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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Nov 1955, p. 4

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r 1 -kRLUN IN hT.ATESL&N * BUW.LVAI'VILLE, UL'TMKO THURSDAY,10 IT NEEDED TO BE SAMID pot thînk he will mind us quoi We were positively tickleâ ing in tbis space fi-rn bis ar ta hear that'Lionel' Shapira of ticle: "If enough Canadians ap Mantreal, author of "The Seal-1 ply tbeir Canadian minds ti ed Verdict", "The Sixth of the world around them, anc June", two ather books, TV the seats af thei- Canadiar plays, movie scripts and- short pants 10 the seats of their Can. stories, ail ai wbich have re- adian chairs, we can bave ceived high acclaim outside burgeoning Canadian litera. Canada, and some in it, was ta ture. Indeed we bave a pretty be one ai the speakers at good flowering of Canadiar Smith's next Litera-y, Lunch- literature right now." He goe, eon, Nov. 28. The main reasan 'on ta cite examples. But we di that we look forward with par- hope YOU will read the artiec f icular anticipation ta hearing in its enti-ety. He concludes by what Mr. Shapiro bas ta say saying that sometimes 100 much on NJov. 28, is because of what modesty is only a form ai cow. he said ini good buri-nâg worcis 1 ardice. Bravo, Mr. Shapi-o. in M~aclean's magazine, Oct. 29 Another Canadian writer, If yau have flot read il, and i ceived a fair amount ai recog- 'o u are aI ail intei-ested in! ition in his own country, Rog- Canadians, what they produce,i er Lemelin, author of'the novel, their reputation in the warld "The Ploufie Famnily" and TV and the belittling discourage- pi-agi-raio the same name, wi.ll mient they aften receive at be the bthier speaker. This homne. this article by Sliapiroý Luncheon promises ta be top- Js wel warth your lime. It îs natchi. The Luncheons do serve a blow, dipped lightlv in acid,j an admirable purpose in a vihich is needed, against the highlv enjayable fashion. Why old saw that we have a ll been i fot plan ta attend? Anyone brought up an: that nothirig al can go. All you hav'e to do is Canadian cao produce, whet h2r order tickets througli W.H. in wiriting aor other creative Smith & Son. 224 Yonge St., fields, can possibly stand al Toronto. This one. Nov. 28, will chance against sornething pro-! be at the Royal York. dluced in the States or else- * vhr.This mvthi as Nir. Sira1- 1 BFST IVISHES TO A YOUNG piro calis it, has fortunatclv i liot bcen heard afinii New Ya'k ACTOR or England, he tells uis. And A mnore or less local no'e Mi-. Shapiro shauld knaw for naw. Y'ou mav%ýremnember u hie has been travelling abroad mentioning thaï Bill Cales1 fnr a gond man ' years as a for- ai Mr. and Mrs. Raymnond Cl e'gn correspondent, and bas of Kitchener, xvhich makes him hôad books published in Loncionia nephew of Mrs. C. H. Dudlex' andi New York. Recognition ai ai Bowmnanville and Courtice, his work in Canadaabas been and cousin 'of pianist Ray Dud- belateci, and in sorne cases con- iley, was in the Stratiard Fes- de,ýcending. .j tival this year. Bill is a singer The mvth that we cannaI ilas wiehl as an actar (we bad have a Canadian literature un- rtlie picasure of' hearing hlmn tii someane decides that aur homee in St. Paiil's United v'ay afillue bas evolveci a Cani- Chiircb a, year or two ago) aci;bn culture, be rrcplodecsand "'e vere pieased ta bear l~ :tfhlyin bis article, and that be does bath in the cur- .W hope ta hear -,ore at i-cnt very popular rev~ue. "Fine S ;isLunicheon. Canadias renzy5', playing aI the Aveu need ta hear it, again ~ Theatre in Toronto. again. Tbey have heard far too This revue i"s on- its foui-tii niuch ai the other despaiii week and bas been e\-tended Ci.