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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Nov 1955, p. 8

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PAGE ETONT N A yo r ed ' n a tic e ý!ternoon if' d 1; 1 iNiaiO nwitTntghqs ow ftthcjýj 'k 1cdi t ' f r n w o u ld e u ui u faIfe b eti n g w in d oaf t e be a n A n d o f c o u s e w h e n y o u h a v e g u e s ts w ith I1 i h n o l x l i O h n d y a t m o n m " Aod, i stepeto of c'o(suulrse-, u thinking a! it as, heamt-warmîng littie scene was F yu tithpefcino ospitalîry (s1d,1wl nysytita observed at tbe Mernonial. Miss1 welI as quick cofivenience) to serve them ifdothI wllony a th s, th Yvonne Chant and Mns. Don- Ail delicious WILSON'S! sense as those who trmen t, o thy Venning with thein Jun Moi torture and kill them, there jo Grade pupils marched would not be any bull fights. tph here t hh.4hir NO OTHER GINGER ALE, , jTerhe lling.c we h:otaw h eriaere. Md her AT ANY P RCE, MATCHES Thering.Pya iu i WI SON FLAVOR, IOur trip tPyramionmmnalsrie1 WISNiwcre very intercsting. On thi- ait QUA I Y AND VAL E trip wc visitd the Archoogi- "D OME IN- BUT LEMIE YOUR COATS ON. INSTEAD 0 __ __ cal Museum hr theme is aj CALLI NG'AN EXPERT HEATING CONTRACTOR, BILL. I-AD stnprobably ten feet in dia-i OUR I-IRED MAN FIX OU'R FUP.NACE TODAN!'" meter, weighing 16 tans, withj FAMLY v e p rec t xnapedourst A ysCoil c ReIiobI.Hocting Contractor for 30 O2 OUNClZESns.srface, and we saw Epor --"."e'-w@at atraO shawa 8 edays. Funther on, xvc saw thel I j oid Serî. pyramids. One had bundreds :)f AhuNeoia Seic- steps neaching to the top, I do) L .P R E ONaua tn ouet not know bow high. Another L .FmIKatrais atonesmet showing three pynamids, anec CITY LIMITS nus 01PSIm U2 built on top o! the other, wiilh 4 KING ST. e. BOWMANV'ILLE - MA 3-5651 Diai OSHAWA RA 3-8611 shrine on top. Thene wenel u tne and reverse ehawg.. may iuigt slowing that a ______________________ TEE CANADIMI STATESUMJi, OWMANvniLe ,ONTARIlO _________ I t r a th e r lo o k e d ta m e a si w a t e G e r e C a f r d m r a tughhews r n a p GIMr.eil afrdyd M » tor aus that old , çWe G ore"The 1~ ~~u CO Old Qaken Bueket" w4th a t'Il r.Ninai n is (By W. J. Berry) Our way back I will explain mlyfrtewknd Pair last Saturday. We arrived at Mexco City M RlhLr.e (Continued £rom last week> ratties and many other things considerably behind schedule and chldren with M.and Historie San Antola of interest. 'Yes, books could be and when we arrivedi they tOA r. E erSddn, J al wnîtten on San Antonia. 1 hap- us at the Hotel Genève that rv ,o Su d . San Antonia is my next stop. lJened to be there on Sundav those who dld flot corne n pairs A h ais L d e e c r T his c ty is rather histo rcal and 1 w ent to T ravis P ark M e -. w ould have to double up. N ow ja t a t W d es a v n n ad dates back wheti Spain was thodist Church, a very large this caused a great deal oi loud Ghre, on ýsixnabe. Tepi principal world power and church. It was over-flowing nf talking and a smal iot for we e were won byMrs.Wlbrt1 miade ber influence feit in this the morning and almost full i had paid for single rooms ii Te by.Prd olig nrew world ' One of the places the evenmng. Its church calen- advance and then toa hane aiWerry andM. Fredwowling. of interest in San Anton la dar showed that it was a real- room with strangers which Theor prizenampw. Mr the San Jose Mission, founded Me9l a ap in 12 y te Fa csai F . y live church. Before I move was flot to our likng. AfterArh r V n C m P t t e 1 tnhers w y h ec sil an dis a sFa- on 1 must flot forget to' men- qulte a tumult, they told us , ek n ih M . H r ther via o! ealiertadsavs Ti the Alamo which was built that we could go ta another ho-.BroekendPorth Mrr. nMi ofasbuîanrd aslarhis a 1718 and bas stood the rav- tel, a gobd hotel and in a goociBokPotPry