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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Nov 1955, p. 12

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P-IGE TWELVETECNDM TTSABWAVLE NAT Social and Personal Mr. and Mrs. Frank MeMul- visting in Stayner and Orillixa len and family, Scarboro; Mr. Mrs. P..arl Budge of Toronto and Mrs. Charles Gardside, Pe- bas been visiting for the paàt Peterborough, were Sunday week with the Rev. M. C. and guests of Mr. ana 'Lrs. Charles Mrs. Fisher and family. Cowan. Messrs. Stanley Graham, Ir- The Rev. W. W. Patterson, win Colwill and Arthur Toms Mrs. Patterson and children, of lef t on Sunday for their hunt- Fenelon Falls, 'formerly of ing camp in the Minden dis- Newcastle, who were in the trict. village for the 13lst anniver- Mr. and Mrs. Ken Withers sary services of the United and boys of Peterborough, Mr. Church congregation on Sun- and Mrs. J. Goheen and girls day, were dinner guests with and Mrs. Lillian Lingard of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Glenney Bowmanville spent Sunday afid family and supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Tam- with Mr. and Mrs. Aif. Perrin blyn. and familv.1 Mr. and Mrs.' Bruce Clayton M.and Mrs. Percy Tamb- and family of Woodville visiterl lyn pen Saurdy i Osawawith the Rev. M. C. and Mrs. vnspnwth S atud s LeFisher and family on Sunday. vGrina r. e Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Agnew of r. Thos. Enwr . ht is i Peterborough and Mr. and Mrs. Strathroy thîs wee't whe re he John Koropatwa of Orono, vis- attended the funeral of hi ited with Mr. and Mrs. Gor- brtethe late Mr. Melville don Agnew on Sunday. bnrther, sdy.Special Remembrance Day Mrs. Myrtie Moffat of As- services ilbosevdnSt quith, Sâsk., is visiting witi George's Church on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rickard November l3th when it is hoD- and Mr. and Mrs. George Alun. ed ail members of the congre- Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Davies gation and especially ex-ser- and amiy senttheweeendvic emen will make an effort +o and amil spnt te weken present to remember, be- fore God, the faflen, who made VILLAGE 0F NEWCASTLE the supreme sacrifice. Votes' îsi osid A Surprise Party Votes" ist osid Asurprise party was given Clerk's Notice of First posting by Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Pick- of Voters' List ering on Friday evening, Nov- VOTERS' LIST, 1955 ember 4th for their son Graham on the occasion of his birthday. Municipality of Newcastle The evening was spent in County o! Durham dancing and playing Teen-age Notice is hereby given that I gamnes for which prizes were have complied with Section 9 supplied. A buffet supper was of the Voters' List Act and that served at Il p.m. and ail enjoy- I have posted up at my office at ed a social hour. Newcastle on the 4th day of Those helping the guest of November, 1955, the list of al hnu oclbrt h ca persons entitled ta vote in the sion ere, Sheeia Geoerty said Municipality at municipal Marlene Laking, Velda Fish- elections and that such lise re- er, Peg. Simpson, Gail Thomas, mains there for inspection. Adl ikrn o ikn And I hereby caîl upon al]U dl ikrn o ikn voters to take immediate pro- son, Robert Knox, Dave Mc.e ceedings to have any errors or Cullough, Dayrell Pickering, omissions corrected according to John Sinclair, David Kellett, law, the last day for appeals ie- Thomas Simpson and Brian ing the 1th day of November, Pickering. 1955. Loveiy gifts were graciously Dated this 4th day of Novem- received by the guest of honor ber, 1955. and opened for ail to see. Mrs. MRS. NETTIE BUTLER, Pickering thanked Mrs. Rob- Clerk of the Village ert Simpson and Mrs. H. of Newcastle. 