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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Nov 1955, p. 12

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President, Mns. D. R.L Dewdney; Vice Presidenit Mns. K"y- SUe- pheso:Creari Ms.XeenPlants Popular at Trinity Fi Fi Bowen; rasurer, Mrs. Peggy Boyd; Dorcas Secretary, Mrs. ' Vi Neilson; Flower Secretay Mrs. Gladys Belsey; L!ttle Helpers' Commnittee, Mrs. Lenar Gordon Agnew, Edilor Phone 3621 Garrod; Foodçonvenor, Ms ,The annual Toy Shower fory the Bracebridge Mission wl! be held at the next meeting Social and Personal Vincent Masse y Sends drSwe alenofe cd n Mr. Ronald Pingle and boys in wishing him a speedy recov- clothing will leb pakd of Courtice and Messrs. Stan ery. ebr frtevxhneo and Erie Hodgson of Bowman- Mr. and Mrs. Melville JonesR g s t5Pom it eegifts to be made attexChriet- ville visited with Mr. Harry of Newtonvile were Sunday NR a as banquet. Hdsnon Sunday. guests with Mr. and Mrs vitecls o-temetig Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Carveth, George Kimbaîl and family W ! n111 ,,A hecoeo1temeig Mr. and Mrs. John Rickard, Mr. and Mrs ' George Wa1ton WiInvi é M rN. 'Duna n refreshments wvere served and Mr. and Mrs. Brenton Riekard, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Les a social time enjoyeg by the Mr. and Mrs. Ken Stephenson, Nicholls in Bowmanville on At a meeting of the Centen. Colwill and the Rev. M. C. memibers. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Knox and Sunday. niai Committee held in the Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Toms re- Friends of Mr. H. S. Britton Community Hall on MondayT i presented the local Lions Club will be pleased to learn that he evening, a letter from GoverîI- A report from the PublicjtvY ON at the Regional RalIy held in has recovered sufficiently from ment House was read stating i t ion of Archestnoncgthe rc T R Lindsay on Tuesday evening. his recent serious illness to be would flot be possible for His inoArhsaouegtc Friends of Mr. Percy Hare allowed to return to his home. Excellency the Governor Gen- centennial celebrations at the Honor Three Couples will be sorry to learn that he Mr. and Mrs. Frank Part- eral to be in Newcastle on the *hree highway entrances to the Presentations 'vere held on has beeen confined to his home ridge and Carol visited wîth dates chosen for the Centennial village, the purchase and dis- Saturday evening in the Com- suffering from pneumonia for Mr. and Mss. Leonard Stone- Celebration. Following consid- tribution through a district munity Hall frtetrenw the past week. Ail will j0ofl us burg in Oshawa en Sunday. erable discussion it was decided d eevn maotct-e Dul aBarridcus.wsmser0 . to invite Mr. Duncan ofth .vertising theeet otc- DulsBr Ma ssey-Hasris -Fergu son Co. ta îng Toronto Daily newspapers ceremonies for the occasion. 1 - le a r offcite at the opening cer- eeking their co-operation in M s. John Broo nie and M rîx.o ri a , N v. 1 a Ch i m n J . J s n nd t e p bi ai n o o k T e D v y Sses ~ i he fThe 1,l adiýers o t e W A.Boothel d inth a l i rbo rt .L f o nounced that through cîrcum- combrning the program and ail with dancing. Rev. Fesci some oftelde fteWA h epedrinht' Mrb.R. stances beyond his control M1% historical sketches of the vil- Jackson proved ýthat the hand Byers, Miss Edith Bennett, Mrs. R. Endersby, Mrs. Win. Walae isL akcn P u lc R l to saltend temei r oi- - An additinal cemmittee \as h f agie bridesand girls attended the christening E TalVLL danwho played agreat pr i omd for tepurpose Teoiftrcetof r.LodBehs N W O V