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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Nov 1955, p. 1

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p 1~ VOLUME lo1 Q.H.A. Approves Prof est Îver Game With Lakefi( *When Weird Goal Score The strange case of the goal scored by a playerl' serving a twa-minute penalty was solved by the Ontario U I Hockey Association Executive Tuesday night at the O.H.A. Balmoral iioiel offices in Tatonto with the decision being in favar of the BowranvlleBarns.Changes ia nds The decision was reached that the game in Peterborough Iast Friday night between the Barons and Lakefjeld in which the incident occurred be P lan A ierations dec1Ired "no contest" and be repIavyed at the end oA f n~bnrn t4te~tu~rn "tDurham County's Great Famitly Journal" .J L W.2LINJ. VLDIIJ L It1955 ODloe Pl Public Building C on tract rith Tender of $222,620, Officiai woî d was received from Ottawa on Tuesdlay by John M, Fames, M.P. that the contract for construction of Bowmanville's new publie )uilding has been awarded to BradfordHoshal Associates Limited of Port Eope. Only three -firms submitted tenders for the building. Bradford-. foshal was the lowest at $222,620; H. M. Brooks Limited of Oshawa, second ($232,000, and James Kemp Construction Limited, Hamilton, third, at 234,000. Two local contractors will figure in the construction sub-contracts. V. A. Kilpatrièk of Bawmanville will do the plumbing, heating and ?ntilating; the roofing will be done by J. H. Gascoigne, Darlington Town- hip, and Hiil-Cornish, Oshawa, will do the electrical work. An Oshawa firm, whose narne we have been unable to learn, wiii Is take care of the complete demolitian of the present buildings on the te opposite the Town tIall. According ta Mr. Chris. Mackay f Bradford- loshal the arrangement they have .with the demolitian firm is that they riii remove ail the~ material from the property. Persans interested in taining used lumber, plumbing facilities, etc., wauld be welI advised contact the wreckers as soon as passible in order ta make arrangements )r abtaining their requirements. Mr. Mackay stated that his firm expected demolition to start ne,,t ek and they hope to be able ta do same excavating and foundation wark fore frast gets too deeply inta the ground. They have eleven months Scamplete the structure. Bradford-Hoshaî are at present campleting >structian of the addition ta Bowmanville's High Schol and are well awn in this area. w Ja bu ut Lzc c'u ut The Balmoral Hotel is now a the schedule if it affects the Lakeshore League final under new management, its H standing. If needcd, the gaine must be pIayed in aperation having been takenj Peterborough with the gate split as if it were a play- aver last Friday by Mr. and offgae.Vancouver. The former awner, W Protcst Weird Goal Jack Weise and bis wife, have The Lak-efield squad had won the game 94. butreuedtTonotalv.S'J Bowmapviîîe protested becaùuse of the weird goal scored by Mr. i an d Mrs. Woolley plan a~~~~~mn Laeil lyrwihboea44dalc n e.t aYipravements at the ho- ais a L ak fiel pla er w ich roke a 4B aronso k an d a t l and have already ardered st the eventual Lakefield win. Jed Wilson of the Brna nrew stove, silverware, china Keîth Montgomery af Lakefield were banished in the and linen. They wiIl open the Since 1929 it has been customary for the graduating H third period by Referee Ted Toppîng, for roughing, After dining room just as soon as the class of Bowmanville High School to present ta the school W.l tbley hàd served iess than haif of their twa-minute terms a new equipment arrives and s-lschfaneoba a parting gift. This has often taken the form of a painting, obl man who was in the penalty box consulting a stop watch ed. but this year Grade XIII thought this handsome plaque t ian ,en tirely unofficiai capacity sent them out on the Thne prpeosplnt bearing the school name, school symbol, the Screech Owl, for teie. instali