45-2 Sinclair for their assistance in making the evening a most en- joyable one for aIl. FOR FURNACEAutomation- A new word ap- FURNACEplied to a process going on ever ~ since James Watt invented the INST)ALLAIONA steam engine; the process of or substituting machines for men orn what was previously man- Eavesfroughing nal labor. CALL C. GOULD WihPf4T( Newcastle Phone 3686 L L &11 A CIVIC SERVICE 0F REMEMBRANCE will be held in NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL on FRIDAY', NOVEMBER llth at 10:45 a.m. Ail Veterans and the general public are invited to attend. J. H. JOSE, Ree've, Village of Newcastle MUNICIPAL Public Notice is hereby giveri that a Meeting of the -Municipal Electors of the Village of Newcastle will be held in the Community Hiall, Newcastle - ON - FR1., NOV. 15 1955, at the hour of 7:30 o'clock p.m. for nomination of candidates for the office of Reeve and four Counc- illors for the ensuing year, three members of .the Board of Education and one member of the Hydro Electric Commission for two years for the Corpora- tion of the Village of Newcastle, in conformity with provisions of the Municipal Laws of the Province of Ontario. If more than the necessary number of Candidates are nomninated (and a poili is required) the proceedings will be adjourned until MON., DEC. 5 1955, when a poili wiII be opened at 9:00 o'clock in the niorning and continue until 7 o'clock in the afternoon cf the same day and no longer, i each Polling Sub- Division of the Village of Newcastle. Apd that at said Nomination, Meeting Mrs. Nettiç Butler, Village (lerk, shall be the. Returning -Officer. Of *bich a&H persons are required to take notice and gbvern themiselves accordingly. bMS. NETTIE BUTLER, Clerk of the Corporation cf Newcstle. ML j- Gordon Agnew, Edifor Phone 3621 AskGvro-eea To Open Cen tennial On June 29 Next Year A motion inviting His Ex- ceiiency Vincent Massey, Gov- erbor-General o! Canada, to speak at the Officiai Opening of the Newcastle Centennial Celobration on June 29th, 1956, was passed at a meeting o! the cenfennial cornmitteo held in the council chamben on Wed- nesday evoning. Mr. Massey be- ing fie rnost illustniaus descen- dant of a Newcastle pioneer, the membens feit it would be a great honour ta fie village ta have hirn present if bis of- ficiai dufies wouid permit. A letter was nead fnorn the secnotany of the Powassan Lions Club in answer ta a re- quest fan information regarding thein necent celebraf ion whichi recomrnended the cornmittee contact Mn. G. S. Jourdan now residing in Markham, who was recarmoended as a good organ- izor and who had been langely nespansible for fie success o! fie Powassan venture. A mo- tion was passed inviting Mn. Jourdan ta attend the next meeting o!fie commitfee ta be heid on1 November 16h, Mns. Percy Haro neporting for fie Prograrn committee said fie foibowing tentative program iad been warked out by hen committee:. June 29th. 6 p.m. Sports and amusements, fol- lawed by addresses by fie Hon,. Mn. Massey and otiens af 8.30 p.m. June 3ti. Parade of floars etc., followed by a bail game in fie affernoon and a street dance in fie evening. Sunday, July lst open-air churci ser- vice and evoning band concert. July 2nd, sports in affernoon foliowed' by a show (possibly fie Rondeaunettes of Trenton) in fie evening. A motion was passed con- finming tie dates of fie ceaxa- bration as iune 29fi and 3th and Juiy 1sf and 2nd. The ciairman, Reeve J. H. Jase re- cammended fiat mare people be invited fa attend fie coin- mitfee meetings. Reponting for fie finance committee, P. F. Haro announc- ed his intention o! meeting wifi fie village council fa seek funds f0 carry on fie wonk o! fie comrniftee. He also r- ported fiat Mn. J. C. Porter o! fie Bank o! Commerce bad consenfed ta acf as freasuror fan fie organization. Newcastle United Church 1l3lst Anniversary Service Large congregations were present at the Newcastle Unit- ed Church on Sunday morning and evening ta hear a former popular minister of the ciurcni, fie Rev. W. W. Patterson of Fenelon Falls on the occasion of the 13lst anniversary o! the cangregatian. "We are a colony of Heaven", was the subject chasen by Mr. Patterson for bis sermon on Sundaý~ morning and music for the service inciuded the an- tiema "Te Deum Laudamus" by the choir and the beautiful solo numben "God hath not Prom- W.M.S. Holds Nov. Meeting Saint George's The regular meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society was held in the Board Room of the United Church on Thurs- day afternoon with the Presi- dent, Mrs. W. F. Rickand pre- siding and opening the meeting with an apprapniate