Msinwas bsel sundota ang a ges of time and war and bas part o f the city and obtain sin- Sincere syrnpathy of the1 e tn a wel s porkshopasfor been under' the rule of six flags ge ro s there. We agreed to t ne had granaries, a orFrenforh, Spanish, Meic, go and when we got there the makig cothe an wool'mTexan, Confederate and U.S.A. sm hn apndn on maki g clthes and ooll n x1a sa e th ng h ppen d -no rooonmune a e xtndth f Mr .M ,2. imikth .crne shop, frubml a hck Today, it is very peaceful ex- unless we doubled up. Then colm.S sth ishopncsrourd handf sive cept for the thousands of sight- there was more loud talkingiý Mr. and Mns. George Dunbar,à for nills!Ghs gd wh seat seers or tourists who visit it and almost riots. By this time Mr. and Mrs.. Ray Drummond, r aore tere thdaeal ry crudc ts a memorial of the past. it was getting late so a few did Mr. and Mns. Grant FergusonE lf;oing compared ta modern On To Mexica double up, then the manager and an, Toronto, with the Roy rrilling. There was also a quite On the mnornlng of July .4,1 fumbled over the names agaîn, Ferguson family.b a ar e ch rc nd so e of th ur es o te 1 - ay to r ofIcalled m in e an d g av e m e a k ey M r. a d M r . G eo ge R u h d acarig that ad o mhsedfithe 1 M crIe 2dy or o and told me where to go. JIad u ore uh is cr bautfu ad uîq,' exiobea. it-five of uý, quickly went, found my room Th er whvle uture w an niqe.i altrangers (except the twos and discovered it had two beds. eror ad ln Mrs. Geor-eradh built, but livin, conditions, as ohre that may have come1. took mv choice and settled Dithe, Mrs. GeorgeaFoler an T vou ca i agi e er v r o e er> m et a h u de pot low n for the night. The others D iane and A llan's birthdays. P Poo- as comparcd with oui, hadaour tickets o.k.'d and ; goarrageod soe ho. I 1asMn. rds. eanlKing, orlt prescrit dav standards. Other b g ag iketed, boarded the 4ey-oo otl, asho g places wcre the Almos Dari two buses and we were off "tl1 fe\el1l<e>',otFogyppeMr and Pry Mrs. PecEr-, on corting 55.000.000 for flood COZn- shortlv after eight o'clock in were used vry' shabbily at Ho-w trol. San Pedro Park, San Fer- the morning. Our fi rst s telGov.pwvr w re i ig nan&j Cathe ral, over 00 wa Laedo T xaç H re ~ to forget an d went on with he ~M s ila a a p i years old, aio a visit to the h d ou agage inspected, n o prograe a ppw e d o fo r uig * s T ro t , otelweeknn Cimp. Euckhorn Curjo Store with its very closely, then crossed thoe nx a eto ih-Ms ae a ap ,great variet v of animal horns border into Mexico. had lunch, ws eein orofth we. cit ohun Hrer. B.f Harrison and Mn. r and thousands of rattle snake then on to Monterrey where was very wtortellvwhilI of ario ! îfed ee o. we tayd oer igh. Jst ut-n o bein o tli ou aitotday dinner guests with the or) side thedHotel, a yo. usteut- hat we saw for Mexico Citv i le 7 Rex'. C. W. Hutton family. cae uth otmc ad said eris large and has rnany verY finiMsefeaHll osne o cmsuter meIaid o, hen esaîd uildinus ancient and modern. - enad-. tebgitrviie er utadnleM.hý MtI adr,,te esi he churches, some very old,'s.£oadLaIenr sg t~eegte and Mrs. Harry Hall, and the do shoorumyheadrn hefr s".I and cathedrals were very artis- following their marriage on October 26 in St. George's Hamultons, befone leaving for "111 brusheatbe for ic i and ricb looking, with many hrh Newcastle. Mrs. Bernard is the former Patricia ber home 'in New Zealand. Mns.v Miste M"tNo , I fo r no thing parts covered with 22' * Churltnch, wth he t s wheiterhe o, I wa som goldlan om ihIk Aileen Schramn, daughter of Mrs. Allan R. Spenoeý-r and the ' -aritnwetwthhrt potenthe andtho bru wsh mrat. The altars, walls and îmag- late William Oliver Schram. The groom is the son of Mr. Detroit. E ta_______________________d.r._______ Mr. John Hamilton and BriE pes wole an bour ;resaoing them were