?NUEDATDEC.lot, 1958 Lively Civic Eiection Forecast for Monda y Ten Run for Coun cil A lively civic election is e - two years, both offered their eCted here next Monday, De- services again. C¶arke- Wilson cembter 5, In spite of the fact was elected by acclamation for. that the same Mayor, Reeve the third vacancy when George and 1 puty-Reeve were ra- Vinish, who served during the elected f or- 1956 by acclamation past two years, and Don Wil- ut the Nomination Meet1ing held iiams decllned their nomina- last FPiday night. Tek cndi- tions. M,Ïe8 wil run for the six coun- P.V.C. Unehanged îetthus ensuring a close W' Ross Strilie, Q.C., who tothese offices. ~ayr Nl~o Osorn, Revewas Chairman of the Bowman- SUiney' Little and Deputy- ville Public Utiities Commis- lêceve Wlfrid Carruthers were sion this year, offered his scr- all uziopponed for their offices vices for a further two-year wien, those nominated to run term and was flot opposed. atatthem failed to qualify. Milton J. Elliott stili has a A i of this year's council mem- erohitw-a emo bérs exeptCou. Gen an-serve and -the third mdmber der wlll be candidates tigain wilî be Mayor Nelson Osborne. for '1956 and five citizens not1 on the 1985 coundil have offer- Voting on Monday will be( ect their services. from 9 a.m. untîl 6 p.m. ut thet~ Coucilors runin a~infollowing polling sub-divlsions:( are Daeigon, Jack Brogh, N. ,West Ward - Coundilt Tome Rederg, Lloyd PrestonRoom, Town Hall. No. 2, West1 Tom ReherLlyd resonWard-Coundll Room, Townt and John Regan. The other Hall. No. 1, North Ward-the five candidates are Norman J.rsdec f Mrs Stanley Pres- Scott, who lias previously recec s sered n cunil;A. . "b"ton, 48 Church St. No. 2, Northt sered n cunel; . H "Al'Ward-the residence of J. q. 1 Sturrock, Glenholme Hughes, Bateman, 58 Wellington St. No.0 Keith Lathangue and William 3, North Ward-the residence C. Kilpatrick. of Clarence Hall, 109 Liberty Publie School Board St. N. No. 1, South Ward-On- Five were nomninated for the tario Street School. No. 2, three vacancles on the Public South Ward - Ontario Street School Board. William James, Sehool.0 who lias been a member of the Ail citizens arc urged t6 b-- Board for eight years, and Ar- sure to vote for the candidates f thur Hooper, a member for of their choice.h T o the Citizen s Bowmai In accepting the nomirs Councillor I1 iil promise if myf best efforts for ail the ci Bowmanviiie. Dowmani ELECTION To the Electors cf the Town of Bowmanville: I have offered my servict year 1 O Isoii (iiris M-onday, December 5th. if best te serve the interests Bowmanville. Keif Vote.. STURR In sollclting your supportq to outline smorn f ry objectives1 1. Support of Chamber of new industries. 2. Better Parking conditions transfer of delivery trucks 3. Proper control of the tow 4. A sincere effort to Prepar bration of its Centennial fin AIber FeIIow ( When I ieft Counci would again seek Office wli were no$ being served as El previous two years' experiE Cemmittee, I now feel that Council as a whole) at thaý where the Taxpayer IS IN DOLLARS SPENT in this - _________________________________________________________________ -- --.----. - ~ ~ TV ~ ~ITX~.1U~ ~A - - Ailla - ~ .~u. = - - - YELVERTON Mrsr. Harold Stinson visited the Garnet Browns of Peter- borough on Tuesday. OrI Sur,- day the Stinsons were hbsts to the Bud Walkers of Janetvllle, the Walter Wrights of Black- stock. Election News As elsewhere, big news, of the wcek is the forthcomlng election. Having been prevaîl- ed upon (by a slight twist of the arm) to offer our services in the interest in particular ol that north and west part of Manvers which ini past years lias had no elected representa- tive in Çouncil and feel that they have suffered sornewhat from this lack. A more coniprehensive