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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Nov 1955, p. 7

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~~' IAYAEISN ...- L. D'JW iVANV ILiLZ OVNTARIO PAGC. ZV~M lussof Mrs. A. Bayes, also In accepting the trophy N~ of Brooklin: Miss Audrey Kent Hooper assured those preseý of Port Perry's demonstration that the Roses would hé ba( Soc1ial f e onal of spinning angora wool and next year fighting just as ai Y ursarticles made from the woal. Mrs. John Foote, wife of Ha r s ~In this connection, a beautiful John W. Foote, M.P.P.f Phone MA6 3-3303 fluffy Ive angora rabbit that Durham and Ontario Minisi ___________________________________________Miss Kent brought with her of Reform Institutions, eý drew as much attention a&, pressed the regret of ber hi. Mrs Heber Lama an j r. nd rs Ebr Sowdnanything ln the show. band at not being able toa Ms Mastest hae eftafo Mr. and Mrs. Kern x own, There were driftwood artic- tend. She stated that he Flid atsaend te nter Mr Snday gu esns or a Tur-,les by John Stacey and Peter making g o a d progress Mlrs. W. o. Lendlte wand Miss ke dnerwt Mf.ra triaDykstra, palntings by Mrs. Sunnybrook Hospital followii Mrs.W. . LBele an Mis ky dnnerwit Mr. MriaMarion Stacey, and also 1:)y the heart attack he suffered' .Helen Fraser have returned Jewell and Mabel. Ray Dudley, well known con August. She presented t] after visiting her daughter and Leaders and, assistants atten- cert pianist of Bowmanvile Foote Trapby for the Lakq iièflds in Toronto. ding the course on Tuesday and Courtice. The list is alniost shore Bantam League cbamj le:' Mr. and Mrs. J. Allen and -and Wednesday of last wpek endless. Suffice it to say thit îonship ta Captain Bill Bat, '.BiIIY, Cobourg, cailed on theïr conducted by Miss Frafices the exhibitons, ýof course, made Of the Bantam LegionnairE aurit, Miss Margaret AllenI Lampman, home ecanomist, in the show, and every one who She expressed the hope 1hb ]Beech Ave., on Sunday.. Bowmanvilie, included: tram contributed bas the gratetul would follow the examplei Mrs. George Foster and Miss Sixth Line Sisters Club-Mrs. tbanks of Mrs. Duaine Palmer, tbe Intermediates and win t] Vivian Foster, Oshawa, were Norman Kennedy, Mrs. Jack Wortby Matron of tbe O.E.S., Ontario titie next year. luncheon guests aof Mr. and Stapleton; Kendal Girls Club convenor of the bazaar, and of Four presentations of a hur Mrs. H. J. Babcock on Thurs.. -Mrs. Wm. Jackson, Mrs. E. Mrs. Leola Thrashen who' con- oraus nature amused the gat] day. Couroux; Cavan Blazerettes- vened the hobby show. Great ering. Chairman James pri Mrs. A. E. Moffatt Mrg. V. Mrs. H. L. Challice, Mrs. Mel. credit is due ta Mrs. Tbrasher sented disbwashing mops an Milso, ad r. ndMrs jCarr, Mrs. H. Grylis; Tyrone for ber unremitting efforts aprons ta Roy Falls and Bo Gilmer andedMtheanuneral H.j Club-Mrs. Alma Yellowlees, witb the hobby show. Gallagher, twa membersc Mr. ilmratn Pueteifne ofi Miss Marie Taylor; Salina Without the large attend- the Roses wbo bave been ma! lest week. Toot zbMs sblDvs r.a e the bazaar would not ried since the seasan ende( Maude Hamner; Bowmanville-. hak e been the great success it Pitcher George " Genena] Mr.?and Mrs. S3. R. Ashton, Mrs. T. Buttery, Mrs. R. Web- wes either, and the public's Jones, who became a fathe Lar ad Shrn oono br Ms Oa Aîhi;Mav patronage, wbich resulted .4n recently, received a baby "bib Mritd t. and Mns. H. J. Gnove-Mrs. Chas. Greenhem, aven $500 being nealized by the and nursing bottie. Babcocke