TRURDAYNOV lOt, 155 *~* ~ SVA~LN *~ W1U~tLN L.4A~~ LI± A IN.ML PRE EEVE 1AT r'A M fi A MeFMA VIVOI A Ct)NT.- O .4 BAJR foNS À6 Barons Impressive in Taking Cobourg 3 to 1 .Be fore 5.50 Rabid Fans The 1955-56 edition of the was unable ta get a shot away. ]Bowmanville Barons lookeJ He reversed his field and skat- like a strong, well-balanced ed back acrass the goal again, hockey club Saturday night in without a Cobourg defender winning their home opener bv laying a stick on him. This .4 3-1 count over the Cobourg time he got away a backhand Lumber Kings before a crowudjshot which caught the corner of nearly 550 fans at Memoriai of the goal byehind Sommer- Axena. ville. Fresh from a 4-3 xin ov-r The Barons enjoyed a wide Orono in Port Perrythnit edge in play during the remaiin- before, the Barons looked an,\- der of the period but Sommer- thing but le-weary and wero ville made some nice saves to playing at 'mid-season form. rob Bird, Berwick twice, and They dominated the play ex-,î Girardi. cept for a brief stretch in thO The Lumber Kings played second period uind were fuil better hockey in the second value for their over thp trame. Frank Hooper and Lloyd aggreszive Cobourg cr'e\%. BI't Hamilton were twice calied on for some fine goal-tending hbý, early i -the period for good Cobourg goalie Clarke SOM- peitalîx-kiling efforts ta Rkepp merville, the pýarons could them 'off the scoreboard while have runi up a mucli highe-r Yourth and Masters were sit- score. ting out holding and tripping Well-Balanced Lines penalties. Pallister was left un- Bownianville iced three weîl- guarded on a breakaway by balanced forward lines andctwo don Fisher but Johnston shot strong defense corps. Tiie wide of the net after taking Hooper - Hamilton - Girardi Fisher's pass. Cobqurgs efforts line ýcored two of the Barons paid off at 16.02, however, vals and the Wilson-Burges-- when Ken '"Coon" Madhurst Berwick line contributed ths.ý took a pass from Fisher in other. While it did flot figure front of the net and backhand- in the scorîng, the Don G1- ed the puck past Pailister. hooly - Maxie Yourth - Bob 1Da ve C asey, who was one of Birdl line also played a nicýý the hest of the Lumber Kings, game. On defence, Playing- also drew an assist. The periad Coach Ernie Dickens. newcomn- ended 2-h for Bowmanviile. er Loweil Dykstra, Terr « Mas- Barons Take Charge ters and Jack Marshall gav'c The Barons took charge goalie Denny Palli.ster good, again în the third period and protection. I Hooper and Giihooley botl- Play started at a very fast were rohbeï by Sommerville clip and Lloyd Hamilton got on accurate long shots. Pallis- the Barons away ta an early ter was also called on ta make lead at 4.52. With Ernie Dick- a nice save off Casey early in ens sitting out an elbowing the frame. Sommerville was penalty and Case 'y also serving terrific in stopping shots by1 time for delaving the game, Hamilton and Gilhooly whie1 Dykstra drove a long shot fromi Dowle was serving a hooking the blueline. Hamilton was penalty calied at 12.48. standing in front of the Co- The Barons kept up the bourg net aid Dykstra's shat pressure however, and Ernie struck his leg and %vas deflect- Dickens set up the nicest goaly ed into the side of the cage. of the evening, which came atr Frank Hooper aiso pickéd up 16.04. He carried down the aii assist on the goal, which length of the ice, circied the was credited ta Hamilton. Cobourg net and passed out t a Hooper Scores Bill Berwick in front. Berwicka Frank Hooper scored a pret- made rio mistake from close in ty goal at 11.47 ta put the tao add the insurance taliy, and homesters ahead 2-0. H o it completed the scoring for the possession. of the puck in front garne. TAKAE Jamieson Plan For Steelheads1 Is Accepted Largely as the resuit of re- .Presentations