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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Nov 1955, p. 2

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4-22M L;AWtAIyA Sb' BWM, fJX -A- - ~ I I~ I ~bb3A.I'<, DUWMANVILLE, ONTABIO Why -Don't -You Lend Tomorrow, Friday, afternoon andl ý.evenJng, will determine wba aur municipal legisiators will be for next yaar. This, of course, applies not only ta Bowmanvilla, .btit most of the surrotinding toWvnships. * In tow, the évent, for sanie reason, doesn't seenie ake as long as it does in the "townships. Possibly, it is because aur urban rasidents don't take as much intarest An» these affairs as tbey do in the more Srural districts. Year afte*r yearat this tuae, wa pub- Iish an editorial mildly drawing ta the ji attention of citizens generaliy the untiring efforts of municipaîî1y.alected officiais and urging theni ta play t heir part as mambers of the communîty by, at laast, attanding the nomination meeting ta show an Interest. Usually, aur editorials along this lina appear ta fail on deaf ears witb the resuit that a handful of people turn out ta hear the speeches of the councillors and bigher officers. Fawer give any indication that they want ta take any activa part by allowing their names ta stand for nomina- tion and élection. Wa wonder why? These sanie peopla who refuse ta have anything ta do with elactad positions of respansibility are leaders in service clubs, churches, athletic groups and othar arganizations. Yet, al too often, it is like pulling teatb ta persuade them ta accapt responsibility in the biggest business in the cammunity, Timely Advice t( Who bas ever enougb monay ta spend at Christmas tima? Wall, mayba there are a few tycoons who can sali stocks or bonds if they gat short of, cash, but mast folks find that by Christmas Eve they hava just about cama ta the end of their resources. The obviaus solution ta this difficulty would ha ta save money; but samehaw or othar this seldoni works; aither the prices go up, or thara ara mare things ta ha bought than there ware a year ago. This Is not surprising. Prices will always go up, and there wiil always be naw additions toalal famulies. The best solution is ta buy somatbing each weak, starting now. If it were possible ta take cara of most of the prents by the end of November,-Dacam- brs monay could ha davoted ta graceries and stores which have necassarily ta ha bought at the last minuta. in thé sbops taday ara most of the .ihings you will want ta give as présents. Marry shops hava salas ta clear stocks -preparatary ta Christmas restocking, and bargains ara ta ha bad now, wbich may miot appear again until after the New Year. A sound way of coping. with the aHand? the town or township coundil -;or aven the school boards. Tha only times we bave, sean real signs cf hectic activity were whein there was or was likely ta be a real fight; when the electors were aroused about something the outgoing council bas dane or was planning to do. Then, usually over sanie camparativeîy trivial issue, the citizens flocked ta the cammunity nrfeeting p lace and ptoceeded ta blast blazes out of the presant counciliors, reave or dpput'M-reeve or aven the mayor. Then, and onl y then, was there a surplus of citizens who would allow their namas ta stand for election. This seenis ta us a most unfortunata picture. Surely, if we ail understood our obligations as citizans of a community, there wouid neyer ha a shortage of good men or woman available ta conduct its business for ona year. Certainly, thera are plenty of capable peopla avàilable. It's jus'a matter of being willing ta play aur part in the democratic systeni that we prof ess ta priza 50 higbly and lave so daariy that we would dia ta stop anyone wbo tried to impose sanie other fanm of government upon us. So, think it over today and tomorrow monning and bave .your answer, raady wben' nominations open. Your commun- ity, no matter wbara it is, naads capable management in these expanding days. If are a capable, responsibie persan, why nat lend a hand? oBusy Shoppers Christmas prasent probleni is ta start buy- ing for ana famiy at a tume. Buy your gift-wnapping paper and ribbon and, as each presant is bought, wrap it, label it hnd put it into a marked carton., As the w.eeks go by, the carton for aach famiiy you are givîng presents ta wlll gradually fi ana it can ha packad up ready for sending. In a secret dnawer or cuphoard in your home, you can start saving prasents for your own family. Presants for the stockings, small gifts ta bang on the Christmas