TNU~8AY, OV. 7th, 1p55 Uhveil-Approach Sign, 1At Execufive Meeting Chamber of Comm erc< The, new Chamber of Con>i- An offer by the Bowmar inerce siçgns to be erected at the1 Kinsmnen Club ta allow east ana weSt approaches -0 Chamnber ta use its Geste IBowmranville on No. 2 HighwaY duplicating machine for ar wete unvejled at a meeting of definite period was acce thé Chamber Executive held in with sincere thanks. the office in the Town Ha:1' Secretary - Manager Mi >4onday night, Nov. 7. rpre ht at-o These large, attractive signs sesmren of fazout-fodt are painted ini green letteringcsaee ffen ctiedin1 ÂMena white background and are avlercny.H pa, 'ýshaped. like a braad shield avlercety epa abou si fet wde nd ourobtain information from abet sixcep.eyconan foer Better Business Bureau ai * fOllowing information: "Wel- many firms as passible w Z ,orneare sending salesmen andj c taBawmanville. Papula- citais fram town ta town. tion 6,200. The.-Friendly Town. citizens of Bowmanville Chamnber o! Commerce Offices asked ta check with the Chi inî Town Hall". Clarence Hoc- ber office before doing b km,. chairman in charge of the ness* with out-of-town sa signs, plans ta, have themn erect-me orcnassad cd in the near future. er n formnvassers and Chairman Ken Nicks o! the rpr n omrisac *Retail Merchant Committee, poor service or shady deali Was unable ta be present at the Mr.. Morris pointed out1 meeting but asked Sccretarv- a register o! activities isj Manager Ken Morris ta bring being kept in the Chamber hp the matter o! itainj fice and urged that secreta brackets ton hydro pales irn of local clubs and organizati tawn for use in decorating the co-aperate by phoning in Ftreets for Christmas and for dates of forthcoming eve o'lher events such as the Baw- and checking ta sec that t] znanville Centennial i 1957. dates do flot con!Iict -n HoPe To Split Costs those of other organizations. Mr. Marris quoted the price The meetink set a record received from PU.C. Manager, the volume of business dE Geo rge van Bridger on putting with and the late hour of permanent brackets with three- journment-12.15 a.m. inch sockets on all hvdro stan- dards an each side of the man street between George and Scu ( gôg Streets. Since the project NG Lood B z à will be fairly expensive, the ,B z a Town Council will be approa- LJIJL .i.4. ched about sharing the cost iIHld bIy Laule, with the Chamber and the mer- 'chants concerned. The matter (NC sill be further discussed at tho O flSt. IAIIJIew general membership meeting of the Cham ber an Monday, A very successful bazaarv Novernber 21. held by the Ladies' Aid of Invitations were reccived ta Andrew's Presbytcrian Chui attend the Regional Confer- on Nov. 10. Convenor was Mt ence *ot the Ontario and Cana- Alex Cameran. Evergrei dian Chambers -in Peterbor- with red bows decorating1 ough 'on December 7, the an- Sunday School Room gave ivaal gene'al meeting o! theý preview o! the Christmas si Ontario Chamber in London, son' appropriate to the ma Ont., on January 5 antd 6, and lovely gift items offered int the annual dinner o! the Mill- variaus booths. brook and District Chamber an The tea table with its la November 25. It is probable1 cloth, silver service and silv that Mr. -Morris and ather ýre- bowl of bronze and yell( presentatives will attend all cf chrysanthemums presented these functions. ýprctty picture. Pouring tee w The execufive decided ta in- Miss Flara Galbraith. corporate the Bawmanville Convenors and assistai Chamber of Commerce 50 that lwere as follows: Fancy Wo: it may enjoy certain campany -Mrs. E. Crawford, Mrs. S. privileges. Chartran, Mrs. A. Northcu Order Town Mapa Homebaking and Candy-Mi Theexcutvedecidcd ta or- Percy Porter. Mrs. Herb Mac c a quantity a! maps of the craft; Aprons-Mrs. H. Gau Town o! Bowmariville printed A. G. Scott, Countryv Store and these wîll be sold ta the Mrs. D. S. Ferguson, Mrs. A.