last Saturday atter Mrs. J. H. Haltby. Bethany- O.E.S., was very much epprec- President Blain Elliott of th mo.Mrs. Hugh DeGeer, Mrs. Doug- iated. Bowmanville Barons hocke Weekend guests with Mr. las Smelt.PreWinr team noted tat pitcher Jhn an d Mrs. A. A. H. Stnike, Ed- Miss Eleanor- Crowe, R.N., rzWins Podres of Brooklyn had receiv salI Ave., were Mr. David daughter of Mn. and Mrs. Frank Mrs. Victoria Frank was in ed a new sports car followin Weathenhead and Mr. Fred Crowe, Elgin St., arrived home charge of door prizes which the world series and felt tba McFadden of Toronto. lest week aften nursing in var- were won by Mrs. E. Hallow- playîng-manager Frank Hoope Mnâ. and Mrs. Alexander ious hosîyttals in the British ehl, Mrs. F. Werry, Mrs. Herb of the Roses sbould have some Cerrick, Cedar Haven, Hamp- Isles for the past 18 manths. Goddard, Mrs. C. Edwards of thing along the saine lne. H ton, have returned etter six Miss Cnawe and a compianion Oshawa, Mrs. Nancy McLeeGe presented "Hoob" with a net inonths' holiday in England nurse with whom she tnained at (Oshawa) Mrs. L. J. Goodman, front tender for bis father-in anu >eotland. Ontario Hospital, Wbitby, went Mrs. G. Badger, Mrs.-, O. J. law's bicycle. Mr. and Mrs. James Hall spent first ta Sully in Wales for tbree Presson, Mrs. C. G. Morris, Scott Praises Team's Spirit the weekend with their son, Mn. mnonths; they then moveci on ta Mrs. Kay Stephenson (Orono). SpnoNrmn cttai RànallHal an faily Cht-Manchester, then a hospital near Tea wbich was* served in the Spbu oor e NondeScoltai, barn.ali Hll and famiy, Chkat- Croydon, nd tnally went ta Green Room and hall was crf- Edam.hfWhiiie tfteerertbeyl RasE trtj;?, Detroit ta vîsit ?een dinturgb for six manths. Al vened by Mrs. Vivian Pickard; spritof ntbe Brka snle Rsesa W htlae hr eryFr' ospitaswth the exception of homebaking-Mrs. Mebel Beg-"oucntpkasiget' In M s.the first one were mental insti- nelI; wbite elephant - Mrs. oul tars,"he teafrethey ar Ouests of Mn. tutions. Miss Crowe bas bad a Miliie Eciger; candy-Mrs. Eva alsas"b ehrd T à-ýstsof r.and Mrs. Gea. very interesting and wide exper- Warren; country store-Mrs. cooperation and spirit of thc 'rhrasher on Satunday and-un ence in these British hospitals. Florence Nortbcutt; aprons - beavem anerad thena dlay were Mrs. A. A. Thrasher, bhe graduated in 1953 tram the Mrs. Elsie Aldread; dime hv aae hi w f Whitby; Mn.. and Mrs. Robent Ontario Hospital, Wbitby. Hen cards for membens-Mrs. Haz- tains aIl summen with 'Jin Jqyce, Oshawa;,.Mn. Dave Han- immediate plans are ta remain eh Davis. Ail btbswrewl Crombie looking after the de rion, Misses Laura and Alice home ton a time and wank in the 005 were we] tails." He emphasized the tac Ha~rrison, Trenton. Miss Anne general nunsing field in Bow-paoned that the players on the teanr Ln, TMioner. as vted Miss manville. Miss Crowe came Mrs. Velma Sutton was con.- were ail amateurs who neceiv« Ërnda iller.back -ta Canada via the S. S. venan of the draw on a hand- ed no money wbatsoeven foi tMr. Robent Leask, son ai Ivernia. made leather purse wbich was phaying. Turning ta Mr. Schaf- s. M. E. Leask, bed the mis- won by Mrs. Phipps, Toronto. fer, the Rases' sponsor stated: ftune ta suffer a dislocated Mrs. Edna Anderson, Assoc- 'If you can take home a littlE a le while playing for the L L[Li ate Grand Matron of 4Cie bit of the spirit these boy. É tygnersteam ofthe UnveflHobb Sho Grand Chapter of Ontario, Of- have, Toronto wiil be able i.' yS * 0f Toronto in a rugbyI ficially opened the bazan, win e championsbip next