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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Nov 1955, p. 1

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F ~ - - - ... ZU2 ~uwp~ ~ 1'- '~I2tL~2j.igf e lie nce by nch the sed dis- 'etc arg- re- iade op- stie vell s n ýs ,d re- iville ýctionl Ele-. paign smen inder 'For the first tinie in fourI years the Bowmanville Barons beat the Lindsay Regents on their home ice Tuesday night. To comriiemorate such an aus- piius occasion the powerful efa'ons made it a convincîng beating and ran up a 7-1 score. .The Bewmanville goals were evenlY divided among seven players. Marksmen were Ernie Dickens, Frank Hoop r Do Gilhooly, Bob Bird, Bil Beri-* wick, Dan Girardi and Low- ell Dykstra. 1Goalie Denny Pallister play- cd a standout game and ail the * Barons 'were flyifig at top namua "tDurham County's Great Family Journal" VOLUME 101 OMNT...AW àPMPU-rDnAr J. A .I -1rn. ., V i v lwrLn.s eu i. uo J.10eI'PER PY NUMBER 46 brohs are Victorious 7 1 For Firsi Time in Four Years On Lindsay Team 's Homeike The sale of Remembrai poppies and wreaths the Bowmanville Brar' of the Canadjan Legî lias netted $610 fori Branch's poppy fund w to aid veterans in thisd trict, Poppy Chairman Iý Bathgatc has reported. This is ene of the lai est figures attained Ini cent years and it was ni possible by very goed p( py sales In, the Newcas and 1)rono districts as -v as In Bowmanville. Safety Essay. Win Kinsm er Cash Award. A safety contest was held cently in the Bowmar, Public Schools in connec with the Elmer the Safety phant traffic safety camp of the Bowmanville Kins Club, Chairman Jack Lar reported at the Kinsmen n ing Tuesday night. The older pupils wrote says on safety and the you er one colored safety draw.j he said. A total o! $37.50 distributed by the club to wînners in each grade on basis o! 75 cents for first pr 50 cents for second and 25 CE lor third. The prizes were prese by the teachers and Kmi der reported that he had ceived very good co-eperat #om- the teachers and prir p~s ! heicools on the sa tproject. Recenit g.estS with Mrs. S. B. James, on the occasion .ber birthday, wvere Dr. Dqxoi M. James, Mrs. J, B. FE. Stap and Mr. Charles H. Haddy, ronto. New Club Sigi speec The win gave the locals a 5-*Wrecord and they will be seeking ta keep up the good work on Friday night at Lake- P p y F n field and Saturday niglit here > py F n when they clash with the Lind- say team again at 8.30 p.m.a a le N ts$« Memorial arena. tS l e s$ 1 9n Tuesday night's game are: W L F A Pts Bow'ville -- 4 1 27> 16 8 Port Hope -- 2 1 15 13 4 Cobourg ---- 2 2 20 16 4 Orono 2 2 20 20 4 Lakefield -i 2 Il 16 2 Lifidsày ------O 3 4 16 0) School Board Decides Tenders for Addition .Will Close on Dec. 8th * Fial plans for the six-room ,However, the time of the l.~dioin at, Vin cent. Massey Board was spent prof itably in - Were gone over thorough- discussing policy on various ]y lat a spécial meeting of the school aspects. The first discus- , Public School Board' and the sion was on Armistice Day. As y~archit'ects on Monday. Several iX hgs been declared a statutory ininor alterations were made in holiday for scheols it was felt the ,plans but the building will that Armistice Da.,ý services zo up for tender this, week. - should be -held on the actual Pl~ ma be btanedby day rather t han on the preced- eo~rectors or sub-contractorsigSudy frorni th.earchitects John B. Park.