?EM7hDAY, INOV. I4th., 195 omp etiti elen Dur To Boost f There were a goodly nun cf 200 gamesb this weekv HRelen Dunn bowling the 1. singr- with 297 and the 1, triple with 756. The girls w in top fortn doing their besl jbr~ their team standing yv wthe top. When you h .nany bowled over 0O Will see that every teajp turning on the pressure try for 'first place. 3bHère are the girls who boosting their teams with th 200 games. Helen Dunn2 Bertice Budai 288, NormaC 287*v Doris Joli 271: Ela Manko 263; Helen Piper2 VI Céole 254; Lil Hooper2 Mais' Harrison 253; Edna1 Geer .248; Ev Sweetman2 Joan Engley 235; Helen Vivi 2334,Ena Etcher 233; Joyce Jor1 23O; Ann Gay 230; Con Oo' 229; Vi O'Rourke 2 Elerhor Larmer 225: Onie1 cher 223; Loraine Martyn 2 Ohiv.e Patfield 216; Anita Ni( ers'n 215, Donna Martin 2 Grèt Luxton 211: Hilda Bno 2 10; ICay Hendry 210; Di Muleon 208, Jean Luxton 2( Shffley Bickle 207: Viv Co an e93; Dot Crombie 203; IV. YIeCN T AçJUST VOUR SET BV- STpN~ON Tiff FLOOR! CALL US M~ -MYLES RADIO TV SERVICI Exirt Repaira to Ail make, 8lvrSt. MA 3-31t SBOWMANVILLE .4--'. :j :~ Il ~-: FROM $1995 Sart her natched set witih a ri~fashion-amnart (and inexpensive) ITroa,) Case from une af aur many .0'pen stock' mat ched sels by SMcBrine ...- A thrilling gift! ,JOHiN STUT ga SHOES 15i King St. E. MA 3-5839 BOWMANVILLE Kit on isKeenKEDRON MisijGects weatudy as we go onv on s eenMis anet cregror al'fwe will havc an a ]EnJoy Banquet __ ^nkowledge which will help u: Juio m-mr and mcel en to take our places as citizens. i n 1<011 756 te ieaa get elinte hr besofloa 4-H Clubs oner m ers a x e l n The school has changedi Osaa Kiwanis Clubt1 the sainie smail school whicl fer A verage Tueanhsday evening at their Ked Vaedco y wB ,~~e abene aand. Nnw Iturt g e ueawe -ttendedtoandcii B outuH ron camp. ears it wîîî be even bigger nber McNulty 201. This project, sponsored by Miss Janet McGregor, to oei h tdns oni ut it will alwaya have the Aith Keep At up girls the compet- Kiwanis, accomplishes much student of the graduating clasi eîecilons-, wecould get into the staeSiitan , thane gd high Ition in getting rough. in encouraging rural girls and who received their Secondary Operetta. and the rest of thestnadad etega high Eight bitter notes this week:-by to take an intrs nSho oo dain Di, eol in the tcoo uates of 1955, along wlth &E vere Edith Mro 9:WlaScott tboys areluaandt SholHnr rdaioiepe colbegan tothe graduates of other years 99 alelo 9 9 7;ilma thînga al iculralm, a n lplomas at Commencement ex. regard us as a littie more wor- t t 9. auin Elitt97 Aa enra Iprveens, With ercisea held ini Bowmanville thy of notice. In hird Form , ili always be proud to say,«I u!) Perfect 93; Beth Chatran 9.1; cash prizes as an addedlne.Hg Iolo nia ihw oko vn tie at~ gnaduated froni that school." 5e~Dc Vnsn 0;An Wite 88;. us. delivered an excellent Valedie- tfhelife of the school. We couid 200 Marion Knox 71. The kindly lnterest and gen- tory address. t& fiea te tdns yigName Ave. enous gifts of time and money. Miss McGregor who Is now Council, Literary and Athletic ZION on their behalf are sincerely attendîng Queens Universityoieis we got to be seniors Doris Joli 207 appneciated by the young peu- Kingston, is the daughten Of in Athietica. But we stili hadn't Mn. Lloyd Hallidey and Bob are Onie Etcher - -_____ 196 pie of this community and Mr. and Mns. D. Ale4 McGne- bast ail our bnashness and we apent a ceuple of days at Crowe hir Bernice Budai - -____ 195 they express their gratitude ta gon, Bowmanville; Miss McGne- stlll talked a lot. In tact, Miss Lake.1 297 Hilda Brock --- -___ 193 the Oshawa Kiwanis Club. gon's Valedictory Is given in Ricè tald' us we wene the talk- M.adMs .F tpe Gay Anita Nickerson 189 The 'excellent dinner was full herewith. ingest group of people she had Miss Helen Stephen, Mn. Jira in~e Ev Sweetmnan -_____189 poie yWA .