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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Nov 1955, p. 16

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>Aar S. OWXNvfj.ý olTýao àTRURMAT, WOY. lm lmIU School Caret aker, 74' Three ýGenerations Neyer Misses Hunting RecatIls Earlier Days WhnClint Lunney, weil per% Jack Manning, Charlie koncaretaiger of Central Pub- Heal, Wie Jeffery Bll Dustan, lic School ancf former Dominion I ereMsnEne Osborne Organ & Piano Company em- and "Mousey" Morsehead. They vloyee, first started to go hunt- cooked their own meals. Those ing, hie was just a lad and bar-j were the days! ( rowed bis aider brother Jim's Probably the first trailer was 'rifle. He is 74 now, but he bas that rigged up by Jîm Freeburn neyer missed a hunting season, out of two buggy wbeels and a in all the years in between. 1 platformi to carry a canoe. This 1When bhis own four sons were4. was hitched on behind a buggy old enough, they too took up in the pre-motor age. the sport, but Bruce, the eldest,i Coming into the motar era has been the one in particular1 thougb, Art, Edger's "Baby whose interest in bunting re- Grand" Chev. often took the mained keen. In turn, Bruce's gang on annual trips to Lakè ,only son, Harvey, was broùght Consecon and Pleasant Bay on u, a hunter, and for some years Lake Ontario near-by. In early now ail three, each represen- days this was a tenting expe- tative of a different generation, dition too, and usually it snowed have gone hunting tagether' or rained. 'Deac" Goddard Sr every Faîl. used to go, Fred Downey,' Art Conditions are comparatively an d Clint. plush now, contrasted with the In later years, with son Bruce old days when Clint and Sandy and grandson Harvey, Clint has (Alexander) Colville would go gone ta Rice Lake, Lake Scugog, by horse and rig to Janetvifle Bawmanvile marshes and this and tent out in November with year to a spot near Flinton, the wind whistling and snow north of Kaladar. A cottage is on the ground. For heat and rented nowadays, or the hunters cooking they had a two-burner Put up with saime hospitable coal cil stove, and once they farmer - the days of tenting are ran out of cil and had to paddl e past. Also a modern motor car five miles down the lake to get gets them a long distance in a more, short time. Then there was the time, one Bruce, who served overseas year between Christmas and four years in World War II with New Year's, wben Bill Horsey, the Canadian Engineers, has "Doc" Loscombe, Billy Vodden been employed with the Good- and Clint set out by horse and year Tire & Rubber Company in wagon and camped out in a tent Bowmanville since 1935 as a in country east of Smith's carpenter. Son Harvey is with woods. They were after rabbits. General Motors, Oshawa. A favorite spot in the aid days Many will remember the days was Pine Point on Scugog when Clint worked at the D.O. Island. Canoes were loaded on & P. putting actions in organs AI Williams' funiture wagon, and pianos. Working there at along with other equivment, and the saine time were Frank Mor- the gang was off on the 20 mile ris, father of Ken Morris, Bow- trip ta Caesarea - quite a trip manville's secretary-manager of by horse and wagon. When thev the Chamber of Commerce, *got ta Caesarea everything was Frank Kydd and Sîd Morris. reloaded into the canoes. Some Looking back ovexrthe years, TeLnesaeawl nw utn aiyo of the aId gang who used ta go there are many happy memoieThomne Lundeys are a well know hulnt ig faily oft along for the week's stay in a EverY seasan brings goo times~ omnil n huh7 hsya,"ln"i tl u cottage there were Sandy Col- and when Clint, Bruce and before dawn when the hunting season opens, corne rain