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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Nov 1955, p. 6

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PAGE SIXTIEC ADATTS, 9 word. "Gee", says one litt e queen. "If it was just Hallowe' n ~ 4 Puplsin Wet ndes every night wouldnt we havzIe Rose Catalogue Taught about Canada aIl, licking ice cream cone I rined in France for Black hands full of suckers, r n Women Teachers Toi bags full of apples and arkndaeN rsre thing else you hied a mind IoBro Women Teachers Toid ctram minto them. but they vwere'od eN rsre happy and were soon on thieir The womnen teachers of about Canada. way. It was a, mattes' of mak- A handsome 40-page rose ca- lists the many new varieties of Bowrnanville. Darlington and In closing bis talk, the spea k-i ng hay while the moon shone. talogue containing beautifti] roses for which the Brookdale- e Cartwright held a vervs sucex.q. er reminded his audience that A few harmless jokes were four-color illustrations of thq ' gwa lu] dinner meeting in Black'. teachers have a great responsi. played, but nothing to wriie many rare roses distributed by Kingw urseries has the stock Community Hall on bility in molding the ]ives 'if about. A few misplaced gate-3. the Brookdale - ingsway Nur- distribution rights. It la the dis- Tuesdav evening. November bo"sâ and girls. He then sang A few things upset a bit. It series here has recently been tributor for rare x'arieties of Ist. After a deliciomîs lurtkev, the lovely negro spiritual seems each year somne one of mailed out by tht firm to its lybrid blooms .from many En- dinner. served hv the ONO. "Stpal Away to Jesus". the group is unfortunate thousands of customers. ropean countries as well as Club. Miss Marjorme Coimch. thie Miss Elizabeth Knox thank- to have to walk home tram The printing of the beautifiul fromn the United States. president, called lipOii ca('i cd Mr. McCay for coming tý bis bicycle ride. These youiig colored illustrations was done There are 75 illustrations i memrber te ititroduce the pe- Ille meeting and giving such fellers better keep their eyps in France by a new éolor prn- gorgeous color of msany rare son on he"r rght. Mrs. Doroth- an ineresting and inspirational open. As that's one night cess, and the black and white varieties such as hyvbrid teas, enmgexipm'csTecd the lhaniKS talk ta bis fellow- teachers. when friendship cessez, every- printing wvas dope by Thorn grandiflora, floribunda and of the lenchers Io the Black- A short business meeting fol- thmng looked as black and Press. Toronto. The ratalogute climbing hybrid teas. stcklais orth -ery fmwmvaterious that night, but the b aet. orth lowed. Miss Myra Cooper gat e S~apae aaout concise and interesting report Snaperdin the morninî, * Mm. îîrv osver etiio the Fali Conference of F.W. and sa did th iyle. Savain rm ' gressive euchre party on Nov. 10 M.rýzI AIIcirI at the home ofnM1.thndbMrs. Illoîîedte giest speak,-r- T.A.O. at Madoc. It was v'ote* Congratulations. ta Mr. Cal- Morghe Bomelofw. adM 'Il-. xford McC(I\. the teacher that the expenses of Miss Coop- vn Hresan isAnMajor A. SmithMognBelw of Ruirke:oni school. Mr. McCov ,' M Coîmch and Miss Car'mu. Remsik who were married fit On behaif of the Guild memn- \eaxs ago0 Canad abolit 3zthrs t this conferen<'e be Morrish church Saturday af T ods-evc bers, Mrs. Charles Reynolds rasag rm izhome Mpaid. I a eiedt aeaternoon,No.5h Brin-hi ' lWest Indies. Mr. M(% dinner meeting in South Dar- (Intendied foi' last week) An evangelistie service w:îî presented Mrs. T. S. Gault with Cox'. accompanied bv i-s lington in