PAGE TWELVI THE CANAIDIAN STATESMAN. 2OWMANVIL. ONTARIO __________THUP.DAY, NOV.- 3rd, 1953' Haliman Drops Lead ln Major Bowling Lge. Polie y Takèes'Top Spot Dutch Hallman's team lost top rung in the team standingc for the first time this scheduie when Bill Polley's team took three straight games for seven points and ended up with 30 points. Hallman took over second spot with 29. Ernie Perfect led ail comres for high single game with 360. Five 'ither bowlers were over 300: Sam Woods 332, Bill Hearle 327. Ross Wright and Ted Bagneli 321, and Dr. Char- lie Austin 318. Ted Bagneil was the onlv bowler over 800 with scs of 253 - 321 - 257 for 83 1. This was Bagnell's best effort this sea- son. Fifteen other bowlers werel over 700: AI. Osborne 778, Ron Maynard 760, Ernie Perfecti 753, Dick Little 748, Ross Wright 745, Wi1d Bill Oke 739, Ted "Baldy" Hoar 722, Jirn Callan 719, George Elliott 706, Dr. Charlie Austin 704, Sam Wood 703, Doug Taylor 702. Elton Brock 701, and Bud Moses and Ron Richards 700. Secretary Fred Cole was the coolest bowler, when he' set a record low single game for this schedule of 79. Ab. Piper was having tough luçk and ended up with 113, Bill Begley and Ted Miller tied 115. Mî1ller bounced right back to win low triple score 409. ALLEY CHATTER This was a bad week for at- tendance and the bowlers are running behind schedule for the number of lost garnes and may lose Manager George El- liotts offer to win an extra $100 bucks. So regardless of where your team stands get out and bowl and have a little fun. Manager George Elliott's an- nual elimination tournament gets off to a big start in about 10 days so if any bowler is in- terested -in entering see the znanagerý and get ail the par- ticulars. This is open for lad- ies and mien. Standing 6th Week Teamn Won Lost P*s. Polley 12 6 30 Hallman 12 6 2 9 Lander --- l1 7 2 e Rundle 1() 8 24 Oke ---- p____ a1 3 Larmer -. 9 9 ) O'Rourke ~9 - 92 Bagnell 8 10 1 MeKnight -- 8 10() 1l Hoar ---- --- _ a 10 la Taylor--.-------. 6 12 15 Bates ~ 5 13 10 Averages Name. Ganes Ted Hoar ..-- ---- -- 8 AI. Osborne ---- 18 Ron Richards -----18 George Elliott ------- 18 Bill Hearle ---- - 18 Ron Maynard--------- 18 Elton Brock--------- 18 Ted Bagneli 18 BOi Oke----------18g Bill Polley- --------- l Russ Hahirnan-------- 18 Bill Westlake ---- --18 Bill M utton - ------ 1.5 Jack Gay . ---18 Norm O'Rourke ,----18 Ernie Perfect -------1.5 *Dick Little 18 Frank Williams --18 Bob Williams ------- 15 Doug 1'aylor- -------18 Art Spicer --- 18 ,Dr. Howard Rundle 18 Morley Vanstone --- 18 KarI Bickel - ----18 Jack Brough 18 Bob Stocker 15 Reg Hearle 15 Bill Steven 1?5 Bert Engley 18 Ed. Rundle ----- 8 l Bill Shotter------------ 18 Dr. Keitb Shemon ---18 Russ Oke -- -------18 George Piper --- 18 Bill Begley ---------....1,5 Ave. 2:33 224 '123 222 22. 2 221 213 2!6 216 213 212 211 209 209 20(7 205 203 205 204 204 20'1 ,20.1 202 201 201 201 200 200 200 We han die ail types of New Antennae at Lowest Prices One Year Warrant y wilh All Antennas Towne TV Antenna LLOYD HAMILTON BILL LEASIK Phone MA 3-5995 or MA 3-5919,for Fast Service Friday - 7 and 9:10 Saturday - Cent. 6:30 MGNDAY - TUESDAY - NOV. 7 - 8 - THE WIL.DEST BEAUTY IN THIE PARIS WMIftt. _ TECMNICOý..OR EUZABETH TAYLOR- VAN JOHNSON 'e'.