?NURDAY, SU. ut, issu THE CANADIMI ~TATI~MMAN E MA~VTLT~ AU'rAuTn A S4IW~5 J~AA1J M Present Warden Beer Wit h Traditional Watch At Banquetfin Cobourg Following a hectic session of the United Counties Council, when the counties' road>system had been called a mess by Ham- ilton Tawnship's Reeve, about 160 members and. guests af council sat down ýWednesday, Ixô.23rd. to enjoy the annua] ~en's Banquet at Cobourg k'on. -Differences were forgotten temporarily as the tradîtional watch was presented to Warden *Allan Beer, Reeve of Manvers Township, and his wife received a bouquet of roses. Hi'stery-making Year In his address, Ward en Beer said it had been a history-mai- ing year for the counties due to the start of the new counties' building and the biggest road pragram ever attempted by the council. Rapping some of the counicil's critics, he could not understand why people who have money for pleasure includ- ing cars and liquor, raised objec- tion when money was ta be spent on progress for the coun- ties. Reviewing events prier te the decision 'to build a counties structlire 'ta house council offices and local administration of jus- tice facilities. he declared that every ether proposai had been given sincere and thorough con- sideration. Finally, council had decided to proceed with their own building. In conclusion. he thanked his fellow councillors for their co-operation and an- ,.nounced that he planned ta with- draw fromn politics in the future. R. J. Payne, Dieputy-Reeve of Manvers. acted as the capable chaimman o! the dinner and in- traduced head table guests in- cluding the Hon. W. A. Good- fellow, Ontario Minister o! Muni- cipal Affairs; Warden and Mrs. Beer and his mother, Dr. Fred G. Robertson, M.P., and Mms. Robertson; John M. James, M.P., and Mms. James; Reeve J. Erskine, convener of the dinner; Mrs. Payne, Ken Symons. Coun- ties Clerk; Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Geyne and Mr. and Mrs. S. Méoe. Rports on MaJ. Faste Speakers who brought greet- Ings included Mr. 'Goodfellow who aise gaves-a report cf pro- rgress on Hon. John W. Foote, Minister ai Reiarm Institutions, wha has býen Wi. He has novw left Sunnybmook Hospital and is 1expected ta be at his deslc in Queen's Park in the near future for a few heurs a day. Mm, Gaodiellow lifted the lid an a clasely guarded- secret concern- ing tremendaus development ir the Hastings and Haliburtor Counties area, stàting that a new 900 acre tawn had been survey- ed in the area and temendous development was in store. He predicted that within 10 years, the town af Bancroft would have between 5,000 and 8,000 popula- tion. Three mines in this area are already in the process o! a $25,000,000 development. Dr. Robertson, Mr. James and 19x Warden Harry Campbell also brought messages cf greeting and best wishes for future councils. Wonderful Program The mast unusual part ef the banquet was the entertainmer.t which far exceeded that ai for- mer years. Early in the eve~i- ing, Mm. DeCarlo ai Campbell- fard gave two weIl-rendered solos, accampanied byý Town Clerk Iby af Campbellford. The 'Moore sisters, daughteýs ai Warden and Mrs. Sherman Moore ai Victoria County en! tertained with several vocal numbers. A sing sang led by John M. James, M.P., with Miss Marilyn Clitheroe at the piano settled the deliciaus chîcken dinner a little. These were the prelude ta the professional per- formers provided thraugh cour- tesy o! R. A. Gayne. Roy W. Nichais, eeve af Darlington, acted as master af ceemonies for a marvellous show over an hour in length, featurig Dor- ethy Merrili o! Oshawa on