meditation and prayer. The tierne o! the worship service conducted by Mns. T. Sowden's graup was, "The cal to commitment ta the Nwill of God", and nevealed the dee 'noaning of Christian dsi- ship, and was ably presented by Mrs. H. Jase and Mrs. M. C. Fisher. The study peniod cansisted of a synopsis of three of the now study books, on Home Missions, namely "The Home Mlission Digest", "Coming aur Way" and "No Vanishing Race". Mns. A. Glenney fald o! Life in a Hospital Unit; Mrs. Hoar spoke of the work among the first Canadians, the Indian people, and aiso of immigra- tion showing -ounrorsponsibility to the New Canadians repres- enting fiffy or more nationali- ies who have corne to Canada ince the close of Wonld Wan I. Mns. W. F. Rickard told of th growth, advancement and rogness of the variaus Indian Missions tinough the years. In the brie! business poniod conducted by the President, Mrs. A. Gienney and Mrs. E. Hoar xvore appoinfed as a nom- iating commiftee ta bring in asiate of officers for the onl- sing year. Reports wero given« by sevenai of the secretaries nd the meeting closed wxin xe hymn of consecration, 'Take My Life and Let If Be",1 xliowed by the Benediction. t c Ir s ti f ti e: ti si il a Si b: ai To The Editor, The Newcastle Independent Newcastle, Ont. Dear Mr. - Agnew, With the approach of anotherl Remembrance Day when the thoughts of at ieast some of us go back aiong the years to hon- our those who made the su- preme sacrifice, I think the en- ciosed poem is a fitting contri- bution to your news page, sa will you kindiy pubiish it? aiong with a few remarks of my own regarding the recent service at the United Church presented by Branch No. 178 of the B.E.S.L. Canadian Le- gian from Bowmanviile. I do, from a feeling of cor.- straint, admit my keen disap- Pointment over the apathetic interest of our local citizens which xvas quite evident in this very wortby venture of t he aforesaid Legion members, which was the first o! its kind attempted here. Sureiy the cf- forts o! those of aur Branch nembers to make this impres- sive service possible should have been worthy of a littie more jonsideration and c-p cratiot~ on the part of alor ised" , by Mrs. James T. Brown. In fie evening service fie Rev. Mn. Petterson chose as bis tapic "Etennal Life", with fie choir singing fie antiem "Pselrn 150". A solo was egain sung by Mrs. J. E..Brown eniti-, tled "Just for faday". Preaciing services were first conducted in Newcastle by fthe Rev. Anson Green, a Metiodist ministen on Novemben ti. 1824, on 131 years aga and fie present churci building (iess several extensions) was dedi- cated as a Metiodist churci in fite year A.D. 1868. populace. I am compelled edd elso, fiat our town vetE ans, and I especîiily refer fiose wbo fan vaniaus reaso have neyer seen fit ta jaint organizatian, contributed vi lergeiy fa fis lack of intere Tbey ahl received a specieli vif afion ta attend this sonvi and yef a mere spninkiing their numbers furned ouf. Sunely if cannot be fiat an fiose wio have f oit fie fulli i pacf of wan and ifs affermaft are fie only anes wia remer ber from yean fa year fies crifices made in fie dark yea of fie past. May if be remen benod too fiat fie freedomv enjoy foday wes made possib by fiose who paid fie supreqî sacrifice and wiose namesm honoun and respect at th time. And what of us wia i turned? We do not and ca nover, fonget fiose o! aur coi rades o! former years wia knew and loved s0 well an wiose lives were given ups unselfisiiy for you and ail fre people. We wio saw tiem sul fer and die alongside us in var ious theat nos o! war in fh years fiat bave intervoned bE fween oaci con!iict cennot hol but' feol dismayed aven f is in diffenence. I deplore fao, fie absenceC a nepresenfativo body o!fit town council If does appoa fiat oun prosperity is ceusin so many fa fongot many thing fit have made tieso condi fions possible. I necaîll fo fiat wien fiings wene goin docidediy against us durîng fi wan1yeans, people needed litti urging fa attend fa spinifua mettons and aur churches wei f illed, but now, for a service o romombrance, suci as we hav! had lateiy, if is bard fa visual ize a more careless atfitudi and spirit