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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Nov 1955, p. 4

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rAE omJ WE 00 TO TUE ICREST SWondertul things have beer *happening ln Canadian drama f« ln the last few years. One oi the MO'St exciting and deserv. jýxng of pralse was the organiza. 4;tion of a repertory compan y o .Murray and Donald Davis anc Aithe opening of thei.r theatre, '-The Crest, on Mount Pleasant , i4Road ln Toronto. The finesi 4-thing ofa ai! that after a cou- Z,.pie of years in which they have presented a great variety of . good plays, the campany is stl - going strong. It is far fram the t:easlest thlng idi the world to rniake a go af a theatre ven- Sture. We saw Shakespeare's "Oth- ello" there last Saturday, and ý- t was a thrilllng presentation. ý»Frederick Valk was Othello, .and having seen him as "Shy- flock in "The Merchant of Ven- Sice" this summer at Stratfard, we knew that his wauld be a tremendous performance. He Shas a great capacity for trag- ~,edy, sa that when he beats his breast and head and. cries aloud "ta Heaven, us audience does flot look critically on at an in- terpretation of suffering, it is swept up by it, and carried in 'Othelia" ta the fearful climax of the play. An English critic vi-ote af Valk's performance as fOthelia at London's Old Vic, "there is no other such tragic THERI LENI Aire-Fia ileati SThat's Madi fa Bowmic FSA mIox ing MODEL e to Order >r inville Wbether nour bouse is smal or lange, built on a slab or aven a basement or crawl space, yau can have modern, efficient, fuel-saving LEN- NOX warni air conltont. Cali us today. Let's go-ovez.- yaur heatlng needs together -and look aven the LEN- NOX Aine-Fia Heating systems that ane made ex-' pressly for your haine. player on aur stage."' n Murray Davis is a wickedhy Ssmooth Iago, Diana Vanderv- a lis convincing and beautiful as Othello'. wife, Desdemona, -thraugh whom Iago plots- Oth- -ello's dawniail. Barbara Chl- catt, a sister of Murray and Doald Davis, is excellent as Iago's wife, especiaily sa in the tvery dramatic scene near the tend of the play where she turnn against her -*wickecl husband and tels Othello hoW terribly hç has been mistaken ini be- Siîeving Iago's lies about Des- demona. ,. Many ai the Davis Company have played in the Stratfand Festival, and anc necognizes such naines as Tony Van 1Bridge, a very fine actor who in "Othelia" plays Brabantia, Desdemana's fathen; GrEint Reddick as the pon, guiled Ro- deniga; David Gardner as Mon- tano; also Bruce Swerdiager, Peter Henderson and Alan Zie- lanka. Bath Donald Davis and Barbara Chihcott we saw a year aga in "Measure for Measur&' at Stratiord, Donald Davis playing the lead raIe during the last week when James Masan had ta go back ta Hollywood. A gaod n-any from Bawman- ville and district have been ta The Cnest ini the hast two sea- sans, which is no cause for wander-the fane is good, plays, acting and staging ali Co* * q 4 -4 E E e Current and Con fidential Deuignesi cspeclally ta meet requlrements aof thc average as welI as tise Iowest tem- S ratures we face in this V r ofthecouatry. 5uuilt th balance the heat ]OncS that are common ln -Jhe tipis QI luseswe live, Tisat's how LENNOX Warm Air Conditioning Systems are "tallired" té the neoss of your home asd the homes of Your nelgbboru. FIVE YEAR GUARANTEE Leunox guarantees its equipment for 5 years. The raotors, 0il pump, . transformer, contrors, heat exchanger an d où burner, are guaranteed for a period of five years from the date of shipinent, against defects in material and workmanship and defective parts will be replaced free of charge. Tcrms can be easily arrangd Se# Tour Authorized Lennox Dealer in Bowmanville A. E. COL-E Plumbing & Hecting, 26 Ontario St. N. Bowmanville MA 3-3473 ~4 4., A.- 4'. 'g. j', .4 4- 4- à.. e. 4.. 4. ô- 4. 4, 's e. 4-. 4. 4, 4 '4, '4. 4. J-. i.. Y. 4. .4, 4. s 4. I .4 'A. + .4. 'ô- 4. .4- "s 4. 