pi- ano and accardian; The Silver- tons, a peppy trio with sangs,' accordion and violin novelties; dancer Dorothy Stedman and singer Norma Davis. Spending by municipal gev- ernments in Canada in 1953 ta- talled $922 million, about 13 per cent af total gevernment spending in Canada in that year. May We Estimate 1 n rvw-ýYour Plumbing 1C EATING .,j %ovand FOIZ Heaiing Air I LONGRequiremenis E UGHe Improved performance and a freshness in styling that extends throughout the three 'seriez of pas-" senger cars headline advances in 1956 Chevrolets. The nine-passenger station wagons and twe four- door sport sedans- will be new-comers among 19 models. Front ends will be made more rugged appearing in a re-design of grille and forward sheet metal. Models have a lower, longer look. New colours, unique two-toning and tasteful interiors give each of the seriez complete distinction. Engine choices' include V8s and a mgre pawerful six cylinder. Modern lnes of the 1956 Chevrolets are evident in the above view cf the Bel Air sport sedan. Frontal appearance has been smartly altered by new sheet metal and brightwork.- Dr. Frank Drew of Devil's Lake, North Dakota, and his nephews, Charles Drew of E3r- rest River, N.D., and Albert Drew of Dearborn, Michigan, Lare visiting his niece, Mrs. Mar- vin Nesbîtt and other relatives. Mr. ançi Mrs. Marvin Nes- bitt, Messrs. Elmer Nesbitt and Lowell Fallis, weme Saturday dinner guests of Mr. and Mr.s. Edgar Homne, Oshawa. Mr and Mms. S. Staples and Brian of Lindsay visited Mrr:. W. Campbell. Mrs. Campbell lef t for Gait ta visit her daugh- ter, Mrs. Bonny, Dr. Bonny and family. Mm. and Mrs. Ivan Proutt visited Mm. and Mms. Charles Torrance and family, Lindsay. Mrs. Foster Ferguson a! Or- ana, visited a few days with the Grant Thompson. Mrs. John Dickey returned from a week's visit with the Misses McKay and Mm. and Mms. Wm. Lawrencison, To- 1-onto. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Wil- liams, Port Hope, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mms. Ar- nold Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Marlow and girls of Toranto, visited bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Marlow. Mr. and Mrs. Alex McLeod and Donald, spent the week- end at the manse with Rev. and Mrs. A. S. McLean. Mrs. Oliver Rohmer returned Monday from Port Perry Hos- pital, where she underwent surgery last week. Mrs. Fred Rohmer af Tillsanburg, has been keeping hause for th? family. Friends wish Mabel a quick recovery. Congratulations to Alex Gil' bert, a former Cartwright mer- chant who has been appointed secretary - manager of Trenton Chambèr of Commerce and as- sumes his position this week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Steel were Sunday guests af Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Peel, Port Perry, and ,attended the special services -in the United Church, Port Pemry. Miss Margaret Steel, Reg. N., Sunnybrook Hospital, Toronto, with hem parents, M'r. and Mrs. Steel. Start his i 4-day ,Money-Back Trial en Christmas Morningl New Schick "25" with block-ond-silver Caddie Case $31.95 N6 gnessing about giving when yôU give the new Schick "M". Your mani has to be convinced it gives the closest shaves hes ever feit, or ho returns it within 14 clays from, Christmas f« fllU rdfwi!t $5.00 TRADE-IN WelU take bis old electric shaver - any make or condition-as a trade-inand. vou pay only $26-95. Jewellévry & Hoope's Gft Shop 28 King St. W. Bowmanville MA 3-5747 Grade 5 School Pupils Given New Testaments By Gideon Society The Grade 5 pupils in Bow- manville's public