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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Nov 1955, p. 6

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TUE CANADIAN ETATESMAN. BOWMANVILL ONTAMO TH'TR~flV. NV. OZU.1 ll Counties Con sider Steps To Clarif y Status of Whyte Children's Home (Port Nope Guide)" It wasn't their fault. Thay didn't want te act as judges of a COUPle's love for children. But 40 unhappy United Counties 'coundillors had a duty' ta per- form yesterday at the specia] session. They had to parade the good work of Bert and Bertha Whyte of Eowmanville, and examine it *ith a critical eye. They had to voice quer- ies and appoint a committee to carry but an investigation. They had ta explain that rules and regulhations do flot under- stand love and faith. Haven Of Refuge For Bert and Bertha Whyte have built a haven of refuge in their 'registered infants', home. Thcy have. opened their door and their hearts to the childrený in need of both and their onL.y tools are faith and love. But the regulations covering the child welfare sections deal in cases minus the abstract powcrs. Rules are based on cold hard facts. Where does the money corne from and will there be onough? Should illness strike who will be responsible and how will they survive? Where will ail this end? How did children fromn across the border of other counties and <even countries corne to Dar- lington township? The rule. are fast. They are flot buiît on faith. lVeli-Sprlng Of Power Bort and Bertha Whyte, how- ever, have touched a well- spring of power that may re- volutionize the children's in- stitutions. They have performa- ed miracles in their spotlessly clean farmhousc. There are doctors in Oshawa and London, Ontario, who have seen themn develop before their eyes. For the truc story af the Whytes has not been written. Pink c. Sensational. Home Facial * 2.00 *Deep Magie - 7se, 1.28 New Toul 1.00 Tip Tout 1.25 ria Quiek 1.79 Nexema Cream 1.29 The reporters have beon sa pressed by the work o! wor they have streused the need financial hoip. The Wh have not encauraged thisj tude. Bertha Whyte has a hear, full a! love that it has brau a mrile ta the lips af a mor laid baby. She has faitlh great that she has bought h~ to- a boy sufforing with cg brai palsy. And she does pour biblical quotations fi hem laughing lips. She's busy. im- rider 1for lytes atti- t Bo ught ngo- 1 Bo âope ere- flot trm too Made No Covenant Take the miracle ai Bertha Whyte. When depression stmuck hem family back in the black thirties it aiso took hem mother. There weme 13 in the family. She, with the nest, worked and fought hcr way through paver- ty and hamdahip. Shc made na covenant. She simply learned ta love and have fqîth. Hem infants' homo wms an ac- cident. A child ta hlp and love when it was needed des- porately. Thon like^- winter- starved sparnows iooking for crumbs they came ta her door froni everywheme. Hon love gmew and grew. House Overfbowing Now the farmhouse is aven- fiowing. In it is the child ai an Italian couple. New Canadians the man and wife found them- selves in financial difficulty. He is wamking as a dishwashen in Toronto for $20 a week. It casts him $15 a week for board. His wifo is now womk- ing also. They wanted a home, flot an institution, for thein baby wheme it would mceive the love that wms its due. Some way they heard o! the Wbytos. They