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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Nov 1955, p. 3

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* ?R~flAYNOV.24tb,, 1955 Locail Couple Honored On I5th Anniversury -The cosy and attractive home ter-of-ceremonl'es, ma of Mr- and Mrs.. Gardon Aber- many guests feel at ho nethy was the scene of a 25th sides the relatives irc weddng anivesary celebra- nianville wha included Situated at No. 1 Coleman Mrs,* Ray Abernethy, St., Bowmanville, the home was Mrs. Wilson Abornethy erected 13 years aga by Mr. Harold Abernethy, th Abernethy who is a first cîass Mrs. Abernethy's sist carpenter and docorator. Three Winchester fram Toro sons, Bill, Gardon and Cecil, afld Mr. and Mrs. Harold oirdaughters, Grace, Marion, and family and Mr. and ~~orna and Marva comprise the Danny fram the same ci -aiily and the children were From PeteArarughc 'ogether with the Parents for thie and Mrs. DeNure and J "reat day. Widely known for Jean, while relatives fi( their fine upbringing. the Aber- waad were the famfilie, nethy children are perhaps an1 and Mrs. Frank Aberne outstandig fuifiment of the and Mrs. Fergusan Ab Biblical promise.: "Thy children and Mr. and Mrs. AIe: rise UP ta eaul thee blessed." nethy. Events af the Friday evening The giit ai a fine elect toak the iorm a! sangs, instru- master was made by mental numbers, recitatians and Abernethy Jr., an behal speeches. Vocal solos were family. From the eni rendered by Mr. Colin Taylar nection, and presented and Miss Jean DeNure, with and Wilson Abernethy, Mrs. Margaret DeNure as ac- beautiful Narrnandy-chir cornpanist. The latter also furn- tel dlock, a harnrered al ished a piano sala; Mrs. Alex tray, a silver butter di Abernethy, accardion solo; Miss and saucer, ilower bask( Joyce Abernethy, pianist, and e lath and napkins. Mrs. Alex Abernethy, accordion- Many and varied wt ist, were heard in a duet and ather giits, cards and later played in conjunction with that surraunded the love two violinists, Messrs. John De- ding cake. To jain thesi Nure and Alex Abernethy. Kenwood blanket iro It remnained for Mr. Ferguson neighbors ai Westmouni Abernethy ta contribute an orig- Mr. Colin Taylor prese. mnal poem beautifuîîy enscancedj the happy couple. in a giit book and porryn Pouring tea at the sol th e marital jaurney aifthe hon- 1 choice repast were Mrs. ared heads af the hause. 1 Abernethy and Mrs. Ml Mr. Frank Abernethy, as mas- DeNure. Assisting in Custom Cut-Meats for Your Freezer 4We are now able ta offer you special quantity prig S on meats, cut up and wrapped, ready for your freezer with your needs. 4 See us about our prices We can also'supply YOUR FREEZER, ANEEDS with FROZEN FRUITS - FRUIT JUICES VEGETABLES AND FISH YEO'S MARKETERIi SYOUR RED & WHITE SUPER MARKET 55 King St. É. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-331 Are You a BuIb Snatcher? BOWMANVILLE LIONS CLUB BJAG of BULBS SALE Look what you get! Bag of G.E. Bulbs 125 volts 6 - 60 Watt Bulbs 2 - '100 Watt Bulbs 1 - 150 Watt BuIb Ail for OnIy $200oo Trilighf Bulbs OnIly 90C Lions Club members wil canvass on the evenip g of Fvidamy, Nova 25, and ail day Soturday, Nov. 26 BUY .OUR BULBS THEN Proceeds in aid of Sight Conservation and the Blind were Mmu. Ray Abernethy, Mrs. Wilson Abernethy, Mrs. Frank Mrs. McKessock Honored Abernethy, Mrs. Harold St. John and Misses Grace, Marion, n H r 8 t "t d à Lorna, Marva, Joyce and ,Shir ley AbeOn Her SOtho Bisthdea Lawrie and Miss Priscilla Mur- doch. On Saturday afternoon the friends of Westmount and the Hill cailed upon Mr. and Mrs. Abernethy. Mrs. Colin Taylor poured tea and the guests took the oprtnity of extendingI h harty o) wishes for the fu - ture thus cuiminating a greati event in the lives of a highly respected couple. WESLEY VILLE On Wednesday evening of last week (Nov. 16), the an- nuai pot iuck supper was held in the newly decorated base- nment of the church and it turn- ed out ta be a thorough-going church farnily party. Three tables in the form aof a -'U" were weli laden and seatel more than haîf the crowd. A'- ter Mr. Harding led in the_ singing af Grace, ail helped themselves ta the hot dishes on the counter, then