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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Nov 1955, p. 5

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-. ,~- -~-~,----~'-- - -. . .. ~. _______________________________TECANADLIX STATESMAN. UOWMAlqV7LLP, ONTAIUO ~ A P~ Christm-as Booth Attracts Many at Fair Water in Bush Interferes With Deer Hunting Local deer hunters had good i luck during the deer hunting season which ended last Satu r- day in ail sections of the prov- ince except the far north, In spite of high water which made it more difficuit for dog9s to- track down the deer, several Iclmenvseither bagged deeri themslvesor were in parties which sirot them. Louis Laskaris was the top hunter from this district, bag- ging a doe, a buck and a fawn while huntirig St. Patrick with fine Carleton Place men. The party accounted for nine 4*deer altogether.- Jim Jesson, R. R. 4, Bow- manville. hunting with Chuck; shot a 125-lb. yearling doe near Haliburton. Clary King wa S A e o iemr. atos fth hrspisBot a riiv 'il-aias4n the marksmen in a party in- A fw o te ma paros o te Chrst ma BothatTriit Fal airlat Fl-ciuding Don McGregor, Ro)y day afternoon and evening, are shown in the above photo, with Mrs. A. Smith serving and Lloyd Miles and Nels Cou- behind the couriter. Ail groups of the W.A. joined in the big bazaar which attracted vier. He shot a good-sized buck large rowds.and, also came across a moose larg cro close range. The moose look- ed hlm over for a few minutes when the Holy Rite of Baptism and then went on its way. M issionary Party H eId wiln beadmnistered. îth, a prt lmey with n On Wedesday Nov.16t Ha p" Palmt e w hwan I E en ze n ov i8 the WA held the annual and Ajax men, shot a buck! In E ene er n N v, 8 eectin o ofices fr te en hoth f Hvelckand two, suing yean at the hoe0fth otherer were bagged by! On Friday evening. Novem- Down is the Senior Counsellor President, Mrs. Harny Beckett. other members of the group. ber l8th, a Missionary family fon this group. Fourteen members were pres- Jack Morton of Maple Grove, party was held in Ebenezer Mrs. Kemp o! Whitby, Pres- ent, including the Rev. A. W. hunhing with Eanl Osborne of; Sunday Schooi, when the Af- Hrig omnilbge ternoon Auxiliary, entertained byteriai Secretany for Explon-Hain.Bwavle bged a - the Evening Auxiliary, the C. ers was present and received Mrs. Harold Osborne, secre- point buck and a doe south of G.L.,theExlorr' Grupthe gift presented by the girls. tary, called the roll and after- Apsley. an anereenatonfrr the Mrs.Kempabi'expesseohp wards read the minutes of the Ken Maguire shot a buck S. S. No. 4 Mission Band. pleasure in joining with u s. etn.Teewr dp na ebg hl uhn The song, 'Children Who Walk ted and read. with Ken Moynes ' and Harry A delicious supper was serv- i Jesus' Way," was sung by The business session was Akey of Bowmanville and Joe uder the apber onvenor avt he group with Mrs. Lloyd short, Mî-s. Dawson Beebe re- Sexsmith of Belleville. unhip theMissalie cosbeore Down at the piano. ported the sum of $137.50 had Ab Shurrock, i3owmanvilie; s. K.f MssHopkisban onse, Ms.Jc eaca ebrbeen handed in from the ha- Howard Milîson, Enniskillen,' Mrs.K. opkns nd Ms. . Ms. ack eare, meberzaar. There are stili as few and Ralph Davis, Solina, were J Oke, when 76 enjoyed a so- of the Evening Auxiiiary, then items left over from this If- in a party with three other cial hour togethen. favoured with "Impromptu" by fair which no doubt will be hunters which shot five deer One of the highiights of the Schubert as a piano solo. sold before Christmas. Ail bis near Denbîgh and Bancroft. evening took place, when in a The C.G.I.T. ùnder the lead- are paid to date. WiIfred Kitson of Bowman- unique ceremony we celebra- ership of Miss Alice Arnold The travelling basket so long vleadfu utr rr ted the 65th anniversary o! aur and Mrs. Walter Tink, then talked about has sharted +5 Oakville bagged two deer and W%.M.S. A beauifully decorated took their places at the front rounds, so please be generous one bean while hunting à>5 cake,' with candies bunning on with Mrs. Charles Found as when it