TEUUSAY, OV. 7th. 1955 _____________________________________ O AftAA.L~* UUwMArIvU.LE. O1!TARIO e Af~V q'm~q'vui 'It took the Bowmanvjlle Ba- rSon nearly ihree periods ta ;tUcllcking in their game boeagahast Port Hope Red- aon' Saturda night, but when ddthey plled up an 8-5 priétifle victory against the Iitors. The score wvas 1-0 In favor of Port Hope at the end of the "Iirut pe riaCI andi 3-1 at the end of the scand. The Baroans own- eda 4-3 îead briefly in the third, but regulation time end- * ed with a 4-4 deadlock. Ernie Dickens' crew really broke .10o8e i the overtime session, bowever, scoring four goals agalnst only one reply ta clinch the game 8-5. The win gave the Barons undisputed posses- sion o! first Place in the Lake- shore loop with three wins and one lois. Goals Corne Fast The overtime tallies came Wiih startlhng suddenness. Bob-, by Bird fîred the first on a nice pass fromn Don Gilhooly at 2.6,wlth Ernie Dickens also drawoing an assist. Only 27 sec- onds later, Jed Wilson. broke Up the ice, carried up ta thi2 front of the Part Hope net and passed over ta Ron Burgess who was flying in uncovered from rtght wing. Burgess got a nice shot away ta score. Bill Memorial- Berwick also drow an auaist. Port Hope kepi their hopes alive with a goal by CI*tke Brock fromn Gord Fenneil frorn a scramble in front of the Ba- rons' citadel. However, another two-goal scortng flurry by Bowmanviile wrapped up thse game. At 7.46 non Burgesu slapped in the rebovndo a shot by Bill Berwick, and only 10 seconds later the same pair combined again, with Berwick pulling the trlgger this Urne, to sait away thie 8-5 win. In regulatiori lime, veteran Port Hope defenceman Jirmmy Hogan got the visitors away ta an early lead with an Uift4s$ist- ed goal at 1.10 of the firsi per- iod. Although the Balona pres.5- cd hard they were unable ta score in the first frame. At 3.49 of the second, Pete Bonacardo, who was one of the besi of the Redmen, scored froM Iin close *on passes tram Weiss and Brock ta put the. Redrnen ahead 2-0. Berwick Notceo One Bill Berwick, who played an autstanding gamne for the Ba- rons, put the home aide on the scoreboard shorlly alter the midway mark wheri he slapped in a pass tram, Jed Wilson while Gord Fennello!f Port Hope was serving a trip- Arena BOWMANVILLE Public Skating Friday, November 101h Wednesday, November 23rd 8 - 10 p.m. ADMISSION - - - Aduits 35c, Children 20e Intermediate "A"-,Lakeshore HOCKEY --t Saturday Night November 101h -8:30 p... Lindsay Regents VS. B owmanville Barons' Genemal Admission and Reserved Seats* 75e Children * 35e Corne out and'support this great new Bowmanvile Team nGtfecfs 3V strcndt o fr,1 moieratilon it ckrm, jean PautRic&tr -it the J-buse of Seagranm Overtime Barons Win OverPt. Hope Redmen Puts Them in Top Spot bce Chips Bill Berwick stood out for the Barons with three goals and two assisis. The hat-trick performance earned bum a lid fmom Bruce Minris' Men's Wear ...Ron Burgess also played a nice game, notching two goals and drawing ane assisi. The Wilson, Burgess, Berwick line Ihus accounted for five goals . ..The Gilhooly, Yourth, Bird line was passing accurately andi played good hockey . . . Ernie Dickens and Frank Hooper played Iheir usual effective games . . . The game was de- layed about five minutes in the second period when O'Brien in tho Port Hope nets ob.iecled the flash fromn Ernie Rehder's cam- era as he was taking action shots. Ernie finally gai a 'cease and