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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Nov 1955, p. 8

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t 1 PAGE XIGET -. e,. *r., Avme ±dj. 'JM L'4 NTAMOUU TUR AY O.S& U Social and Personal Ur. and Mns. Neil Britton Aberdeen-Angus sale held at and baby daughter Jane, were Peterborough last Saturday. weekend visitons at the home Messrs. George and Bob Ste- ot Tis parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. phenson, Ross Boyd, Lloyd Ste- S. Britton. Mr. Britton, a pa- phenson, Bill Bertnama and tient ln Memorial Hospital, Kenneth Stephenson left on flowmanville, is showing stea- Sunday for their hunting camp dy Imerovement. at Bayswater. Mr.. Enle MacMurdo of North Mr. E. A. Forbes ai Lake- Becleque, Prince Edward Is- field, visited with Mr. and Mri. land, and ber daughter, Mrs. Gardon Agnew on Thursday. Sld Gillespie, and Mn. Gilles- Mrs. Marjorie Zimmerman pie, af Toronto, were weekend took over the teacbing duties guests with Mrs. MacMurdo's af Grade 111 in the local Pub. alater, Mrs. M. C. Fisher and lic School on Tuesday. Mrs. M. family.- Fisher lias been supplying in Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Hare en- Grade III since the commence- oyed a motor trip through the ment of the term in September. Nortliern part of New York Friends af Mrs. Harry Hodg- State last week. son xill be pleased ta learn Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Williams that she has improved suftici- &pent the weekend in Islington entîy fromlier treatments at viniting with Mr. and Mrs. Ar- Gravenhurst San. ta be allow- chie Martin.' ed a week's leave ot absencee. Mn. and Mrs. James Cowaîî ta visit with lier husbaud. of Belleville, visited with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Buddj and Mns. Perey Hare on Mon- af Dale, Mr. and Mrs. Perey day. Farrow af Starkville and Mrs.1 Mr. and Mrs. Marshiall Pick- Mary Stevens were dinner ering were dmnner guests with guests with Mrs. George Smith Mr. and Mrs. C.- Hp hl 1 i i!- an Saturday. brook tollowing t he annual ___________ --- 1Evening W.A.' SHolds Pa rty I A Hallowe'en party at whiclî I~ 0~~ the membens af the Fnîendshîp I Club were guests of the Even- igBranch of St. George's Woman's Auxiliary was hcld in the Parish Hall on Wednesday eveniug, October 26th. The party cormcnced with gAUTO INSURANCE I N TWO SMALL IINSTALLMENTS INof one big yeurly bill IImagine! Smnall, easy-to-meet ipremniums paid every six months. This is a feature pioneered by I my company ta make your auto insurance easier ta handie. My UConîpany's rates in mont states are made up on the basis of its o wn careful-driver" loss expe- *rience. T laio permits *rate reductions whencver they are possible. Cail today and find o ut more about tiiis easy-to- budget insurance. .,, .