High School P 1955 1955 '~COMMENCEMENT :BOWMÂN VILLE HIGH SCHOOJJ Friday, Novembe r 18, 1955 Durhamn County District High School Board Mr. W. B. Reynolds, Chairmon *Mi. ). c. Berger, Mr. G. L. Brackenbury, Mr. 1. R. Foulis, ,i Mr. . F. Heyiand, Mr. D. A. McGregor. M. C. Nîchois, Mr. L. A. Parker, Mr. John Rckard, Mr. H. R. S. riyan, Mr. Norman Srong, Mr. H. J. Thomas, Mr. H. B. Tiik, .4 Mi P. R. Wriddell, Dr. J. W. Wrirqht Mr. H. W. Mitchell, Socretary-Treasurer Teaching Staff SMr. L. W. Dippell, 1 A. . Pîricipal aznd Teocher mi Science SMra. M. S. Arati, BSEc. Teacher ot Homne Econormiro - ss E. J. Cunninqhüm, B.A. .. Teacher of English Miss E. A. Dale, B.A. ------ Tparlher otft.ower School Erigi.sh, Hisiory. and Commercial Subjecie ie Mr. R. G. Elliott, B.A., B. Paied. Teacher ai Guidance and History Mr&. D. E. Hochmann, B.P.H.E. Teacher of English, Physicai and Heaith Educcatiora SMr. L. G. Johnston ----- Teocher of Industriat Arts Miss F. M. Laycock. B.A.----- - Teacher of French and Germons SMis. A. V. Lewis, BA. 1 ---Tocher of Mathemnatics and Physîr', Mr. L. Lucas, B.A. - -.- Teacher of Mthematîrs Mr. V. W. Mathewson, S.A. -Tacher of iower School Mathematics an d Science Miss . A. McInnes, B.A. Taacher of Commercal Subjects -iMiss E. M. Mciaque. S.A. Teacher of Fench, English and History Mis. H. F. McMaser, MA. Teacher of Art and Enqlsis Yi. D. C. Peteis. L.T.C.M. Teacher of Music Mr. J. Ross, S.A. Teaicher ef Physical and Health Educaîjon eMirB. W. Sheridan,.B.A. Teocher of Latin and Greek Mr. W. M. Stacey, S.A. Teocher et Agriculture and Penmanship ýc. Mr. L. A. Swatiidge, B.A. - --- Teacher of Georaphy, Hîstoiy and Mathemotics -,.ý,j4iss A. G. Word, ELA.-- --- Teacher et L. S. Enqiish, History Aki%ýe and Commercial Subloîts Mrli. E. G. Wtheîspoon, B.A. -.. Tacher et Geoqîoiphy and Lower Schoot Subiects BANK 0F MONTREAL CUP For speed and accuracy in Typing Winner - Henry Yurko THE BANK OF COMMERCE PRIZE BTo the student obtaining the higbest standing in Baakkeeping. $10.00 in cash. Winner - Ross Elliott COMMERCIAL DIPLOMAS Wilmaïtates, Shirley Batbgate. Floyd Fowler, Mary Griffin, Marie Hughes, Mary Luxtan, Jane McClure, Margaret Smith. Jean Stainton, Henry Yurko COMMERCIAL CERTIFICATES Ross Elliott, Réte Wilkins ATHLETIC PRIZES Boys' Senior Championsbip ------------ - Douglas Woodlock Boys' Senior Runner-up -.----- William Brtînt rBoys' Intermediate Cbampionsbip John Fawler Boys' Intermediete Rîtnner-up------------ ----------- Charles Trim Boys' Junior Charnpioiiship - . - Wilbert Lemon Boys' Junior Rtnneî--up - -----------.--------- Donald Welsh Girls' Senior Charnpionislip------------------ Patricia Conway' Girls' Senior Runncr-uýp . -- ------- - -.- Joan Smith Girls' Intermediate Chanipiotiship -- ---------- Sharon Kilpatrick Girls' IntermediateRu:îip -.