% to a fifth owiïýg ta its popular- Mi-. Shapino says, and we do ity. It would i-un 1long-r, but lVed mney sa py s . , ay tô id an a ?s Io le yE ,h I 0 Clean dieni up ail at one timel Loans o< 5M0te $100 madeat House"od Finance an yaur repay.SiMxitc r pirmnents.0 i-daysçrviçe.Up ta 24 months to repay. Taday... keep your mreà geods*r fresh witb an HFC boan! Need money ? Bills b pay ? Ccu)7 HEC todczy S3IOUSElIOLD FINANCE 11l'/2 Shnco. St. South, second floor, phono RA S«i1139 OSHAWA, ONT. ~ PORT HOPE BRANCNg 71 Walîon Si., 2nd flo.,, phone TU 3.5030 *THERES A ýLNN X Aire-Fbli en ting MODEL That's.Made to Order for Dowmanville Designed espeially ta meet recî;ienenOfa the average as m cil as the l<rwecst tem- vicratui-es wve face in this O.r f the country. !ýuilt to balance the heat lasses that, are common in the ty',pes of homes wve live in. Thlat's how~ LEN'NOX Warm Air Conditioning Systemns are "tailored" ta the needs ai Your home and the homes of your neighbors. ti'hether yaur house is smail or lai-ge, built on a shah or over a basement or crawl space, ou cao have modern, efficient, fuel-saving LEN- NOX wai-m air corniant. Cail us today. Let's go aven your lîeating needs tagether -and look over the LEN- NOX Aire-Fia Heating systems that are made ex- pressly for youî- home. FIVE YEAR GUARANTEE Lennox guarantees its equipment for 5 years. The motors, ail pump, transformer, contrais, heat exchanger and oil burner ai-e guaranteed for a period of f uve Years fi-rn the date of shipment, against defects in material and workmanship and defective parts will be replaced free of charge. Terms can be easily arrangd Seo Your Authorized Leunox Dealer ii Biwmanville A. E.e COLE Plumbing- & Hecuting 26 Ontario St. N. Bowmanville. MA 3-3473 t' I s ( c a F g cannot owing to the commit- nients of some of its actors, Bill Cole among them. Re along with Robert Christie and John Hayes have ta go into rehear- sal for "Tamburlaine" which Tyron.e Guthrie will take to New York with the Canadian Players, the company çamPos- ed of many Strattard Festival actors. (Note by the way: Ty- rone Guthrie was nlot and îs neot afraid ta believe in the abi]- ity af Canadian actors.) Incidentally, the current theatre ads simply glitter with attractive things,' se that we stand like a small child before the candy coupter, wishing we could have them ail, or a gaod many at least. Anna Russell and Ruth Draper are bath ta give shows in the next înonth, also the fabu'laus Sadler's Wells Ballet will be at Maple Leaq Gardens in December. REMEMBRANCE To anyone with a drap af Scottish blood, however dilut- ed, and ta many who have rnone, the skirl of the bagpipes is thrilling, poignant music. Others, unaccountably, think it a dreadful noise. But even they will usually concede that there is nothing half so spectacular in a parade as kilted pîpers. By the wav, we see that Nova Sco- tia is reviving its Scottish an- cestry in al lis glory and pro- moting it ta the bult and kilt, to give the tourists something to look at. At the samne time they are enjoying tbemseives immensely because a good per- centage are of Highland stock and have neyer forgotten their heritage. The Canadian Legion Pipe Band here provided colorful and stirring leadership for the veterans who took part in SLund'ay's service at the Ceno- taph and led the way ta St. Paul's Churçb following. n In remembrance, here is part of a poem by Rupert Brook- who was bimself killed in the First World War, in 1915. n The fleadn E Tbese hearts were woven of human jays and cares, ~ Washed marvellously with so-» row, swift ta mirtb. s( The years had given them P kindness. Dawn was theirs, is And sunset. and the colours of d the earth. ai rhese had seen movement, and J heard music; known lurn ber and waking; loved; tr gone proudly friended; d( cilt the quick stir of wonder; c: sait alone; Couched flowers and iurs and c cheeks. o il this is ended. C( HAMPTON e Intended for last week Mrs. Sam Vinson, Ebenezer, pent a few days with her bro- do her, Mr-. George Armaur and r i-s. Armnour. Recent guests at J. W. Bal- e rrsW 'Werg "Misse&, '1oraaae-Ànd ed ïda Lanigmaid, ýOshawa; for- ier neighbors at Zion some 1 ears ago; Mr-. Chas. Bennett, 