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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Nov 1955, p. 15

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't'HURSDA, NOV. lth. 1955NADm ANoÂTÂ~ATESIr4. BUWMANV1LLE. ONTJARIO A A L el Tom Hay la stillin uMemnorial Kins en nitate vle DerHospital, Bowmanville, and Mrs. .SK n m n nto e'M m e N. Patton is recuperatlng at the tS home of hier daughter i Peter- Ccussified Ads Heur Reports on Projects ::ugh.efi Cad f hn s ulon SlsCoMINl G EVENTS One e member, John Liv- school, Sheppard & Gi, the brsaco it as g ed tip to- We wish to extend our heart- Bingo in Newcastle Commun- tiated into membership i the Morris and Northcutt & Smiî fChristmas rgram andteced fettak n prcainfr Pbi to f Usd Bôwmanville Kinsmen Club ilu Funeral Chapels for assistance i 0fehit alueft, oteced- the acta of kindness. mesages will take place at Card Motors, Good prizes, jack-pot. Corne an impressive ceremony at the given in connectuon with the ving, O c em ale Of sYmPathy, and beautîfui floral 434 William Street, Cobourg, at early. 46.1___eguame tinîong. ay presît. Pre hne Mary Luxon very kindiy lnvited offerngs eceied frm ou kin 1:30p.m. Novmber19th.Ap- venig. PrsidetthekeW hI.ktothherI.t homer for fothat friends during Our recent be- proximlately 40 cars to be sold. dyWenia Past Presidents Ken Nicks Kin Wilson for his hard work meig reavement in the loas of our Terms available on most used Reserve Tuesdy-edes ansd Jack Lander and President as chairmnan of the project anidmeig beloved husband and father. cars. Sale on ramn or shine. Thursday, Friday, November 29, Lionel Parker conducted the the nuembers who helped out. The ladies al ioined in sing- Mrs. Wolfraui and famîly. Bruce H. Suider. Ontario's Auto 30, Dec. 1.2, for the High Schoo initiation ceremony which op- TriîrwRpr un"Shmieetang vt Mrs. n 461________ 52 prtt.391 ee b r Living's sponsor, Chaîrman Irvîne Brown of Jack Stapleton, convener for 4t it sicer thnksandap- 1 hae rceied nstuctonsMake plans to attend the Bad-tKe cna . e Wlointout the Kinsmen Electric Train Agriculture and Canadian In- Ip haneetaksada aereceie ntutostecaddt.H oue u Draw reported that members dustries. ecation we would like to fromn Mr. M. Bosanic, Lot , minton Club Sadie Hawkins' tlat Mr. Living was boru in ol banboso ikt h ot a-We h gratefully acknowledge t hl e Con. 7, Clarke Township, one Dance on Saturday, Nov. 19. Bowmanville and attended cfouldobinmenb r ook of atickets The motooas-"Whe the mnany acts of kindness, messages mile east of Kendal. to seli 1y Dress, strlctly informai. 44-3 public aud high achool here. He from IinsipndAt hooe u utoki otgo the up-ri oo. -*of sympathy, and beautiful flor- public aubtion on Saturday, Nov. joined %he Bowmanville Foun- train display will be set up 'h' ai tributes received during the 19 at 1 p.m., sîl his f armn stock, Trinity Fall Fair, Fridsy, Nov, dry in 1939 but a year later en- tePUC idwb h n Mrs. Stapleton theru gave a long illuess and death of a lov- imllements, baled hay. grain. 18th. 3-5, 7-9 p.nî., at Trinity listed in the Midland Regi- o! this ,mionth Kin Harveyjrve !teagiutrlsta th e P .U C w nd o by th e end rti n and trem a rked the a rmtu Ing husband and father. poultry and furniture. Further Sunday School room. Sponsor- mient, servirlg overseas in Si- Rowe ssked members to help ters' inom a nothce aertm Mrs. Harry Neals and famiîy. particulars, see bills. Termis ed by Woman's Association. cily, Italv sud Europe froin oti uligscnr o h tes1inexteut otinomesehave 46-1 cash. Jack Reid, auctioneer; Afternoon tea served. 42-5 1942 to 1945. Upon obtalninut nidn cnr o h h xetohricmshv Lawrence Harris, clerk. 