-It pays te ka.w yp., ST ATE FARM Agent Dirk Brinkman Opposite thse Co-op Cold Storage PJewcaatle Phone 3671 g -/eOJ the Grandi March, after which the costumes were judged andI prizes awarded to Mesdames Kelen Ruddell, Margery Gray, Helen Baskerville, Margaret Rudman and Miss Verne Milli- gan. Those present were then di- vided into five groups in whicn to play the following games: The Orange game, the Crack- er game, Pin the taîl on the Donkey, and Ducking for ap- pies. A square dance followed, after which quizzes were con- ducted in which the winners paid a torteit. The lunch committeeý servcd tasty refreshments bringing a most enjoyable evening toaa close. YOU CAR DEPEND ON When idneys aieuto remoaveeaicess acids and " ate, bck- I1 I1I1 ache, tured feeling, djsturbed rust of en idney Pille timu. normal dut>.Y ou feel better-aleep better. work botter. Get Dodd'sat an>' drut store. You co ~ i depcnd on Dodd&.3 011 Heater with ROWER BLOWER YOURS FOR ONLY si109093 Coleman 011 Hector ---.... CemonPower Slower -. $99.95 $29.95 Cfft Normally --------129.90I Spdd Off«r Sunvos ..$1995 j Lcrndèr Hardware 7 KING ST. E. PHONE MA 3-5774 Record Crowd Attends Lions HaIlowe'en Part y For Wonder fui Evening A round af the neiglibour- hood for Trekt or Trick early in the evening tollowed by a trip ta the mammoth Hallow- e'en Party sponsored by , the Newcastle Lions Club was the order of the evening on Mon- day for the Hallowe'en mas- queraders af the village. Cammencing with a short pa- rade up and ýdown the main street tram the community hall the masqueraders joined in a grand march inside the hall *-during which costumes were judged by the Rev. D. R. Dewd- ney, Miss Ruth Bonathan and Mrs. Harold Gibsan, who per- formed an almast impossible task as the numbers of ccli dren in costume continues ta grow ecd yean as the quality of the costumes improve. Mrs.. Chas. Cowan presidçd at tic piano wile tie ju dges were making their decisions. There were thrce hundred children at the party with ap- praximately 200 in costume, believed ta be a record crowd for this 'ever popular event, New Carpets .Being Laid - for Anniversary A Bee vas held at the Unit- cd Church au Monday when the old carpets wcre removed tram the floor af the pulpit and choir loft. Workman ai the T. Eaton Ca. have been busy this week laying the new carpets in readiuess for the Anniver- sary S9ervices ai the Church which wlll be lield this coming Sunday, Navember 6th at il a.m. and 7 p.m. with the Rev. W. W. Pattenson of Fenelon Falls, a former popular minis- ter af the local church, as guest preacher. NE WTON VILLE We are pleased ta repart that Mrs. Cecil Robinson who bas been ill, is on the mend. Mr. Arthur Redknap spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Whittaken, Hamilton, and Mrs. Redknap with her mother, Mrs. Wm. Whittaker, Bowman- ville. Mr. and Mrs. McGregor Joncs and small son Alan, Burlingtan, called on triends ln the village on Wednesday. Mrs. Ken Miles wlio las been in Memorial Hospital. Bowman- ville, returncd home on Satur- day. which was iollowed this year with a Teenage Dance whieh was well attended and -enjoyed by aIl. All children atten ding the party were given a bag ai treats ta ada ta their previaus collections. Prîze Wliners 'Under 6 yns. girl - Betty Anne Hackin-Boy, Billy Me- Cullougli. Girl 6 to 8 yrs. - Frances Rickard: Boy - John Cunning- ham. Girl 8 ta 12 yrs.-Pat Belsey; Boy - Eric Bernard. Girl 12 ta 16 yrs.