À general public and merchants Honeyman; Tee Room- Mr Lv the Chamber et a low fig-1 Alex Cameron, Mrs. L. T. M -- -e- - - - -6 LS.rlurlA lCl . shopping expnses *Dector bils LOANS on your Loc aewdoXedre promise Fast ooie-daysoeyce. fo repayUp to 24 months to repay. to rpayP hone or come in today ulnfor fast, friendiy servîcO NOUSEHfOw FINANCE OSHAWA, ONT. PORT NOPE URAUNR 71 Wêh.,, St., 2nd fi..,., ph.on. TU &.gogo gV-oURtWEEKwEND REMU4DER to- stock up GIAELE ENCJ E CRSOCLU SO_ 'KEDRON Couple'Wed in. Cobourg (Intended for last weex,ý W.A. WiII Cater T he Woman'u Association he]d fthe regular monthly meet- eing an Thursdey afternoün in Kedron S. S. Hall, with 16 e members present. Iville H Mrs. E. Mountjoy. Mrs. R. the H Rickard and Mrs. G. Glover etner prcsented the Missionary wor- n in- ship service, with Mns. B. Starr pted prçsiding at the piano. Mrs. E. Mountjoy was also in charge trris of the study on Missions. town Presîdent Mrs. H. Rose con- lkck- ducted the business, in which Bow- it was decided ta make a -don- is te ation ta the Sun4ey Sceeol ta the pay for chairs; ta make a don- n a ation ta the Church Building 'hicn Fund, and also anc ta the W. sali- A. Flower Fund. .Many nmes- The sages of thanks were read by are Secretery Mrs. H. Pascae for am- W.A. gifts ta sick folk. busi- It w~ast# decided that we cater ales- for a turkey supper in. Decem- ta ber, for 70, at a Christmas s of party, and arrangements were ingF. made for that coming event. that Hostesses Mrs. H. Farndale, now Mrs. E. Mountjoy and Mrs. W. .of- Sharp provided refreshme.nts. ries Doubles Club Meeta tion. Columbus - Kedron Doubles te 1.Cl >b met. et the manse on Fni- heir 1 day eviening, with 14 members hr present. Mr. and Mrs. RavT,7 vith Scott, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Snowden condu(cted Devotions Shown leaving St. Peter's Church, Cobourg, follow- forr with the theme, "The Bible in ing their marriage on October 29, are Mr. and Mrs. Howard eait the Home". Group discussion Lewis Wood, Mrs. Wood is the former Barbara .Eileen ad- was followed by Bible gemes, eks agtroMranMs.JmsW ksCbu . and a social hour. The groupTWeekrosmdaughersonaf Mr. and Mrs. a e iWoke , org decided te present a ChristmasThgro stesnoMran Ms.LwsW dB - pageant in Kedran Church, as manville. a Christmas project. 11711 Burn Mortgage Remembrance Day wag ob- s served at the regular KedronA f i aV ol t C r 1 church service. Rev. R. H. Rick- ard used for his text the wards eS fram Joshua: "What mean ve 1by these stones?" FollowingP r v s I t r s i g a aras the service, a brie! cangrege- St. tional meeting was held to plan rch for aur special service on Nov- St. Paul's Evening W.A. 1r s. ember 13, at 2.30 p.m. when ýens a mortgage burning cenemany the will be a part of the Thenk-of- The Evening W.A. o! St. the rmots, whilc still reteining Sa fering. We look farward ta the Paul's Church met in the Lec- maisture. and prqogation is ca- message o! Rev. S. C. H. Atkin- ture Room Monday evening much fester. anv son, and music by the Presby- November 7th with the On- Several leeves are planted in the tcry Minîsteriel Quartette, on tario St. group in charge. Thelanc dish.*For each make a de- this occasion, meeting opened with the sing-1pression with the finger, place Mrs E.Moutjo prseneding of the W.A. theme hymîi. the stem in the hale, and pack acl Mr. E Montjy peseted"Let the Beeuty o! Jesus Be the vermiculite firmly around ver a Temperence prograrn in the Seen in Me", with Gertrude the ]eef stem, ta allow it ta low Sundey School heur. Mr. E. Halîman at the piano. Minutes hold more moisture and cx- a mount y as edro!ltedult a!f previaus meeting were read clude some air. The mothen Calonas discussonstandMi.. H by secretary Marion Stacey and leaf cen be rcplanted, efter re- Clas oae hasc sconsnd r, H treasurer's report given by