made ta the De- partment of Lands and Forests by local fisherman Frank Jam- ieson, the Depgrtment has re- cently announced that the sea- son for rainbow (steelhead) trout fisbing in streams be- tween No. 2 Highway and Lake Ontario has been extended un- tii November 30. Mr. Jamieson wrote Dr. W. J. K. Harkness, Chief of the Fish and Wildlife Division of the Department, an September 16 asking that the season be extended until that time ta give Durham and Northumber- land anglers the same privul- -eges which fishermen in the Georgian Bay area enjoyed. As a resuit of this and othtcr representations, the Depart- ment announced last week that fishing for rainbow trout in Northumberland and Durham Counities between No. 2 High. way and Lake Ontaria will bc allowed until November 30. The lîmît is five per day and they must ha nat less than seven inches long. Nesileton Staion Mrs. Alice Farder spen Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S Staples at Cavan. Mr. Donald McLeod of Tor. onto was a weektend visitor a, the manse witb bis grand parents, Rev. and Mrs. A. S MeLean. Mr. and Mrs. Findlay _Pol- lard, Unionville, and Mr. anc Mrs. Russel Sonley of Pari Parry were Sunday guests ul Mr. and Mrs. James Harris. Mr. and Mrs. Max' Falhi:, Betty Jean, Douglas and Susan left this week for Gananoque wbere they will make thelr home. Max is manager ofa ruew factory. establisbed there. Mrs. Jas. Ferrier, Perth, has bean visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Marlow. She and Mr. Gilbert Marlaw fao]l Mir. and Mrs. Marlow home to Perth for a holiday. Messrs. Arnold Williams 0f -the- Cob-o-ur-g goal, -an-id ska- Ice Chips Beyarto nopo en esday ed across the goaimouth, bilt Hooper played an outstand- rs Bed ea ii igLame for Bowmanviiie, Mrs. J. W. Irvine and Mr. ar,] bath offensively and defen- Mrs. Fred Bradburn were in sively. He and Hamilton killed Toronto an Sunday visiting off penalties when the Barons Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Brad. SPECIAL iwere shorthanded, and he burn and Mr. Heaslips aunt, L 0W RAIL FARES dropped back on deferise late Mrs. Culley. 'wick and Yourtb were also Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Downes TOTHE ~~very effective up front, while hv eundfo ooL the entire defense corps played wbere Mrs. Downes was con- a good game. Lowell Dykstra fined ta hospital. Friands wish ROYTALi looked very good in his first Mrs. Dawnes much improved league game on home ice . . . health. The fans were happy ta see the Mrs. Malcolm Emerson at- A uxIUuLTU RAL oid ine of Don Giibooly, Maxe tended the Women's Institute Yourth and Bebby Bird reun Area Convention in Toranto ited again . . . Goalie C3larke as Federated Representative af EID Sommerville was a standout West Durham District. Ms W INTER FAIR 1for- Cobourg and Ken Medhurst, Cecil Wilson, Mrs. Jas. Hedge ,Norm Dowie and Dave Casey and Mrs. Grant Thompson TORONTO, NOV. 11-19 were the pick of the forwards jained Blackstock and Port "*Players of bath teamas were Parry ladies on the cbartered P AR E A ND O N E -HA LF ntroduced by announcer John- bus éo convention on Thurs- FOR T HE ROUND T R IP y Jameý before the game . . . day. Mrs. Hedge visited lier !Cobourg - Goal. Sommer- mother who bas been ill and G.od golng-Nov.lOth-19th icl, ville; defence, McKeen, Bau- Mrs. Wilson remained for a cher. Donlevy, Fiesch; for- weekend visit with ber daugh- Return-Leave Toronto flot later Wvards. Johnston, Dowie, Camp- ters, Misses Gwen and Eunice thau midnight, November 20êh. bell, Wilcox, Medhurst, Casey, Wilson who teach in Scarboro. Fishier, Cane, Jacklin. Bowmanvie-Goal Paîhister; Mr. Donald Tbompson bas Pul 'Mfomaton defence, Dickens, Dykstra, Mas- erected an addition ta bis 4 ~ ~ teî-s, Marshall; forwards, Hoop- present barn in the farm of a I eroGirrdiHamiton.Wilople barn, large enougb ta «À% erBurss Berwit, Giloni, accommodate an extra 20 ta 30 T-5-53 Yourth, Bird, Ferguson. cattle. Officials - Maurice Walsh, The Thompson family reterce; Rube Waddell, lines- interested ta sea Grant's bro- man). ther C. H. Thompson on tele- S D 'vision Monday night wben a TV coverage was made of the * iIn pay and allowancas the new Plaza shopping centre on Canadian Prime Minister re- Hamilton mounitain. Charles is ceix'es $37,000 a year._____ president of the new Plaza Drugs Hamilton *Ltd.