid. Mr. Wolfraim was in the ministry for 36 years and was-t the immediate past- president* o! thc Bay o! Quinte confer- ence.& He was born in Castleton, o Ont., son o! James Frèderlck! Woifraim, ai Coîborne, and the lite Nettie Moore. Heewas cdu- cated at Castieton public. scbool, Cobourg high scboolib and Victoria Coilege, Univer- sity o! Toronto. He leaves is widaw. the for- mer Ruth Keane; is father;: one son. Harry, Toronto, tbree daughters, Mrs. William Harris (Helen) and twins, Anne and. Ruth, aIl o! Toronto; four' grýaîdchiidren; anc sister, Mrs. Charles MoOracken (Anne). Rochester, N.Y.; and a brothe, Melbourne Oliver Wol!raim. Cobourg. In 1922 Mr. Wolfraim ias bth married and ordaineil. He ccupied pastoral charges at Consecon, Wilred, Courtice, Janetvile, Lindsay and A- mante. Foi' the past three years he was pastr a! Lakefield Un- ited church. Mr. Woifraim was a men4ber o! the Granite Chapter, Royal Arch Masons N. 61, GRC of Almonte, and the Royal Black Perceptry No.'262 o! Lindsay He ivas secretary a! thc Bay' of Quinte Conference for eight years. The funeral service was held an Monday at Lakc!ield United cbuîch witb the service con- ducted by ministers a! the P-- terborough Presbytery. BuriRl was in Highland Memory Gai- 1 1 I.. ia d! la et as nt .1( re M LOý Io. 01 nl y- ISI ýe. ,r,ç ig M m Ici id n- ig Y. a- ie td RI ri n d s 1 -uLa 441011Y LillIt MOTORS

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