46-1 his discharge hie went back to set-up. since 1941. Work on the farmn 1 wish tg thank Drs. Ferguson, in Shiloh W.A. is having a bazasr the Bowmanvile Foundry The President reported on and farm products are of utmost McKa an Hu bar , n rse an r I avr c i v d F list ton1 t hlo hurch, Friday even- w here le is now foreîian of t e Z ne " "Inter-Club nm eet- im portance to the weli beig of staff o! Memorial Hospital, frmM.Cifr als o 7. ing, Nov. 18 wlth entertajumeut the electroplating department. ing lu Cobourg which was aý-i urbauî folks and it was suggested E sPecial nurses, Mrs. Squsir, Mrs. Concession 6, Manvers Town- aud lunch. Admissiou.-25c sud He msrried the former Erla teuded by 161 Kiismen-16 Qi a better understanding between Bell and Mrs. Patterson, for care ship, i mile south and 2 miles loc. 45-2 Jackman lu 1946 sud they have whomn were from Bowmaiî- the two would be achieved with and kindness; also special thanks west of Bethany to seli by public two children. vle ogistnbakd tfolkhbe to blood donors aud friends, auction on Saturday, November lmHaoyOtle tWSdcddthtdet wc our ncy s relatives aud neighbors for the 26, 1955, at 12:30 sharp, 20 head Salem W.A. are holding a Ki strOulndIwadeddth ueu1tencotyadct fk. beautiful flowers, cardsansd gifts. of cattie, 46 ewes (Cheviot sud home baking sale at the Hydro Past Presideut Nicks outlin- loher rets, i the lubs de- FThers4He C ls n Junori' which I received while in hos- Leicester cross). 325 pullets, Shop, December 2. There will ed the historv aud aims of t lionire's ntighaterwoudharyaîer r1evlpngmr- pital. mciey 0 uhl fCu also be a few bazaar itemns for Association of Kinsmen Clubs fre ni fe aur neetl h am u r Mrs. Harvey Barrie, ton oats, 1,500 bales o! hay, etc. àae 6i o M.Lvnpouigot Te Aad omittee rsuin in improved herds,' 46-i* Termis, cash. R. J. Payne, suc- - that it is made up o! 10,000 made up.of Kiusnîen Ken Nicks 1better fam practices sud the d e- - ~tioneer. 46-1 Mal rv vun u- young men lu Canada betweeu uno wuels rsn~ elome to! progressive home- I wish to take this opportun- iliary are holding a home bakiug the ages o! 21 sud 40. The most another sterling performanc2, makers and farmers who will ItY o! expressiug n-y special Mr. J. B. Lawrie Cole, Lot 9 sale lu the church basement on important commnity project this time as doctors minister- give leadership in our rural thauks to Dr. McKeuzie, nursing and 10, Broken Front. Clarke Friday, November 18 at 2:30 of the Bowmauville Kinsmen ing to President Parker for a communities. staff o! Memorîi Hospital, aud Township, two miles south of p.m. Afternoon tea will be Club hie said, is that of payiug throat condition. This condi- There followed a discussion of Mrs. Rutherford, for their care Newtonville, has sold his farm served. 46-1 the indebteduess on the artifi-ý tion, they found, was due ta current eveuits wîth each giving and attention; to Heather Re- aud will seli by Public Auction cial ice at the Memorial Arena. strain iuvolved lu utterilig an item. Mrs. Stapleton sud bekah Lodge. Office Staff Orono on Saturday, Nov. 26, couîmeuc- Enuiskilleu Service Club are Past President Jack Lauder words of more than one syil- Mrs. Stoker assisted by our Po Telephone Co., members o! St. iug-at 1:30 p.m.: 32 breediug holding a bazaar sud penny explained the significance of able sud the 'uhs", or pîuses, hostess provided a daiuty lunch 16 Saviour's Church, sud my mauy ewes, 2.500 bales o! .hay, 40 arcade lu hall ou Weduesdsy the Kinsmen emblemi to the preceding such words. After a whîch wîth the social chat was friends for ail the lovely flow- cords of stove-wood, farni ma- evening, Nov. 23rd at 8 o'clock. new member. This is made u, thorough examination "Doc- much enjoyed. ers, fruit, caudy, etc., toa ah for chiuery, fence posts, grain, lum- Draws for Penny arcade at 9 of the soltire, or St. Andrew's tors" Nicks 4nd Swindells cor- their cards sud kMid enquiries ber sud some furuiture. Furth- o'clock. Lunch served. 