~DAT, NOV. I4fli, 1955 Ç l ssfj dLegion Friends Honor Oldest Member on 87th Birthdav Your Generou Hl ________I N eeded at U n q e S l COMINlG EVENTS j Repatiis ±deserve Tuesday, Wenedy RA.3n eei inrpiaF i a Turday, Friday, Noebi2,Pop evce. ikU and Sfi, Dec. 1. 2. for the Hxigh School, delivery. Lamne Doreen 85 Kig Fharma mudy O Operetta. 39-10S . Phone M A 3-5713. 24t1y*u lfiyt iv n t~ -ÙpeGoeHreadShoANY make television or radio. Y foriit Bhirmnd sai b P..,a srvc. eevsinsevieCoConimittee, Canadian Nat:onal, woneflgospoue o ~3fl 8 .m. at M aple Grove ' King St. e ii n S rie C. at w e hl ît n eç n ok i ih r C N e xo L Adm ission 35c. 47-1* W est. M A 3-3883. centres oor ine their ownEome te Labt the comîng salen st e ru l peen o ,âUember the C.O.F. Bazaar REPAIRS to ail makes of refrig- Mo y he main, No bin afenonte o ehe 1j erators, domestic and commer. ke' anou thael forin salhe if ý, UinHall, Friday, Nov. 251I cial; miTlking coalers. Higgon anr expeth sewer. I e was n -a temt 5. 47-1 Electric Limited, 42-King St. E. a _______________~~~~~a b expethn seeryI wsc ke agtrpkitdgod;sc PlntaatndS.JonsPhone MA. 3-5438. 25-tf work, beitsn handags wallets; PlnteatedSt oh' 1> ý-the way so I would not waste bab war mitn;ethr G un , i e P a riîfls tH all, n . W A C H R EA I R N T h e fn ish in g sta g e s o f a p i w as e b s e s f r t n s rlin ipp iings job. baske Tik dî rai ý Q te 5 P h Hall, M Arom on the w ay w hen 1 realized as w l, al a s f l a h ~~2nd, in ans ~~the pesky need e hadn't gonv l- kn .. . r on plyingh indecins. we ariaymreat -The next meeting of the JEWELLERY trc me, how would I eveorsi WVinter Club will be held at the 43 King St. W., Phone MAj 3-5463magetgtaon .ÂýBowmanville Memorial Arena on BOWMANVILLE pa ea e mut, a to ta se eiang oridy.o. 2th r m 9 a ' ursday afternoon, D ecem ber __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1-tf peoal I u t atte m pt? tei g o p . . c n i u n Sa rd J.ta :0oclc.4- Edo ail kinds of carpentry teîn fcmasinfrto e W ftecmitehat wr. Repairs o buligThere came upori me a greait Nov.2t,9am o6pm Bino, nin HllThrsday, garages, barns. We shinRle or y.24 anl* Dec. lst, 8 p.m. repair roofs, build cupboards and acomplios teirwh abiin oni n eiyu ne Lission 5.Three jackpots. put down hardwood and tile Comrade George Crombie, oldest member of the ciýars and smoking tobacco, . Crmi shwna misthue their eyet's aouti.YurI no or -NSumber 1-12 caîrs, 2 -10 calls, floors. We aiso repair furniture. Bowmanville Branch of the Canadian Legion Mrt eteaov ihtewle . Othrs ite gr sop let Gîo bese ofem.y -ab -.- cais. 47-1 Work done at Your home or at Hnry esdtwas tendered a surprise bitdyto right, are Comrade Alex Mairs, Comrade Jim Fair, Nww unt u o-la Our shop. Lowest price in town. party by the Legion members Tuesday night in honor of Legion Fresident Ross McKnight and Comrade George tohpinerywypsil day, December 7th and 8th for 2011. 4-*his 87th brha.The veteran watchmaker and jeelr upg.Cornrades MarCrombie and am geare t thê owmnvile Cor0Socetywho is retiring from business at the end of this month, aillWorid War I veterans and long-time members 'of the Aduil _______ Ceparcent inin the Tontory S atr Wiate. Cdionr i5the 47-1 TAYLOR was presented with a wallet containing $100, and a pipe, local Legion branch. Se sodFerlnw TeWy St. John's WA. Blackstock, .Repair Shop Eno desinIecaulie.Teteeo W ill hold their n nuýîa l : azaarIA O S n H E T R h i t a d ton let haDonOR an ETR onor George Crombie Decorations Dùrham Tem Tusa NChile "o IDc. 2nd at 2:30. Miss Hln REPAIRED and CLEANEDam T ed y N g Bi.