cornes to your home, miles north of Parry Sound. either side, adonned the front pianist. The president thýanked all While hunting at Golden o! the room. President, Mr. The Group re-affiliated with mnembers for help sa generous- Valley near Norhh Bay wilh Elton Werry pnesided and Mrs. the W.M.S. and presented theïr !y given during the past yar several othhen men, C. G. "Ted" L. M. -Somenvilie offered pray- gift to Mrs. Clarence Penfound, then deciared ail offices vcant Morris of Bowmanville, bagged er. Mrs. R. E. Osbourne, a who is Presbyhenial Secrehary and turned the meeting over ha a 10-point buck and a doe. charter memrber of our Auxil- for C.G.I.T. Mrs. Penfound dis- Mn. Harding. Gordon Badger, Bowman-i lary 'was requested to cut the played a poster and the girls The election of officers did ville, shot a 130-pound doe uh cake and in fitting and sincere wene presented with a seai ho flot take long for a motion was Crane Lake, south of Parry words expressed her pleasure be placed on their certificate. moved by Mns. M. J. Osborne. Sound. He was with a parhy cf ini having the priviiege ho be a Joanne Mackie toid of ex- that ail officers be neturn2d four other hunters and they niember of the W.M.S. Mrs. periences ah Camp Pretoria and for another year. This was bage iede loehr Osborne also stated that it had Nancy Brown reporhed on quickly seconded and ail agohd fiedeerandlloerv presented a great challenge ho School for Leaders ah Whitb' agreed, there were fo excep- were also among the success- ber duning the sixty-five years. Other girls assisting were Elsîé utions.untrs In well-chosen wonds; Mns. Down Marion Grills, Bonnie The office of vice-president filclhnes Wilfred Brown, president of the Wade, Virgy Brown, Patsy held by Mns. Fred McConneli Evehing Auxiliary, expressed Mackie and Myrna Pehenson, is now turned over to Mrs. BA ther leaur inmetig wth Mrs R E Osore ws e-Norbert McHoim and that of BL CKSTOCK thei plasue i metin Wih Mr. R E.Oshrnewasne-treasurer recenhly heid by Mrs. us. queshed, to corne to the front D. Haines be given ho Mrs. ONO lbNw T h # e-affiliation servi ce fo nr n e n n a l n f f o -O N O l b N w the xPlioer's Gnoup followed ers, repnesented Dr. Ida Scud - ton Henderson to take over O.N.O. Club met ah the home with Betty Goyne in the chair. der while an addness w1is read rmMs m edro of Mrs. Norma Wolfe for theI Thein theme for the wonship from a beautiful scroll by Bible reading of the devotion-moee etig ih 29 service was "Sharing Our Gift3 Myrna ýPeteTs011. al committee. In conclusion members present. Roi! caîl was: à ~answened with suggestions for! ~With God's Othen Children", Mrs. Werry brougi th~ Mr. Harding thanked the pre- Christmas gifts. Vand thefliwn grstokeennco lse and al ioiii- 'ident, officers and memeso Mrs. Shirley Turner, on be-i ar, Carol Morton, Janette ed hands in a friendship circih, the W.A. for their loyal co-op. haîf of hhe Women Teachers' Mackie, Charlotte Courtice, &s "Taps" was sung by ail. eration at aIl times and may Federahion, thanked the Club Betty Goyne, Linda Courtice, God's blessing rest upon the mmbersforcaenng ho their Karen Ormiston and their work in cu ,hme n aqeters or cat hei leaders, Joanne Mackie aiid Mcfommu huchnhmeiad anueaad xpcsedthi Nancy Brown. Mrs. Elmer M R Rcorunryawas extreme pleasure with the man- _________________________Mrs. Harry Beckett then ne- fer in which aIl was carried out. -On Sunday, Nov. lSth Our foumed her wrksi re.dn On Saturda.v, November 26,1 JunorChor ookpat n te or nohertem.the ONO. w1ill entertain theiri Jeuir Chuirch ser i northe cd ,Harold Osborne offer- lhusbands ah a turkey banquet to YOU'RE CERTAINLY euarcu l eviefrfiec her home for the Decembeýr he cateced to by the Anglican LOOKING WELL THESE ,is e hs on ig~ meeting on the 14th, a week W.A. in the Parish Hall. DAY5 WHA-.S OUP. are much apprecidted, they not cachier than usual. There wil The Club was greatlv honoun-! SECR T arR ol poe the serviof b utin be an exchange of gifts ah th!s ed o have as their guests, Mrs.' arethemeas ! bingngmeeting costing not more tixîn Margery Pewtress, Executive Sothers to