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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Nov 1955, p. 18

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g,. 1!! The Orono News TEM CANADIAN sTATrSMAN. 1EowmMqvILLZ oNTAIXO Sen ed into the lumber and1 coal business, Mr. McLaren w~orked for the Canadian Pac- fific Railway at Franz. Ontarfe. JA ctive in his community, Mr McLaren was an Eider of t. e Orono United Church for W~ares for Pantry and Kitchen -at Trinity Bazaar f iteen years andS was also a - Mr. and Mrs. Harold Snell 1 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Leamen. member of the Board of Stew- and sons, Toronto, sper.t the Toronto, vîsited Mr. and Mrs. ards prior to being an Eider. weekend wVith Mrs. Ken Gams.. Wm. Leamen on, Sunday. Mr. McLaren was a member of by and family. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Dilesbury, the Orono Masonic Lodge, No.. Mrs. Chas. Bebee who has Dunnville, spent the weekenj 325, and its Grand Master in been with Mr. and Mrs. Wm, with Mr. and Mrs. J. Hudson 1945.f Glanville for several months and Jim. ISurviving is his wife, the due ta a broken hip returnedl Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Logan former Dora Mooney, twa sonsf to ber home last week. MI'. and Mr. 'and Mrs. Chas. Woodl Arthur and Donald 'of Orano,f M. Farrow is staying xith bier.! spent Sundax' with Mr. and one daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Mrs. 0. Cowan and Mrs. :Mrs. Neil WVood and famUly, Ewing (Marjorie), 'I'oron4o. Harry Mercer visited Mis~s Lakefield. one sister, Mrs. C., G. Clark, Margaret Flintoff and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Grabam Long Beach, California, and Mrs. Perc Cooper. Oshawa,: and family are moving this two, grandcbildren, Linda and ]ast Thursdav. week ta reside in Oshawa. Mr. Donald McLaren, Orono. Mrs. Ken Gansb ' vi-ited: E. Brown has purchased th3 The many beautiful florali her mother. Mrs. Moolr, Col_ Graham bouse. tributes 'received by the dé- borne, last wveck on the occas- Clarke Township Teache!'s ceased. showed how highly bie ion of her'birthdav. held their annual turkey ban- xvas respected, among wbich The Public School Teachers quet. Monday evening at New- were fokens from tbe Oronor of Mr. McEwen's Inspectorate tonvlle Unted Church. Boy Scouts, Orona Masonîr i held their convention in Osh- Miss Madeline Cowan. Whdt- Lodge, the Orono Businessmen.- awa on Wednesdav. v, spent the weekend wiriu Orono United hrh n h Miss Mabel Diavexl' visitj NMr. mýd Mrs. Brooks Cowan. Newcastle Lions Club. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fralick. MI-s. Dianne Phase ' , Osn- 'Mr. McLaren wil] be re- - Manchester. awa. visited Mr. and Mrs. Chas. menubered by Statesman read- Atatv utxgtbeadhm aejm n on ed Mrs. Ed. Graham left f,. Wood. Aetactas futheveauthor oad hr a-aseriesandpickles on red Pôrtage La Prairie, Man., Suii- Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mercer, of mDst intecesting advertise- rhsr tTîiyFi ar h nulbza edb h W.A. of Trinity United ciay after receiving word of the Valerie and Brucie spent Suri- ments published as letters to) Church. Pictured in thîs Country Store booth are, left to righ4t: Mrs. E. Clarke, Mrs. suddcen passing of her mothe", cay with Mr. and Mrs. H. Lux- bis son and headed: "Dèar Harold Watson, Mrs. L.A. MacDouigal, Mrs. Clare Allun, Mrs. K. Squair, Mrs. H. Mrs. Staples. Mrs. Grabaî.i ton and family, Bowmanville. Donald." Hughes, Mrs. W. M. Rabb, Mrs. John Cox. was lannng t go est his Recent visitors with Mrs. C.