ville. "Goosey" Osborne, "Trap- Harvey sometimes with other or snow, and the end of the day f inds him no more tired ____________________ Ifrîends, load the car for a hunt- than the rest. Shawn here with same of the ducks from a T ~ K ET ~ing expedition, the most. excîted T1 CEETWSERE ber is "Cokey", their'Chesa- recent shooting trip are Clinton ýLunney, his grandson TO EERYWERE peake Bay Retriever. Trade- Harvey, and son Bruce. "Cokey", short for Cacoa, the, Air, Rail or Steamship mark of the Lunneys for many Consuit1 years was their succession of JUVR Y & L OV E LL Irish Water Spaniels, but they TYRONE * 3owMauville made a change lately, and 15Kig t.W M 3578 "Cokey" is earning bis spurs just Rv and John visîted at Melanc- The OroiA ~J thon, a former charge where Rev. Jackson took Harvest Hofne serviçes. Friends and neighbours paid Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Clem- their last respects on Monday ence, Oshawa, and Mr. and Have îoU ta the late Wallace Miller who Mrs. Roy oesScrri passed, away very suddenly visited Mrs. C. Powers.i early Saturday morning. Fun- Mrs. M. Comstock, Bowman- AnXIeral services were held from ville, vîsited Mr. and Mrs. G. "J the Morris Funeral Chapel, L .McGee last week. Bowmanville, with interment r.RFatan chle, in Unionville Cemetery. Heart- MOshaawR. Faith ad chlden, C r e felt sympathy ie extended tOswa S p re Ms. Miiler and daughters, Betb of Mr. and Mrs. L. Bowins. and Helen. Mrs, T. M. Bulpitt, Willowv- Mr. and Mrs. J. Gibbs and dale, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm.r Michael, visited friends at Mitchell and attended the fun- Hamilton.&eral of Mrs. Qjeo. Butters. IMr. and Mrs. Wm. Leamen « T ii eMr. and Mrs. J urohvisitedMr and Mvrs. Gardon and boys, Bowmanville; Bob Leamen af Scarbono. Burgess, Salem, witb Mr. and ,Mrs.«A. McMahon, Bowman- Mrs. . L. Byam. ville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 1: Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd, Beech Miller.v and family, Bunketon: Mi-. and Mr. Arthur Clougb, Belle- CHRISTMAS IS JUST AROUND Mrs. W. Hall and Wendy, Bow- ville, spent the weekend with manville; Ross Hall, Zion, at Mr. and Mrs. A. Clough. iv Mn. and Mrs. H. Hall. Mrs. Mlerb Murray returned 9' THIE CORNER - SO WHY NOT Mr. and Mrs. 'John Hilîs in home fromn Memorial Hospital, company with Mr. and Mrs. Ce- Bowmanviile. Her sister, Mis. N E YO Rcil Bellman, Bowmanville, A. Randall, Whitby, isaigr Mrs. Tom Coulson, Westan. Mr. and Mrs. A. Keane and ~~~~~ ~~~~Mr. and Mrs. John Hilîs visit-M.Sa KenOhwi- O WN I UIAS *? ed their daughter and son-im- ited Mrs. John Morris on M law, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ache- Thursday. v sonTomoto.Mr. and Mrs. James Linton sonaTreto M.and Mrs. Genald Done- and Carol, Toronto, visited Mr. SaveMon- and Mrs. G. M. Linton. a'avae, Oshawa, visited Mr. and, O/S Charles, (Ted) Wilson Mr.E. Kehoe. and O/S Leo Portier of "Sta- Us OÀ Sunday visitons of Mr. andf dacona", Halifax, are spending rd PLA SE VIE fw Mrs. M. Adams and iamily, Mn. V. Wilson. smil fry andMrs. William Sellers, Bai- . On Tuesday evening, Nov. C Scugog Iln ihM.aâbc There are hundreds of useful and iflterestin M1%rs. LloydA O%%Idread.F9r e s in Hunting F.amily. cacaa brown Chesapeake Bay Retriever, is an important member of hunting expeditions and gets in the trunk of the car when the famxily stants laading equipment, for fear hie might be left behinti. Bag an this trip included il black ducks, two teal, one saw bill and a partridge. Bruce is shown plucking some af the ducks. -ht yRhe -Photo by Rebtier nio News ditanium, there was a birthday panty ta, celebrate the 70th an- niversary ai the W.M.S. argan- ization in Orono. All members ai the Aitemnoon andi