desist" order from Referee Ivan Locke. Manager Frank Jamieson wrote the O. H.A, for a ruling on the mat- ter . . . O'Brien was outstand- ing for Port Hope in the firsi and second periods but ran out o! luck in overtime . ý. . Bon- cardo, Jimmy Freeman and Clarke Brock were the pick o! the Redmen...i Port Hope - Goal, O'Brien; defence, Fernoîll, -Hogan, Hal- ford, Weiss; forwards, Downey, McKeen, Freeman, Boncardo. Brock, Brown, Malloy, Turner. Bowmanvile - Goal, Pallis- ter: defence, Dickens, Marshall, Dykstra, Masters; fonwards, Hooper, Girardi, Hamilton, Wilson, Burgess, Berwick, Gil- hooly. Yourth, Bird, Fergusan. Officiais - Ivan Lêcke, mc- feree; Rube Waddeil, linesman. Hat Trick Puts Berwick In Top Spot Left-wlnger Bill Berwick's three goals and two assists -in a fine performance against Port Hope hee Saturday night shot hilm itio the iead for the Bowmanville Baron's teani scorlng honors. Piaying Coach Ernie Dickens and Captain Frank Hooper siayed lied for second place b y notching a goal aplece, while Dickens also had an assist. Following la the scoring re- cord for the Barons up ta and including the game o! Nov. 12: Ga. G. A. Pts Berwck - - - ..3 4 2 6 Dickens- - - ~4 1 4 5 Hooper - - - 4 3 2 5 Giihooly - - 4 2 2 4 Bird - - 4 3 o 3 Burgess - - - 4 2 1 3 Hamilton--- 4 2 1 3 Wilson ~4 1 2 3 Girrdi .4 1 1 2 Marshal - 4 0 2 2 Yourth - - 4 O 2 2 Dykstra- - - 4 0 1 i Masters--- 4 1 0 1 Cdlli Woolner High Bowler Durham League Bow'villlc Foundry ?.7837 51 Bow'ville Cleaners V'350 44 McNuItY's Sports- 27083 38 Palmner M. Sales- 26824 3;3 C. O. F.-____ 26871 3.5 A. & P. ___ 25784 32 L. O. L. No. 1 - 25448 26 H. E. P. C. _ ...24950 22 L. 0. L. Ne. 2 ...22238 15 DOM. Stores -- 24236 14 200 Avoragos Frrank Lewins _____217 Bill Polley ______213 George Ellioti 213 Ed. leslie. _______213 Matt Harrison ______206 Jlm Leviti _____-205 Carl Leslie _______200 111gh Single-Colli Woolner, 323. Higis Triple -Roland Coom- bes, 770. Next We.k 7.06 P.m. Foundry vs. Cloaners McNu]iy's vo. Palmers C.O.F. vs. A. & P. 9.00 p.rn. L.O.L. No. I vs. H.E.P.C. L-.L No. a va. Doma. Stores. 1 pg sentence. Minutes later ni bMclCen put the Redl- mani ahead 3-1 wheri he skated up the Iee on a breakaway and fired a long sh9t whlch picked à corner of the Bowmanvile net behind Donny Palluster. For the remafider of the second périôd Rediman goalie Joe O'Btfen, who in a refugee from Peterborough Junior "B'> ranks, was forced ta make like a jumping jack as the Barons put on the hett. O'Brien was either Awtully lutky or very good as he blocked sbois from *11 angles. Frank Hooper narrowed tha Port Hope lead ta 3-2 only 36 seconds aiter the third period started when ho cashed Lloyd Harnilton's pass fram in glose. Things looked tough for Bsow- manvillo at 3 .5$ when Lowell Dykstra weni off for tripping on a very questionable call by Referee Ivan Locke, anid Frank Hooper followed him to the in bîn 15 seconds later fori cross checklng. Dickens. Hum-i Mlon and Marshall did yeoman work ini holding off the Red- mon while they had the two- man advantage.1 Berwick tied the game up 3ý3 ai 11.24 with a screen shot that trickled ini between O'Brien's pads. Playing Coach Ernie Dickens g ave the Barons tlieir firsi lead tI the game just 12 seconds laier when he skated In alone and drilled a bard accurate* shot to the cor- ner of the net to put the home team ahead 4-3. The lead only stood up a littie over two min- utes, however, as Bud tDowney sank a waist-high 15-footer to