- Karen Brag Girls' Junior Capon p------ -- Peugie Simpson Girls' Junior iiunner-:ip -------------- Beverly Wraight INTER-SCJfOOI ,TRA(K AND FIEiD MEET (Bownîanvj]]e - Cobourg - Port Hope) The Inrer-ScbQol F'cPld Mert Trophv was won bY Bcowniativi1le 11gb School Boys' Senior Cbanipiorship ---- . - Douglas Woodlock Boys' Interînediete Cham pionsuîip -------- --,-- 1 John Fowter Boys' Junior flunner-up ------, - Wilbert Lemon Girls' Senior Chamnpîonship-- Patricia Conwav Girls' Serior Rtînncr-uip . Joan Smith Girls' Intermediate Cbamipionship- . Barbare Bathgate Girls' Intevm-ediate Runiner-tip ---. Sharon Kiloatricic P.HE. Mile ý-- ------- Bruce Colw-ell DAVIS (UP Donated b"- E. DAvis. in mert-or' of the lit, Mr. Jamies WI. Davis, ta t lie student who bias canitr-ibî.ited most ta Riîgb. Vîuer- dward Faire\- THE BA(;Ni:LL ,AIVARD -Donated h. Mir . L. Bagne]]. Io the student wbo bas contribultçd înast ta Basketball andi bas been a mieinher of a teain foir tbree vears. Winîuer - Barry~ Covvling DURHAM CSOL N'i DISTRICT 111611 SCIIOOL, BOARD PRIZES A"'arcled ta studriits obtaîiig the bighest standing in Grades IX. X, -Xi. XII and Commercial $25.00 inl cash. Grade IN Peter Rcvnolds Gr1ade XII - Allan Porteri Grade X -Aline(-r ldeians Jr. Con. - Shirley Abernetbv DAVID B'('KSPeAN MEMORI.AL pondedi bv MIrs. Davidi Buckspan in memorv of her hugtbanci, ta the student who bas cantributed most ta the Cadet Corps. %Vinner - Rager Banner STRATHCONA TRU'ST BEST SHOT AWARD ,A-ai'ded ta the best shot un theBwnile Cadet Corps % Wuiner- lHarvey Webber . u - THE CANADIAli STATECSMAN. IROWMANVnTLE, CNTAJ >rize Winners ILaw Assoc. Sfudying THEBONYASLEPRZESound System in Court Te the atudent who has shown most promise in Dramatics. $5.00 in books. Donor: Mrs. Maitland Gould. o o n i s B id n daughter of the late Dr. G. C. Bonnycastie Winner - Marilyn Herne At its regular quarterl~ fices which is being built or meeting held in Cobourg on the western approaches, ta Co DRAIMA AWARD Manday, November 14, folio v, bourg. He stated that work had ing the lst day of the Non-Jury begun on the project on Satl Awarded by the Literary Society Sittings of the Supreme Court lurday. November the 5th when Winners - Ronald Turner, Elizabeth Prower at Cobourg, the Northumber.. Warden of the Ujnited Counties. 1 landj and Durham Law Associa- Allen Beer, turned the firzt THE DEVITT AND FERGL'SON PRIZE ýtion held its annual electiofh of sod. The building is ta be k officers. Mr. Erdman Friesen .split level structure with the Awarded to the boy and girl, elected by fellow students, who of Port Hope was unanimously single storev facing Provincia! shawed diligence in studies and other school activities, cheerful returned as President and the Higbway Number 2. sulmission ta authority, self-respect, and independence flof char-r-eecedt acter, readiness ta forgive offence, desire ta conciliate differences theolin erfies:Hre-leted tagto ifrind h of others and moral courage and unflinching truthfulness.. man Q.C., of Cobourg, Vice- meeting that the contract for $10.00 in books. President; Alan Sti-ike of Bo %-' the building had been awardec Donors: The late Dr. J. C. Devîtt and the late Mr. E. S. Ferguson. manvjlie. Secretarv-Treasurer; ta Almsted and Parker of Winnersi Girls - Marilyn Spicer; Boys- Kenneth Brooks M. A. O'Shea o! Hastings, Beni Hamilton and that work was Thompson of Brighton and W. ta be completed not later thar THE MeGREGOR PRIZE E. Bonneville Q.C. of port August 3lst, 1956. The special Hlope, Directors: Harvev Brent property committee of the