- The children are taught a' Ins'office, in Toronto. or at the considerable& lengths the mean- office of the Secretar i-yei:sur- ing'o! Armistice Day but wher er ot. the e R James, the actual day arrives there is 1 s m a lnothing ta climax the ampor. r deposit ill be.required.ler. these tance of the day. It was' alsc .,.plang fr i conuecns' Wshing to brought out that ini the pasi r~ aete u fte !ie when children have earaded ta 'Tenders.11 cclose co'.Yhursda.y, te *cehôtaph' it las often been Dec ýier'4h. and wilI, be -open- in extremely cold, dami? weath- cd bwthe, oard that night. er and thât itcôuld'be a hèalth haxard. -Thà aschool enrolment 4, Àît th er lar meeting of the ig now se large thgt tetw >'Board heldt, Thursday night in hall could flot possibly seikt half iLh .0 'aStreet, sçllo very the students. The total public itti. s jza eusWa, à- .~ 'zehool enroiment xUow stands at os e m&n ieasonfo asAo%', 107 bwn in business was the re0ôrt -made the treasurertliat iioh t eof discussion ante J -Ui ear iwrelw êt n'i<n mt0taBoardd tt dre regsit es me v~eneare'eesltlsrdMnbru who have their wnbusiness affairg ta look eI «lter calt get awiy fromi their airtbe 4ïSýr 'vlen théy ar ne for sciioci business. nie Board te,Itthit more of this -Members Again le in .s s- t it Kenew Pledges To Holy ýName Last Sunday evenîng an îm- pressi 've ceremony was held in St. Jeseph's Roman Catholic Church. About 175 nien and boys were present and many new members were inducted nta the Holy Name Society. Monsignor J. McAuiey o!f- Lindsay Diocesan representa- tîve. o! ih Holy N ame Society, assisfed y Father Malane', conducted the ceremony. In his adldress te the men -o! the parish, Monsignor McAuleyj pointed eut that the Society Maujle Dreslil was ýfoundçd aboutu 600 years While decorating his Whitby aga te honour the divinity of Ladies' Wear store on Monday Christ and ta engender respect evening, Maurice Breslîn, whoý for Hip Nàme, anud ta discour- aise operates a ladies' wear bus. age the use e!- uncouth and iniess here, f eh £rom a ladder and obscene language. suffered injuries ta his back and The aid members present al head. Werking alone in the repeàted their pledges. It was store, he either slipped er-suffer- net sufficient for the members ed a dizzy spell, but rnanaged te t refrain from- swearing and drag himself te a 'Phone te ob- had anguage, they shouid also tain medicai aid. He was rushed reglister disapprovai when the te Oshawa General Hospital and naine o! the Lord was taken in on Tuesday was transferred ta vain in their presence,,said the the General Hospital in Torante, Monsignor. where he was examined te The officers. o! the Holy determine the extent of) his Naine Sodcety were present, G. injuries. A. late report Weidnes- H. Wilson, president; Roy Se- ,,ay afternoon indicated t1hat ne côrd, secretary; Don Hannan, boues were breken and Mr.,Bres- treasurer; Dick %Leddy, Paul lII is now recovering at his\'home Lapradle. In~ Toranto. Il ah gees w 11, hé The ceremony ciosed by should return ta work wilhin a Benediction o! the Biessedi few days. j Sacrament. St art Nht cl a se s For Sevd rai Subjecfs At High 'School Here' SThe night classes offei'ed at 1YougDutc adts1hoav wmanvilie High SchÔol in taen tAe classes in BasiceFEng- Middle Seheel and Comniercial lish at the Bowmanviile Pub- uaýbjcts have attracted suffi- lic School, and wiah ta sentinue . erènt enroiment for classes ta their studies in Engliuh. They b. for*ned in Engiish and gIyp- are at present at about Grade ing, ihaot2 student in 9 or 10 lýevel. and wvill proceed gacAithbas been learned erom t.possible up te Middle Scheol * L.W. Dppel, Pincial. English. The class is made up The classes in woodwerkIng o! both men and women ini e1nod metal are just cemmencîpg about equal numbers. 'to-n gglht <Thursday), havîbg Miss Jeau MeInnes has about been delayed wvaiting for thie 20 pupils in a Typing ciass, *accssary equîpment. ; -Enro- each Tuesday uight. The Home Mient in this shop wark fi eet Econonuca course advertised in~ pece obe about 20 asa, andi October did net attreet a su!