March. Zo iao adb odce nBwavIu a beautiful Séotch lace table- ZionMissan.Bndthenonectitin iainvild lu:; aen en by ein in d The President mentioned The regular Mission Band by Senior Majior Allister Smnità cloth. Mrs. Robert Sisson read h;ýaudenc bv sngig to he Association meeting to bc meeting wvas held at the school on Friday eveiiing, November the accompanying a dd reoss, Vr\'fie~oosheld in Orono Schpol on Tues- Friday atternoon, Oct. 14. Rolil 1th, in the Salvation Ar'nmy1 thanking Mrs. Çault for her The ' peaker then told some- day, Nov. 8. It was decided 'a cali for No4ïmber will be aa- Hall. J active help in the work of the 111An- of the history and eus- send a letter taoaur local mem- swered bv each member re- The Major bas served as a Guild during the past eight ofïm u bis island home - ber of parliament urging him 1te peating the "Acts.". Minutes; missionary in West Africa. 1-hu yearî in Bethany and her Crancl Cavami, %hieh is one ff support the fo-'mation of a were read; treas. report given. lias also conducted revival graciaois hospitaiity at the Rec- a groun 0of thî'ee Britishi is- "Canada Couneil", as recom- Collection last month totalpd meeting4 in Germany, Franc-, tory; expressing a wish for hap- ialuds abouit 180 miles nortii- mended in the Massey Report.1I57 making a sum of $6.49 inIi lolland, China, Japan, and ail piness in the future and that wýet of Jaraica. The island- The Womren Teachers of On- the treasurv. A reading lbv the Scandinavian counitries. God's blessing and 'guidance r~îe d i covered by Columbu. tarie would be in favur- liz abeth Strikwerda was fol- He is a graduate of the Pre- wouid continue qs she shared iin150:3 and were then popula',- creatinga such a body, "for thzý lowed by singing "Brothers toria University, and has spent wîth bier busband in the work cd hb' Arabie Indians. SetI lers, encouragement of Arts. Lettels,1 AIl." thirteen years in the South of their new parish at Fenelon later came Io the 75 pe r cent " ntb t nd meetl in.- Mis. Best led in worsh'p Fails. Er.21and. and n0w75prcn ences." Te next et mg n service. the theme being "->aZ-In expressing deep apprecia- of 2hepulatin F ie.~~ Th " January is to be held in Bow- ing Friends in Our Neighbor- tion of the gift, Mrs.Gault corn- v'ery hospitable ta strangers. hoJ BSrturewa of Bv ethanthnd wiendlteopuld People are mespted for the*r Jean Bes, closng with pra.ý'- ofiebers cont iued tesuceain abilit. rather than for socwli7T'i, Asoy." oyWt their church work. position and education is very MON(Hoe Twnsip)Kite' was read by Mrs. Gerow. tbewsarne important in a man's life. (oe o nhp Mrs. Best read "Little Weeds." The tea tan lo asracnte Mr. McCov tld somethinc Congratulations to Mr. Cal- Offering was taken and "Worldlace b onze andmu loraith enre of thci' educational svstem. Te vin Harness and Miss' Ann Fins itiue. Hahr~tpr nsle adir.Ms beome a leacher. requires a Remsik, wha were married ýi Best contributed tb birthday Carsinsle adbr.M . thrce-year training peri n Morrish United Church Satur- box. class sni1 "Happy Chroms Reynolds poured tea aseietiITahngiole,.dy fenon o.5.Brha . rm the silver tea service. a i -idntil Taches' ttenoo, Nv. ~ Bithdy."Assisting the hostess with the Teachers are then graded au- Mr. Del Whitney left Satur- Woman's Associationluc veMr.etoMron cording to the resuits ofthteir' dey with friends on a deor The October meeting off the~ Miss Flo Smith and Mrs. Rupert final examinations, and must bunting expedition. Als'o Mr. Zion Women's Association was Wood. take vearlv courses ta impî'ove Fred Tufford, (Bunker Hill). lheld at the home