-Marilyn Osborne; Boy - Larry Pearce.I Over 16 yrs. Lady - Mrs. Philip Williams (Witch); Man -Stan Couch. Best couple-Kandy and Ki'ii Storks (Big and Litti e Bunny). Best Original-George Rick- ard, (Mail box). Best Comic - Teressa De- Joug. Grand Prize-Judy Zimmen- man. Legionnaires Parade to United Church The Bowmanville Branch of the Canadian Lcgion paraded to the United Church on Suni- day evening accompanied ny the Legion Pipe Band. The ser- vice was conducted by the min- ister, the Rev. M. C. Fisher who received the Ilags fro:n the colour party. A wreath was 'laid at the foot of a beautifully lighted cross by Mrs. Major of Orono and the Pipe Band played "The Lament" The Rev. J. Kitchen of Or- ona, Chaplain of the Legion, assisted the minister with tfle service and the Newcastle Un- ited Church Choir led the sing- ing and rendered a beautiful anthem. and universal life. A large con- gregation was in attendance. Ne Wtonvlle W. A. The regulàr monthly meeting of the Woman's Association wvas held in the Sunday School room, Oct. 26th, at 8 p.m. The October convenor, Mrs. A. Wade conducted the worshipj period. The scripture reading was taken by Mrs. A. Wade, fol- lowed by the explanation by Mrs. Jack Elliott. Mrs. Gilmer read a prayer. The resdpn lthi tnLe I Mr.n and Mns. !Cleland Lane charge of the business meeting an on Barry, spent Sunday Mrs. M. Joncs gave a repar witi Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nichols, itram tic committee in charg( Toronto. af purchasing new tables. Th( Mrs. Mabel Lcushnen, Niagara sanie wcre on display, and ai Falls, is spending a few days agreed ticv wcre quite satis. with lien sister, Mrs. John factory. Tiecocmmittees ir Pearce. charge af vaniaus hootis for tie We welcome ta our village Mn. farthcomiug bazaan an Nov. 9tl and Mrs. Jim Caswell of Bow- were rcminded ai work ta bE manville. They have moved doue. Tiecrcib quilt, ta bc seni into Mn. Philip Gilmen's cottage. to Memonial Hospital, Bowman. Mr. and Mrs. Wray Saules, ville, was on display. It waE Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred voted ta seud a letten ai ap. Wray, Schomberg, spent Sunday preciation ta Mn. Baker fan tnim« with Mn. and Mrs. Jack Elliott. mîug plantings around the Mn. and Mrs. Clifton Robb, churci and parsanage. It was Montreal, and Mn. and Mrs. maved and sccandcd ta give $100 Arthur Bonnett, Toronto, Spent ta the churci tlîank-offening tle weekend at their cottage envelopé. A nominating cam- here. mittee, ta select officers for tie Miss Alice Ncsbitt, Toronto, comiflg ycan was named, spent the weekend with lier' The mecting closed wi tht sister, Miss Annie Nesbitt. Mizpah Benediction. Mrs. Wade Mr. and Mrs. Murray Porter 1and lier group served a delicious and two daugiters. Sandra andI lunch. Donný, spent Sunday witi uis Parents at Manvers Station, tic day beingthe wedding anniver- Predict Decline Mrs. Wilbert Ogden is a J r~ patient in Memonial Hospital, In H q Pice Bowmanville.Saes he OAC Mrs. Barbara Grainger, Toron-St es he .AC ta, spent Monday witi Mn. and 'o ncstsfî r ie Mrs. C. M. Jones. Hgpie hsflarlk- Miss Ann Best. Orono. snent ly ta decline ta levels approacli- Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. Cliu- ing tich support pnice tii 23 tan Brown. cents." We anc sonry ta hear that Mns. "Prices for feeder cattle tuis Wilfred Wadd is confined ta lier faîl should bc qulte stronj~. bcd. Pnices af cattle fon siaugiten A missionary film, witi