year.' gfme on Monday. He expects (Continued traom Page One) -Mn. Scott aiso expressed his té, have ta wear a cest an the unîikeîy meterials, and won * leasure that the Bantam Leg- l4jured ankle fan six weeks.' first pnize. She bas won two Bas o iI innaines lied done soWel Ti~ Egiees av wn hecups at Oshawa shows also, and "Some of the IntermediateE 1irna-mural rugby champion- second in the Toronta Hobby can't lest much longer and it 6lijp for the pest two years. Show.uan i 4 is nice ta see the Bentams i'Tlie Senior Choir of Trinity It dould be impossible ta a q e coming along ta take thei T4ited Church ententained mem- name ail the exhibits and ex- (C tiudra Pge n) places," lie said. He thankec brs of the Junior Chair at a hibitors, thene being about 40 Coun. Glenn Lenden thankedTeCadin ttsan t*lowe'en msurd and of the latter. Local classes spoii-Pridn Ms JakKgh whicb be said, had kept the p .ty on Thmsaqu ere oe yth erainDpt rsdn rs Jc ngtpublic weli intarmed not only t27, intheursday tteroonsrdb h Rceto et and the membens of the Légion on the Roses games, but on ai] om. There wsunay Srfclio a o anig nln ere represented in a fine dis- Ladies Auxiliary on bebalf of basebehi in the town hast sum- aftendance of 52 tram the Junionrbwr fMs.AiePtr the gathering for the very de- mr eti httetw air. Atterf judgînlioe tatee- iciaus and bountiful turkey ms.Houîd cnsiderthe atter to Cý1oir Aferjudingof heson, Mns. Jesse Siemon, Mrs. hudcnie h atro csumes, the boy& aend girls Grace Ceruthers and otberý.; dinner. ligbts for the new bail park et l oyed as only childnen cen, the a good exbibit of leathercraft Lakeshore League Secnetary, Vincent Massey School. Mes ad rereshments whicb doneb ebers of that class Ah. Welker, thanked the spon- The Roses' sponsor then ask- da ideJo Mrsu Colison under the direction of Mrs. sors ot the banquet for the in- ed President Ted BagnellIot epir esent, and Msverallmem- Forrest Dilling; and the local vitatian ta be present and in- distnibute the attractive scarlet blsof the Senior Choir. Stemp Club whose president is troduced the' guest speaker, reversibie choth windbreake s D. R. Morrison. Boys' Training Rudi Scbatfer, General Man- be had procured for each mem- î Report of the Nothumber- School elso bad an exhibit. eger of 'the Toranto Map],e ber of the champion Bnookdale ;"md-Durbam Health Unit on Leefs Basehail Club. He Point- Roses team. He-announced-tbat finmunicable diseases for the Guns Attraet ed out that Mn. Schafter bas the cbempionship crests had TUek ending Oct. 29 shows /The collection of guns by 0. been connected with Triple A been donated jointly by the 'tlee "cases of chickenpox in J. Presson, Mn. Kirk, and a or Major League baseball for town and the Lakeshone" Lea- Bwmanville, four of red collection of smali firearms bY 20 yeans, starting with the Mii- gue. Playens and executive n»asles and tbree of scalet Mn. E. Wanburton especially waukee 'Brewens, and servng members of the team receiving tdver. in Dalington Township. drew the interest of the men as business manager of the the jackets were: Manager te.. Charlotte M. Horner is the ettending in the evening. The Cleveland Indiens and St. LouisI Frank Hooper, President Ted lCrdical Officer of Health.' Oshawa and District Cenebral Browns before coming ta Tor- I Hagnell, Vice-President Pel-h $Mr. and Mrs. John Camp- Pelsy Parent Council had an anto this year. Chant, Business Manager How- bell, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Camp- intenesting display of the chil- Amuslng Incidents ard Cowle, Treasurer