iPAGE TWO EDITOJALS Why Industries -Are. Needeci Here flecently, a group of experts from various agencies were brought bei-e by' the Chamber of Commerce ta tell us how to obtain new industry. We reparted that Meeting last week in full because their advioe contained many points of interest - to every citizen. We think their experience la Worth reviewing in case some of aur readers missed the details. First, we must canvince sanie of aur citizens that more industry is flot only desirable, but essential. At the moment, about 14%o of the town's taxes are collected from i.ndustry. The experts tell us thàa praper proportiai shsould be between 40 and 50%. In effect, we are naw paying taxes from residential properties for Schoola and roads and other facilities wbich sbould be coming from industries if we bad theni bere. Our increased popu- lation bas flot been due ta the growth of local Jndustry; rather we are providing sleeping accommodation for Oshawa's overflow. Actually, we have a surplus of labor bere wbich could be canverted to local industry if it were needed, without b-iilding additional' schools, etc. And the tnxes received from industry would rçduce the amount needed from bousebolders. It's as 'simple as that and tbat's wby thei Cliarilber of Cnm-ýrce is working bard ta bring industry bere.1 Wbat do we need ta attl'act industry? We need land ot reasonable prices and there is plenty of it avoulable bere. Tbey need water, power and transportation fadiities. We have these things in abun- dance. Wbat else is needed? We need hard wark in making contacts, showing pros- peits wbat we bave, fallowing tbrougb on every lead that cames aur way. The Chamber of Commerce is doing its utmost here - witb the full co..operation of the Town Council. But, tbere is more tban that and every citizen can belp. We need people wba are town boosters; citizens who are enthus- iastic about Bowmanvile and eèverytbing ini it., This is a wonderful town witb a great future, but we need more people wbo want ta praise it and fewer wba mourn and grouse at its weaknesses and discount its arganizations and officiais. Wbat would you tell an outsider - wbo might want ta locote an industry bere - if be asked you wbat you tbougbt of Bowmanville? Be a booster and a worker for your town. Anybody can knock! Sa, let's make up aur minds today ta do everything we con ta build Bowman- ville inta a more thriving, prosperous municipality by keeping aur present industries happy and daing everytbing we can ta encourage new ones ta locate bei-e. Tn another colunin in this issue will be found an article announcing the appoint- ment of Ronald W. Todgbam of Chatbam ta the position of Executive Assistant to the President of thse Chrysler Corporation' of Canada, Limited. It gives a brief out- line of bis remai-kable business career as he clirnbed the ladder of success. Many Statesman readers will be interested in the achievements of this young man as his parents, Mrs. H. H. Tadgbam (nee Ida Richards) and the late Mi-. Todgbam, were natives of Bowmanville. Tbe editor can recali wben as a lad RLonald visited 'bis grandparents bei-e be was seriaus minded, industriaus and a hard worker in bis play and at work. Wben he was a mere lad living in Windsor he made bis first cofitact witb tbe Chrysler Corpor-ation. Taking orders for Christ- mas cards he happened ta coul one even- ing on Mi-. John D. Mansfield wba at that time was President of Chrysler. Mr. Mansfield was impressed by the salesman- ship of tbis small boy and gave bum a good order foi- bis own personal cards. He alsa This town is not - one lacking in signs of variaus types - but, we feel there is room for a few moi-e of tise reduce speed type. There ai-e several spots *wbiéh migbt be called higbly dangerous fi-rn a pedestrian point of view ottie moment. Tbrougbaut tise winter, Queen Street is probably one of the most isazardous, especially along thse front of tise Ai-ena. Due ta tise constant activity in tbat building, we feel very strangly that speed in tisat orea sbould be Îeduced ta 15 miles an bour with large signs proclaiming that fact. Fortunately, there bave been no major accidents at tbis -We bad on unusual experience tis week. At tise variaus coffee clubs in tise town, tise main conversation of late bas been bow bad business is and will be if tise Generol Matai-s workers don't soon return ta work. Faces bave been long and tise moans and groons must bave been heard for a considerable distance. One mercisant decided ta try on experiment. Apparently, ise was a bit sick of cutting down on expenses