Eist of candidates -*iil no doubt be supplled by other scribes so will omit same as needless re- petition. Sufficient is it to sày that following the nomination of nine candidates, some for as many as three positions in council, the group at the invi- tation of popular Ex-Reevi Cavano, as chairman, wende< their way sheep fashion to the front to take seats on the ros- trum. Here present Councillors and nominëes for vacancies re- cited their own obituary, sang their own swan song or mere- ly presented a prelude to their own victory celebration de- pending somewhat on thenr powers of persuasion and the decrees of fate. The seriousness and gravity of the situation is alleviated considerably when viewed froin the rear when a note o! levity is introduced by each candidate as in a higli state of nervousness lie cavorts, contor- tions, executes a medieval dance ritual as clattering knees threaten to get out of control and the quaking voice becomes unpredictable, c o mn i n g out either in girlish squeaks or gut- oeral basso profundo. f e o 1~ -i s B As our own turn approached, nm ille aur ltl eiain occe 1 on the wings of a dove leaving us to blunder out a few non- committals which scarcely nation for the office of could be calculated to \vi:î friends or influence people. As Felected te put forward we give our edîtor the oppor- tunity to recipracate for those itizens and the Town of tedious hours of news gather- ing in return for valuabie pub- licity at this time in presenting o ur views to those, wlia through shortage of time anI Jack Drough jI prîmary obligations to our Ilifairming operation, we will be Iunable to canvass. Since our editor's comments on accepting civic responsibil- ity was the turning point in our making the decision to en- ville ter the race, we beg lis indul- gence in granting us space ta NOTIE . express in brief our views. th NOTICE Our personal criterion ofth valuation of a prospective - municipal servant ini past lias been the business-like (or otherwise) manner in whicà % lie lias managed his own busi- ness, for in handling the public ,es as councillor for,,the maney lie can' scarcely be ex- pport at the Polis on pccted to do better. elected 1 will do my The percenta&e cf our farmn incomne which is contributed of ail the citizens of to taxes is increasing annuaîîy as aur farin incomes suffer the present recession in prices. The services which in modern time th Laihangue are taken for granted, are an gincreasing burden. Progress, and rightly so, is inevitable. Our task is to keep lier sub- servient to our needs rather than to dbase futilely in lier- wake. Tax mon ey, ta the aver- age ratepayer, is a sizeable an- nual expenditure over which lielias lîttle or no contrai. Our desire is ta sec his suin, your O C K money and mine, expended ta th etadvantage af ail with- on Mnda, 1woud 11W cut fear or favaur. Editor's Note- on Mnda, Iwoud l1~p -Sarry we haven't a vote we In runnlng for councillor: cauld give yau, Harvey. Lots of Commerce lu attracting luck. We sliauld* like ta express Our appreciation to those who sou King St., wlth the have given us subscriptions to 5 to rear of stores. The Statesman recently. Helps vu dunxp. us carry on our writîng which we occasionally regard as an xe town for proper celc- unrewarding hobby and mnakies In 1957. it a samewhat more lucr"tive one. Miglit we suggest that' a r! ~ ~ms H Slrok ~ tfrappropriate Christmas home would be a suliscription to ,Xhe Statesman - through your correspondent of course. iïtizensoe bI il two years ago, 1 made the statement that 1 en I feit that the best interests cf the Taxpayer 'FFICIENTLY as they might be. Based on my ience as Chairman of the "Roads and Streets" the Programme (which was instituted by the t time is beginning to bog down to the