4. -4 .4 -4 .4 'e .4 -4 4 .4. .4. '4 M 3 80 4 110 Tex Ine., Gal. Tax Inc. Tm ,CAIiAD!AKSTATESMAN. -EOWMAIIVILLE.ONTARXO - y, Este Carruthm Lunney -12, NewcaiIe, is now. attendin:r Bowmanviile High Schaol afteÎ înaking a perfect score ici pub. lic school by having top mark: ini every grade. She took sever and cigut grade ini anc year here. She has won thie Bnawn'â Home and School Club awandi ion the highest standing ini each grade. She was latte for school oniy twice ini seven years. Gooc luck Kathleen ini High! Brown's Home , ad Schon. Club held their annual Hal. iowe'en party at the school or Friday evening, October 28th. There was a large crawd ini at- Lendance, and the costumes show more imagination and vaniety every year. The prizes won were as follows: Girls, 5 years and unden - Bride - Susan Simpson. Boys 5 years and under - Tramp- Gordy Baxter. Girls, 6 ta 8 years- Bath Girl - Nancy Simipson. Boys, 6 ta 8 years-- Clown - Jimmie Baxter. Girls, 9 ta Il years-Pisner..Don. nia Mclnoy. Boys, 9 ta Il years -Skeleton - Bnian Pickering. Girls, 12 ta 15 years-Spanish gin-peggy Simpsqon. Boys, 12 ta 15 years--Coffiic-John Sin- clair. Best dressed camnic, girl or bay-Vegetabie man - Da- vid McReelis. Best dressed cou- ple under 15-Nurse and pati- ent-Shirley Fraser and Mar- ion McReelis. Best dreased lady -Bull iighten - Mns. W. Cail. Best dnessed gent - Sweater girl - George McNain. Best dressed Comte, lady or gent - Fat man - Mns. Er. Mclflray. Best dressed couple, aven 15 - Old Lady and Gent - Mrs. R. Langlois 'and Jimmnie Mcfliroy. fallawing the. presentatibn af pnizes, lunch was served, and many tired and happy children were bundled off homne, wilh the next event ta look for'ward to bu* g hie hUistmaapgrW._ .ai a hlgh order. If you 1 Shakespeare, you shoulc miss "Othello", stili play thus week, and possibiy nex clieck yaur newspaper for c firxnatian. Next play at Crest will be a camedy byR ertsan Davies, sa, well kno ta Canadians as playwright, velist-and editar af the Pet 1lorough Examiner. It's cal 64Hunting Stuart". SIf you haven't been ta '1 Crest, the address is 551 Mai Pleasant Road, whieh is a south ai Eglinton and east Yange. Yau can order tick of course, and there are n tinees an Wednesdays and S urdays. SLOWLY AQROSS TUE EARTH Did you notice that we hl aur first snow and a thunc storm ail in the same wei which was last week? This is beautiful tifie af year as ani agaîn another change of seas wheels slowly acrass the car' The saaking rains have ma the grass and pastures as gre as Sprlng again, and viv fields of Faîl wheat lie hi carpets on the wet, black earl The blazing calor ai ear Autumn has been niuted bronze, russet, gold, and dt red, and softened yet aga witlî a veiling. ai mist-whe indeed the leaves stillin Hereabouts, the willows (fil ta came, last ta go), the silvi mnaples, the locusts and t] beeches-oh yes, and the No way maple, are ahl that sti retain their leaves. But la Saturday the Rouge Vallk was like a very soit, very o] tapestry for color. This mutE landscape ai late Faîl, livenE by the bnilliance af the gree wheat, is almost more beaut: fui than -the exatie vividne* of eanly October. And the nains always brin ta mind saine quotations w have oni the subject-in th F'all, this .one in particular:" thick ponderous stralght rai: that tallked thratiiy as it feUl. WiL4TS YOUR LUNE The numberý and variety a exhibits in the Hobby and Han licraft; Show at the Lions Cen nre last, week, and the 'size a he crowds attending afternoaî and evening were 3urely an ini licationai the great and grow ing, interest ini hand-madi hings today. To make saine hing, with one's hands satis fies a creative urge and filli mpty haurs witli absorbini wark. .What* was once a necessit >efore the. Industrial Revalu tion, and ini Canada's pianeei [ays,. has now became a pas- tme and a pleasure. The spin. ing wheel and loom fashion- d waol. and cloth for clotheE and blankets that were neceÉsi. des in ýwiidenness homes. To- ay, wheei and loam are hab- hes and produce articles prized in a diffenent way than those :) early turnes, because the ironds "hand-mnade" in thuî machine age, set themn apart. Whether the hobby be paint- ng, leathencrait, stamp collect- ýg or whatever, the main hing is thaf those who pursue ihobby or handîcrait are hap- )y, because they are able ta îse