Au- moving the babies and became rk teach this class during the drey Smith. Congratulations a parent severel times. J. month o! November. go out froni the W.A. ta Vi and Mrs. Stewart prefers the or- tt; Wt Art Marjerrison and ta Dorothy dinery dlay flower-pots ta plas- rsistan thenks due the organ- and Victor Hancock who cdce- tic or ather containers as they Ir-. Leean choir leader Mra. R. breted silver wedding anniver- are porous. But people do use or emembers o! Kedran choir series recently.evact a!onieren d, enjoyed e caffee party follow-a ritofcniesvn - ing regular prectice on Wcd- Reports were given front conch shela with great success. A. nesday evcning. As a compîcte variaus groups. A nomînating However, she edvised puttingý rs. surprise, anc of the members committee was appainted ta new dlay pots in water until c- wes the recipient o! a cendie bring in a new slate o! afficers they stopped singing, before -lighted birthdey cake, which for the Dec. 5th meeting which using, atherwise the pot will was sempled by ail, and pro- is ta be e turkey dinner instcad ebsorb all the moisture meant naunced most deliciaus, as well o! the usuel pot luck supper, for the plant. as being a delight!ul conclu- with Elgin St. group in charge. The top edge o! the pot ab- sian for a session o! practice. For the caming bazeer on sorbs seIta tram the soil and Brooklin Junior Fermers Set. Nov. 12, North Ward group these cause the leaves ta rot were bosts on,.Thursday everk- are in charge o! the afternoon when they rest on the pot ing te the Port Perry Club as Itee; Scugog graup, the bake brm. Teoavercome this. dip well as the Oshawa Dairy Cal! sale: Jane St., the candy and the edge o! the pot in melted Club, the Oshawa Grain Club country store; Liberty St., candie wax twice, or caver the and some members of Oshawa aprans and white clephant: rim with saran-wrap. Kiwanis Club, in the Town and Ontario St., children's Mrs. Stewart starts with a Hall. President William Wer- clothing and generai bazaar. hal!-inch o! charcoal in the ry welcomcd the visitars. A It was decided ta cater ta, bottom o! the planting pot be- hydro feilure deleyed actioni an O.E.S. Matron's Dinner, the cause charcoal sweetens the for a tume, but eventually the Green Room, Lions Centre, on soul and gives good drainage. trouble wes overcame, and a Dec. 6th and elso for a lunch- Then use sterilized Afnican fine prograam ensued with Pro- con ta the Choral Society at violet soil or e mixture con- fessor Heimpel o! Whîtby de- St. Paul's, et the close o! their sisting o! two parts ecdio! fine livening the eddress of the concert on Dec. 8th, with the vermiculite and crumbled peet cvening on "Homesteed Im- groups divided se t hat no twu j mass andi anc part stenilized Vprovement". Recreation wes graups will work twice. good garden soil. econducted by Ron Werry. Reports o! the Presbyterial Mrs. Stewart has her own. eHome-made pics with ice meeting et Courtice on oct.1 method a! wetering /which' creani and cof!ee topped off the1 12 were given by the W.A. seman a gaod anc. She packs evening. president, Myrtle ThompsonMOist peat mass araund the Many Kedron fiends and re- and by the secreItery Marion base a! the pot, in the bowl- latives o! the lete Mrs. Nanman Stacey. Dorothy Thompson shaped container, about ancl Allin attended the funeral ser- gave e devotional rcading and inch in depth, and keepa this vice on Monday a!ternoon in prayer. Jean Rice introduced ring moist. She strcsscd that the Morris Funenal Chapel, soloist Heether Webb. who1 the watening is the mast im- Bowmanville. Mrs. Allun had sang two well - apprecieted portant bing in the care a! via- made many fniends here while hymna. lets and net the fcrtiiizing o! shte made -lier home. with ber Mrs. Stewart brought sup the sail. Don't fertilize a plant daughter, Mrs. Murton Walter plies and plants with her ta