and took a more optimistic look, altisougis very ukeptical of tise results ise migist obtain. He inserted a four sized advertisement in The Statesman, featuring some real bai-- gains. As usual his message went ta oui- thousands of readers thi-ougisout tise area We have been following the pro and con opinions on the subject of making it an open season ta shoot mourning doves. We are strongly against this inhuman rul- ing as we became greatly attached toaa pair of these beautiful birds who nested in a tree just outside aur bedroani window when we were confined ta aur bed several years ago. They became almost members !P (Iauaztbaniu 'tatroulan £attabUshe.d1954 with which te incorporaited Me 1bowmoeivile News, The Newcastle tudp»dsal a»d The Orono News1 101sf Yeaz af Contlnuous Service tf0the Town of BowmanviD. and Durham Counfy î AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPEB gave Ron permission ta go ta the Chrysier offices thse following Saturday morning and show bis cards to thse staff. He was rewarded witb some good orders there and tbis really started bim in business for him- self. As we recaîl tbe story Mr-. Mansfield told Ron that wben be was old enougb be would give him a job wbenever be wanted one, and he kept bis word, giving bim employment during thse summer bolidays. When be graduated froni University Mi-. Mansfield was there again witb the offer of a position in tise Chrysier office at Windsor. Thus, a small ambitiaus lad, making good use of bis spore time selling Christ- mas cords, forged a connection that bas neyer been broken in almost 30 years, wbile be gradually worked bis way up ta, becoming executive assistant ta thse president. This career stary of Donald -Tadgbam is fu-tiser proof thot Canada us still a land of opportunity for tisose wbo set tiseir sigbts bigis and are willing ta work. paint but it bas been mare good luck tban anytising. These restrictions sbould be extended ta tise front of oui- scisools for certain periods as well. Wbo knows, tisey might save a life or two and tisese ai-e far more important tison a few seconds. In tisis connection, we nat only appeol ta tbe police. We also urge every citizen, bath pedestrian and driver, ta take al necessary precoutions witbin tise town limits. There is for too mucis fast driving going on bei-e at tbe present time. Tise police con't be expected ta be everywbere. in their efforts ta enforce tise laws. Every citizen con belp. and, on Monday bis face vas wi-eatlhed in smiles as ise told us of isis amazing cash increase ini busineàs. No more moans out of bim. In future, be plans ta continue daing sorneting about it by advertising bis wares con- sistently, strike or no strike. There are many people in tisis area wbo need mercisandise and bave tise maney ta buy it. Wby let tise departmentai stores take tise business awoy fi-rn tawn tisiougis tiseir advertising? Advertising in Tise Statesmon bas proved its worth over tise yeai-s. If you toa are wondering isow ta increase your business, ut might be wortis wbile trying an increase in your news- paper advertising allotment. of oui- family, we became s0 attacised ta- tisen. Tisese personal camments were prompted by tise fallowing editorial in tise Durham Chronicle whose editor is a marn after my own beart on this subject, wben be writes: Scanning tise list of creatures tisot may be sisot during tise hunting season, it is sobering ta bird loyers ta f ind tise mourning dove upon tise list. Thsis beautiful, velvet-teatbered bird bas been known since tise days wben Solomon sang bis sangs. It used ta be known as tise tui-tle dove and Salomon lists ut as one of tise lovely sigris of spring in bis lyric second chapter. More tison a foot long, tise maurning dove is shaped in flowing uines witb a siender, arcised neck and long tail. It is grey-blue in calai-, witis a rosy breast. Tbis past summer, tise dove bas been more plentiful along tise roadsides near Durhsam. The cali of tise mourning dove con be interpreted as ane of bopeless sorraw or one of tenderest devotion, depending on the mood of tise listener. Melancholy gien sthsenprevaiinI note, tisus the name They are useful bi-ds feeding on weed seeds and grassbappers. Sa isigbly are they regarded that in 1913 tisey were taken off tie liÈt of game birds in tise States and clasebd as mugratory birds ta be protected frme hunters. If any hunter feels constrained ta shoot at the sisy, sweet dove, every bird lover in Canada will be ready ta joggle i I THE CAMADIA1N STATESMAN. BOWMANVULLE. ONTAÈTO - Grassick in The Telegram In the Dim and ',Distint Past From The Statesman File@ 25 VEARS AGO (1930> Couneil decided to eurchase the 23 acres fram the Raynes Estate for park purposes. Ro- tary Club agreed to purchase land to supply an approach ta the park an Queen St. Cost of making raadway and grading saMe to creek was estimated at $2,500 and was to provide work for 20 men for a manth. Council bad a demonstration of new type street lighting on Church St., with the idea of installing this type on King St. A celebratian was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wes- ley. Allun, Lakeshore, to mark the occasion of turning on the lights of the Hydro installation on their farm. A. M. Hardy ac- ted as chairman. Relatives and friends presented them with a floor lamp. Mrs. Florence Smythe, super- intendent of Bowmanville Hos- pital, gave ber annual report showing days' stay af patients ini 1929 as 5,079, in 1930-5,A.35, There were 86 births. " o nurses-1graduated in Junerl later passed their R.N.- examin- ations. W. C. Caverly, son Rex, and W. J. Bagnell left on their, an- nual deer hunting expedition,.l intending to make camp at Deer Lake, about 50 miles north of Madôc. Coffee was 25e a lb. at thse A. & P. Store; a prime nib roaat 22e lb. and ham 28c. Further reminiscences frorn Maple Grave included this que- ry: Do you recaîl when "Rupe" Mason fram Town was a fre- quent visitar at the Grave on his bigh bicycle, and later an bis "safety" bicycle, with bard tires, the first af its kind in this part of the world? It's al ight ta bold a con- versation, but let go of it now and then. 49 YEARS AGO (1909) A Spinster Convention stag- c d by tise Epwarth League of tise Methodist Cisurcis drewi about 500 spectatars and per- farmers and was quite bilan- 1 bus, thaugis appraved and >passed by Rev. V. H. Emory beforeisand. An address read by -Miss Mac Wain ribbed tise town for certain deficiencies, including tise lack of parks, a skating rink which cxisted anly in tise minds ai tise citizens. Nigbt police farce and slowness ai tise Fine Brigade aiso came in for mention, and uncertain- ty ai electric ligbt service. J. B. Fairbairn tells ai Wil- liam M. Horsey who came ta Bowmanville in 1858 and be- came anc ai its important citi- zens, buying praperty on King St. and putting up tise Horsey Block. In 1873 be built tise fine brick bouse on Elgin and Hor- sey Streets, which he later sold ta E. C. Southsey. He was coun- cillai-, reeve, mnayor and ma#,- istrate.' Gray for evening dresses was in higis fashion in messaline, ,rcpe de chine or chiffon. Prof. John Squair was ne- questing pictures ai carly set- tiers and lcading citizens ai Durham County s0 that ne mîght give an exhibition and lecture in Toronto. Robent Beitis wired Jas Beitis tisat he had bad a starmy cross- ing fromn Engiand with 25 Hac- kney hanses, but ail were weli. An item reads:, "Part Hope Modelites, 70 in number, have signed an agreement not ta ac- cept less than $400 for tise first year's salary." Modelites is in- terpreted ta mean teachers, as the piece continues, "Durham teachers shauld have their sal- aries raised." No pastmastcr bad been ap- painted but Carl B. Kent and bis assistants were carrying an J'omSoup to Il ut s By "IF" According ta tise paper, aux local Chamber af Commerce, witi tise cooperation ai tisE Town Cauncil, is realiy mak. ing a vouiant attempt ta attract new industries ta tawn. Last week tbey entertained repres- entatives irom several agen- cies and companies intercsted in industrial deveiapment in Ontario, and I was quite inter- ested in tise remarks ai tise vis. itors. Tisey scemed ta feel that we could do quite o lot ta im- prove tise business section and perisaps it would nat hurt if we taok a second look at it and realised tisat it gives tise iirst impression ai tise town o visit- or. It would be vcry nice if we could just begin al aven again and lay tise town out in a modern style witis lovely broad streets, lots of raam ionr parking, attractive plantings and raamy stores in whicb ta sisop. However, tisat is flot too practical and we bave! ta make do witb tise buildings already there, but a great deal cauld still be donc to improve niatters. I do believe tisat tise shopping isousewife now-a-days appreciotes a miodern store. tisat nsany of tise existing stores could be laid out on better lines, and tisat oaihappy medium ai service bas ta be reacis- cd between'tise aId idea af havinnt salesginls badgcr- yau t a purchase and thse bottleneek business ai not baving anyane ready ta iselp wben you bave de- cided on o purchase. I tblnk toa that a great im- pravement could be mode by a generol painting and modern- izationpragramn along the ma stref-eL "nklyit ahlookÈit rdirty and out-dated most ai tise time. Tise argument used ta be tisaý people in tise rural »oreas did not like tbings too tmodern because they were not tused ta tiem but in tisese days ai modern transportation I think people are tending ta go 1ta tise centres wisere tbey find tishe latest in store layouts and service. 