LEl B y O K e e si the success of the Powassan copln it falpsil groom calleà on were Ron:Hi childreîî Saturday evening at IP -Fchwchto ple hiad been invited taass i-redtofhe village or ds A. Rsva ed nadesBcech, Maple Grove, this beini Toronto spent the weekcnd with rene nStra.Nv 9h With 26 members nattend- charge ef Public Relations for cemmittee in planning for the cendants of formes residents. and presented thern with a bath grandinothers' birthdav.0 Mr. and Mss. Sid Brown. ..SMetn alice, Lion Rud Carveth pro- the U-)Keefe Brewing Ce. Litd. celcbration. Due te the illness This cemmittee will be coin- Kroehler recking chair, a has- Mr. and Mrs,. A. H. Brent M.adMs arneSvr oebrmeig o h sided at the regular meeting Introduced by Lien Bill Sterksof two members et the Histor- posed as follo,,vs: Mrs. Nettie sock, and a wrought iran aslisetwe ih Mr. and f Osha a en e Sunaey t ~II \a e edvNv ut th Newcstle ions hie te speker eplaind thefunc-ical 'Cemmittee e s-.S uteCaîmnad - ray and magazine stand.. Lew- ss. R. aooek, OshMa nd *saw r. andMs. Clelandane. lth , ntehm fMs . hield in the dining ream of the I1 tien ef the public relations. de- Britton and C.R. Carvethi, Masan, Miss C. Butler. Miss B is Phillips sepresenting tlie Mr. and Mss. W. King, Osh. Mr. and M ss. Doeln Vn làons Queen's Hotel on Thursdà-j ,partment defining it as '"The three additionalrnienibers wev.e Mclntosh, MisE. Lockha.i',,fotb alltem ses stntd tenaa r n r.Jh ike Almmeste ati il evening. most important phase of ativ added te this cemmittee, Mi -. Mr. W. E. Benlan and Mr. H wihas ksstd. Rahin and children, Blac-- elvleoe teweedSuypeid ntc o o During the business portion business, as it means gettin*Ï Wallace Holmes Ms. Irwin1 C. Bonathan. Mr. Clarence Woodley read an stok; r.andMrevianevlMs an Ms. cltheusignn! tFrd ito Msiniscr] of the meeting, Lien Fred alosig with the people.'" H addresIo Dorothy and Ross Hall and girls with Ms.r io yehr ihM. andMs.eavad ckn adhn- Couch, reporting fer the Civic said ail salesman must Pt , , Shrp ,nd p"esented thm als;o oMss. A. Rahm.r. ndMrs Improvement Committee au- trainiing thraugh the public se- w itlî a Kreehler rocking chair, Hasry Xade on Sunday. pcsige ai vsdsusd nouee tatth trshcas adlaton dponnPt efrethv bln a hassock and a wrought ir n Mr. and M'-s. Gordon Whit- Mr. and Mss. Arthur Red- Ais aclfo'Kra"a ail been repainted and placed go out ta selI, because gon'-i G o d m n d 1al trav and miagazine stand, taker and Eva Ann, Msr. anîd knap spent the weekend withicused on the streets again. Lions public relations makes for Ae Douglas Bais sead an addreýs Mrhs * M. Smile\, Hamilton: lM-2. Ms. and Mss. Edgar Whittakerj adi eb ett s Murray Patterson and Chas. continuing business on an eve.- In ta Bess;e and David Craig, ac r.K amadb~s tHmlo.CciCaehii prctint Megit, who had been delegated scale. FI s S oc i y D etimi eii x leî lhey wei-e presentert visited Ms. and Mss. W. Rahmn. Ms. and Mrs. Melville Joncs 1 the aylmsh isavnu ta meet with the village court- 1Mr. Watson cited Trans-Can- JIwith a Kroehier roeking chai.-,1 Recent visitars of Ms. and xitli Mr. and Mss. Geor-ge Kim- 1 pleauet i itss clrgrigtegvrietaaAirlines as an example et a hassock and a bed spread Mrss Geosge Alldread xvere: bail of Newcastle on Sunday. grant for recreatienal equip- poar public relations, stating( 1I Each responded and expre'ss- IMr.