found a place at the table ta add thl trirnmings. There were abot 95 present and foilowing the supper the littie tots played garnes while their eiders vii- ade the ýoe. Bo- -om Bow- d Mr. and Mr. and Mr. and yand Mr. here was ter, Mrs. ,onto and St. Johnj id Mrs. B. ity. camae Mr.J John and om Oak- s ai Mr. ýethy, Mr: bernethy, ex Aber- tric mix- Gardon .1! ai the tire con- by Jas.r was a ime man- Juminurn ish, cup et, table 'ere the9 ilowerse se was a ice, at least those who were mr theflt ashing dishes. it which An auction sale af white ele- ented ta phants was ably handled by Truman Austin and thé bsequent C.G.I.T. group sold candy. s.JmsAbout $60 was realized frorn \1argaret1 the sale and silver collection. serving 1 One unfortunate accident marred the evening's pleasuý-e when Robyn Clarke burnel her arrn on the hot coal stove. We hope the litte girl is over 7. p the worst af the burn now.- On Friday evening, Novern- <ber 18, Mr. Harry Austin had The Statesmnan extcnds Lts daughiters, Mrs. Bryce Brown the misiortune ta be in an acci- belated but cordial congratula- ohfOsa , and Mr.EvrttLsEon, dent at Lansing when a truck) tions aaid good wishes alongbahoOsaaanasnM. crashed into his car. Mrs. Tutt with the more than two huii- Alan McKessock of Thames- was taken ta Toronto hospital dred friénds and relatives who ford. There are five grand- suffering from shock and called on Mrs. R. J. McKessock children. [ces bruises Mr. Austin was able of Oshawa, forrnerly of Sauina, In oo hethrstfth r ta corne home but is also bruis- who celebrated her 80th birtlî- tîrne, Mrs. McKessock is a grcat ed and shaken. The car was day on October l9th. reader which keeps her up-to- badly smashed. A reception was held at the date with current events, and SThe comrnittee on decoration l'orneof her daughter, Mrs. she also likes ta relax wiih sponsored a brush demonstra- Everett Elliott, William Stre-'t Jsom1ýe knitting. She is a tem- tion party at the home af Mr. East. Oshawa, during the af- ber' af Eldad United Church and Mrs. Harold Best on Sat- ternoon and evening and guests and the Sauina Wornen's Insti- urday evening, Nov. 19. There were present frorn Bowrnan- tute.c were about 16 present and ail ville. Orono, Solina, Hampton, The visitors were received Dy enjayed a happy social time. Whitby, Toronto, London and Mrs. Elliott. Mrs. Brown and Tharncsford. Mr. McKessock and pouringr The many gifts and array of tea were Mrs. S. E.' Werry and PONTYPOOL flowers were an indication of M\rs. John Baker, bath af Sa- the affectionate regard af a lina. L.OL.Intalaton wide circle of friends. Serving were Mrs. Douglas & L.O.. IntalltionMrs. McKessock was born MVcLaughlin, Mrs. Ar ch ie t kL.O.L. 82 field their regular and married in Solina and has Keith, Mrs. Percy Dewell, S meeting on Monday evening been inaking her home with a Hampton: Miss Doris Hubbell, with a goad attendance. It was' daughIrr. Mrs. Bryce Brown, Mrs. Bruce Tink, Solina, and le decided ta have Ladies Night Colbotîrne St. East, OÈhawa. Mss Mary Elliott. 367 on Friday, Dec. 7, with a corn- for the past ten years. Miss Mary Elliott also kept mittee in charge ta look after1 Mernher of ah old-establish- the door assisted by Miss Bar- supper and prograrn. cd fami]v in this district, th? bara Elliottan MisJn W. Bro. Offa Stapies, Deputy former Miss Mabel Pascoe is al Brown was in charge of thci mCounty Master, taok charge of idaughter of the late Mr. andIJguest book. te election af officers and the Mrs. Thornas Pascoe. lier late The Statesman bas had a long following officers were instal- husband was a school teacher and pleasant association with led by the County Master W. at Sauina for rnany years and the Pascoe farnily, as Mrs. Mc- Bro. R. J. Payne. was acknowlcdged by those Kessock*s brother, the late Ex- W. Master-Bro. L. Brown. who knew hlm as one of the Reeve A. L. Pascoe, was the D. Master-Bra. L. Clarke. hast teacbers of his day in Dur- efficient Solina correspondent Rc. & Finr. SG'. ia. harn County. Many af his pu- to The Statesman for over 40 Rec.& Fn. ec'yW. i.pilis who have since grown un ycars and his niece Ruth Me- R. J. Payne. W ene. c ans ider themselves fortunate Kessock (now Mrs. Bryce Treas.