Murray bol, Toronto; Mr. Bert Jewe1l, dren's work, and Hamptojn O~hwa Mn ad ns.H.,i.Woens Isttut ws epre- A very humorous speaker, Tighe, Gefteral Manager Jim BýccMs en ihsented with a disphay of cro- Mn. Schaften told of amusin Cobe uhciyMngrA B~b ock Mr. V rna Wig t, che, ttti g a d b ndm ade incidents during his stay a't Osborne, and payers George rIrugs. Cleveland and St. Louis, where Jeon, Garon Sllger,Clin. An iran standard lamp with he worked .with, Bill Veeck. FruoBbGlabr o a realistic vine twîning round During bis time' et Cleveland, Gilhooly, Max Younth, Roy S *.iJmHNS Cameron, Leskerd, in its class major eague attendance record ilton, Tim Cox, Dan Girandi, ateToronto Hobby Show. *f well over two million. Mn. Ted Dadson, Ken Kelly, Bob Ornemental iran reiling and Scbatfer stated that he bcd Williams, John Stainton, John AU ID IUcoffee table were the wonk of heen directhy connected witlî Ford, and batboy Joe Kennet. ~flU WflJohnDerh, owmevihe, ne n of the onhy three moves These Étme players also were J bis wife also exhibitecr an ail hy minjor league basebahl clubsprsndwihbnoee- (Anglican)> painting. in ftifpest 50 years - the graved silver trays from the Mrs. J. Van Nest and Mis. shift4bf the St. Louis Browns' Town of Bowmanville, with B.Heavysege bad a display of franchise ta Baltirmore. '"I hope Reeve Sidney Little making the pairticuler interest ta those that I cen be instrumental in presentations. These trays were 2 dAle Trnily ,Who hed kiddies on their a tourth move. the ecquiring suitebly engraved with the, lies meke stufted toys and Toronto," be declared. "We ation that tbey were Onterio S and 11:5 arn. -doils' ciothes which would de- think Toronto bas major leaguentmdit "B" asbi 9 an 1115 am.j ligbt the heant of any young- potentiel and we hope ta ac- Champions for 1955. HOLYCOMUNIN [ te'. Tesewereforsal ~ouire a franchise in the near Chairman James. exprese wOYCM UIN ser.e meyoter article. s' iftr.thgerargetate t- i year fon eîweys giving a gooi The 'following ýplayers receiv- 11:00 A.M.- accounit of themselves." ed trophies: Captain Bill Bates., Mr. Dodge declared that the Don Osborne, Jim Mastenson, Ikesbrei Leegue is one af the Larry Hencock, Robent Allun, "'Whe Sacific Couis"bappies;t n the O.B.A. set-up Don McGregor, Lerry Piper,l "Whe Sacifie Conî1 and in the past bas had an In- Jim McKnight, Don Bagneli, termediate "A" Cbampiob, a Mike. Murphy, Gary Begnell, "B" champion and a "C" semil- Bill Osborne, Bob- Osborne, 11.00 P.M.- finalist in one year. He point- Ron Palard, Ted Cremp and cd out thet in addition ta the Don Welsh. The same boys "A orRoses "B"' championship this received leather welets suit- "A Layman Speaksfo Christ yean, the "A" champion CO- ably embossed tram the Town bourg teem bed gone to the of Bowmanville, with Reeve DR 0 . .STPENM..semi-tinals as well. Little making the presentation. DR.O. . A STPHES, .D.The league president stated Mayor. Nelson Oshorne stet- of Agineourt that he was glad ta sec the ed that it was a oleasure for Rantam team coming along zza the town ta be able ta tender j 'Iym sigin coduced y M. A A.Merley f111 the sboes of present Inter- a banquet in co-operation wý!h' "dîa:c' nhvers in the futur. the Legion ta honor these two SpeialMusc y te CoirMepa:d trîbute to Reeve Sid- chempianship teams and prr- Specal Musi hy he Coirney Little's belp in leegue ad- sent thcm with smell mome:î- rnistration in past years. tas of the tawn's esteem. He 4Ontario Trophy Presented pointed out that bath squads ""-Fireside aller ihe Evening Service etaiiepeene heD-thted o er or d itisni minion Lîte Assurance Coin- frofn the former High Scliool pany Tropby, cmblematic af park ta the less suitable Menm- the OBA. Intermediate "B" oriel Park. The Rases had been IChampionship ta playing-man- doubtful about whether ta op- SOrganist-Mr. Arthur Coflison, Mus. Bach., .R... ae ru h ttefrtfteva cou ldn! happen ta a better guv etmtaitirg es he said.j 109 a btter team,." he asserted.