Evening, Auxiliaries, the C.G.I.T., Ex- plorers, Mission Bauj, andi th.3 mothers ai the Baby Band were invitedti taattend. There were games fallawcd by a simple supper andi a short pragmamn which incluticd some moving pictures.j iVrs. M. Irish, Peterborough, vislted Mrs. R. R. Waddell. Mrs. J. E. Richards visiteti Mrs. L. A. McComb, Lindsay. Mrs. Frank Hall retunnedti t Memonial Hospital, Bowmau- ville, a n Sunday. Mrs. S. Jones ai Englanti anti Mrns. Chas. Awde. were Sunday guests ai Mr. and Mms. D. Eioopen. Miss Gwcn Chatterton, To- ronto, spent Suntiay with Mr. and Mrs. Orville Chatterton. Mr. and Mms. Wm. Miller were Sunday guests ai Mn. aud vIns. Anchie Masters,'Bawman- vhie. OBITUARY Aften a short illness, Miss Zathenine Colville passed away 't hem hame, Centre St., Orano, )n Oct. 16. The deceaseti was arn in Clarke Township near >rono Fcb. 10, 1872, a daugb- ,er of the late Robent Colville ind Aune Mann. There were ight girls lu the family. Miss Colville receiveti hem' urly edlucatian at School Sec- ion No. 9 anti later attendeti igh school in Omana anti Bow- nanville. She taught schaol for i ew years, but was forcedti t ve up her 'profession awingi 0 ill health. She speut a few ,ars as bookkeeper with the te Thomas Bingham anti was Iso later baakkecper for Mc- Iellan Ca., Bawmanvilleq She tireti ta Orono anti eventual- vmatie ber home with hem stem, Helen Colville, on Cen- .* St., Orono. She is surviveti by two sis- ýrs, Esther (Mrs. Robt. Stew- f t) anti Miss Helen Colville;f Isa twa nephews Colville 'n, Orano, anti Allison owan, Toronto. The funcral w'Oas conducteti iRev. D. R. Dcwdncy at the2 )rris Funenal Chapel, -Bow- maville with interment in the nily plot at Bawmanville emetery. 1 E'allbearcrs wcre: Messrs.f Dnald Evanis, Chas. Tyrrcll, ies Calville, Neil Porter' lin Smith anti S. Berry. Phone MA 3-3303 Congratulations are extcnd- eti ta Mr. anti Mrs. Stanley McCabe ai eighbouing otus on the birth ai a daughter on Sat., Oct. 29, in Civic Hospital, Peterborough. We are happy ta report that little Miss Janice Stacey was able ta retunn home from the hospital this wcek aiter an- ather bout theme with the croup. Ou Tuesday. eveuîng, the Family Club belti theïr firFt autumn meeting whîch took the form. ai a iener raast in the church hall. The most in- temestiug part ai a rather duil. listless cveniug was the dema- litian ai seven dazen hot dogs. anti gobs ai swcets at the cn clusion. ai the evcning's social gathening. Ncxt meeting 2il be helti at the Ralph Malcolm an Nov. 23rd with program n .I charge ai the Art Rowans. The Family Club are contemplatiug splashing a bit ai paint araunti ta liven up chumch hall sceuenyl starting on the woodwork. On Wednesday eveuing sev- emal attendeti the Durham County Co-op Medîcal Health banquet in Orono. The Onono ladies, by reports, provideti a splendid --turkey - suppen ànd guest speaker Dr. Dymond M.P.P., Ont. County inom Port Penny provitiet a mast inter- esting anti informative atidress on "Fean". Mn. Dave Wilson was anc ai the new'Iy-electetiý directors ion three yean temm. k f 'e 4' 4' I e M je b j f J J J J J p~I ." SIMCOE ST. S. This communlty wus shock- ed to hear of the death yester- day of Rev. WoUtralm of Lake- fleld charge, a former popular pastor et Janetville charge aïd guest speaker at their last Sun- day Annlversary services. Mu's Anie McQuade bas been holiIda1rin1 wlth the Ar- chers et Po9 ope and jrigh- ton.J Ruth Willon'a Variety Sand provided music for the dance et Port Hope on Frlday nigl#t C onsored by the Country Visitors at the Lawsons this week incîuded Mr. Thomas Le- derdale, af Maple, Mr. andi CLEAREST STEADI EST PICTURES ANYWH ERE PLUS Professional Service PHPN RA 5.0151 Mr.. Alvin Frank of Peterbor. ough. Recent'caîkers at the Ralph MaCýlconswere. Mn.. ènd Mrs. MuVixray Shea and girls, Mrs. A. Hiekson, Mrs. Jean McC*l andi Eleanar. 