until e manth efter repianting. end Mr. Walter. lier chcc:y give an ectual demonstration At the store. the Stewarts personality end fini faith ne- o! the variaus steps in le,! use and selI the liquid "Ne- maîncd constant and shone propagation and in plants di- chur" fertilizer. One capful of I thraugh a long illness. We viding. Printed leaflets outîin- fertilizer is mixcd with anc 'Inta si LOOK FW he mb«la cenï always sèec if -t-here is 1 beceuse the foliage is 1ovely enougb water in the bottom. r and the plant attractive eveil A J fling the dis h wt 1X hen not in bloom. Girl leav's coarse vermiculite, *she poursjhdeve a white streak part wayv in wan eerusl vrfo-own the centre sterting et the 1,1ing, then drains off except a base a! the Icaf. They are fe iolittle t the botta. Vermicu- reddish in clour and rilled or moud lite bas several advantages 1dckled. over soi] or water propagation.1 The name wîll suggest the It perTits xygen ta get in t. xsuhas Ru by Girl or Red on THE xhich i olsae n . in srer.Fniends a edrt îary Boat. sheped lîke a boit. extnd estwishes, and are Te Albino Redhcad bas ea mostplesedtonear very fa- green and white venigated vourable reports on Herys leaf but this plant does not re- condition, main constant as ta varigation, Mrs. Knowles, Dundas, spent the outer leeves tending ta th ekd wt her daugh- :urn allgreen: varigation de- ter Mr. H Roeand children.1 pending upon the emaunt and ther. Albert Wood and !amilv. ble pink variety had not heen Mrs. Lamne Tregunne and r icveloped until reccntly but in' Donald spent a, day in Toronto this pat vear aven 24 differ- recently. Mr. anfd Mrs. Lama j cnt varieties were originated. ITregunnea atended the silver O! thete new double pinke sheI Cof yowtgm 0ho.b..k I weddiog annhvcrsary o! Mmf. prefers "Pink Cloud" and this SIand Mrs. Walter Tiýppctt, et thý is the anc thcy seli attheirn Ilatter's bomae ia Oshawig. .-j store.___ olfrsyou Jusf whaf you re looking for af prices you can afford. MISSES' Ail wool,4 double breasted. Brasa buttons and fancy crest. SIZE 12 - 14 - 16 $7.95 MISSES' ]KNITTED SUITS iteg. 16.95 and 19.95 REDUCED TO Knitted 2 pe. wool Suits. Sizes 12, 14,16l$2si Buy Now and gae SAVE ON COLLARS' L Choose froni velvet or cotton. Wear them wlth your sweater or blouse. Girls' Station Wagon Coals Showerproofed g'b andine with warm tiuilted lininga an»d Igizes 7 to 12 years SAVE ON HAàNDEAGS alatel leathers. $198 -es you can't af ford to shop slin's in Bowmanville and and stylé - Breslin's off er for ladies and girls - f rom' manufacturers - at lowest Save on Ladies' Coats!1 Fully lined and chamois lined ta hips. All wool materials that will give you warmth as well as wear. REDUED8T $2687 MISSES' ORLON CARDIGANS Pastel shades in first quality A real saving hors. $3.98 Ail Weatheér* COATS REDUCEDI Ail weather coats that sold regularly at'lS,95. Sizes 12 ta 20 REDUCED TO ~---1 MISSES' JUMPERS $8500 Corduroy jumiper, In red only. sizes SAVE ON SILKC SQUARES]I 18" Squares in plain or Pleated, pastel or dark shades. Save on tlîla bar- Mlisses' Cotton T SHIRTS eottn quityT uot Sohotknit T shit. Nesr t lev. Save on GIRLS' DRESSES Girls' nylon dresses with slips to match. Sizes7 to12 yers. 7..j DRL'SZIN',çs Bowa vi iewhvi*kva at Reduced Priées $28e87 While They Lasi! NYLON ON U9 SALE DRESS CLEARANCE! Logain, Klever Klad, Jerry Gilden, Teena Paige. Regular ta $29.95 CLEARING AT I<any popu lar styles ln patient or sim- 1 Tl -- - , - - - - - - -, - - 1 m For top quality at low pricE anywhere else but at Bres. Whitby - - - For selection( you finest quality clothes1 the best known Canadian prices possible. Save on Ladies' Suits! Here is a terrific saving on ladies" suits Begular $39.95 ta $59.95 TEZ CANABL41q STATESMM. noirIL4NvrLt&- OMTAIM Fitted or flared backs. TOPAY CLEARING AT REDUCED' TO Choose from Jonathan 1 BUY THEM 39C 19C $1,98 $1.98 $7*93