themselves in wonk that îey find interesting and satis- ying. Especially for aider pea. le who are na langer sa busy, îfor those wha mnust be ahane good deai, are these outlets wonderful thing. Standards ftaste, beauty and perfection houhd ever be before those vho create however, for they we that ta theinselves and the orld about them and wilI be ven happier for the striving. ;ash Awards' ,eceived For uggestions Nine employecs ai the Goad- xr firm have necently neceiv- 1cash awards for suggestions improve wonking methods, the factory. HIarvey Partner, necelved an [itianal ;award of $i1 fno n Not se very many yemar go, people with a history af certain ail-, ments or discases were unable ta buy the life insurance they needed.îe Often, this resulted ici cocneiderable hardship for their fm '1103. But ;aday ... thanks ea the resuits of ncw knawiedge and rXrch in controlling diseases, many such people are now accepted by life insurence compmnies - and can pravide' thein families with vital fiamacial protection. This ir énotbar exam pie o! the matsy uays jinuhich the, lit# isurance com panies in Catiada bavo advanced witb the tirnis ..offeransbastor seni'ico Jo Canadians in all walks ofl h/el Cem)ring mlore thon 50 Canadlag., British, United Stotes id (Froin Wianton Echo) d These are the days that tr" d the seuls and shorten the lic m uines af weekiy editons. The3 j.. usually enter the fail seasa: ss aiter a late sumrien holida: ful ai pep, keen as mustanc tg eager as a beaver. They'r., re ready fan a crusade, the cdi. te tonials are going ta be razar. .a sharp, briiiant new. feature! ,n wili be added ta the paper, they "wiih spend mare turne at home, doing odd jobs,, they will seE mare ai tlieir childnen. - Two monthsa later they are -beston, whlmpering shadows oi f mon. Their ulcers are ulccning, itheir bair la eltiser thinner ai - rayer. They baven't got thei, s areens off or their storm win- e daws on. Their familles bave - acc leus o! thens than a land- -lady secs o! a lodger. They have sbats a. big as becs' neste un- 9 der their cyca. Andi the words "Imeeting" aor banquet" cause 31 tbenmta start violently, mutter -strango madnesses and rall r' their eyca in a most alarmung -manner. The pon uncompiaining drudges are suifering fnom a double case af meetingitis and banquetasis. They don't mind *putting ini their usual 50 ta 60 hours a week on the job. They don't even mmnd gaing ta a cou- ple ai meetings a week, when othen people are happiiy sitting at home, with slippers, pipe and papen. It's ail part af the job, and anyone silly enaugh ta get *into the newspaper "gaine" as it's reierred ta by Weple wha wouldn't hast two inningsinii it, Ldesenve that much. But around the first o!fC- toben, doxons of organizations that bave been lying dormant f' 11 summer suddenly sprint nto tlgcnish activity, holding meetings, planning pro jects, appointing corrmmttees. Andi Just as sure as drakes don't lay eggs, tise editor lo on the cxc- cutive of half of them. Se tise meetings ho lsn't eovering for tiscir news value, hoe must at- tend because he's on a commit- tee. When ho gets te the stage where he's going 'ta a meeting cvery night except Sunday night, on wlich he stants ta write his editonials and falis aslecp aven thie machine aften punchlng out a sharp heading. he's mare ta ho pitied than scarned. But when ho finds himself trying ta. attend three meetings the samne night, or zaying ta his wife wearily "I second the motion" when she has remanked thnt she's getting aider looking, and 'mnove we adjourn" when an id niend You con have un IXTENSION telephone là- yovv home for.. Boss thon * 5Ca dey ;;.In bedroom, hall or guestroom-from ottic te garage- EXTENSIONS save time. stops end onergy; provide prwaccy. siIn the bosument Iaundry, workshop or playroomn- EXTENSIONS ore convnient, morning-, faon end oightl If yes bave Vweo ormore #]drm telophomes put in your Uiï i tféesealime, yosa or@ *mly charoed for oaeiý1 Coai Our Tlphuet Business OffIcý for un immediat. installation like Idn't ymg t- con- The tob- ,n ter- Med The .int bit ma- Sat- àad der ýsa nce son rt. de een 'id ike ,h. ta mLn cre ng. Dr- Ist Wiarton