P1GIi TWELV - T~ CAKAD!AIi STATESMAN. HWMAKVfl~ILE. O!!TAETO Former Jamaican TelIls Con adian Club About Her Native Country Mzs. Fritz Marti ai Bowman- ville was guest speaker at a meeting aif the Women's Cana- dian Club on Nov. 21 in St. John's Parish Hall. Born and educated in Jamaica, Mrs. Mar- ti spoke in a charming and in- teresting manner on ber native country, which is one ai the British West Indies. Mrs. Marti, the former Betty King af St. Andrews, Jamaica, was married to Mn. Fritz Mar- ti, Bowmanville nursery own- er, in July af this year. Mrs. Laurence Goddard, in intro- ducing Mrs. Marti, said that she attended St. Andrew High School for Girls wbere one of her teachers was Mrs. Chester Jury who now makes ber home in Timmins wbere Mr. Jury is on the staff of the bîgh school. President Mrs. C. A. Wigýit extended a very warm welcome to Mrs. Marti on behaîf of the Canadian Club and the corr- Inunity. Size ai Island Ta give ber audience some idea of the~ size of the island ai Jamaica, 144 miles long and 50 miles wide, Mrs. Marti said that il could be set ini Lake Ontario and silîl be surround- cd by water. The name is tak- en from Xaymaca, meaning la- land of springs, given ta it by the first inhabitants, the Ana- wak Indians. Discovered in 1494 by Col- umbus, tbe friendly, indus- trious Arawaks were enslaved b>' the Spanisb who worked them sa bard tbat most of them died. In 1655 England took Ja- maica from Spain, and Jamai- ca is stili a memben oi the Commonwealth. Her govern- ment is headed by a Governor appointed by the Queen. Since adult suffrage was brought ii 1944, giving al residents aven 21 tbe right 'o vote, Jamaicans have taken much more interest in tneir government. The>' are now working taward achieving dominion status with a govern- or appointed framn their awn people, and also toward a fed- eration af British West Indies islands. There is much paver- ty in the islands, and it is feit that federation would be ad- vantageaus in many ways. Jamaica bas a 32 memben elcc- ted House oi Representatives, and 15 member Legislativc Council wbicb is appointed. Romantie Hlstory Jamaica bas a romantic and violent histary, being in tbe 17th century beadquarters for the buccaneers who iniested the Caribbean. Port Royal, the city full of treasure captured by the Spanisb pirates, sank beneath the sea in the eartbquake which sbook the island in 1692. At- tempts to recover gems and bullion from the sea are stijU being made. The capital of Jamaica was formerly Spanish Town, but 50 years ago Kingston, wbich possesses a very fine harbor, was made the capital. It is in- teresting ta, note that Kingston rests on a piece of land which rose from the ocean at the same lime that the strip bear- ing Port Royal sank. Jamaica bas a population of a million and a haif made up of whites, Neégroes, East In- dians,, Chinese Syrians and other races. Mrs. Marti said that ahl races live barmoniaus- ly tagether, and there is no ra- cial segregation in Jamaica. The Chinese awn 98%/ of the grocery stores and the dry- goods business is controlled mainly by Synians. Large Tourist Trade The island is beautiful, being about two-thirds mountainous witb the higbest peak 8,0001 feet. The climate bas little var- iation, with a very bot day in summer registering 90 ta 931 degrees. and a cold night in winter 60 degrees. For these reasans, Jamaica bas become very popular as a tounist mecca, and the tourist NEW IMPROVED OIL HEATER hetter 9 wuys!0 0 1. EXCLUSIVE 'SMOKELESS'1 SBuRNER for more heat f romn less fuel! 2 ALL-WELDID, anly heater. I ll . 100% air-tight construc-' 8 0 FOR YOUR tion. 3 OI HEAER 3 "UAI-SAVER" reduces beasUp chimâney. FOR YOUR 0WD HEATER ont he OWVINT further re-, Eari Puchae ofahi Qukerduces beat loss for more Heor equipped wlth cufoayatlc heat. Ai c.5. AUTOMATIC vAIR FEEIE tunssoke and soot FORE7 nsto het.D: 6. AUTIFI silver-beige or AIR FAN . mahogany baked-on Moks YOuv nfinish. Oucker. nato. maotic foc.d ait NAN-E SDDOR eair to rnoty heal., blowev*196 A UTOMATIC FORCED AIR fo..., FAN circulaie NE.