- whl1 under thie dire<Lieon 4 ficieut aumber for classes ta L. . Johnson. T, be.given. Classes may be given ThtEnlili laa rV l>rsjinext ycj- if interest .wamrnts ~yniglit includes Composu.. themu. Cla.4ses la the other sub- ,«n taught by Miss Jean'Cuti- jecta mntoned continue ta1 uinugham, and Literature taught &bout Dec. 15 sud resume un1 M's Ethel McKague. Th, 'Jsn. 10 after the Christmi,, J& compmsd Ma ai i'oLbreak. ung Nominations Inpctnaoes Friday, Nov. 25 the înserectedonebofthe Il new "safetY policemen" the warning sgseetdb the Bowmanville Lions Club are With Nomination Night for rize, Karel Waversveld, 5, at lef t, and his sister, Mary Wavers- 15 onCuclcniae ensveld, 9, bath of whom attend Ontario Street School. The little more than a week away ýnted large signs have been placed on the streets near the there seems to be only a slight ,a,,- Central, Ontario Street and Vincent Massey Publie Schools po sire Ngomh i eetion lb ro- and the nursery school at the Lions Community Centre. accepted at the Town Hall on tien. They were erected by the Safety Committee of the Lions Friday, November 25 frein inï- Club under Chairmnan Elmer Banting. 7.30 te 8.30 p.m. and the 'eec- 'afe- tion, if necessary, wiil be held on Deçember-.6, AI amAr II L t eerma at prreeont uat ri ~.,v~i V t~C Ci S ,iit,~i two o! the present oni i 1 M v ë on, members may net offer the'r Finthy~ services again. Councillors T om1 ýpes A r n s c / n e Rehder and Glenn Lander- are T.-Fne A mistce D nner on the unlikely lst and may flot run. The thrce top officiais - o! the 1955 c9uncil; Màyor Nel- son Osborne, Reeve Sidney Lit- 5Sponsored by Legion Crtlers hapuy-ve il ifjed ns aýtlerd ephaeve l Wigilfred Nearly 225 veterans enjoNedi Nelson Osborne, Kinsmen Pres- their- intentions o! remaining the usual excellent turkey din- ident Lionel Parker, Legion on council and offering their ner and an evening o! comrade- Vice-President Jim Firth, who services again in their present shîp last Saturday night tte' arranged details e! the banquet posts. Councillors David Hic- \. annual Armistice D)inner o! Bow- in the absence o! Chairman Ab gon, Jc ruh ly rs Nmanville Branch No. 178 of the Mavin; Mr. James, Rev. John ton and John Regan are aise Canadian Legion. This annuar Kitchen, Reeve Roy W. Nichols expecte d te run again. No one \banquet brings eut the largest o! Darlington Township, Super- has yeit o!fered themselves as Sattendance o! ex-servicemen of intendent Kenneth Werry of the candidae for the expected any event held during the year Boys Training School, Lions two vadancies on counicil. and is much enjoyed by all. President Wally Braden and , Three members o! the Pub- President Ross McKnight wei- Rotary President Keith* Jackson. lic Schoool Board; William comed the large, turnout and President McKnight moved a James, Arthur Heoper and presided for the, opening cere- hearty vote o! thaniks te thel George Vinish, reach the end« *meny,,which included the play- Ladies' Auxiliary,, their Pres- e! their two-year 'terms this1 îng o! the lamnent by Pipe Major ident, Mrs. Jack Knight, and the year, but it is net yet known if1 Deug BIore during the two convenor, Mrs. Albert Piper, for they wili offqr te serve again. minutes' silence in mi-emory of the dinner, te which Mrs. Piper The two-year tern o! W. - 'coinradès who feil in past batties. responded. Ross Strike, Q.C., on the Pub- Coinrade John M. James, M.P. Vice-President Firth introduc- lic Utilittes Commission aise for tDurham, proposed the Toast ec the guest speaker, Rev. A. C. expires this year. Mr. Strike te the Queen and Rev. John Herbert, Rector o! St. John's Was Chairman o! the P.U.C. Kitchen, Orono, Padre o! the Anglican Church, pointing eOut this year antd it is expected that inej dinnrEe d (Centinued on pagZe seven> he will