Edi Some Obser NewspaperÀ VIGOR STANDARD GASOLINPÉ VIGOR XIGH TEST GASOLINE VIGOR 0OIL [SERVICE STATION Two miles North of N'ewcastle on Highway No. 35 PORE 3881, NEWCASTLE FREE GLASS WARE giveat ffway with the purchase of six gallons or more of gasoline STOVE IL- For your convenience, ig mual quamiliies available ai the station OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS M'r. Lss ack van ýson [os. .C., )P ýe( e( er VE in L'i of a- 1- te IS g 'y d e e a e BROIPN'S Accountancy 1 WM. J . .COGGINS Chartered Accauntant 64 King St. E. Bawmanvflie (Above Garton's Bus Station) 64 King Street E. J. HJNTER AN» COPAN-y 1Certlfied Public Accountants Oshawa 5-1621 Phone MA 3-3612 Suecessors taO0. S. Hobbs Chi rop r a cic G. ED>WIN MANN, D.C. Ofc:Chiropractor Specialty Paper Products.,Bldg. 63 lemperance Street Phone MA 3-5509 Office Hurs: By Appontment Dental DR. W. M. RUDELL'!D.D.S. Office: Jury Jubilee B]dg. 4n> King St. W. Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 dally 9 a.m. ta ,12 noan Saturday Clased Sunday. Office Phoxhe MA 3-5790 Rouse Phone - Newcastle 3551 DUt. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.. Office li his home 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 ta 6 ip.m. daily 9 ta 12 noon Saturday Closed Sunday Phane MA 3-5604 DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.. Office 23 KXno! St. E. - BowmanIle Office Haurs: 9 ta 6 p.m. daily 9&.m. ta 12 noan Wednesday Closed Sunday Telephone: Office MA 3-5459 L eg al STRIKE and STRIKE A Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Public r W. R. Strike, Q.C. A. A. H. Strike. B.A. s 140 King St. WV. - Bawmanville Tilephone MA 3-5791 rLAWRENCE C. MASON, D.A. Barrister, Solicitor Residence MA 3-5553 JOHN REGAN, B.A. * Barrister Natary Public 33 Temperance St.. Bowmanvllie Phone MA 3-3292 MffisAPHA 1. HODGI-NS Barr iter, Solicitor Natary Public Temperance St. -BownianvMle M o r t g a g e s. LEROY HAMMTON - ORONO Phone 1 r 16 firet martgage fundu Residerices - Far=n Business Properties Optfo me t ry KET A. BILLETT Optometrist 141 Kixi St E. - Bownianville Telephone MA 3-à252 Office Houra: 9 a.m. ta 6 pa. Monday to Saturday _qxcept Wednesday, 9 - 12 Eveing by Appointrnent JOHN A. OVENS - Optametrit Jury& LoveU BowmnanvIlle Phone MA 3-5778 Piano Tuning Professianal Piano Tuning AZTBU8 COLLISON _ Andrew's Presbyterian W.M.S. wa ehd at the home ai tic President, Miss Flona Galbraith, on Tuesday aftennoon, Oct. 18, President Miss Galbraith presid- ing. Cahl ta worship "Trust lni tic Lord" tic ll9th Psalm wasi read and a prayen. Minutes ai last meeting and reports were given. Correspon- dence was read in connection with canienence at Peterboroughs on Nov. lst. Thc Thank-offering meeting is ta be on Nov. l6th. Ms. E. W. Crawford took the devotion- al. She read thc hyrnn "Whene Cross the Crowded Ways of Lii e" and oifered a prayen for averseas missianaries. She also nead fnom. the book "Face ta Face with India" telling ai tic great need for food, so many hungry people ta iced. The gav- erninent is trying ta campajgn ta raise more food and ta train Young men fan agriculture. Waten is thc big problein. they have so littie nain the eanth is so parched and dry. The meeting ciosed with the Mizpah Benedictian and a dainty and Netherlands Companies Coun fies Pl For $3 73,1 Situated ac Tise, United Caunties Counci approved Uic plans for the non caunties building last week al a special session held at the CautiqeCauneil Chambers al CobouAk. A r rading tc tise debenture by-laW coverirsg cost of thc building and fur- nishings was aiso given. Lowegt Tender Acceptesi Olmstead and Panker ai Hamilton came highly recam- monded and misa tendered tise lowest figure at $373,800. The debenture allows tise council a budget up ta $450,000 out af which will came the furnIsh- ini s. At tise prosent time tie indications point ta a cansider- able savlng by the cauncil un the original estimate. Ailow Future Expgnaloa Barnett and Rieden, the Port Hope anciitecta, will ovense mnuch as he should, or would at as la s hometking seconds an every- Hospital -Board Deails ass P lans thing. Af terwardis, as he sam- ,n