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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Nov 1955, p. 14

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PAGE TOt~~TE~~i ?WE ~A ÀNAnMAV EL'AUW PWIAÈV VWoWm ~*, -~ * ~ V .d&5~ 3tUS~~?mTn*nAV. W'V . pc. lue . . 7= flTtV)II11?à tys&.*--1 DIi I ITIU CURSON-Mr. and Mrs. James Curson (nee Nora Cox), are happy to announce the birth of their daughter Arlene Nora, 7 lbs., 9¾ý ozs., on October 22nd, in Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. 44-1 FORSEY-Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Forsey (nee Betty Gilhooly) wish to announce the birth of their son Paul Dennis, born at Memorial Hospital. Bowman- ville, August 27, 1955. A little brother for Donald and Steven. 44-1* MARTIN-Ted and Yvonne are happy to announce the birth of a baby girl, Kathleen Hazel,i 7 lbs., 6 ozs., on October 27 in Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. .44-1 WILLIAMS-Grant and Jean sare happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Shelley Jean at Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville, October 30. 1955. A baby sister for Sheila. 44-1 ENGAGEMENTS If you would like a private showing of our extensive stock of diamond engagement and wedding rings Phone MA 3-5747. Hoopers Jewellery and Gif t Shop. 40-tf DEATHS" ALDSWORTH -At her res- idence. Courtice on Monday, Oct. 31, .1955, Elizabeth Ann Nichols, aged 82 years. Beloved wife of Frank Aldsworth and dear mother of Roy and Harold. Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville. Service in the Chiapel on Thursday,.Nov. 3rd at 2 p.m. Interment Bow- manville Cemetery. 44-i BROWN--Suddenly at bis res- idence, Courtice on Wednesday, November 2, 1955, James Brown, In bis 7th year. Beloved bus- band of Elizabeth West and dear father of Mary (Mrs. Frank Hooper). Bowmanville; Gordon and Wilfred, Courtice. Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville. Service in the Chapel on Friday at 2 p.m. In- terment Bowmanville Cemnetery. 44-1 CLARKE. Frances-At Ottawa on Wednesday, November 2nd, 1955, Frances Clarke in ber 73rd year, wife of the late Edward G. Clarke and dear mother of Bill, Neil (Mrs. L. Roenigk). Lii (Mrs. E. Vanson), May (Mrs. R. Bur- ton), Ted and Frances (Mrs. G. Grurnmett). Resting at the Mor- ris Funeral Chapel, Bowman- ville. Service in St. Joseph's R. C. Church on Saturday at 10 a.m. Interment St. Gregorys Cemetery, Oshawa. 44-i FRANCICH-At ber residence, R.R. 1, Kendal, on Tbursday, Oct. 27, 1955, Elizabeth Francich, aged 53 years, wife of Peter Francich. Mrs. Francich rested at -the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville. Service was beldj ini St. Joseph's R.C. Church on Monday, Oct. 31 at 9:30a.m.In- Reception. Mrs. R. J. McKessock wil be at home to her friends and relatives on the occasion of her 8th birthday, Saturday, Nov. l2th fromn 2 to 5 and 7 to 10 p.m. at the home of her daughter Mrs. Everett L. Elliott, 309 William St. E., Oshawa. No gifts please. 44-1 Cards of Thanks , Mr. and Mrs. Russell Dean wisb to thank ail their relatives i and frien for the lovely gifts,I fiowers a td cards they received on the occasion of their 4th wedding, anniversary. 44-1 * We wish to thank ahl our friends and neigours of Cart- wright for the lovelv and useful gifts wbich were given us on the eve of our departure to our new home in St. Catharines. Royal- and Myrtle Whitfieid. 44-1 I wiei to thank Dr. Rundle, nurses. staff of Memorial Hos- pitaI for care and kindness, also for the beautiful baskets of fruit, smokes, candy, cards I received, and to friends who called to see me and inquired. Lance Plain1 I wishi to tbank my friends, relatives and neighbours fori kindnesses when 1 was Ml. A special thanks to Dr. McKay, Dr. Rundie, nurse Mrs. Glen Martyn and staff of Memorial Hospital, also to Rev. Morgan. Mrs. Robert Bate. 44-1 I wish to thank my many relatives and friends who were so kind to me during my recent illness, especialiy Dr. Hubbard, Dr. Sturgis and the nurses of the Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. Mrs. Frank Tomlinson. 