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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Nov 1955, p. 13

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2USAY, NOV. 24th, 1053 Canadian Club Learr Pèower Devlopments On St. Lawrence RivE Main construction activity on Vast Expansion Progran the St. Lawrence Power Pro- Referring ta Hydro's jeet wil centre in 19.55 on thepost-war expansion progi powerhouse, Long Sault Dam Mr. Cooksley said that wit] and Iroquois Dam, R. J. Cooc- lof 16 new power sources ,sley Ontario Hydra represen- in service since the end tative stated in an address ta 'Warld War II, bath hydra e- Bowmanville Men's Cans- and fuel-electric fields, Ont Club on Wednesday even- Hydro is now ane of the 1 of last week at St. Paui'a est publicly-owned eleci ited Church Sunday Schoal, utility operations in the WC MY M By December 31, 1955, Hyd '" Introduced by Milton J. El- total dependable peak capa *itMr. Cooksley stated that will be 6,155,300 horsepowi at the same time as the above an increase of 137 per centC Drjects are under way, wark the 1945 figure. vill proceed on channel im- Wt h s icl iýÏovements, dyking, ihe new slides and charts, the speE St. Lawrence transformer sta- illustrated what has been tion, and rehabilitation. complistaed since August1 The speaker painted out that by Hydro and its contractais , since August 10, 1954 when the St. Lawrence Projeet.b 'the vast project afficially got completed are the Comr uxderway, much progress has sion's new project office, been made by Ontario Hydro access tunnels under the Cc and its partner, the Power Au- wall Canal, a field soils lat thrity af the State af Newv atary, and a retractable Ba _Ycork. Up ta the present time Bridge at Lock 19 on the Cc Hydra has awarded cantracts wall Canal. The task of de, tatalling many millions aficdol- tering the powersite has b Jars for construction work and completed, following the c( the supply af material and pletion of two cofferdamsý eqimnt assaciated with the 500-foot long earth and ro Ca1nad:i an p o w erh o use. Oth2ýr fili type, sealing off the ne :contracts are duc ta be award- channel of the river betv ed shortly as the two agencies Sheek and Barnhart Isla work tawards the goal of Plac- 1 and a 4,20'-faat long steel- ing the first generating units type below the powerho ,in service in 1958.I site, between the Canai May We Estimate O)))) - Your Plumbing rGOOWEATNGI~and ESIRED Heaiing f, Requirements 'or a "For an everyday occasion, or a day of a red letter, take a tip to a yumrny way to dine. The favorite ~ M of the nation makes goodies even better! * Cook with MILK for a meal so devine!" w*GenRue Dairy e MA 3-5444 Bowmanville I ~DONILrMAKE ME LAUGH!" -1 know what I'm aiking about. No wise mnan or wamnan wouid be without the services of à trust company in matters cancerning their estate-it's fat toa, irnp<ýrrarir. Sa, take my advice, write for i the free bookiet. -Bueprint For 'Your Faînly.- k wil telJý you a lot yau should know about estate administration." "STERLING TRUSTS C 0R POR A T 10N MEAD Office 872 by Si., tente BRANCH OFFICV 1-3 Dunop St., barrit TEM CArIAULAr4 TATMMM. HOWMANVn= ON 6TAWTf mainland and Barnhart IslandJ.MKsck tehnud thPoeruildingans haa e Trophy andi Gold 1/atch guestcesck h hnue Pownehosin ierns ChanneMrs. Ted Cooper, of Kingston hressiling thea riverhuse District, has been a visitor at and two dams, all of which w.l te .LJ -hme be carried out with a minimum P r se te t an ue Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lee, Mr. af interruption to navigation and Mrs. Arthur Staînton and in the present 