nolently crauches aven the ta- >f'bf~~ D.I.J hibe, taking notes amid the d-' Ii L Dumu.IB s n s ~L /I./ L I iI L Ii n g erted ro î and the sp l d V E E t a v~~, ast ionging ta lie down At regular Meeting of the Peeta h etn r~~a Hob urspithec.a l onecs 'lemo Mr. Cryderman, Mr. Little, IN il biheadednstrsurtionteperintendent Miss Irene Shaw Hacking. Mr. Diiling, JM i i ostuto.Mr. Barnctt speaker, îvho bas Just been re- reparted 974 patient daYs and Shaw, Lloyd Prestoh,l Iv gave a description ai the coni- mlnded of another little story, 42 indigent patient days for the Lander, Joe O'eili , ýtstuto faursadsd c he'd give the remains of his manth ai September. Accaunts Hobbs, Dr. Harold Fru e srucionfeaurs ad sid hescanty locks for a hot cup of ai $4,063 were, passed for pay- and Mrs. B. Mutton ai the Hc ýt contractars tendered an coin- cofice and a cigarette. But the ment on motion of George pital Women's Auxihiary. oplete specifications. Hol also ex- coffee Is ail off, and they're ln Hacking. lained that the design has ai- the cburch basement, . or . he The Board decided ta pur- ri we or development af un- community hall. where smok- R E LUne ir xtnuih finishcd areas for future ex- lng isn't aliawed. crsas ecornewfnded extingusî- AST,*RELIE F I pansion. * * * Chie! L. Hoopqr in his repor t f 20 Year Debenturo Desine for the weed becomes on the excellent fire preven- * The debenture will be sold insatiable. The fifth speaker is tian measunes araund tice this ycar on a 20-year payment just starting uis fourth stary. building. 1 A C R N a basis. Thene had been cansid- Everybody else is enjaying Secretary R. J. Diling was H N ierable opinion in favour ai a himseli. The lowiy wretch with instructed ta notify the con- S10-year debenture but the ne- whom we deal can stand It noa struction firin, Bradiard-Hosh-' . ccssity for a new building for langer. He tries a sneak taw- al Ltd., that thc bonded roof ethe Home for the Aged ini the. ards the doon. His foot catches has developed leaks in three ai ion the langer terin. which he fongat ta unwind it, af Sidney Little, the property Posibl cmpltio dte orthe chair goes aven with a committee was. given power ta Possblecomleton ateforcrash, and in tnying ta grab it, act negarding the leak ini the the administration o! caunties he knocks a glass af water inta roof ai the nurses nesidence. business was given as the end teapath ldy sitting ho hira anyCydra a! August next year. side hum, just as the speaker reportcd on the District haspi- "KN Fm reaches hua punch line. No woni- tai meeting in Peterborough an it r G v sder weekly editors die yaung. March 29 and'sttdta h itor ivesAnd that "rerninds rhe of a spring wili be held in Baw- little story" wbich h"~ no con- manville. -voti ns on nection with the subJeet, ex- 'vati ns onactly like aIl the little stonies_ of ail the speakers. But it dae A ctiv tieshave ta do with banquets, and A c i ii sit's a truc anc. An Ancient Citi- fHow im s h v an metinstht ts ncedazen had been pensuaded by bis U he'son te skds.per. He'd enjoyed it thorough- *] y, disposing of an incredible fo -h e t r And If the meetings don't put amount ai turkey, fixings, and _____________ hlm there, thse banquets wili. pie. Thse ladies oi the chureh Me Invarlably han ta rush ta came around ta fui the water get there. And when he does, glasses. "Full up. Don't want be lnvaniably bas ta stand none,"l said Ancient Citizen. His around for haif an hour, hie grandeon tald hlm he'd better staunacis snarlIng, whilc everY- have corne water for tbe toasts. onc waits for thse guest speaker. #$Lord Harry," said Ancient Ci- Thse fumes of roast turkey tar- tizen "they aln't gain' ta, give 1 ment thse Inner man; thse know- us toast aiter ail that grub." Iedge that there are three houri of speeches, most oi themn con- sisting ofi "that reminds me o f I& alittle story" <wbich he bas M . ea heard eloventy-seven times be- fore) ahead ai hlm, crushes bis L sp*rit. rrouiems in Then he eats about twice asV et ndajN Business Direcfory The negular meeting ai_ St. 1 lunch was served. -.4 f .7cçn ISathleen Brown from

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