-of St Steph- Mn. DpplMr Reolds even came across and I'm sure Hambly, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs 25;Lydia Bates . ____ 187 risoUid Chrc by ete-.. ippraue, Lr. esyns &i the other teachens echoed R. C. Stainton and Laurel at 25;Eleanon Lanmen 187 esUie hrhan ne-Flo rauts aisadher sentiments. TdSehns eebruh Dîý- Kay Beaupnie 187 tainnient by Mel Smith O Gentlemen: TdSehns eebnuh isOsh awa was enjoyed. Four or live years sceem very Fourth Forn was the form in Mn. and Mrs. Henry Dant 244; Mary Harrison15inMsRoetKln, r. s ,ian Lorraine Martyn 131 Among those who received long when they're stretching in which we really arrived n r.Rbn iln r.W vIa Noma ay183cas awrd, ad wre uets ron ofu~butthe pSs very many respects. It was heie that Camenon, Mrs. Nelson Fice, Lji Vi Coole 1:1g at the banquet, wene Joan quickly once we get into thern,Weooou uespatnteMn.GridTeaiviie 27; Helen Piper 177 Beath, Wayne and Grant and when we look back on extra-curniculan activities of the Campbell Soup Plant anc Et. Marie Yeo _____ 177 Beath, John Sutten Jr., Lorne theni, they seern unbeiievaby the school. We were the offi- ù1so took in h oalWne l7; Dot Crombie ___ 176 and Lois Tregunna, Percy and short. We, the graduating class, cers in cadets; we wene respon. Pair. teRylWne k-Helen Dunn 176 Rita iMountjoy, Ralph Ballard, look back at aur years at Bo--sible for the 'Screech Owl", Mn. and Mrs. Robert Killen 15 iiHopr-176 Helen and Bill Werry, Brian manville High School and won- We Were leaders in many of spent the weekend with Mn. ork Ena Etchen _____ 176 Lee and others. der where they've gone. It the societies and clubs. Here,îndMsSa LeTrto orc Sadie Bucknell 176 Ron Werny was a guest, of doesn't seemn like any tinýe think, we began ta feel the res- Mn. and Mns. Douglas Skin ý07; Edna DeGeen 176 the Riverdale Kiwanis Club at since we first camne into this .ponsibility that uen along nnadfmlOhwa h -Olive Patfield 174 thein Tuesday banquet in Tor- school, and yet here we are with gctually being senior stul- Stainton's. q~~ Kay Hendny 174 onto, with athen Club leaders, gathered in the Assembly Hall dns eswta ewr r.E rmel omn -Ada Richards-- - 173 and prize-winners from th2 probably for the last time. *tneated with. more respect by vle tLoadBl' o h Molly Badger 170 Uxbridge Jr. Farmens Club, But although these last few the rest of the school, that theý weekend. Lola Wright - 169 and attended the get-together years have been short, theyv teachens talked ta us more as Congratulations ta Mn. and Viv Cowan 169 of Provincial campers at the have made up a very important equals, and we made an at- Mns. Michael Nemis on the an- Joyce Major 169 Royal Winten Fair. part of our life, since during tempt ta live up ta aur new sta- rival of their third son. Donc Mutton 168 Many Kedron familles were themn we have grown up. W'p tus. We dn't always . succeed, Mn. and Mifs. M. Rumple and ShileyBicle 88 n atedane a ths Anicl-carne into the school practically of course, and we stili did some Sandra, Mn. H. Fitchett, Mn. ShWilea Batke . 167 n tun anTorto isand e- as childnen, and the training wer pretty chîldish things, but we and Mrs. Fitchett, Sn., Oshawa, Ml mcNuty 167 joyedthe aur otoif den-eceived guidcd us through aur, were gnawing up. And henr', at Lloyd Halliday's. Me eNly16 oydte eutfldisplays . ificl aoecetyar nl too we began to look at our A presentation was held at Ruby Yandt -.