45-2* cross, and the maskel inter- rected the condition with aý aud aIl who supplied trauspor- er particulars, see bills. Terms twiued. The St. Audrew's throat spray. tation for Herb sud my neigh- cash. Jack Reid, auctioneer; Hampton Farm Forum are Cross has long been the sym- Kin Swindells. who is chair- bours for their mauy kind acts. Lawrence Harris, Clerk. 46-2 holding a Lost Heir party, at bol o! service by personal sa- man of the Kinsmen Car Draw Irene Murray. Solina Community Hall on Mon- crifice, hie said, and thé maskel for 1956, stated that arrange- 46-1 Personal day, Nov. 21 at 8:30 p.m. Prizes 15 an even older symbol o! Up- ments have been made to pur-.o nd Clare-Inthe ids o! ur HGIENC slplis - rubbrasd lunch. Admission 50c each. rîghtuess, rectitude o! life and 1 Chase a uew Buîck hardtop as Cnd Clake n te ids ofOurHYIENC slipie - ruberEverybody welcome. 46-1* integritv of character. The in- the prize. The club has been *orrow, we wish to express our g s aldpsp. ppantèrtwiniug of these symbols divided into three teams ta seil heartfelt thauks sud apprecia- god)mie osplli li tion to our relatives, rieuds sud. sealed envelope with price list. Annual banquet sud dance suggests the, intercrossiug of tickets, aud Kinsmen KenCHoS- neighbors for the kiuduess sud1 Six samples 25c, 24 samples preseuted by Durham Junior the ives aud paths of the Kins- kin, Art Hooper sud Charles oympathy showu in the loss of $1,00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Farmers' Association at Oroio1 men members. Cattran were elected as cap- ou eoe ohe.W se-Nov.-Rubber Co.. Box 91. Hamn- Odd Fellows Hall on Saturday, Presideut Parker adininister- tains. Iae laue i ially wish to thank the Canad- ilton. Ont. 1-52 November 19 at 6:30. Bnqe e teoah oKm Liig uKT e n sa n ald Jb'-i fan Legion Ladies' Auxiliarv No. "OLD AT 40, 50, e60?" MAN! 75'ace.17.DaAUo theeoedhl fcalvinto nsahm, Kenhasookian oi1n 178, Bowmanville,, "The Engin- yOU'RE CRAZY! Thousands ____ 46-i the club. AlteKnmnGaawt ooo n eering Division" GoodyerTe members shook hauds with the number by Kin Harvey Rowe. T e le visio & uberCoBordo!~ peppy at 70. Ostrex Tonic Free concert, spousored by the uew niember. Critic o! the meeting was Ki.i & RuberCo. Boad o Edca-Tablets pep up bodies lacking Toronto Star Weekly, will'feat- Kin Clarke Wilson reported Ray Lathaugue. tion, Oshawa. Morris Funeral iron. For ruudowu feeling mauy rialgtSneaa rnt prxmtly$0 rfto m Mra amr a-a Home, Bowmauville Boy Scouts men, women cali "old". Get- ureSalgtSnesa rnt prxmtl 10poi n Xn Mra amr a-a hi xl Association, "Maintenance Divis- acqusiuted size ouly 60c. AhiUnteat Church, Thursday, Dec. the recent Golden Mile Coin- nouuced that the wives o! the Ion"GenralMotrsTheCare drggits.46- ls at8- o'clock. Reserve date cert sud asked tlîat letters of! members would be invited ta takers Union local 15, Oshawa,- for a splendid eveuuug o! good tans e sen oteSprn h etmeigadi shp for Boii also Dr. Storey for his comfort- music. 46-1 tendent o! the Boys Training ed to hold it lu the Lions Comn- Ing words sud the many beaut- cation met lu the school on Schooh sud AI Smith o! the muuity Centre.