trea, and of course, the big presant which is ta ha kapt secret until the day arrivas. Christmas tume, toalal good Christians, is a time far celebration and gaod cheer. It is a happy tuae, when famulias, get tagether and children live in a dreani wonld of Santa Claus, Christmas trees, pluni pudding crackers and prasants. This means that it is a costly tume for the bread- winner cf the famuly, and a worrying tume too, if ha fails ta plan wail. Now is the tume ta start buying, aven if your shopping is only for the s&aller items of Christmas fana. Now is the tuae ta make a stant, if you would anjay a happy, carefrea Christmas, and a dabt-fnee New Year., We're Very'Proud of, Our 'Correspondents Arouind this Urne of year, when the .Santa-Claus parade bas put us in a merry, -rellective frame of mmnd, we like to think Iback over the months and recal soma of .Ihe unusual and interesting avants which .bave happened around this newspaper ,office. Most of tham wa encounter while ,checking over tha news budgets or talking to aur wonderful staff of loyal country cor- respondents, some 30 or 40 of them spread *lar and wide across Durham County. Each week, these busy, friandly folks *%re oni the telephona trying ta learn who Is visitîng; maybe, they don't quita close their eyes during the prayars at church and instead, are looking around to sea who Ss home for the waekand. Or they are 'attending tha dozen and ana organization mneetings in thair areas, trying ta uncover news. Most of it isn'tspactacular, of the ýkind that bits the haadlinas of the dailies. It is just hc-ney, friendly, "ovar the back lance" naws that evarybady reads and -loves. They work hard and do an amazing job-mostl.y for tha love of it. But, now .and again there are difficuities. We've' lad people damand that we delete thair -.names every tume a correspondent inciud- ed thern in bar colunin - or aise. Quite ,apparantly, this party didn't like that cor- respondent. Quite fraquently, wa or tha correspondant misspell a nama or misin- 'terpret a phrase wbicb is not claariy writ- ten and the poar correspondant suffers far more than we do because ha or she is dIcoser to the offandad. But, our corres- Poandents must be wonderful diploinats becausea ,aven whan we leava out the entira budget of news for lack of spaca or because it arrived late by mail, they patiently 'upend most of- the day on the 'phone trying wutbilhed 1leu wlth whucb in incoipoeat.d thé 8owàanvill News. lThe Nwcastle ladependent =nd The Orono Nowa 101sf Yomu 0f CasaUnuous Service ta th. Town oi Bowmamvilie and Durham Counfy AN INDEPENDENT NVEWSPAPER * 8KBSCRIPTON RATES 84.00 p emri trictly in advance 85.00 a Yomr in the United Statea, Authmux ceuSecond Conus MOUi Poe ut tUe D.DWtint OtewQ i'u5bsLOd y TM fJAMES PUBLIJSMQ COMPANY Bowmmanvilk OuIoi QEO.-W JAMES. Emvoe to soothe the injured feelings of subscrib- ers in their area. One of the lady correspondents told us that the necessityý of gathering the news on Monday put her in a most embarrassing position with ber neighbors. Tbey all bad their washing out nice and early on Mon- day morning, but she, had to wait until Tuesday to do that chore. On another occasion, when we on-itted a correspon- dent's news from the paper, she expressed regret because she had stayed home froni a neighbour's funeral to get it ready for the mails. A note on the last page of yet another correspondent's news budget said "Don't blame me if there are any mistakes in this report. I'm trying to write it in time to catch the m.1ilman, with 40 women bere gabbing in my ear while I scribble." Yes, there are many times when they must feel as though the satisfaction of seeing the news they've gathared ini print isn't worth it. But, fortunately, for this paper and for the communitias concernad they carry on pubiicizing tha activities of rural areas much in. the manner of the old ti4na town crier. We can only say thanks to theni on your behaîf and ours and hope they continue their interesting and worthwhila contribution to sociaty. Publish New Year Book One of the- most -valued books of referenca possessad by any newspaper or business office ils the Canada Year Boak, which bas just been issued in its 1955 edition. It is compiled by the Dominion Bureau of Statistics undar the authority of Rt. Hon, C. D. Howe and, like its pre- dacessors-is packad full of interasting and informative facts. Copies may be obtain- ed froni t4e Queen's Printer at a price which certainly doesn't hope to cover the cost of ýrinting. We recommend it for anyone interestad in learning