schools, near- ly 112 in aIl, received copies ai The New Testament on Fiday mamning fmom the Gideon Se- ciety, which has presented ever 1,000,000 Bibles ta Cana- dian school children. The Gideons International 1i' Canada, which is made up af Christian businessmen, was e- presented by C. R. Roberts, Field Secretary af the organi- zation in Eastern Canada, and Arthur R. Alloway, President o! General Printers, Oshawa. The Gideons have distributed over 6,000,000 Bibles altoge- ther in Canada and onels found in practicaily every hotel room in the country. At the Central Public School presentation ceremony, Princi- pal Tom Turner introduced Mm. Roberts and Mr. Alloway ta the childmen and also Dr. George W. James, Editor o! Thé Can- adian Statesman, and Rev. A. C. Herbert, Rector ai St. John's Anglican Chumch, who weme present at the ceremony. Gidean's Work Explained Mr. Alloway first thanked the Bowmanvilie Public School Board, A. M. Thampson, Su- pervising Principal o! Baw- manville Public Schools, and Principal Tom Turner for al- lowing the Gideans ta present the New Testaments here. He introduced Mm. Roberts, who explained the wark o! the Gid- eons ta the Grade 5 pupils. They distribute Bibles and New Testaments in schaols, hote's,j prisons and haspitals, he ssid. because they believe that if God's werd, centained in thc Bible is made available ta 'al it will have a patent influence tawamd Christian living. "The Gideons want you to gmow up right"', he toid the children. "If yau apply the things this New Testament'tells you, you will graw up straighit and strong". Rev. A. C. Herbert told the children that the Bible is the lagest-selling book in the world, but this dees not mean it is the best read. "The mai'i reason for reading aur New Testaments is that through this book God has made him- self known ta.,us. You shauld treasure themn because in them are the words e! lufe", *he de- clared. New Testaments Presented Dr. James, a student at Cen- tral Public School 60 years age, Mm. Allaway and Mr. Roberts presented the New Testaments te the pupils, wha came fer- ward ta eceive them as their names were cslled by one of their teachers, Mrs. Paul Cow- an. The other Grade 5 classes at Central School are tatjght by Miss Margaret McGmegor and Don Kennedy. The presentatians were car- ried out in the same manner at Ontario Street Public Schoai,' wheme the Principal is Merle Slute and the Grade 5 teacher is Roy Turner, and at the Vin- cent Massey School, wheme the Principal and Grade 5 teacher is A. A. Merkley. The principals 'and teachers also received New Testaments. Spea king Finals Held At Brighton Recently The district Public School ham Lincoln, was the s(nallest Speaking Contest was held in and sppeared ta be the yeung- Brighton on Friday evening, est af the contestants; hem anal- Nov. 18, when contestants fromi ysis af Lincoln inheriting a tot- many Counties participated for teing Republican party was, the top honaurs in this art. In like Lincoln, "far fmom uner- ahl fourteen contestants took ring." The Carr cup winner, part. Miss Pauline Hodgetts, Priscilla Healy, spoke on the Part Hope, and Lsrry Thamp- United Nations, the vaice mo- san af Bowmanville, epresent- deration in this wss excellent, ed Durham County in the con- and hem description o! the ex- test. The twa Durham contes- citement, colour and space .