44-1* Witb sincere thanks and ap- preciation, the family of the late Ml-s. Patience Chase Elliott, would like to gratefully acknbw- ledge the many acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and beautiful flowers received from relatives, friends and neighbours during the long illness and death of their beloved mother.' 44-1* We wish to convey our sincere thanks to our many friends and neighbours of Enniskiiien andý district for the presentation of the lovely coffee table, step table and bassock and ta the football team for the beautiful mirror. We also wish ta thank ail those who helped to make it such an enjoyabie evening. Dorothy and Ross Sharp. 44-1* I wish ta express sincere tbanks to Dr. H. Rundle, Dr. K. Siemon, Mrs. J. Brine, nurses and staff of Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, for cane and kind- ness, also friends and neighbors, members of Trinity Junior Choir and Guide Mothers' Auxiliary for cards, flowers, fruit and books received during my*illness in hospital. Elaine Bennett. 44-1 terment St. ivarys ±.C. ,.eme-i tery, Simcoe, Ont. 44-1 In tbe midst of our sorrow we wish to express our heartfeîtý MILLER-Suddenly at R.R. 4, tbanks and appreciation to our Bowmanviile. on Saturday, Oct. many. relatives, fiends and 29. 1955, Wallace James Miller, neigbbours for their kindness, beloved husband of Annie Rob- and sympathy sbown us in the son and dear father of Beth. loss of a beloved busband andi Oshawa, and Helen, R.N., Toron-~ father, Alex Waiker. We to. Service was heîd at the especiaîly wish to tbank Rev. J.1 Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow- Kitchen and Rev. T. A. Morgan manville on Monday, Oct. 31 at for their consoling words; al ,1:30 p.m. Interment Vernon- the donors of the many beautiful ville Cemeteny. 44-1 floral offerings, L.0.L., H. C. Downbam Nursery Co., fellowl NEALS, Harry Edwn-At bis, employees, also our former home in Pontypool, Ontario on neighbours of Shaw's commun- Monda-, October 31, 1955, Harrv ity, Dr. C. W. Slemon, Mn. and Edwin Neals. beloved busband Mrs. F. B. Wbyte, Orono; the of Pearl Preston and dean fathen palîbearers and F. F. Morris of Preston of Belbany and Ber- Fiîneral Home for their kind, nard of Pontypool. aged 62 years. efficient management of thej R.esting at bis laie residence, i services. Pontypool, until Thursday noon, Vanda Waiker and fami iy.l November 3rd, thence to thel 44-1*1 -Pontypool United Cburch for service at 2:30 p.m. Intermenti Mere words are inadequate toi at St. Mary's Cemelery, Lifford. express our tbanks tofrens 44-1 neigbbours, relatives, Trinity i ______United Churcb W.A. and W.M.S., THORNTON-Suddenly in Bow-, Bowmanville Womnen's Institute, xnanvilie on Frida,',-, Oct. 28,1 Merchandise Distribution Dept. 1955, Thomas E. Thornnon. so Goodvear Tire & Rtîbber Co., of tbe laie Mn. and Mrs. William Bracebridge H. S. staff for theini A. Thornton. Rested at the acts of kindness. messages ofj ,runerai Homne of Nothcutt & svmpathy and beaiflloa Smith, 53 Division Street, until offerings. Canàdian Legion for Monday, October 31. Servic loddrbs, Rev. Arhu ors, wvas in Lang Memorial hpl a fr icosin wrd, Monday at 2:30 p.m. Interment aiso tbanking Doctors Storey 1prono Cemetery. 44-1 and Sturgis, special nurses Mns. Smytbe, Mrs. A. Thompson, Mns. WORTH, Clinton Norman (Jack) D. Alldread. nurses and staff of -At the Toronto General Hos- Memonial Hospital for their ifai, Tuesday, November îst, understanding and thoughtful 1955, Clinton. Norman (Jack) cane sbown duning the iliness Worth, beloved busband of Mary and passing of obn dean mother, Agnes Quinn and dear fathen of Mis. Caroline Colmer. eita (Me. Edward Elliîott), The Colmen Family. 