o! camplecency. Sinceroly, Jesse A. Allit Newcastle, Ont., Nov. 5, 1955. Anotier Remembrance Day (By Winnifred O'Bnass) As tirougi fie yoars wo boai fie distant vaices, We see fie forms, fie faces wE bave known And in fis day o! days fiE heant rejoices Amidst fie sadness o!fiahse yoans iong !Jown. ries' are flot deed but brave and strong and splendid In memory they live immar- faiiy, MVia gave their lives, their ail for liberty And tiose wio live wîfh scars of honour brnded, Striving amidst 'i!e's battle stili are free, 3ecause tioy dared fie utmost, but demanded For their loved land fie Peace fiat stili must be. Salute fie brave: fie dead, the living gianiaus, Beyond compare, who gave their ail for us And for fiat sacrifice, sublime, victariaus, WE shall remember tiem 'fiti wve are dust.j P. v I B TI1CKE TS8 TO EVERYWHERE j Air. Rail or Steamsbtp ConsultI JU(3R! & LOVELL 5Kig3owmanville . 11KigSt. W. MA 3-5778 ta er- ta the est.-Lna Rbns "Joiann Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Mc- in- Strauss Jr." - Robent Hagen- Knigif and Christine, and Mrs. ice man, "Rosa Bonheur"! - Jim i M. Huggins, Oshawa, were Sun- a! Scott, "Algonquin Park". day visitons wifh Mn. and Mns. The speeches were judged by Robin Alldred. uly Mrs. Clarence Allun and Mrs. Messrs Bill Jaynes. Ross Ad-, im George Stapiefon. ams and Ronnie Powell are is, At fie East Durham confest hunting nati of Kingston. ým- in Campbellcnoft on Friday Mn. and Mrs. Earie Gilbenkj se- evening Lynda Roberts con- and famiiy, Lotus, were visitons ars tested fie East Durham titue on Sunday witi Mn. and Mrsý ým- for Newcastle unsuccessfuliy, Chas. Bedwin. we wion carnpoting against ail tie Mns. H. S. Taylor and Misses 1le sciools, in East Durham, in- Blanche, Dora and Alice Taylor mie cluding Port Hope. Five stu- and Messrs Alvin and Dç Tay- we dents were ciosen on Fniday lon, and Mn. and Mrs. Stan Tay-j his ovening f0 compote against five lon, Courfice, were Sunday ev-, re- students ciosen from West oning visitons wifh Mn. and Mrs. ýan Durham et a contest fa be ield Art iyj Bedwin. Mi- in Onono on Monday evening ta Messrs Bill Lake and Jack wo choose a counfy winner. Holmes are hunting et Dorset. nd Mn. C. Avery atfended fie sa funeral in Detroit o!is cousin, UnteeC urh Mn. Leonard Carlson, o a ur Unitd Chrch day. )e Evening W.A. BREO ,n Toy Shower The Women's Association held a!e The negulan meeting a!fie fie home o! Mns. E. Adams, ýa Evening Branci o! St. George's whie n futier arrangements nrWoman's Auxilieny was ield in were made fan fie bezaan Nov. fite Paisi Hall on Wednesday 9ti. l November 2nd witi 18 mern- At fie monning service Sun- ) bers in attendanco. Tic open- day, fie infanf daugiten, Linde ngigprayons were foliawed by Christine, daugiter o! Mr. and fi oh reeding o!fie minutes'and Mns. Henry Mady, fonmeriy o! 1e fnanciel reports. Agincount, was baptized by the aI The Little Heipers Commit- minister, Rev. R. B. Green, witi retee announced plans for 'a card a veny impressive service. of panfy ta be ieid in fie Com- On Hallowe'en, Oct. 31sf, a SIm unity hall an Novemben 8fh. panty and social fime was ield d-The members decided ta iald et fie sciaol enjoyed by al. Jetheir annuel Toy Siawen on Mns. Grant Carnocian apened [ONovemben 3Ofh. In fis siowen, lber home on Monday vng foys are donafed by fie mem- for a siower for Mrs. Edith bers and sent for Christmas Ramsay witi 26 friends and *n dstrbuton a fi Siter ~fneigibors in attendance. inds.ibuJohn theDi ine ereco- Mrs. H. Mady iad as guest bridgen thf is vianed t ace-for fie chisfening Sunday her bride. t i plnne togatier parents, Mn. and Mrs. A. Smifil a bale o! second iand ciotiing Agincount. et fie saine meeting and ta Mn. and Mrs. C. Tyles and r hold fie annuel elecf ion o! offi- Miss Helen Dean, Oshawa; Mns. cens for fie caming year. May Gofierd, Niagara Feuls,l re If was ennaunced fief Miss Ont, spent ane weoek wifh Mns.1 B. McIntosi wouid show ion E. Caughill. ipictures o! England and fie Mn. and Mns. H. Tiompson,i Ocontinent et a joint meeting o! Picton, spent a few days witbý ie fie Affornoon and Evening Mn. and Mns. Kennefi Roblin.1 Branches o!fie Auxiliary on Mn. and Mns. Ross Hubbard! ouesdey evoning, Novomber and Janice, Trenton, wifi Mn. ,e 15th. and Mns. Bon Hubband and Tbe Dorcas secretary was au- femily. thonized fa order maeeial. for Mn. and Mrs. Fred Holroyd, fie Choir skints and plans wore Hampton, witi Mn. and Mrs. A. discussed for fie Hanticulfurai J. Tompkins. Society Banquet at which tie Mn. and Mrs. Bill Pederson! Branci wiil be catering.. and boys spent Sunday in Osi- *The meeting wes brought 'a 'awa witi friends. a close wifi tie serving a! ne- Mn. and Mrs. Mark Hubbard efreshments. 