-WALTER PIDGEON- DONNA REED Last complete show 9:11) WED. -TIllES. - NOVENDER 9 - 10 "Tih~Spot" lAw vv.big.Io@gu,..mobsters draina starrsng GINGER ROGERS - ED. G. R~OBINSON Last coniplete show 9:1o1 Ada Richards Top .Bowler' In Ladies'Major Bowling Ada Richards top bowler this week with thrpe good gaines totalling 732 flother Monday- night ot bowling and with it a number of rvallvy good games. Ada Richard-ts carne up with three gond grtntes ane a lovclv 301 giving berr a grand total of 732. There were - 29 girls whor. bowled over 200 gRnes with the nanm' et a oilotS: Ada Rivhîird:,ý30)1, 231, 200.1 Esta Etir 2.55, 225; Audrey Burns ;'5 5; Antain Nickerson L'54; Viv ('o\Nat 247: EdInu De Geer 243, 206;, 204; Doris .1o11 243; FElvanor 1 arnier 238; 1111- (in Brnck 23:1, 217; Helen 1)unnn 233; Lorraine Mat-tva d"29, 213: Dort- MittIu>,î227; Ev Sweet- maiti222: Bin'LBrown 221; Iy- dia Batfsý 221: Sadie Bîîcknel 211). 2r)4; Donna Mar-titi 218; Norma ia 215: Vel Miller 21:1; Elaine Manko 212; Dot Crorn- hie 211, 204; Met MvNilty 2101, Onie Ftcher 210); Mary Harri. soit 208, 201; Lyndla Gardner 20;Marie Yeo 206; Ann Gav 204; Vi Coole 2012; Bvrniece Bu- dai 201. Good bowling, gang. WV&re twelvc lernions with color briglht 'WV tried to get into the fight Given (<me %we il1 improve Next wveek wec1l be in the g roove. Here are the sorr-Y notes this Nveek: Edith Marlowe 99; Wil- ina Scott 99: Alberta Kelly- "'; Ruby Yandt 94: Shirley Bick:e 88: Beverley Disley 86; Doreen Holroyd 81; Marlene Falls 7"; Beth Chartran 74; Nancy Kel- so 73; Duaine Palmer 66. Ano White 64. Ed Rundie Bowls 294 For Top Score Teamr Points Pins McKnight-------- 29 18752 Bates ----- 23 1797,5 Perfect ----- 23 17014 Name Ave., Doris JolI ____-206 Hilda Brock 195 Berniece Budai -. -____195 Onie Etcher --- - --193 Ev Swectman 194 Lydia Bates 14>0 Anita Nickerson 18 Edna DeGeer £-86 jElranor Larmer 18,5 Norma GaY---1894- Ray Beauprie 184 Helen Piper IS3~. 13 Dot Crombie _____18{0 Ad Richards ---- 17.9 Lii 1-looper 17 Mary Harrison -- - 177 Marie Yen ---176 Sadie Buckncll 176 Olive Patfield 1.,5 Ena Etcher............174 Lorraine Martyn .17+ Vi Coole . ~1"43 Kàv Hendry 173 Molly Badger .. . 172 Helen T)unn 170 Mel McNulty 169 Viv Cowan 168 Dorc Mutton 1 t37 Norma Hooper ----- 167 Do t Brooks *.~16-1 Wilrna Bates 11H Mary Wilcox - ---------- 164 Edna Kerr --- --------------- 164 Audrce' Burns ------- 1#13 Ano Gay --------- --- 63ï Joan Englcy -------_-------- - 16:3 Fae Falls ---------------------- 162 Alyce Hodgson ---------------1'61' Lola Wright - ----------------- 161 Now Phi]lips girls are our top tearn They really are just on the bearn They're going to try in every way To keep their narne up ther-- to stay. Team Standings Naine Points Pins Lil Phîllips 32 17035 Berniece Budai 31 16863 Ev Sweetman. 26. 15746 Hilda Brock ----- 26 153671 Lydia Bates-------- 25 158 Anita Nickerson --23, 15124 Joyce Major- - 1.9 16193!: Eleanor Larmer- 18 164201 Front Street and Courtice Town League Winners Courtice handed the Forest- ers an 8-2 trimming in Towvn Hockey League action last Thtirsday night and the Front Street teain outlasted Miller's Taxi te win 10-8 in a irce- scaring game..