realiv and Mrs. Donald M. Bernard. Ail are of Newcastle. an and Mr. Selby Grant were iheter houd e an tryn outo a work o! art. AIl I can say deer bunting in the North last mhe to hha fry oosutis, tbev were truly magnificent hgî ivîzd pepe hdweek. nel^ ae, for a shîne. Therweme also civic bIuiigs, hgl i .zd pepehdBLA Mr. and Mrs. Frank Playfoot ws a i dda S chmne nt.Is p lce, u -t- t tre om wh n ntoeyk came o sum itwas the latter. I sur govemnment buildings, muse- 1ie hr adn n nowsi and boys, Lindsay, with Miss take something for nothing - yes, bundreds of things whetber they went, appamently Intended for last week) Ethiel and Mn. Henry Thomp- ng. 1son. wished, after, I had opened up worth going theme to see which lived and passed into oblivion. W.M.S. Auxiliany Mr. Jim Emerton bas bought, my heart and given the kid a 's impsilfometexan.iin inHt The November meeting of the aso s Not lcktc n big nickel. Monterrey, to me, being there for sa short a time. Now xve wiIl start and ne- Blackstock Auxiliary of theisstring a bouse. was just an ove-night stop. A Climbing Up The Steps trace our steps from Mexico W.M.S. was held on Wednes- Mr. and Mrs. Bert Smith, To- 0 Snge ue fexïr took advantage o! a tour The next day we took a two- City to San Antonia as we took day afternoon, Nov. 9 at the ronto, with Mr. W. Archer and Lieo! the ct, eto a concert day tnip ta Cuernavaca and the same route going and comu- home o! Mrs. Arnold Taylor. visited Mrs. Archer in 'Port Lbrkaotio and adi a ely good. My Txco. Txco is a city buult on ig h a some o the peo- E. . me openied the PrY Hopa. NoDrvecoplns bed looked better to me fom a mountain and its na )lpe beside thle highiay live is mleetin with a pem. orBidan Gom tetNo DiveCepI we had ta leave at 8.00 arn. tbe winding, bilîy and one-wav aîmost past descrptionsmaiî Ms.Lloyd Wright took the Mn. and Mrs. George Dun- e No Conv.ton0j Oit Pvump fa Wear Out next m orning. W e w ent on ta streets would tax a stranger to hluts built o f ol s'ran t 1n w rshp p ru . S e c o e a a, ( o a F r u o > o o xutivib Williamix lw-pressur principle. Victoria for lunch, then ta Val- find is way. We stayed at the to close it in, dit floors, no her tem "The Cal to Disci- ronto, were honaed on thein les and dinner and over nigbt Victoria Hotel and saine of us doors. It is inéonceivable bow pwshp , wth several members recent manriage by their rela- Replace youn' old unit with this at H-otel Taninu. This was a were taken to an annex, mul, a famly could exist in such D reading relevant portions of tives and 'fiends at a showen wholly new concept of burner design, veny beautiful place - large, lower than the botel proper. place; how tbey could eat or scriptume, and closed witb ast Saturday evening in the dependability, economy. Core in o and mnostly air conditioned. The The roni were very comnfort. sleep in sucb small cramped prayer. The roll cal was an- Recreational Centre. phone________full _________ veranda around the building able, but the worst feature was quarters. Yes, Mexico, in somne swered with a way to live Mr. Dalton Doreil was phnefo ui Ict.was a very nice walk before the 98 steps we had ta climb to respects is 100 years behind peacefuly, and books read and hairman for an inteesting breakfast. There was a swim- reac the dining room. Wben the times, especially away from calls made. The minutes were program. The bride and groom ming pool and many other at- we got there the meais were the cities. read and approved and corres- received mrany lovely gifts fon tatoswhicb made ybu f@el vers good. We visited man- Difficult Farming podnera.wibte achmd t askets, rea . w. son he anehmMresRoy amthat you would like ta stay shp wheme they sold jewel- Their agriculturaîiland is A short business peiod fol- able replies. Mrs. David Wil- laM a in rnmuci! longer. Tbey