o! Mrs. Gen. I heDcm rmetn ad their' grades. The goverroment Mr. John Meneilley attendýd Elliott. There were 14 mern- TeDcme etn gives annuai scholarships for the Harness - ]Remsik wedding bers and three children pre- election of officers will be held oLitstanding students. Mr. Mc- Saturday afternoon; also Mvr. sent. Minutes were read and at the home of Mrs. Charles Cov himseif entered Teachers' and Mrs. C. ]rwin. approved. Treas. report given. Rxnis ('oliege on one of these schol- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Austin Comfort Commn. reported sev- arships and taught for a num- set Sna eral get well cards and sym- B sns ietr Canada., eoeO friends li Kingston. patby cards were sent.________________ Cidren there attend school Mrs. Perey Porter, Bowmai-- Cosidenh1iiusines wa fromn the@age of six ta sixteen. ville, spent a -day last week attended ta in connectian with Mao litrSihAc un n y The curriculum i n c Iu d es with Mrs. W. J. McCullough. aur on caming bazaar date M1o Alst-Sit 1 .COGN Fiencb, Spanisb. Algebra, and A sale was held at the home Nov. 25th and whicb, by the African Civil Service, being in IVM. JH OGN a number of other subjeets not of the laIe Mr. Robert (Pat)%%way, ive are planning to make tur, Clerk of the Court, Pub- Chartered Accauntant taugbt in elemnentary scbools irn McHolm, Roseberry Huis, lest bigger and better than ever. A lic Prosecutor, and then Magis- 64 King St. E. Bowmanville Canada. A boy o! 14 wauld b. Saturday afternoon. contribution O! $500-0 Was trate and Receiver af Revenue. (Above Garton's Bus Station) on a level with a boy of 7 Te Inïflsweeo made ta the Building Fund When Major Smith was in 64 King Street E. he'e M. cCymenti Th pel ias flkst M ondy nhe treasurer tram the W.A. ta helP England, lbe did evangelistir . .HUNTER AND COMPANY that childm'en in the British RsbryHl.A]cîus ae b xesso ae work among the starving and 'Wet ndis î' wei nf Rme sebe. "SHll. out!" lvast'm as- ment renovatian. A contribu- unemployed Welsh miners. Certified Public Accountan'ts Wezt ndiesare wll i__________________out" ____the___s- on was made ta Mission Band Many af tbemn ac'cepted Christ Oshawa 5-1621 for necessary materials. as their Sav jour, includimmg Phone MA 3-3612 The next meeting. wiil be Communists wbo are now Successors ta O. S. Hobbs held att1he church at the same preaching the Gospel.Chiroprac c lime, the preparation o! tables, Major Smith bas spoken et etc. wll be made in readîneas world famous conventions anid tb. wisbing weli, wiil b. re- tries. He Iook part in both ilb" Office- AIr peated, il met with a generous Biliy Graham London and' Specialty Paper Praducts Bldg. FO O E EE O LYresponse at the October meet- Glasgow Crusades. and hieled 63 Temperance Street ing. the cnited "Ail Night Prayeri Phone MA 3-5509 Mrs. Kenneth Whitney gave Meetings" heid througbout the1 Office Hours: B.v Appoiritment a very fine devotional period. campaignofo 1954. cS uuz /eatii assisled by Mrs. Carmen Ir- The public is cordially invit- Denta win. Progaram in charge of, ed te attend Ibis very speciai ____ Dental__________ Mrs. Tufford and Mrs. Ander- service and enjoy the message D.W .RDLDDS son consisled o! a paper on the of this notable- and capable Office:M.ury Jubile.Bd.S A em a t rUnited Nations. A word O! Evangelist. _ _ _:Jr Jble Ig advice ater n how ta make vour ___________ 4n King St. W. Bowmanville 1 work seemn easy and liv. long- Office Hours: DELUXE er, and a contest. 