1 Oshawa; brother of William, 44-1* Weatha , anndtlaioHaRod esathaMo n te OntrioldR Found and ESdvard. Service \vili be held in the George Funenal1 SMALL black dog, Oct. 19. near ' Chape], Wallon St.. Pont Hope, Burketon. Phone MA 3-2655. I hursday, Noveffnber 3rd, at 44-1' 2,30 p.rn. Interment Union -_____________ Icemetery, Cobourg. 44-1 Tenders Wantedi NOTICES -Myles Radio and Television Servide wihl be closed from Mon- day. Nov. "d to Mon. Nov. 14. 44-11 -Ail memberg of rLocal 222. bring y-our food vouchers to Sllep's Grocery. We are givingi IR 0% premitim on ail vouchers. eo if yours reads £20 you will iecelve $22 worth of goods. 44-1 W, are now a&hWi cgumt blocks. both inte~~ jind standard. and would b pleased to servo you with a gzood Vroduct at a reasonable price. -Irripp Construction. Phone 392W, Port PerIy- 4049L TENDERS Tenders are required fc Demolition of Buildii at new site of Post Office Building Bowmanville APPLY BY PHONE PORT HOPE TUJ5-2419 or BOWMANVILLE MA 3-3686 N MEMORIAMl FALLIS-In loving memory of al dear husband and father, Charles H. Fallis, who departed this lufe Nov. 3rd, 1945. -Always renitmbered by wife and family. 44.1*1 HENRY-In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Arvilla1 Henry, who passed away Nov. 4tb. 1953. Your presence is ever near us, Your love remains with us yet, You were the kind of a mother, Your loved ones would neyer forget. -Lovingly remembered by bus- band and family.. 44-1* RUNDLE-In loving memory of our dear dad, George ýRundle, who passed away Nov. 2, 1951. Loving and kind in allbis ways Upright and just to the end of bis days: Sincere and kind in heart and; mind What a beautiful memory be ieft behind. -Remembere4 by Lola and grand-daughtel% Heather. 44-1 RUNDLE, George-In loving memony of dad who passed away Nov'. 2,«1951. I have oniy your memory, deari father, To remember my wbole life througb, But tbe sweetness will linger forever As I treasure the image of you. -Ever remembered by Jack and daugbter Mel. 44-11 Notice fo Credibors AND OTHERS In the Estate of Ida Louise Moore. Ail persons baving claims against the estate of Ida Louise Moore, late of the Town of Bow- manville, deceased, who died on or about the 23rd day of March, 1955, are hereby notified to send ii'i to Strike & Strike, Solicitors for the Admin1htrator, Bowman- ville, Ontario, on or before tbe 2lst day of November. 1955, ful particulars of their dlaim. Immediately after the said 2lst day of November, 1955, the assets of the testatrix will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, baving regard only to dlaims of which the said solicitors for the ,.administrator, shall then have notice. DATED at Bowmanville, this 28th day of October, 1955. Strike & Strike, Solicitors for the Administrator, Bowmanville, Ontario. 44-3 Notice tb Creditors AND OTHERS ÎArticles For Sale COCA-Cola c nole r. P honê Oshawa RA*5-0295. 44-1* NORGE space heater, $25. Phone Newcastle 2376. 44-1* SPACE heater. Phone MA 3- 3426 after five. 44-1w1 WATER-Hard or soft. Robt. H. Cale.. MArket 3-5476. 29-tf MIXED hay. G. Bisscbop, R.R. 2, Burketon. Phone MA 3-2016. 44-1 CON'EY fur coat and muff, size 16, $25. Phone MA 3-3062. 44-1w ANNEX, space heater, and 30- gal. hot water tank with some pipes. Phone MA 3-54(14. 44-1 FINDLAY circulation heater in A-i condition. Phone MA 3-2403, 44-1* ONTARIO potatoes, 75 lb. bags, delivered ini Bowmanvjfle. Phone MA 3-2473. 31-tf LARGE Quaker space heater with circulating fan. Phone MA 3-3757. 44-1* .303 DEER rifle, Ai 'condition, equipped with* sling. Phone Newcastle 3751. 44-1 CIRCULAR heater in excellent condition. -Phone MA 3-5697. 44-1 OIL cook stove for sale, in good condition. Apply 101 Scugog st. 44-1 GIRL'S C.C.M. bicycle in ex- cellent condition. Phone MA 3- 3860. 44--* SAVE on lumber, direct from milI to you. Phillips Lumber Co., Kinmount, Ont. Phone ,17r11. 13-tf AFRICAN violets. Say happy, hirthday with beautiful new violets. Stewart's Seeds, Bow- manville. 