- Iful floral tributes, mass cards Weduesday, Nov. 8th with Mrs. Irish films sud sangs, featur- hp hymyhv aymr admsaeofsympathy. G. Larocque presiding over the ing W. J. Arinstrong, Editor o!fITlThp hymyhv aymr The Family. meeting. The Sentinel. Everyone wei- LrIiJAL ~ yet. W e Ie Ilan Rhm, arleGreen- pm AdultasOc, students 25c. Mrs. . Kennedy attended lqer spent lsst week a the Sixth MAb R V an,Sharon Gimblett sud Ar- Children free. Spousored by funeral of!lher unclef, Mr. Harry' Lino School observing Miss Cap- The Largesi D MA L R V hrHester who gave the L.O.L. 764. 46-1* LaRose o! Long Brandi ou Mon- ping's teaching sud trîring ut' speeches they had prepared for - day, Nov. 7 sud went on to visit their ability to teachinl a coun- cruu Mr jIMrs. Bob Hicks, To- the Oral Speaking CoînPeti- ,Aunual business meeting o! her brother. Rev. Heaslip aud, try schoo]. l'outa ansd Mrs. Georgej tion. Their efforts were eii Hoîstein Breeders, Saturdav, lus wifc at Georgetown. Womeuî's Institute Meets Plard, Mr. Jiun Pollard, Les- thusiastically applauded by tiil Nov. 26, 10:30 a.m., lu Agricul- Miss Carol Steckley spent the Kndl .T.heeXedeEa kard, were Armistice Day vis- audience. tural Office, Bowmanville. Open weekend at lher home at Gorm-1 evening, Nov. 12, at the hoTheoExciusiv itors with Mr. sud Mrs. J. R. Mrs. Hester iutroduced Miss meeting. 2 p.m.-Special guest ley. the Vice-Presideut Mrs. Martin Guarantee ai N speaker, Dr. Branuion. Subject, Ms omnPto srcp Mandera' who presided over the ~etcalf, Mr. Rosa Meteal!. Loua Taylor, the school nur:se, ,meeting.Ptonisreup ase Line. wio addressed the gatherinf. "iea eiiuy l ieeaig at the homes' -o! lierj d ia rl Mr. sud Mrs. Russell Gilbert,1 She brie!ly explaiued hier du- Stock". Ail live stock breeders daugîtera, Mrs. Milton Lowes The roll caîl was answered by1 d ia Tr n '~ RssilMcauhhuMrties sud spoke ou school lunch- welcome. 46-i1u r.AvnLoe uPtr Wîat yau have been makin-o and Mrs. Austin Larmer, Bow- es sud other matters of inter- borough since Suuday, Nov. 6 doiug this Fail". A number 0ffion 1h the ladles brougitA satmmples of TpCniin uaville; Mr. sud Mrs. Elnîer est ta the parents. Sie iad Annual turkey banquet. Fr1- We hope she will soon ho able their work, auch as fancv kid- HernMr. aud Mrs. Wilbert with ýer samples o! plastic day, Dec. 2, at 6:30 p Suuday sn torudRnosa e. r.back ttonrde mta al'clte o h Smith, Miss Dortiî' Smithi otanrs, f herco-ity United Church Sbazaarndkostted seat cushionslie Miss Shirley Smith, Oshsw2v-; mended ta the parents as ex- Schaol roanu, Bowmanville. Rev. during the weekeud. etc. Wkite ea uhinFreH in e Mr. Kenneth Witchall. Toronto, cel lent helpa lu providing the Padre Young, Ontario Agricul- Early Manday moruing, Nos'.1 et tec. eeie a-n were last week callers ou Mrs.i child witi a healtiful appetiz- tural College as guest speaker. 14, unoat Kendal residents were 'aohrdt wsuwaale- i:Bel. n uc. Secure your tickets from any awakened by ail exceptiouially for the couse Ca niu On- Mr.sudMr. N Lard Mr.. Mrs. Rabt. Bothwell thaukei director of the Association. Alex, severe electricaI storm, for this' otah'egetarses"CauniensOne G. Creigiton, Toronto, visite'! the speaker. uiPo.CaasTnbntm o!te Year, accampanied was caucelled. B ywt ofd with the former's brother, Mr. 1 Mrs. Dawn's room won tih e tay 61b auoro a. W \ays o! rsisiug monex' for the end Mrs. A. Laird, also Miss parents' count. * oda.Bo nveoun boît sltrclck s a couple rin were discussed. A dahce dult aucLaistrucilof a!hours slow li the morning. is beiu-g held and IMca. Kennedv Su ie L ir . w a s decide d ta hold a card bv John R d a , B w p n peO e b l t u k a P le ne aru a lu-1 - v so Mr. sud Mu-s. F. Munroe, MViss parti- at the achool ou Novem' Skating Club Professions , Tues- Allkn Fosters tobacca barn. 