* *~ ~ W t A e~be "'DurhamCoun'ty'sýCGreat Family Journal" Y~à1 ----JUl O W M A N V T , TP . ('iMrA TO i TT7P OC1 'V A ' ~ y T r i rn > o-.] ±1nKiIAPN UVEMBR 3d 95510e PE~R COPYNUBR4 Vxperfs 'Are Enthusias#tic: )ver Town's Prospects of Atfrôctding New,. Industries Representatives ai several agencies and companies interest, ed in industrial development in Ontario were impressed with the gopd industrial land available in Bowmanville during a survey aio the town they made on Manday in campany with Bawmanvile Chamber of Commerce and Town Council representatives. The 11i 9fficials from out af town were taken on a tharough tour ai the town and teridered a dinner at the Lions Community SCentre, following which they gave their impressions an~d ad- vfre on industrial promotion ta local Chamber ' and Counc'il niember during an informa] discussion. While impressed with the' amount af good industrial sites available and the excellent transportation facilities Bow- nianvilie ofiers, they did feel that the appearance af the bus-i inets section could be improved and that several of the streets needed grading. Many Pirms Represented Organizations and campanies rePresented at the survey and discussion were tlbe Trade andt Industry Branch of the Ontario, 1Departinent af Planning 'and 9 ,D ev elo p ment, the Canadian 1Chamber a f Commerce, the M Canadian Pacific and Canadian a O t i iNational Railways, the Bank aiofbti 1Montreal. the Canadian Bank of a ic 't Commerce and the, Part Darling- Va ofls Tik t ton Uarbour Company, which was represented by Secretary- Treasurer. Guernsey McClelIan. d a c The il visitors were show n around the tawn by Chamber With the opening hockey President Elmer Banting, Mayor gaine this Saturday be- Nelson Osborne. burham M.P. tween Cabourg Carnets and John M. James, and George the Bowmanville Barons Hacking. Other local men mak- the Arena management ing the tour or attending the committee have announced dinner and discusion later were a new canvenlence for cus- Deputy-Reeve Wilfrid Carruth- tomers wishing ta purchase ers, Counicillors Dave Higgon reserved scats. Starting ta- andTomRehder, Chamber Sec- daY, reserved seats may be rtr-Mnager Ken Morris, obtained at the ticket of- Bowmanville Planning Board fice daily between the Secretary Albert Cale, Chamber haurs of 12.15 ta 1.15 and Vice-President R. P. Rickaby, after 5.30 p.m. Waltan Pascoe, local industry This move 'Is made ta representative on the Bowman- save -,people lining up for ville Industriai Cammittee, and seats the night of the game Chamber Treasurer Gea. Moody. and ta allaiv customers ta The out-of-town industrial Make sure of seats. Make promotion men were shown sure yau get yours early Bowmanville's business section,-frti pnggae the main industries presentîy fothspengare <Cantinued on page fifteen)i Over200 Pay Tribut e To Basebail Champions At Banquet Saturday Ba0wmanvilles two champ- cellent turkey dinner se rved by ianship basebaîl teams, the the Ladies Auxiliary ai the Bowmanville Brookdale Roses, Legion, John' M. James, M.P., O n tarioa Intermediate "IB" who was the master ai cere- Champions; and the Bantam manies, introduced the head L4gionnaires, Lakeshone Ban- table guests. These were: tam "B" League Champions Reeve Sidney Little, chairman and Ontario finalists, were hon- of the committee fram Town ored by the citizens ai Bow- Council which included Couns. inanville at a mast enjayable Lloyd Prestofi and Glenn Lan- banquet last Saturday night. der, that laoked aiter details The event, which was attend- ai the banquet, Bill Bates, ed by. a gathering ai e210, made Sparts Officer ai the Legion *up a jgearn membens, basebaîl Branch, and