* and Mss. Frank Goe. Mss. John Pearce and Mss. etsf aihu ebrMs ment installed in the park. se- that in the air, Trans-Canada i. B .C T U . Metncd thir i5 icose tliaiks f0r the Donald and Gai], Oshia,,a..rn ime capne is onLnatrmvn eB~' ported the counicil members the best in the world, but on lox eiy gifis received and ail' hir. and MIss. D. AlcrcJ ne Symons of Welcome and imail. had O.K.'d the application. the ground it is the pearest. Im- The maonthîx meeting et the The nieditation w a', carilihv 1h iejdwtl h reeti Ewîî'.ll.speit the weekend with Mis. Stllakn $30)e et Six members and their wivevs1 proper instruction et ils cmn- Wamaîî's Chýiîstian le nper- Mis Hoar and Mss M. C. Fisjj io- . Ar i ejoyable e\_cning Mis. Norniay 1Bveî's, M:-. Mbl LnoagaraFMis soisude an hoeeracihs agreed te represent the club ployees in public relations lie anrce Union was held in thi er led iii prayer. do-cd witlî an abundant lunich. Ida Jackson, Toraîîta; visited r k ýith Ms. and Mss. . .D on atisbsdorepseeeu at the Regional Rally being said was respensible fer driv- Boar-d Ro tteNxesl h lp Sîe niî Grant GlaspelI w-as a guet Ms. tt Vrtu.Mooe.f amitndfor heJ.eC- held in Lindsay on Tuesday ngbsies wa.Th sek cUidCi,,uîch on Thursdy Gambling and Lotteries' wjs of th I aisCubf l e l/ir. and Mrs. Robest Bailex-, end. missos'e e ci-l n evening, Novembar 22. as gave many examples 0f Peooratternoon with the Presidenil censideîed and it was decided 1 4-1-l Clublwinners et Oshaw.\a Mr. and Ms D. Park anîd fani- RcntiitswthM adgge inW ,Sogaitin Public Relations was the sub- salesmanship and said ilt taka.s IMs. Sewden prcsiding. Due t la ohxcs rn nta! F RBwîinvle ws 5ce Ms nd vs rw ilth M re! Ed'achnebrto w aeî jeet chosen by the guast spcak- ke opttont epbs-illness and bad eather, eniy the indivîdual and ta teCobsia kencmlieont ee ui who:e , rs Leslie Coîe 'sget n udyo i nIM.and Mss.D. Siihth ad ssrs esel!hepeIlît ~a er of the evenng, Ms. C. S. fless oni its tocs. a tew ladies wcre in attend- Society Who indulged in îîîem. ninncr gu[est on Suîîdav et Mr. îfiýss. Wlter Park Jr. Ismila Selway al Toronito: Ms. in cag tsux eidaî Watson, Vice President in In speaking et the Canadian ance. According tae eesttme and Mss. Reg. Ceembes, Bo,,w- M.adMs .Alîedad s.PryGen1l t av ihihse he hp ____________________standard et living, Ms. Watson Owing t ailbsncleeteMnreihtaetthdmneMrîs-Ïmavileead atede te aledonMsvad ssHebandmavilean Ms.Wiîni trset"N VnilîngRae. said one in every fous Can-- secretary and treasures, their by the Irish Swepstakeswa christaning of thei r son Doi-,- Murray, Osono. ndetTrnt.Nemmbs dians own cars in comparisen reports were given by Mss. W. given tethie Irish Hospitals 21d t S. John's Anglican Fous teache:-s froni Toronto Ms. ndle Mssrnt. Wlrd od Nex etnga s. ie N OT IC E t n neey22ih Iran Clemence and Mss. Sowden, aid in extensioni xosk, bit 1 Church. Teachers Collagce visited Our -- Curtain countries. He said their sespactively. It was decided te since, has had ta e ha îscc for-! Ms. and Mss. A. Youingînti .cllora weck. Misses He- Will the person or persons is more money in savings bank make a donation tow-ard the the general maintenance of t ,. and bovs %with Mr. and Mss. N. ei Millei- and SinmoneMua who ickd u th bo of accounts, securities, etc., than banches anîd dsinking tounitain hospitals bease idviulLea cli,'Taunton., iki teda h r om lock frm te Nwcatle ever before in history and. ex- baing placed in the Interna- donations which werc used for Roy Youngmnan spent a weki Misses Francine Zack and 1 Community Hall please r e- pand that geod supervision tional Peace Garden by the this work have almest caasad 'wihemiaunPr etaMs. and ss AJdS. e en l M eetingelirro a t turn them to where the y and salcsmanship are required Amarican and Canadian W.C. The meeting xvas braught to tehm