14-foot canal.I ~ Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Cross- Cr The powerhouse - the largest H LflI'f1r man were guests at the Silver S single structure o! the project q uD'oc ai G roE w e~ Wedding Anniversary celebra- -will be bisected by the In taon ai Mr. and Mrs. Bert m ternational Boundary and will A Bowmanvllle apple grow- if irst time his year after six Montgomery, Oshawa. vast span the channel between the er who hopes ta pass on ta his previaus attempts. He has been Miss Muriel Elliott bas ac- gram, eastern end af Barnhart Island son the growing techniques he runner-up twice with bis apple cepted a new pasition in Co- h 14 land the Canadian shore some learned fromn his father bas eties. bourg. flaw twa miles west of Cornwall. won a "prized and caveted "I'm glad ta bring bonor to Mr. anid Mrs. Grant Pascoe, 1 af The structure, which in itself award" at the Royal Winter apple grawers east af Toronto," Oshawa, were tea, guests of bis 'aulic will act as agrvt damwi Fair in Toronto. he said. "I'm also happy ta hethHreyPsesn taria have a mnaximu higty f 62- Wilfrid D. Carruthers, R. R. on the receiving end from phe rSntasfon the avyPservice. larg- fe bv the faundation- andNo. 1, Bowmanvile, was han- Niagara Brand Spray Ca. I've udyfloigtesrc. rical an overaîl length of 3,300 fedt. ored Wednesday evening at a been using their product many Guests of Mr. and Mrs. AI- orld. ,,brWosad il nSn ,dro's Power will be produced by banquet held by the Niagara years. br od n il nSn Iacity 32 generating units, 16 in ecd Brand Spray Ca. Ltd., Burling- He paid tribute ta bis wife, mernluded M and mrl, sE- ver- bahf of the plant. The architec- tan, after judges at the Fair who helped prepare the exha- awa; Mrs. L. Cummings and1 ovrtural treatment will be simple chose his apples as the best bit by polishing the apples, and Mrs.' Semple, Toronto, Harry1 and functional, with faciliti.cs nine boxes* entered. cleaning the stems. Grunseli o! Owen Sound, Miss-i urdbeing provided for visitors ta Mr. Carruithers helped bis fa- His son Bob at present is at- es Alice and Blanche Taylor,1 irdhave' a comprehensive view of ther and twa uncles grow ap- tending higb schoool.MrCa-aCotiean Mss vly ýakLr the pawerhousc. pies for expart ta Engiand and ruthers is dMpndng nCamr- eif of Niewtondvise ey 194LogSutDmScotland untîl 1933, when the ta carry on the tradition of the M.adMs elnHp 194 ogSntDmdepression cut off export market. firmn and family. M.adMs elnHp 's on Upstreamn fromn the generat- The firmn exported under the A traphy and a gold watch burn, Mr. and Mrs. Marshal Now ing station and stretching frani namne Carruthers Bras., Bowman- were presented ta Mr. Carru- Francis, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. 'mis- the upper end af Barnhart Is- ville formeriy grew many ap- thers. He also won several Werry and Miss Beatrice twO land ta the United States pies for expart, until the bar- other prizes. Chairman ai the Mountjoy o! Oshawa, were tea arn- mainland wi]l be located the -el business disappeared dur- meeting was G. E. Wiiian, gen- guests of Mr. and Mrs., Wm. ibr- Long Sault Dam. The purpose ing the depression. erai manager af Niagara Brand Mountjoy, Sunday, after the iley ai this structure will be ta Mr. Carruthers won for the Spray Ca. Ltd. service at Kedron. arn- contraI the amount of water in Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller i: ýwa- the headpond, aliowing, as ne- ana lamily of Brougnam, were E been cessary, any excess amount ta ED O a strong sermon, using the with the Grant Glover iamily.s 2m- bypass the pawerhouse. This ED O text: ýUnto