Mrs. Bates; Arnold and '{ic officiais and local Wade, President ai'the Lake- basebahi. supporters, was spon- shore Minor Basebaîl Leqgue; sored by the Town ai Bowman- Legion President Ross Mc- ville with assistance, as fan as Knight and Mrs. McKnight; 4 Legionnamres were, concenn- Ted Bagniell, President ai the ',from the Bewmanvrne Brookdale Rases Basebaîl Club, ,'r'anch ai the Canadian Legion. and Mrs. Bagnel; Albert Walk- Roses received handsome en, Seécretary-Treasurer ai the engraved silver trays fnom the Lakeshore Basebail League. tawn and smart windbreakers Guest speaker Rudi Schaffen, and crests from Norman J. Mayor Nelson Osborne and Mns'. Scott, owner ai the Brookdale- Osborne; Mrs. John Foote, wife Kinsway Nurseries which sj3on- ai the Durham M.P.P.; Norman soned the club. The Legion- J. Scott, sponsar ai the Brook- naires were presented with in- dale Rases, and Mrs. Scott; dividual silver trophies irom Rev. Herbert, Bill Hurley, an the Legian and embassed Eastenn Ontaria representative leather wallets from the tawn. on the Ontario Basebaîl Assoc- Enjoyable Turkey Dinner iation: -and Ray Dodge, Presi- Following grace by Rev. A. dent ai the Lakeshore Basebal C. Herbert, Rectar of St. John's League. Aglican Church. andi an ex- r---'- Dogs Needed For Hunting Pheasants Here In spite af only a two-day season in Darlington Township, pheasant hunters bagged quite a few ai the birds last Fridav and Saturday. They were re- ported ta be fairly plentiful, but hunters who went out with- out dogs did not fare nearly as 1well as' those wha had them. The pheasants were running into the late faîl foliage and dogs were needed ta flush them out. Among the successful local hunters, John and Ted Bird shot five between them and Tom Rehder, Lawson Kîrkton and Tom Palmer each shot two. Harvey, Clint, Bruce and Jack Lunney went out together and bagged six between them. Fred Griffin, Ted-McLaugh. lin and John Waiker, Toronto, who were hunting tagether, shot four; and John Poulos, Maurice Prout, Alex Cameron Sr., Bill Kirkton and George Hacking bagged one apiece. Lions Realize Nearly $400 At Auction Sale Opening Gam'e Sat.urday Frank Hoapgr Ernie Dickens Playing-coach Ernie Dickens and Captain Frank Hooper will be leading the BoWmanville Barons into action when the team plays its first home game of the season at the Memorial Arena Saturday night at 8.30 against the Cobourg Lumber Kings. The Barons have been practicing for three weeks, have taken part in two exhibition games, and are in good shape to start their home season with a Win against the new-name Çobourg squad Saturday. The parons downed the Oshawa A. A. team 8-,,2 in an exhibition yame lst week and Playing-coach Dickens has assembled a good mixture--of veterans and younger players which should provide a crowd-pleasing brand of hockey. Tom Depew, Don Gillhooly, Maxie Yourth and Bobby Bird are Éome of the well known stars who will help provide the action for the league apener. Remembrance Service At Cenotaph on Sunday A service ai Remembrance and march ta the- Cenataph under the auspices ai Town headed by the Legion Pipe Council, the Bowmanville Band. Fallowing the service Branch ai the Canadian Legion there the veterans will parade and the Bawmanviile Ministe- ta St. Paul's United Church for il Association will be held at worship at Il a.m. A service ai the Memarial Cenotaph on Remembrance wili laso be held Sunday at 10.30 a.m. If the at Orono United Chunch Sun- weather is bad, the service wili day evening. be held in the Town Hall audi- Citizens are asked ta pur- torium. chase one ai the pappies which AIl Bowmanville citizens are will be soid on the street by asked ta attend- this service in Legian members Friday' even- ing and,,,,aturday. Funds re- honor ai the men frarn# ýtîis celvedt roâï1IÎÏsalc ai poppies tawn and district who feIl in are used ta help those leit de- two World Wars. The veterans pendent, or veterans suffèring will formi up at the Legian from disabilities or hardships Hall an Queen St. at 10.15 a.rn. as a resuit ai their war service. Complete. Eliminations In- Soeakinaf Con# aIr %WtoFoTrn (UnuOnij nPage seven) Attendance at the Lions -Mr.