ùden will give an illustrated. RECORING ~( niudfa aeOe o 96i ~dres n er wok n he Generaj Soldering Repairs O n is 0 f t Bf ~ ei .uuh 5a . m îight nt consider the $10 G ra in Jr' th wl o! Ga naada .rtc Judevd QenS.W Bwavleging A good sized group had an ty t Can di n A ctc. Tee seve , Q ee St W B wma vilecharge excessive. ausing and enjoyable time th Ail wecome Places Phn A335 CmaeGogLrobe TeB when the Bowmanville Skatingthcmuntad - 2 5 e .~~~ m e .t 4 7 1lh n A 3 4 9C m a e G o g r m i T e Bit a n d , t h e s e p e o p l e , t h e M e a n s O v e r h e a d W r e s F o l b h l t i s d i i vM s t r l a e e u Trhe Bowm nvile Skating 32t -Who at 87 years of age is the litegf~ are oun way of telling P a e o r hCu e l Sk t i st sion t heFuim dego-ym s wic i Club is holding free figure skat- i oldest member o! the Bowman- you, George. that you are the Mr. Hooper pointed out that ueSaigssina h u i n g o r d u it o n T u e d e y v e n M e ov ialHepi t i a nra n h oo t h e C a n d ieCb e s - l o edna nbiea utL e i o n.eG e r g e V a n B i d g r, a n a g r T e D r h a m C ouGe o- HgB w m a v iî e M e o n i l A e nrMe nn ae daeg r a t e a l o!a evut gri judging team whihe byteoftee-..hd one on Tuesday evening. ît s Mr.R.Dvoeeprse Ing, Nov. 29 t 8:15 p.m. Ail by te Comrade Alex Mais pesented giirteasimte o retd gn O tan he h eo - pa n d a aee mmeso! the brench eih lhimn with a Pipe, tobacco and when giig th siaeo0tprsene Onario rtteDo ln egutîanîytes duningha aduits, whether members or not, Weky Rp r upiebitdyprya h the cost that overhead winingiin4Hcmeiin -eio Hakll Report ng t.1eln r sessions reual uig the bers a Me tr n o Ms sur ris eith a eat et the cigars; Co na e Jim Faîr re- d hav te b instaled b- h ild in judgcingw t ain season every Tuesday evening, Ives. are cme . 7 1L gi n B l o u s e ng t sentedo- Th thet veee Le o mem tw ou ahe h o etn a d e a stat-n et con ecio wih ato A l vl u c a e v d C e n F o t e w e k f o v. 1 3- 0: M r. C ro m b ie is re tirin g t th e b s e r ait e p u rse c o n ta in in g $ 1w e n th0y do(t n d rs,. a l 4 -H C lu b W e e k t th e R o y a l st r n g e 8: 5 p m F a r e r s a t e n t o n - h e - A d m is s io n s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 9 e n d o f th is m o n th f r o m , th e a nd C o n dre r g u p g m a k e t h is s c h e m e p o s b e i t r F i e t w e l c dA m o n g t o ep e e i n c m î t e m h r e h e wnight Farmens' Union invites Births, 5 maie, 7 femele 19 watch repeir and jewellery bus-l aiom ad aesetto Gog p geog Hcin sidte Posbe. foutr irh amtio be-k Tuae sde tevng wresexpert cemeoeeigiinb hl yaU ta attend their reguler Dischemges beiidHcigsi ta i orhi tecmeiinb monthlmeeinyumeeting- iscaets -the --T--3-----ess3-5i hes hass eaopeneted ohe aon oeTheos large- - garatden ing at o!ig thLeinot tskatedmad hforhe hveryrirempovysktthe anevening.adwe Hall Blcksockut8-30 Major operations 6 Division Street since 1921. members then sang "Happy tis type o! installation with- inces. ntsae o ey mn h a rxp , H ra , B la cksto c k etM n o p erati n - - --- ---- Il C o m ra d e C ro m b ie , w h o c eied B irth d a y " a n d "F o r H e s a Jo lly o u t strin g in g o v e h ead w ires T e t a a a e u ! y a s n a e b g n e s an sp ak r J hn M. J m e , re t en s - l the f r t m eeting of W orld W ar G ood F el ow ". an gd the C a msee h o l was L aw rence onaug l d R . R . 