Him be the giary S: da an th pwerplat wllin the Church by Christ Jestis Rev. A. Cowan, Rev. and aci-i combine ta obtain the head of (Intended for last wcek) thraughaut ail ages, world Mrs. Atkinsan and son David,0 ÉorthJ water required ta operate the Many former Kedron iolic, without end." The chair sang Rev. H. A. and Mrs. Mellaw, 1 veei generators. friends and neighbours united the anthem, "O Lord, Thou A'-t and Rev. and Y~rs. Rickard, P land, with the regular cangregation Our Gad" with Mrs. Ross Lee with Mr. and. Mrs. Arthu'r tl -cehi The Long Sau]t'iDam will be on Sunday afternoan for the presiding at the organ. Stainton, Muskoka, and th.3 Ousea concrete gravity curved-axis special Thankoîfering Service Beautiful fîowers at the altar Alian Werrys oi Enniskillenc dian spillway structure some 2,250 and nate-burning cercmany. weethgitaranMr were tea guests of the Rass' eei ghta bu 15fe boa esrice wa coaxctmdmowardFhe die o M.and Mrs. Lees, at Claverlea. heigt o abut ,15fee aboc Te srvie ws cnduted owad Frndle nd r3. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence AlEn eý the faundatian. It wiii have a by the Rcv. R. H. Rickard, as- Fletcher Werry. and Laurence Jr., Mr. and Mrs. tl discharge capacity far in ex- sisted by Rev. A. Cowan whao As treasurer af the Finance Gardon Davis, Marilyn and Pc- cl cess of the maximum flow ai -read thc respansive lesson, Rev. Cammittee in charge afi the tr iOhwadteMse the river. The spiîîway sectionSC.H AtsBAwn building funds, Harold A. Marie and Helen Cale of Mark- F, will have thirty, 50-foot wide read the scripture lessan from Werry presented the financiqfl ham, enjoycd the speciai ser- t] vertical lift gates. Because of Ephesians and Rev. H. A. Mel- stary from its inception, ta this vice at Kedron-their churcn low winter temperatures, spe- low who led in prayer and ex- time ai discharge ai ail build- ai many years, and were sup- TI cial attention is being given ta tended greetings from Oshawa ing debts.prgutsaMranMs.H- . theprblm ! kcpngth Prsbtcy.With those taking part in the aid Werry, and famiiy.Il gates and guides free o! ice by The Ministerial Quartette, nate-burning were the thrce Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Gannon, et apprapriate heating arrange- consisting ai the four minis- ministers above mentianed re- Bannie, Larry and Donna, were gi ments. ters mentioned, and accompan- p r e s e n t i n g Presbytcry; E. tea gets o 1irsM Go's l Controi Dam ied by Mrs. Meilow at the or- Mauntjoy, chairman ai finance pares h E otrs. nnons gan, were heard ta fine advan- cammittee; Howard Faîndale prntthC.iantas The third structure, a contrai tage in the numbers: «'On Oui church treasurer; Rass E. Lee, Mr. and Mrs. George Scott, C dam, will be buiit 25 miles up- Way Rejoicing". and "Quit-You ai trustee board; Russel Down, Taunton, were tea guests ai TIs tream i romn the Long Sault Like Men, Be Strong". the aduit Bible ciass; Grant Mr. and Mrs. Bill Weîry. t IdDam in the vicinity o! Iroquois Rev. Mr. Atkînson delivered Spencer, Kedran Young Peo- Mrs. Maurice Jebson, Caro-. Piton the Canadian side and pleWi______________fo____anGrdo,_______ th S PitateRsde Is minucton theUnte the Organ Fund, Mis. Har formeî's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Le States side_____main__________Bsiness_________ Rose, President ai W.A., and C. F. Werry. Maurice is show- will be ta permit regulation of > ~ ~ Caec F. Wcîry, as chairman ing Eimeîoft cattie at Rayai the outflow ai wateî from ai0theBuilding Cammittee and Winter Fair, Toronto, this Lake Ontario. In addition ta ACCou f n Y superintendent ai the