&tThese dilficu.lties had only i served ta weld the players dloser tagether as a team, however. Tribute to Sponsors He peid tnibute ta the spon- sors of the two teams, Mr. Scott, wo as spnsord the Roses fon fîve years, and the Bowmenville Legion Branch whicb bas sponsared the Ban- tams for two years. He urged the Bentams ta pey strict at- tention ta their coach and man- ager so bey could learn ta be bath- good players and good sparts. "It J s wandenful Ia win," lie esserted, "but the best adventisement for the Town of Bowmanvîhle is the way you bave conducted younseives as good sparts on and off the field." On behalf of the members ai tbe Brookdale Roses, pleying-i mnager Frank Hooper pre- sented Mn. Scott with a beau- Tablets fer Pain Relief Conteins 5 grains Acetvlsel- icylic Acid for quuck 'relief of beadeches, neunalgie, and pain in general. 300 kblets 59 Reg. 89e--- 9 Brand SHAVINC CREAN A- sma]1 emount ai this excellent cream will give a genenous, fine bubble, beard- softening lather. Large tube Reg. 49c ----- 39c MJNERAL GIL The finest quelity bîgbly nefined oil 16 oz. 40 oz. reg. 550 rg. 1.10 43c 87c Pre-Chrisimas Specials Ladies' DRESSER SETS 4.R CLUB BRUSH and' COMB 1.65 Value for ------- 98e "Rubberse t" SHAVING BRUSH $4.00 Value for ----- - 2.98 "Auer" CHAMPION LIGHTER Triple-gear action, handsome appearance 1.00 "Chest of Letters" STATIONERY by Gage- Stuart Hall 1.50 value --------------980 Save 1.50 on BILLFOLDS Genuine Solid English Ma- rocco Leather - flat tohd type with siesh pocket and remavable pess case - in gift box. 4.00 velue 2.50 CHRISTMAS CARD Special! A4i excellent femily essont- ment et an ecanamy pnice. 50 fine cards ------------ 98e Also othen assortments at 12 for 29e - 20 for $1.00 12 for 98e - 21 for SI.00, etc. Vicks ('ough .Syrup .59e Aspîrîn 19c, 29e, 79e aaillID.A. DRUG STORES Here are dozens of tirnely bargains for the Feul and Winter Season plus extra velues in pre- Christmas Gift Suggestions. Be sure to corne down eerly while the selection is et its best - it's an Ail Week Sale, MONDAY through SATURDAY, October 31st ta November 5th. BrndTOILET TISSUE Full Size! 750 Sheet Rails *Finest Quelity *Lowest Price Specia1 2 miols 23c ----- .----------------------- ZIPPER BILLFOLD AIl-round zipper dame- testened change purse, celluloid swings and pockets for cer tickets, Fall Drug Sale -------------- ----- ------- A Tirnely Bargain! "Safeheat" HIEATING PAD Featuring 3 -speed switch, blenket-type outer caver, guanenteed tar, anc year Reg. price 4.95 - _ _ 4.29 ------e--- ------------ Clinical Thermometer In Plastic Case - fully guerenteed ---- -49c ------------------------------ ""Regal," Bathroom - Scales Weighs up ta 2.50 lbs. Has reised dial, magnîfying lens, and chrome trim; guanantecd for 12 months tram date af punchase - black or white enemnel finish ___.95 LIGHTER and CIGARETTE CASE A combination ai a triple- action guenanteed "Auer" Ligbter' and matching cigarette case - assortcd designs. 