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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Nov 1955, p. 7

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TEUEEDAT, NOV. I4th. 1955 TM S CA KADIA« N TATESUM &. OW M AN VM L, O ?TAJO Af'I Q that he grew a pumpkin this B. . . Prizè uRe-:uect M r .J. K ~lngh the flap and laok* inside lie C ).i <> year measuring 59" x 49%" and realized he was at the sanieB r n "1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ wihn 55oc a ora That adds up (Continued frarn Page One) B f A 1nt l hfad le.çt gearlyffive otiudfo Paen) Phone 3-3303 surely a whoppr of a pumpkin. Gulh inro a bursary rr sbe~ o x . r eeing trellng ifnd I hl man îl ersnaie loe Mrs. G. Broad and daughter for fisyear students there; Mrs. Jack Knight was re- die was named Standard Bear- wsrgtbc hr tr-eta eee nlnsaÀ Ph n A -3 3 Jean, Mr. Edward Grigg, Toron- Elizabeth Prower, winner of a elected President of the Ladies' er and Comrade Mrs. Stanley ed," r.g Lak ris Iad st ar <tegaehr Str G ta st S na.ih M s . s h lrhp fr ety t Auxiliary of the Bowmanville Preston was elected Sergea n krn t btw t ar n G.Cri.Michael's College, University LéinBranch for 1955 at the at-Arms. Auditors are Ad ince darkness ias comincigen e n Misa Nel Burk, Orillia, spent Mrs. Ev. Cain. She expects ta Report of the Northumber- of Toronto. olcinmeigo h ra-DdoMs oetBt n f, he decided to spend theé aeil.Tisgm hudb the weekend at home with her return home again in March. land-Durham Health Unit ofl élleecaetd ztion heetdn on h Monda igh. Mrs. illiam Lawre an night in the tent. He fourid a ara osra h aell iTother, Mrs. T. S. Holgate. Miss Tanya Goodard, Queen's communicable diseases for the caaqu ofse te parkio andd bean andda tigo squad Willia pro abl b t Mr. and Mrs. Albert Badger, University, Kingston, spent the week ending Nov. 19, shows Mr.h e nod also thanke Otern offcer eece weaeckae of ho hclat ardtagibckhetQona Woadstack. spent the weekend weekend with ber parents. Mr. Bowmanville having the doubt- te staff and students for lst Vice President, Mrs. Law- Sa Jckneo and wa aed- acaes of thot cooatea with his Parents. Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Laurene Goddard, and fui honor of leading the way carrying on under difficulties rence Little; 2nd Vice Pres- socia Conenrman d Ada thDadCi- anthe affthe an for supak-oth h .HA omte Grdon Badger, King St. E. attended Commenement Exercis- in the gratest number of due to construction, and paid deit, Mrs. William Bates; Se- ite Mr.RbtBaewsft. H setwith his rifle, Th dciint delrth Mn. Gardon Badger entertain- es at Bowmanviîîe High School cases of chickenpox at 13, also special tribute ta caretaker cretary, Mrs. Walter Oke; ite r.Rbr aewsfs.H lp red meales 10 Thre re wo Dick Endersby. When tbe Treasurer, Mrs. William Wal- appinted pianist and Mrs. G. for which be only had one Jg m n ots" lae h 'Vqnar of Mrs. AlbÏert S. Badger, she received her diploma. cases of mumps as well. Danl- is finisbed an officiai. lis. Executive officers chosen C. aler Chamirman of the shell , a e irs unt ding oostckanOtoerbrdeingtan Township bas one case opening will be held, at which were: Rose Bate, Margaret ia fir Baro sr e with an recor ofv todtc.a coebrd. Mrs. John Clark, the former of scarlet fever reparted. time the public will bave Ptn Perris, Mrs. Albert Piper, Mrs. One new member, Comrade a iet rgte f n bas f isadtolse.Te hmes afte A. plenasan rtre tia Persiona hueldt he O thrgautshmro b oppartunity of inspecting the William Lawrie, Mrs. Ronald Mrs. Millie Mason, was initial- or other animals. He hadarstlonopo hhepi Sweeks' visit with be agtr oeo r.Wlo hnweekend and attending Com- addition. Richards, Mrs. Robent Bate and ed into membership. by Presi- ntied a nyba tak i h aksoe ege Mr. and Ms. Vincent Lynch, Prospect St., on Friday evening, mencement were: Miss Elizabeth At that time the fine plaque CMns. C Ber. eant-tAm M rs nigh t n e-thaead Goals. Snth raesetg