offer his services again.11 Following a delicieus and -bountiful turkey dinner served >,by the Ladies' Auxiliary e! the Legion Ladies Serv< SPresident McKnight introduced ~ ' ~ ' the head table guests: Mayor- '- wi èci 630p 4.u~D i New signs at the east and West approaches ta BAvmanvile on No. 2 Highwav notifyv isitors of the meeting places and turnes o! Bowmanvilîe's three service clubs: Rotary, Liens and Kins- men. The project o! erecting the signs was handled by the Inter-Club - Committee o! the three clubs. They are very at- tractive. and are painted in the colors of the three service argan- ,%t4tte nî.rn Erect School Traff ic Signs Apple Sweepstake- a!'Royal Awarded Local Orchardist For Superb Display of Spies Wilfrid D. Carruthers, well known local orchardist, has brought distinction to himsel! and Durham County by winning the Sweepstake and other top awards in the' apple section of this year's Royal Winter Fair. .This is the firsttime that the Sweepstake, the award for the best single box of apples in the show, any variety, has ever 1een won by a Durham County grower. The prize-winning box is of Northern Spies,. whose beauty of coloring and uniform- ity of size make them a breath- taking picture at the Royal, further enhanced by the purele velvet which decorates the Sweepstake box. Carruthers & Son, wvhich in- cludes 17-year-old son Bojl, ase won the Reserve Sýweepstake for single boxes, with the Red Spy. In addition to this they won the gold watch. presented by the Niagara Brand Spray Co. Ltd. of Burlington, for the best nine boxes Of any variety. The Carruthers' entry which won this award, neer before receiv- ed by a Durham County erchard- ist. either, was of Northern Spies. The gold watch, and also a trophy which the winner holds for one year, was presented te the father andson at the annualE banquet for officias and exhib-0 itors in this class at the Royal1 York Hotel on Wednesday night Teen Towners invite Parents To Sat. Dance * There will be a Teen Town Dance on Saturday, Nov. 19tii, *at 8:30 p.m. at Lions Centriý. It is te be an ordinary dance, with square dancing and a speciai session e! rhythrn and blues recordings. We have all the lategt hits and there wi;l be a Request Heur frein 9 un- tii 10. Ne requests before or after this wil ho accepted. We are extending an invita- tion te the parents te- attend any ef our'dances. We shaîl be very glad te see you. C. of C. Head Car Stolen ai Lions Meeting White Elmer Banting was attending Moudiy' uitht's meeting of the Bowmauvjlle Lions Club his car was stoien from di- rectly lu front ef the build- ing. It was rerovered the'fol- Iowing day lu Scarborough and Mr. Banting went Up for it that cvcning. There 1 wa.s no outward "mage to the vehiele, but the motor was flot qulte up t. par after 150 miles ef joyr- Ing put ou At b, tho-thief. h when Mrs. Carruthers was aise second for single box o! Red present. The. Sweepstake and Delicious. Ail the apples entered Reserve Sweepstake bring cash by the Carruthers' have been awards of $50 and $25 respect- purchased by the T. Eaton Co. ively. Limîted, Toronto, and the These prize-winning apples Sweepstake box will be on* dis. which won over competi'cion play in their downtown Toronto from much larger growers.of the store following its showing in the' Hydre window in Bowman- Sville. This is the sixth vear that Mr. Carruthers has shown apples at the Royal, during which time he has won a number of prizes, but neyer before achieved the top honors. As a great deal ot time judgment, and care must go into raising and preparinit show apples, this year's sweep 1of the awards is a cause for Z,.ý justifiable pride. -, and .innng prizes ineOhawian Bowmanvilîe amalgamnated witli Orono. At that time, the fitni was also Carruthers '& Son, but - .