'were in Part Penny. Mn. and Mrs. E. .Adams were in Peterborough Satundey. WEDDING Mr.ielMcCoy spentth Mn. Leonard Sioler, Mn. and' e BERNARD- SCHRAM Mrs. Henry Lynch and daugiter, A qietwedingwassoîmn-Lorraine, Mn. and Mrs. Ivan Azedbyuie ev.d. R. D sewd- Pollerd and children, Lindsay, e izd b theRev D. . Dwd-recent visitons with Mn. and Mns. ney in St. George's Chunch, Henry Trick. 4Newcastle, on Wednesday Recent guests with Mn. and! evenngOctber26t. e 7,Mns. E. Adams and !emily wereý o' dock wien Patricia ' Aileen Mn. and Mrs. Oscar Adams, Mn.1 Sciram', daugif or o! Mrs. AI- and Mrs. M. Adams and girls. Ian R.* Spencer and fie lafe Roseneati; Mr. and Mrs. Don Wil]iam Oliver Sciram, be- Cochrane and Cal, Mn. and Mrs. camne fiebride o! Donald Eani Ivan Cochrane and Judy, Mn.1 Bernard, snonfa!Mn. and Mns. and Mns.E. Cochrane, Mn. and Donald M. Bernard ail o! New-j Mrs. Morris Cochrane, Mn. and castie. iMs.E. Free and Nancy, Raglan. Given in marriage by beýr I1M. Alden Hubbard and Mn-. step-!atien, Mn. Allen Spencer, a nd Mrs. Lamne Hodge, Tommy the bride wes iovely in a win- and Johnny, were mi Toronto teE white suit with pinlc ag. lut~ week. Conservation Discusse dý By Qualified' Speaker At Lions Club Meeting *Conservation was the subject of an address made at the re- gular meeting of the Lions Club held in the Queen's Hotel on Thursday evening last by Major P. K. Ketcheson of the Carling Conservation Club. In- troduced by Lion Irwin Coi- will, Major Ketcheson expiain- ed that he had first become in- terested in conservation wben hoe had seen people selling mus- keilunge in Lindsay, which bad been. speared during the spawning season. 'He explained the reason for the new iengths required for Muskies, trout and bass was that a 7-inch trout has repro- duced at least once and the samne applies ta bass of Ihindi length and 24-inch muskies. He said in order ta conserve the lunge, the regulation had been changed ta require them ta be at least 30 inches before they can be kept. This, said the speaker had greatly increased the population of this species, as a 30 inch lunge has repro. duced at least 3 times. In speaking of the value of the tourist business, Major Ketcheson said there were 311,- 000 fishing and hunting licen- ses sold ta Americans last year and that each o! these cost $7.50. He said it is further es- timated that the average Arn- enican tourist spends $200 whiie in the province. Major Ketcheson spoke brief- ly on hunting, stressing safety, anà explainod a hunter shouid always idontify his target be- fore shoot ing and siouid neyer sneak up on a wounded deer until is party had ail been ac- counted for so they would not shoot at the deer and hif an- otier. Following his address, Major Ketchoson showed a film on the life and habits o! th-ý smail mouti black bass, from spawning ta full growth. Lion John Rickard express- ed the fianks o!fie members ta Major Ketchoson for bis, timeiy and informative ad- dress. During the business part of the meeting conductd byLin President Rod. Canvofh, a r%- part was given on the club sponsored Hailowe'en Party, and permission was grantod for the boan a!fie club's Bingo equipment ta fhe Orona Athie- tic Association and a grant o! $3 5.00 was made ta this argan-. izatian ta heip de! ray sameoaf the expenses incurred during the basèbail season. There was considerable dis- cussion with regard ta the Cen- tennial which cames on fie dates set for fie Lions Carni- val and the members o! the3 Carnival Committee will meet with the pnogram commîttee o! the Centennial organization ta camne f0 an undersanding. Thec meeting will take place on November 16ti and members are anxiaus