- Barry Johnson turned the hat trick by s5ipng three goals for Courtice w2ile Gerald Sa.; - ers and Norm Sayers each notched two for the wood pro- ducts boys. Grant 14eron scor- ed>a single goal and assisted on threc others. Jin Levitt and Lal-ry Dewell scored unassisted goals for the Foresters. The. garne between Front Street and Millers was a free- scoring affair in which Front Street held the lead most ai the way but the Taxuxnen a!- ways kept within striking dis- tance. Don Rundle paced the main drag boys with four counters and Bil Lyle scored two. Single goals went to Don Bishop, Bob Williamns, Gerry Marjerrison and Ken Gimblett. Morley Richards notched 3 for the Taximen, Don Childs had 2 and Bud Perfect. Jack Baker and Buck Cowle ahl notchcd singletons.. B.H.S. Football ,Team Loses to Port Hope 2 1-6 The Bowmanville District I High Schaol football squad -lost to Port Hope High School 23-6 ina' colorful aild hard-fought game onWedne§ ai ternoon of ast eonek e yCreain of Barley park. The gaine as to have been the first "B" league gaine for the local teain, but coaches Jack Ross and Len Swatridge have been informed that B.H.S. is now classed as a Junior "A" squad rather than Junior "B". They' v i1l now be forced to play exhibition gaines. The Port Hope footballers were sparked in their win bv halfback Dave Greenaway 'and quarterback Bill Bullet. They opened the scaring in the first quarter when Buller. pitched out to Greenaway who gallop- ped 45 yards for the tpuch- down. The saine player went across for the visîtors' second TD in the second quarter. Bul- ~ Lecreation Ru Doln,' Etcher 21 1745g 1'na iEtcher --.----- -1,5 16055"- uè Sarnis ----------- 18 175,33 Onie Etcher....-- 15 15561 Dobbin--------------- 12 16434 Doris Joîl 14 15914 High Single-E. Rundle 294. Vi Coole----------- - 8 14532 Last week the coaches and High Triple-J. Martyn 787. High Single, Ada Richards- managers of the 1inor Hockey Only thrce men were over !301. Higb Triple, Ada Richards teains hcld a meeting at the 700 this wcek. Pete Dobbins -732. High Average, Doris Lions Cornrunity Cenitre to 714 and E. Rundie 745. Joll-206. draw up the rules and regula- tions that will govcrn the var- R. Watt Attends O.HA. iaus leagues this esn A few changes were inade Meet Learns New Rulles lintepi retosenhn the weaker teains, so that it Several rule changes have signalize the penalty, continues -ilb etrblne been made in Canadian Arna- to commit further infractionswilb a bttr aand teur Hockey Association regu- sucb as boarding or kneeing league. lations this year to speed up the player hie originally cross- Bantain and Pee Wce teains the gaine, prevent rough play cbecked. he can be given sep,- ,plyto 0mnuepr and protect the referces frorn arate penalties for cross-check- h lyto2-iuepr vabuse. ing, boarding a nd kneeing. iods, and the Atoin teains wull Thes chnge wer ouhind Thse egu~tios soul doplay two 15-minute periods per to es a hngof er officii hc-muh ta ire'tn h ga me gaine. It was stressed that ail toameeting of.fcaso o-mc oipoetegm for teains must start on turne an-J key clubs in the East-Central -spectatars. during the if any ane teain cannot ice a Ontario district at a meeting nt season, since referees have teain of at lcast six playets Peterborough on October 20 at been ordered not only to en- within five minutes of the sche- which Bob Watt represented force thern strictly, but also tol duldtm hnta e the Bowmanville Barons. Frank tighten up on other rules in -' uhll