point NOT RECEl VING FULL VALUE FOR HIS Department. I believe ini spending money, but in so-deing, LET US ÈECEIVEI THE' MOST FOR OUR DOLLAR. It has been said that the miii rate this coming year will be raised by ut ieast 6i milis, which means higher Taxes. Increased Taxation is inevitable. THE TOWN MUST PROGRESS. LET US ACCOMPLISH AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE WITH THE AMOUNT WE HAVE TO SPEND. The "Roads and Streets" Department requires considerabie time and effort and if elected, I am willing te devote that time and effort in a business-like manner te the job as I did in 1952 and 1953. 1 AM RUNNIN~G FOR OFFICE ON ONE BASIS ONLY- 'dBETT£R ROADS FOR EVERY DOLLAR SPENT." Norman J., Scott For Transportation PhIone MA 3-3345 Ca rtwright Returns Ail Civic Officiais With Acclamations Cartwright "Nominations took four, Moore, Jack Gireen. place Friday in the Hall, with Board of Education -George Ex-.Reeve- Norman Green as Wolfe, Neil Malcolm, Harold chairman for the addresses Kyte, Harold Swain, Murray after ail nominations hgd been Byers, Richard Davison, Mrs. submitted to Township Clerk Loranza J. McArthur, Wallace Henry Thompson. AIl nominat- Marlow. 1 ed were called upon to speak The following qualificd and as well as Ex-Reeve Fred Hy. are elected by Acclamation: land, and Bruce Heaslip whe re- Reevei-.C. Wesley Sweet. ported on the hospital. euyReeýBueAh The following were .noa DeutyReee Brcens. ted for the various positions: -tn f. Council - Merlin Suggitt, For Reeve-C. Wesley Swee., Jack Green, George Black. Bruce Ashton. Board of Educatiôn - Mrs. Deputy Reeve - Bruce Ash- Loranza J. McArthur, Harold ton. Kyte, Waliace Marlow. -How- Council-Mrs. Loranza J. Mc- ard Forder and Victor Malcolmn Arthur, George Black, Ivan are the other members of the Coclipane, Merlin Suggitt, Bal- Board. EN IKL E at the community Hall to hon- d ENNIS ILLou the newlyweds, Mr. and e Ms. Gordon Gettins. Mrs. Harold Milis and fain- Mr. Alvin Boyd who was 'ily with Mrs. D. Goodes, Port formerly a S. S. teacher of the Perry. bride performed very ably the 9 Sorry *to report Mrs. John duties of chairman. Opening Griffin is in Bowmanville the prograin Mr. Boyd gave a rMemorial Hospital. She is brief speech and announced getting along nicely and ex- the prograin of readings by rpected home soon. Miss Nancy, Wood and, Mrs. 2 Mr. and Mrs. John Siemon Milton Stainton, vocal solo oy and family, visited at Mr. and Miss Shirley Milîs, musical trio 7Mrs. Reg Weaving's, Thorn- by Mrs. G. Bowman at the h ill. pian4,, Miss Mary Helen Botv- 1 Shower Popular Bride man on the accordion and Mr. Z Two local events were helil Wallace Pascoe, violinist. 1to honour another of our popu- Our maie quartette gave a Elar girls, Mrs. Gordon Gettins selection accompanied by Mrs. (nee Shirley Ellis). The first L. Lamb. was a miscellaneous show2,r Miss Shirley Milîs read the wlien Mrs. Harold Milîs, and address to t he guests of honor. Miss Shirley Milîs were host- Messrs Clarence Stainton, Je esses at their home to the C.G. McGill and Stuart Lamb pro- I.T. group and a number of sented them with a triliglitj friends and relatives on Sat- floor lamp, hostess chair and urday, Nov. 12. silver butter dish on behaif of The program was provided the comrnunity. by the C.G.I.T. of which Shir, The bride and groom cx- ley was a member, graduating pressed their thanks briefly ax\,d last spring. A p]easing duttt ail joined in singing "For They1 "Forever and Ever", was ren- Are Jolly Good Fellows." dered by Misses Nancy Wood, Music was provided for danc- end Carrol Wright, accompaii- ing by Mrs. Bowrnan, Miss ied by Miss Gloria Wright. Two Bowman, Mr. Pascoe and Mr. humorous readihgs were givn J. Jolinston as caller. LunchI by Miss Reva McGill and Miss was served.c