about Canada's production and potentialities. It May Look Good Canadian workers who envy the wel- fare services anjoyed by United Kingdomn workers mîght do well ta bear in mind that those workers are paying plenty for such services. The high cost of United Kingdom Wel- fare State ils iflustrated by announcement that a popular brand of pipe tobacco wil now cast 64 cents an ounce in that country. This works out at $ 10.24 a pound. In Canada a comparable brand of pipe'J tobacco salls at approximately $3.60 a pound. United Kingdom workers earn about baif as much as Canadian workers. Thus, in ternis of monay, their tobacco costs thern nearly threa times as much as t casts Canadian workers. In ternis of îours worked, it costs theni six timnes as Mucli! In the Dlm and Dist-rnt.Pààs F~rum Ibhe Statesman Fijes plate its share of the money. rxtandad scale. Cashmunity Wlfare. Coan- inùttee, D. R. Morrison, chair- man, made an urgent appeal fk~ clothing and manay ta as. sist thase out of wark. Flfth annual At Home, af thie Boys' Training School was en- jayed by ovar 200 guests. Dance- ing and musical numbers macla a pleasant' evaning. Ex-Mayor T. S. Halgate was among th~e prize-winners for the best li- personation of Amas 'n Andy-. "The Mikado" was beliàag presented at the High School Commencement an Nov. 27 "ad A2 serial stary "«Brakenop by Ruby M. Ayres was running ini The Statasman. Death of titis authorý occurred this weelc, 95,we noted in the Týronto G lobe and Mail. F. F. Moi-ris was re-eiected chairman of the Haspital Board. C. H. Mason was sacra- tary-treasurei-. Financlal state- ment for Octa1ber showe4î, a profit df $93.43. Memnbers of Bownianvl>le'W. Iwere guests of Tyrana W.I. at their, Graudmothers' Day1 piagi-arn. Prizes for most aid-( fasbîonad costumes were won by Mi-s. W. H. Hicks, Tyrone,E Mrs. G. HI. Bieal Bawman-1 vile. Best dressed graudmath. an, Mrs. Brooks, Tyrone, Mi-x. Clara Byam, Bowmanville. Pro- gi-arn was presented by Bow-1 manville membars. Mrs. Luthers Hoopar was Tyrone presideut,a Mrs. Han-y Allun, Bowman- ville, prasident.f Tha Provincial governmentc appnoved the grants requestad for public works, inciuding, $2500 ta grade a roaçi into the$ proposed park. Query - What bappened ta the $2500 and thea prajeet? .Only haîf of the total d grant of $15,365 was ta ba pro. e vided by Provincial and Fad- anal governments, the ather J baîf ta ba raised by direct tax- c ation in this municipaiity. Par- ý haps Bowmanviiie didn't com- t( Safe Drivi ng Campaign Focusses Attention on Death Toi! Reduction Ottawa-Each day six Can- adians lose their lives on Can- adian streets and highways. Figures compiled by the Can- adian Highway Safety Confer- ence show that one Canadian dies every four hours as the resuit of a traffic accident. Every six minutes somneone is injured. Property damage runs ta roughly $200 a minute ail day long. In face of these alarming figures the Canadian Highway Safety Conference is sponsor- ing Safe Driving Day through- out Canada. The Conference hopes ta cut the tragic tol which amounts ta a national disaster. S-D Day, December 1, is tim- ed ta coincide with a similar drive in the United States, sponsored by the Preèident's Action Committee for Safer Driving, W.M.V. Ash, chairman of the Canadian Highway Safe- ty Conference said. "The joint drives are being backed by ci- vic and political leaders on both sides of the border. "«To add impact ta the cam- paign, the drive is being lira- ited to one day, S-D Day,- but will be preceded by 10 days of intensive promotion, advertis- ing, and driver and pedestrian education," Mr. Ash said. "The result, it is hoped, wil be a drastic cut in the number of accidents on December 1. It wili then be up to the indivi- dual to show that every day can be a S-D day with an ab- solute minimum of accidents. "If each person, motorist or pedestrian, can keep out of ac- cidents for that one day, and then do the same on Dec. 2, Dec. 3, and for the rest of the year, the campaign will hare paid off." Nearly every Canadian coin- munity is joining in the drive and many public-spirited busi- nesses and organizations are lending their full support, Mr. Ash said. Resuits are to be compiled on a community level. If each community and region can cut its accidents down to zero, the national total for S-D Day wil! also remain at the hoped-for figure. The Highway Safety Confer- ence figures that for S-D Day, zero is par. JrOi iSoup ta Nuis By "IF" The Royal Winter Fair was When I was out for dinner as interesting as ever this year, the other night before