grew their lery, made by hand, bases vemy patcby - among rocks, lowed. durîng which it xvas so n -r* oyMLuhi own fruit and vegetables and linn nd a thousand tbings bills and mounitains, just any- moved that we pay expenses pmovided fine music for danc- aur meals were good. that would entice you and where they can get a piece of of the newly formed Expîorer's ing. Fancy Rest Room mucb cheapen thani you coudld and to tilI. I saw-vsoame pieces Group; the Christmas Cheer Mn. and Mns. Ivan Shook and E iItTh et a o aMeio u E oe away up on a steep mounitain Boxes disussed and a commit-. Majorie Anne, Toronto, withý City, but fimst I must tell you On our way back we stopped side. How tbey. get theme to tee put in charge; a donation Mn. and Mrs. G. Marlow- on Heating and Plunibing about a est oom at whicb wye at Hacienda Vista Hemase, a plant it or havest their crpta ot e Hospital Auxil- Satuday and Mrs. Gertrude stopped along tbe way. At the 1 ey rsfî an euiu do not know. They StÛR have îamy was decided upon. Marlow returned home. 55 K n . o m n v l e b c h r w s a p1io o place . T he e w as a ve y large oxen, and the u m ao or donkey T he report of t e nom n t g l M . R y F r u o i te porcb, very artisticalîy made swmnn pool for all age- 1 s their bato udn ar mitewsgvnwitb Of- 1nfiends in Garnie last week. Phone MA 3-3348 and a deep well run by a wind- cmfortabe chairs under shade adned îloded witb burdens fices for 1,956 as follows: Prez. Union Card Party lass and pail fo draw the water, trees or in the sun if you j balaèdo their backs and Mrs. E. Larmer; vice-pres., MrS. The Farmers' Union Cr and a Mexican boy operating ft. a vrylare al much larger than the an- c e.adpessce nteHl wishd, vey lrgedining a1CHil e.adpesscePrtinhe omuty al or whatever it niay be used 1, I hmevs.I at a tamy, Mirs. Roy Taylor: treas., last Friday evening was Card for. j wo men on a donkey and the Mms. E. Dorelli Christian successfuî. There were ten taý- donkev did flot seem ta be any stewandsbip, Mrs. A. Taylor; bles. The pnîzes wene awarded Eating Octopus 1lre hnoe ftemn.iertrMs utn;Ms sfljs ihldMs We bad dinner here and forlagertan oe o!thmn. iteBaur, Mrs. C.Hitton;Mî s olos-Hîhlay1Ms BE~~~~~ ~one o! aur side dishes (I car- OtiePubîg inBnMs-C ii m.I Ray MeGili; high gent, David m u UI I(no gie ouit prpe nme We are on our way back and Mountjoy, Mrs. W. Pearce; Wilson; consolation lady, Mrs. we had baby octopus. 1Ido not we stop agan at teWo 0 'ridDvdWlo;DBl 'ihas mast people le!t it. 1îa the well, windlass and Band, Mrs. R. Larmer; Con-fOus' Moore. There will be an- E M f Vi ~ ~tried mine, but a dog near by Mexcan boy drawing watei. munity Friendship, Ms. E. othen in the neas' future. T/V EN O YM N Tseemed ta enjoy it better than ntced, this tirne, its real Dorreil; Temperance and Cit- Last Monday night wasear- T/V 1sa I gave it to him. We am- purpose. Now, there was a zensbip, Mms. R. Larmer; fruit ents' night at the new at rived back in Mexico city late long line o! ladies and also a and flowers, Mrs. Fowler; plan- wrigbt Are% Public School nthe aternaon. much shonter line o! men ta get i-t, Mrs. G. Strong: supyw nth taces elo d IS EY [R~*** ~ TbflxtnayBuleigtr respective est rooms Mrs. Henry. The goup leaders the parents and served rfeh IS B TTE 6 M Fist Bll ight 1 rtoiltsfor it was not reaîîy are to be Mrs. G. Strong, Mrs. ments. Thenet aywe went to the a0 est roam for there was nvjF Dayes, Mrs. J. A. Johnston Sîncere sympathy of the i laigGardens of Xcimil- nom for nc and nt a ver ' and Ms. L.