deadlock the game. Although both sides had a one-man ad- vantage once before the end of fegulatIon time they could flot break the stalemate. Bowman- ville's rapid-fire scoring in overtime sewed up the gamce, however. Bowling got starled ln good time on Moxxday nigisl with Lorraine Martyn rolling thrce goad garnes lotaliing 655. There were a good number of!"20" games also rolled bringing a lot of the averages up toaa nice round sum. Vi Coole bowl- ed a nice game o! 258. Thse girl& wbo had the luck ta bowl the games of the higher games had this ta, say: We are the girls o! the <'200" line As you cai sec we did quite fine Our faces showed Up like a spark When aur scores bit the "200V rhark. We are these girls as follows: Vi Coole 258, Mary Harrison 245, 228, Dot Crombie 245, Ann Gay 243, Berniece Budai 239, 214, Lorraine Martyn 238, .216, 201, Doris JolI 234, 204, Audrey Burns 233, Anita Nickerson 228, 220, Eleanor Larmer 228. Lydia Bates 226, Hilda Brock 221, Lola Wright 215, 207, Ada Richards 215, Marie Yeo 213, Edith Marlowe 212, Dell Vin- son 210, Ruby Yandt 206, Ena Etcher 206, Alyce Hodgson 205, Mary Wileox 201. Along with the good scores there had ta be a few low scores so here are the names o! the scores wha bowled below the "100", mark: Ada Richards 98, Audrey Fletcher 98, Alber- ta Kelly 95, Ruby Yandt 94, Kay Luxton 93, Aima Perfect 91, Joan Engley 88, Marion iCnqx 86 Pauline Elliait 83 Anni WÉite -80, 'Rilta Dumruniti 68. Averagos Name Avp. Doris JolI ________203 Hilda Brock _______195 Orne Etcher ______195 Berniece Budai ______191 Lydia Bates .. -_____190 Anita Nickerson _____188 Ev Swcetman ______187 Kay Beaupnie 187 Eleanor Larmer _____185 Lorraine Martyn 181 Mary Harrison _____181' Marie Yco ________178 Norma Gay 177 Helen Piper 177 Dot Crombie. ______17*1 Sadie Bucknel______177 Vi Coole - _______176 Ada Richards _______174 Edna DeGeer ______174 Ena Etcher ________173 Lii H-ooper 173 Olive Palieid _______171 Kay Hendry 171 Molîy Badger 170 Lola Wright 170 Viv Cowan ______107 Dorc Muttan _______167 Helen Dunn _______167 Wilma Bates _______166 Audrey Burns ______166 Mel McNulty -______166 Shirley Bicklp 165 Ann Gay 164 Mary Wiicox _______164 Dot Brooks ________163 Lii Phillips -________163 Norma Hooper 162 Joan Engley 162 Joyce Major -_ 162 Babe Brown ______160 Alyce Hodgsan 160 Ruby Yandi 160 High single-Vi Coole 258. Higb Triple -Lorraine Mar- tyn 655. High average-Doris Joli 203.1I Barons Lose First Gamne To Cobourg The Bowmanville B ar o ns dropped their flrit game o! the season in Cobourg last Friday nighl, when thc Lumber Kings managed a goal in Uic ait five seconds of play ta pull out a 6-5 win. With Piaying Coach Enile Dickens sitting out a 10-minute misconduci penalty handed out laie in the gaine, along with a minor penalty, Frank Crowley caugbt the corner o! Uic net behind Pallister just when Uic game appenmed certain ta go int overtime. Capiain Frank Hoopor and Lloyd Hamilton isad sent Bow- manville into a lead in lhe firat period and Bennie Flesch had ialited once for Cobourg. In the second Chnis. Bowmnan and Jon Fisher put Uic Lurmber Kings ahead 3-2 but Bill Ber- wick brought the Barons back on even termsata the atart of the third cano. Mediusunt and Casey notched goals to send Cobourg. ln front again, but Jed Wilson and Torry Masters put Bowmanville bac k on even ternis ai 5-5. In the dy- ing seconds Crowley drove bis five-footer past Denny Pallister Lii Phillips 42 Berniece Budai- 41 Ev Sweetmnan 35 Lydia Bates 29 Hilda Brock 28 Anita Nickerson -.27 Doris JoIli---26 Joyce Major ---26 Sleanor Larmer - 25 na Etcher -____24 Onie Etcher ---22 Team Standing 1 Points Pins1 Vi Coole il 19408 November 23rd. 1__________________________________s.az.n.n 21257 21652 20473 20010 19981 19934 20425 20407 20818 19996 201721j . 