-----. 167 rases and mnms, the evenîng n we c l avoescn, er n h colt oo w el Elaine Manko ----- 166 Hanse Show, or othen parts of! ow elevif not as adults, subjects from a different angle. thedcholesMhonondonewi Ann Gay 164 the fair as it appealed tQ the at lea9st as much mare mature We began to realize that w ane culs n.adMs DotBroks164inivîual Ken ntres ~ hurnan beings capable of be- had a caneen ta think about, Neil Gifford were pnesented ADeyBur s 164 th ctedivis nion east vient coming intelligent citizens in and we would have ta start wth a chair and a lamp and JAnd gey Brn 164 th and i vio was easrng tec the cammunity. thinking about it befone long; Mn. and Mrs. Ronald Boyd Lil Philp 164 an tarmeresi mng t e j As we look back at aur life s0 many o! aur subjects twfk (Audrey Gloven) were presenz- JeanL uxtonip 164 freas o!Kedomn, tkesj here, we see how we have on a new importance and in-cd with a table and a lamp. The JenLxo 6 ato ern aemajor adporse rm u eetfru.ladies served refneshments and Mary Wicox 162 awards for appies and sheep. grw n rgesdfo u eetfrU.it l ne oiltm o SHelen Vivian 162 Congratulations ta the Elm- fîrst days in Grade Nine ta this And then wc came into Fif çth lenir dasciltm, Norma Hoopen 101~ croft folk for pnîzes won on evening. We remember how Fonm. Although we held some Mehr. R .Hli ,Lnsy Babe Brown----- 160 their Hoîsteins and also ta the we feit when we first came of the mos;t importan-t offices Mns. R. J. Hallidy, LydsHal- Phillips' team is numben one, Brooklin breedens who contni- into the school. Everything was ù~in th sc onganizations, and 's isiig eaonylydHl The othen teams are in the ruaî. buted toward the good show- so strange and different that we stili had time ton some Mida.Ra meo hsr- :EBudai's girls are next in line, ing made by Ontario County. vie were. ta use a slang terni, sports, drama, debating, and ý;o tre oealrvstn Creaily "clueless" for the ison efudtafoth otdutrM ,LweceH - e gettîng pretty short of The one joint service held at littie while. But fupiinst onr we !ad thaont frte mOtun edhm feavstn e lime. Kedron on Sunday afternoon, enough it didn't Surpnus lng par tudwe hadt a cncntrate on Hmitoand newgan- take uslong ou studie. It thn't alwys e' autongrnu Tem tndna a cndcedb temiitent find ourselves, in fact ta easy ta listen ta Mn. Dîppeil an- ugrs.Mihe msan so 8 emSadnsRev. R. H. Rickard, with a think that we knew aimost ah naunce that the school wauid Ms ihe ei n o Nam Pint PnsYouh hee. cnptne esonthene was ta know about this be daing same special activitv manviîle General Hospital. Lil Philiips 49 24001 Was read by Miss Ann Snow- schoal. No one çIse thought we that afternoon but that Grade mMrs. A. E. Gallaghcn, Osh. _Bernice Budai. - 48 24787 den, and Bill Werry led il knew very much but we cer- 13 wouid continue with classes.aw atRC.Satnsfoth Ev Swectman - 38 ;3186 prayer. Mn. Rickand's sermon tainly did. And we are alrnost But we reaiized that the sha- weeked Lydia Bates 34 22507 was onl the thought, "Be thou shocked ta think o! the nerve dow o! those final exanis was ked.B.LudKml Ms Joyce Major ---- 33 23654 an example". Classes met we had then. Why, 1 nenriemben looming aven us and w-e rMns. B. Luer n, eble , vers. Eleanor Larmer - 30 23490) briefly. Fallowing dismissal at taking whole days off frumn ed ourselves ta' aur wresg.Ev PeknChsyaen- Doris Joli 30 23072 Keeed t onsvrahinemersUnpro- classes