otker should be at last yean's levelz,. items, dcscnibing the wonk af with a seasonal declîne tuis Rev. John Kitchen, Onono, in faîl. and risc late next win- China, will be shawu unden the ter." auspices ai tic Woman's Mis- 'Pnices for dainy cattie sionary Sogiety, by Mn. C. R. sol improv'e fatoal. Carveti, in tic Sunday Sciool sol rcinl~ Hall on Friday evcning of tuis This is tic outlook for On- wcek, Nov. 4ti at 8 p.m, toar tanilvestock as predicted by wiich thc public are invited. tic Agricultural Economies De- Next Sunday, Nov. 6th, aur partmcnt ai tic Ontario Agni- annual Thank-attering services cultural Callege, in tic fal wlll take place. At il o'clock issue of its publication, "'On- Rev. Yarr of Bailieboro, will be tario Farm Business". guest speaker. At 7 o'clock tic Iu commenting on tic hog Port Hope Male Choir will be situation, tic publication points heard lu thein service ai sang. out that tic number of hogs On Novemnben tb the W.A. slaughtered in Canada wvas up are holding a bazaar in the Sun- 19 per cent in tic period up ta day School hall. Septemben 24, yct stocks ',if Ladges At Church park were down aven 10 per- Florence NightIngale Lodgc cent at September 1. "The mca- No. 66, l.O.O.F.. and Beehive Re- i sons5 fan tis remarkable de- bekai Lodge. Bowmanville, at-! velopment wcre: (a> gneatiy tcnded the United Ciunch oni încreased domestic consump. Sunday. Members fram Oronai tion. and (b) an increase of and Cobourg also attended I about 10 per cent in expants. Tic Scripture was rend îy At June 1, there were 18 pe-- D.D.G.M. Bro. Alvin Ble%%ett, cent marc hogs on fanms ini Orono. Bro. Colin Taylor gave Canada than a'year carlier, andj two vocal solos, "O Brother 13 percent more sows weme ex-J Mani" and "Peacefull Round pected ta farrow in the June- Us" Br. Rymod utcheson, Novemben perîod this year Noble Grand, brouglit tic than iast year". countesy greeting. The Re- Crops are also dealt with I bekalis fonmed a Guard af Honon the forecast (winten wbeat pni- and tic choir, singing two pro-, ces should continue ta strcug- f essionai anthcms. Rev. S. J. 1 tlien"-"potato pnices ,%,liii ot Pi- onducted ,lie serv'ice~, be !trono," -- '"ferd pr-Ceç Ir- speaking on -The Larger Chri's- lot eprcftrd to he Fsrongý"Li than Fello%%shîo' in which h 'Tic publication is obtainable jdescribed tic tirée divisions a of w a i fiea i gi àoc±ty as £ainuy. communa lturial tevnientative. 7/w PecadeY 4e"I# Gordon Àgnow, Editor Phone 3621 ,r ze le le I1- 'I IS Newcastle -j Mn. E. S. Barchard Ncwcastlc School Section and Teacher CARTWRIGHT TOWNSHIP Mrs. Dorothy Venning Mr. Neil J. Bailey Mn. Grant' Campbell Miss Yvonne Chant Mrs. Olive Heaslip Mrs. Shirley Turner CARTWRIGHT 3. Mr. Swain Van Camp Address AREA CENTRAL PUBLIC SCHOOL Blackstock lm Blackstock lm Blackstock lm Blackstock lm Blackstock lm Blackstock lm Bunketon Na. 3 mu Teachers and Secretaries of West Durham Inspectorate 1955 m 1956 Secretary Mrn. Henry Mr. Henry MIr. Henry Mr. Henry Mr. !enn.y Mr. Henry Mr. M. J. Habs Mn. M. J. Hobbs Mn. M. J. Hobbs Mn. M. J. Hobbs Mn. M. J. Hobbs Mn. M. J. Hobbs Mr. M. J. Hobbs Mn. M. J. Hobbs Mn. M. J. Hobbs Mn. M. Mr. M. Mr. M. Mr. M. Mn. M. Mn. M. Mn. M. Mr. M. J. Hobbs Mn. M. J. Hobbs Mn. M. J. Habbs