visit regularly, they heip pay for the bmby's mainten- ance and have regained thein S'rock Shampos For normal, oily & dry hais 85C 1.8 isow _____1.49 Ain:wiek Mist Cleartsil for pimpimu 690 - 1.19 Geritel Deisey 2 fer 37@ i -a 2.59 COWLI NG'S PMONE WB FIT MA -515DRUG STORE TUfE Anytime iý Time for a Glass of MILK For menis extra good toeact This rocipe is hard to beat: Serve them milk as a treat! Mealtime or anytime, te niake a bit Give them milk . . . it's a favorite! Glen Rae Dairy MA 3-5444 Bowmanvjlle hope of maybe* soon eptabllah- ing a home. Miraculous Progreas There is the 12-year-old boy. A picce of human flotsamn turn- cd down by his famtiy because ho was a total care. A corebral IPalsy victim, ho couldn't sit, he îcouldn't feed himsclf, he could- in't taik. He was treated as a IVegetable. Today, in a fow short months, rhe walks! It is a struggle but he doos and "Mom" wzth her love gives him the strength zo continue through the gauntlet of cerebral palsy. He has ac- quirod the vocabulary of a four-ycar-old and he uses it. And best 0f ai]. ho in part of anc big happy family. The doc- tors say a miracle has oceur- red in a Darlington township farmhouse. There arc othors. Family homes have bçen re-ostablisnl- ed. A Korean war veteran la re- gainlng his faith in human na- ture. His badly burned baby is gaining weight and he is de- vclopingthe faith that somne- day his child wîll be beside him in a homec o! his own. Ho dreamed of that home. Now ne is detormined it will bocorne a reality to wipe out the biot of a mothor who left her pain- wracked baby in a hospital and forgot both her child and her huuband. The baby's progress? Doctors say it is a miracle! Infections Spirit Thc bursting household does flot worry the Whytes. Fath- ers and mothera who cannet, at the moment they explain has- tily, offer financial assistance do help in many ways. There are expert carpenters and eler- tricians. Mrs. Whyte laughing- ]y says there will one day pro- bably be a plumber. Ahl these people catch the infectious spir- it of outpouring love and faith and things begin to happen. Ac- commodation for more child- ren becomnea a reality, main- tenance is made casier and these people work for it is' a guarantee of happîneos for their own. The Whyteu will flot be wor- ried by the investigations. No doubt they will consider them a nuisance. For they know decpdown within themselves that help will corne and always has corne when it was needed. We cannot say lhow the, Un- ited Counties Counicil and the Children's Aid and the Health 'Unit and the Provincial De- partrnent cf Welf are should act. They have cold regula- tions to follow. But we agIt thern to, treat gertly for mira- cles are few and precious and fragile. NESTLETON Anniversary services lu the United Church wene veny wel attended in spito of the wea- thon. Miss Vivian Sadien and the Scugog Island choir previd- cd the music which was much enjoycd and appeciated. About $140 was rea.lized. It is 55 years aince the chuneh was opened. Mn. and Mn.. Edgar Emerson and !amniiy. Toronto, visitud Mr. and Mns. M. Emreson. Mr. and Mmi. Art Rowan and family, Yelverton, called on Mr. and Mrs. Win. Steele. Mr. and Mns. Robt Sadien and Miss Vivian Sadlen, Bow- inanville, spent the weokend Wlth Mn. Wilired William. and Mm. and Mrs. Rlph Sadien. Mn. and Mrs. Lawrence Mal- colm and !amily visited fionds ini