1 upderstand there were two arrestsafater tise hoc- key ganie on Saturda>' night. Thse Police trled te pick Up tise referees ln their new black and white atrlped sweaters as sus- pecte (of what I do not know>. Thse constant yelI- ing eft'jailbird' must have attracted 111cm tth 1e Arena. Aren't you glad tise Royal ro- mance bas calmed down? I wonder how kindly most ai us would bave accepted tise pry- ing reporters and phatogra- phers and tise tisousands ai wards in tise newspapers oi aur daiiy lives. It iocussed ohl eyes on Princess Margaret ond At may in tise long run have same influence on tise status ai tise wbole famiiy. Did you hear tiese tery about the Young man who went home ln a branu! new Cadillic convertible as a surprise for hi, wlfe but lnstead of being pleascu! wlth hmh susad, "W#ell, what question did yeu mis,Stupid?" Anyone diiving ta Toronto had better look out. Road- blocks arc being spotted an tise [higisway and police cruisers are out in force. Tise speed limit is being Strictly entai-ced at lait Looking Bock at Crusade 0Of BiIIy Graham in City B>' Rev. A. C. Forreat A Toronto lady wrote us tht ather day ta say she bod chang. ed ber mind about Biily Gra- ham. Sise said that whcn hE was first planning ta corne foi bis Canadian Crusade ber min- is ter asked ber ta organize a prayer group on ber Street, but she fcît cnitîcal of tise evonge- 1list and deciined. Someone else rorganized tise group and sisa was persuoded ta attend. Now she says that tise weeks of meeting witis women wiso iad been perfect strangers before, ta pray have been tise richest experience of ber lufe. Another lady, wife of a suc-; cessful lawyer relates a some- what similar experience. We have known ber for many years and neyer thaught ber one wa become enthusiasti, about re- ligion. But sise is. A young minister tram a little place up nantis came into aur office ta tell us that ise was canvinced that tise power behind Billy Grahsam is tise vast numbers af people who are united in prayers for tise success af bis work. He is con- vinced that tise cisurcsas -il neyer have a geat revivl un- til tiseir peaple start meeting in groups for prayer. lie does cansiderable speaking wber- ever ise gaes and says ise usual- ly tries to organize a littie prayer ccll before be leaves. He says it isn't bard. Folks are glad ta meet in anc anotiser's homes for prayer if they are given a little leadership. Another friend, a minister, was telling me tisat ise was try- ing ta explaîn ta isis lîttie boy about Billy Graham. "An evan- gelist," be said, "is a preaciser wha always*preaches in sucis o way as ta get people ta make decisions." "What kind of de- cisions?" tise littie fellow ask- ed. "He tries ta get tbem ta de- cide to love Jesus and serve Him," tise minister cxplained. "Well I decidcd that for my- self a long time ago," tise littie fellow cancluded. Even tise little chldren in tise homes bave been awaken- ed by ail tise discussion about religion. We can't beip but bave some inhibitions about tise chul- dren's meetings and numbers ai eleven and ten-year-old "'con- verts," but we could be wrong. As, Dr. Grahsam says, ail con- verts are babies in Christ and need a lot af care in tise chur- zises. Biliy Grahsam soya that the Toronto people were among tise rnost generous contributors ta the offering plate he bad found. Collections were almost double the average 20 cents per per- son given in otiser crusades. Convents or scekers as be pre- fers ta caîl tisem, were older, and o greot number ai tbern were conncctcd witis churcises. One af tise most common bîings we have beard about him since tise crusade cnded is ram ministers wiso say they wrisis they bad knawn more about hlm before be came, for bey wouid have tried ta get bheir cangregations ta partici- pate more iully. one minister teils us that tise cisurches whicis received tbe most blcssing werc thse wisoisad many ai their and thse general picture Is that it bas slowed down the over- ail speeds by about ten miles per hour. If the trend continues it sbould bave good resuits and everyone will know exactly where they stand. In tise past drivers bave tcnded