1, A il had fun. T h e b etterF a m F rs eèeweekiy in an effort ta acqlueint which ultimetely resuited in the ExPresses Thanks done. President Banting ste:- R. R. 2, Nestleton. They had John Rodway, the club pro- Dance and drew, Odd Feliows this community with the ser- formation of the local Legion Comnede Crombie thenked ail ed thet it is tao late ta have won the right ta take part in fessionel, w as pantîculenly Itî Orono, Fniday, November vices of our hospital. Brench, has been Hononevy the members present for the the bneckets for Christmas the national competition by helpful. Mn. Rodway will give I .4DRIGO 25th, 1955. Paul Minicole's President of the Brench for 5ev- gifts and good wishes. "I thenk decoretion inany event and winning the provincial campe- instruction tae edtgrpF B a n d~~~~~~~~~~ o! P t r o o g . 2 u - Ie a e r .Y O U fro m th e b o tt o m, o ! m y h e a rt th e m a tte r w as eft w ith th e titio n t G u elp h in N o v e mnb er. a il w in te r an d w il l te ch w eo l t- F e aru a e d a h keysI Bdesd ie wyt e wes taken completeiy by and I certainly appreciete it", he Chamber executive for funther Ontario 4-H teams weré' zes, a tango, and other dances hoean n Ms hs wiieres Deiveved weekof Il Beer Site surpr-ise by the party and was said.f "The presents will remind investigation. finst in poteto judging, second on skates. Ob ta jOsbone wth a att nda24.o December 19i iefrCrs-ushered ta the front o! the hall me o! you for the rest o! my life, The pssibility of the Cham- in swine udging, third in Next Tuesday vening, Nov. Oun Fouja acp iftas dinner. Admission $1.00 per <Continued tram page one) by two other iong-time L egion 1whîch I hope will be another ber setting up a netail credit dairy, adfutinginnd2hheBw nvl Skating forum tteha tbea h p e r s a n . M o d em n an d a id tim e 1 -is P o s itio n o n O c to b e n 4 . D u - m e m b e r s a n d f ie n d s , o r d s 1 2 3 ) y a s I h a e n v r b r a a s a c v n i c l d b e f a t e c m p i i n . T e C u b w l h v en t e r e d a n c i n g . 4 6 - 2 * i n g O c t o b e r , h e s a id , h e h a d u t . G e r g H m p geonrA ees e n 0 u c f i e d s i p a n g i d e t a l o a l m e c h n t iitn u r a m b o s , e l nguir he s i o n o ! adbt s k t i g . E v r y e N w c s t e n e c m b r s t endeihfomindnfrMan. Te tee trn brotherly love as you get in the extending credit was aiso dis- tem brsathtesfomone interested in edult figure Çarwniht ighScho aametgswrtn38e- Legion members passed through Legion. This is not just toward cussed. Secreteny - Manager the other provinces, enjoye.-aingwl ewîoet n The olwn icsint DXiUal Commencement Exercises' ters, meny 'o! which aiso in- tw oso ebr !teme but ta one another. You're Morris steted thet he wouil trips ta Niagara Fells, Hamîl- oy theeing wi thb wlouet chre,- place: Hall, Blckstock, on Fridy' ed three biefs, and started themn ta the front. this wil continue. Thnk you merchants would like ta have the Candian Council of 4-H bers o! the club. After next job a!Fncou i h oa evening, November 25th t 8:30 drewing up a mp showing in- Addess Read ail and God bless yu". it and woud agree ta co-per- Clubs. While in Ottawa they we h e atk ati ilI rvdsapaet .m . The progremn will consist'dustril sites availble and President Ross M cKnight T e L go or h s e m de te Mn H op r aned a t were