0f ;hawa, Mrs. Chas. Naylar, o on, Mrs. Freda Perry, Part te redit.1 i-e Mi-. and Mrs. Keith Billett P d family, Mi-. Ray Sellers, sa' owmanvi]le, were Sunday test E. iests of J. C. Macnab's.. Lo: MVrs. Austin Bar-on enter- Bo, ned ý4 littie girls at a birth-- ay party for ber daughtpr arlIe wbo was nine years d. They had a lovely time and id their pictures taken, a, vely supper and special la-;! rs for ail. Mrs. Lewis Truli; sisted Mrs. Bar-an in serving.1 The new sidewalk on the st side af the street luaa 'eat improvement.1 Another aid landmark Is be- otorm down, the barn on Mr. n Caverley's property. Many .ge mnaple trees have recent- been eut down by the Hy- 0 Company. Hampton W. L Meeting was beld with Mrs. 1Kersey. the vice president, ýsiding for the business. Op' d by Ode, prayer and Mary da -Ea vo Sa& SI pri enc Y, E la cu r Sie ad1 c go, thir frc; cha gal its Mr5 dus on the' fCole Nor piar surI iserv the Bell, ivn Mrs* jMrs. the ding 'famni Mrs. No. witlh Mr son Mrs. Mr spent Mrs. Mr and day 'W. 4 [ntended for iast week) ss Dorene Powell spent weekend with Miss Hilda Orono. rand Mrs. Arthur Bed- and family and Mi-. and Chas. Bedwin spent Sat- lv evening with Mr. and H. S. Taylor, Courtice. an occasion af the 4Oth wed- anniversary. rand Mrs. H. Lohnes, and YB Belleville, and Mr. and BIl Barchard and family, 9 Clrkespet Suday *PI Mi-. and Mrs. Bey. Jaynes. rand Mrs. Fred Hender- and Peter, were Saturday ing visitors with Mr. and Robin Alldred. and Mrs. Chas. Bedwin Sunday with Mr. and AIL. Wàins, Oshawa. and Mrs. Bob Shupak Gary, Taronto, Were Sun- visitars with Mr. and Mrs. Appoint New Manager, 0f Developýment Asn r^àl 1Ig,Iagr^ n.i.:àm rut L.UI Elmer Banting, pr Bawmanville Chambe Tierce, was in Pei ast Thursday wbén Kingdon, seci-etary-n Belleville Chamber nerce, was appointe nanager ai the Lak Development Associ; this session the associ received its charter a The beadquarters( sociation will be b Peterborough and Mr iexpecteci ta assum( uties, wbich incluc rea industrial pi-an anuary, 1956. Mi-. Kingdon will k the development rade in the eigbt coi Jer the jurisction of Lation. Born in Peterborou, !ived bis education1 )perated the Kingdc ompany. He was ainteci assistant nanager of the Pet( -amber ai camme-c( ie belci for two years Board ai Direct, While ait Belleville, D rn f igures promini any industrial prom( The board af di-ectoi evelopment associatio d 100 applications for nd namrowed that ni Dhefore Thursdav's fapplicants. Howevi Ethe candidates wer, attend. Members of the boai ýtors are Aid. W. G. eterbai-ough; A. E. Hi, t; W. L. McKenzie, .J. Leeson, HavelacI ong, Part Hope; E. wrnanville: R. .J. 1 IJ 15 T %fLRTTILTAPV£L. MRS. ALFRED GULLY resident ai Campbellford; G. C ol1i ng,Fo nasetag er ai Cam- Brighton; O. W. Larry, Tren- One ai Oshawa's grand aldi Fomasexr g terborough ton: S. Gentile, Pictan; P. C. ladies, Mrs. Alfred Gully passed This recipe is hard Donald A. MeGuire, Belleville; H. Laslî- away at the Oshawa General Serve thern miilk a nanager of er, Napanee and A. V. Crate of Hospital on Thursday morning, î ai Com- the Trade and Industry branch. Navembeî- 3, in hem 92nd year.i ed general Officens are: Presidenî, Mi-. She had been in failing health,i :e Ontario Powell; fi-st vice-president, Mr-. for twa years.f iation. At Long, second vice-president, Bai-n in Darlington township, ,îation also Mi-. Gentile. and general man- the deceased was a daughter ai! and seal. ager, Mi-. Kingdon. the late John and Jobanna Ho5- oi the as- Publicity Director kmn. Hem maiden name NIs located in Mr. Gentile was appointed Loveda'. Caroline Hoskin. ý rKingdon publicity director for the asso- Married in Bowrnanville In te his new ciation. It is one of five sueh 1914, Mrs. Gully had lived in e lai-gely associations in the province. Oshawa for about 40 years. She1 motion, ini Finst ta be forrned was the lived for a number ai years an Eastern Ontario Development Division street and later was a also a'ssist Association. Later developrnent resident af Greta street. ai tourist associations were onganized in A former mnember ai King , untieS un1- regions designated as North- Street United Church, Mrs-.