-the lar- gest retail drug store in the Province of Ontario. Iii~I Miss May McKay and M_. V,~o LJi LO TCJ Archia Hoy of Toronta were V i o S o t . weekend guests with Mrs. J. jDickey and Mr. Riddeli. IMr. and Mrs. Harry Lynch and Lorraine, Lindsay, visite-i FUEL OIL and STOVE QIL 1 Sunday wt r n i., George oes Sympathy of the cammunity 3 is extended ta Mrs. Herman STOVE C!L 2010 crents par gal. Wilson in the passing o r on Saturday. Friends also extend sympa- FUEL OIL 16 i cents per gal. th3' ta Mrs. Lewis Fitze in tha_ 2 death of ber brother, John Ney of Barrie. Mr. Ney was on bl - iday in Detroit when ha suffer- I cd a heart takro whc Fcr velivery he ddntrcvr Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Roger:s and Harvey of Lakaview visi- ted their grandmother, Mrs. Phone Oshawa RA 5-1109 Jas. Samelis on Sunday. Mrsz. Samelis was a visitor in Osha- wa witb Mr. and Mrs. Walter ________Rogers and Larry. nt d- S. id if ir OHONOi Bull Botes 'Hits Stride. In Men's Major Leugue The old saying you cannat keep a good man down rail true ta form this week fllen Bill Bates put scores tog9thý!r of 226-249-293 for a total of 804 ta win the high triple for the week. Bill has been having his toughest season sînce he started bowling but this week snapped out of his slump with a bang. Six other bowlers were over 700. AI Osborne 743, Jack Gay 733, Ron Maynard 723, Ernie Perfect 711, George Elliott 710 and Bill Westlake 706. Ernie Perfect won the higli single prize with 348 and Frank Williams 342, Bill Bates 329, Ron Richards 327. Jack Lander's teamn scored 1310 pins for high single game this schedule. Russ Oke's outfit walked off with triple honors 3461. Ray Fry the old silver fox had low single game 104 and Garf Clarke was next 113. Garf dame back to win low triple 411. Byron Vanstone and Bob Cale tied with 448. Alley Chatter Ted Baldy Hoar and AI Os- borne were virtually tied for first place in the averages bath with 230 for 21 games but Ted had a few pins to spare. Dutch Hailman's teamn jumn- ed back into first place in the teamn standing with 2 clear points over runner-up Poliey. The next two weeks will be quiet at the alleys as some of the bowlers are taking off after the littie deer. Hope they have better luck than hast year. Every member of the league has been entered in the Bowl 'O Fun tournament. This tour- nament is a weekly affair and is sponsored by the Dow Brew- ing Company, Your secretary will send in the high singie High Single Score 265 For Ladies -Bowling hope we will be fortunaie enough ta win part of the $250 weekly prize. f- Men's Major Bowling Leagu4 7th Week lst Sehedule Team W LPl Halîman 14 7 . Polley 13 83 Lander - ------ - 13 83 Oke 13 83 Rundle 11_ i 10 2 Larmer 1l 10 2 O'Rourke ------ 10 1l 2 Taylor 9 12 2 McKni ht - ---- 9 12 21 Bagnelf 8 13 1ý Hoar 8 13 1 Bates 7 14 1ý Averages Name Games Ave Ted Hoar ~21 231 AI Osborne 21 23( Ron Richards------- 21 221 George Elliott ----21 221 Ron Maynard 21 22; Elton Brock ------- 21 22- Bill Westlake------- 21 22 Bill (ke 18 221 Russ Halîman ------ 21 22( Bill Hearle--------- -- 21 22f Jack Gay ------ 21 22( Ernie Perfect 18 21l' Bill Polley ------------ 21 21, Norm O'Rourke -- --- 21 21( Ted Bagnehi------- 21 21. Bill Mutton ------ 18 21 Frank