and ther relatives in Toronto. Nov. 18. Mrs. Clark was pre- Prower, St. Micbael's Cllege, bearing the name of the school Co rd r. Eward Run- gata- r s Ms rsa.H ad Rfe ht ee soe y Jc asal Mr. . atr s iitngbe sntd ih lmpan cffeToronto, witb Mr. and Mrs. Wm. and its -motta: "Non quantum The next morning, whichEniDcksLod amto daughter, Mrs. Hobbs, in Toron- table with the best wishes of Prower; Miss Janet McGregor, sed quale,"' which was present- tabfr ligt aiona ta friends and neighbons. Queen's University, Kingston, ed by Dan Cnamp ta Mr. Dip- be-atrvlnot ndso ta beore fying a Calforniwith Mr. and Mrs. D. Alex Mc- pell on behaîf of Grade 13, H nfer Lost in B ush hadtrerfesosfrdi Visit b er oher daugbter there. Mr. Harry Dadson, 151 Liberty Geo;Mr. Ronald Turner, Vic- will be put in place. Since b mem-ucc5sion3He 24 10e toria College, Tôronto, with Rev. 1929 it bas been customary for ra hthe wefidbym - and Mrs. Harold Turner; Mr. the graduating class ta presentbeso ipatsarhnfr Kenneth Brooks, Ontario Agni- a partmng gitot the school. ds C n e i n e t him, and struck off in thc rn Cultural College, Guelph, with This bas often taken the forni direction from wbich the sounid 1 otHp 92 Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Brooks. of a painting, but this year the ol O f the shots came. The search-Laeid 1 Y O U TH FO R C H R IST Mr. Clifford Saville, Hardesty, plaque was thought ta be par- '.O 7 f I l vii~gie rs fie a séeso ksihot aLnd sa 4 -Features Alta., wha bas been on a bus- ticularly fitting. The gift was C m l t i h F o y1:0M.Lsai ece mness trip to Ottawa, stopped off accepted by Mr. Dippell with the men who were firing ther STAN M4ANN AND RIS Cryderman, Bowrnanville, and Mernbers of tbe staff pre- Bowxmanvile hunterduring thehim bak but the echoes Caus- membe o th paarty. aoh r s 8-PIECE VAIRIETY ORCHESTRA 1Mr. Saville~ also took in the and a complété list f these wth a buck, doe and fawn, it dificult for Mr. Laskaris ta worse for his exer1enc, as k in e Royal Winter Fair and was wil4 be found on page il of Louis Laskaris, retired restau-- locate the sound. lie had been dry and fairly from Whitby gr.eatly impressed and pleased this issue of The Statesman. ant owner, also had the not-so- Cm cosTn am ntetn nwihh Gues Spekerwith the number of livestock Others presenting prizes were pleasant experience of being CaeArsTn arm ipnt the ent. w i h GetSekrprizes won by farmers of the Mr. Ab Mavin on behaîf of the lost for a day and a nih n Mr. Laskaris became lost the night, he said, he heard I a ee i E ~Prairie Provinces. With ahl his Canadian Legion, Mn. Ge,. the bush. shrl fe r.adby three shots fired in rapid suc- vangelst CHA RLES /VAII\J attachment ta Western Canada, Hacking for the Canadian Bank .,Mn. Laskaris was bunting zt faon had came across a tent cession several times. He be- A deciu tuky inr E a g ls CH R E M A N we would nlot be surpnised if of Commerce, also Bank of St. Patrick -Mountain, ne l pitched in the bush. He wait- lieved that the hunter from -seîo db rautsa from Glasgow, Scotland Mn. Saville moves ta Ontario, Montreal, Mr. Chas. Cattran Decker in the Renfrew district, ýed aroundîthe tent for an hour whomn he became separated thatBomnilHgiScolp- now that he bas disposed of his on behaif of the Goodyear Tire with bis brother, Jim Laskaris, or sa thinking that the hunt- morning was also lost and wv asCmecmn xrie (Superintendent of the Evangelization ranch. & Rubber Ca. This is the finst Of Carleton Place, and eight ens who had pitched it might firing the shots. He leand at d af Great Bnitain) Many telévision viewers were year the Goodyear Co. has pre- other bunters from that town i ow up. When fa one carne later that they bad not beenPrnpa L. . ielad interested ta see on the regular sented a pnîze ta B.H.S. and Ottawa. 