Sunday wcek. construction ai these three Sho.Rv .l.RcadadHr structures, about 3 .miles ai WM. i H. COGGINS Scho of heSnirmeb R vod . R. H. cickitr an a- -dyking will be buiit on the Chartercd Accountant Toa h eirmmesadWry ici ersna mcei Canadian shore in the aiea cx- 64 King St. E. Bowmanville af Kedron Church, who assist- tive ta Presbytery, attended a tending noîth and west oi the (Above Garton's Bus Station) cd at the iaying ai the corner sessions in Part Perry United MCanadian poweîhouse. This 64 King-.Street E. stone, Mr. R. J. Luke and Mis. Church on Friday afternoon M il'eur sm ilo H. F. Wcîry, pcîformed the ac- and cvenîng. a cubic yards ai cartb and about J. HUNTER AND COMPANY tuai burning ai the note. Tri- Sunday School Convention *395,000 cubic yards ai stone. Certîflcd Public Accountants bute was paid ta the late Mrs. for the Township met at Ke- An ndcaio aith imeseOshawa 5-1621 F. W. Lee, who had aiso assist- dron on Friday cvening. Fifty- 1 size atioo the ow mmraetse Phone MA 3-3612 cd in the coînerstane cercmony three sat down ta the bountiful size of th ctpthe t bo t Successors taO0. S. HaLLs and whose presence was miss- pat-luck dinner, at which Mîs.I revealed in the catta bu d Ly the Kedran congregation E. Mountjoy, Mis. Clarence crete il Lnue rud foni- hiro t~ in Sunday's historic event. Weîîy and Mis. Ross Lee serv- crtewil e eqirdfo al hi opr aRev c. R. H. Rîckard conduct- ed the guests. Clarence Werry, *the structures on bath sides of - cd the cercmony, using the Kedron S. S. Superintendent, Mthe river. This wiil require ap- G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. words, "We have gatherd herc welcomed the visitais, and Rcv. proxirateyl1.6 million tons ai Chiropractor in the presence ai God. and R. H. Rîckard led in a ibrief sand,2.milo tons ai coarse Office* fhis cangregation, ta acknowl- warshîp service. Mrs. Douglas J agrcateInddiionil,00Specialty Paper Products Bldg.! cdge His guidance and provi- Lave cantributcd a vocal sala, 5tans trcailte l and crne 63 Temperance Street dential care in al aur under- accompanied on the argan by 50 tins Le requie anExcvains Phone MA 3-5509 takings, especiaily in the cam- Mrs. R. E. Lee. A fine pragram wil orte theq truEcvt s w Office Hours: By Appintmcnt pletion ai aur new chuîcla ensued, highlighted by the ad- fo tec heetuues ib ulduing. On this historiceacc'a- dress ai Rev. Horace Buîkhoid- nlue4,206,000 cubic yards sow eebrwt rt-e fOREC a! earth and 417,000 cubic DJe n talisow eebrwt rt-c iOREC * yrd a rok.______________________tude the sîgnîficant events Mr. J. Elliott and party wcre a yars of ock.which are associated with this successful in bîinging homea Bathqui the Long Sal ndIo DR. W. M. RUDELL, D..S splendid achievement-July 17, full quota af venison - they « quoitdam owr Authonrtaithd fie!40Jryg St. W. BmIlle 1951, Turning af the First Sod. shat five deer in the Kingscott *State ai New York. In each Office Hours: Saray, Mrcg2of152 the LakrnDistrict. a case, rock and earth excava- 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. dally Lunayg iu te 1Corn2,er Stone *tions wiil be weil undeîway 9 a.m. ta 12 faon Saturday SondaythJuNew15, 1952, DSun- befare the end af the ycar, with Closed Sunday dtio ne2the 952w Churc; Sun-E HAN athe prospect ai some concret- Office Phone MA 3-5790 dayhJune 22, 1952, dicatinE H N MIigbeing started. House Phone - Newcastle 3551 a h eoilWno;Sn ~day, June 29, 1952, Dedication Mr. and Mis. Clarence Neals Mi. Cooksicy also repoîted flc E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. ai the Hammond Organ; and werc in Toronto for the wcek- : tat