ýi tants were winnems recently at the U.N. buildings vemy good. the County Contest held inl The Rev. William Giovetti, Orono. af Madoc, spake ta the contes- Three awards weme present- tants while the judges weme ed ta the top three contestants eut, on the avemali value ai in the contest. The winner o! public speaking. Remarks o the contest was Miss Sharon the entire public were made by McDonald ai Sidney, a grade Mm. R. J. Ross ai Brighton, who seven pupil. Miss Pauline Gib- has been interested in the sub- son, Pictan and Miss Priscilla ject for many years. Healy of McClure were run- ners-up. Sharon McDonald, Grade 7, BLACKSTOCK S.S. 24, Sidney, finished first. She was awarded the North- Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Black and umberland Challenge Trophy Miss Isobel Black, Midiand; by Mr. A. A. Kemp, ai Castie- r.Jh NeBriwe ton. President ai the B.D.T.R.A. gMrs. John Nry. an r ewis and chairman of the final con- gutet iM.adMs ei test. Fte The W. G. Fraser Traphy Mm. and Mrs. Russell Spinks, was captumed by Pauline Gib- Oshawa, and Mrs. Austin Bes- son, from the Queen Elizabeth cock, were Fiday tes guests School, Picton; and the H. N. witit Mrs. Edwarçl Damcy. Camr Trdphy by Priscilla Hea- Mm, and Mrs. Ray McGill ly, S. S. 7, McClure. weme in Toronto for the week- Mr. A. A. Kempt presented end. the contestanfs in the usual Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Thomp- way by number only and the son, Peterborough, with Mrs. judges remained anonymnOuý, George Fowler. each judge scoring his owfl A large representation from card as the speaker impressed aur cammunity attended the him. so that the winning speak- seilcuc evc nPr er was selected by an average Perry United Church on Sun- af opinion. day atronand, vnig Port Hope's contestant, Paul- atmon eeig ine Hadgetts, winner ai Dur- Mm. and Mms. Weir Swain, ham County, was one af the Toronto, with Mm. and Mrs. eleven who were pesented a Clarence Mamiow. miniature cup as a finalist in. Rev. Fred Riding, Mrs. Rid- the series>- Larry Thompsan, ing and children, Union City.! runner-up in the Durham coni- Pa.. visited relatives heme for test. also spoke. a !ew days ]sst week. The contestants spoke fram Mm. and Mrs. Dalton Mc-' the stage af the Brighton Towa Brien and David; Mm. and Mrs. Hall; over their heads was a David Harris and Chemyl, To- mural painted on the ail-green rante, were Sunday guests wi'h af the proscenium amch ai Sir Mr.. and Mrs. William Taylor. John A. McDanald, aisa rno Sympathy ta Mm. and Mrs.1 mean public speaker in his Lewis Fitze on the psssing of tixne. They were emarkablY hem brother, Mm. John Ney of unifomm as regards poise and Barrie, is extended fmom the delivery. They chose a wide cammunity. range of subject matter, and A capacity crowd filled the almost no pompting was ne- Recreational Centre last Wed- cessary. nesday evening ta see the pic-1 Sharon McDonald won the tures presented by Dr. L. B. Northumberland C h a Il e n g e Williams, Bowman ville. with her subject, "The Strat- O.N.O. Club New fard Shakespearean Festival." About 70 members aif the- She autlined two pîsys, and O.N.O. Club and their husbands spoke vividly ài the town and had a wonderful- time at the the projeot. Her' dramatic tim- annuai '"Husbands Night" on ing ai hem phrase "after the Satumday night at St. John's trumpets sang, there was aJ Parish Hall. hush;, and the play began" wvas 1 A bountiful turkey dinner an example ai manv' an aider serv-ed by St. John's W.A. start- and more experienced pub,¾c cd at seven &oclock. speaker-. Pauline Gibson, whoi Our President Dorth Mar baveiy dealt with the somie-1low, asked the gueststabe wliat dil!icult subject of Abra- seated and conducted the toast_ ta the Queen. Jim Marlow asked the blessing then the next heur or more was very happily spent enjoying the dinner.