43-tf SQUARE baled hay, aiso apples, 25e a hamper, pick tbem your- self. W. E. Armstrong. Phone Blackstock 34 r 3. 44-1* KINDLING wood, fence rails, $10 cord, delivered. Ivan Mount- joy,' Burketon. Phone Black- stock 87 r 4. 38-tf THREE-piece girl's coat set, size 5, like new. Mrs. D. Pickering, Ennishillen. Phone MA 3-2615. 44-1 GIRL'S bicycle, Lloyd baby stroller, cook stove, circulating coal and wpod heater. Phonei MA 3-3954, 44-1 GIRL'S light brown wlnter cont with velour trim, size 10: boy's 3-piece brown winter outfit size IN THE ESTATE 0F HER- 6X. MA 3-5997. 44-1* BERT WILLIAM JOSEPHCAEJwl3-nbdlx GAUD late of the T'onship of LAecti rne, egular $359 forx Darlinglon in the County of eeti agrglr$5 o Durham, Farmer, deceased. 239; 9.6 cu. ft. International re- AIl pensons having dlaims fnigerator, regular $369 for $275; against the Estate of the said 8.2 cu. ft. International refrig-1 Herbent William Joseph Gaud erator, regular $339 for $239;, wvho died on or about the 26tb Philips Television, 21-inch, wilb day, of March, 1955, are bereby record player, for only $315. at notified to send f0 the under- Farm Equipment and Autoino- signed Executors on their Solic- tive, 134 King St. E., Bowman- itor on or before the 3th day of ville. Pbone MA 3-5689. 44-1 November 1955, their names and USED farm macbinery: Tractors addresses and f ull particulars of-Itrainl W4 Fami their dlaims and the nature of the -HInternational -6 orhard securîties, if any, beld by them modIelFrdstonal3-oughatr, ly erifidoyn.tuow - John Deere Model "H", Inter- lafrat. 0h ayofnational 15-30 on i-ubber; Allis Affemer lthe thsaid 3t ayof h'Chaîmers 2-furrow plougb. Inter.1 said d eceased * iii be distnibuted national 45 Power take-off baler among thb persons etitled at Farm Equipment and Automo- thereto baving regard only to tive, 134 King St. E.. Bowmnan- the dlaims of wbich the Execu- ville. Phone MA .3-5689. 44-1 tors or the undersigned SolicitorT shall then have notice. A Lt S C O Dated at Orono, Ont., this 3rd ALUMINUM DOORS day of November 1955,.IDW ndAVIG HARVEY STRONG, W NOWSAaandle NI LUTHER ALLIN. NwAalbeI R.R. No. 1, Bowmanville, Ont. BOWMANVILLE Executors. Gi A337 R. R. WADDELL, Orono, Ont., Gl A337 Solicitor for the Executors. LORNE ALLIN 44-21 44-1 -Wanted To Buy OIL beater, good condition. T. C. Strikwerda, R.R. 3. Port Hope. Phone Clarke 31 r 03. 44-1 TWO gas brooders or two Warn- er electnic brooders and one coal stove brooder, 500 chick capac- itv. Phone MA 3-2720. 44.1*1 MANGELS or turnips, 4 or 5 tons; also good mixed hayv, baled. Apply Mn. M. A. Pickering, R.R. 2, Newcastle, 3716. 44-1 HIGHEST prîces paid for live poultry, goose feathers, feather- ticks, scrap iron, rags and metalg. Phone RA 3-2043 Osha- wa, collect. 26-tf FARM. west of Higbway 35. Must have woodlot, stream, fair buildings,* witb hydro. Full description and price. Write Box 434, c/o Canadian States- man. Bownianville. 44-2* ALL kinds of liv'e poultry want- ed. Top Toronto prices paid at iyour door for large or smal!' quantities. XVe have our own market. M. Fiatt, Bethan3> R.R. 1. Telephone collect f0 Betbany 7 r 13. 28-tf Hardwood Logs YOUNG TURKE) AlilWeights Dressed and Deiivered Special Price for Weddin and Suppers P H IL FTY ; N E1 MA 3-5058 DECORATING *For the Latest Papers CFor the Fineat Paints eFor the Beat Workmans S. G. Pre'sion & Phones MA 3-5912 MAS-: PLOW SHAREI CAST AND DUCTALLE For most makes of pIo-w PHONE FRANK HOSKI] Blacksiock 2 nnsJL I tamu4 I SHOES-Tbe following r EIm, Beech, Hard and Soft Mapie' name shoes are now in st( Basswood and Ash' children's Savage sboes, Broi er Research shoes, Sisman w' H. M. Kyl e, BlIacjcstock boots, Sisnian Scampers. S 35-10* Grebb ancb suGport work bo Foam Tread 1iîppers. lad Cars for Sale Gracia sboes. Logrollel¶, Schoil's foot remedies ands 1953 STUDEBAK.ER,' radio and supports, plus mnany other Ii beater; 1953 Chevrolet, radio, Kiwi, Esquire, Panda, Ho heater and signal lights;, 1951 wood Sani-white and Propf Mercury ];--ton, radio. beater sboe polishes: modern shoe anîd signal lights, at Farm Equip- nain service in the near of st( nient and Aîîtomnotivc. 