Mn. M. J. Hobbs Mn. M. J. Habbs Mr. M. J. Hobbs Mn. M. J. Hobbs Mn. M. J. Hobbs Mn. M. J. Habbs Mns. Jean Grace Mr. Gardon Brent Mn. Fred Smith Mn. George Knox Mr. R. W. Pascoe Mn. F. W. Werry Mn. Clarence Avery Mn. F. L. Byami Mr. F. L. Byam Mns. A. J. Yellowlees Mn. C. E. Siartridgc Mn. David Malcolm Mn. Gardon Robinson Mrs. L. McMullen Mns. Jean Argue Mr-. George Neals Mn. W. C. Neals Mr. Gardon Staplei Mn. Laverne McGill Mn. Lloyd Brown Miss Jeanne Coulten Miss Jeanne Coultçr Mn. Horace Hcaslip Mn. A. H. Veals Mr. James Gray Mn. Orv. Ciallice Mn. Chas. Reynolds Mr. Chas. Reynolds Mn. Wesley ,!ordan Mr. Orme Miller J. Hobbs J. Hobbs J. Hohis J. Hobbs J. Habbs J. Habbs J. Hobbs garbage collection as autline4I above. I do think however, t because of the strong opli in the town, bath favour# and opposing Municipal gar. bage collection that this ques- tion is one that should be~ de- clded by a vote of the people and flot by Council Itself. Yours very truly, Lloyd G. Preston Couneiflor Box17drestoc nBox 17, Blackstock n Box 17, Blackstock ni Box 17, Blackstock n Box 17, Blackstock nBox 17, Blackstock Bunketon No. 3 Orono Orono Orono Orono Orano Orono Orono Orono Newcastle No. 3 Newcastle No. 2 Orono Newtonville No. 1 Orono Orono Orono Orono North Leskard Newcastle No. 2 Orono No. 1 Orono No. 2 Thompsor Thompsor Tliampsor Thorwpsor Thompson Thompsor Mrs. A.lm. Hvan Mrs. Aima Bawen Mrs. Alma Bowcî Mrs. Alma Bowen Mrs. Aima Bowen Mrs. Alma Bowen Mrs. Alma Bower Mrs. Alma Bower CLARKE TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA Miss Dorrene Powell Mn. Ronald Munro Miss Joyce Kinkpatrick Mrs. Jessie MeKenzie Mr. George B. Collins Miss Canal Steckley Miss Anue Stapleton Miss Valena Çopping CLARKE 2. Mrs. flazel Munro 5. Mn. Raymond Bowen 7. Mrs. Mabel Elliatt 10. Miss Catherine Stewart 12. Miss Kate Fosten Miss Bertha Cain Mrs. Ethel Canleton 14. Mn. Albert Branscombe 15. Mrs. Grace Miller 16. Mns. Theresa Martin 18. Miss Vanetta Ciapman 19. Miss Lamna Lewis 22 & 22 Darlington- Mrs. Violet Motfatt DARLINGTON TOWNSHIP 1 & 23 Clarke- Miss Elizabeth McHolni Miss Golda Perrin 2. Ciascd. Z. Mr. James Pollard 4. Miss Alice Arnold 5 & 25 Clarke- Mrs. Estelle K. Chute 6. Mn. Howard Rawalî Mrs. Bernice Cale Mrs. Greta Down Miss Joyce Graham Mrs. Olive Motfatt 8. Mr-. Edward Colwel Mrs. Tuda Aldous Mrs. Cathanine Campbell Miss Marjorie Collacott Mrs. Heleai Cosens Miss Audrey Graham Mrs. Myrtle Green Mrs. Lénore Hoar Mr. Douglas Thampson Miss Waneta Young Mr. Ivan Woolley Mrs. Marguerite Hall Mrs. Hazel Ruttan Mr. Heny DeMille Miss Ruth Cosens DARLINGTON 7. Mn. Exford McCoy 10. Miss Helen Wallace 13. Mrs. Audrey Rosevean 14. Miss Shirley Quantnili 1.5. Miss Louise Hartman 16. Mrs. Phyllis Mitchell 17-. Miss Wilson 18. Mn. Paul Mclntoslî Miss Elizabeth Knox 19. Mrs. Anuetta Ashton 20. Mn. William Lycctt 21. Mn. George Torrance MAN VERS 1 . Mrs. Jean Williams 2. Mrs. Yvonne Fallis 3. Mrs. Jean Argue 4. Mn. Douglas Webster 5. Mrs. Mabel Kennedy 6. Miss Donna Porter 7. Mrs. Ernestine Robinson 8. Mrs. Ticîma Caînan 9. Mrs. Auna B. Kennedy Mrs. Chnistella Neals 10 & 10 Ops. Mns. Laura Rowan Il & 20 Cavan Mrs. Vera Sarginson 1.. Miss June Fice 14. Miss Joan Bristow 15 & 16 Cavan Mrs. Mary A. Wright Miss Carroll