________________________ Nxweek ta visit her mother. McLaren were Mr. and M-. lce o Rey. and Mrs. Gordon "Bru-- Harry Clarke, Prescott; Mr. the Orono United Church on Mon day aftero oon, Nov. 14t'l Inn, Willowdale, visited lcicnd,isand Mrs. Terry McLean and a :0wt h e.Jh in_________M. n Ms.Loy Eig e ling Attic Treasures at Trinity Fair Tor~onto. Kitchen officiating. Interment IMr. and Mrs. Geo. Cale, Port was in the Orolio Cemetery BU K T NHope, visited Mr. and Ml, 'here the Orono Masonic Bailey. Palibeacers were: Msr. (Iiiendied l'or ]ast week) Mr .Jack Cooper, Oshawa, Manson Mooney, Keith Moo- Surprise Party visited Mr. and Mrs. O. Cowan. ey, Sr., Allen Mooney, Wa]n- - A surprise parts' was he:<l Mrs. Milton Tamblyn andllace Mooney, Lester Thornton for Mr. and Mrs. Harold Di- Mrs. Reg Sutton attendied Cad-1 and Harry Clarke 0 milîs, at their farm, befo:'emu Woman's Association Relatives and Arnd, attendi- hird'aicttheirne meeting last week at the home ing the funeral were- from Wal- home in Bowmanville. The of Mrs. Marwood McKee. There forci, Thessalon, Massev, SudI- c rvening was spent in car7d1 was a splendid attendance andi burv, Prescott, Toronto and ïo games and dancing after which Mrs. Tamblyn explained the Ajax. lunch was served and final] inspiration and education ac- Mr. and Mrs. Demilis wer e uired by Locals through mem- ca]led ta be seated alsaý' thr bership with Presbytery and IK N A famlyWilie nd aler. Mr. atso the wonderful expanding Leslie Taylor was chairmanr contacts in church work Dom- ' i and asked Mr. A. E. Ribey ta inion Council Woa'sAis- . and Mri George, Clark read the address wben they ciation is doing throughout the il spent last weekend at their suam- were presented with a beauti- Dominion which is onîy pos mer home here when the weath f fui floor lamp by Mr. Gordon sible by the growing member- er was vers' pleasant.- c Strong. sbip of the Local organizations. Mr. and Mcs. Gien Kirbyý,!r- -- Mr. and Mcs. Demilîs thank- Toronto, visitedi hec brother, Roy f Pd ail for their gift and kind- Sleep, ]ast weekend. ness, asking them ta came ta loTIAD Sunday guests with Mrs. Mary! see them at theiî' home, 227 OB.LLUALL Luxon were Mc. and Mrs. Orval Liberty St. North. Ail joinedir Zealand and Johnny, and Miss a"j. '~~~ singing "For The, Are iol,' C IL . LA N Belle Alexander, Courtice, and 1 Ž~ Good Fellows. A pleasant tinv' O (ne of Orono's well-knownRuddMr: an rs o Mercer a sen . yeeyn p ~ eîet, c ei tvn Mrs. MKay motored ta Torn Large crowds attended Trinity FaIT -v air, annuial bazaar sponsored by Trinityj frmhnew t. IMLaen, died suddenly at is to. Mrs. McKay remained for a W.A., held last Friday afternoon and evening. Pictured in the Attie Treasures Booth Serot a ttendmhewc Ro rsy ec o auraNo-Ife vas- are. left ta right: Mrs. Len Richards, Mrs. C. Wight, Mrs. D. Sleep, Mrs. W. Reynolds, Ta a tt9ten1h R y lfem ber l2tb. 1955, in his 55th J r M ike Basanac had quite M rs . J erry . h o n ui r e s M s a r n a i s n Winter Fair. yeac. Mr. McLaren had for a j J Wu1sleo Strdy Mr. and Mrs. Bun Welsh, Pa- twenty-twa years been a res;- He plans on staying awhile with tricia and Paul, recently ce- dent of Orono where be show- bis sister in Toronto. boroughi on Sundav withM.K daMik adsmttth ththrgruwshdUte dourn fam ngsery Ln e get erest in bis cam- ty Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Grant, and Mrs. Alvin Lowes. home of tbe Assistant Leader dishles after ail had sampled tbe don oegladforwhe Bun 3 b e as nitv.hplau Uxhridge, and Mr. Fred McKay, Ned and Allen Foster ship- Mrs. Eddie Couroux with two milk-shakes with much pleasure. b e e n o v e s e a f o t h p a t 13 H e a s o r n b C a p l a u , S a s k a to o n , v is ite d T bu r s d a y w ith :years and will now make Ontario, in 1900, the son of the Mc. aiud Mrs. Wm. Mercer. ped out the ficst load of tobacco new nmembers also present. Tbey home in Canada. We jain inu ate Mc. and Mrs. Acchibald Mrs. Norman Patton was sent this season, on Monday, ta received their pamphlets and Canada, with an area o!f3 saying welcome home. Th'is McLaren, wbere he received home foc a few days the latterj the British Leaf Ca. at Chatham. were divided ino groups. One 845,774 square miles, isth