entertained by the Ce- tee ut e sso o t e et n- fise al ocldo'ma a d g n 'Mthe varding o! certificates, what services, if any, exist near pointed out that Comrade Cromn- IoCmrdsEgeHnenndthat there is an excellent credit ada Depertment o! Agriculture, tire winten wil be $4.00 pererl!mpobmsnd he r~s a oneac pl y nd hee l caios. Two indistrial bie is 87 years young this week 1A i Fletcher on violins, Glen bureau in Oshawa t the pre- persn, on $7.00 e couple. This necessrçe d p oet o p amusical numbes by the Girls'*prospects teer e t the jand that the Party had been ar- Virtue on guitar and Luther sent time and that it now haslatr !e ncu s h sb ds p va lttr ta g v n et ~~~Ir ndthe Boys' Trio. 47-1 Chamnber by local businessmen ranged by three o! his friends, Welsh t the piano entertained severl bd credit isks in an,. ~d *ives joining together, officiasoeecenpret- Annual~ ~ ~ saeo adwrwere contcted, he sid. fComrdes Chalie Stire, Alex with ad tim, and modern tunes Bowmanvile listed. He su.- Pot-LuI.. upp r two mn w wae, o rltives, gvapal .f~soe br. ther local cammittee aiv Mir adHp os He) for the rest o! the evening. gested that the Bowmanville and boy fniends. trainingadecuae nia fwWnored the ldcil bomee foré page preîuminery survey then reed an address which stat- Comrades Jim Fair, Jack Knight, Chemben might wonk inco- 1 Id%#I uestexrsteiopno th Cnaie Ntonl nsi-le bad made showing the need ed, in Part: "George fixes wetch- BilBtsedJhcupry ucinwt h seabrt- For FecleraiLJI freely. In te Hyro Ofice Fniayfor th long-term master plan es and dlocks, though we under- sang severel sangs and aiso led eau. <fTnTT<T ntepoica ti lnth ydo fic, rda, o tedevelopment o! Bom?- stand be wiil give this up soon. in e *igsn ytemmes rsdn Bnin stated tha a soi No.25, 9amte9pmadmni.Tiexeet uv'ey Bu, he must nlot give up bis reel Ne tT u s ayCUT" S atu rd ey . N ov . ý6, 9 a.m . t a e n l e. T i ex el en sury B utb er hd anîn sta e h 6ýp.m. Came end see the un- wes weli received by the profession; fixing the tickers in- A herty lunch helped t brany Chebrvide e a re- The ladies a! Courtice Wom- pravide nomto amn uul display of articles made meeting and will be published side men's chests. Eighty-seven round out a most enjoyable ev-f u-producing pnojcct, charging The annuel meeting and an's Association met on N0v- era pole by the blind which meke ec-' in full in the next issue o! Th2 years sit weil on hlm - li:ke bai! ening in honor o! the well-loved Ie fe otoemrh nts sub. epcino fieso u- me 7hwt h rsdn çppiblebile angiftslarendle useful SatarticlesSe_ hCanadienit o Statesusman.st eThe. Seeetethat menunns ber lesitn fonfimosto to!Du-us.eroidestt thmemeidetrI tonthehom. e wil e gedcretary-Manegerý recommend- It's grand ta see him enjoy bis Camnede John James took scribing ta it. hemn Federation o! Agriculture Mrs. Robent Barber presiding. In te ntoa îe tpo fo h oe e ilb ldiwill be held at the annuel Pot- Scnipture lesson was takenmae adpbirltonb. te ccet rdeseiter rir t, edtht a ealystat e mdepipe, bis glass and bis fun. He severai pictures, including one o! W. Pescoe on Executive Luck Suppen et Ne .rcastle from John 14:1-15 and given by tweenhepoics oi during the sale. Contact Mrs:! on orming e thmite hai sa you forum undetake of h m r inae C on i w t-2 1V. R. Stnike, convenor. 