uchexcllnt iagessis ffce n bs hmeon Sunday, November 16, 195L, end visiting with Mi. and Mis. Mbeing made an rehabilitation 100Liet St. N. - Bowmanville aeia iono ail other gifts. Nas plasmen2,00 assces ihlan Office Haurs: Today, in this service ai Messrs. Henry .akcman, som 20000aces f lnd 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. dai]y Thankoifering, we Commemar- Earl Argue, Miss Laura Moi- *which will Le floaded, affect- 9 a.m. ta 12 naon Saturday ate the dischaîgc ai ail finaii- tan, Mis. R. W. Price and Mis. *ing approximatcjy 6,500 pea- Closed Sunday ciai obligations incurred in the Ross Cari attcndcd the Re- *pie. Phane MA 3-5604 building and furnishing ai this gional Red Cross Convention M * The speaker was thankcd for - sanctuaiy, dedicated ta thp held in Peterborough an Wed- E* is intercsting addîess by L. AI. DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Glory ai God. nesday. Rathbun. Office In grateful acknowledgment Mis. Editb Henders af Ycl- l au President Percy Coîbett wei- 23 King St. E. - Bowmanville af God's Providence and un- verton is with Mis. William comed several new mnemrbeis Office Hours: failing gaadness, and with sin- Cavano for the winteî mantrir. ta the meeting. He announced 9 a.m. ta 6 daily cere appreciatian ta ah mcm- Mis. Thomas Jackson is in uc that there wouid Le no Cana- 0 a.m. ta 12 noon Wcdncsday, bers, adherents, and organiza- Whitby this zweek visiting wxith th sbayws gthe' Rededication service at consolation awards ta Mus. Ef- naîrow for truck traffic, but M ir gag e s Noîthminsteî United Chuîch fie Morton and George Smith. that teond tio newm40ht eim at 3 for ail who wish ta Lunch was seîvcd and the la- J a praved o e te ncw 4high LEROY HAMILTON - ORONO attend. dies plan a sîmilar event an loa way a c old when only Phone 1 r 16 Local Junior Farmers wcre December 2nd. local traffcwud euil Fiist marigage funds guests a! Uxbridge Club an WMS etn Tsubwa. rpl Residences - Faim.s Tuesday cvening, when a var- WMS etn Th niipy fromn the Business Prpeties ictx' programi was enjayed. Asj The WVomen's Missionary Sa- Highwavs Dept. was as follo%\,-: tersaei h ciiis h it !teUie hrhh We are iinagreement with the loca a h civtet' ieyo h nte hrhh seodLoa group conductcd a a special service on Sunda:y. seodlast pauagraph an the 0 P o m r y ha'sIwith the Rev. J. Arthur Steed ______________TV,_________Én e paelas M. C.of Peterborough as guest Min- Bonad Eninrees epatt i V ihRnWrya .C se. itheed msinr- cldenrand crs te hed KEITH A. BILLETT for the show. Aritsts from Paît iwho hAd sc rd i Afr a M clarnewould Le expensive '4 igOptometrist Perîy pîavidcd rmusical wh- Ste d rg awith ! in-Mr ofreconstruction1oKinh St. E. - Bovmanvtlle and th wvbers, adxhebeai ig armatian bout awth ofon- a.: Telephone MA 3-3252 was spent in dancing. Uxrdafmtin bothtcuty "We would further mention Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 D.m. hospitality was greatîy appr.sý- and their prabiems, aisa tciling that owirig ta the amaunt o! Manday ta Saturday ciated. o! his present woîk with ncw cosrcinadteicesn xetWcdncsday. 9 - 12 Poîtuguese citizens in Canada cnste rut o andthe icl reasing eept ApoitmnPersonals ffor Nwhom he acts as a language prnumbr ! ueigcs wih o Eunngty ppi-met A warm Welcome Homne" ta inlerpreter and asýiFts them in phresenoti tbe nPrvineo JOHN A. OVENS Harrv, Rose. who was able ta f inding emp!oyment, He was throughontthaeaProvnce, na Optornetrist retuin ta Kedron on Monday introduîred andi tht'nked hv wokin th is e is niatedftr. Jurv & Laveil Bowmanvijie fromn Toronto Generai Hospi- Mus. Edgar Beeu. The membprs inon MhA imed7atefuture Mr.