'D9""T 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Meeting closed B TjN 9 am. ta 12 noon Saturday va.l social lime. refi'eshments lsdSna bengsevd y h hstr W. A. Meeting Office Phone MA 3-5790 Rogulare y hehoteý $3.5and lunch commiltee. The Xoman's Association of: Ho use Phone - Newcastle 3551 lL Mr,. and Mrs. Robert Brice the United Church met at tbhe . .SSON ...,DDS and daugbter Margam'et, pol.t home o! Mrs. Walter Rowland, Office in his home Hope spet laI Suday îbhwitb Mrs. Frank Bigelow presid- the iatter's parents, Mr. andi ing. The seripture lesson wvas Ofie ortySt.N : omnil O n Sal Mrs. H. Caswell, and attendetimead by Mrs. Henr 'y Jakeman. Office ta Hours:ai) Thank-O!!ering service Sun- Following the business sesin 9 a.m. a 12np.m. tda day morning. Re. .9 a.m.elgav a to 12 00Su atud Mrs W.J. eCulouh totihtftl'alkon ReaY I _____Phone MA 3-5604 $ 2 4 e -m51 a ollctio ofbook - as hd a DR. C. F. CATTRAN. D.D.S. da wt rs halie1greater sbaî'e in miuilding the. Office TiSecaVaeisOfedfrRaby. tiukung of ouir peuple ihian the 2Kigt.E -Bomnle his SPcial alue s Offred 1Bible," lie said. "The Bouk ic 5Uice9 Houtrs: p. foreAfeek OtIynding 'pecalse Bokssa paîtlcmnfoi- daîlx li Office 6 pin dai On ekOny i ices at ZionSunday morniug g:teotaib&txar qrt1nowdailv Jew lle y Lndig; nd m's ninorabteeuest and bl i'eae ' fl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IVa.ImIJ oesadtauheî,Cao2n ispr, uenouael cmfr L OronorMr. an Mr-.A;-en andla-blp -eni:ailkind ol Scot' Eulio .sî-s~.Vitamins R14-25..35Js owland and members o! roup Temperance. St.- Bowmanvillej t Aiphamettes 5l.-$1.85-$3.50 ison! For _______the________________ Waterbury's ('omp. --5 1.50 aFo Iniointlecha s hvmn M ort g a ge s Olu PromrhRe-wrîtten adbndcin tnbwssr- Olem Pr.morh i ' ~ed bx tbe hostess assistcd bk' g Neo-t'hemical Food: Capsules - .- ----- $1.25-33.75 prvmu Mrs. 'Bruce Ryley, Mrs. Harrv LEROY HAMILTON - ORONO Liquîd 51-55453.35-S5.90 Hlut01cprvlhts Bgelow, Mrs. H. Jakeman and, Phone 1 r 16 Capsules $1.654S2.95456.60 Capsule, 5411-5.9o!f r.Jh hî.I Frtmrgg ud 7beSI15-4.9 McIs. O. Spencer v'oicied thel Rcsidences - Farms C. H. Tuck, Ihanks of the members ta Mrs. Bsns Poete Ext. 'Malt and C'od Na Multiple t pomtitRowland for tbe use o! ber home, a_________ Live Oi_ 7c-$.29!.29 Cap - - -------$3.0 Dsne Bit..and also ail those who liad taken i i h'r 11 75-$.9-.2 Cps ..-- -3.0 isevBIg part i lnîheprogram. 1I 0upfo M e fr yS t'31 King E. Ladies' Guild MeetsA Christmas HAZEL BISHOP Philishave Opp. P.O. The Ladies' Guild of St. Paul's KEITU A. BILLETT Cads Lisic-------8cS15 Rzo' i OSHAWA Phone RA 5-6143 Churcb were enlertained at bhc Optometrist f Card Listik --------- 9e-Si50 azo 3I home of Mrs, William Mark for* 141 King St. E. - Bowmarmvillbs 79c-98c-Sl. Naît PoUash 65e $27.95 1 their November meeting, with Telephorie MA 3-3252 - ~These lenses are siniilar to Mrs. Charles ReYnolds presiding iOffice Hours: .9 a.m. la 6 v.M. those- used in some cross-e,, ed' foi- the business session and Mrq. I Mondav ta Saturdav CROPOS-Stops Bronchial Coughs -S3 conditions the eves mav e-en T. S. Gauît leading bbe dexo-' except %Wednesdav, 9 - 12 turri noliceabîx' for a time and tionat service. There werç' 17; Evenings bv Appointment a then sîraighten again. but members present. Arrange-! wbether thex' actualY tuco orl ments were completed for a new JOHN A. OVENS f; not il is nex'erthetess possible oak allar and flooring in the Optoinetrist c for the persan ta see double chancel, the work ta be in charge Jury & Lovell Bowmanvili and the eves to aIl appearances o! Ernest Lamb. assisted by vol-; Phone Mji, 3-5778 c CWIG Sappear perfectîx' straigbî and untarx' labor fram the chucch Y- PHONE WE FIT normal. members. A Christmas cake bas ' m.