Bowmanville,' Pon't forget W.!. meeting at Mrs. Harry MeLaughlin's, Nov. 9th in charge o! Mrs. Adeibent Beacock'a graup. Mm. and Mn.. Wilton Crcad, Bannie, spent a few dmys with Mn. and Mns. M. Emrsmon. Mm. and Mmi. Ivan Prouti spent an evening with Mn. and Mns. L. Joblin. Mm. and Mr&. Vicier Malcolm, Mn. and Mr&. Douglas MacItie apent Tuesday in Guelph at- tending the fmmmer'u Union Convention. Mr-. and Mns. Burt Hewlett, Oshaa, sentTuesayove»- in ith Mr. and s.L.Job- lin. Sympathy is extended ta Mmm. Wil!ord Jackson in the passing o! hiemuncle. Mm. Ar- thur Payne, who was buried fmom Pont Perny on Wednes- dey. Mr. and Mms. Dan Black, Jean and Donna, Caurtice, Mr. and Mms. L. Joblin visited Mr. and Mms. George Johns on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Wil- liams and Janice, Mm. and Mra. Don Stuti, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mns. M. Emerson. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Sam.- elîs, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mms. Kenneth Samelis. Mm. and Mms. Rae Maicoini, Janetvilic, with Mn. and Mis. Victor Malcolmi. He gave her a look that you could have poured on a wm!!le. -Lardner. TOUR EYES and Visionl Re-wn'tten from previaus Scopyrights Optometriat DiaueY Bld. 31 Kiug E., OPp. P.O. OSHAWA hn A564 317. Ti ens muat be speciaily manufactured from the first operation a! the making a! the optical ions. Some o! theseI temponamy corrections by reliev- ing the patient af particular in- conv-enience and givlng added comfort free fnomn strain assisti theni to gain stncngth physicJ'11v as welh. This is an assistance of a reflex physical condition being elieved with glasses. (Copyighted) ENNISKILLEN. C.G.I.T. was held Octaber 29, in Sunday School roamn, with Nancy Wood and Reva McGill. in charge of the worship. It was decided in the business Vrid ta reaffiliate with the .S. on November 9th. Irenvi Ferguson read the Study Book. Botter Grooming chapter wvas readHby MarY Griffin and Ele- nor Heardg ave a contost. Judv Green and Vicki Pickering served lunch and we closed with Taps. Mr. and Mru. Lorne Lamb, Ruth and Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lamb, were visito:s of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lamb. Mrs. Roy McGill and Reva, accompanied Mr. and Mus. Keith McGill, af Bowmanvllle, ta Peterborough, visiting withi Mr. and Mrs. Orvilie Lutin. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Keithi, Toronto, recently visited with Mr. and Mrs. Norman 'Wright. Miss Fibrenco Van Nest. re- turnod home with them after sponding a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Wright. i Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ferguson, Irene, Bernice mnd Bruce, were at Mr. and Mrm. L. Winkworth of Lefroy. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ormiston and Master Ronald Forsytb, werc dinner guests o! Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Slemon, Bowman- ville, and attended Ar;niver- sary services at Trinity United Church. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton, and boys wcre viaitors of Mr. and Mrs. S. Kersey, Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. Vern ScheIl, South River; Mr. and Mr3. Lawrence Schell, Toronto: Mr. Melville Schoii, Bracebridge, were weekcnd visitors of Mr. and Mrs. E. McNair. Misses Leowna and Evelyn Ferguson and brothers Doug- las and David, visited with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ferguson, Bowman- ville. Mr. and Mrs. K. V. Svanefelt, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wilson and Kerry, visited frienda at Kingstan. Mr. Gordon FleeW, Toronto, spent the weekend wîth Mr. John Fleet and Mr. - and Mrs. A. L. Wearn. Mr. and Mr..In. Hope and family, Port Perry; Mr. and Mrs. H. Stainton of Hampton, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. L. Stainton'. Sorry Mrs. H. Stevens' namne was omlitted from the ladies who attended the. W.A. Presby- tory helci at Courtice. Mr. M. McCoy, of Burketon, was 'Saturdiy evening tom guest o! Mr. and Mrs. A. L. wearn. Mr. and Mrs. M. Brown, Mr. and Mn.. J. Warmngton, Mr. and Mrs. R. Smith, and Junior, Mr. and Mii. C. W. Fockler and children, Toronto, worm Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mng. H. Grubb. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Griffin and family werc visitors o! Mt. and Mrs. John Kirby, Meadow- vaie, and callers at Mr. andj itni. Wm. Banks, iYeston.t Mr. and Mns. Fred Toms attended the Annivcnaary Scr- vice& at Hýamtpton and wore tes guesta of Mr. and Mmi. M. M(ountjoy's. Mr. and Mns. Ralph Lamb spent a fewdays with Mr. and l4rs. Grawbarger at Restoule.j Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Dickie, Mr. and Mrs. Diclc Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Keith McGill, Bow- nanville, at Mr. and Mra. R. M(cGlll's. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fergusond vith Mr. and Mrs. W. Lavio- atte, Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms, me- 0 ently visited friends at Port d Hope, Baltimore and Cobourg. il Mr. and Mns. N. Collacutt, .'yrone, visited Mr. and Mrs. ti Wallace Gniffin.p Mr. and Mrs. Ross Page, and r. ammily, Newcastle. were with Mr. and Mms. L. Bradley. y Mns. Ethel Hayden, Cobourg, tÀ with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Tre- a: vin. . f Friends and relatives o! the ti happily married couple, RossA Rnd Dnrothy Sharp, ririvited .IL ru OF OR YOUR 830OIL HMATER MeS YMRou WNEAVRenmthe Elrly Putchust cf Ohi.oQuaker Heater eqaipped wl$h automotic foced Air FOR. ta a charivari party at Ennis- killen Hall Saturday eveninj, November 5th. Ail camne an have a whale of a time Wit ithis couple. Miss Joan Hobbs. Toronto. Teacher's Callege, spent the weekond at home. Miss Juîîo McDonald. Oshawa, was a guest of Miss Joan Hobbs on Sunday. We are sorry ta report that Mr. Dick Rowan had the mis- fortuné ta have his ieg braken a week or so mgo by a cattle beast. We wish DicIt a speedy recovery. Hallowe'en Party The annuel Hallowe'en Mas- querade, under the leadership af the Mission Band, held in the Sunday Schoal Roam, Oc- o r 31,, was a great tuccess with ai% attendance of about 100 children and adults. White asembling: Mrs. L Ashton. Mission Band le4er,, led in a sing-song. With Mns. G. Yeo at the piano, many weird and comical characters paraded while the judges, Mrs. F. Tom, Mrs. T. Slomon, and Mms. M. Hobbs, made their decisian. Chiidren's prizes:-' Belt couple - lst Kathryn Slemon, Robert Siemon; 2nd Linda Yea, Doris Wright. Best Comic-Ist David Stain- ton, 2nd Richard Pickering. Nursery Rhymo - lut Law- ronce Wright, Douglas Ashton; 2nd Lois Ashton. Hailowe'en-lst Vicki Pick- ering, 2nd Ruth Pothick. Nationai-lat Janet Robson, 2nd Kerry Wilson. Representation-Penny