-and u mm rL C odSmth mthg u n Community Auction Sale 1at I h nua ulcSek-Topo n Rgr Ma /eighs 38 Lbs. Army.cipnn I~tvleCtae ite avto ast In th a nul ubie Sp ak Th mp on an R M a.OMn. 30am . l oy T rdmit nit a iy y te o m n W eI I Over 400 R ised Saturday aiternoon was smali- ing competitions, the three dows. dter b Herbent Cameron ai Tyranc aubao 34ram.lstThrdasmv into anc aih bok Spaer an thi sbecshas claimed the pumpkin- in the kitchen af their farne Restaurnscans tMpe W ell O ver $40 Raised er tan usuaweduetasrfollows:an'Monica Sch- havewingd championshlop:aiMothîs cottagewihomehatioBowmanvfllis Gravegehome theBSalvatiane Armv weather, but the grass sum ai their ciminations and are lingensiepen - Modern Profes- district with a mammoth entry East Beach. supidtmwtha tve $376 reaiized from it compares now neady ta participate in the sions for Wamen; Lynda Rack- weighing 38 pounds. Mn. Can- Tebae hihsatdin cupplingfreensle n lage n in e o ontd arenu b r fentries this Leddy - Flow rs; Murray weel's issue ai The Canadian af the building frm an ver- They ar aso oti ng f n- The people ai Bawmanville b ett NCF Very soon ariles ranging from pianos ýa yeam, with several excellent ad. Wlk rieo m lincstates5,manvatEdg nar ato a riyated ste nd codthe ur anthm iiithcr upprtai heappalta e available for punchase idte-y etiethMie;Lleorc-a6laudsead otfid s ha srutuewhchisowedbya aiins office suporiofMissppalAphba I. thodisen ila hliad bidtelcl hmnton olw.Larmy Thompson - Ships; Ma- lem, had gnawn anc wcighing and badiy gutted the woodcn at maligwogtia oc hcp ee y chld c i A i a d 6Tempe ance Street, behind dn a ut rs. T e a cOntario Street S ho albc - T e yl C n da i p c me a p d ti y Mr. tewart ais oNe atlcyThaa manal ine Bn A.iica on in undcnprivileged'theBakiComne tion ai langer items was hcld Eliminations wenc held in Mountcd Police; Anthony Mal- two paunds. The fine had gained cansiden- ae vi arcas anywhcme in the warld. The profits from the sale ai autside/ the Lions Communitv the senior nooms previous to loy - President Roosevelt; In addition ta the giant able headway when the. Baw,. gahd loasce aihs The United Nations Internation- these cards will increase the gift Centre with many ai the smal Friday, Oct. 28. The foîîowing Glenna Frost - Robin - Hood; pumpkins, athen huge fruits manville firemen arrived but TsdervtinontathcFe ai Children's Fund is now wcll ta UNICEF ta help theim im- cm articles 'being sold inside the 16 members competed on that Vincent Malloy - Our Trip ta and vegetables have beeh' thcy savcd mast ai the ex-sriesainbigbith known and a number ai people partant womk for the worîd's banquet hall, date, at which time five win- Canada; Joc Schafîsma - The brought ta aur attention. One tenion and the cottages nearby Maple Gaeo o ih here welcomned the opportunity chiidrcn. Lion Ralph Ames, who was ners wcre chosen ta compete Royal Canadian Mountcd Po- ai Harold Watson's Narthern The building was the hast one ay Alakonbra hd c ta gî'fe special giits ta the iund. The members ai the Bowman- in charge ai the event assisted with speakers from the ather lice; Rager Meadows -The Spy apples ncached the im- on the east ai the naw ai sum-curdith