Williams - 21 21ý Dick Little ---------- -21 21( Doug Taylor ------ 21 21( Morley Vanstone -- 21 20' Dr. H. Rupdle------ 21 208 Bob Stocker --------- 18 20-1 Art Spicer------------ 21 20- Bob Williamns 18 201 Karl Bickell 21 206 Bih11 Steven ------------ 18 205 Reg Hearie--------- 18 201 Dr. K. Slemon -------21 203 Ed Rundle ---- ---21 203 Jack Brougli -------- 21 202 Bill Bates ------------- 18 202, ANV» T. McLaughlin Takes Honors 'Rural Bowlers (Intended for last week) Men's Rural Bowling Leaa'ue Ennîskillen Sr. 35 19685 Blackstock - - 31 19982 Maple Grave - 27 19859 Tyrone----------. 27 18840 Enniskillen Jr. - 23 19816 Hampton -------- 4 17103 High Single-T. McLaughlin 284. High Triple-T. McLaugblin 694. Lemon League - B. Jew2ll L'1Averages of 200 and over Up 15ýta Oct 25, 1955: D. Wearn------ 233 (18) ,e C. Rundle 214 ( 9) 0,L. Wearn ~ 210 (18) 3() G. Marlaw----209 (18) 6 C. Milîs ------ - 205 (1a) 2 i H. McLaughlin 202 (1m) 2. T . McLaugblin 202 (18) 1 21 PONTYPOOL 20 Sunday visitors in this com-. 17munity included Mr. ai-d 17Mrs. Laurence Goddard, Bow- 16 manv 111e; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer 15 Worr, Norwood; Mr. Bob Sex- -smnith of Oakville, Mr. Percy SRogers, Huntsville: Mr. and Mrs. Ralpb Sharpe of Toronto and many others. jQuite a number attended )the Community Auction sales ý sponsored by Mr. Neil Curtis )7ýon Saturday afternoon. )7 r Ken Moses has been a Wbusiness visitor in the U.S.A. ý5 recently. )i A large number of friends ý3ýand neighbours fram far and ýnear attended the funeral of. ýMr. Harry Neals on TMursday from the Pontypool pUnitect Churcb with the Rev. Bonsteel1 in charge. Deceased conducted the grain and feed business here and was higbly respected by all. Previaus ta living here ha xvas a successful farmer in the Balyduff district, In busi- ness and social life, deceased had a hast of friends and Pan- je 34 32 30 26 25 22 22 Another bowling night with Sadie Bucknell .---177 typoot nas lost one of its best CPhillips' team ino the lead and Lii Hooper .-----------------176 éltizens. To the- widow and 0 ai the othex- teams trying with Ada Richards ---- ---- 176 sons, we extend aur sympathv. ahl their mîgbt ta work them-1 Lorraine Martyn ------------- 176 L.O.L. wilI hold its ehection 5s selves up ta the top. There is Marie Yeo ---- - ----------- 17(3 of officers on Monday, Nov. 14, n a lot of excitement eacb Mon- Vi Coole --------- -. 74'Samd hopes ta put on' the Royal day night as everyone is work- Olive Patfiald 173 Blue Degree. Tbey will also ing bard ta make the top for Mo1ly Badger - ---- 173--- --l sponsor a dance on Sat., Nov. jtheir team. Ena Etcher -----------_ 173 l12th. ri Along with the top teams Helen Dunna--------- ----- 1711 A meeting of the Stewards 9there were a number of 20(j Kay Hendry .---------- __-171 and W.A. was held recently ta games bowled with Anita Nick- Mel McNulty -------------..- 169 complete arrangements for the erson bowling high single with Lola Wright ----------------163 Anniversary Sunday, Nov. 13 265 anmd the rest of the best Viv Cowan -------------- 167 and Turkey Supper. Nov. 16.1 sgmsa olw:Joan Engley ---1661 hy eev your whole- giasasfolos Dot Brooks ----------------_165 hearted support for these ser- AntaNçVsan. 265:ý Babe[fDore ýMutton ----------- - 165 Vices. -Brown 25ý7; Lydia Bates 246; Lil Phillips --------------------- 1, R. J. Payne, County Master, *Joan Engley 245: Mary Harrî- Babe. Brown ---------- ---165 and Offa Staples, the Deputy Ison 241; Sadie Bucknell 241;~ Shirley Bickle........------- I< Countv Master, were gue.