new nean signs outside and motta, "Non Quantum Sed Quale ", would be particular- » h fiiitmkprrn i eladsot the hotel and ta redecarate ly fitting because of the new addition being built on the W ed at the players toreturn to the penalty box. Wilson seal ofge the u e ons.aWeschool. The Plaque, shown here being presented by Don be: *did io, but Montgomery got a pass immediately after wn agttehtlo proper footing just as soan as Cramp on behaif of the graduates, to Mr. L. W. Dippeli, to stepffing out, skated up the ice and scored a goal for possible", Mr. Woolley declar- Principal, who accepted it on behaîf of the schaol, will be con *Lak-efield whicb put Lakefield ahead 5-4. In what cd. put in place in the new building prior ta the officiai open- knc sure ly must he tops for a'bad decision, Referee Top- Mrs. Woolley, assisted by ber ing. The presentation was made at Commencement *pmng>allowed the goal to count, but madle Montgomery husband, bas had over six Exercises at B.H.S. last Friday evening. *return to-the penalty box to finish out bis two-minute years' experience in opcrating -Photo by Robert Carruthers - hotels in Vancouver and bas________________________________ penalty. held a partnership in hotels Bowmanvijie pkit on the pressure ta tie up the game teedrn httm.Sh n e e o in n s Papei again 'but Lal<efield notched another goal and went on to a native of Manitoba and ber C a b rR c me d husband cames ariginally fraîn h Win 9-4. The Barons officiais feit that the disheartening Pennsylvania but s er ve d effect of this weird goal probabiy cost them thegamne and throughout World War Il in N t decided ta protest. the Canadian Army. He fought Mange Fan Jmiso ad reidntBlin with the 5th Division in France, B eer Ii arehouse Site Over Manaer Fank amieon ad Prside t an Belgium and 'Germany. The Elliott represented the club at the hearimg and Garne couple have made their home Samis appeared for the Lakefield Club. Referee Top» in Vancouver since the end of OJn W4 ellington S treet In their phti stated that he did not hear the timekeepers ring-. the w~ar. The citizens of Bow- anvîlled ing the bell to bring the players back to the penalty thmalmealad ta lear n-a Property blnging ta the Dawnham Nursery Campany ciation bot.e'BaHlmaral Hoteelanw llqcon- eSpanialoyPapeî Company property on the sauth side of poundsc box.w e d fo aeayaeut lnto, tinue ta operate and exten rnting along Wellington St. No. 2 Higway at the east brought1 hoever, for the reason he allowed the goal to count. warmn welcome ta Mr. an dMrs.eatothpprfim asecdgoftnndrprton eu. (Continued on page seven) Wole.comfmend ed ta the Brewer's the forth side of Qucen St. TeA Warehousing Company as a site west, of the lawn bowling ThAtai for a local brewer's warehouse greenls. t thrco- BI#s. o m nc m n rgent Dem ndthe Bowmanville Chamber of .Jed 30-ar L1 i i iC o m erc M o day nig t.the., . irm requires a location d es out 1 Ilr f~- rr~ it- Gle bOlll* Llg es,.W~ O. jiace for parking 30 c ars, eollect . rpj p., isea '"iformsI camfpagn Manager af the "wet". or rogly 200 feet by 200 feet. to the bu, n--d ed 'e rr a--y r4v forces for the recent plebiscite, e tated that the officiais of donated t F rGilGud s reported that officers of the tee company had stated that trucks té dny Pu il H o or d gige a lage~mer ville looking over possible lo- o the outskirts of townsu t any P up s H nore Du tua lrge umbr o caionsfora soreand would permarkets usually spring up girs egstein tis al, urwelcome a reconÎmendation near them and shopping cen- Commencement ex er c ise sceved Commercial certificates. Brownie Packs are up ta ful from. the Chamber. After con- tres start. Several members L arge held in Bowmanville High L. W. Dppell, piprncipal, strengtb. Those who have nat siderable discussion the Spe- present feit that a central la-- School last Fridây night, Nov. wclcomed the large audience been accepted have been plac- ciaîty Papersiew nmd 18, were