gsppenea These donations are stili be- ville Business and Prafessfonal by Lion Bruce Semple, wishes two schools af the town. The Ttnc o ugs h m rsie fgue a 3 nhs m r d e]ns fcn n the e O tai0ho1Gs oi ing necivcd but aleady through Wamnen's Club appreciate the ta thank aIl those who donated five chosen were, Monica plain-, Marguerite Camber - in circumiemence, and a huge lake, and the firemen had ta tonpanit.o hesries thcrn and the maney from the strang support ai the commun- articles ta the sale and the ci- Schlingcnsiepen, Lynda Rack- cuen af the Ocean; Julia Ah- patata brought in by Charles use a large amaunt ai hase ta inpactoutafwfe saeo asteei vr$410 ta ity nt Iffr. Qu'woatned aMrayWleLar rr terbury. spccta, ai the Ontario Dcpart- end ai the road. The builig iswceintd nCm a Offices of eehiv Rebek h Lod e InsalledCentral Public Sehool ment ai Agriculture weighed in actually just aven the barder whcheme n eentai O fic rs of Be hie éb ka L dg Ist lidElirninations wcmc held Mo- at twa pounds two ounces. Mn. of tawn pmopemty and is located tadtmie nd asd 1day, Oct 21, with the fahlowing Bickle did not know wha gnew in Darlington Township. srnall ble.Tefrenuik th mnte su, owvrbh y extinishdi ihac participating: h ose puhwvr u Salvatlon Ariy Helps their nwdrch iclet- Margaret Vanstane-Spiders; it was pnobably produced in Immediate id was given thei guishes John Penny - King Alfred; Durham County. Barry Oliver - Beethoven; Jessie Barr - Caruso: Margar- I t ond - Bach- KarenvTAr- r%~. D ~ : :~ . D ~ I II Durharn 's Pr ospetity High Food Bill Hi! s $5,6 84,000 WeIlA bav e Nation's Avercîge Sa die Hawkins Hits Teen Town On Saturday This Saturday, November 5, Teen Town will sp,,nsor a Sadie Hawkins', Dance at Lions Çentre at 8:30 p.m. It's hard times, lots of square dancing with prizes for the best set. Cider and doughnýts will be served. - Girls, if your heart-throb is the shy, timid type, your time has corne at last. You can eith- er bring him ta the dance or hook him there. In fact you'Il have ta, because he can't ask you. It's up to the girls ta ask the boys ail evening. Happy hunting Saturday night, girls, and I hope you can run fast, fellows. Variety Show This Weekend This Year, don't miss the Golden Mile Variety Show ai Toronto. Bowmanville Kinsmen Club is again sponsoring the Golden Mile Chair and Show which made such a hit last year. The show is at the Town Hall this week for two nights, Friday and Saturday, Navember 4 and 5. Tickets are still available, and there are no resenved seats. This is an ail new show - new sangs, new dances and Sew assisting artist, George Doughty, a very cleven impersanatan. Sangs by the 35 mixed-voice choir are af a kind ta suit eveny taste, and there wiil be solos, duets, boys' and girls' chorus numbers as well. Marie Lyon, dinecton ai the graup which has appeared an Kate Aitken's radio pragram will be heard in sala numbers. The Golden Mile -show, has verve, huihor and spankie - an evening's entertainnient that the whole family will enjay. Get yaur tickets from Kinsmen rnembers, or. at the Town Hall the nights af the show, Frldayl and Saturday. Cuntain time i Huge Pumpkin '~New York, Oct. 30.