ý fthe asso- western Ontario, Georgian Bay, Gully had been a member ai 1 Norteastein Ontario and Lakie Northminstem United Chuch.1 gh, he i-e- Ontario. sitice moving ta the north end 1 there andi The development pmogmam ai the city. For many years she n Barrel xvas founded ta encourage and bad been active in the wornen's then ap- support local initiative on the work ai ber churcb. seci-etarv- part ai people directly concern-1 Predeceased by her husband! ýerborough ed in efforts ta salve their own n February, 1940, she leav(ýs e, a post growth problems and ta lay ta maurn ber passing a stepsan, S. long-range plans for sound de- Harold M. Gully ai Toronto. tos velapment oi independent i-e- Also.uvin are four bro- M r. K ing- gins.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _tersJaW esle H oskin ai fHarmon eoins. ,'r.ioaci nortb. Oshawa; John Has- i-s for the 1IU R )n reeiv- rick Hoskin ai Cai-stairs, AI-i 'n reeiv-bei-ta. rthe post MRS. EDWIN M. YOURTH The funemal servicwahedîaIi o ýumber ta c ashl interview In poor health since last frn the Luke-Mcntosh Fun- 1 ilieo rer, eight June. Mildmed Alice Maxweilý eral Home on November 5. ' Give them mi] re unable beloved wife ai Edwin Milton Rev. H. A. Mellow, minister ai Yourth, 819 Bessborough drive, Northminster United Church, d ai di- passed away at the Oshwa, conducted the services. Inter- Powell, General Hospital on Wednes- m n a n B w avle G. . ck, Lind- day, October 26, in ber 67th Cemetery'. G e Omnemee; yeaî-.1 ýk: H. K. Bai-n at Maxwell, Ontario, on1 About 2,600 wooden cross-lis A354 Banting, June 30, 1889, the deceased was are needfrevr ies ai344 --Loekp, a daugbter ai the late Mm. and, railroaci track. ______________ The push-butfon age Is here g In the new '56 Plymouth witb PowerFlite * automatic trans- mission there's no more lever to shift. Just four buttons within easy reach of your left hand And Plymouth is a car with lunes so trim that it seems to wing its way over the road! ji-button Powerflito làauvilable et moderato utri 00mb PA-LMER 2O King Street E. [Patients" Handicrafts Feature -of Fat! Fairs Women's Institute, Mas Interesting Meeting The- Octo ber meeting ai the na4ral beauty and the grand- Bowmanvihe W.I. w'as beld on uo h ceeyi own Thursday evening, Oct 27th, e~a h cniYi 0wn Mrs. Buteiy, President, in the Idel a s given t al a thasquhe chair. The meeting was apened sgvntoteBsu by singing "0 Canada" and fisliermen shortly after the the "Institute Ode". A silence voiage of Christapher Colum- ai two minutes was obsei-ved bu#. Cabot landed on those in respect ta the late Mrs. Col- sh*Yres in the year 1497. In 1784 mer, ane ai aur membens, who it lwas made a se*parate pio- passed away very i-ecently. heinCe, but in 1820 il was incor- Wu then proeeeded withth poWaed int the Province oi business part af the meeting. M'va Scotia. Minutes ai the last meeting Mr. Reg. Harding took over were read and appraved. Re- irom that part of the pi-agi-arn, part ai financial state and then shawing us some wondei-ful carrespondence, i-e sick mem- movies he bad taken in Nova bers. andi tbank you cards fi-rn SéOtia, wbilst on holiday. A the same, were read. laVely film ai the Royal Visit swered by saying what tbev Pinarna and the Fiji Islands, bad brought as a contribution a1o Australia and New Zea- ta the Memonial Hospital, jani land. The scene was changed. or pickles. We viewed sorne piclures ai Mi-s. George Young wvas i-e- Weddings, ai local interest and sponsible for the pi-agi-arn, e*îioyed the same. wbich was varied and interest- 'We 'closed the meeting by ing. Miss P. Cheetham and Miss thanking ail who bad contribu- R.. Monrill sang two duels, veny ted anything to oui- enjoyment ablv and Miss M. Goheen