e te then at tIncae Buckland, President of the O. fractions. of a defaultcd gaine an exhibi- H. A., Secretary - Manager Wil- lion garne will be played b- liamn Hanley and other officials wethtotam.N exr explained the rule changes ta ItimI ween the grtw o tea oexr thfaihrith sthe wen Vhe Bil Palley wba are late starting. There thelia gathng 50 n t ldle tunwill be ogvrted to tcams go intoeffect at the start of n li ' __ il be no overtiregeriods the coming season. Ko IIs Big O ~ne' dulrne hergla egu ce One af the rule changes pro- udls vides rnuch stiffer penalties for À'L l' c r The first half of the schedule Smolesting a referce. This reads:VY iii 31I Scor will start next Saturday, Nov. 'Any player who touches, B Sbad aie hil ecvery holds, or strikes a referee or Bil Polley rolled the high? atrday tilI Decenber 17th. any officiai witb his hands or single af 312 un the Durbamn The second haîf of the sche- his stick or intentionaîîy trips Bowling League last Fridav dule will start on January 7th, Lor body checks any such of fi- night and George Elliott. had and will end Fcbruary 251h. cial shaîl receive a match pen- the high triple af 737. The The semi-finals wilI begin the alty and shall stand suspende& Bowmanville Foundry teani following Saturday. The semi- until bis case bas been dealt continues la show the way ta final playoffs will be the best with by the President. The u.,e the nine other teains. txvo out of three gaines. The of d substitute shahl be permit- Bow. Foundry 21580 42? finals will be a sudden deatb rnrncmmdiately". Bow. Cleaners 21425 35 gaine and will be played at the Changes Iii "Icing" Puck Palrner Mators - 21047 31! Minor Hockey Night on Satur- McNulty's Sports 20927 2831 day, Marcl-î3lst. 1Another iminp or ta n t ule Foreýters - ----- 20465 25ISwaes er sudtal I hageisdsine t mnm1ze L.O.L., No. 1 -_ 19765 24 players ait hast Saturday's prac- the practice af icing bbc puck, IA. & P ---------- 19985 23 tices and the coaches stressed which shows da\vn the gaine. H. E. P. C. _ --- 19762 20 the point that these sweaters The new regulation makes bbe Dominion Stores - 18809 12 aet ewr nya h defending teain responsible for L.O L., No. 2 ------- 16774 5ain o es and no lace lsh. at leasb try ing ta stop the puck gmsadn lc le before 1V goes to the end af the The following have 200 aver-- Teblneo h etn rink in their territory. Tbe ages: Fr-ank Lewins, 221; Bill h blne fte etn new ule states: "If, in tbe op-î Polley. 220; George Elliott, 217; was spent on drawing up the inio aiiberefece.thede~Ed Leslie, 213: Jin Levitt, 205; I variaus heague scbedules and fending side intenbionally ab- CrLel,20;Gorge Steph-jgieims stains froin playing tbc puck ens, 201, The schedules are as follows: prornplly wben they are in a position to do so, he shalso the play and order tbe resuit- ing facc-off on the adjacent corner face-off spot nearest 1 the goal af the teain at fauhlt' fi On a face-off, if anc ai the E,, '*' face-off by skating awax- as the puck is about ta be dropped, the new reguhabions pravideps _ thal the referernay drap the. puck anyway, thus giving tliý, opposing phayer bbc advantagti de 1nc iAdditionai èenalties Allowed Ana (ber regulation dsge ta minimize rougil play us that a player can be given addition- al penalties if be commits fur- t hem infractions ai the ule ai- ter the whistle has bhown far the first penal ty. For example, hearing the ite bhown ta o I For outstanding service on yo ir car See Us First *Body and Netai Department SFront End Corrections 0 General Repairs to ali makes of cars Your Car Shouid Have the Best For the Best in Service go to liffus o4son Motors Ltd. SALES AND SERVICE Phoo A -303Pontiac. Buick Cars G.