134 KingLMo *vd Filis Shoes, 49 King St. E.. Bowmanville. Phone MA W.. Bowmanviile. Phone MA 44- .a56a9. ,44-1 ýô941. a _Art-icles For Sale ISPACE heater and pipes, cheap. Phone MA 3-3193 ater 5. 44-i IONE used Maytag washer, fully overhauled, $60; one Simplicity washer, fully overhauled, $50. Higgon Electric Ltd. 44-1 KEYS cut automatically, while you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- ville. 46-tf 'VENETIAN blinds-Newest col- ours with plastic tapes. We rneasure and instaîl. Morris Co. Phone MA 3-5480. 6-tf DO your own floors - rent a sander or a floor polisher fromn Lander Hardware. 7 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5774. 3-tf INS ULATION, blowing method, with rock wool. Workmansbip guaranteed. Free estimatee. Harry L. Wade. Phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf PAIN «~ rheumatism, sciatîca, lumbago, can be helped by talc- ing Rumacaps. Inecommended by thousands of thankful us'ers. Ask your druggist. 44-1 HEARING aid service, testing service and complete stock of batteries and cords at Higgon Electric Lîmited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5438. 20-tf PRINTS of photos of public events appearing in this paper taken by Carson Studio may be obtaîned for $1.00 on 8x10 inch glossy prints. Carson Studio, Port H9pe. 48-f TYPEWRITERS, addîng ma- chines, new and used, for sale or rent; also Cole steel filing cabinets, office furniture, cash registers. Walter Frank, MA 3- .2403. 37-tf DISH gardens, artificial and Christrilas arrangements f o r tables, or made to order. Mrs. Edith Jobnston, Turkey Brae Farm, two miles east of Newton- ville, R.R. 3, Port Hope. Phone Clarke 13-12. 43-tf b)RAPERIES and venetian blinds custom made, or-draperies sold by the yard. Our representative will caîl at your home any time witb a complete range of samples and suggestions witbout obliga- tion. Fabric Town, 59 King St. W. Phone MA 3-3609, Bowman- ville. 48-tf Singer Sewing Centre For Used or New Sewing Machines Rentais or Repair Phone OSHAWA 5-5448 for Prompt Service 4t ALUMINUM Windows and Doors Reasonabie ROSS CLARK Bownianvilie PHONE MA 3-3801 4 t Ceramie - Glazed - Quarry WaIis - Ail Kinds - Floors H. G. HEAL Phone MA 3-2902 Bowmanville 44-tf m --Le -1 - - 111 - -- éq i ir .- i - . Auction sale of furniture ai Pethick's auction shed on Satur- day, November Sth. List in- cludes small Norge space beater 2 cook stoves, 2 cbests of draw- ers, dresser, electnic washing machine, 2 kitchen cabinets kitchen chairs and easy chairs wicker rocker and wicker arrn chair, 4 good floor ruýs, kitchen tables, chesterfield, a few potq and pans, some other articles. Terms cash. Sale at 1:30. Clif- ford Pethick, auctioneer. 44-1 Livestock For Sale SIX Yorkshire pigs, 10 weeks old. Wesley Yellowlees. Phone MA 3-2138. 44-1* 25 HYBRID pullets, six month: old. Francis Jose, Newcastle, 2756. 44-1 FEEDER steers and yearling steÉYs. Phone Allan J. Werry. MA 3-2521. 43-2 SHORTHORN BULLS S19. to 15 months old Dark Reds Mod erately Priced R. Osborne, Newcastle 1 43-tf Help Wanted APAR -TMENT, 3 rooms, kitchen- THE Otari Traningette and bath, beated, buiît-in TH Otai TaiiigScbool cu pboards, tijle floors and for Boys requires Cierk-Tvpist. 1 A l in person ta theSue- laundr-y. Apply Apt. 4, 63 King Apply Super4- West. 43-tf YOUTH for g encrai factorv FOUR-roomed bouse and bath, wonk on temporary basis until Sinar1bospîtl, mmeite osses-, end of year. ApDiy in person, s/on dban tedatemnBo 35 Specialty Paper Producîs Ltd.,coCnda ttsaBw 63,,Temperance St., Bowrna- manville. 44.1* 1> ville. 