ta practise fan some lit- Every once in a whiîe it ocrk. iturnda thsell hoes after Anita Nickenson 29 22371 ceddt atrisc n tle icplay we wene putting on. red ta us that now -we werePeins the Redediatoccur-dvîsitinganatedRussell Hilda Brock 28 22558 Church fantoRrdctinAdwn e noe fsm those people we had looked up Ena Etcher 26 22687 service there.' The various teach er protested mldly at aur ta in awe as First Formers, but T(TE'C1T U Onie Etchen - 22 22950 gnoups ton Session members, skipping his period for thaý the funny part o! it was thzt .LONG. U AULJ. Vi Coole--- il 21971 Stewards, Educational group fifth time in a row, on if there we didn't feel the least bit ____________ for S. S. teachers, C.G.I.T. happened ta be a ciass In the awe-inspiring. We realiy feît Wendy, Janet, Barrie and' leaders, etc., and the graup for Assembly Hall when we want- pretty humble and perhaps a Kenneth Baker retunned ta thein Wacn.n on.S e's atvtes ed ta practise! Finally, in des- littie frightened o! what would home in Cookstown Sunday sr tecurch. o eS a viiedro nl penation, the teachers made a corne after Our stay in high having spent sevenal days with S e i l Fl tecuh.Sm ernfkrule about taking time off school.Mnan Ms.G Bke ad S L joined in thc box lunch supper tram classes for extra-curnicu. Itr.s anobbîy fotGuntBaweerniand viO if hor ndnemînd fr helar activities, but by that time reached Fifth Formn or even Messrs Ronald Melntyre and Shown D ring evening service. Rev. Rickard we were in- Second Form and until wc were out o! high Tom Logan, Toronto Normal ~.l LL nil led the devotionai in the alter- had a little mor-e sense.scoîooigbc thtw Schooi students, spent a weck Yo t OU R îaIIoa erie In Second Form we really really appreciated aur teacli- at aur school under the capable yMany tram Kedron werc began ta take aur place in th-i n ebgntascwa h~ -supervision of aur teacher, Mrs. TheYoth orChistraîyamong those who cnjayed the school. We were allowed ta ad ta Put up with--our talk- A. Rosevear. The out forChrst rllymusical concert given by theMrStneFlchTono, h2td in the Town Hall on Nov. Toronto Male Teachérs Choir ing in class, aur not payîng at- Mpn. tanieFeter, Tortoh hçld was well attcndcd. in.St. Andrew's United Church of Mn. and Mrs. John Ham-:r, tention, aur idea, sornetimes, pentstheMr ecnd wi. . thhs The pragram started With an in Oshawa an Wcdnesday ev- Sauina. that we knew just about as parens. n n r.G it enthusiastic sang service lediening. This 66-voice choir pro- Misses Joan Tippett and Joan mnuch as they did; and we saw cher. by Anchie Campbell. The talent vided an excellent evening's McCabe, spent a weekend rn-- ail the time -and energy they .Mn. and Mrs. Kenneth Hardy, o! the evening was a Young ententainment, with numbersicnl ih-s.Lm r-1utmaatvteswhc hyMrs. H. C. MeClune. Miss Jane teenager tram Port Hope High by the choir ranging tram gunna and farnily. didn't have ta do at ail and McClure, Messrs Jim McClure schaol, Miss Jean Lonsberry, sacred, ta classical, to humo.- Mr. Fetcer ernyattnd-tra whch w go mot o th wha rcndened two lavely nuni- ous, and by soloists with *a ed a musicale on Saturday benefit. We saw, tao, haw they and Jo e mithhoe.Sna bers. diversity of talents. Thanks evening, anranged by the Osh- did sa much more than give us Yaur correspondent will be As a special teature a film are due the Oshawa nurses awa and District Music Teach- tacts out of a book. It was glad ta take any rencwais ton from the many Hour of Deci- who sponsored this worth- ens' Association, at which hen through thein