Un- Awarded ta the best student in Latin and English I and Jim Irvine of Cobourg and ited Counties Couincil was in the Upper School. $l 0.00 cash. Stuart Ryan Q.C. of Port Hope, highly praised by Mr. Creigh- Donors: Ms Helen McGregor and Mr. Alex McGregor LibrarY Committee; and Harry ton for their considerable tinie' Winner - Janet McGregor Dýeyman Q.C. and James lé. and effort and their attitude of vineAuditrs c-operatian in completin tho TH SUAR RIEDuring the, business meeting plans of the new building. He a comrnittee was set up ta stu-alohnkdte awAsc- Awarded te the best student in Upper School French. ciy the matter o! an amplifying tion and its building comit- $5.00 in books system for the Court Room, tee and His Honour Judge M1ii- Donor: The late John Squair. Esq., MýA.. Professar o! French,lHearinig Room and the County e. o hi-mayhlflsg Universitv af Toronto. Counicil Chambers in the ngesisreadn th cot Winner - Janet Me\IGregor Counties' building and ta brinigrom ndoutfics U'PPER SCHOOL CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS PRIZE information and possiblY r?- Followving dinner, Mr. Justicc comimendations in this regard Barlow of' the S!îprýeme Court For the highest standing in Upper Scehool Cheinistry and Ph'.sics. before the special properýY of Ontario, the Judge pr-eziding, $10.00 in cash. comrnittee af the Couintie-s at the Non-Jur- S itliigs, ad- Donor: Mr. L. W. DippellI Council which is in charge of dressed the gaibering on1 hýs Winner - Kenneth Brooks the planning of the new build- recollections and impressions ing ta bouse the court and af the British Commonwealth, :ouinties' offices. Law Conferece held in-, Lon- THEJOLIFE RIPlaof New Counties' don. England this sunimer. Mi*' THE OLLFFEPRIE 1Justice Barlowv was greatlv irn- Building Explained pressed with the hospitalitv aof The Jolliffe Prize, in nipemoi-N-of! te Mr. Bob Creigbton aif Bar- tlie Englishi peuple. Arthç ir late Liputenant Reginald Joliffp, nei and Rieder, architcîs iý f 1jWilmantt Q.C. and W. E. awardrdta the best stuident in Upper Sehool Histaî'y. Tor-onto and Port Ilope showecd Bonneville, Q.C., niembpis <if $10.00 in books Iplarî off the nexv building lotI oi' Couities' bar, who also al- Winner - Janet INeGregar 1<antain the court room and3 tcnded the conference, spolke .ouirt office,; and Couinties' of- ib-ieflv an their recollections. n 0- ad le )r STOVE CIL 20O10 ROTARY CLUB PRIZE hT~ as resumed is stage mail FUEL.CLux6. jI Nestlefon Siafion route andi partial sight is re- To the student %vitb highest standing in Upper Sctiool subjects, tut ning ta the injured eose. Fr Dlvr who in addition, bias won the school crest atnd hanours in at least (Intended foi' iast week) Congratulations ta Mr. and five subjects. $25300 in cash. In the o\-ettoaf the crest not _.Mr. and Mî's. Lorenzo Mouti- ivIr.s. Lorenzo Moî.intjoy who: having been wvon hy the student with highcst standing, $15.00! o and i-. andi Mîs. Kennetb celebrateci their silx-cr wedding is aw'arded ta the stîîdent ai-d the rentaining $10.0 ta the;iSaàmeIls were recent visitors ;anniversar, % on Octobet' 29th. A Athletic Societies. will Mir. and Mrs. Arthur surîprise famil 'v gatbering