-At the conclusion of this part, Noreen Malcolm express- ed aur appreciatian te the W.A. ladies te which the President, Miss Eva Parr replied. Our sang leader, Neil Mal- colin with our pianist Eleanor Werry, led us in a lively sing- Song and Neil declared we are getting better every year. Then came the taasts-Neil Bailey proposed the toast te the wives with Doris Marlow es- ponding. Jessie Gunter propos- ed the toast ta the husbands cessful. 7- and Dick Bowles responded.* Dalton Dorrell and Dick Bawles entertained with the "Wiffenpaof" sang, the origin- al words first, then their own version. Edith and Roy McLaughlin with piano and violin and Gib Marlow with the mauthorgan entertained with musical num- bers. Then the 'tables *ere put aside and Elaine Bailey led us in sevemal amusing games and re]ays. Evemyone jeined in the fun and declared aur third 'Husbands' Night"' vemy suc- K E DU "BEST- FOOD BUYS" Best Buy FIVE ROSES Ail Purpose F LOURB 5-lb. bag 33C Best Buy AUSTRALIAN SEEDLESS RAISINS 21bs.35c Best Buy ALLEN'S APPLE JUICE 48-oz. tini 23C Beat BILy TOILET TISSUE .30 2 for21c 1 I1 New Low Prices Yaur Choice of Popular Brands FILTER TIF CIGARETTES FRESH MEATS Swift's Premium Tender Grown Chickens l b. 45 c 2 - 3 Ibs. - Oven Ready Ideal for Roasting - Whole or Haif Fresh Pork Hams lb. 49c Swift's - Rind On - Store Sliced lb. 45C lb, 25c Swif t's Vacuum Packed SLICED COOKED MEATS Sealed packages -. Al Vaneties MACARONI & CHEESE 6-oz. eacii PC L OPMET DUCH LOAF .EN 9 MOCK CHICKENM SALAMI pkg. HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL h/KINUs igODArI Use Supreme Brand "«Nuts" for Beat1 Baklng Results ALMONDS Blanched 3 oz. pkg. ---28e WÀNLNUTS 7 oz. pkg.,----39e BRAZILS 3 oz. pkg. -- 28e PECANS 3 oz. pkg. -___49e FILBERTS 3oez. pkg. - 19e - CROCO TREATS lO-oz pkg. JOHNSON'S PASTE FLOOR WAX 1-1b. tin a5 7 Home Brand Aluminum FOIL WRAP 251 roll 21 c Stikely's Fancy TOMATO JUICE 48« tn2 .7 C Paramount Fancy Pink SALMON 2.6C GOOD LUCK MAIRGARINE 1-lb. pkg. a 35c Salada Orange Pekee pkg. of 60 TEA BAGS - 79c HEINZ CHILI SAUCE 12-ex. bot. 37c HEINZ COOKED 15-oz. SPAGHETTI 2 For 31é OGILVIE FRUIT CAKE MIX CATELLI'8 R. C. MACARONI ROBIN HOOD Instant) 5-lb. pkg. GATS - - 51c Lge. Size nt. lqize *fab Delergent 39c 77c Aj.ax Cleanser 2 Fr-- 27c PRODUCE Sweet - Full o' Juice - 216 Size Florida Orange's 2doz69c Tender'- Flavourful - Florida Green Beans Palm Garden Brand Select Tomatoes cello pkg. 19c Bananas 2Ilbs. 29C Fancy - Sweet Juice - Flemish Beauty 6-qt. bask. Pears 59C h tins 25c Z tins" 33C LIGHT DULDS 2 For 39C Niagara Kist 24-az. Jar Sirawherry Jam 39c ROSE BRAND MARGARINE 1-1tb. pkg.2 C CHEESE SLICES SOff - V-lb. pkg. 25 C BIRDSEYE FROZEN FOODS French Fried Potatees, 9 qj. pkg -- 2 fer 41c Turkey Pieu, 8 oz., each 37e Garden Fresh Peau. 12-ex. pkg. 2Me Oriole Bacon Young - Tender - -Sliced Pork Liver 28.-oz. *65c 1-lb. pkg. -16c STOCK Up TOMATO MM NW"1N BACON CRUM 0F CELEOY FRECH CM4AOEAN PEA 0004 INPA ex TAIt N'OtwASLB VECETAPIAN '/?OItAlte CRUM OF ASPARAGUS SE& Nomeê BOLYLLON CWbCO UM60 CHtCN4 NOCOWE UHKIN WI wri ce C*OF 0OCICS4 CONSOMME Co ORA F Nue«O rnw %IWEAKE NU General Electrie r/R* E D> Small Down Payment fer the. Cosut Uhns in the fistuq of the. Fmo Com la end 00 thIii awff, mut e*ftk4 shovwgift of on. odfo>. *O'nIy if ho dcides te Irnp ido we pt ion voir accowot, end y, Pol' ONLY A LITTLE PER WEEK lb. 17c Yeo's Marketeria MAPýE GROVE Maple Grove Groceteria Cornish Marketeria ~/1 T' ýwO, l THE CANADIA:w STATESUM. BOWMAUM= cimémo Nesfleton Stafion Carton of 200 25-40-60 Watt iniom. invu .18 BOWMÀNVILLE