ý THIRD more warm air W. He BROWN i DEALER FOR S Case Farm Machinery Firestone Tires DeLaval Milkers and Separators Beatty Bras. Stable Equipasent KING ST W. BO WMAN VILLE MA 3-5497 'I rhe J4ouse of $ea9ram trade forma aone af Jamaica's biggest industries. An average of 28 to 30,000 tourista visit Ja- maica each winter, Mantega Bay being the centre of the tourist and resart country. Bananas, sugar, rum, cac02, fruit and cigars are *XPOrt- cd from the island. Mrs. Marti also told of the excellent schools provided by the gavernment far children too poor otherwise to attend. Kindergarten schaals take chli- dren from about three ta eight or nine years, and the high school fram that age ta 16 or 18. At 16 they take senior Cambridge exams set by Cama- bridge University, England. There is one university in 31a- maica. Club 35 I 1956 Mucb interesting informa- tion was given by the speaker with regard ta the Jamaicans' love of music, also the social life, style of homes, cost of liv- ing, food, religion and various customs. Mrs. Marti answered a number of questions follow. ing ber talk. Appreciation oi the club was fittingly expressed by Mrs. Harold Turner. President Mrs. Wight announced that on look- ing up the records in response to an inquiry, it was found that the *omen's Canadian Club of Bowmanville was or- ganized in 1921 with Miss Mar- garet Allen as the first presi- dent. The club will therefpre reach its 35th anniversary next year. The December rnçeting will be on Dec. 12. Mrs. D. R. Morrison presided at the piano for opening and closing exercises. The usual pleasant social half-hour pre- ceded the meetitig when tea and cakes were served. Local Veteran Finally Returns From England Aiter living ln London since the end of World War II, Ray- mand "Bun' Welsh, son of Mrs. Cyrus Ashton, Bunketon, and the laIe James Welsh of Bowmanville, retunned ta Bow- manvile with bis English wife and two children on Wednesday of last week., Born and educated in Bow- manvile, "B1un", went over- seas with the Perth Regiment i 1942 and saw'service in Si- cily, Belgium and Holland, be- ing wounded three times and receiving the Oak Leaf. In Mancb, 1945, he married the former Barbara Mundy ai Lon- don, and Fince she was in pon health aI the war's end, he took his discharge in England. The>' have lived Ibere sice that time. Played Profcsslonal Hockey Mn. Welsh played hockey for tbree seasons with the Wem- bley Lions and also worked as a. fareman in a dry cleaning plant for same time. He was playing hockey for the Wemn- ble>' Lions and warking as an emplayee ai the Wembley Sta- dium when be decided ta ne- turn ta Canada. Since arriving home be bas obtained employ- ment at the Goodyear plant here. Mr. and Mrs. Welsh and their cbildren, Paul, 9; and Patricia, 6; are staying tempanaril>' with bis brather, Mn. and Mns. Charles Welsb, Prospect St., but will be moving into a bouse an Elgin St. in two weeks' time. Alvin "Paddy" Welsh ai Bawmanvulle is another bro- ther, and Mrs. Syd Murdoch, Bawmanville, and Mrs. Mac McPhail ai Orno, are sisters. Mrs. Welsh finds Bowman- ville ver>' much ta ber liking and son Paul is learning Can- adian ways quickly. He bas already asked ta jain one ai the Minor Hockey League teanas and be jained a Cub pack the first day be started school. Bath he and bis sister have en- rolled at Central Public Scbaol. A grcat soul prefer s moderation 5 1 Ir 'C-4 ( à B.C.-.A.D.65 $ g fi I -~ ~ ~ jiD' I i~wu n Bowm anvil le and District "Citizens of To-morrow"I Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack McCoy, Edsall Ave., Bowmanville, is Deborah Lvnn aeed 10 months. Nanc, aged 4, is the daughter of Mr. and Mlrs. R. Short, Wax erly Road, Bo,«%mzgnille. .rPhotos by Carsion's Mobile Studio Os hawa Group, Present Fine Musical NigFit Hamptou-A fine concerti was given ini the church on Fni- day evening, Nov. llth, by "The Canterbury Singers" af Oshawa, a -group of Choristers arganized and directed by Mrs. G. K. Drynan, Mus. Bachelor, assisted by Miss Geraldine Lee A.R.C.T. The pragram consist- ed of Liturgical motels and xnadrigals,- and was ail unac- companied, pitch being provid- cd by a, tuning fork. The group consists of four sopranos, two coritraltos, three tenors and four basses, ahl of wbom are choristers of consid- erable experience in many fields of choral and other mu- sic. Two are former English boy sopranos, and two basses who are at present active mem- bers of the Gregonian Associa- tion of Toronto, under the in- struction and direction * a Dr. Healey Willan. Mrs. Drynan îs also a former pupil ai Dr. Wil; lan, having studied with hüm wben obtaining ber Bachelor af Music degree at Toronto University. She bas a graciaus manner and is a capable director, and with constant rehearsals and performance, the singers are able to attain a blend and ton- al quality usually associated with cathedral chairs, speciai- izîng in liturgical music, a type which accompanies the ancient rites of the