attended by the lare- and commended the graduates cd on a waitîng lîst and willsie asamd cation might be of more bene-A st umbr o paent ad wo bd~ orkd nde difi-be alld s son s pssile with the further recommenda- fit ta the present business sec- Attenc t numbr. of arentsand wh hadý orked nder dffi- b callions thatasifsstbis tsitehacannotisbstetiont andiothead rece mmendationio Iriends in zÏany years. culties last year awing ta con- There is an urgent demand obtained the warebouse tee foîîowed. Thrteeni graduates reccived struction of the addition ta the for Brownie and Girl Guide built in a central location ini Secretary-Manager Ken Mor-b dr i Secondary School Honor dip- sehool. He also -commendcd uniforms in gaod condition. If town rather than on the out- ris' repcated a report which he B d i lamas, 37 rcceîved diplamasi the Durham County District yau have anc available, please skirts. had previously given toa A odco eorresponding ta Junior Matri-i High Schaol Board for the time jnatify Mrs. Rance Dilling, 10 Several passible locations meeting of the Chamber exe- Ago r culation, ten were given Com-1 and study given ta plans for Alexander Ave., phone 3-5519. were discussed, including the cutive an the work he bas ac- time at the mercial diplama, and two re-j the addition. which. is stili un- These will be purchased by the C PR. freîght ses a h o pih d sne tkn vr D ne hl der construction,.tMotber's Auxiliary and, sold eshn o edlin ttthe (dompisbed sncepa ing ver an) Ce heldat W. B. Reynolds, chairman of to girls requiring same.wetedfWeigtnSte(Ctnedopaesvte)Clb nSl Vaedctrin the Durham County District 19. Dancers vae it ra orcnrtltdthe grad- hJ L ard tur n this is another milestone," he Reevyere 'c u e E said. "Now yau have another ______________ AI L . ~ .~ carried out by road ta travel. For same of M emirfor ii H ospital Bd* papers as1 you it incans only a change of bouquets of 1 schoal, for athers it means Memorial Hospital Boar, oeated in hepg bani. scet-pe starting ta êearn your own liv- oAx- Thoe e înatî scnr-i ing."1 t, 1Miss Janet McGregor top student of thc graduai ing class of Bownianville Higt: School, delivered the Valedic- tory address at Cannncncellent Exercises held in the Hlighl Selhaal iast Friday evcninig. Daughter af Mr. and Mrs. D. Alex, McGregor, Janet is now attendng Queen's Un]versity, pKîngston. 0 13urfi ic &JIU'lu . - e calquotations were Advice to Graduates Iiliary Roorn an Nov. 16th. turneit aver ta the Propertyt "BUt o Mater hiatyourThose attending included Supt. Commnittee with instructions ta t "Bu n mtte watyou *,. Miss 1. Shaw, Mrs. B. Mutton, repart back witb their recoin- da yos uccig ness h futue is .Dr. H. Ferguson, Chairman H. mendation. s going ta epenin af lre i Cryderman, J. O'Neill, Reeve General accounts of $4,463.68 Bcs goin todeped i a lrgeS. Little, J. Lander and 1. and building accounts of $9,- of measure on haw you get al ong Hbs 441.60 were ordereit paid. Oli Pr with the people you wark be-' ,4~ After minutes were reait and outstanding autpatient accounts sdnad si. e seseit rade- ý approved, the Property Com- af $66.02 and further bad ac- iold sad. H sugestd gad-mittee reported no action bad counts amountîng ta $1,307.13 uatcs make a study of getting beeni taken on the Hydro will be written off the books. along well with people. "People k ~; change aver fromn the main The Finance Committee will who are nat easily irritated are line tai the hospital line. It was study the matter of room rates the kind the world is waitîng also reported that the Nurses' before the first ai the year and for," hie said. residence roaf bad nof been re- submit recommenitationst Mr. Reynolds offered special i paired; that the 1 ak in the Miss Shaw reportei 11Ï54 Pa- congratulations ta the five i main building was through the tient itays andt 4 indigent days studetits xvho through tht- wall rather than the roof andt for the preceding month. She inany awards