to look out only in thse tbirty mile zones and on thse double lane bighways they stepped on the gas and'drove ta, beat thse band. fi * * * It seems that Davy Croc- kett has a sucemeor and! flot too man parents will be sorry teec bhlm go. Believe It or net, Abe Lin- coin ln back In eut ipidst and la bound to bc anulIm- mediate success sung to the tune oft1he battie cry of the republie. Sensindu me of 11 the tr>' ofth* peuht- clan who la making his campaign speech malu!: "I wasn't r&4"d In a lot cab- ln. My parents were to. as soou as we could, afford 1, t') : lors. He was a caunsellor hlm- self and knawn the fundameni. tal tisings of bis Bible better tison ie ever did before. His greotcst experience in tise wisoie campaign came anc nlgist wisen he had tise pnivil- ege ai leading o seeker ta Christ. Tise seeker was o Hin- du. Tise rumor gaing about To- ronto bas been that there is a committee of ministers in Ot-j tawa working bard ta getj Graham ta bold a crusode there. We suspect that almast any minister in Taranto would urge tise Christians of Ottawa ta get beisind it. If anyane stili feels daubtful about Billy Graham we waould suggcst tisat ise witbbold bis opposition until he bas bad a chance ta sec tise wark ot closc band. Tbey might read. over Gamaliel's advice in Acts 5: "If tisis caunsel be ai men it will corne ta naught. But if it be of God ye cannot avertbrow it. .11 137 Bridge St. East, Belleville, Ontario Dear George, It is some time since Queen's University bonoured you witb tise degree ai L.L.D., but it is nat too late ta extend congra- tulations. As a reader ai Tise Canadian Statesman I, was greatly inter. ested in tise report ai tise meet- ing ai Rotary in which welI merited praise was bestowed upon yau. Your response wvas very cisaracteristic in your de- sire' ta share tiseisonour with otisers. It was my pnivilege ta know your late brother, -Norman, very weli. His tbree children, Stuart, John and Darotby, gra- duated from tise Higis Scisool, whiie I was Principal. He sbawed unusual interest in their education and progress and found tirne ta attend games and ather scisool events in whicis they were participating. As an illustration of bis ma» kindnesses to me, I recail when I was learning ta lV my first car he volunteered toi give me some driving lessong, which were very helpiul and badly needed. Your referMnctç io your brother at Rotarydeui- cribed hiin as I had known hxm. In enclosing rertewal ta Thé Canadian Statesman, I might add that every issue containg news items in reference ta forý- mer students, Who were in thé High Sehool from 1918 ta 1829. the years I served as principao., Sincerely yours, mi W. J. Morrlsoga, TIàcKRESTS Air.' Rail or Steainahlp Consult JURY & LOVEILL 3owmanville e l5 King st. W MfA 8-5778 Worthlwhil e Rteading . 4. for Yaur whole fomniIe in the world-famnous pages of The Christian Science Monitor. Enjoy Erwin D. Conh m'à newest Stories. penetrating national and in.' ternationol news coveragei how-to-do features, home- making ideas. Every ijsuq brings you helpful easy-to., read articles.1 You con get this intevno-i tional daily newspaper f rom Boston by mail, withaut extra charge. Usç the cou, pan below ta start your subscription. The Christian Science Monitor One, Norway Street Boston 15, Moss., U. S. A. Please send the Monitor ta me for period checked. 1 yer $16 [] 6 manths $8 .... ... . 4sy zone b state) The Super-Efficienl GILO - NAGIC 011 Healing MA)KES TOUR PRESENT HEATING EQUIPMENT TWICE AS GOOD Saves You Money on Tour Fuel Costa Phone or consult JACK BROUGH PLUMBING -HEATING Hous. Phone MA 3-3964 Phone - Office MA 3-5615 Division Street South BOWMANVIILLE 9 AY, WOULD YOU LIKE TH--------- No thanka ver muc. We know yoa provide for te winter by cuulen a hoard of nuts, but with people it's différent. They have a maepvaagoswy they invest in ... 316% GUARANTEED TRUST CIRTIFICATS 0 Authoiz.d investmont for ftrut funds " Sh~ort term-fiv. y.ars S3V2s% YeOrly Inf.rest, payoble half-yearly In just 5 Years, un kwestmont of $42036 accumulafes $500.00 for you. Write for fre decrPtivr Jo/der îoday. THE STERLING TRUSTS COR POR ATI1O0N HEAD OFFICE 372 Bey St., T.r.nt. f' f z RANCH OFFICII t,. A Real Success Story A Suggestion bo the Police Committee Why Groan? - Let's Look for Business When Solomon Sang His Songs I. a* SUESCRIPTION RAM~ 34.0 a Yar, strictly la advanoe 85.0W a Yomrin the Unted Stcits £uthSetul m SOCa4mi 360e Pom t Oom D.PGwrt Otmu PuMbuld or TUE JAMIM PUBIJRMIG COMPANY Bowmauvifle. Oateo GBO W. lAhMS mo LETTERS FOITOR TffUIMAY, NOV. 10th. ila . a