genuine intcrest The Statesman. sion television films was whiic event. grandson Eric Brown, pupil of in the subject they werc teach- Mn. and Mrs. Manselligh shw.TeeflsMsGR Booth, was anc o! ing that we becamne intenested. Be.nwccStnay1eig see hro hese films havele bc edtei r n.ad uMrs. F. Msnowde theyoung pianists heard in ne- Wc can't pay too high a tri- dinner guests o! Mn. and Mrs. sce trogh an US.A tle viitd hei dugter Ms.J.citai bute ta aur teachers, and espe- Orme Miller. Mn. S. Pritchard, vision netwonks. Clit! Barnows, Pengelly, her husband and Mr. and Mrs. A. Wood and cialiy ta Mn. Dippeil. When Millbrook, and Mn. ai4d Mrs. W.ý sang leader o! The Billy Gm- their son Ji mnmy Jr., at Ti m gil e e S n a e ess w rt c r e i to he c ol M le , O o o e e Su d y Smith t thepiano nd Pal flyig actvitiesare t be atwith r.wasdMin.cvcryGa-studeentaiin sony anden!airsinyad Mn.ly andr Mnd s. F.F Dr. BilBowGrahamlbcowith ber rs S owde en oyed the serv ces t N rthschool, e a a n h o w tou eaof .s r th of he il "Ting Gd Cn-heavy faîl o! snow with ac- with the Bill Sadiers who were Now we arc leaving Bow- MA E RevDo. C .Bl rmLso-companyiag high winds which o te anon. mavileHihScoo. c r maednvngmrcç fficuit aIso guestsofteGnns andMrs T. C.l Smilieow 1 maeToronto oretayncin ith clyi ish ool î-nr. i xeddtaM.adM Theyals hcpedthe grand- t motens, rs. Arthur Rabme, 1300Carsan our n Hu le and Mns. A. Beecb, celebrate 1300Carsan H ur î Hamet'their binthdays. ]By NIek Nickela A wrougbt imon pennant on iaally started by G.W. Joncs in Mms. Chester McGrath speat In The Globe & Mail the street side wall of the 1907. With 735 phones and a last week with hem sisters at Ncwonmhl, ov.20-ThneOrange Hall displays the date dual system beung unstallcd. it us Barrie and brother at Stroud. Ns non nvil thNv.e -hame o 1690. Strangers suppose it means the harnlet's big business, Ia the M.adMs nadHl a Newtoville, xettelt the date a! settlemeat instead c! early days owner Joncs gave famiiy, Weton, wene Sunday moe= wotaexcars the at the Battîe a! the Bovne. Finst eanly morning weathcn reports visitons with their aunt and aolo tsotom ain s teetNo. settlers did nat arrive until 1797. aven' party lines and at nights uncle, Mm. and Mrs. H. R. Fo- Hlghwa a 60 mph, or' more. Olden citizens treasure the playcd talking machine music. - ey. The tratcfo nhdy tale of Miss Sophia Shaw. It isi The Kendal Rd. intersection Miss Mildned Snowden spent an eekends baslobonhclccd said she gave ber fiance, Sirflot only divides Newtonville the weekend with hen cousins, and130 weehicls han o kTe Isaac Brock, a stirmup cup of geographicaîîy but s o c i a 11lY. Dm, and Mms. Llyn Coates, 30 phsped auio sinagocoffee on the mcrning o! his last People on thcwest side wonk in Brantford. un mhe e d air gsk g or- ride ta the Battle o! Qucenston Newcastle and Bawrnanvillc and Mn. and Mrs. John Beelby, uncîngpostivs o ainv ftre Heights. Aîthough Miss Shaw those on the east, in Pont Hope. Claremoat; Mr. and Mrs. Robt. aNwtovitieons onMieSret. neveu- Iived in the Newtonvile Medicai service ad church go- Haslam, Stouffvîlle, were Suni- Neonto. 