fM.aA r.J r om were found as they are us e- te get the people te spand this T.U., as a Peace GiftI fom the a close with the Mizpah Ba'î- Xixal, Solina.metn todsusIrgtn ilhaedî'te less elsewhere. Also, the me:ney and keap it in circula- local Union. ediction repaated in tmison. - Ms. Leslie Warren, Whitbx.. Organize Newv ClubAmetn odsu Irgi Persoli whe borrowed the tien. In this way it is bettes xvas tea guest Sunda venn Thirteen girls efthie Tyrone j foh Ms. andconMss.edH. Bran area niet at the haine et Ms--.. . O IHC N D extension Iadder front the oor eMryonacdncrned.AHma ellowleas n Thusday hall la requested te return it In closing, the speaker said I DLarIcrxIRosavear, Kamptvilla, Almini a ' 1' twee o eîp-s.., lmmediately. Prompt return PulcRltos hudsa onate $175virs. oed ey set the weekend ah his home,.o ~ i aî et these articles will saveo wi thin the four walls et the M'~1rs. M. G. Staphens, Mr. frthe oMlk W"lbCL B HA L office trubet the top man in the ToArthur Staphans, Toronto, vis- "h ik a" futrtrulbfusies, 'who shoud be public H feID Pay Re-elected as itd M. and Ms. R. Burgess~ The ollowing people were nt 8 p.m. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ m i n d e d n s h u l d h a v e a g o o d j a n d M . a n d M s . W .__ _ _ _ _H .__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T a y - e l e c t e d t a o f f i c e s : P r e s i d n t - raionhidwith his employ- lo~J1r. Kay Davay: Vice Pres.-Aud- \~ eaos hîp o,ýR n ia in W . .P e ie trey Wood; Sec.-Treasureii- W ednesday, .D c7h FORee. \eIov II n .reljnr Mss. W. Hughson leftt ast Lran oeer rs e FOR A 'vote of thanks to the ~week te spend the winher wihhLran oeva;Pes1e As oeake o hankteretin n h e ua etn fte h vnn rnhher daughter and son-in-lawv porter-Elizabeth Knox. Rpeettvsfo.Poic U N C Ei s p e r f ort i sntere s tiga n o v d T eri e g p ubar m eeti g o nth e enn g ra n c h et S t, . a n d M s. G . A rn o ld , U n : I l w a s d c id d t e h o ld th e R p e e t t v s f e r v n i l G v r m n e t . F U R N A C E on b ha ît et the m em bers by W ednesday v ning w th 31 m et in the a ish Hal o N v i lle. mdesseLme An is ingsat o:3 . Tedne xt m eeing int r iv l d resbson w as o ve ric d h p C u e a eor s W o a s An i iav m e in s en1dn s ay e e -th e G a n ara sk a W a tersh e d A t o ty e c. INSTALLATION Lin Hsl Gboih 5- members and tous guests iniembas 16t1î with 25 members Mand il rvsitoed M s n at 7:ha .held n Dacmetngwi7.epr sentecl a bushel et local grown attendance. Wîth the Pewill ad hidenbcste Mpadsresent. n eemer7 or"Mc"hMsWasn, in ahendance. The prayars Mrs. Fred Bignell, TeronteO. Taylor's. Miss Frances Eaveslroughingta r. atsn.M s. Helen Ruddell presiding , wera read by the presdent and Mr and Mrs. S. Gbe and La m n, he o e eon -T is e tng wl be f in ret t a th etn pndwt h co-swcra given by the beys wvere Sunday evng ist %vill be presant. Ti etn ilb T1CKET8singing et a hymn, followad by Treasurer, Darcas and Flewer c as s. .K- trcshest discussion on General and TobaccoFres CALL TO EVERYIVHERE prayes led by Mss. Fisher. Secretaries. hale. thf Mr.isamdnts e C. GOULD ~~Air, Rail or Steamship During the business portion A report e. the ard party Msind Ms. Lloyd Har and and soe simple ues te, te- AL INEE ED EPL AR WLCM a ontin t eltb the Little Halpers' chldscn, Montreal, visihed his low whan working with food, PhJ U Y & L o V E L L $100 was made te the Woman's 'ommittee sacenhly was given mothar. Mss. S. T. Hoas and the leaders Mss. Ycllowlaes H .LnCara Newcastle Pone 3686 1 3owmanville Missionasy Society and atter by the President. The _party Ms. and