ÀM.C. Trucks ]PoeM -33166 KN ST. EAST MA 3-5585 ler's field goal made the counit 13-0 for Port Hope. Fowier Scores For B.H.S. With less than five minutes to go in the first haif Bowman- ville's Ron Dickinson took a pass from quarterback John Fowler for a 35-yard gain. On the next play Fowler went the rernaining six yards on a quar- terback sneak for the only B. H.S. touchdown. He also kick- ed the convert. ta make the score 13-6. Greenaway scored his thiri touchdown for Port Hope in the third quarter and Bates added the final TD for the vis. itors in the fourth. The B.H.S. line is really rough on convert attempts and proved it in this jame by blocking ail four Port Hope kicks for extra points. The Cattran brothers; Doug and Dan, were standouts in the Bowmanville offenèe, while Ted Fairey played well on de- fence. BANTAM HOCKEY LEAGUE Gaine Tirnes: lst Gaine - 7:00 ar. 2nd Gaine - 7:45 ar. November- 5-Cornets vs. Huskies Tigers vs. Cubs 12-Huskies vs. Tigers Cubs vs. Cornets 19-Cornets vs. Tigers Huskies vs. Cubs 26-Cubs vs. Tigers Huskies vs. Cornets December- 3-Coinets vs. Cubs Tigers vs. Huskies 10-Cubs vs. Huskies Tigers vs. Cornets 17-Cornets vs. Huskies Tigers vs. Cubs January- 7-HuskLes vs. Tigers Cubs vs. Cornets 14-Cornets vs. Tigers Huskies vs. Cubs 21-Cubs vs. Tigers Huskies vs. Cornets 28-Cornets vs. Cubs Tigers vs. Huskies February- 4-Cubs vs. Huskies Tigers vs. Cubs 1l-Conets vs. Huskies Tigers vs. Cubs 18-Huskies vs. Tigers Cubs vs. Cornets 25-Cornets vs. Tigers Huskies vs., Cubs PEE WEE SCHEDULE Gaine Times: 1sf Gaine - 8:40 ar. 2ndGaine - 9:25 a.rn. 3rdGarne - 10:10 a.m. November- 5-Bruins vs. Red Wings Hawks vs. Leafs Canadians vs, Rangers 12-Leafs vs. Red Wings Canadians vs. Bruins Rangers vs. Hawks 19-Hawks vs. Canadians Red Wings vs. Ranger.; Bruins vs. Leafs 26-Rangers vd. B'ruins Leafs vs. Canadians Hawks vs. Red Wings Deceinber- 3-Leafs vs. Rangers Bruins vs. Hawks Red Wings vs. Canadians l0-Rangcrs vs. Canadians Leafs vs. Hawks Red Wings vs. Bruins 17-Hawks vs. Rangers Bruins vs. Canadians .Red Wings vs. Leafs January- 7-Leafs vs. Bruins Rangers vs. Red Wings Canadians vs. Hawks 14-Red Wings vs. Hawks Canadians vs. Leafs Bruins vs. Rangers 21-Canadians vs. Red Wingsý., Hawks vs. Bruins Rangers vs. Leafs 28- Bruins vs. Red Wings Hawks v,-. Leafs Canadians vs. Rangers February- 4-Leafs vs. Red Wings Canadians vs. Bruins - Rangers vs. Hawks 1l-Hawks vs. Canadians Red Wings vs. Rangers Bruins vs. Leafs 18--Rangers vs. Bruins Leafs vs. Canadians Hawks -vs. Red Winga 25-Leafs vs. Rangers Bruins vs. Hawks Red Wings vs. Canadians ATOM HOCKEY LEAGUE Garne Tirnes- Ist Garne - 11:00 ar. 2nd Gaine - 11:35 arn, November- 5-Barons vs. Harnets Indians vs. Bears 12-Homnets vs. Indiana Bears vs, Baron- 19-Barons vs. Inciilns Hornets vs. Bears 26--Bears vs. Indians Hoiets vs. Barons December- 3-Barons vs. Bears Indians vs. Hornels 1O-Bears vs. Hoîm-nc:i Indians v-s. Ba-ons 