Pick- ering, Judy Green. Adults's Prizes:- Best couple-lIt Mrs. S. Ker- sey, Mrs. J. A. Warmack; 2nd Mrs. E. A. Wermy, Mrs. A. Brunt Best Camic-lst Mr. G. Yeo, 2nd Mms. F. Werry. Hallowe'en - lut Mn.. Milis. Representation-lIt Mm.. Ai. lan Werry. A bountiful lunch o! sand- wiches and cookies waa aerved. Nesilelon Siailn Friends with Misses Gwen and Eunice Wilson et their parents' Mr. and Ms.Cecil Wilson's home were: Misses Rosemary Delday, Gracé Nel- son and Dorothy McLelland and Messrs. Bob Henry and Bill Robertson, ail o! Toronto. Mrs. Herman Sarneils aise apent a few days with the Wil- sons. Mrs. Wesley Campbell and Mn:. Grant Camnpbell visited Mn. George Wilson o! Bow- manville and aise ealled on Mr. Richard Rowan in Meinor- jal Hospital. Mr. and Mr&. Dan Smith o! Toronto, spent the piat week with the Grant Thompsons. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Staniland vit- lted them. Seturday .eveningas1 they are former fionda of Mmi. Stanland. Mr. mnd Mn. Grant Thomp- son and Mr. and. Mmi. Dan Smith spent Wednesday withj Mmm. Foster Fenguson, Onono. Mr. and Mru. Iarl Dorreli were guestu o! the George Boweru and Mr. and Mns. Wal- lace Marlow o! the Bruce Heas- Lips for Netîcton Anniveruary services. Sympathy is extended te Mrds. Walter Lawrence in the death of her mothen, Mii. Fow- ler o! Oshawa. Mrs. Fowler su!fered a sevene faîl a couple of wceks aga from. which she iid nat recover. Interment wms in Oshawa on Monday. Miss Dorothy Harris, Toron- o, spent the weekend with hem parents, Mr. and Mn.. Jas. Har- ris. A successful supper wax held f Friday evening in the Presby- terian Church, Misses Gwen anld Eunice Wilson ghowede ilms o! local interest ànd of! i three recent trips to Ottawa. Algonqn Park and around -8 Lake Huron. hetter 9 wuys! IXCLUSIVE IIMOKILISS". suiRNit for more - bat front lusfuel! 2.AwLWEWI, ouly hbuter, 100% ir-tiobt congtrue. 3. "NIlUAt-SAvIR' reducas heat lacs up chmmney. 4LOW VINT furiher r.- duqai hbut les. for more 5AUTOMATIC OAI1 PESOO turni amoke eud soot ;nto heat. 6. §IU1U ad~verbeste or .mahganybaked-on finish. 7,INrAN'.N§AT 9"eu 000*8 7quicy boui up home. WAIST MION CONTROIS an sd humidifier easy to get ut. 19 AUTOMATIC FORCE@ dit 'FAN circtulatu.OW THIRD more warm air iha- o-dintvy heator &W. H. BROWN DEALER FOR W Case Farm Machisnery Firestone Tfires EIGDeLaval Mllkers and Separators Beatty Brou. Stable Equlpment KIGST W. B$)WMA.NVTLLE MA 3-S497 SOLINA Who Pays? TOUR PROPERTY is ex- Posed to lbas by fire, wind- storm and other perils. Who will stand the losa when the property la dam- ated or destroyed? l'eu wilI - unless you have adequate insurance te pay for restorinir or replacing the 1oss. Inaure N OW with this agency. STUART R. JAMES lusurance Real Estate Office Regidence MA 3-5681 NIA 3-5493 Kint Street E. sawnanville I L. I The C.G.I.T. met on Batunday' aitemnoan with the presidenî,ý Patsy Davis, in the chair. Fol- lowlng the repeating af the C. G.I.T. Purpose and prayer, a thymn wa sung. Gail Baker was appolntod ta the office af secretary. The blnthday caleuî- dama for 1956 are now for sa!e and mmy bu purchaaod froin the girls or leaders, Mmi. R. Davis and Gladys Yelîowlees. For the roll call each morn- ber contributed an article or picture for the Indian scrap book and the president and se- cretary were appointod ta ar- range these. The next meeting wlll be on Novomber 12 with Helen