Mss. A. Hoas. and Marie Taylor, damenstra-H.K 1KigSt. W. NIA 3-5778 considerable discussion the wsa very successul and the M. and Mrs. W. Hall n ted the proepa mehod ot -------------------members vohed an amount ei following wcse prize winnars; Wcndy, Ms. and Mss. S. Walk- measusing whan baking. $175 be set aside ho be used by Bridge, Mss. Aiken and Mss. as and Douglas, Bowmanville; Mrs. Yalowleas and her the Board ho assist in defsay-1 Alicia Spencer. Euchre, Mss. Miss Gladys Maynard, Oshawa, Imal daughters than treated ing the expense et renovating Gainas and Mss. Arlene Ste- visihcd at H. Hall's. the girls te cqpkies and hot [ M A ~L Ip1 ia ~the platformn in the Sunday phenson. 500-Ms. Wellington Jacqueline Hils, Toronoj chocolate. Sehool. Farrow and Ms. Tranwith. spent the weekend with berý errM èo ria l A ren a The prograrn was in charge bytdonation was authorized parents, Ms. and Mss. J. ii; byth banh a e en t Svealare on the sick list, ~ A V T 1 et the mnembers ef Mrss. va th Canadian Sunday School1 hope ail will soon be fine again. S A K IL oB0WMANV1LLEHorsgopadwscpenedj Caravan Mission. A lharwsMihe Gbsha h cike r. ar Hri-t- rs ' ii. 1edin-byM.. Har-ea-ra h-Dicsa1res px conducted the business. 1t ;as Ieiiowed by the beys' chorurs, NOVENDE 26îh 8:30 ( decied te ive $2 ta th ~. S I P PE R S usical selections by Mssouy 1wilI find this R pleasantwytegttecs decde t gie 25to heW.Percy Farrow and L. Tiffen; you requlre. COME IN ORPN E ODY with outs261h -u8:30 heel duet by Jim and Alvin Seuch, niîff ~ greup wese in charge. Devotie n-mn à art. Pictures were shown byD i The R ughan Ruge al and bible reading were given LuAD@I ES 5.~Mss. G. Rickad, Bowmanville, LJe iv e F by Mss. Buttery and Mss. Twist. and Mss. J. Brown,. Newcastlé. K(ingdon Lumbermen of Misses Gerda Craig and Mariop' Ini oloupi of wine, In colours of wlne, tan, Lunch was sesved by the ladies C0RPORAT1 Buttery favored with a vocal tan and natural red and naturaj concluding a pleasant evening.CORPORATION LTD- de.MsG.Sellers gave a Misses Helen and Amy Cas- of ak fu ldreading and Mrs. P. Jackson Sizes 6 t. 12 Sizes 4 to 9 son, Oshawa, spent the. weekend 29 SimSe 5. Oshawa Da A512 of Lakefield ~~~~~favored with a piano solo. We wt hi aetM.adMs eepieased to have Mrs. J. H. Ca5rson.W VS. Meachin, Bowmnanvile. as aur rlaasweksiuetetm guest speaker. She gave a very should have read as follows: interesting account of the latest-- Congratulations ta Ms. and Mss. The Legue Ladingnew drugs. Lunch was served iuSE O0L YAW y PA Morley Robinson on the birth Th ege edn and a social time enjoyed. %euetLàYàW Y L No theis son. Bow unv ll Ba ons~ !Congratulations to Mr. and A SmalI Deposit wilI hold Mss. K. Tennant on the arsival v Canada's southernmosh Eski- Bow mcnvile Ba ons of a baby girl. lppers -* hoes - Liaggagel Mo settiement is on Cape Hope GenralAdissonandResrvd Sat * c A~ number from here attended UNTIL CHRISTMAS Island in James Bay. Chilren 35eMr. and Mss. L. Savery and railroads at the end et 1953 te- Châdrn 35 ?vs. and Mss. E. Savea-y were talled 58,694. Saturday evening visitors with 0 l C .The. open-hearthin ethod is Corne out and support M Mr. and h"s.P. Blackburn. L loy d lu"" ii es employed for most of Canada's Aroup frorn thîs community steel production. great new Bowmanville Tearn charivried Mr, and Mss. Davy 49King StW. Phone. MA 3-594 Canadian defence expendi- Craig, Tyrone, on Tuesday dv ue u ls o$,0,0, k eDzur.- .-6 à ear. ~. --".-------------------,, ~ .,,,. .s,,,.,.~ . - - - - -,... - - - ~ ~,. .- - - -- - e PLI(m -rwmvu,

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