% 3-i693 DRUG STORE TISE This max' be some mai-fune- been baked bx' Mrs. Charles P i a n o u n ing t~SE ion that onlv he examînatmon Renolds and tickets sold an, -will isclose. same. The drawv for the luckv Professional Piano Tuning I qImIUUE-IEEEUIhUEIhE*~**********~**.j I tcopy'rigkaedi wîaner wi b. held aet the pro.. ARTHUR VQLLI8ON LESKÂRD We were sorry ta hear of the suqjderi deatb o! Mc. Thomas Thornlon. Sympatby is extend- ed ta his sister, Mrs. Art Temi' nant, anid the family. Mr. and Mrs. Leray Hamil- tari, Mrs. Eacl Duvait, and Mrs. E. Spry, ktttended the funerat o! Mc. T. Thorriton. Mca. Elsie Warbuclon and Mc. anid Mcs. E. Warburtom, Omhawa, were recent vîsilors with Mc. and Mca. A. Loucks and family. Mr. anid Mca. E. Green tra- velled ta Gait Sunday ta visti his mothem', Mca. H. Squire, wbo is seciously utl in the We- terioo Memocial Hospital, Gait. Many happy retucos ta Mra. Mary Spry who was 91 years yaung ]ast week. We exlnded a weicome la Mc. and Mca. Taylor and fam- ily, Bowmanvitle, who bave purchgsed the !acm of Mc. Ha.'- cy Berry. Sarcy ta bear Ihat Baby N-11 Buckley is on the sick list. We wish hec a speedy recovecy. Mc. and Mca, E. Green and Margaret Evecelt, visited Mr. and Mca. E. Beck, Toronto. We are pleased ta hear Mr. Lorne Rabbins is progcessing favorably afler bis operaiomu. W. wish hîim a speedy cecov- ecy. Asked foc proof of bis iden- lily a bank customer in Miciii- gan, U.S.A.. took out bis !alse teeth and shawed bis name en- gcàved inside tbem. His cheque was casbed, w'îthout questionu. NESTLETON Mca. Ralph Sadlem' very kind- ly inviled tb. W.A. and W.M.S. ladies ta meet at hec home Tuesday, Nov. lSth aI 2.301 o'clock. Meeting in charge o! Mcs. Sedter'a group. Sympatb 'v o! the community is extended ta Mca. Herman Wilson in the sudden passing of Herman last Salut-day. He was bucied in Nesteton cemetery on Tuesday, Nov. 81h. Mca. Victor Malcolmi, Mr. and Mca. L. Jobiin attended1 the baptismal service on SU I- dlay evenirig at Blackstock and visited Mc. and Mca. Pec Van Camp afler tb. service. Mr. and Mca. Maurie Ne.-- bitt and Trevor, Mc. and Mx's. George Johns. Mc. and Mc.. John Nesbitt and Mc. Regin-r ald Nesbilt attended the pre- sentation at Yelverton for Mc. and Mca. Gordon Heaslip on Saurday ,vening. Mr. and Mca. KennethSa- elîs and Miss Anna, visited Mr. and Mca. Wmn. Smith, Lindsay, on Sunday. Miss iVargacet Steele, R.N., Toronto visited hec parents, Mc. and Mca. Wm. Steele. Mca. L. Joblin spenl an cx'en- ing xvibb Miss Ethel Thonipson, Blackstock. Sympatby la extended fo Mî's. Lewis Fitze in tb. pasa- ing of ber brother, Mc. John Ney at Detroit on Sunday. He was buried aI Barrie on Tues- day. Mca. M. Emerson spent a few days in Toronto and attended the Area -Convention o! bbe W.". Mca. E. Brown, Miss Marie Maclow and Mca. Gladys Wright, Oshawa, weî'e Sunday dinner guesîs witb Dr. Bowles and Mca. A. Mackie. Mc. and Mca, Kennelh S am- elîs and Miss Rose Moun tj visited their cousins, Mr. and Mca. ArtIhur Pearce, Oakviilc. Mr. and Mcs. Lawrence Mal- colm and family visited friends at Bowmanvilie.r Mc. and Mca. Fcarmk Emer- son and fanuity, Toronto, visit- ed bis parents, Mc. and Mrs. M. Emerson. SOLINA The Hablowe'en party underr the auspices o! the Three M'Y, in the Community Hall was ai moat enjoyable ex'ent for aitl presnt.Thedîmly ligbted hallr with Hallawe'en motifs deco.:- ating il provided an ecrie al- mnosphere as tbe witche u. gbosts, bobos and even a horse" wandem'ed in, along wiii many other humaorons cham'a- j ters. The judges Wes Hillý Jean Taylor and Marjorie Ccxi' derman chose the following as prize winners: Beat