'Yeîverton S. S. No. 1 held their annual Hallowe'en party on Manday afternoon ho lding open bouse ta this locality's nu- merous pre-schiaal-agers andi their mammas. A bilanlous af. ternoon was passeti by the small fry with costumes, games anti treats due ta the kind in- vitation offereti by, the teacher, Mrs. Arnold Williams andi hpr proteges. We wish ta sincerely thank all thase who warkcd sa hard, contributed toward and vated for the cause af progress and demnocracy at the Pleb- îscite held last Wednesday. Your efforts are re- warded in that local option has been defeated in Bowmanville. The sale af beer by the case is naw legal 'n this taw; The minority still withald the right from a large majority of buying liquor by the bottle or having a drink with a rneal ini a hotel dining-roamn. 1958 will mean even more for Bowmanville. The Liquor Store Majority is 554 votes The Dining Lounge Majority is 180 votes Bowmanville Progress Committee Glen Hughes, Presiclent OUR CONSTANT POLICY IS A WRITTEN ON ALL PARTS AND SERVICE! WITII EACH SET SOLD Service r, FRONT rEAtecto 33 King St. West Expert Television MA 3-3883 OSIIAWA da, eeigvstr fM.o t ars Anglicnh.v 14" FIR, good one side, 2'x4' $1dy.12cnig vsitos a Mn.of t adour he ÀïA 1 and Mms. S. Goble. Cuhro ,anaiteW A e IV' FIR, good one side, 2'x4' $1.92 Mms. W. Macdonald, Bai-' 1,mauville, spent the weekend cf ed a position as R.O.P. u- Ja FIR, good one side, 2'x4' $2.64 %%ith"Mrs. T. Scott. 'spectan andi is uow at Ottaw4u. Ca'j OTHERMr.CKNndSS AND IZESBAckLABtEMisses Simone Hogan, Osh -_ OTHE THCKNSSE ANDSIZS AAILBLE visiteti Mr. andi Mrs. George awa, and Margaret Harvey *eo:eepp.p*p#.Rahm, Saintfield. 1 visited with Mms. L. Caombes Samry to leamu Mrs. H. Part- and family. METAL LEGS, BLACK AND BRONZE nen is in Bowrçanville Hospi- iMn. and Mrs. WifredBanks taI also Mrs. Wallacc Millet. and daughtems, Wsowr fV' 10, 1", 6" tar at$ er et We wish bath a speedy rccav- Sunday tea guests ai Mr. and The Partncr chîldrcn are JMn. anti Mrs. W., M. Colby, staying with their aunt and un- West Hill, with Mn. anti Mrs. S EE US' TO-DAY cIe Mn. and Mrs. S. Gable. O . rn Mna afenio Mr. and Mrs. George Annie, O oda fenoBlowe Eben'zer: Mn. and Mrs. Ros school children had a Halloi- Paoley, Oshawa; Mn. and Mrs. c'en party at the school adi 0o o aos ai Mn. and Mrs. H. Brent. a party in the Sunday coi ,M.anti Mrsz. E. Pnescatt, room. The cbildren andi some O sh ç w a W " - dMrs. Otto Vintuc visited Mr. ai the adults in thein costumes 544rI I a. c sand Mns. Ace Abbott, Oshawa. hati a lot of fpn gaing froru . od u cts ~~~~~Rebekah church service at aà agt;o nte s' OFFICE 84 SIMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA Newtonville. gin able; nantcheirs a TheEaCOURTICE te WA.several daorsteps bave been PteTAT OURICEwish ta thank sîl those who maved. The gay evening entied AJAX - 41th 2-9f00 - BOWMAN VILLE MA 3-2130 helpecj ta make their home with two charivaris; Rona*Ld] 'Cooking sale a success. and Joyce Philp's andi David Hornsby Photographer of Oshawa will be at the BALMORAL' HOTEL Bowmanville for one day only Thurs., Nov, lOth OUR SPECIAL FOR THIS DAY will be one 8 x 10 mounted portrait for 'only $2.00 Ail sittings by appointment only Phone Oshawa RA 5-0151 coliect to Ilornsby Studio SALE 0F FRAMES We wiii further have a sale at 20% Off on wooden and metal fraînes Ail sizes including wooden made-to-measure framnes. fi 'Have your Christmas Portraits taken now Hornsby Studio -- " -- -- - , - - 7-- - . - - ýýý mal" qqm. FOR THE Thank You! YELVERTON

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