17-Barons vs. Homnets ,Indians vâ. Beaus January- 7-Hornets vs. Indians Bears vs. Barons 14-Indians vs. Barons Hornets vs. Bears 21-Bears vl. Indians Hornets vs. Barons 28-Barons vs. Bears Indians vs. Horngts February- 4-Beare vs. Hornets Indians vs. Barons il-Barons vs. Hornets Indians vs. Bears, 18--Hornets vs. ndi anS Bears vs. Barons * 25-Barons vs. Indians Hornets vs. Bears, U. K. Ambassador To Officially Open Royal Winter Fair Prominent figures in Cana- dian agriculture including the Rt. Hon. J. G. Cardiner, Fed- eral Minister of Agriculture, and. Hon., Fletçher -_S., ThomnaE. Miiiister of, Agriculture, for.- the Province of Ontario, are in- cluded arnong the Board of pi- rectors of the Royal Agricul- tural Winter Fair, and, with the management and staff, are now feverishly preparing for the Royal's gala opený*ng. ýn the Coliseum- here, November il. 1This year's Royal, which wîll be officially opened by Sir Roger Makins, the British Am- bassador at Washington, -bas as ifs slogans "Canada's Show, Window of Agriculture" andi "Showplace of Champions." -Each af Canada's ten provinces will be represented $.p the Iii,. OO0-ocld entries which will bG on display as exhibitors vie f r the Royal's coveted, red r bons, trophies and cash awaï. The Horse Show again prom- ises to be a colourfuil and ex- cîting' spectacle with somne ,f thie world's greatest riders froîn Mexico, the United States, Ire- land, Canada and even Souttb Amnerica competing. A unique and colourful feature in the Horse Shqw ring this year will be drills, bands and displays by fearious and historical re;- mnencs. of Canada. including on zwo evenings tne massea pi. pers of three regimens L- 1 1 Ij CAN'TPUNbTHE PICTURE? LETr US CH4ECK 'fOUR $Er FOR WEA>KTUU MYLES RADIO TV SERVICE Expert Repairs to Ail fliakes 3 Silver St. MA 3-3482 BOIVMAN VILLE ~I. .To. th e Early ýhopper Plan to corne in and take time to look through, our large display of Christmnas Cards, Gif t Wraps and Sealse Four large albums of Personal- lzed Christmnas Cards are here 6 . froin which you may choose just o the right Card to express your Holiday wishes. Boxes of Cards to suit every kind of Holidày spirit are priced froin 59c to 3.00 a box. and indiv*idual Cards for your farnily and others dear to you hav( carefully selected frei "Hallmark" and Rustéraft. dv 4 >4. 4. I~p 4. 4 j' 4 *~ AD1~1 4 4 à 4. 4 à .4. 4. à 4. Pj' 4 4 4.4. 4 *4~ à / à *4. à 4. à *4, 4 >4~ *4. 4 I 4. >4. >4. >4. *4. I.', I I f e, e ~$ Gene 4. 7e been Coutts à., 4. 4 4 4 4 4 :~ j à, 's I 4. 4 4 j 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 i 's 4 4 4 à 4. 4 à 4. 4 4. 4 à> 4 4 4.. This Week at the Royal LAST TINE THURSDAY NITE itThis Island Earth" (Teclinicolor) Science-Fiction Draina Last complete show 9:10 FRJDAY - SATURDAY - NOV. 4 - 5 "Ten Wanted Men (Technîicolor) Starring RANDOLPH SCOTT aise Visia-'Vision VisiIs Sun TUails (Technicolor) 'A' '0- -"j,' c f0.' *"- 'g.' -j,- j,,. j,, -t~t*. Temorial Arena BOWMANVILLE bl ic Skating Friday, November 41h Wednesday, November 91h 8-10 p.m. [ISSION - . . Aduits 35c, Children 20e FIRST HOME GANE Interniediate "A" LÉkeshore HOCKEY SATUIDAT N41CET November 5th - 8:30 Cobourg Cornets Bowmanviile Barons rai Admission and Reserved Seats Children . 35c Corne out and suppqrt this ireat new Bowrnanville Team m m 7 AI