church. On that par- 25c. ticular Sundav elighteen fanii- Secrctary for the Nothumber- 1 ~During the devotionai ses- land-Durhamn Tuberculosis A- STATE lies xvene represented. a r'are ion, Mrs. F. McConnel rea-j sociation and Miss Steele o! the TA I<N G VITAM IN S FROM ex'ent foir M orish latelx'. A n- the s r p t r n r . M .O - D r a e l h " n t 1other everit waý the 'Calling : snpueadM'.M J s uhmHat nt 4) U OY &Ii o! Banns" between a VOUI 'one gave lesson thoughts Mrs. Pewtress spoke of!Itle ~IIRIi __ with prax-er. The rnissionar-v1 great work carriedonhte lady o! Morrisl, and fiance (if coonnorMrYJthea~ LOVELLor Hp. o anaswek o"' a' ' * J. rimcome .B. Asc atinado! tremani Por Hoe.So ar s e koý,.,reada paper entitled "In An1 vanied aspects o! this work, la- these were tne first Banns cati- Afnican Village' and Mrs. N. cluding the seeking out Of, AND tVVC BEEN JUST J cd in our church and we think MHl gave a delightful pi- tubencular patients through X- BURSTING WITH ENERGY*1 this mnakes for a x'ery goel, ano solo. ray; the treatrnent of Ihese - beinnng t wars aM rp. H-arding, by invitation o!f patients ln sanitariurns: the cae Suîn aed life. : the president, gave a mo t i -1 f their familes during this time Sunay Scoo tda WR' teresting taiR relating 10 the and their ne-establishment in the A xell attended Ibis was Pr-orne- îcrading and StUdV of 'the BibI,ý community following their cure.' tion Sunday vitb certificah's iespcciaiiv God's. covenant wità Miss Steele showed two f:' is, and buttons axarded for per- man in the firsýt two chapte-s 1dealing with these se'ne prob-ý fcct attendance !Qî' 13 Sujnda. ! 2\si ao he7t ad -1es.Thy-trs-- hegra R-wrtencnebrto- h srvý ice ne ifnom next Sunday, Nov. 27 ah Port New School of South DarflIngton School Area at '.' previous Penny United Church. c(,pyrights Mn. and Mrs. Leslie Beacock of and boys, Prince Albert, with B. Mr. and Mns. Cecil Hill. HAMPTON ~Optometrist Insttute catened th otr OisneY Bidg,. Club Urban-Rural Banquet in, 31 King E, the Recreational Centre last *'Wedhiesdav night. Due hoý wiII be officially opened at 8 p.m. Opp. P-0- hvdro failure the dinner was J JSHAWA Phone RA 5-6143 strved by candlelight. Mr. and Mrs. Llovd Siemon, 320. Haydon, with Mn. and Mns. Rus-, M o ., No e m b r 8 vijding ilconditions o! seli Mountjox- on udy M on , N vè m er 8 1genralheaith are normal and Misses Nancy and Leanne, no. deep-seated disease is in Dorreli wene thrilled iash Satur-! (WstSpeaer:evidence, correct glasses wilI day 10 attend the Santa Clauis c~s Seke:Jovercome this annovance and parade in Toronto. The,,' were J those complaining maY again.accomipanied b-y their mother.i sexx- or read xith pleasure M rs D. Dorneli. le.E Kersey, B.A., B..Ioot hax'e known pintersxvho Miârs. Osmond Wriht is home used a magnifving glass ah cen- after spending a week in Toron- tain work and i et. refused to to. Charmrthink o! having the ex-es exam- Th High School teachens and, Mr. A. McMaster, Cara ined for glasses and vet tbose1plstae aSdeHwin V ___ __ __ ___ __ __ ___ __ __ __ ___ __ __ ___ __ __ __ whose vision was normal did noti a c ht e R ceto a Centre ii ___ __ __ ___ __ __ ___ __ __ ___ __ __ ___ __ __ ___ __ __ _ us~e a m agnifier at their w ork-. 1l s ridav night w hich w as (Copyrighted> gneat.ty enjoyeci. 4 i ______________________________________________ N IV F I., 25 FU-RNITURE WARE NOUS-E Open Daily 9 a.m. Io 6 p.m. Division St., S. Bowmanvili Everything for the Hom" Appliainces BY -Norge and Admirai Addison e.B.S. Columbia Television Sets Simplicity Washing Machines EXAMPLES 9.8 CU. FT. JET-D-FROST MODEL J.S. 1050 rrade-in T.V. Sets CONSOLE AND TABLE MODELS Chrome Sets from $4 9.50 Up USE YOUR OLD FURNItURE $75.00 Chesterfield Suites AS9A.RAo 24 MONTHS TO PAY John etl ng St., W., Newcastle Division St. S., Bowmanville M NOýV. I ~~'1 e 'y HE A.M. -Admirai - Motorola Refrigeàrators Norge Refrigeraltor $269-06 Admiral Refrigerator $189.00 m " 9 9 Ae'me JO-HN, Friday 9 P.m. (Opposife the High School) FEATURING- ing St., W., Newcastle Bowmanvilli e Division St. ý ..*%p

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