1 tfev's the patent.d Suburbonhef.recd design . . . tihe proven Goodyear tread that has mnade ail other nsud-snow tires obeolete. 1Look cloaely at thse tread. No big, stiff knobo or luga her...- no deep wide depressions to clog up with snow. This trcad in comnpoaed of 464 live-acting clets-dcents with 1,866 sharp, biting edgee--cleats that are toughand etrong, yet flexible enough to work 1k. clawing, grabbing fingems And notice how these dlents are staggered and net at an angle (found, 1by thse way, ordy on genuine Suburbanites). 1 - 1 Front St. Downs Courtice For Town League Position Front Street gdgod Courte. fair, wlth no sconing unuil the 4-2 in Town Hockey League a*- third farne. Miller's noiched tion last Thundt iigil othse fiftt taliy ai 8.29 o! the take aven final place In thse cit'. ihird wtth Morley Richards cuit. Miller's Taxi and IP'ooe- sinktng a, siot unassisted. Bob tera battled 10 a 1-1 depdbock Shenudan lied it up at 14.08 on which lefi thein In a til for a passing play with John Rice third place with two wins and and Brooks. a lie opiece. Following la the league Chuck Kilpatrick opened tise standingý and Ieadlng accorera: scoring for Front Streetin he b GP W L T Pts firs period on apaft from Ray Front St, .....6 4 2 0 8 Preston and JIm Richards Courtice Z . 3 3 0 6 mrade il 2-0 for the main drag Millerr, 6 2 3 1 5 boys in the second on a pU"S Foesiers 6 2 3 1 5 froni Ken Gimbieti.To ors Courtice came tola 1e iTn Sthee third ta tic il Up on goals by GP G A Pis Bob Johnston fmom -Bob Os- BilI Lyle, F.S. 6 9 4 13 borne and Grant Heron froin M. Richards, M.- 6 10 2 12 Bob Johnston and Barry John- N. Sayers, C.- 5 4 6 10 ston. The Front Strueters were D. Childs, M. - 6 7 2 9 nai ta, be dcnied, bowever, and B. Williams, S.- 6 4 5 9 Bill Lyle won the game on B. Perfect, M.- 6 3 6 9 passes from Don Rundle andi D. Runcile, F.S.- 5 7 1 8 John Ford.. Pote Dragomsatz J. tovili, F. 3 4 4 8 added an insunance niarker Q. Heron, C. - 5 3 4 7 with only seconds remnainlng. 1). Masters, F.- 5 3 4 7 Other Gaine Close t'. Chant, M. - 6 2 5 7 The Miller - Foresters gamne J. Fard, F.S. 6 2 5 7 waz a iighl, close-checking af- 1. Brooks, F. 5 1 6 7 1 Their shar edgea bite into snow or mud, just ike a skiers ski am angled to bite into sriow when climbing a bih. Here's a mnud-snow tread that's self-clèaning too. And it roUs quictly onthe bare pavemert-rione of that annoying rumble you get with ordinary winter tires. In fact this tmead bas everythixig yau ever dmeamed of for mud and snow conditions. Aak any maxi who uses thein -he'll back up 100% what we say ini this ad. Then sS your Goodyear denIler-asc him for Suburbanite tires for your car or your trucek. Auto tires available both tubelea -or corfveistionaL. SUBURBANITE W u@?lArp SMEUANIT-ee YTJ. 1h.Ocodysu r»l à tbur comp.