they have won no action had been taken ta also presented a - report ai the have brought an extra measure order a nev fîre extinguisher. Ontario Hospital Convention, of glory ta Bowmanville High Later in the medting, Mr. Lit- giving detaîls of the variaus; School. These are Janet Me- tic and Mr. O'Neill combincd meetings and the new exhibîts Gregor, winner af the Univer- on a motion which was adopt- on display. The Board approv- sity Wamen's Club ai Oshawa ed that a letter fromn the Alex- cd payment ai the expenses af prize, and Northumberland andi ander Murray Ca., about tbe those from bere attending the IDurham Counties' prize for j :ýL, leak, shoulit be turned aver ta convention. highest standing in the count- « as Janet E. Dale the Property Committee witb The December meeting will ies; Tanva Goddard, winner of power toacat. be held a week carlier than an Atkinson Foundation Buia- xiii receive ber degree af Bach- Other business transacteit usual, on Dec. 14tb. The Board sarY Boh ofthee gils reclor of Science i n Nursing at included acknowledging receipt allocated $75 far the staffi sary. Bath ai thseUngirsiarethe Fil Convo cation oai' he ai a$100 donation fomMrýý. Crsmsparty. Tesceay tRonald Turner, winner of an University af Toronto to-mor- A. L. Woodley, Santa_ Monica. treasiirer was instructeit to Atkinson, Foundation Bursarv row night, Friday, Nov. 25, hay- California. Letters ai thanks transfer al but $500 from thej and nîtd Cuntes'Burarving successfully completeit this will be sent ta the donar andt land accaunt ta the general and Usne o ateding ictri, jfaur-year course. Miss Dale is also ta Gea. W. James, who co- 1 accaunt.h Cholege nîvatesi i oroto a daugbter ai Mr. and Mrs. Mel- Collee. Uiverity f Ti ville S. Dale, 55 Wellington St., Ken Brooks naw attending O- Bawmanvile, and grand-daugh N i i aton n ri a <Continued on Page seven) ter ai Mr. J. Hf. Bateman.o i at o s on F i o m, UnJr Av 970 Likely a Quiet Affair - - ithThere has been littie "election talk" in connection1 wihteNomination Meeting for candidates for Bowman ville Town Council, Publie Sehool Board and Publice Now tan s a 6.380Utilities Commission tomorrow <Friday) evening between N o w St n d s u t 6,3 8 07:30 and 8:30 pm t the Town HalasConl.l Over à Third Under 17 GlnLander and Tom Rebder are not expected te stand for office again. Tbe names of Glenholme Hughes and Bo*tniirs po;pu.lation lias and therv are 1.872 residents in 17 vears ai age and under ini the!Bernard Kitney bave been heard as possible council Mi cr e ëff by 29 persans durîngl the Wecst Ward. Populatina'tWl candidates. ig55 Tand now stands at 6.380. the Bowmanville Beace ~17 There are 3,142 persans in the! the us fe 155 akn b Astuy f M, ke' fgurs'age group from 20 ta 59 inclus- Nominations properly moved .and seconded in writ- rh Cslfrence tkn v Astd o r Okes figuresveiswy ixa ive. ing, mnust be receîved by Town Clerk Alick Lyle by r C are ce ke re v als re ea s w y s x a di io n l r o m B o m a n ill 's p o p lat o n as 8:3 p m t m o rro w . P re se n t o ffic e rs a n d c a n d id a te s fo r ,Y en down Wnta wards, the are needed at Vincent Massey iflcreased every year since the office ivili have an opportunity to speak at that time. I ýE Ward is the most pop- Public School and why an ad- end of WorldWaIladt aneeinisncsaytwl b hed n with 2,351 residents. the dition was needcd at anihices sneta rei o e leMonday >î Ward is next with 1,980 School. There are 2.218 children' 2,000. December 5th. j Ted Tayloi tra froin Aj ance music. ;onsared by Bowmanville )f wbich M ýresident. rDrive $100 rur Lnristmas beason ýr paper drive held WitI Win $25 Award ly night the Bow- Boy Scouts Asso- A prize of $25 will bc award- nearly as attractive as it mig-ht collected 23,470 cd by the Bowmanville Cham- be. of paper which ber af Commerce ta the local Secretary-Manager Ken Mor- n $117.35 ln re- resident who bas the best- ris reported that Ken Nicks. decorated