46-2 Iwork an e long-range mesten . a e en.loy them ail for many menviile members o! the 136th theet Bmeting betw ene Dcmberit lst et 6:30 pm. I read the devmoineMs.S eme, thest eoitn ahv plan for the towri and ca-or- yeers. Thet is aur seifish wish Battalion in which be served presentetives o! industries in Ail Durham County fermers "Christmas" and Mrs. C. Pen- tep - - o rd in te th e efforts t a i mip ro v e se th at w e can en .oy h is coin - f no mn 1915-1918 v e seas as e en h m e o f c r r c r i l y in i e o t is e - ! u d e n p a er : . th e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ M rs. A .ra d d a n g r a u m a d ew e c r a s si n c o r-eg a t h o n n h m e f i e s ý r o d a l n i e e h s e - f u d l d i p a e . M s . r N otice fo C redilors th o n i e d b i g ma & a Y S a f Se g e t * t hree w eeks-ago, W a ton joyab e event and are urged W ilkins read a p ece on "Ch r- r co u a s, p sgn bysvrlorganizations. A __G. Pescoe had bennamed zota get together with their lotte Elliatt" the author )f etabdcnerOtiedh- AND OTHERS nominting cammttee ta forIn pfthe town's industril comn- neghbos ta arrange for bring- hymn "Just As I Ar" and this ipitlizainpnasagup I th - -ae o S y o r o the l ag er c pml tte a n m mittee. e suggested th t M i.. ng food. Te, coffe, dishes ymn closd the devotionl Arrange u n e h y a ~enjmin ilso Sba. . ith . P.Rickby, ernad >"member o! the Chemben exe- free o! charge by the Durham that orders for Christmas cards andKigonMltr ilh pensons baving dlaimn Kitney, W. A. Courtney, Cal- 7fcutive. On motion o! 'George Federetion. must ha in soon. A donation edGep lae lâiànst the estete o! Seymour vin Breen and Violet McFee- Hacin Mr. Pascoe .a nai J.AC. A.CrrlAsitntD-folenniLu n eb Benjamin Wilson Shaw, lte O!, ters as members. I c - T u c k~ HaknDM. Psoe ws nini. A C mi, Asitn D- fr!ineiehsn bt o stones of belpr an the Town o! Bowmanville, de-' ed to the Chamber executive. puty Minister o! the Ontario a quilt ws o!ered. Final plans ed fencz Bd I ceased, who died on or about th, Congratulates Secretary a9I ~MAmto e lopse Department o! Agriculture. for the bezeen an December fermer a p c A_ m o io w aJ ae- uie aase heml a!teru s p ak r a d Is e e o p e ed 17th day o! August. 1955, are President Elmer Banting uaie SecetyMage Ke F rthen gues speake andlst eecmitd hereby notified ta send in ta cngrtulted M. Morris on Stud e by Lharrber thati be aur-aege ten ~ c nofcr ilas Mrs. W. Parker, convenor of fin Prvddboddnr tnike & Stike, olictors for te gr at e ount ! wok heMorri be utho ized a sî u giv bri! re orts n th yee'srChosttnsEocntthe gr up i when necesary _àtrke& trke Sliitrsfo te ret montofwok echeques for the Chember on activities. Engreved siiven trays troducEdgustiist roin Everyn nae eeo ' thÏ A dm i 'istratrix, Bow m n- has accom plis ed on eh ef of The possibil ty o ! putt ng d scussed the possibi ity o ! tai- the fund set side by Tow n M'i ii be presented by the F . d~,l tr du e ge yed p ai t lov cards. Th ho es th n S r "Vfille, Ontario, on or before the the Chamnber i the six weeis lanes through beind the stores ing out the boulevard on the Counil for , industril promo rin t« Sbe br ! trk m n h M .paner ais ino-I e nex Fou1etig 6th day o! December, 1955, full he bas been bene. He was i three Bownienvile busin e est side o! Division St. and cx. tien and publicity purposes, a- in g ju g g te m fom d c d a gu t sp kr, M . be hl D c. 5 t te h me o p rticu lers (. f their dlaim . em mîzed, he s id, t how m uch locks w s dis c e. , ýd ettft n i ~ t s a e e t r gh a l n i h a r p e e t t v !ro m D urhe mi C ud ny. C. Iefst p e i en ! OmM e d M s r a n 4 ,-~, TH-AAI19SASM - - - - -..