ta ca-operate fuliy wif i the centennial cammittee. cessaries and a pink and black velvet haf witi a corsage o! Sweefheart rases and lily-af- tie-valley. The bride was atfended by ber sister, Mrs. R. Bonnet t, Who chose a black and wie suit witi matching accessonies and wore a corsage of yellaov baby 'mums and fern. Mr. Ivan Mattiews o! Tren- fon, aftended fie groom. Foliowing fie ceremony, a receptian for a few close friends and relatives was hold in fie Lions Raom of fie New- castle Communify Hall wiene fie bride's motier received in an orciid taffeta sieath gawn witi black accessories and wone a white and mauve ,cor- sage. She was assisted by fie motion o!fie groom in pastel blue suit witi pink eccessaries and corsage. Foilowing a wedding trip tinougi easfern Ontario and fie States fie happy couple wili reside on Beaver Street, North in Newcastle. Lake Shore, Clarke Includes: Clean and adjust spark plugs and breaker points. Set ignition timing. Adjust carburef or idie and dlean fuel bowl. Remove, dlean and replace carburetor air cleaner. 6 Cylinder $3.00 8 Cylinders, $3.60 General Lubrication Includes: Change ail in motor. Change transmission and differe4 tial to winter grease. Grease front wheels. Check shocks for ail. $5.40 Tighten Car in General Includes-~ Adjust body boits and tighten door hinges. Tighten floar boards, bumpers, license plates, fender boits, running board boîts, radiator boits, hood boits spring boîts, shackle springs, U-bolts, tie rod, steening arms, pitman anm, inuffler exhaust pipe, and toe-in. S$9.00 Acljust Service and Emergpncy Brakes Includes: Remove brake drums te dlean out dust. Free up ahl brake parts. Centralize shoes. Fi the master cylindèr and bleed brakes. Lubricate and adjust parking brakes linkage and cabies. $8.10 Check Front-End Alignment $ 1.00 Flush Radiator Chçck Ail Hose Connections Test Thermostat $4.50 A Combination of Operations 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 $27.00 Simonize Includes: Thoroughly cleaning body of scum and dint, simonizfng and polishing with power brushes. Clean and vacuum inside af car. Large Size Cars $12.00 Medium Size Cars $10.00; la 2o 310 5 la 71o S0> ALL PRICES QUOTED ARE FOR LABOUR AND LUBRICANTS ONLY. . PARTS EXTRA. COMPLETE SERVICE AND PARTS on al GENERAL NOTORS CARS AND TRUCKS Robson Mot ors Ltd. S;ALES AND SERVICE IIM PC 'ntiaclb Buick Cars 6 KING ST. EAST MA 3-5585 G.M.C. Trucks t. 'I t t 4, 1' ."' tt. - t' t' s' i. s t' xi t' e A Messag'e ro LOC AL CAR. OWNERS 166a King st. n. MA 3-5585 .Bownillîe Robson Motors Ltd Pontiac - uc G.M.C. Trucks Dean motorist.: As a special service fa ur custrners and frields, we are offering eight special Fali and Winfer service aperati.ons. These opeafifl wil ut youn car in shape fa sptan p ta theoughest Winfer driviflg. Yau'll enjaY fie peade or mindfefgs wifi knowing aur taied sevicemen have cecked your car for peak cold ,v,eather performance. incident aîîX, if yau want a funther bargain, operafianS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 cn 1,0 dne as a package at a saving of ven 13% on fie regular pnice. Drive in any ime and lt us give Winfer drjving troubles "fie old one-two" before fhey ever gef a chance fa start. RLOBSON MOTOR.S LTD.. E. BISCH, Service Manager. Ly nda Roberts Wins in Local Public Speaking Lynda Roberts, speaking on fie subject, "Joiann Straus Jr." wes fie winnen in fie eliminafion contosf for puli speking ield et fie Newcesf le Public School on Octoben 3lst. Ail pupils o!fite sciooi were asked ta write and learn a speech and fie fen besf were chosen fa compote in fie local sciool confest wifi fie winnor fa represont fie sciooi in fhe East Durham Confest held in Campbelcro!t lest Fridey evening. The ton sfudenfs campefing in fie local contest, with thoîr subjecfs follows; Berthe Clark, "Our Queen" - Judy Zimmer- man, "Quoen Victoria"-Leidi DeWifh, "The Maid o! Orleans" -Glenn Bell, "The Orange"- Lerry Pearce, "The 1955 Wonld Series" - Marilyn Beskerville, "Dr. Frederick Bentîng"-Feye m r wb I 1 1- THE CAIqADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVMLIC, ONTAPJO rquv lifth inam A PI &

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