-ts Kay . Beauprie 238-238; One Mary Wilcox --------------- 1641 when"Bailieboro L.OL. beld a Etcher 238; Greta Luxton 236:; Audrey Burns -----------------4, fowi supper for their mem- Mary Fag'an 236; Lil Phillips Wilma Bates --- ------------- - 163 I bers. Afteî the supper. the *231; Lola Wright 221-205; He- Norma Hooper--------------- -6 i electian and installation of of- len Vivian 221; June Bak.'r Joyce Major -------------------16U ficers' was con ductad by the 220: Joyce Major 215-211; Vi Ann Gay----------------------- 161 Couity. Master. C uoe212; L1oie, 21; DtnBetty Westlake .------------- 160 Mrs. R. -J. Payne was a busi- Muton21; Lrrin MatyniLii Phillips' teamn is number mess visitor ta Toronto recent- 211; Helen Dunn 211, Helen on ly. Piper 210; Helen Brown 20,7; oe A large turnout of business Hilda Brock 204: Betty West-, The other. tearîms are in the run, mien, tree growers and farm- lake 203; Dot Crombie 20)0. You othes- girls bad better hopcsmt nte co, nWd Good going girls! To get your name up on the, nrsdme ningth ta discussnte Twele brgbt lemos ~ op.possibilities of having a bank aglow Team Standing established here. Representa- Some scores this week were Naine Points Pins tives of the Bank of Montreal kinda low 1 Lii Phillips---_---- 37 187371 from Lindsay and Bowman- They tried and tried ta make Berniece Budai - 36 18806 ville were p-esent. If suitabia the grade 1Ev Sweetman 28 179'281 quarters can be secured, il But every tima their score Lydia Bates 27 17583 looks lika we can have bank would fade. 1 IJoyce Major ------- 26 18156 service bere in the near future. Here are the saur notes this Hilda Brock ------- 26 17391 We were sorry ta hear of week: 1 jAhita Niekerson - 25 17417 the death of Herman Wilson of Anita Niekerson 95, Norma Eleanor Larmer - 20 18192 Port Perry.- Until a few years Hooper 94; Pauline Elliott 93; Onie Etcher - ----- 20 17791 ago, deceased farmed in the Alma Perfect 93; Rita Dum- Doris Joli ----- - 19 17644 Janetville district and was mitt 91; Helen Vivian 91; Dor- Ena Etcher ------ 19 17552 well known as a violinist. He een Holroyd 86; Marlene Fails Vi Coole --- - -- ----il 16921 also pitcbed bail for Yelverton 85; Wilma Scott 80; Mary Fa- HiÉch Single-Anita Nicker- team for several years. gan 77; Edna Kerr 76; Marion son 265. Several of our locals have1 Knox 76. High Triple-Kay Beauprie, gone deer bunting and we wish Name Ave. 662. them luck. My (dear) huntinq, Doris Joli---------0 High Average- Doris joliI s over so tram naw on it willi .. 204. be a closedi seasan for me. Oie EtBce - --15_______________ Sorry my news column was HdaBok-- ---- --- 19,4 left out hast week. Il was sent1 LydniaeBates-------19 along the usual day. No bard Benec udi---. -19,0 feelings but I did get heck I Kay Beauprie -- ----------- - 189 E from some of the readars. Edi. Ev Sweetman -- ---------187 I tor's note: You weren't alone, Anita Niekerson _---- ----.1136 I Jack. It was the aid problemn Eleanor Larmer-_---------- 183 o!f to ittle time and space.4 Norma Gay..............-------182 Sorry! Helen Piper _..--82- ----_-- Dot Crombie-------179 Edna DeGeer ---------------- 179 u w ~ p For Economny Mary Harrison . --- ------ 178 46 Publiec docks were first used in Aberdeen. Tammas (ta friend who bas ýMcSniht Leads,__-- s1 Legion League By Ten Points Legion Bowling Teamn Points Pins McKnight - --- _ 35 21810 Bates ------ 25 20885 Samis 25 20737 Perfect -293 19973 Etcher - --- 2 20254 Dobbin -------- --- --17 19580 High single-P. Dobbins 349. Higb Triple, 817. J. Martyn was the only other bowler ta bit the 700 mark. Averages Dobbins ~221 Perfect . ~220 McKnight 2-. 18 Taylor 21,3 ateis ~.