Ruth Lamb, piano solo by Miss Thirty Attend W.A. a Elenor Heard. A delightful solo W.A. was held at the lovely i "Wedding 'Prayer" was sung home of Mrs. A. Brunt on by Miss Shirley Milis. Nov. 22 with 27 members and An address was rend to the three visitors present. Devd- bride-to-be by Miss Mary Grif- tional was in charge of Mrs. L.a fin, and corsage was presented Wearn, the theme being "The by Miss Shirley Milîs, and lace Way." Roll caîl on "Farthestv cloth. from the C.G.I.T.. and I've travelled froin home" wasn gold C.G.I.T. pin by the leadl- well responded ta.a er; also many beautiful gifts Next meeting instead of a from the other guests. Chiristmas exchange 25c will Shirley expressed -bier appre- lie donated towards chair]r ciation in a few brief remarks. coasters for the basemený V Miss Lorna Wearn, conducted chairs.v a contest a delicious lunch xvas A vote of thanks was extend- 1, served. cd to ail ladies who helped j On Saturday, Nov. 26 many make sa many articles for the friends and relatives gathered Service Club bazaar.E To Bowman ville VOTERS I have been nominated fbr councilier and I wil aliow My name te stand for another term. If eiected I will endeavour te carry eut my duties and conduct the business ef council te the advantage of al citizens. Lloyd Preston To the Electors of the Town of Bowman ville 1 have again allowed niy name to stand for position of councillor at the election on Monday. If elected 1 wiIl endeavour to serve the interests of the entire community to the best of iny ability. Tom Eehder To the Voters 0 f Bowmanville wish te thaiîk Mr. Wilfrid Carruthers and Mr. Preston who proposed and seconded my nomina- tion te stand as a councilior for 1956. I have been a resident of our town for 35 years and a family man with nine children. It has net been easy trying te make ends meet. This should give me some experience cf what "Dollars and Cents mean." I am only a labourer like 80% of the small home owners of our town. If elected I wili devote my very best toecase the over-taxed home .owners of Bowmanviiie. May I take this opportunity te wish one and al the Season's Greetings. Wm. Kilpatrick Mrs. Ray Taylor and child;qa, Meuars. Talmage and oas Tae- lor, Oshawa, were at the Tay- lor home. Mrs. WIII Gray %as returned from a two-week visit with relatives et Orangevilie Shelbourne. Miss Evelyn Pamce sta~ a weekend with Mina Loi Hartman at her parents' b Mr. and Mrs. Fred Daw and sons, Ashburn, and Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Daw, and daugli- ters, Port Credît, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Daw. Visitors during the past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Billett were. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton, Lois and Charles of Enniskillen; Mrs. E. Ashton, Maple Grove; Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Billett, Douglas and Jimmie, Scarboro Bluffs; Mrs. C. H. Staples, Winnipeg, Man.; Mr. and Mrs. Will Staples, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Ir- ving Akister, Tuberose, Sask.; Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Price and son Billie, Mr. Robt. Catlow, Dr. and Mrs. H. V. Siemon, Toronto; Dr. and Mrs. K. A. Siemon, Virgînia, Laurie and Paul, of Bowmanville. Miss Ruby Dewell, Oshiawa, was a Sunday visitor witu' Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dewell. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd ,Kersey, Willowdale, were Sun uiay vis- htors at S. Kersey's. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Wilson, Toronto, were week-end guests of Mrs. Alfred Challener. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harris also vis- ited their aunt, Mrs. Cliallener, last week. Mr. Jack Pearce, Ebenezer, was a Friday evening visitor at A. W. Prescott's. Mr. and Mrs. M. Mountjoy visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Samelîs, Nestleton. They aîso attended the*Ice Capades in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Cie- mens accompanied by Mr. and .'vrs. Aibin Clemens, Bowman- ville, spent a couple of days last week with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Reynolds, Arva, Ont. Misses Minnie and Norah Hlorn and Mrs. Lottie Doidgz were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Horn, Oshawa, on Thurs- day. Mr. and Mrs. Harland Truli visited Mr. and Mrs., Ralph,Taylor, Oshawa. Mrs. Harvey McGili, Ennis- killen, visited Mrs. A. W. Pres- ott. The Women's Institute wlil rîcet this Thursday aftcrnoon, prograin in charge of the north group. Motto: "Make every day àChristmnas Day". Gleanings rom the Area Convention. Roll caîl, a money gift to the Fred Victor Mission.. Demon- tration on candie making. Ail adies welcome. A number from here attend- :1 the bazaar at Enniskillen on Wednesday evening. The Ladies Bible Class are lolding a social cvening this riday at 8 o'clock, when the ockings which were distribu- ed some time ago, will be re- ýelved.L c 'J Pr gr a fi Fi sti ho F. stc teÉ dc 4 i Miss Joyce Abernethy, Pe- terborough; Mr. and Mrs. Alex Abernethy, Manilla, visited with Mr. and Mrs. M. Samis and Miss Elsie. Mr. and Mrs. Les Johnson and Pamela, Highland Creek; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Smith, Raiph Rev. Green very efficienitly took over the election of of- ficers as follows: President- Mrs. G. Yeo; lst Vice-Presi- dent-Mrs. F. McLaughlin; 2nd Vice-President -Mrs. J. Grif- fin; Secretary-Mrs. F. BecRc- ett: Ass't. Secretary-Mrs. A Brunt; Treasurer - Mrs. M. Hobbs; Ass't. Treasurer-Mrs. J. Siemon; Pianists -Mrs. M. Stainton, Mrs. L. Lamb; Flow- er Committee--Mrs. L. Lamb, Mrs. n. Page; Parsonage Coin- mittee-Mrs. J. Siemon, Mrq. O. Ashton, Mrs. H. McGilI; Visiting Committee -Mrs. T. Siemon, Mrs. F. Toms; Booth Committee - Mrs. J. Siemon (buyer) -Mrs J. Griffin, Mrs. A. Boyd, Mrs. H. Stevens, Mrs. W. Ferguson, Mrs. A. Sharpi; Auditors for 1956-Mrs. Allan Werry, Mrs. F. Toms. Rev. Green showed some in-. teresting, pictures after which Mrs. Yeo thanked ail the of- ficers especially the Parsonage Board who have beel3 in office so long. Meeting closed with theme song and prayer fol- lowed by lunch served by Group 3.'1 Day. Hliggon byj IL VOTE m HUGHES CYRI'L H. MUMFORD - VOTING DAY PolIs Open 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. FOR SETTER ROADS m T; r '4 s VOTE TO RE-ELECT JOHN REGAN AS COUNCILLOR AND SECURE (1) Pianned improvement in our streets (2) Erection of suitabie vauit accommodation Bowmanville Cemetery. (3) Municipal Garbage Collection IF approved1 the Ratepayers. PROGRESSIVE, PLANNED ECONOMY Te efficientiy serve the citizens of Bowmanville and do my best te provide sound, forward iooking administration of the Town's affairs is my object i seeking election te Council Glenholme Hughes For transportation te the poil;s cail MA 3-3422 of Darlington Township Monday, Decem ber 5 He has been a resident of Dariington for over 30 years, interested and active in many local organizations. He is 2nd Vice-President cf Oshawa Fair Board, a Director cf the Canadian Shorthorn Association, and a mnember cf the Marketing and Beef-Cattie Committee of the Royal Wmnter Fair. TRANSPORTATION PHONE 3-3817 Make sure of Mumford X PAý V1W9ý -0 0 m To the' Citizen S of the Town of BowmanvilIe. 1 have again been nominated for councillor and; have decided to run again for the 1956. couneiL I. elecied I wiIl do my best to conduct the buuineus.Z of the town in the best interests of ail citizens. -1 m =M CARAMAR R9r,&T'MWWAM PlrIlV»ALIMýwqw @ý&- c r ENFIELD - HAMPTON Vote and Elect For DEPUTY'REEVE