was PhoneO sa a R S.10 Winner - Janet McGi'egor Peaî'ce, Oakville. helci in H-ampton at the borne Mr. andi Mrs. Marvin Hill ai' i'fbei' brother, Mir. andi Mr. Pleasant Point. visiteci Mr. and Cecil Slernon, which proved ta _________________________________ THE OSKN PIZEMrs. Nelson Marlow. be a douîble celebiation. i THE OSK N P IZEMi. and Mrs. Robert Grabam M -. and MVrs. Tom Brigg - The Hoskin Prize for Ille highest standing in the o mmewr iioswr owr areiaya g Upper Sehool Exemitiations. $5.00 in books. Mirs. Wesley Campbell. in Europe w7here Totn was on GleiadSlia' Donor TheleteJohnHaski, Es., LL.D.Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Wil- a newspapei- and raedio cmi ilei ndSllva' Donr: he ateJoh Hski, Eq.,L.LD. iaies andi Janice î'isited Mt'. mnat assigniment Énd Ja Winner - Janet McGregor andi Mrs. Lonnie Chapman andI taking a posI graduate course! family, North Bay, avec the ivnie ret'tpients aof lovelv gifts Comic Operella '.veekend. Mrs. Neil Baile 'vand andi taken completelv by sti- THE LONS LUB RIZEMiss Katherine Bailev weiîi îî as Tom xvas pflànning the TH IN LU RZ ith- theni. then !lew *ta Sud- I oCc.sian foi' bis auint andi lini-, For the, biglîcat standing in the Upper School Mathemaitice. br't ii r n i.J .îe.\r ui1le vanj " ' ' I I 510.0 in csh IMarlow vandi famils, off Lively. Bath 'colples expressecd theii--. I 72. ~ 1.,af re Donor.Th in cu.Ba nvlIMr. anc Mts. Jas. Naylor aof thanks ýfor the beautifut gifI.ýý1 1S Dono: Te Lins lub BowanvlljPeffer]ew, visiteci Mr. and Mms. andi ail enjayeci a !amilv dia- Winner - Kenneth Brooks Graent Thonîpson, Mir. and Mr.-r. ner comiplete witb Wedding by Harry Philp and Mi'. and MrF. cake miade by the hasteZý. Charles Devolin Of Stirling, Those in tendance on thiî; GODERTR [BERCMAYSHLRHPalso calleci an the Thompsons. happy occasion -were Mr. anri o m nil ig colSuei TH ODYA IE IBBRCMAN COLRHP Mi-. and Mrs. Eli Mairs have Mrs. Lorenzo Mýountjov ,-and ~ o m nil Ig colSue Awarded ta pupils of Grade XI1I, stanîding first atîd second 1 been visiting at ttie home Of Miss Rose MoaujvNestle- et respectively in genoral proficiency in the following suibjects. their son. Mr. andi Mis. Norman toi,: Mcj. Chaýrtes ;Br.i.g, M" Englishi, thî'ee Mathematics, a Foreign Language, andi twOý erPt- er.aîdMs o rggs and Mir Sciences. Fîrst prize, $75.00, second prize, $25.00. 1c niMs Rse ebt and ivIrs. Bill BriggF, ail off To- T .A k of Toronto, stapped oveî' wîtiî L-)t:IA Ilhro ýltitj Donai-: The Goodyear Tire & Rubhor Company 'of Canada THEîno: TO W N HALL ,ltîtj 1 lle Neshilis on their Way to M/r. and Mis. Mervin Moctn*tju' HEý1v Winners: lst - Kenneth Brooks; 2nd - Donald Laird -visit bis aunt. Mrs. Levi Mc- andi the hast andi bostess. on H 1GuI, Peterbora. aed Mrs. Cecil Slemon.1 ail aifO There lias been considoerable j.Harîîptoiî. Colout-ed filis of, fE THE HAROLD F. LONGIVORTH MEMORIAI, SCHOLARSHIP j a pleasuî-e ta report sain" j Tom and Jean Briggs, and a u s v d.-m r.