home during the Chairman af the Merchants Lsscialonwishes Christmas season, it was de- Committee, hait informed it i theocitiznso cided at the November general that the merchants hait agreed ipteatin i fyir meeting of the arganîzation ta set up two or three cam- ppersandlnmaig- h eld in the Town Hall Monday munity Christmas trees as was à placing the bun- night. donc last year. Art Hooper for the Scoute te. A . onaniittge of, three or 'five felt that a goad start h ad been It in also grateful judges will be set up ta deter- lnadec by i the fmbrontst year isiness firms Who mine which home bas the best n decthing tlbcfrontinstre he use of their Yuletide decorations andt theya this rsmas. ecntnui miake the coilc- will use their discretion in a- warding the $25 prize. There Mr. Morris reported also on was cansiderable discussion as what bas been dane about the ta whether a cash prize or a Cbamber's plan ta instali per- I hield ar tropby shaulit be mianent brackets with electrie C O .a given ta the best-decoratcd light sockets onth yr C,.wd store. The meeting finally felt standards on King St. betweea bhat no such incentive should George St. andt Scugog Rd. sDa nce b.e needeit for the merchants, These brackets wauld be use- since tbey-will reap the.bene- ful nat only for Christmas de- ClUb ft of increased sales by doing corations but for Bowmati- n ton Cl ab good decoraig job of their Ylle'sceneial Dleb~ratiofl 'wd had a very fine President Elmer Banting ex- tos n o n etv r e Sdi Hwknsprcssed the opinion that Bow- casion. Te brackets would be mavilwbs alendw bdy eight or fine feet above street at the Badminton in the matter of decorating the levelt and av ecatree-inhe tturday night, Nov. town for Christmas in the past see n neeti ult were dressedin few years. He mentioneit St. Mr. Morris stated that 72 Marys andt Port Hope as two would bc needeit and the total td casual costume, tawns which 'ave very nice cost including wring and *d time theme was sea§onal displays wbich make equipment would be about Dy the tise of news- Bawmanville look drab by $1,165. The Chamber execu- table covers with comparison. tive bad felt that if each ùE the 83 places af business on. weeds in tin cans Front Street Unattractive the front street between Georoe res. Il is flot only during the and Scugog Streets were lo * a d his ar ch - C h i m a se an t t B ow - c ntribute $10 each tow ard tha ax uplie gadmanville falls down in making cast, Tom/n Council nmightI Oc .ja suplid godits front street attractive, ho persuaded ta contribîite Il .The dance was said. One af the things which remaining $335. It was feit 7the executive cf the industrial promation men that in view of thr fact that Badminton Club Who visitei t he tawn a few tbese brackets could bc nîsed ..lville Burgess is weeks ago remarked an was for many years, the merchan,. Be st Decorafed Home Winner Receives Award at Banquet Carruthers and Son, R.R. 1, Bowmanville, were -winners of the award given annually by the Niégara Brand Spray Compan!f Ltd. of Burlington, for the best nine box lot of apples, any varicty, in competition at the Royal Winter Fair. Carruthers and Son won with their entry of Northern Spies. Mr. Wi]frid Caaruth. crs is shown accepting the gold watch, the prize given by the company, from Mr. G. E. Wiilan. Gýeneral'Matiager of the Niagar'a Ba'and Spray Company Ltd., whco acted as chairman at the banquet given for campetitors and officiais' at the Rayai York Hotel, Toronto, Nov. 16. Mr. Carruthers and son Bob were also presented with t he Company's trophy which they will hold as winners until next year's Royal. The trophy was the one seen with the display of the Sweepstake box, alsq Northern Spy, and soae f the other prize-winning apples shown by Carruthers and Son at the Royal, in t3e window of the Hydro Shop earlier this week 'I Graduation (',I~t to School 'ER CQPY NUMBER 47 1

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