dm'cssed boy, Allan Fraser. Best dcesse:l I girl. Bm'ian Knox; best dresacài gerftleman; Donna Vice; be* dceased lady, Doceen Wesîlaks-; best dcessed couple, bride anmd groom. Gaîl Baker and Patas Davis; best dt'essed comnie cou- pie, Ken Tink (mother) anci Mai-ion Tink (babyl in caf- niage: beat Hallowe'en costumne (witch) Mrs. Wes Yellowl,~ best î'epmesentation (the hor'se) Bill Cacr and Keith Cryder- ma n. Sevecal Hallowe'en gamnes and contesta eonducted bx' Har'- vev Yetlowlees amnd Wes Hills caused considerabte , amusement for al]. This pleasant evening concluded with lunch éonsîst.- ing o! cookies, apples and caf- fe.. The Women's Institut. char- tered a bus lasI Thursday andr witb ladies froni Enfieldi and Viaple Grave enjoyed a day i Toronto. While some attendedi the convention oîbers spent bbc clay in x'arions ways. Mca. W. A. Ormisbon, Mc.1 and Mca. Alec Blair, Brookîjo, at Mr. Bruce Tink's. Mc. and Mca. Joe Snowden I il Mc. Charles Langmaid'ý1- Mr. Gardon Pasco, kiîý'- 1 ston, wilh bis parents, Mc. andi vIra. C. Pascoe.i Mc. and Mca. Raiph Craw- 'ord and sons, Wbitby, at Mr. John Knox's. I Mca. J. Baker wîth Mc. an-I vira. Chas. Johnson and familý', al London. .Miss Helen Baker, Tocanto, il Mr. Tom Baker'F. Mc. and Mca. Wes Wei'cv and family aI Mc. Noble Metcalfe's, Oshawa.- Mr. and Mca. W. B. Ho6ar, )x'ono, Miss Lena Taylor, Boy.'-j rianville, aI Mr. E. R. Taylor':. i Mc, and Mcs, Frank Wes> lake Sr., and Mr. and Mca. N. Fice, Taunton, at Mc. Per"v Westlake's. . lowakdc Weâtlake at lais home at Millbrook. Mrs. Frank WeEtlake and daughters. with Mns. F. R. Cook, Boxvmarille. Murray and Marie Flett witb, Iheir grandparents, Mrn. and Mrs. Norman Leach, Tauntonî. Mr. and Mrs. John FletI, Fra- serville, aI Mr. Douglas Flett'.* Mr. and Mrs. Hacry Knoux and Dean, aI Mr. Hilton Tink',3, Ebenezer. Mr. and Mrs. E. Spires and family xith Mrs. W. J. Spires, Milibrook. Mr. Fred Hockin, Mrs. S. Ty. ler, Maple Grave; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Balson anid family, Hampton; Miss Beryl Lacmo'r and Mr. Ken Stcang, Brandon; Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor, Mr. Don Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Hoar, Orano, at Mr. A. J. Baison's. Mc. and Mrs. Ray Pascoe and Beverley at Mc. E. H. Piecce's, Oshawa. Mr. and Mca. C. Cook, Chr:s Jr., and Dale, Toronto, at M". W. Pacrinder's. Mc. and Mrs. J. M. Dyec and Elizabeth, Oshawa, at Mr. Ray Pascoe's. Mr. and Mrs. E. Crydermn and Mrs. Harold Pascoe at Mr. Harry Jose's, Newcastle. Miss Carol Knox with hec grandpacents, Mi'. -and Mrs. IL Farrow, Slarkville. Mr. Jack Freilag, Oshawa, at .Mr. E. Cryderman's. Mr. and Mcs. E. Cryderi at Mr. H. Freitag's, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. I. Hardy and Stanley, aI Mr. Normamn Knight's, Ajax. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Taylor and Walter at Mr. Bruce Mont - gomery 's. OBITUARY PATIENCE ELLIOTT After an illness o! four and a bal! years thece passed away at ber daughîer's home an Oc- tober 22, 1955, Mrs. Patience EliiolI. Her husband. lbe bale Wil- liam Thomas EliiolI, predeceazs- ed her tbirty years ago. She is survived by ber daughter, Mca. 1 S. Everlon White (Elsie) o! Bowmanville, and her son John Gate EllioIt o! Lakehurst; two sisters, Mrs. Margaret Oliver, o! Bobcaygeon, and Mrs. Sivil- lia Truesdell, o! Lethbridge, Alberta; and on. brother, John Chase, af Lakehurst. Mosi of h er married life was spemit an tb. Ellot arm at Lakehursl; ber lasI yeacs were spent at Buckhorn and Bowmariville. At hec passing we grope.back tbrougb tb. mista o! the. years and are awace that ber life 