*rm Awaî'ded ta pupils o! Grade XIII for general praficiency, 1much impraved. Cearat Robrer happ% teiiiiion concluded the Candidates must write on at least eighit papers, Frencli arîd i us home fcom bospital i'aîlow- eial occasion. i German being a requisite. If in arnv vear, no student qualifies; ing blooci poisaning tn lber fa.: i Nesilefon Preýrh\ ter1an Cbui-01~ ~ l ~ ~ < -I ~ in Gei-man, Latin mev be stîbsti .ttteci for that vear. and Garry Rabrer ,ince having lNdoui raî eye Iv. 2 9 3 0W-D ec.le Fît'st, $75.00): second, $25.0 bis ronsils andi ad enaicis cernov- Sund a- wih Re\ . Johrt Hart ofr Donars: Mr. andi Mcii.fi. E. Langworth. iin memor'y ai theit' son, ed. Mr. M. J. Ga\', music stiper- CeîîîgLu. ge.1î speakei.o Haroldi F. Longwvortb ha h set'ved as Modemns. Teacher and i s itipi'oviuig nicely, fOL Tme-Ilpm Rugby Coach in Bawmanville I-igh Sc'hool. lowiiig bis aperatian iin Osii- Mrsvea rigrn i' K-irkfiplîl r. Winniers: lst -Janet MeGregor; 2nd - Elizabeth Prower a wa Hospital lest ,weýek.-Harr"t" e gav andrgavred IlhDMSfoN ------- 7 cnt Vender Hotulsuffet-eci esevere tesI i 'e adfior îîre wMitbMc- riOh CLIt oa salalin hhenco wiingaM". eutonbislet hndwit aCov Public School tracher ai'f Tickets niay be obtained frorn any High School power saw wbîle working otisang SECONDARY SCHOOL HONOUR GRADUATION DIPLOMAS -('soluoisi PO aa.at5îîk t he san tw seried conoloscahontae mot'tiingt servicr student, at Bérry's Book Store or Rickaby's "Big 20" 100 eaî-ly ta knaw if power xii ii i u eeigA -îî______________ Kennetb Brooks, Get-da Craig, Tanva Godidard, Rav Gobeen.I retuco ta the index fitîger bu'Cot ritd ihvr iej Patricia Hooper, Donald Lait-d, Janet McGregor, Shirlev Milîs, frietîcs aie hoping for the belr Cir 1ý1Id\,hvr'vfn Sily Pollock, Elizabeth Prower. Shirley Quatîtrili, ai' news. i much l pprtiumeswib ec.Setua Ronald Titrt't, Hazol 'vebbei'. S.ympatbv is extendeci oth blmubapeiaei noens t 0:0 rn, antheay, ov. Taylor', Nesbitt and Malcolm L~adies' Aid Meeting ~ at the High School Auditoiu an teeatt SE(ONDRY CHOL RADATIN DPLOAS faînilies ln the saci passing off Nestleion Laedies' Aid nie.a- 1nta Alex McGî'egor's Drug Store '«CODARYSCHOL GADUAION IPLOAS îwo ai' Iheir immediate femi'. j be,-s met Tuesdav eveniag atI Rea 'vAshton, Ir'is Axffoîd, Pats 'v Bagnell, William Brunt, Janis tne acl a li h oea n iat ev,, ______________________ Bufteî'y, Fred Car'ter, Carat Chant. Helen Cale, Ingri Conwa, ta rest ont Monday ai'ternoan Sylvia Caverly, Dona Dillîîîg. Robert Faire',, Marie Ferguson, in Cadmus Union cemetery and Charainîe Fisk, Betty Gibsoti. Joan Gibson. Nancy Hamnlin, on1 Wednesday afterrtoon Mr., Lorelei Hetberington. Donialdi Leask, Mac- Lewýis. John Luinn. Narman Taylor' was buriecinii Paige Ly cett, Joe Marklc, Nancy Mitchell, Donta ia oorcraft,i the samle îemetery. It wes bu! Patricia Morîll, Katie Olesen . James Parkhtll, Mailene Peel. e afew mont.hs ega titat Mr. Heu- Allen Porter. Morley Rît-bards, Leurie Stapleton. Michjel Varcoo e.jbrt Taylor passeci awav. Ail BRING US YOUR Harvey Webber, Rae Wilkitns, Douglas Woodlock, Irene X'urko. thu ee were chilciren aof the laie 1 AsnTaylor, one off Cart- wtights eai-l'v pioneers and O E P O L M STI'DENT 'OL'NCII staunch citizens. Mess"s. Stanley and Ronald ~ Teacher Acivisot', Mr. E. G. Witherspoon; Presîdouit, Natîcv, Arscatt off Totronto, were iin Mitchell: Vice-President. Maie Feî-gusan: Secretarv, DoreetiNoleoaver Itle weokend ltoi~ Ogdein: 'r'easut-er, George Marlow:ý, Publicity, Bort Weirv:j îelp vitil construcilion et j If you need cash ta pay medical ..ouncillors: Douglas Cettreti, Tom Park. Terry, Price, Barbare, Johiiex Arscott's place. Ail at e Battigate, Eleanai' Osborne: Form Ropre-sentahives: 9A, Dan lne10ko th Jnrvrdnalbls ocnoiae Catti-an . 