Parrinder, in charge o! the pmogram and Helen Knox the wonship service. The roll call-Namne an Indien tribe. The. chapter from the study book was read by Helen Knox. Dianne TinIt of the Explorer'% Gnoup, presîded for the rp- maining pragram which includ- cd, piano salas by Phyllis-Anne Westiake and Dianne TinIt, a vocal duet by Sharon Robb and Jumnita Fraser and a Hallow- e'en &tory read by Helen Par- ninder. Mrs. Murray Vice, lead- er o! the Explarer's Gnoup, led in the worship service. A "cat" cantest was canducted by Pat- sy Knox and Dianne TinIt had charge of a game. A treat o! candy and apples was pmovided by the leaders. Mn. and Mms. Ewart Leask were senenaded Fniday nlght by a gmoup o! merry makens who were royaily entertained by "The Leasks". The W.I. ladiee will have a quilting and pot iuck dinner on November 10, in the church basement. AU ladies ane wol- came. Congratulations te Patsy Knox and Patsy Davis who wore contestants in the public spoaking contest et Hampton and were choseri te upeak at the next cernpetitian at Solina Comm'unity Hall, on Thuriday, Nov. 3. "The Stony o! Milke', wax the subjeet chosen by Pat- uy Davis and "4-H Club" wenk by Patoy Knox. Mr. and Mns. Ralph Davis and Patsy worm Sunday tua guesta at Mn. Alla» McKen- Z1O's, Columbu. Miss Beryl Larmor and Mn. Ken Strmng of Brandon, Mani- toba, and Mmi. E. Larmner of Blackstock, at Mr. Harvey Yehlowlees'. Mr. and Mri. Wes Yelle'w- lees, Hiarold and Murray, Mr. and Mrs. J. Yeilowlees, Miss Gladys Yellowlees; Mr. and Mmi. Harvey Yellowlees, Kar- on and Brenda, were Sunday dinner gucit. a! Mr. and M. Bruce Reynolds, et Ux bridge. Mn. and Mrs. Harvey eul- lolei., Karen and Brenda, et Mr. E. Larmer'. Elaekstock. Mr..and Mn:. L. Eroorne aud sono, et Mr. Cecil Disucy's, Zion. Mr. and Mmi. Bruce Tink, Henhie and Neil, and Mrs. W. A. Ormiuton, B8rookl, at Mn. Lorne and Dianne Tink at Mr. Poney Deweli's, Hampton. Mn. and Mrs. Harvey Mcmn- tosh, Tomante, at Mr. Roy Long- maidIs. Mr. Ambroe Murray ha# sold hia house te Mr. Eowler of Oshawa. Mr. and Mm:. N. Fiee, Zion, et Mr. Frank Westlake's, Sm. Mr. and Mrs. D. Flet and chulifren, et Mr. Thos. Flett's, Columbus. Mr. and Mri. Hmn'y Kntox and Dean; Mr..and Mrs. GeoýrgIe Knox and daughters, et M. Woe. Knox's and ut -Mr. Ken Puscomus, Brougham. Mr. and Mn.. Wes His, Ca- rol and Anne, et Mr. A. Hills, ryrone. Mr. and Mns. rank Bray, Aurora, at Mr. W. Parrinden's. Mr. and Mn.. E. S pires mand family at Mr. G. H. German's, Northport. Mm. and Mmi. Tom Baker snd -hildren, et Mr. Edwin Ormi.- ton's, Ebenezen.1 Mm:. J. Baker et Mr. J. mles', Hampton. Mr. and Mn&. Chas. Wènry, Oshawa, at Messra. S. E. and ATes Werry'a. Mr. and Mm. C. Ramer anid children, at Mr. D. X. Mamers et Brooklin and At Mr. M. Bird's. Umit-. G. Hmlin nt Mr.. E. E. By P opu la r Dem andI Bowmanville Kinsmon Club again preseuts THE GOLDEN MILE VARIETY SHOW of Toronto ln the 4 Town Hall, Bowmanville ai 0:30 p.M. FEIDAT AND SATURDAT November 4 and 5 An outatanding ev.niug of outertainmeut t.mturing musical numbers by the 35-voiee mix.d chorus and several outitandimg ouest Aduluisi -*.-.-.