44-1 HEATED, 3-roomn apartment and WANTED: Man for steady travel bath, kitchen cupboards, bard- among consumers in Bowman- wood floors, garage optionai. ýngs ville. Permanent connection Apply Box 67, Bowmanville. with large manufacturer. Only 44-1 reliable bustier considered. Write THREE-roomed bealed apant- Rawleigh's Dept. K-140-131, ment on main floor, pnivate 44IMontreai, P.Q. 44-1 entrance ,and ail modern con- SPLENDID opportunity for fulli veniences. Write Box 436, c/o lime dealer 10 make $75 1 Canadian Statesman, Bowman- weekly in Bowmanville, Burke-i ville. 44-1 ton Station,ý Courlice, Enniskil- I APARTMENT, four rooms and len and surroundings. Write bath, beated, pivate entrance. now for details. Familex, Dept. Suitable for couple with smal ship 1 Station C. Montreal. 44-1 baby on three aduits. Immed- iate possession. Write Box 421, Son PERMANENT JOB 1 c/o Canadian Statesman. 44-1* IN Pontypool village, 3-roomed ~ FO YO1~GMENground floor apartmernt, private 44-tl TAKE A HEALTHY outdoor life, beated, electric, bard and soft S combined witb fine pay, securitv water aI dp~or, parking space for and progressive pension plan and car, referéeces excbanged. Pre- S you end up with working con-'fer famiiy of permanent address. ditions as interesting and fine' Not suitable for more than one OY as any in Canada, i child. Apply Mrs. N. D. Cham- va For pbhysicaliy fit, fonwý,prd look- 1 bers, 4041,2 Roncesvailes Ave., îng oun Caadins.theCan- oronto, Jr Pontypool, Ont. 43-2 jan Regulai Anmy offers extens- N ive opportunity... a really out- Rest Home N standing cancer. ________________ Full information without obliga- ACCOMMODATIONS for eider- tion - See the îy folks, ail conveniences; con- 44.1 Arm Infrmaion valescents welcome. Telephone 441 A my Ifrm to Ooo1771. 42-4* ock' 1Team tm Du- athlocal advertising f* im Personal vork and location or clip this Coupon ýcott- and Mail to HYGIENIC supplies - (rubber ~oes Kinsto Arm Inormaion goodsl mailed postpaid in plain oots, Kigtoe ntre.tion sealed envelope wîth onice list. idies' 164 Wellington St., Dept. A. Six samples 25c, 24 samples Dr. Kingston, Ontario 31.00. Mail Onder Dept. T1-281 Nov.-Rubber Co.. Box 91. Ham- sboe Please let me have full informa- ilton. Ont.' 1-52 nes; tion on an Army Carèer. Olly- perts ne- ore. Name crazy! Thousands peppy at 70. Street I Ostrex Tonic Tablets pep up Citybgd les Iac-king ihon. For rnî- 4dwn feeiing'manv men, women I amn____ Years Old cal]i"nid". Get-aicjuainted suze 44-1 onJl' 60r- AU druggi5tu. 44-1' at Real Estate.For Sale Real Estate for Sale COTTAGE, 12'x24', wired.. fin- LEASK REAL ESTATE isbed inside, on lot 60'x115'. 7 roomed house in good con. Phone MA 3-5144. 44-2; dition, 3-pieoe bath. 4 bedroomaj& Auction Sales Community sale at- Odd Fel- Iows' Hall,' Pontypool, on Satur- day, Nov. 5. at i p.m. List af articles to be sold includes furn- iture, livestock, quantity of No. i and No. 2 Christmas trees, Potatoes, etc. Dance to be held afterwards starting at 8:30. Termis cash. Jack Payne, auc- tioneer. Curtis & Sons. 44-1 I have received1 instructions from the exçcutor of the estate of the late W. J. Miller, Lot 7, Con. 5, Darlington Township, first farm south of Bethesda Cemetery, to seli by public auc- tion on Saturday, Novemtr 12, at 1 p.m. sharp, al bis farmn stock, implements, bay, grain, poultry, automobile, etc. Terms cash. No reserve. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 44-2 The household effects of Mr. D. L. Murray will be sold by public auction at the Durham County Sale Areiia, Orono, Fni- day evening, November I ýth, commencîng at 7 p.m. Three- piece chesterfield, nine-piece w al1n ut dining-room suite, chrome kitchen suite, bedroom furniture, 'electric stove, cook stove, small tables, dishes, glass- ware, etc. Terms cash. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 44-2 I bave received instructions from Mr. Herbert Tripp, Lot 22, Con. 6, Cavan Township, two miles soutb of Fraserville, to sell by public auction on Thursday, November lOth at 1 p.m. sharp, bis entire berd of Durham and Hereford cattle, horses, baled hay, farm machinery. etc., and 1950 G.M.C. i-ton truck. Furth- er particulars, see bis. Termis cash. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 44-1 I have received instructions to seli by public auction for the estate of Robert McHolmi at bis residence on No. 2 Higway, baîf way between Port Hope and Newtonville at Roseberry Hill on Saturday, Nov. 5 at i o'clock,1 ail bis household furniture,. garden tools, wood, tec. Ternis cash. Antique dealers would be well advised to attend this sale.j Lloyd Clysdale, auctioneer, tele- phone 5 r 13, Clarke. J. Kim- baIl, clerk. 44-1* SLVL1N-roomed residence oft me late M.-J. Underhill, Liberty St. N. Write Box 429, c/o Canadian Statesman. 4- THREE-bedroom brick veneer bungalow, landscaped. basement, laundry tubs, heavy wiring, stormn windows. Phone MA 3-1 5008. 44-1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Properties Sold, Rented, MWanaged and Appralsed L. M. ALLIISON Real Estate Broker Phone 2566 - Newcastle,. Ont. Two blocks north of traffic signal, Newcastle 2t J. VAN NEST Real Esfie Broker Houses, businesses and farms to offer. Listings wanted Give us a caîl and talk it over Bowmanvllle MA 3-3230 .ci làl, ,h CIIIIIFbd t:C. Pedwell Real Estate James Nixon, Boe 200 acres, 9 room brick bouse, Bowmanville R.R. 5 bank barn, 40'xloo', implement Dial MA 3-5682 shed and other buildings, 1601 44-10 acres workabie, 40 valuable bush, best of soul, $20.000. Widow PAUL must seli and will take a smaîl down payment or consider a RIS TO W .t1ALTUR bouse in Osbawa or Port Hope. 110 acres on 35 and 7A High- ways, lovely l0-room brick, 220 acres good tree or ranch bouse, bathroom, furnaoe, hard-1 land near Pontypool. Must be wood floors, pressure system, 2; sold, now only $25 per acre. bank barns, cernent floors, 1 creek, 80 acres workable. Ask- 117 acres witb eight-roomi ing price $15,000 with terms. stone bouse close to two high. 5 ce itne bugl. ways, large cedar bush witb two $5000, with 1.000 ngdown . creeks. ýNo barns). Near New. $5,00, ith$1,00 dwn. castle, make offer. 50 acres good garden land and 1 some buildings; $5.000 with 5-room new ranch type with $2.000 down. tbree acres good land, full cellar r M- 1 v nuilnLieiu mzae,- .,+.,, --wit ---na -nd_ Il«.. pn l, ans, on residentiai, commercial' iences. Oniy four miles te l and industnial properties. Oshawa. Offerinig at $12.000 ig with ternis. 'S H. C. Pedwell, Broker Liberty South, 6 goodmon mNewcastle Phone 3856 on large lot, low taxes. Sacrific- ýn 44-1 ing at $6.300 with goo erms. ts Liberty South, 4-rnbn S. - omW bun.P~~* -~ galow with oil furnace and al il 00e achRe a, ai conveniences. $5.200 if sold this 100 crefarn, mile îrom month. - hîghway, Manvers Township; 601W aecint o am acres workable, 35 acres wood, 1sm avebusinss.rPlarse c jjnt.f -50'x3O' bank barn, large cbicken' s.albsnse. laecn ýs house, drive-in shed, garage,, ewell with electric pump; 8 room- * ed frame bouse, heavy duty wir- PHON19 - ed. Price$750 emarng ýs ed. $.0.....,arn-MA 3-3517 120 acre dairy farm at Port 1Hope, 90 acres workable land, Affer Hours -5 acres reforestation, spring 9pond, well, lange U-shaped bank OWEN NICHOLAS- MA 3-3982 'barn, steel stancbions, drive-in 2shed, hien bouse, garage; 7 room- ORME GERRY - ORONO 1191 ed solid brick house with 3-piece 37 King St. W. Bowmanviile batbroom, bot and cold running 44-1 water, beavy wired. Milk quota 2 12 cans a day. Close f0 scbool. On partly paved, road. Price VatdToR n $13.000. Haîf cash.________________________ 200 acre dairy farm, 'wbeneof, OS rgon foraat 125 acres wonkable cla -loam OSrrgondforaat l and, 30 acres wood, remainder metuetiy eelded bywhoneM f Pasture. creek, 75'x34' loafing wi-5 tw4c45d.n.44on -M barn witb milking machine, 4- running water, milk parlor, milk bouse with eiectric cooler, WAlated implement shed, hien bouse, 8-_______________ .roomned frame bouse (5 years DEAD STOCK removed fromi old) witb 4-piece bath, furnace, running bot and cold water, your farm promptiy for sanitary kîtchen cupboards, etc. Situated I dsposai.Tlpoeciet o 1, mile from higbway. Price bourg FRanklin 2-3643 or Toron- $14,000. $4.000 do wn.1 to EM 3-3636. Gordon Young 95 acre farmn on Highway No.1 Limited. 