-212 Fair ~21() SllottI 203 Graham 2(),7 Rundle ---199 Lobb --98Ig MeDonald 19.1 Burns --------191 Brooks 191 Etcher ----- 191 Hayes 191 Samehîs - 19 Conway' 19t) P. J. E. R. D. I F. iw. I J. G. L~Ï. I E. I A. C. F. A. Ilhe stakes surveyors use ta mark land boundaries have a way of disappearing-and that can mean a wholc survcy has to bc donc over again. But now there's a rcw aIl-aluminum stake that is tough for time and seather and playful animals ta bandie. It won't rust, rot or ucaken. And two barbu open out at right angles, underground, ta prevent its being rooted out by eN en the most muscular bear. lt*s a Canadian invention, madle of Canadian aluminum, by a Canadian company, ta meet a tyPicaily Canadian problsm. ALUMINLJM CO.MPANY 0F CANADA, LTD. (ALCAN> nae doot Jeems. ye're a much improve d man, but I've lost a friend!" ITam (ta Sandy, who is re- turning home on pay night): "I was thinking' o' standin' yotp a drink, Sandy, but this is no' my pey nicht." COBO URG TaIIy in Lasf Minute Gives Barons Opener Defeating Orono 4 to 3 The Bowmanville Barons go off to a good start for the 1955 56 season in Port Perry Frlda3 night by edging the Orono Or. phans 4-3 in a thrilling, hard fought game. Bob Bird fired the winninu goal with only 31 seconds lefi on the dlock when he cashed à nice pass from, his linemnate Don Gilhooly. Gil was aiso à star of the game as he notched the Barons' first two goals in addition to setting up the win. ning marker. There was no scoring in the first period, but Raye Wesi sent the Orphans ahead 1-0 ai 1.51 of the second when he cashed a pass fromn brot>ier Junior West. The Barons got this one back at 3.42 of the third when Don Giihooiy con.- verted 'passes from. Ernie Dick- ens and Maxie Yourth. Gil- hooiy gave the Bowmanville squad a 2-1 lead less than a minute later when he scored again at 4.27, with the samne two players drawing the assists. Barons Add Another Dan Girardi sent the Barons into a 3-1 leâd at 8.02 when he took Lloyd Haniilton's pass and slapped the rubber behind Bill Gearing, who played goal for the Orphans. The locals hieid Orono off until 14.50 wheix Raye West got his second goal of the gamne on assists fromn Christie and Junior West. Fred Mortimer, an Orono import from Lindsay, tied up the game 3-3 at 17.24 when Junior West, who was in on ail the Orphans' goals, fed hlm the puck. The Barons pressed hard ta break the deadlock and Bob Bird came through with only 31 seconds left in the game. Don Gilhooly set up the play at 19.29. Both goaltenders:, Denny Pallister for Bowmanville and Bill Gearing for Orono, piayed nice games. Giihooly anc Cap- tain Frank Hooper were also standouts for the Barons. Raye and Junior West carried most of the Orono scoring punch. Memorial Tom Depew, who played a nice game on the Barons' defence, suffered a eut elbomr late *n the game which required thrce stitches. A large contingent of Bowmanville fans travelled ta Port Perry for the gai-e. Bowmanvillé - Goal, Pallis- ter; defence, Dickens, Dykstra, Masters, Marshall, Depeý'; for- wards, Hooper, Girardi, Hamil- ton, Wilson, Burgess, Ferguson, Gîlhooly, Yourth, Bird. Orono-Goal, Gearing; de. fence, Mercer, J. West, Yar- wood: forwards, Armstrong, R. West, Shuter, Cowle, Mortimer;- Welsh, K. West, Tiil, Carveth. BUSINES6 EXECUTIVES AGREE: "On business or plea8ure.- a ahip àe the amart, way to EUROPE 1l;da ENJOY YOUR TRIP 00 BY SHIP and 60 IN THRIfT SEASON!1 Caffer Augvslt I Plan early for this extra vacation to and from Europe Jury & Loveil MA 3-5778 Bown*anville Arena BO WMAN VILLE Public Skating Friday, November 111th Wednesday, November 161h 8 - 10 p.m.. ADMISSION - - - Aduits 35c, Children 20c i.. Gt Intermediate "A" Lakeshore HOCKEY Saturday Night November 121h - 8:30 p.zt. Port Hope Redmen VS. Bowmanville Barons enerai Admission and Reser'ved Seats- 75C Children - 35e Corne out and support tbis great new Bowmanville Tean, * ""vu ,vu u uuuuu il je on THE yilow PAGES Flid the number 4M~UEW6 4 '~s~. WLDWP4«S fiyour STHE MILDEST BEST-TASTING'CIGARETTE ýbý IWUItSDAY, NOV. 10th, 1953 Ti« CAMAnTAM mIrAmp..-.UAM rimwlxATýnm y v MW19MAOIP% i à Pl A n 0 1- h e 0 f e r 1 ý' k li