9B, Gai-lb MeGîli: 9C. Ronald Pollock: 9D. Jovceleae nwta oioV rdna us...t osldt i - our debts . . . ta buy an auto- McLean; 9E, Robert Archer: 1IOA. Fî-ed Fisk: lOB. Jeanne Mackie: /F OC', Glenni Crosse\ :Il1A. H-arIILe' Lewis: Il1B. Marletie Lakinu: moie.. rfrafy te IIRyCordon: 12A, James Frguson: 12B. Glen Rit-bards: îA IlIbrook;nbie. Morfrn iote 12 oiLC. Mary Anrî Smalp i Î3. ar 'hqnt"I I ~ ~ IV1 fents per gai. .1 LITERARY SOCIETY Slce o Teecher Aciîser. Miss E. J. Cunningham~: Pî'esident, Marie Trenton Positioni Ferguson; Vice-President, Toni Park: Secretar.v, Marilvn Homne: Treasurer. Robert Do,,%. Forni Represenhatives: . .9A, Lana Well known in Bowmanvilie Purdy: 9B. PhîIlis Hox\,elis: 9U. W ýaYne Mevin: 9D, LIai-ci atnciCartwright districts, Mr Stainton: 9E. Gregory Cooper; li0A. Peter Belseov: lOB, Wn, Alex Gilbert, Mllbrook gtocee Hoaper; ]OC. Davic i\iian: 11lA. Camille Smith:;I1lB, Suzenne Iwililo ave later ibis moîîth la Thorapson: I11C, Arnoldi Dow'soe: 12A, Kr'ith Hensîti-:v 12B, iassuime the position ai' Chaî- Evelyn Brown; 12C, Robert Daw; 13, Rav Ashton. ber off Commerce Sot-rter' .Manager et Trenton. Ho w-es also a prominent applicent forl i GIRLS' ATHLETI(' SOC'IETY thie position here. which wasi awarded ta Mr Keiineth Mac-1 Teacher Aciviser. Mrs. D. E. Hochmann: President, Eleanor ris. Osborne: Vice-President, Barbara Bathgate; Secretary-Treasurer I Mr. Gilbert goes ta Tretnton June Mutton. Conveners: Vollevball, Diane Austin; Basketbeîî, J rom an identicai post wîtb the Beverly Cawling: Social. Evelyvn Brow-n, Rene Dilling, KarenuMlb-okac dsrc1cabî Mutton. Form Representati os- 9A. Bevet'lv Smith; 9B. Myrna o! commerce. He was chosen Peterson: 9C. Janeen Cameron: 9D, (;G&en Kane: 9E, Diene Trim: I ira m 12 applicants for the po.i, 10lA, Patricia Clîpetham: lOB, Sharon Kilpatrick: 10C, Carole j x'ha weio ..narcowed down tro Oke.: 11A, Barbera Batbgate: 11lB. Beetrice Hadgson;liIC. tbree before the final choice Barbare Graham: 12A. Electior Osborne: 12B, Patricia Conw'ea w- ai 12C., Mariene Pool: 13. Evelvn Pascoe. wExpmae.n ofdeîe t lie xvoiild fulfill bu dzrdties taý 'l'reniton«.i benetut. Mr. Giber' BOY~S' -ATHLETJ(' SOCIETY ilaid *:hp Trenton board bhat ho Sîmnpre.sed with wbhat tir- 'leat-iur Aciser, Mr. J. Ross: Pronident, Dougids Cettren: V. d seen off the town. and \,.s Vice-President, Tort v Prune. Sceai Robert Dowv. Committee aîitst aîcpt nn Chairnuen: Finatnce. Bari-v Cowling: Social, Keithl Hensley: pro.gres. Volleyball. Tomi Park: Basketball. John Fowler; Games, Williamn I aigtemv.ten Hooper; Badminton,. George Marlox. Form Representatives: l aigtemv.tent 9A. Wiibert Leman: 9B. Bill Osborne; 9C. Ralph Clark; 9D, Jack jsecretat'y-rnanager bas decided O'Neîl: 9E. Rov Client: IOA. Chai-les Trim: lOB. Davici Reynolds; Iho el] bis grocery store at Mill- ]OC, Dan Kearne': t1lA. Ranalti Clemens: 11B, Davij Kellet: brook where he bas been pré- I IC, Raiph Da\,ex.: 12A. Bar-r% 'oiig 12B. Edward Feurev: doo i'Mlbro nddî LIC. Robert 5taceýý; 13. Douglas WYýoodlock. n1ambor, home and schoal a.