__James_____________________ of the As>-ociation attcnded a: Mu.nsJames statedpthat Loe stli LneHarve5778Pascoc and Mra. agroup. Mrs. Mervyn Porteojs plcanso on asu the uoject P iacno Tuniii- Har-vey Cîossman were gucsts and Mus. J. P. Henderson e heuemin n tesuba.L offlg hMus. Everett Elliott, IDFh- celved the offeiing. The Junzir remains a 'hoie-inîhe-waW~awa. an Satuuday.wc h hi from the Sunday Schoei, on abus' hihwa. i wîI Lea ' ProfssinalPian Tuîng latter entertained in honaur chfjtîained hy Mis. R. R. Monsteel i danzerous hazard ta draving. ARTHUR COLLJSON b_ er maother& - rthday-Mrs. R.. ,ang two choruses. PAGE ~T1IITEIM High Honor Conferred Dr. A. E. Allin ai Fort Wil-1 ural science. He is past puesi- liam, formerly ai Hampton, bas decnt ai the Thunder Bay Fiel.- Lad a signal honor con!erred Naturaiists and a past presi- on hlm recentiy when he was dent ai the Thunder Baý Fish elccted as an active membr-r and Game Association. of the American Ornithologists Dr. Allun is married ta the Union. He is the only Cana- former Dorothy Kiîkton fit dian in a mcmbersbip ai 200. Bowmanviile. Mcmbeîship is for lufe, vacan- cies anly accuiring an th--î death ai present members. The recent clection was held ta fi eight vacancies, and there werc many nominations. Dr. Allia who is director ai the Ontario Department oif Hcalth's Laboîatory at Fart William, bas Lad a lufe-long in- terest in natural histouy and 0 Lhad dciivered about 100 scien- tific papers in Canada and th2 3 United States. It is beicvcd the puesent honor was con fer- ued an him because ai bis oua standing contributions ta ne. BROWN'S Homle and Sehool Club The regular manthly meet- ing ai Biawa's Home and School Club was hcld at the school on Tucsday evening, November 8th, 1955. Minutes of the previaus meeting weie cead and acceptcd, bills wiî icesented, and a letter a thanks was rcad from Mis. Ar- chie Brown in appreciation ai cards and calîs received dur' J ici- son Ray's iliness.g The president, Mis. Curson, xtcnded a vote o! thanks ta thse responsible for the suc- cess o! aur Hallowe'en paitv, ilso thaaks ta Mi. and Mis. W. Faîîaw for the appies which Icy pîovided for this party. Foilowing the reading ai the îreasurer's repart the meeting uas tuîned aveu ta Mis. E. Me- .uaoy, who conducted a game ai ýuchre. The winneîs in thîs ýame were as failaws: High ady, Mi5. Shirley Watson; high ,ntleman, Mi. Jas. Curson; onsolatians, Mis. HiIda- Caîl, [Irs. Liiiian Bennett. Lunch was then seivcd, and be meeting. clased with the inging ai "God Save the ýucen". The next meeting xviii ýheld on Tuesday, December 3th, at the sch-ool. The slick surface af wet asphalt roadways bas sent many a mo- trist limping ta the garage with fattened fenders and shattexed eadamps. But now research engineers have came up with samething that sharply reduces ths accident hazard. When their special aluminum oxide abrasive is applied ta the road surface, it cuts down by mrc than 30%1 the stopping distance of your car when you apply the brakes at 30 m.p.h. ..Sa in addition ta saving weight and wrk ini a thousand everyday and special applica- tions, aluminum may prove a major factor in saving lives, ta. ALUMINUM COMPANY OF CANADA, LTD. (ALCAN) DIAMOND RING lA TCHING WEDDINIG RING AVAILABLE FOR ALL LADIES' PATTEiRNS SEE THESE AND MANY OTHER BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS AT YOUR FRANCHISED 14RIDAL BELL JEWELLERS HOOPERS Jewellery and Gift Shop - 38 t 7" . - - -- - - - - .. -- - ý . ---.% -.1 ý 4-&&-ULd lb A MIF f"£rvgÉ%ý a ý) ý ý-l 1 ý,L p 1 1 q

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