was ai the evening. A bountiful their accornpanist. lunch was served and ail went J Quite an interesting talk an home mrell satisiieci. Next meet- Cape Breton was given by Mi-s. ing will be held Tbursday, Nov. G. Young who said: .Il .is 24tb. -Hope ta see you ail at the Mrs. Thomas Maxwell. Married at Parry Sound on December 30, 1915, she had been a resident ai Oshawa for 35 years. Mrs. Yourth was a member of King Street United Churcb, the Woman's' Associa- tion ai the ehurch, and ai Osh- awa Rebekah Lodge, No. 3. Besides her husband she leaves ta mourn her passing two daughters, Mrs. Jack Bate- man (Yvonne) af Toronto and Mrs. George Jackson (Lois) of Oshawa, and one son, Maxwell Yaurtb, well knawn Bowman- ville sportsman.. Also surviving are two sis- ters, Mrs. C. L. Masales and Mrs. William Taylor of Par-y Sound; a brother, Clayton Max- well of Parry Sound and two grandehild-en. The funeral- service was held at the Armstrong Funeral Cha- pel October 29, followed by in- terment in Mount Lawn Ceme- tery. Rev. M. A. Bury, minister oi King Street United Church, conducted the services. The palîbearers were George Twiddy. Everett Jackson, Stain- ley Gibbs, H. Hartwig, N. Hinds and Fred J. Perry. There were manv lovelv floral tributes, including those fi-rn Oshawa Lawn Bowling Club, Rebekah Lodge No. 3, Employees of General Motors, Bowmanville Basebaîl Club, Bowmanville Hockey Cluil, Bowmanville Arena Commit- tee. Friends and relatives attend- ed the funeral from Golden Lake, Pembroke, O t t a w a, Kingston and Parry Sound be well after a short stay at j sanatorium. She wi'lI be home- and "Johnny's famnily lite WinI again be able to follow its ftm- iliar pleasant pattern". This year's seals represent pair of rosy-cheeked twinA4Ç They have such a charmn4 look together that the Associ-.ý tion recommends they be usedI side by side, the littie girl with the lîttie boy. BSACKACHUE May beWarninq flackache is oftea eaused by jaay Limer action. When kidnéys gui eut eofeider, excess icidsanadivastes rumain je lMe aystem. Then heekache, diaturbed iii or that tired-eut and heay-hoaded feJm Mîay soon foll.w. That't'the lime le tale, Dodd'a Kidney Pilla. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys te normal action. Th1M y« leel better-aleep better-werk b@tter. %icj %i ,fl AvIE 1< »od to eat Id to beat: as a treat! anytime, to make a hit il itfs -a favorite! tae Dairy Bowmauvjlle 'il Plymouth Belvedere 4-Door Seda. Enjoy the effortless ease of PUSH-BUTTON DRI VING in, the new FIight-Styled '6 P LYNIO U T H New, tao, is the higher power and torque of '56 Plymouth engines. New six .. . and naw you can have a V-8 in any serie s. No wonder so many people are excited about this all-new Plymouth for '56. You wili Manufadtured in Canada by Chrysler Cor porgtion af Canada, Liiniled ho new Plymouth with the Forward Look > now at your dealer's MOTOR SALES mwow mmim nv Ij f AA , r PAGE POURE Uoehner T.lB. Ass. s la S omthnganew ill b teadis- ericta ete ari the Ndis- umberland - Durham Tubercu- losis Association carnies aut its present plans. There will be a booth of handicrafts, the work ofa patients in sanatoria. and j,the Association will undertake the sale of the articles. Thcy feel this will provide spendin'g maney and boost the morale ai 'the shut-ins. Enthusiastie at the possibili- ties of the booths the Associa- tion will bandie material guar- anteed tborougbly sterile oï the sanatoria. A preview o'f some of the work done by the patients will be held at a ban- dicraft sale at Cobourg next week. In the meantime the mem- bers of the Northumberland - Durham Tubercuiosis Associa- tion are getting the Christmas Seals ready for annual distri- bution. With them is included Johnny's story. For Johnny is~ one of the lucky boys. Thank s - - - - - - - - - - - ý - - ý - - ý - dAm@mmmw%ý1-1 ý - 1 TRW. rAvAnTAU «PrAppre"Ar Àr 1 LýL in a Ai Anythme is Time forI

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