- taociation. anid the Lion& club. %vorthwie purpose, %v have the loan to meet your needs. A low-cost loan is the sensible way to salve 3-our f(mandiai problems. Tailor-made to f it your budget, it provides the cash when you need it, with a min- imum of red tape . . . aIlows plenty of time for payment. . . . The Beihvue office is open te assibt any G.M. emplo3'ee ..Our experiencedl advisors wiIl consider your problems in confidence . . . help you work out the Iban plan best suited to your particular needs. Stop in and taýk it over with us toda3. BELL VUE FINANCE CORPORATION LTD. G. H. WILSON, Manage. 294z SIMP*COE ST. S. OSHAWA nIA&r RA glitts.,.it a-.3.1J i Vigor Oit Co. Ltde. FUEL CIL and STOVE CIL fCanadians. Mrs. Klaas Vîciger help shortiage. As a result ei invited the ladies ta her home gration la almost at a standstill ta hear o! ber recent visit to but visiting between nations is th ehrlands and ta vle.v on the incre&e. Price campari- the many memeups of their ons were madie and %we leart. horeland. ed that 1.00 in Canadien mon- Mrs. George Wolfe, Presýi.e,,,'Iwil buy $4.00 warth of dent, occupied the chair, and gocis lin ber homeland. Laii- Miss Ruthi Proutt conducted the guages too are differext-hcr devotional dealing with the 0w n province being Eriesiand. theme "Peace*'. A number f We vere then invited ta viev ibusiness items vee disposelI ber traphies. beautiful furiu:- f ndi proceecis of the supper ture. painings, silverware anud were $52.00. It was decideci ta waollen blankets brought %wit:i make a donation Of$55.00 ta-1 them. China. silver and bracS-« ward the Doîl Fair for Port ware were exquisite and the~ Perry H o s p i t a 1 Auxiliary, 1 workmenshîp and carvng n Chrîistmas cards for sale were I the furniture was beautifu!. distributed and a thank yoiL 1 Hawv much %we bave ta lea ii extendeci ta the caretaker forf about these friencis, their cuii- is labour given gratis. re. cold t-y, customs andi capabilities. air registers. An appeal for theWetutheenopecan Prebyterian Girls Home re- fellowship in their new land. <'ently ecquired at Clarkson brought forth a most interest- Mrs. Cecil Wilson andci Nî ing account of the beautifill Ruth Proutt assisteci Mrs. Vli..-. buildings and grounds as seen gel' with a dainty iunch in- by Mrs. Cecil Wilson when ber cluding sanie of the aoi brother worked on the estate. Dutch cookies andci eocolate et the tîme owned by the lale wbich we aIl enjoyeci. A veîv Mr. MeMullen. bearty thank you was tender- ed ta Mis. Vleger for ber bus- Mrs. Vleger told us most in- pitality andi interesting talk. teresting tales o! ber oce an ____________ voyage, by* uLse of a large mapI of the Netherlancis she outlin-1 Before the Second Woi ed the eleven provinces %iii War Biain epre olt their variaus occupations aciCanada. Now. with Britih resources, and made the state- mines socializeci, Canada ex- ment that some factaries havelfports coal ta the United King~- er 91 TT ci