16 9z., 32 oz., reg. 35c, 60e ."ECONoMY" ENVEOPES regui2) 10c 8c, 2 Fr 15c I.D.A. "ECONOMy" WRITJNG PADS Note siz 8c, 2/ 15c Good quelity stetionery Lde'o et an ecan.nmvprce Laet r Linen or Vellumn Lte size 13c, 2/23c 4 Oz., 8 oz., reg. 33c, 49c FLOa WAX I.D.A. Easi-Gloss" Pste Wax 39 0 1~ lb. reg. 53e39 COURH and CGLD RENEDIES BRONCHIDA Congh Syrup, 8 oz ------ ---5e BRONCHIDA Cold 'Capsules, 30 caps. 1.25 Idaphedrin Nasal Spray, 20 c 95e Buckley's Mixture Soc50, 85e Grave'. Brama Quinine 49c, '79c Jack and Jili Cough Syrup 50e Pertussin - -- 69e, 1.19 Vicks VapoRub 53c, 98e PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex. McGre gor, We beliver Your Local I.D.A. Druci Store tiful mentel clack-barometer- "The best thing is nat winning thermometer cambination. He the Ontario chamopionMhip but steted thet this wes anhy a in being recognized as champ- small token ai the team's grat- ions by the tawn," he stated. itude ta Mn. Scott for sponsor- He thenked the council, the ing the squad for the pest tive Legion and the Legian Ladies years. Auxiliery ton making such an . Bantem's Manager Murray enjoyeble evening possible. McKnight thnked the Towîm ýM. James lso tlanked those of Bawnînville for the recog- who lid paticipted in the nition given ta the Bnters event and wished \ the twa and on the welets they e- teamný success next yer. The ceived. He stted tbt the rem ainder of the evening was teem hped next yer ta better spent in dancing. its excellent 1955 record of 19 wins and tour lasses in 23 games. He tbenked the Bow-SA E manvile Legion Brandi forS L M sponsoring the team, proviing Mn. end Mrs. J. Hall spent the transportation, end tunning v'it weeknd with Mn. and Mrs. Ron- tan thein home games. j ald Hall, Chatham. They also PresdentTed agnel cx visited Greenwich Village, De- pressed the thanks ai the Rasestrit, on Sunday. ta the town for tendering thein Sincere sympetliy ta Mrs. W. the banquet and pnesenting1 Miller and daughter, Tyrone, in Quick Dissolving Effervescent! I.D.A. Brand SACCHARIN TABLETS 'À Grain 100's reg. 20ec ------15C 500's reg. 55e .. 39C ~Grain 100's reg. 23c---------. 19e 500's reg. 65ec--------- - 49e TOURH PASTE t acns thc teetli * reshens the breeth *Mkes our mouth eed reahly cdean Reg. 57e 9 tube __ 9__ I.DA. Brand PAPER NAPKJNS 70 white, strong, embossed napkins in a dispenser box. Reg. 17e box, 2 fer 33c 15c ZFi~r29c Finest quality toilet soep- highest fat content - con- tains lexialin - a gueranteed I.D.A. pnoduct. Regular 92/23c 2 for 25c~~<fAJ 12 for 133 VITANINS Hfor I.LD.A. SPECIAL& HALIBUT LIVER OIL CAPSULES 100's 250's 500'8 reg. 1.15 reg. 2.29 reg. 4.29 89c 1.79' 3.49 IDANtALT 1 lb. 2 Ibo. 4 lb. reg. 75o reg 1.29 reg. 1.89 59c SO9c 2.29 Vita Diet., 100's .~ 4.50 Allenbury's Heliborange 1.00, 1.75, 3.25, 11.50 Alpharnettes Aqueos.- 1.45, 2.65, 4.85 One-A-Da7 Multiple Vîtamins 1.40, 2.50, 3.95 Drugs Phone MA 3-5792 THIURSDAY, NOV. Srd. 15 j Miller; also to the femllY and.,* relatives of Mr. T. Thornton who. passed away suddenly., Thene was a gaod attendanc et the Hallowe'en party on Se.- urday niglit. The judges had à bard job declding the wnmer" frgm the many varied cotufnes.ý. The National Film Board pictures will be shown in the schoal on Friday evening. Anyone wisbing ta send good used clothing ini W.A. bale please- leeve et Mns. E. Twist's by this weekend. Mn. and Mrs. K. Shackleton, and family attended Kinby an- niversary and visited with Mr. and Mns. W. Allin. The felling drops at lest will' wcar the stone.-Lucretius. Patient waiting is atten the' E TOJIFA SLm M=M TRV rAVAMtAU 12MIU"AM Y 'riM 0-%wmAýq- Save 30C ----i.oo 1 MILK OF MAGNESIA 29c, 49c

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