->-, A- chare 25evi i b od tofi aen tElsent sSt cepdettemtig o the F. F. Morris Comýpa:i peint the 4 by 4's on wich tbe c e ah meetieng. AdjM O N D A Y TO SA TU R D A * 'oei relie dîeced 0 tis Jak Estn, Civil Defence prevents a lane from being p ut jil he erected and also help ___________ ROIC COMING EVENTS C - diao fa B wm niethrougb and M. Morris believ- jin thein installation. &NDe CARDS OF THANS addressed the meeting an the ed that the Marris !iinm did Voe eetr namdU* Coe i a udy Po' a word with o minimum oz need for !orming et least e pa. o eefl s !ti ae Vihe e m eee tt Mn an d sVn SI C a,33 ors , fu erargniatonfor looking bouse. On the sauth side off B. W. Woo]ley o! Vancouver inirn MARRIAGE EAH diKtrisc shurcns ng m . etween Temperancc j bave teken aven the operetioni MMIAG EAEETS diafte s civi defen rcen o an g og St.S. i htwude h amrlHtlat a $1.00 pei insertion .las Anl oronizti o! and 28ods An~re orgniIro ff of of emhgec Banera member oforsafndeoncl he ta put a tune plan many improvements. The 1.0 alun RAM men sean ann to esevmite ol en ey through would be some bul- IChemben members were very- 'l g s m ao o u. i c in oi v rs a t m tt e w u d e ad e u e d o z in g w o r k a n d o b t ein in g p e . g d ta h r t h s n w a du r - for Bawmanville's needs, lie msintueso e ede vzeas decided tht a ette and it Rin~ al ail limes. COMCA CLIFM smidsond he sent tam thre couple welco 911o ai fi .in eries,,o Mnlîtnepandac andfths. enwy wen e s n the te Boumnlwle. m Tyrone team was the winne *Issqo oz fn eselli ptrjcin M.Eso xlandac t I tabihe, laewy o!r the ifrs hal! o! the season.We will appreciale your co-operalion -cPtword; minimum cbiq which showed Which commit- talseMn. Morris stated, Jack Elston esked if thaofe 7ûc cas ith arder. To regulca tees would be needed. Chie! o!f trucks could be forced ta meke Chem ber wes helping the fis Tynone---------4 4 2720 dvettie aybe monhlv these wene ways nd means, their delivenies et the reen o! Paul B. Simpkin Cabinet Coi- lEnniskillen S. - 42 2786 latrnsoraton cinile oi mIbi ma u ca the stores in these blocks and peny ta become re-establish kl '0111with at minimium of one tions, and police and fine com- it then migbt be possible tu e olwing the fine Blah, ckstock j1 2 IlâdaU Addtional insertins ri mittees. Be felt that the Cham- set up pancel pickup zones -i estoe foli o f whichr 41 Goe _ 3 28686 CR VT MT &. , he sa*rt$ber was the logicel group 'ta front o! the gracery stors, two montbs ago. Pesident IEnniskillen Jr. - 37 284601 #àCloiih.d Ad& musteii assist in forming an Emergencv wbere cars could not park. ixut Banting replied that th apon8 258 Ford' Dealer for Bowmanville and Necsl Il dock aooa.tWendnar. in stimulating public interest their mofors ru nning for the the Sim-pki.1 _finm in eny way High Single-K. McGill ---309 ode ch s*cm*. monsi i t.purpase af Pîcking up pance7s jpossible as soon as it hed de- High Triple-K. McGill --7771 jN U EW CA STLEM UPaieti ndv avee n The metten was left with the and grocermes. cided whet type a! assistance,, Lemon League-P. Westlake QJ lI of a bnd ieên. Chember executive ta pursue The Sec retary -Manager also if eny. it nequined. No requeset 93, H. Stevens 92, G.Stvn further. stated tiiet the executive hast bas yet been receîved . he aaid. 162, 61. 1 4'M ýU ýIMI