-Wlith in-! indicates a trend toward more camnes of Durham County res- 11 u x u r i o u s living. Durhanm idents running at a high level, Caunty's food bill, mn meat mark- the questions arise: How much1 ets, grocery stores, delicatessens of this maney are they spend- and such, came ta $5,684,000 in ing? Where are they spending the year, an increase aver the it and for what? $46,0 ofa the prioriý year. Answers ta fhe questions are Divided equally among the local contained in a copyrighted study families. this amnounted ta $610 mnade by Sales Management afi per family. the spending habits of peapie! The local ability ta indulge in 'alli andin other parts of mare and better food is but one Canaa and the United States. facet ai an overaîl improvement Put under te spotflght are each; 'n the standard af living. cammunity's purchàses o faod, Luxury buylng in Durham autos, general merchandise andi County was indicated also in the like. outiets seiling new and usei In Durham Caunty, Most afi cars, farm machinery and ather the earnings in 1954 went into iautamatîve eciuipment. Such the cash registers af the local re- sales ran ta $5 ,762,000, accounit- tail stores, These expenditures ing for another 24 cents ai the produced retail business i he retail dollar. amout o $2,321000forthe 1 Another outiet was in general aanr i$232.0 o h merchandise stores, including The hie buing mphsisdepartment and variety stores. Thechif byin emhass -The volume" was $1,906,0()0. was on food, which took 25 cents mutntoaosniect. of ech ollr sent n te lcal Local sales af furniture, house- stores. It was mare than fam- hald equipinent and radia and ilies elsewhere in Canada allot- musicsple ee$1900 ted. The average was 22 cents. i sppis er 6ral0 In th Provnce o Oequaol.ta three cents. .2nts h rvnea naiat was Drug store perations camne to 24 cents.$584,000, fr almst an addition. Hobbies, Han dicrafts O utstanding Feaftures Bowmanviîîe's first Hobby and letterg which passed and Handicraft Show, a fea- through the Whitby post office ture ai the Eastern Star Bazaar between 1851-62 prior ta the last Friday afternoon and even- introduction ai postage stampe. ing filled the banquet raom ai the Lions Cammunity Centre Front Fish Scales with exhibits and drew a crawd Most unusual was perhaps af araund 400. the pictures made in relief by The exhibits came irom Bow- Mrs. Lucy Aidred, Scugag Is- manville, Whitby, Ajax, Brook- land. from fish scales and lin, Kendal, PQrt Perry, Les- bones. Mrs. Aldred has beeen kard NXewtonviile * ançI Port doing sheli work for about ten :ýHope vicinity and were. amaz- yea.rs, but a few years agoaa ing in their variety and inter- prize was affered at a Port est. There was everything fro!n Penny show for the most orig- coins ta car license plates, ial, local exhibit. Mrs. AI- frompaiting topistli . C. dned decided that something M. Kirk, Whitby, probably had cauld be donç with carp scales the greatest numben ai exhibits and bçnes and sent her son whih idudd gnscai~,,~,.ot o 'catch~ the Ish. She then cenise plates iram 1903 ta date, s,aelndcps ihtes shelîs, Canadian A ny badges, (Conunued n age seven) Frires Cause Hardship Fumily HometagesurAs thr -Weckly Newspapcr; Terny Black- King Arthur; Nomi Turner- Font George; Dixie Gili - Time; Kathenine Hicks Flowcns; Constance Niddery Thanksgiving; Sha- non Lucas - Modern Medical Manvels: irnm Wilson - My Trip ta' the Jamboree; Susan 4, 1 Rields - The Kiwi; Cana '"c innigan- Glass; Douglas« a,..- j-Oke T~he Staff ai Lufe; Edith ~ 4Nimegon - My Tip ta Wes- kt~. > C Canada; Kingsley Van Nest * .~ ~ -Florence Nightingale; Don- ald Brown - The St. Law- rence River: Judy Jeffery Algonquin Park. Five winners wene chosen as ~- - ~ olows: - John Peny, Dixie f ~ tGiil, Constance Niddery, Jirn -~tI ~- rt..,*s .~, a~i '~% ~ ~ 4i'j~4 ., ~ .W ilson, usan Shields. ~- ~ The finals w re leld n r' ,~ -~ ? -' j-~ -~~ -< ~ W-~~ ~ ~ , ~ .Tuesday aftern aan< November r ~ Çt~t- ~1 at Ontario St. Schoo i at which ivewinersatCentral and On- .9ehool. Mse Judgcs for the event wenc: New ffiPrsidf et ist rict o an d er Nsta25l.. Inside DGtriNo.S8îs i. SGoh een, PNG'Sis MarySi . scott uninhmMr i tnict Deputy rsdh fDsrc o n e ntl nieGada;5s daGheJPNGSs ay The folhowing were dechared hV Ing staff from Ganaraska Lodge, Port Hope, at a 'meeting Vinkie - Warden, Sis. Elva Leach, R.S.V.G.; Sis. Anniel vinners: Larry Thampson, IV in the 1.O.O.F. Hall. Seated left ta right are: Sis. Amy Wood - Musician Sis. Amy Winacot, L.S.V.G.; Sis. Audrey stancaeScigenSsepn;SCon-ds .)