* Wright. community is extended ta Ms.. orhlua dceout with teeth or put on lipstîck. How- a!f the foIlîoxing progmain: AMms. William Taylor on th co ordean c wa! toe bat se ctbe lcet da yu Ms . aeuws nchre omn aylngofndM. Tand anIda o ih aeethe men got through first, reading concerning missionamy sde asn !M.Tyo an Inian oy wtb a pole then the ladies took over the bales by Mrs. D. Domî:ell. The a udy among dozens of others comîng mens and our guide sto lext two chapters of tesuv Uie hrhBxa 1' ~~~~~~~~~~~~and going. The w n r w s g a d o e t atI a e p b o, ' o V ns i g R ce, T e U ie b r h A n a -- .- -' "'>WATCf nOigATLy RNLARêCO TgO SHOW ORIT*Lj TARR'S Jewellery 101W IMPROVED OIL EATIR jEXCLUSIVE "SMOKELESSr1 BURNER for more, beat fram leus fuel! 2ALL-WELDED, only heatée ~100% air-tight conatrue-; tion. 3. "HEAT-SAVIR- 9'reduceq heat loua Up chimney. 4, 1W VENT further re-, ducesheat losa for more boat. AUTOMATIC »AIR FEEDd turne amoko andsoo4 into iîeat. finish. 7INSTANT445AT SIC« 00015 7.quckiy heat up home. 8,.WAIST OCOTRLS get at. 99AUTOMATI* FOICIO AIR .FAN circuaes ONE.( '3 OIL HEATE Nt oma 010 IEATEN«othe Iy Pendia,.of efie @uckw *toi eqe.lpp.d Wk u ow#fei, 'RCED loe -e "wI Win@g system. oe ilslf 0 eliv. NvIct., ONII- IDngzwu W. H. BR@WA DEALER FOR Case Parm Machiner7 Flresfone Tires DeLaval Mllkers and Separatora Beatty Bras. Stable Equfpmen~ KING ST W. BOWMANIVXLLE MA 8-5497 ~rn-~,~usMOI i- ..- ~*, ~. r DuasOf Mr. end UMn. Johu StPaul's \,iM S. lohnstonan mi. Mn. and Mrs. Thos Hill, and Mrm. John Mitchell,' earns t ronto, Mn..fRoss Hill and Han- L BvcY, Scarboro; Mn. and Ms Lfe in Korea ravle èeweedget St. Pàul'.s W.M.S. met nt the! Mr. and Mns. W. Murphy ani "OMeO!OfMns. R. D. Whltmee, lamy. T3nn; M. H~ Nov by th.e eet g open- Murphy, Brenda and Donafd, eld bvtersn tMn Han- Bowmianvilîe, were Sunda; olMrusonG Sa av e. supper guests Of Mns, Edit6 Mn.H. . Smw aveIntr.Murphy. esting highllghts on the ad. Mrs. BerthaYeBw n dresamo!nmm Armaytrnlg uvenville, Mrs. C. 1tairstow, Le;-. at ampon reaytelaîMrs. kard, wene Sunday visitarl Armstrong sPoke on Korea witî; their great grandcd& named the "Wondenîand o! lîttie Paul Vaneyk and bisW Chrlstianity"l but now Corn-etaMnan V. munîst. Their sehool, leeak, Mr. a rs. aulastw andchnchs re em muh IILcskard, Mn. and Mrs. Wm. need, and the Immense popu- Bell and Douglas, Toronto. MIs. lation ls In need of every as- Evelyn Colville, Bertha, Ber- sistance., nice and Jackt, Bowmanviîle Miss Elva Orchard eonduet- -Mn. and Mrs. C. Penwarden ed the devotional period. The and Wade, were Sunday supper. scripture pontions were read by guests at the Vaneyk home. Mrs. J. A. Cox, the members Mm and Mns. W. Vaneyk and re lying to the answers in the John,' were Sunday dinnen Biole passages. guests o! Mr. and Mns. Harolâ Miss Orchard took the study De Mille, Bownxanviîle and book chapten, "The Life o! In- supper guests a! Mr. and Mrs. lians in Ontario". Their houces Heniry De Mille, Oshawva. are saal and their living is Mr. and Mrs. C. Bradley and confined ta fas'ming, fisbing, fani]y, Bowmanville; Mr:. and unting ad making o! baskets. M ns. A. Youngman and fai. hc meeting was closed by the iîy and Mr. and Mrs. G. FIat. president. cher, weme Sunday evenlng guests 6£ Mr. Robt.* Sim. Mr. and Mms. Rye Gibson and LON SA LT Sanîdra, ' re Sunday evenlng Mr. R bt. S m viited Mn. and Mrs. J. Pakinson Mrs. and Mrs. Wm. Sim and bis and fanîih', Fenella, Mr. and nothen, Mrs. Mary Siu, who Mrs. .Wright and family, Mr. imuch improved in Oshawa Morley Wright, Janctviîîe, Mrs. S. Goble and boys, Tymrne, )4 Sunday. were weekend callens at the Mn. Stanley Fletcher, To- Gibsan home. .?nto, spent the weekcnid with Miss G. Smith spent the 15s parents, Mn. and Mns. Gar- wcekend with relatives at En- Ion Fletcher. indale and Clarkson. Misses Lais Anti] and Donna Mm. and Mrs. F. O. Smith ice, Messrs. Ronald and Ray- and farnily, Bowrnanville, vis- nond Ôsbomne, Solina, anî ited thein parents, Mr. and Mr-4 fbenezen, werc Sunday supper F. G. Sm ith Sunday attemnoon. - TRUX»AY. NOV. 24Q leau

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