~ then the principals were Mr. W. - -, ,~H. Carruther, Wlfrid's father, 4and Wilfrid. Father and son werked together for many years, - and were always noted for quai- ity apples and fair dealing. The Carruthers' brand made Wilfrid D. Carruthers a name for itself even earlier. when W. H. Carruthers and his Georgian Bay district, will be brothers, Jlm <new deceased) on display in the Bewmanville and Charlie, packed appies te- Flydro Shep window on Monday,ý gether under the brand name ef ruesday and Wednesday of next Carruthers Bros. The pack be- week, se that the people e! this came well known for quality on district who did not attend the the Montreal market before the Fair may see the perfection war and also in demand forjex- which can be attained by Dur- port ta England and Scotlaiid. ham County apples. The expert market from various In addition ta these -prizes, causes came ta an end about Wilfrid Carruthers & Son also 1933. won first and second in 'the It is a fine thimg to know that Many Prize Winners From, Durham Cou nty. ln Royal Competitions - -*E hiB to~ f om tht>" edtntly ow ned' b y - G orge 'R t. of Durham and nearby points Laughlin, Oshawa. won many top honors ln live- Sheep Class Winneru stock, grain and , other classes. ' y e, 'H W to , à Tort oya, erFi nthe outstanding winner 'in Toronto.classes for Cheviot sheep, 14j% Jamels H. Cookson and Son awards. including the grand of Maple Grove 'wonthe re- champion ramý and reservjp serve chahipionship in -the grand champion- ewe. He alsa gelding draught horse class had the first prize rami, twa with their Percheron 'Laddie'. years and over; first prize In Percheron drçiught. breed- rami, one year old; fourtfi, ing horses, Vincent Archer of fifth and ninth rami lambý; Bpwmanville had the second seventh yearling ewe; f irst place light gelding or mare, ewe lamb; first flock of f ivè four years or over. W. F. Batty and second prize four lambs. and Son, Brooklin, took the T. C. Glaspeil of Oshawf top award in the Clydesdale was a consistent wjnner ili mare class witk, 'Birdhouse Cotswold sheep, with the 'rd- Heart's Desire". serve champion ewe, 'second In the judging of Holstein rami, two years and over; sec- classes, the famous bull "Rock- ond yearling rami; first rai wood Rocket Tone" picked up lamb, first ewe lamb, third ewr- another grand 'championship lamb, second flock of five and for. its owners, the Quinte~ first flock- of four lambs. District Cattie Breeding Assn. Three breeders trom tht.; of Belleville, to which many district won awards in tha Durham farmers belong. This classes for Suffolk sheep. T. C. bufi was recently Senior and Glaspeil and Son, Oshawa, hag Grand Champion at the Inter- the dburth rami, two years an*t national Dairy ShoNr in Chica- over, seventh and eigj-th year- go. ling rami, llth ram tamb, sixtlh Reserve ta the junior chamn- and seventh yearling ev$e, pion was "Rosate Preceptor", (Continued CM page seven) e Armistice Dînner Z_!ý:%j-.- ' ý. '-w --wW -A bý , , ,_____________ j The iýnemnbers of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Bow- Knight 18 show» in the centre of the front row. Second maniville Legian Branch càtered for the annual Armistice from the lef t in the second row is Mrs. Albert Piperi Banquet of the Branch held hast Saturday night and, as cenvenor, of the banquet. The ship's bell of the warti me, iisual, provided a very excellent. turkey dinner. The hard- corvett'F..«'IC.S. Bowmanville is visible ià- the upp working membcrs ôf this organizalion are sho-wn grouped: 'ight of the picture. on the stairs at the Legion Hall. Fresidenit Jack 1 Y d h si d JLJ %J yy Y LUliri. UIN'I'A li 1 t 1 - - VM 1 - 1 H X 1 ) A V NI flVV. M R V.P 1 7e6 10 Z K

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