0 iesesto district ber father, Geoieral ing are also divided by Kendal day visitons wîth Mn. and Mrs. Trstoo.ne, auio AeneasSbawwas a considenablep Road. CetnMGab ihta he e ndablkR. cuin-land awnen in- thesc parts. The memomial park at the in- Service on Sunday was in section. Only periodie visits cf' The munder a! John Henry tersection gets more use in the intemests o! yaung peaples i Provincial Police cruisers pro- Marsball o! Peterborough is an Newtonviîîe than similar plots in Educational Weck. Mviss Joan vide slow down intenvals. Cit- episode tbey w-ould rather for- other communities Citizens Grahamn, Mr. George Osborne, izens teed afficialdrni ignoresthe get. He walkcd tram his home warrn benches beside the Boer- tMn. Ron Brooks had change af constant danger ta their lives. ta Ncwtonville in 1841 ta cast bis First World Wan cenotaph whiie wonsbip service. Rev. Sorner- It is more than drivers' lives election vote. Hustings hood- waiting ta cross ta the post office ville pneacbed an appropriatel are worth ta take their eycs lurns, upon !inding out how in dangemous traffic. Twenty- sermon. The choir nendened an froni the raad for a second. Marshall voted, pmceeded to minute waits auW commonplace. anthem unçien the leadershipf Consequently, they sec nothing change his way o! thinking. Village scbool childnen know ai Mr. Leslie Collacutt. cf Newtonvilîc. They beat bu Uup and killed the meaning of living on the Mn. and Mns. Howard Cryder-1 It was originally called Clarke, him.h The toughs wene neyer wu-ong ide o! the stu-cet. Thcy man, Base Line, attended the1 sametimes Newton and latterlv bnought ta trial. take lunches ta sehool. misnot Royal Winter Fair on Friday Newtonviîîc. Thce.post office An independent telephone anlv saves their lives but elirn- and Mu-s. Cryderman remaincd rctained the name of Clarke systcm has its headquarters. in inates dententions for being late for the weckend with relatives Ji until 1946. iNewtonville where it waz orjg-ifor claa&es. and friencla.I . 27 Shopping Days un fil Christmas WE AT BRUCE' MINNS' invite you to corne in and see our many beautiful gifts for the man in your life. W. have a wonderful selection of SWEATERS, SHIRTS, SOCKS, TIES and JEWELLERY for you to choose from - Also many other equal smart JACKETS and SLACKS styled just right for him. Bring your Christmas shopping troubles to us. We'il be happy to help you. %RUCE MlNNSI MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR Garry Venning, Mgr. 29 KING ST. E. BOWNIANVILLE 've r.a me eh he gh ro .U a si Et uests of Mr. aiid Mrs. Hosa aniskillea. L ee, Kedron. PEENTIN CeJ Oshawa Wood Products Ltd. PLANT AND YARD - COURTICE *Dia! MA 3-2130 V" - 4V½c ft. 311 - 6cefft. Logise Johns Manville $1.30 bag There ia stili tinie to insulate for thia Wlnter I We will help you a select the rlght ~I. Roofing for your job. Johns Manvijie per sq. Shingles $8.95 DAILY DELIVERY FOR YOU! No Money, Down.900 24 Months to Puy Products Ltd'. Bowmnanvile MA 3.2130 Oshawa-RA 5-4443 Phone Today for FREE ESTIMATIES Oshawa Wood ENNISKILLEN C.G.!.T. was heid Saturday, October 19, with Gloria and Carrai Wright in charge oi the tprograni. In the business it was decided to have the C.G.I.T. \Tcsper Service ai Decemben 1 8th. The pro gram. consl*ted of a reading by Doris Wright and a atory by Linda Stainton. The tOn. Mary Gniftin read the Better Grooming chapte, Glo- ria Wright gave a contest. The meeting closed with Taps. Service Club met at Mmi. J. Sleman's Nov. 15 with 10 pries- cnt. Most o! the.articles are in for the bazaam. Mu-a. N. Wilson was pnesented with a gitt as she la leaving the village ta live in Toronto. Lunch was served by Mrs. W. Howchls, Mrs. L. Wcarn, and hostcss. Next meeting, Nov. 29th at Mrs. F. Beckett's. Mn. and Mrs. Eanl Tnewin. Domeen and Donald Mn. and Mms. Fred Toms, wcne Sunday dinner guests o! Mn. and Mrs. Ed Cox, Islington. Mm. and Mrs. Keith Fergu- son and David, Bowrnanvullc, Mn. and Mns. Don Lee, Waync and Temry, Mn. and Mirs. George Lee, Mn. Harny