Hopkinson 16 & 16 Ops. Mrs. Ruth Humpnnies 20, 20 & 23 Manvers, Clarke and Closed. Mn. Andrew M. Tbompson, Superviuing Principal. Mn. Stuart James, Secretary Newcastle No. 3 Newtonville Newtonville Orono No. 1 Orono Kendal Kendal No. 1 Orono Newcastle 65 Scugog St., Bowmanville Kendal Kendal No. 1 Orono Orono Orono 174, Sherwood Ave., Oshawa Pontypool No. 3 Newcastle No. 3 Orono No. 1 North Orono, Box 11 SCHOOL AREA - Mr. M. J. Hobbs, Supenvislng Principal - Enniskillen i i i i Mns. W. Holmes Mrs. June Wilson Mn. A. S. Hallowell Mn. Orme Falls Mn. H. E. Milîson Mr. H. E. Milîson Mn. H. E. Milîson Mrs. Wm. Wannan Mn. E. B. Duval Mr. Alfred Perrin Mr. Lawrence Harris Mn. John Motiatt Enuiskillcn Enniskilleîi Enniskillen Enniskillen Enniskillen Enniskillen Enniskillen Enniskillen Enniskîllen Enniskîllen Enniskillen Eîîuiskillen - Enniskillcrt Euniskillcn Enniskillen Enniskillen Enniskillen Etiniskillen Enniskillen Enuiskillcn Enniskillen Enuiskillen Enniskillen Enniskillen Enniskillen Enuiskillen ]Burketon Bowmanville No. 5 T vronc No. 1 Enjskillen No. 1 ]Bunketon No. 2 Enuiskillen Burketon No. 2 Tyrone Tyrone Enniskillen No. 1 Hampton No. 1 Bowmanville No. 6 Jauetville Na. 2 Poutypool No. 2 Poutypool Na. 2 Bethany No. 1 Bethany No. 2 Janetville No. 1 Janetville Pautypool No. 1 Pontypool Pontypool Jauetvîlle No. 1 Omemcee No. 2 Jlauetville No. 2 -Pantypool No. 1 Betiany Bethany Jauetville No. f Ponty pool No. 3 Central School Mr. Thomas Turner Miss Gwcndolvn Bartlett Miss Leta Bragg Miss Vivian Bunner Miss Agnes Caruthers Miss Manjonie Cale Mrs. Joan Cowan TMr. Paul Co%,,an 'Miss 'vyrtle Hall Mn. Donald Kennedy Miss Ruby Morrow Miss Margaret McGregor, B.A. Mn.. Edna Philp VILLAGE 0F NEWCASTLE Mrs. Ethel Lycett Mrs. Hazel Crago Mis Mai-ion Fisher M!z. li-elen Ncesbitt Mrs. Gertrude Stapieton Mrs. Audrey Walton Ontario Street School- Mn. Merlin Slute Miss Jean Bragg Mliss Marjorie Coucli Mrs. Katinyn Heudry Mn. John Lemon Miss Phyllis Parker Miss Beti Powell -Mrs. Audrey Read Miss Marjorie Somerville Mr-. Roy Turncr Miss Audrey Young Newcastle Newcastle, Box 25 Newcastle Newcastle Newtanvilic No. 1 Mn. E.! Mr. E. Mn. E. Mn. E. Mn. E. S. Banchard S. Barchard S. Barciard S. Banciard S. Barciard Vincent Massey Sehul Mr. Alfred Merkiey Miss Myra Cooper Miss Jane Hodgkinson Miss Dorothy Mann Miss Marion Pascoe Mrs. Muriel Symous Speclal Teacher Miss Dianu i-ogaboam Newcastle NewcasLle Newcas tl e Newcastle Newcastle s I r 1 I ft.IIplight to some of the çreatest The Bi le Tod y . me» in Engllsh History Ln don. Amon4 these were indus- HiOr i rPetig t3l trial executives and statessnen. repeagow 150 years later, right here in Rightlya owatveinOntario, a group of business- NrteenNigea Haa native n men, wlth lîke motives have mieNortarnNiera alked 5CVtSflagreeed ta act as an Advance iles taoa Sudanto eriorMis'. Committee ot the Bible Society sio Bok Sop a gt aBible. for the purpose af helplng give As not. one was available there God's Word t a ai men. Mem- he went another seven miles ta bers Of the comInittee are: Mr. Kagoro to find the same acutc J. wm. Hore~ r .G a shortage. With rtermined ex. ker, Mr. R. C. y,.rMr. h.wG.Mra pectancY he travelled another U.. ambe r. Fh. J mile ta wherè a Bible Society