-... - 75 NO RUSER VED SEATS Tickets may ho. btained heom Ken's M.u's War, L6loyd Ellis Shoes, Hooper's ,Jewellery and Gift Shop and U. A. Parker & Son Plumbing, or tickets will .od.livered if you telephone MA 3.5423 N E'S ANAZING SEE six FRIDAT, NO TENDER 111h THE FAMOUS WESTINGHOUSE MECHANICAL MAN AND HIS DOG SPARKO... HeWalks He Tolks He Smokes He Sings TRIS AMIAZING DEMONSTRATION IS FREE! And romembor Ihis siore wîll b. opea every Friday night 'SI 9 p.. I i - Your Auihorized Dealer - F'or Ail Nationally Famous Westinghouse Products op 1 PAGE six For Coughs & Coldi Creephos _____1.54 Vicks Syrup ose Pinex, Propared 50c, 85o Cherry Ceugh Syrup - eg: Nyal Croup Brrup - 39e, 49o Baby Cough Syrop Sie, @Se Baby Chesi mub -- 30e Groves Brome Quinine 49c Buekler'g Capsules 35c, 70e Buekîmys Mxfture 30e, 85e Pertuasin _____590, 1.19 Vicku Rub __-___Stc, 98. Oua-A-Day Multiple Halibut 011 Capsules 1.40, 2.50, 3.95 Capsules 7ie, 1.1S, S.79 vrai Multiple Cape. - 3.00 Dominai Tabe.- - 3.75 Alihamettes 1.00, 1.85, 3.50 N.C.F. cap$ 1.15, 2.95, 6.60 Hot Waier Bottles (guaranioed) a 1.79 - 2.19 NEW IMPROVED OIL EATER MORZISH HaUeoweien Party atrday et 2.30 p.rn. a Hal-! lowe*en Masquerade was hpidi ln the Sunda,,,-Sclool whoh 20! childmen with escorta Join..di the parade. It was a gaily at- tired If somoewhat weird panty Prize winnens wene Goraid An- derson, Diane McConnel Ann Harnesu, Don Beckett, EMaine Anderson, Michael Beyan. Jane Hamness. Consolation ail- day suckers wene given to the others. Games were until lunch tinie when the ch il- dren di diull justice ta a boun- tiful lunch. This Party was arranged my the superintendent, Mrs. Fred McC.pnneil, assisted b y teacli- ers, Mrs. Harry Beckett, Mre. Helen McHolm and Mrs. Wm.i McHolm. The proceeds, about $3.00, will be used ta send a p rsonal surprise box ta Mrs. maines, priceofa!admission anc cent per inch for every font .measured; only ane foot ex- ceeded 10 inches. Shower Dride-elect Saturday evcning at 8.30 p.m. at the Marvin home a mis- cellaneous shower was given te a popular bride-to-be, Mis Anne Rlmsik o! Morrish. Twa largo living-rooms wene !illed with friends as was also the kitchen w h e r e gentlemen fniendi usually gathen, a very good place to ho. Mr. Allen Peters acted as chairman for the short pnogrm which opened with a piano duet by Mrs. Helçn McHoiin and Mns.» Wilson, a humorouis reading 'Advice ta a Bride- groom" by Mrs. Wm. McHolm; piano duet, Mrs. H. McHolm and Miss Joan Marvin; a noma- lng, "An Address", read by Mn. Morton Hendenson, aiter which MissRirnuik was escort- cd te a table which overflowed wlth gaily wmapped and decar- 1 i ated parcels. For the next hait hour Anne was busy openir4 parcels assisted bv MrL.* jHendér.ion and Mis$ Iriez -- mons. IJiernidny varîca n ;ti. Iovely gifts were maedi' aroundi. whieî the last gift was opened Miss Rimnsik thanked aIl present, for the nafiy Iôvel. gifts and surprise party arrang. ed by Mrs. Lloyd Marvin. Another piano duet by Mms McHolm and Mrs. Wilsun served as a prelude for lunch. which wss serveid by Betty. Rimsik, Elaine Andieson and Joan Marvin and sister Ruth. The last social haîf hour wvas very much enjoyed, then con-, g:atulations were extended t Anne, goodnights said and en. other friendly get-together was 1over in Morrlsh village. SPECIAL LOW RAIL- FARES te ROYAL AGRICULTURAL WINTER FAIR TORONTO, NOV. 11-19 FARE AND ONE-HALF FOR TUE ROUND 'TRIP Good going-Thursday. Nov. 10 to Saturday, Nov. 19 inclusive. Returu-Leave Toronto net later than rnidnight Sun. day, Nov. 2Oth. Full information f rom any agent THURSDAY, MOV. Ird. 1 033 ; 1

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