weekend they visited with Mc. bis educatian. Prior ta om patathwekbtnt jO sutewolslagt and Mrs. C. Ashton. ing tartrofothe 1933,buh nohefeslinglOnagain returned - Nov. 14, ru made a white sue h ol' ags onr fe ________i 9,3 he i s el ginrtrndt Peter- Kendal girls 4H Club, "The second made milk-shakes, and Russia.cunyate 1 SPRED SATIN The 100% latex wonder paint for .ceilings, walls and woodwork EASY TO APPLY NO DISAGREEABLE ODOR DRIES IN 20 MINUTES Requires no Priming on new plaster, wallboard or wallpaper The large country-wide annual increase in sales is the best testimonial of its quality. RIPOLIN ENAMEL The whitest and best on the market Aberneth y s Paint &, Wallpaper IP q I --. -_- -- __ Ayear-round pleasure' for ALL the famîly Make this a FILZE VISlIN CE5R 15 FA 1s (AND ONLY 27 SHOPPING DAYS LEFT) Special Christmajs0f fer FREE -UPHOLSTERED- T.V., STOOL WITH EACH SET PURCHASED 'TILL CHRISTMAS- // [j i il i ('ompjete '~-ju, Matehnr Ra'.. MAKLuI~à IV MODLL 2632 FoUl sereen I' tible nliorlel TV with the le%% :4arcoli jAvvard Chassis w it controlled Waln-uP tibes ta lessen tutlie strain. A\ttractiv'e noderiî.stv'led '%'a.,terci-aft Cabinlet IVlTUI îiMATCHJING BASE AT NO EXTRA C HA RG E FULLFACTORV IVARRAiNTY $159.oo WITH ONE-VEAR ('OMPLETE COVERAGE IVRITTEN GIrARANTEE AT NO EXTRA CHJARGE! 17" larcge sereen Consolette. Alunuinizeci picture tube - Transformer operated TV. Lias 21 powerful tubes for pin-point clarity Toile Contrai Signal Monitor Front Speaker - Reniovable Safety Glass Ail Marconj's LaIest I"caturcs! -$249-00 Coniplete as show» MARCONI TV MODEL 3031 Many Other Models $3 79.95 Free Hm, Demonstrat ion at no obligation Televion Service Marconi's latest Deluxe 21" Console - at a very reasonable price. Rich, muodern wood cabinet - Remnovable Tinted Protection Company - Ail the Latt F~lea(u res with One Year Complete Coverage Gutaraie THE BEST T.V. WITH THE LONGEST GUARANTEE! 33 King St. West TeeDhone MA 3-3883 at No Extra Charge I Phone MA 3-5431 85 King St. W. -- -77- 1 -, 1 q 'ntypool, Newlyweds .Feted by'Community t ber 18, a long-awaîted event The newlyweds wçrt thea iwas ceiebrated when a capa- presented with a nandsomm ict On rwd atheveninthoenOr- spayne ht or an amuty ccroe a otered inthecOr- spce eatr nd aepes wc' r angle Hantypool ta con- rmade y Fttinbrpiesnd r« grsatuled e te nd et ws-Jackd eboth ie ad rooim esR to Dayeuteoccasin ind Mo. ack eprssin bins appec R. J. Paen thrrae occasin a t Paytoeteirmay rsieng ha "lonheir ren marraeu sav Mri. Pares otalepr i e yearsrnany of us bave beri n the community and ta he p watn nvi osee ak WeeIcn le can, hg~ succumb to some fenjininc j i can and as much as I c wiles and be lured ta fthe altar. 1We are sure Jack hadÀý But the "*best laid plans of speech of thanks carefull3qý. jmice and muen gang oft' aglay" hearsed but we have a huiffél and ail Jack's staunch resolu- 'he forgot every word of it and tions bave at last been shaz- spoke, on the spur of the morn- tered under the spel] of Thel- I tnt. jus sentiments of the momW# ma's charm and mnagnetic per- enti sonality. We salute h ler upofl After the scrving of lunch,, capturing one of Durham I dacn otue uti th County*s most confirmed bac-- anc in courd ntl h elorz! wesa ius The evening commenced witn dancing ta music supplied by Mrs. James Richardson and, HIGHLY STYLED Mr. Perey Mantle. About 11:00 j MODERATELY PRICED o' dock M.C. Fred Youngman~ LADIES' WBAR, invited Mr. and Mrs. Payne toi the platformn whereupon Court- La Vogue cillor Bob Brown read an ap- propriate address. citing Jack's fI meritorious record of continu- ( 'jtti ous service ta evcry worth- f c u 1n while public en terprise-social, municipal, political or religious Cor. At.hol. & Cçina, Oshawa and heartily welcomin gMrs. I________________ 1 0 1 1 1 NCOý 4t 4 « TWIN SPEAKERS IMM un«"M qmw qmw ýqw MW 4w

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