gaing ta with displays of ail kinds ta look the Royal Wintar I was scannlnR at and of course the animals. the menu and what shouid I see The animais reaiiv steal the on it but B.C. apples. It seemns show there and I -iad a feeling rathar iranicai sinca the cham.' that the S.P.C.A. would have pionship apples belong right approved the treatment accord- bei-a in Bawmanvilie. I agree -d tham. As a matter of fact 1 aiea had the feeling that young with aur editor' when he says that mothers could learn a lot ta help the apple grawars wll have ta in the care of thair babies by start aducating the people in the watching the beauty treatments use of aur pientiful crop this being administered - shampoo- year. I-am sure there must be, curling, brushing, shining, hundrd of ways of preparing clipping, cambing - the ideaï tarn of whlch weknow nathiiig, locale for these manoeuvres, howaver is in the barn and A propos of ail titis agri- mother might flot approve. cultural talk there in a new I felt quita a glow of at sang aut ealled 'Don't go ta being at this Canadian >show the stable Mather yau're too where we can exhibit aur wares oId ta be horsing around.' with the bast of them, whera * * * 1 Millionaires and plough-hands Weli it seems that Santa has. can intermingie, top hats and made the long trip fi-rn the tails, riding habits and aid blue north ta his stand in Eaton's jeans are seen alongside mink toylaiid once more and if yau cOatS (so many mink), tweed don't think that is a hint ta start coats and no coats and maybe buying mare toys just ask the evan turncoats but where oh children. It becomes increas- where are the i-ad coats? Say ingly difficuit ta axplain ta then, what you lika the mountias, t0 how Santa can be ini Eaton's tay- non Canadians as weii as aur- land ana minute and in Simp- salves persanify 'this counti-y. son's the next. The cbjîdren 'I do baliave they should be find It very convenlent thaugh Prasent at evei-y Canadian show and even manage ta have twa whether In this caunry r lista ready naw. abroad. 1 have yet ta see any . * * 0 performance ta beat their Mus- Bowmanvlîe hockey fans ical Ride for pi-ecision and colour were really on edge on Sat- and beauty and yet we go ta urday night. Ail around the tha axpense s0 often ta bring arena teeth were grltted ust such attractions fi-rn ather (that will nhake tihe dentiata aountis. haPPY> and nerves Jangled * * * -no thre game was »ot thre It la no wonder th~t there rcaaon but sosnebody's skates la feeling between mothers- squeaked ail nlgbt. Thre ln-law and local tearn were determiued 80 often if they have eliii- ta make up for thea defeat j dren Mlle mine. They slmply suffered Frlday night. iti ean't walt for mie toaget as scems tire referee allowed ai ald ait grandîna amd majire LakefietOtgoal scored by ai then 1 shail bc able ta serve player who Iefttthe penalty meal he .cau. bes * Urnewuav and wbo the» went back ln Itue box. PrttY sàaeky eh? FridaY la theUie foiaU ilthe People with complaints against the council ta get out and offer their services. You don't have to be a camplainer ta be there but if you. have suggestions and orne free time at your disposai here is a worthy cause- the impravemnent of your home town. So how eau we afford t. seli our butter behind the B Iron Curtalu for 37 cents? 1 believe there is a routine which most husbands and wives go thraugh before going out ta a pârty. Husband: Do. you thlnk we can get home at a reasonable tirne tanight? Wife: -Yes dear. Husband: Wail I hate to be dragged aut next day at the office. Wife: Yes dear. Husband: I really cant expect others ta be bright and cheerful if I'r nont. Wife: Yes er no dear. * Husband: After ail everyane needs a certain amount of sleep. Wife: Yes dear. Later at the Party poor wife has had ta keep her mmnd on the time ail night and finally sug- gests that they might slip away quietiy. Husband: Oh, it's s0 early. Why the fun me only just start- ing. Wife: Yes dear. (Last word you see.) 25 VEARS AG'O (1980) vvooden cribs about i x 12 and - I fi t ti b tI Pl 49 YEARS AGO (1906) John White. a tenant an the Par- farm near Blackstock1, was lnistantly kiiled at the C. P.R. crosslng nanti of Raglan whlle taking a load of pots- tacs ta Oshawa. The taam of bai-ses escaped injury. Mi-. White was a son of Victor White, Con. 9, Clar-ke, and bro- ther of Mrs. Barwell and Mri. Jamieson, Qi-ana. Daniel Dyer of Enficld was kllled at the same crassing à few yaars pre- viaus. A branch of the Royal Bank was ta be established. shortly in the Harsey Block. Mr. Horsey was sparing no