- Fin. Sec.; Sis. Ruby GarVrock- Chaplain; Sis. Grace Wray - Treas.SsDiyPee odco; Sis. Mable w T4*t DaistancedeNiddeny, SusanSishields Murdoch - Rec. Sec.; Sis. Ruth Mitchell - Vice-Grand; Wade - Outside Guardian. The finst two pnize winnens t ~i~Ruby UtchinmBB- Noble Grand; 84. Leonora Sznath -Paote by ".de MW ett te County Coett Little Lamage- On HalIlowe 'en Halawe'en passed verY quiet- ly in Bowmanville Monday night with practically no damage be- îng donc. Even the numnben ai mIucn mess tnan in former yeans.1 In vicw oai the cëloseneassai Constables Clarence Bradley Ithe vote an two ai the ques- end Len Hanthey kept a sharp tians there had been same spe- lookout fon vandals and this may culation that a mecount- might have accaunted for the very b e u s e . T e b e e ' m inor dam age caused. * b c u se . T e b e c' Thi--youngsters were arund waehousc was sanctiond by in their costumes for the usuai a majority of 47 votes above "sheil out" and arrived home the necessany 60 per cent, well loaded dawn with treats. A while the liquon store falled ta dance was enjoyed by the Bow- obtain the necessay pecen- manville High Schoal students. tage by anly 27 votes. Glenholme Hughes, campaign manager ai the Pragress Corn- MemorialI Hospital mittc, pointed out, hwever, that if the carnmittee requcst- Weekl'y Report d a recoutit it would have ta 'il swear an affidavit that it be- For the wek ai Oct. 23 -3o ieved the deputy returning ar- Admissions -------__4 ficers had wnngully ejected Births-2 male, 4 female 6 sore ballots. Since the coin- Eischarges -- _ 55 mittee believes that the depu- M ajor aperations - __ __ __ ty eturning aficers penonn- Minor aperatians . . 28 d their job wel, it xioeg not These acts are published affidavit. The cammittee alsa eekly in an effort ta acquint believes that mast ai the spoil- this cammunity with the services %d ballots wene blank ballots QI Our ho.ptak.., eut bypeple w4jug to vcote, elcu.âcLL. IsuiLs Mil1 The opposing factions in the liquon plebiscite held in Bow- manville an Wednesday ai hast week; the Bowmanvile Pro- gress Cornmittce and the Bow- manville Citizens Committce, on anhy ane on twa ai the th2e questions. Much Expense lnvolved In at¶diticn there is the fac- ton ai expense Ânvokved since the Progress Coimittee, shouhd it ask for a recount, would have ta post a $100 bond, whiclà wauld be fanfelted if the ne- caunt wene hast. The expenses ai the Caunty Judge whô would conduct a necaunt wauld also have ta be paid, as wll as lawyer's fees. Total expen- ses would pnobably exceed $300. In vlew, ai these facts, Mn. Hughes feit that rÉc useful punpose'wouid be served by.*a recount. Alan Strice, campaign man.- agen ai the Citizens Cammittee, also icît that a necaunt wauld nat pset the .results annaunc- d at WecIneiday. Whihc there were a fcw. irnegujarities- at onm or twa polis, ho feit that thp ballots aiiected wouhd not o" sufficient ta materially affect the resuits. Mn. Strîke was gra- tified that such a large percen- tage 8 1% ) o l, Bow m ,nvlile * 3 citizens 'had gone ta the prli to express their wishes in re- gard ta the three questions. This neflected the hard waîk put~ lortiby both uida% h4ad \ E. , 17nir irTKlrl 1 1 lBowmanville Schools "%ýF TT V 1-IL.JLJVI- q 1114 mm M. 11 2 'm'" 8 1 WNZ la av MIE lllia'nA LPUýLP -J-à Àm i j