'bas aiways shone with the golden lighl o! courage - courage ta b. bancal, ta b. loyal, to be kînd, and ta endure. We remember ber cemark- ahi. zest for living, ber kindty genial humour and ber deep concern for ail people. We ce- member ber as an individus]- isl who neyer forgot the faith o! her faîbers, but continued la lift up hec eyes unlo tlic bilîs from whence came ber help. And now-'lbe silver cord is loosed and the golden bowl is broken: the pîtcher is broken at the founlain, and lbe wheel bî'oken aI bbc cialern."' The bell tolis-and we realize Ihat a gallant and courageous spirit bas ueturned unto God Who made il. MORRISH The main intem'est and news of Ibis week is centeced acound lbe mnart'iage of Miss Anne Rimsik and MVr. Calvin Harnes-A on Satucday by tb. Rev A. W. Harding in Morrish Cbucch. The weatber was perfect foc the month o! Navember, brigbt sunabine !tooding the church refbected the beauty a! lbe floral decorations, happy sr*~ ing faces of the xedding pail and gerierai gaiety associateil with a wedding especially wberi bride and groomn are pop. ular ln Ibe commninty where they reside. We cher aur hoecty congratulations ta Mr. anid Mca. Calvinu Harneas tur a rhappy marcied lite 411 thraugh the years te came. Mrs. Mary Simpson of Ta- ronito, visited ber sister, Miss M. Beckett Thursday and Tri. day. Mrs. Hazel Cornieh o! POI Hope. was a Suriciay dinne~ gu.est of Miss Beckett. Sunday School was well at- tended with 39 prescrit. The session was conducted by pre- aident Mca. Fred McConnell. Betore th. cegular beeson Mrs. Harry Beckett sanig as a solo that sweet bymn "I Would a* Truc, For There Are Those Who Trust Me". This was mucti appreciated. Next Sunday, Nov. l3th Church service will be resunied aI the regular hour, 10 a.m., the junior choir is busy prac- tising for Ibis service so pat- ents and frlenda please make 'a point of beirig present ta eti- courage these young boys and rgirls. Mr. Neil Anderson of Brant- fard was bomne ori lb. farm for the weekend witb bis mather, Mrs. F. Anderson, bcothar Criss anid family. The advice given in "How ta Manage a Husband" recently must certairily be juat what was rieeded because repeats are scbeduled for weeks ahead, We will try flot ta be Ioo severe. Signa a! Christmas are corfi- ing and children are taking or- dors for Christmas cards, seals anid wrapping paper. TrUek loads o! Christmas trocs arid the most wearisame of ail frorn daiiy papers. TV and radie - "Do your shopping early!" Canada's first ammunition plant was established at Browrisburg, Quebec in bbe 1880's by Cap. A L. Howard, a northwesî Iridian !ighter wbc, had won fame with the then- new Gatling gun. _____ Oui of the # Frying Pan MANY PIRES atart just au Innocently as this an -, ho-e fore they're througl., '. owncr bas lost net t. bacon but thousands t bars. Be earefut lit omsr hous. kecplng. And,.to ho sale fem f in- anciat loua with to Fire, imaure STUARIL RUJNES Insurance office MA 3-5081 ing Street E. Real Estate iteuldence MA 3-5493 Bowmanvilê 4 c7JAe 1ew 5741 1956 Dodge DèSoto Cars and'Dodge Trucks -at - Robin son Motors RITSON RD.-SOUTH OSHAWA Phone RA 5-5521 DISTRIBUTORS see "JESS" AMES Our Bowmanville Representative and Sales Manager 42 Carlisle Ave. MA 3-5590 W. cordiaily invite ail our friends and customers to visit us. May. We Estimale oln ~?JLL ET OOLTZ' 'WE-RE OrjTE2ý V'our Plumbing and Healing Requirements !W . I LPTRI(K~ PA~LUMINGIALL HO AE HATN* BO NANIL On Disp lay THURSDAY, NOV, 10th, 1 M TIM CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVMLE, ONTARIO

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