Co.mbCamr.H.el, . FrMr Colporteur lived. After his tif. R. i S. NHan. H.dE.Mr. T G. Mc. teen mile jaunt lie iound th~e cRmi,\,a Mr. GM. C. G.Me.lf sufPly ebhstethere also. Mr. R.Ak. RbGt.C.Mtaf In hsdlsappointment lie Mr._R._A._Robertson could1 not believe that 10,000 Hausa Bibles were at the time enroute by boat to Nigeria "We're referring ta announce- from Bible House in London. ment this week that net profit The tact is this quantity wouid af National Malleable and Steel be far short of meeting the Casting Co., Cleveland, increased need even when they arrived. 140 per cent above a year ago One hundred and fiity years in the first bh aio this year! . ago a littie Welsh girl, Mary "Need any more be said ta Joncs by name, atter saving for prove that business today can ten years walked twenty-six easily atford substarîtial wage miles tg get a Bible only tg increase in the price of their find the last copy sold. products«>" Oct. 14, 1755 was the birth Improved conditions and a date of Rév. Chas. Thomas ta steady drive for business piid whom Mary Jones appealeci for Off, and in the fint six montha a Bible in 1804 at Bala, Wales, of this year the company earned This minister reported ber $2.17 a share. Voice of the People Dean Mn. Edi¶on, As a memben ai Town Coun- cil my duty is I believe, ta car- ry out the wislies af the people af the town on questions anis- ing in Council. I have foIt that my opinions on t.he pnoblem aof garbage collection b ave been rnisunderstoad by a number of citizens and I would lilco by nicans ai this letter ta statc tbem again. At the last meeting ai Cou»- cil I secondcd the follawing mo- tion: 'Moved by Ca un. Regan and seconded by Coun. Preston that the question of Municipal garbage collection be submit- ted ta, the natepayers at, thIE Municipal election as failows: "Are yau in tavour of the Town Council passing a by-iaw es- tablishing a municipal garbage collection." Motion lost. Prom this it would seem tbat znany people believe that I am opposed ta a system oi garbage collection in the tawn, which would ho controlled by Coun- cil cithen by cantract with pni- vate individuals or by town empiayees. I would like ta cm- phasize that sucli is nat the case. Phono MA 3.3303 TRÉ CAlgAnTAT-7 "IrA".CtUAV MW19MAls9m -1 Port Hope No. 1 Bowmanvîlle. Box 81 Orono No. 2 Bowmanville No. 2 Bowmanville No. 4 Bowmianvillc No. 3, c/o F. Stevens 6 Ontario St., Bowmanville Oshawa Na. 4 c/o Harry Wright, Bowmanville No. 3 Bowmanville No. 5 6 Carlisle Ave., BowmanvillE 15 Warren Ave., Oshawa Bowmanville No. 3 Bownville No. 5 93 Wilson Rd. N., 0Oshawa Courtice 105 Central Pk. Blvd. N., Oshawa Bowmanville No. 3 c/a Mrs. A. Wilkins, Bowmanvilie No. 3 Bawmanville No. 4 Bowmanville No. 4 Hampton Hampton Hamptonî Hanmiptonî 93 Wilon- Rd. N., Osbawa Burketon Bowmanville No. 5 Tyrone Orono North Bunketon No. 2 Enniskillen Bunketon Na. 2 Tyrone Tynone Enniskillen No. 1 Box 324, Bowmanvillc Bowmanvillc No. 1 Nestleton Pontypool No. 2 Pontypool No. 2 Bethany Betiany No. 2 Bethany No. 1 Janetville Pontypoal- Pontypool Pontypool Bethany Bethany No. 2 Pantypool No. 2 Pantypool No. 1 Betiany Betiany 57 Cambridge St. N., Lindsay Darlington Address Ur. 0. T. Hyland 1

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