expense in fit- ting the 'building as a modern banklng bouse. T ha location is described as being opposite the new post office. Fred J. Mit- chell was appainted manager. Mi-. Mitchell had been with the Ontario Bank bei-a far same years priai- ta this appoint- ment. A suggestion was made that a tuberculosis sanltariurn ha bult on the Pine Ridge north of Bowmanvlla because of Its haight aboya sea lavai and the smeil 0f pines i the air, sup- pased ta aid consumptian. Mrs. P. Tyler of Bowman- villa, had in han possession copy of a daed for 100 acres of land in the "Pl7ovince af Penn- sylvania" racarded May 9, 1702, and signed by Wm. Penn. An ad reads: Eskimo dog fui- coats will outwaar two caans: and ai-a bettar laaking. Sea them at Masan Co., prices $35 ta $37.50. First power fi-rn Niagara aud fi-st train aven the Cana- dian Northern Raiiway raach- ed Toronto, Mouday, Nov. 18. Reprasantatives of Ganeral Brass Works, Ltd., Taronta, lu- cluding Rhys D. Fairbairn, were lu town loaking for a site ;o estabiish thair warks an an i of fe'rs so many fine features Mcuson & Dole~ HARDWARE MA 3-5408-Bow- -nv- e-36 uK --St. E 74 - -- --- - v 1~ ) ---- - . PA«ETW kDI2 -Om Be.Lore You Buy. . Compare QNLY -WESTINGHOUSE CITIES ÇÉ SERVICE O01L COMPANY LIMITED is pIeased to ANNOUNCE.that: MR* AL CROSBIE haýs been appainted Manager af our OSHAWA TANK 'STATION effective an the 261h ai Naveniber Our address is the suie 294 Court Stréet, Oshawa but . MARE A NOTE 0F OUR NEW TELEPHONE NUNDER ýRAndolph .5-8051 The Iiuest petroleuni products: gasolenes, heating ails, lubricantu' CUTI ES@SE RVIC TffURMAY. Nov. 24th, leu filled. with eartir and sodd and W'ere about twa feet high. The marksmen lay 'bellywack- ci- on tham. One day a weck, aithar a Saturday or a Wednes- day, I can't remembar, was practice day. Parhaps sorne of your aid friands in town may remamber this. Haping ta caîl on yau again this year if the wondarful wea- ther lasts. Sincerely., H. G. Hutchesori SB-11472 Edi-. C. E. Smith. F. Bty., 2RCHA, CAPO 5050, Mantreai, P.Q. The Editor, The Canadian Statesman, Bawmanville, Ontario. Dear Sir:- As mry two year tour in Ger- many is just about compieted,. it is about time I dropped you a lina with change af address sa that your weekiy paper of home tawn news will reach me in quicer tima. Our Regt. is on a final week- 'cnd pass ta give the men az chance ta say fareweil ta thei friands they have made in thei Most of aur- packlng la dpne and barrack boxes, kit bags re- stencilled for the trip home.~ We are the last unit of the lt~ Brigade ta leave and two Baè taries af the naw Regt. are hera so it is a pretty crowded camp I would like ta affer congra- tulations ta the baseball tearn for winning the pannant, That last game sure was a thriller. Arn hoping now that the hoc- key tam will carry on and captura the cup in that sport. Aiso think honors are due to that famous Ed Youngman for carrying on his weekiy coiurn tribulations. I arn finding the column "If"' very interesting and ~ tertaining. Sincerely yours, C. E. Smith%' New Address: SBi 1472, Bdr. C. E. Smith, F. Bty. 2RCHA, F.O.B. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Diesels, so raiiwaymen say, are the most efficient foi-mtof railway motive power, yet de- veioped. They aut-perform ail 1 - In Port Pari-y, Box 42 Dear r ae, I t h t Iewould ask you if there is any remnant in Bow- nianvilie of the old Rifle Bri- gade that was prominent in the early 8O's? When I was a smal boy liv- ing on the east end of King Street I used to watch the members by twos and threes carrying their trusty rifles as they made their way to the Rî- fie Range which was on the flats between the; Cemetery and Cawker's Woods on thle West. The target was in front of a bill on the south-east end of Soper's Millpond (now Mac- Kay's Mill). In front of the target was a buttress filled in with dirt be- hind which the target marker was intrenched in safety. The target ltself was of frame on which there were two targets with a pivot pin in the centre, and of course only one target was exposed at a time, the other being behind the said buttress. When a buliet went through the marker noted the spot and put a disk on a pale to indi- cate the hit, 'vîz., ."Inner, o Outer", or "BuiI's Eye". Not' oo many of the latter. He then urned the frame bringing the new target up while he hastily )atched over the shot in the old target brought down be- hind the buttress. The firing was done from nounds or whatever you vould cali them. They were Westinghouse TV

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