cburch. Adding much to the pleasure of the evening were the sev- eral delightful piano selections sa well rendered by Miss Ger- aldine Lee, A.R.C.T., who is also a memben of the choir and a very accomplisbed musician, especially as a concert pianist. The applause throughout the program was evidence that the music of the evening which was of high onder was being appreciated. The concert was sponsored by Hampton Church Choir who were gnatified -at the success of the evening, though they felt it was worthy of a much larger audience. The Singens with their friends, togethen with oun own choir members enjayed a so- sial bour with refresbments served ini the church basement at the close. A vote of appre- ciation for the lovely lunch provided was given by the Osh- awa friends wha expnessed much pleasure in coming to sing. AS ASW $10.95 Up OIL Winter Club Members Elect Mrs. Gien Hughes Their First President There was a gaad attendance at the meeting af thc Winten Club held at the Bowmanvile Memorial Arena an Tuesday aiternoon. Nov. 22. Members werc enthusiastically interest- cd in discussing the aims and projects af the club for the coming seasan. Tbe clection of afficers took place as follows: President, Mrs. Glenholme Hughes; Vice- President, Mrs. Victor Jeffery; Secretary, Mrs. Keith Yeo; Treasurer, Mrs. H. C. Bradley; and Mrs. E. D. Hubbard and Mrs. Louis Lyle, Directors. The chairman oi the .nomin- ation com'mittee was Mrs. Gar- don Wilcox. The next meeting of the Win- ter Club will be held at the Arena on Thursday afternoon, December lst, at four-thirty. At this meeting costume con- venors will be named for each group number for the tbis sea- san's annual Bowman yille Ska- ting Club Carnival. Mrs. E. D. Hubbard will be general cos- tume convenar for the Carni- val. .It was unanimously decided ta name Mrs. Lawrence C. Ma- son Honourary President of the Winter Club as a tribute to her excellent work in starting f ig- ure skating in Bowmanville- several years ago. Mrs. Mason 1 gave unstintingly of ber time LOANS! -on your promise to repayj and efforts in organizing the inception of the Bowmanville Skating Club and was its first President. Mrs. Norman Mulholland, who is a member of the execu- tive of the Bowmanville Skat- ing Club and has been super- ,j visor of the Junior and ati Figure Skating on ail af__r-' noons for the last two seasons, asked the meeting for a cou- ple of volunteers to take over her duties on one afternoon each week. Mrs. Joseph Leddy and Mrs. W. Calvert kindly oi-, fered to assist Mrs. Mulholland. They will be in charge of acti- vities on Tuesday afternoons. Two representatives of the Winter Club, the president and another, member, will sit in at every executive meeting of the Bowmanville Skating Club. A different member will be se- lected by the club as its dele- gate each time to attend these meetings as in this way more would be in close touch witni the Skating Club executive matters. Mrs. Hughes and Mrs. Hubbard wiIl attend the next of these meetings. Membersh-p of the Winter Club is compris- ed of the mothers of Tot, Jun- ior and Senior members of thc Bowmanville Skating Club, and of aduit women members of this club. __________ "Sosonnl exponses " Car or home repairs B *Shopping expenses *Doctor bills 1 $5Ote $1000 Loans made without eadcraca. !Fast, anc-day service. Simple requiremnmts. Up ta 24 mcaths ta rcpay. Phone or corne in taday for fast, friendly service! yeurs to Pei Se BLAIN PER MONTFI Powered b the famou ae e e e e e e e servboe-proved for ail h.atina IMPEIALALWAYS Esso LO170TOIMPERIAL En FOR THE BEST e e e S* BURNER @NIOUSEHOLD FINANCE 11 Ya Sime. St. South, second floor, phone RA à. 1139 - OSHAWA, ONT. PORT NOPE DRANCUI 71 WoIt.n St., 2nd fi..,., phone TU1 8-3030 NOW. ..warm carheating engineered to meet y2u home-heating requirements New ESSO OUL FURNACES " Lofw montly instourments " Backed and quorant..d by Imperiol Oil Limited INITON ESSO RIRNACE Oit FOR COMPtETfLMEATING SATIFACTION Complete Esso Conversion Men who thiikl of tomorrowv practice moieration Ioday INSTALLATION for as lutile as $6.02 per month Cail to-day for a FIREE ESOHEAT- SURVEY 0F YOUR HOME Installation can be made without inconvenience through loss of heat ELLIOTT HEATING AND PLUMBING YOTIR ESSO OIL BURNER DEALER IN BOWMANVILLE 55 Ring Si. W. MA 3-3348 Bowmanyille TIM CANADIM STATMLA-W. »w LA.MMLLF, OIÇTAM Dennis, aged 2% years, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kowal, Waverly Road, Bowmanville. 0 ESSO oil burner