0 il Thursday be used the sun ta find his fired by bum, but by anotherme esofteecin saf D on't M iss - Y our O pportunity of H earing CBLT progran, Country Calen- another fembe of t e aty t e et, pi g t reach i h u h ~ eoe b i g f u d n o il a f i h c a e "This rue So of Scîland"dan, lst Sunay, th Sweep A Pries forRoomsmorning of last week lie and beanings and struck off ta lest hunter who was two dayswcersntaoatb'Spa- "'hsTu o fSoln"stake bxof apples grown and Agnoup ofprizes net awr-were huntîng tagether and h I Highway 41 south of Decker.caeaanulvnt exhibited by Carruthers and ed before, and whicb do not shot and wounded a deer. He. He kept walking in what be Frtefrttmtedne aluray, ove ber 61 i 8S on, R.R. 1, Bowmanville, at the ap.pear on the pninted list Of ]eft bis companion ta track thought was a westerly direc- Seventy-five gauge bosiery wsal ab Saùdy oe br21 i8p.m. Royal Winter Fair. The beauti- pnizes, is that givefi by the down the deer and finish it tion ahl afternoon, althougtî -the finest ever attempted ~f ioontef h e ae ful box of Northern Spies, judg- Durham County District High off. the skies became cloudy and North Amenica-is being made tnaadlnhnoi tBHS Dowmanville Town Halled the best single box in the School Board ta pupils in each Aýfter aving killed the an- le could noa longer use the suni in a New Brunswick textile md hspsil.Tetbe Bo m Ril Tw alshow, was displayed on th Vroom baving the bighest stand- mal, Mn. Laskaris took what Ita determine bis direction. . Mill. wr otatatvbvn programn along with other chami- ing in June examinations. This be thought was a short cut! At about 4:45 p.m., just a One out of every five familiesboqesfsa]chsnt- "Everyone Welcor-e" pions of the Royal in vanious is in addition to the pnizes ta back ta where he left bis coni- few minutes before dark, be in Newfoundland bas seven orjmms rrne tipupi classes, including livestock, seed students with bighest standing panion, but became lost. His found what he tought was an- more persns. sei svss grain, etc. This was the first in each grade, as several roonis time that the Apple Sweepstake are included in ane grade. The had been won by a grawer east rom prizes are for boksPR Of Toronto, valued at $2.50 and were won O PT IV PRCS LU T r in it L in ite c i C h ~ ~~~~~~Many have been interested ta as follows _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ V IIseeI the display in the window of 9A-Margaret Edwards; 9B Trinity~~ -U i ebhr h te Bowmanville Hydro Shop -Peter Reynolds; 9C-Robert from Monday thnough Wednes- Allin; 9D-Nancy Wood-, 10A Minister - Rev. T. Arthur Morgan, B.A. day this week of same of the Hantley Lewis; 10B-Alice Old- prize boxes of apples grown and ejans; 1OC-Barbara Bathgate; exhibited at the Royal Winten' lIA-James Ferguson; 1lB- Fair by Wilfrid Carruthens and Arthur Jammer; liC--Shirley son Bob. In the eye-catching Abernethy; 12A-Allan Porter;j Friday, November 251h, 8 p.m., dispîay were the Sweepstake box 12B-Marie Hughes. The Mision b Curc Woker $of Northern Spies, whbi ch Pnizes pnesented ta pupils of Th iso oCu.h W resbrongbt this bonor taDurham last year's Grade 8, naw in __________________________________________ County for the first tume, the H-igh School, for bighest stand- Reserve Sweepstake box of Red ing in Mathematics by the Bus- iamdn Sunday, November 271h Spies, lst pnize Standard De- mness and Professional Women's \uihSPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERSEFETV Y ~liciaus and lst prize Red De- Club, and for higbest standing ALilTHS WEE liciaus. The trophy given by inEgihb h in lb the Niagara Brand Spray Ca. ner Engisabed Lon s Cluby ALLTHS EE Ltd. of Bnnhington for the best wer.e y wrde on F nd nibt _________________________ T eAnnual Missionary and nine box lot, any variety, in the Mr.