't dastefrainquir boa e arlv Shia ases Bud n ast fo r athrbake ale-b Sia, Mastoer Brce sud ber 30th. day eveuing. November 22nd, rauil into tie barn. tearing off has since found thei-e are 110 Ba ureM.Hr Deat the Bowmanville Memorial sanie af the rail sidjnk on it but cae vial eoeCrsms Laun, otoc;Miss G. El ?F1n Areus. Everyone iutereated in luckily did nat set it ou fire. 33uitas DoubttLoodsto.; Mr.LG social danting on skates. w'hetier Sunday guesta witli Mr.sud A Penny callection wvas tàkeuî3 igii.W ~hampson, Oshawa, wece ~ - f jor not Club members, are invit- Mrs. Lloyd Glass were Mr. and 'p0ccra t. twsîeat urday visitors with Mrs. L. C. j ed ta attend free session, 9 ta Mrs. Chaclie Byers sud fainily, Siiawdeu4 Miss Mildred, Mr. j We were sorry to hear ù! the 10 p.m. 46-1 Port Hope, sud Mr. sud Mrs." Bob S!îowden.! deati o! Mr. G. Moore, age 95 _____ Percy Norrds. Toronta. Mrs. Sam Dewell, Hampton 1 -ears. Mr. Moore had been liv-'ac and drsw, Odd Fellows Reg. Eiliott sud Rasaspe t Fitr ridaL. CiStowith i roniugfoithe lsdat er- lu TO'Hl, ~Orono, Friday, NavemberIsat xveek deer huntiug lu the 1ito.MriL.CnSowe.. rut o tpst . o aa -25th, 1955. Paul 'Miuicola's Nippissing ares. Bill Mercer Mr. Jack Lord, Misses Su:-- boru uCotn.YrEg Baud o! Peterborough. 25 tur- sud Vauce Allen joinied theirý ley, Diana Lard, Mrs. Maryf land on Feb. 18, 1860 sud came key A nnouncin g ...o lb ouh fDose rth Thompsan, Miss Mai-go Thom- i.ta Canada lu 1909. His wife of(dese) ienaaytacubsntioose o.i winuors. Delivered week o! nveekend pson, Toronta, were Ttîesday predeceased hlm 30 years ago. December 19 in time for Christ- The girls a! Keudal met at the evening visitars with Mr. andI Syuîpatiy - la exteuded ta uS s dne.Amsin$ 0prhoeoMr. m.Jcon u ________w_.ionte o re- cUrselaT, 1- lx%.0 *j L I4f in the Hydro Office, Friday, Boyd sud Robert. We wisi ta! Nov. 25, 9 -a.m. ta 9 p.m., sud add aur congratulations for theur L.. ISaturday. Nov. 26, 9 a.m. ta 59ti wedding anuiverssrv w hîch IIII6 p.m. Came and see the un- taok place laat week and weWRH B VVfVAN'VILI,t fIGJfl CU1L L usual display o! articles mnade -__ 1 ceptable giftsansd useful artices FAST RELUEr FOR for the home. We will be glad i t aceptorders, etier prior to. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18 or duIing lie sale. Contact Mrs. f L 1 .R. Strike, convenor, 46-21 INIM UM p.m. Sacry ta hear that Mca. C. - jIGrant is ou the sick liat. We - Addes 1%r.'W B.RenodsChirmn f oar wshber a speedy recovery. C G- MrW.B. cyold, MarmaandBord ls W. B y and O n Division 1 fi amilv with Mr. sud Mrs. A. OD The Graduation Diplomas Rabbins. v Mr. sud Mrs. Ecu Spry visit- Academie snd Athletjc Awards wilI be presed dwt l oir r.Mr Spry, Toronto, ta celebrate her Vatedictory Address- Miss Janet McGregor 9ist birthday. S e n x e ks p p r f Publc i InvtcdAdmisio Fre ~!A 68-year-old graudmother, Puble isInvied dmision ree Mrs. Z. Bunker o! New Jersey. US.A. sa qualified fora .I otlicence ta !ly multi euguîi **e.. 00000004-1 ----------------..s. Aeine that kobson Motors Ltd. bave a MODERN BODY and PAINT SHOP with Expert Mechanics We are equipped to handie any kind of Paint, Body or Repair Work ?obson Motors Ltd.b ontiac - Buick Cars G.M.C. Trucks 66 KING ST. EAST MA 3-5585 ian Ad iannouncing the appoinimeni of Service Potection )n> S rieCompany isive Sales. - Service Agent lunanville and District Fou 0 a )isplay of Television for many miles re Wriiten One Year' Full Coverage go Eafra Gosi tbyou. ned Technicians Io keep your set in knonstraiion wiih no obligation to buy mirai Ince - ' For Less - ai ServiceProtection n SrieCompany Phone MA 3-3883 !AT'LI1E rURE STLE %ninga rURE OUS *E NVILLE Street ýor further details e 'I IIIURSDAY, NOV. 17th, 1953 qmr. r-AvAntà"

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