42-tf 2, Clarke Township, 60 acres or more workable, 10 acres wood, Ls creek, large U-shaped bank.Ls barn, drive-in shed, silo, beni bouse, garage; 10 roomed stone PART Persian cat, ecal11 e d bouse witb running water, '"Tootsie", with white. black and kitchen cupboards, heavy wîred. .1 orange patches. Lost Oct. 28th. Price and ternis arranged. Reward. Phone MA 3-3157. 100 acre farm, 40 acres work- 44-1 able, 50 acres wood, creek, 50'xl 30'bnk brn, en buses O NE white, black and tan fe- garage, etc.;, 9 roomed frame maIe bound xvîth No. 57 painted bouse witb hardwood floors, full o n side, tattooed in ieft ear. basement, cistenn. Price $6.500. Phone R. Rabm, MA 3--1226. Termis. 144-10 .5 roorned bungalow at Bow- manvilie with 3-piece bath, boti and cold running water, kitchen, h aain ttsa cupboards, venetian biinds. ga- 1 TeCnda ttsa rage. Price $4.500. Termis ar-! CLASSIFIED ranged.1 7 roomed frame bouse in New- ADVERTISING tonvihie- witb new roof and'RTE eavestrtiugh, 4 eavy wired. Ga-: A E rage. Price $.000. Termis. 6 roomed bungalow with 15 ARTICLES FOR SALE acres of land. Has oil furnace,, LivESTOCE FOR SALE batbroom, bot and cold runnung FOE RENT - HELP WAZT wate, ktelin cpboadsCARS FOR SALE watrkithe cphord, ard- LOST . FOUND - ETC. wood and tile floors, full base- Cash Raie-- 3c par word ment. Garage. barn and impie-. wuîh a minimum of 50C ment shed. Asking Price $10,000., Muât be paid by dale ai insert ion Terms. Il charged, an additianal 25c 5 roomed bungalow in New- A caqwof25 l b. de o caýstle witb bydro, fireplace, 75'x, a11 replies directed taihîs allie. 300' lot. Pnice $2.400 cash. NOTICES . COMING EVENTS 9 roomed solid r brick biouseý AND CASDS Or ElNu>S with 3 acres of laxhd ini village.' S3ca Oword wîih a minimum oW lias 3-piece bathroom, bydro! $1.00 for 33 words pz l1dB. - throughout, fireplace. storms! . TH ENAEM.EMT and screens, garage. Prkce $5.000. MARRIAGES - DEATE8 Terms arranged. $1.00 Per insertion Besides above mentioned we; IN MEMORIAMiS are able to show approximately, 81.00 plus 10e a Jin* 10i Vers* 95 more fanms and homes for:i* ~ ~ SF~ salein be Ohaw. Boman I ncludes ail adverîisinq foi ville. Cobourg and. Trenton: personsa orlfrme sellînq) service. districts. ideis or qoodz ai any description Contact: John F. De With REALTOR Newcastle Phone 3341 8alesmen: Donald MountJoy, Bowmanville MA 3-3950 Paul Diamond, Port Perry Phono 2416 a iicper ,'ord; minimum cnorqe 7Sc cash with ordez. Ta oreuai odvezlisers payable monthly Dispiary Classitied at S. 03 inch wîth a minimum a~ inch. Addition,,I ins.rt1I et th.eBorne rate$ AU Clasited Arts muet ho la " isoffice Dotl l<tei thon 12 O'clock faon. Wednesdar. Rend cash. stamps aor nonay aider and Bave monev. Clir) tis iout foi handy relerenrt .ltv W111, ....rsaoc, VALU central. $8,000 with terms. i;7 M. E. Leask, Broker 65 Ontario St. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5919 4- CHARLES RANKINE Real Estate Broker 52Z KING STREET WEST ]Bowmanville MA 3-2453 - Anytime MA 3-2763 Several nicer BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Have Clients Waltlng for Farmi COME AND SEE US or PHONE Whether BUYING or SELLING 44-1 NIXON REAL ESTATE 7-room frame house in New: castle, bydro, well, garage, base. ment, $3,500 full price. Im- mediate possession. 2 room frame bouse, hydro, insulated, lot, $1,500, haif cash. Lpt lOOxl0O ft., $500. haîf cash. 4 acres of land, barn, garage, small fruit. 7-roomn frame house, b modern kitchen, bot and cold water, 3-piece bath, insulated, $9,000. Termg. 1 * VIZ 1 1 PA or rolmTEM TEZ CMADL4N @TATrsm-«- nwv**,re%% zé%a, j3vwmAmvmdjE, VINTMU0, TEU MAT. NOV. ffl- lon - For Rent or

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