>Y a# cm*"d, tha. FOR. CARS AND TRUCKS Extra power for winter starts To tumn over youa engin. in cold winter need for sure-fire starting ail wintoer long. weather, you need a battery with plenty Ses your Goodyear Dealer now for a of reeerve power. Goodyear Factory free Battery check-if you* need a new Fresh batteries bave that extra power. battery he'Il give you a generona trade- *..assure you of the. added anipe you in ailowaaqS on a GoODrYVEAR FCTRY'FRIESH BATTERYi TYRONE Mr. and Mrs. George Annis, Ebenezer, were Sunday cailers of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Brent Mr. and Mm. Kyle Squair. Shaw's, were Sunday tea guesis of Mr. and Mrs. R. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. A. Murphy and, Garry, Bowmanviile, were Sun- day evening calIers o! Mr. and Mrs. W. Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Virtue visited Mr. and Mms. Thea Downs, Lakefield. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith, Columbus, visited Mrs. Flor- Ience Scott. Mr. anid Mrs. James Delaney and Douglas visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Poimeteer, Beeleville. Mrs. W. A. Wright, Orono, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell Wright. Mrs. Donald Mountjoy and Keith, Bowmanvulle, visited Mrs. J. Gibbs. Mr. and Mrs. James Delaney and Douglas visited ber sister, Mr. and Mms. Aubrey Hickson,' Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Crago and family, Bowinanviile; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Partner' and famnily were dinner guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. S., Gable. Mrs. W. Rahm visited Mrs. Percy Uayward,. Bowmanviile.' Mr. and Mrs. John His at- tended the christening of Wendy and Sandra Daw, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Daw, Port Credit, on Sunday. Mrs. R. B. Hamilton, Bow- manville; Mrs. K. J. Ferguson, Ottawa; Rev. and Mrs. F. Jack- son and John, were dinnor guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. Hamilton when their son Peter Malcolm was christened Sun- day evening.-1 We were pleased ta see Mr, Simon McCoy in the village. Mrs. Arthur Harvey and baby visited her mother, Mrs. Annie Henderson, Miilbrook. The Women's Institute is nostponed until Wednesday, [-1fev who think of tomorrow practicei moicratiern Ioda> Charles Smith and Mrs. Carl Smith. New Store An addition ta the business section of the village is Mr. George Waddell's new stora for Electrical Equipment, in the former location of the Mol- ly O' Snack Bar.. On Friday and Saturday, customers at- tending the grand openiU$ *ndl demonstration of appliances were served lunch. Lucky door prizes received were as foilows: Steam Iran, John White; Ironing Table, Joseph Whiteside; $15 merchandise certificate, Mrs. Douglas -Smelt; $10 merchandise certificato, Miss June Wright; Firoe rx- tinguisher, Harold Wilson., For Resul.s-Use Stateaman 80 WMANVILLE BOY SCOUTS PAPERDRIVE starling ai 6 p.m. Friday, November 18 Citizens are requested to have their papers and magazines tied in bundies and placed an the boulevard in front of their homes. Your co-operation is appreciated Lorraine Martyn Rolis High Triple With 655 1 1 T". M-AvAnTAU - M BETHANY Eucbr'eParty Mm. and Mrs. Morgan Bige- low opened their home for a progressive cuchre pamty on Tbursday cvening, donating the Pnaceeds ta thse Ladies' Gulld of St. 1Paul's Chumcb. There were twelve tables o! players, with pnizes for higis score awanded ta Mrs. Frankc Gardiner o! Cavarn and Sidney Powers; consolation awards ta Mrs. G.'McGee o! Omemee and L. McGee. Mrs. Robent .Kerr was Uic lucky winner o! thc Christmas cake on wbich tickets bad beeri sold previaus-i ly. Assisiing thse hosicas on thse lunch commiîîee were Mrs. Rupert Wood, Mns. Hugh De- Geer, Mrs. Hccior Morion, Mrs. 1 Name il