-W. Bro, .ni. ta have had 'Mac" McKessock Brown) carried on in the sarne j st Lect.-W. Bro. D. Bawins. as their teacher. capacity for several years until 2nd Lect.-W. Bro. G. Chap- Mrs. McKes;soclo has tw.a iller marriage. man. Marshal-Bra. W. Morrison. togBukon Committeernen - Bras. R. N1tle1 SafSt s.-Burston. enin Brown, R. Kerr, P. Beggs, P. 1Es.L Ol1iiO r.Js arsI tedn Mucha and M. Gillis. t hefna f hsbroter-m Short speeches were made Mr. and Mrs. George Chant, lawM. Bert Tarnpkins af Stir- by County District and Prim- Margaret, Nancy and Karen of ling who passed away follow- ary Lodge members after which London were weekend guesis ing a long illness in -Bellevile lunch was served, with Miss Yvonne Chant. H-ospital. Turkey Supper Mlr. and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip Recent gtests with Rev and The annuai turkey supper and Mrs. Irvine visited Sunda,' Mrs. A. S. McLean were: Mrs. came off weli on Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Gardon McLeod, Toronto, and Mrs. evening with a srnaller crowd Warmington af Kirkfield. than last year but with every- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brown one helping ta make it a suc- ofr a Oshawa, were guests ai the ces The Orange Hall was iaffo rd nros. Grant Thampson's. fildta capacity ta hear a Mr. and Mrs. Tel. Rahm of very fine program with excýl-Osa . visited her bohr lent talent frorn the Yelverton M nm ntal Works 'M.shura. brt District. With the expenses ta Phone Whitby Mrs. Wesley Camnpbell spent be paid ~the reun fr teMohawk 8-3552 a few days with Mr. and Mrz. eheTn feing wîî n5 wi*e 318 Dundas.St. E., %Whitby Grant Campbell and family. the hankfferng wll nt 1There is cansiderable illness cluse ta $200. The officiais ap- FN ULT in the village and we trust preciate the splendid co-apera- MONUMENTS AND those indisposed soan regain nion af everyone. MARKERS itheir former good health. Farm Union Meeting Precise workrnanship and. M.adMs GatTan. fLocal Farmers Union 68 held, carefu] attention ta detail 5011 visited Sunday with Mr, adMrs. Arthur Ross and Scfiool on Thursday evening.1 vou choose irom the wide fa rnis', Linds y i xed iAfter the minutes ai the last [ selection afi irported and ice or.ypthsexed meeting were read and apprav- domestic Granites and dtMr Ernest Stacey and c d, the chairman, Mr. Albertj Marbles in stock. other members ai the familv in 'Bowins called on Mrs. Prosser Mrs. Stacev's sad passing last ai Backtoc. _______________________week. Service was held in Yel- MrBls. Possrwsvry __________________vertan church with interment thusa rsrwsti bottepryen-,l in Nestleton cemetery on made by the Farmer~s Uon~~ hrca throughout Ontario. She urge ____ mare ta join and take a more V7. active part. HAYDON The first speaker for the evening was Mr. Douglas Bar Mr. and Mrs. E. Syers, Bow- zon ai Enniskillen xvhoSe tapic manville, visited Mr. and Mrs. was Yesterday, Taday and To j-- Henry Ashiton, rnorrow". He proved ta be al Mr. and Mrs. Ron Marrisan, dynamic and fearless speaker. saa iitd-r n r.M Hus Irish wit kept the audiente BeOhaw isier and Mrs My in gaad humour throughout hi.,,e Mr. and Mrs. C. Van Heuveî- able talk. A vote ai thanks ':-- en, Enniskillen, at Mr. and Mrs. was extended ta the speakers H. Van1 Heuvelen's. aiter which lunch was served Mrs. Mildred Anderson, Bow- by the ladies ai the local Un-.nmanville, at Mr. and Mrs. Arth- ion. ur Trewins. j Celebrate Anniversary mpely Mrs. Olesen at Mr. adMs Compeiel J.Potts on Sunday evening. Practically every member af M r. Milton Sleman spent a thndimmedAtevin ly ai r. Covered ? few days with Dr. and Mrs. I an Mr. Alin lan athredGardon Slemon, Don Milis, at their home on Saturday ta Toronto. Icelebrate with themi on their DRVN tda isfiof r.WeeyTmsnOh- 25th Wedding Anniversary. DIIGtdyi ulo r.Wse hmsn sa During the evening they were hazards. Even the most ýWa, spent the weekend at her presented with a chrome table careful driver can be In- Mýrs. Clayton Read. Bowman- and other giits. We jain with nocently involved la a crash ýville; Mrs. Arthur Read, Inai them in wishing them manY whîch wrecks bis car, the Berx'l and Lvnne, were at Toron- more years ai happy married 'ta on