* Teyr wre ente b show, also won by Caruhs br Lfe af owate mei-h io ! o rc o o and Son on Nonthern Spues, 5na h tf fteHg rruthers b oml Non Forhe sRYaRff Maintenance Service centned this display of beautiful oCetaPulc coa.I * A wide range of gifts alaple.oo Cenely onli che staf Speaker: pp _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Winners were: Howard Run- G 2ill ette 1 * Comptitive prices H E F C dle who neceived both the 3>HI DESN Mr. hares aylr H MPT N sn Maie and Mathernatics prizes SUPER-SPEED .One flor shopping - a United Church Layman, Toronto Mrs. Walter Lawson and snMreMonnill, the English pnize .L4Z4ZJ S! *!r-n-h cre S te v e n , a n d M iss A lic e S h e p - an d D a n C a ttra n th e M a th e m a t.* ~ î a n î ripd, T o n o w e e e c t îc p i e f r C n r l S c o .O n l a x a ly h e ig e c - itons with Mr. and Mrs. Austin Valedictorian Honored anleg xoueadwih oio o hita tyu * The Mission fo Church Workers Barron. The excellent Valedictorv mac tau face for Chnlstma atyar - -J'Ivnylae Mr. lexStacaru is n adeliere by issJane Me neighborhood I.DA. DU SERVCE F RDICTIC~.Tvisit ta bis sister, Mrs. Len Gregor as top student in the SEVC FRDCTOVTaylor at Sacramento, Califor- gradnatîng cîass is given i Clean, comfortable, long-lasting STORE Speaker: nia. full elsewhere in this issue Of . haves are guaranteed. UN ~i, wRécent visitons at Saiters The Statesman. Miss McGregor I.D.A. if~u M'r. Balnn Young were Mn. and Mns. Hilton Pe- was presented with a lovely, Brand AUUA H "PASTE32,5c -1 Ktens, Mr. Ralpb ,Peters, Toron- bouquet fnom, the Student to Secretary of the Board of United Church Meni t, M. and Mns, Geo. Davey, Counil, and another lovely .gt -Cleans the teeth -Freshens the breath hnnyohrhidrsngi t.wri Port Penny, Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd banquet from Mns. C. H. Duà- Fo nnihMakes vonn mouth feel really dlean- - - _____ _____ _____ ____ ley, ber p ivate teacheî in senitiv sknTh p r l n G uc s Dr k mlmn ayo.nusic, in which Miss McGregan LUCOZADE TeSakigGuoeDiklra Organist-Mr. Arthur Collison, M'.us. Bach., L.R.S.M. 0f 77 new Vessels built in bas also been an autstanding I16 ounce bottle I ' _____________________________Canada in 1953, Nova Scotia student. yards prodnced 39. Corsages for aIl girls of tbe ' O INs gnaduating ciass were provided COU R and CODUII students enjoyed a dance in I te Assembîy Hall at the close For average slan ]R-ede O I~ E I Il * O N lY!of the prograni. The public and beadDABrn dotpfown O N I H NY Owas invited ta partake of caf- I...BadBRONCHIliA COUGH SYRUP fee and cookies in the new Fast relief froni bronchial couglis f0 cafeteria lunch roonis, andi TOILET TISSUE due ta colds <enè N PE S Nmany availed theniselves of 8 oz. battle ---------75e i c ali s e l e cti o s n i o t ee Rev. H. A. Turner, CAPSULES "W orld Vision Inc., supports 4000 homeless Korean orphans and babies, i .. .. iitnWT ... Ba d10' e. 11 _ _ _ _ _ 9 \N S has a ilk line and clinic in India, cares for war widows, O r. Reta ns udleyff o.... NEWi od ree SCHRN250's reg. 2.29 _ ____ 1.79 fPNCLI îNEW frizz -±ree SACRN 50're.42 n aids eprosrjumetc."j WOV5U ~TABLETS IDAMALT SRPOYI DR. BILLY GRAHAM has chosen Dr. Bob Pierce to conduct hlmi on his 9:50 a.m. angoins "aot.d %j-~1~~ Grain 1 lb. reg. 75c _______59c SUNDAY SCHOOL and popom roul 2_M._eg._129_9 trip thorough the Orient and India in January and February c10iam NWo 100's reg. 20é 15e 4 lb. reg. 2.29 181 / D 110 lb.. neg 1.9NEW____ Don't fail to he r this great missionary statesman MORNING WORSHIP ,,**50',rg.,5c__9cCOD,***CI and Sacrament ofi. ao wa*50srg 5e3cCDL'E n Baptism REOULAR o 6Grain 16 or. reg. 89c - - 69e __ V o6 W ednesday, November 30th 7:30 p.m. - SUERY _INE$0 100' reg. 1.19 ------ - _ SOC SERVICE 0F 5EYGNI 00's negz. 65c _49ecODLVROCPUE AT 8 P.M. REDJCATION50sne.5 9c2 in Trnnty Church. Trinitv United hurch PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY )0 Trnt U ie C uc Friday, Nov. 25, ai 9 p.m., in Bowmanville ~~Trnty Church: The Nation- A e.MGg oD rs BowmanvWokerai lus epete sso tea EVERYONErers WEOM ail offite-d laai Presented by Bowmanville Youth for Christ . wii attend. Others ai. ei e o r L cl ID A u t r welcome. wP o NOV. 24th, 1955 foumm mAkqwpAým.- à

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