Fengu- son, Oshawa, were visitons o! Mn. and Mrs. Walter Ferguson. Anothen year bas brought these folks togethen ta celc- brate -the birthdays o! Messrs. Keith and Walter Fengusan and Donald Lee. Congratula- tions ta these happy tellows. Mn. and Mns. Carl Brunt, Bowmanville with his panen1s, Mu-. and Mrs. A. Brunt.i Mr. and Mrs. Charley Stain- ton and farnily, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Dickey, Boiv- nanvilie, were visitons of Mn. c and Mns. M. Stainton. Congratulations ta Mm. and r Vins. Gardon Gettins, (nee f Shirley Ellis), who were mar-r ried at the pansonage on Sat- c urday. M. and Ms. A. Flinto!, s Cauntice; Mr. and Mrs. Daug 1: Mloore and Beverley, Oshawa; VIns. Tom Wilson, Mms. F. Van- c nolkenbumg, Bowmnanville; Mn. I i and Mns. T. Gettias, Caesarea, wre guests with Mr. and Mns. m P. Ellis. . t( Mm. and Mns. Norman Holmes, Mrs. Gladys Wright, 1V Miss Anale Wright, Oshawa, C wre ecent visitons o! M. and E Mrs. N. Wright. t Mn. and Mrs. Carl Fenguson, D wene visitons o! Mn. aad Mms. Don Carr, Hampton.W Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Robinson, rcwtoavîie, were at -Mr. and ai [nrs. Adam Sbarp's. A We welcorne Mr. and Mns. A. w 3hanp ta thein new home in gi Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Turner, ,Miss Helen Turner Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Ïrank Dor- land. Mr. and Mrs. N. Wright, ac- companled Mr..and Mrs. Edgar Wright to the Royal Winter Fair. Miss Betty Wright visited with Miss Betty Jane Werry. Mr. and Mrs. N. Wilson and Kerry, were at Mr. and Mrs. Rosa Wright's, Newcastle. Mr. and Mrn. K. V. Svane- felt, with Mr. and Mn. A. Leadbeater. We are very sorry to have Mr. H. Grubb, Mr. F. Toms and Mrs. J. A. Werry under the doctor's cane. We wish them aIl a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Berwin Adamis, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ferguson. Sorry ta report Mr. Gordon Stevens had the misiortune ta dislocate his shoulder, when lending a helping hand at tak- ing down a building for Mr. John E. Gniffin at Weston. Master Bruce Milîs fell at school while playing and ha& injured his thumb. We wish them both a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. H. Stainton, Hamp ton, were visitors of Mr. and Mirs. R. McNeil. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wearn and family were Sunday visit- ors of Mr. and Mrs. A. Telfer, Toronto. Mr. Bert Nobes, Munroe, Louisiana, has been vislting with Mr. John Fleet. Mr. Frank Spry, Rochester, N.Y., visited Mr. and Mrs. Ed- gar Wright. Mrs. Spry return- ed home with hîm after spend- ing several weeks with her sisters. Miss Maureen McNair and brother Lockie, were vîsîtors of Master Lawrence Wright. Mrs. Geo. Squibb, acconi- panied Mr. and Mrs. John Gril- fin and family to visit their mother, Mrs. E. Bennett, Fen- elon Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Marwood Heard spent Sunday with thein son Dean at Orîllia hospital. Mr. and Mrs. R. McNeil were 'allers at Mr. and Mrs. A. Mc- Neil's, Hay don. Dr. an d Mrs. C. J. Austini with Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Ash- ton. Mrs. E. C. Ashton, Mr. and tIrs. O. C. Ashton, Lois and Charles, with Mn. and Mns. A. E.Billett, Hampton, also at- tnded W.M.S. service to hear Dr. Hunnisett. Mr. Allan Stainton, Haydon. with Mr. and Mrs. H. Stevenç. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Werry ind Sandra, Mn, and Mns. E., I.Werry, Bert and Betty Jane. Nere Saturday evening dinner ýl lé .1 à- au i_- -l%ýý AT - IIM CAMA"?,&Iq "A"«#Aw ý.-- m