Saturdav aseteSay life. property ai others Cautard oadsentthe ay;a Deer Huatera Home' Injures or kilîs his...assen-_ Clith Mrdand Ms ertt Ahoda ..... -wC=m air heating engineered ta meet y2ur home -heating requirements New ESSO O'lL FURNACES "p1 yeoBs ,o puy 0 t.ow Monthly insioliments e Bocked and oucomnteed AS LOW 4PER AS $P10-95 OT n IWRIAL ALWAYS Esso LOOK T0 IMPERIAL PRODWYSFOR THE BEST M i Powered b th fSou ESS ,,er fsO .11 brnr : forvice-prtied e S foi ail h. ating *e e S S INIST ON IESSO FRNACE Oit FOR COMPLUE HEATING SATISFACTION Complète Esso Conversion OIL BUR'NER INSTALLATION for as uile as $6.02., per'month Caîl to-day for a FREE ESSO HEAT SURVEY Installation can be made without inconvenicnce through Ioss of becat Se BLAIN ELLIOTT HEATING AND PLUMBING VYOUR ESSO OIL BURNER DEALER EN BOWIMANVILLE 55 Ring si. W. MA 3-3348 DwiniI FAGLI- - Tiam NESLE ONlacksock onSday. 1TiereMalcolm and famly. Mrs. Ralph Sadier ve "y at Port Perry 1. Mrs. Alan Wilson. kmndly opened ber home for Mr. and Mrs. Melville Sam- The Cammunity Club ara the W.A. and W.M.S. meeting els, Oshawa, visited Mr. andi sponsoring another euchre n N ov. lSth ih chaige ai h e r . en th S m l s a d M s group'w ith '21 ladies, Rev. Hu- M s. K ne h am ls nd is Friday night, Nov. 25th. ton and some children preet Anna MlDrL. Gladys Kinscade, Beth- Meein oend it testhe Mlr. Stanley Malcolmn, Bow- any, is spending a !ew weelps sogfollouoA with praye b manville, spet a ew days with her brother. Mr. Ch.4s. s a n g ~~~~ . .ipy eh M ra.i sa nddr s . F a l i s M rs. G. Johns. Devotional, "The with Mr.lli and M rs. Lawrence W ay", wag read by M rs. W . ----------___ ___ -Vine. ýMrs. W. Jackson and Mrs. K. Saffiella gave Oa report on the W.M.S. meeting they attended bring clothing ta the church a n d. for a baie. Mrs. W. Jackson and Mrs. R. Sadler were named on the now th rar noffiinating committee ta get t e - r new officers 'and graup leaders. Ladies planned a Christmas tree and social evening in the basement on December 22nd. W Program: Reading, "Da It Or ie", by Mrs. V.,, Malcolm; reading, Mrs. R. Sadler, "On a Diet"'. Mrs. Sadier and her EALRX L group served a dainty lunch.REALEX L Mrs. A. Wilson moved a vote New and Improved ' ai thafks ta the hostess and SI her grup for another splendid SU ER meeting in her hame. Ahl wereSU E given a hearty clap. Mrs. A.SU E Wilson invited us ta ber harehLE AM N for the Christmas meeting LN MIS PEN MN December l5th, in charge of the L N M S group leaders. Mr. ndMr. eore Chan-I Plus Vitamin B12 JUNIOR GereJohns.r 36's $2.59 36's $17 Sympathy is extended ta M r. hi mter Ms EnetSt-72's $4.79 72%s$32 rhrsd etay who s$b7.95d1 $329 at Nestletan cemetery on 144's tA Mr. and Mrs. Harvey M al. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ olm and farily. Yelverto,, vere Sunday dinner 'guests Super Plenamins have been formulated for children wiuh Mr. and M»o. L. Joblin. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Mal- to provide in one convenient tablet: aolm and family visited' Mr. 1,V nd Mrs. Rae Malcolm, Janet- 1.Vtamins that ille, ta celebrate Brenda's 9th (a) are necessary for the normal functioning of birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Birà the body nd family, Solina, visited Mr. (b) aid in growth ând Mrs. Malcolm Ernerson. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hunter, (c) may help to maintain appetite and Jamie and Nola, Part Perrv, eere entertained ta Sunday (d) may help to maintain normal resistance of Enner with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan the body to infection. ?rutt and iamilv. 'Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sadler, 2. LIVER and IRON to aid in stimulating red blood loria and Janice, attended th? celi formation. oyal Winter Fair on Thur- e Mry. adMs itrMia 3. CALCIUM and PHOSPHORUS ta aid in bon. id amily, visited ber grand- fr ai n other, Mrs. Robt. Kerr and rie, Mr. Walter Kerr, Yel- ,rton. Mr alhSalrshowed Juy6Lv! Dme of bhis harses at the Win-J u y &L v i Fir an rne hmewi PHONE MA 3-5778 BOWMANVILLE A number frorn here attend- TEM CANADUN STATESMAN. gOWMANVULX ONTARIO ID-& P-4lit qmmëm m

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