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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Dec 1955, p. 18

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p PAGE iQETEENrrm TLUE C'rLLNtIIALN bTATESMM. ,BOWM&AKVILL, ONTAIIO THURSDATDC i~15 BERTHS BROWN-Mr. and Mrs.1 rerice Brown are happy tc flounce the birth of their dai ter, Karen JilI, on Sunday,1 27, 1955, at Oshawa Gen Hospital. CORRIGAN - At New Mc Sinai Hospital, Toronto, to W. R. Corrigan and Mrs. * rig"an (nee Olive Rankine) son, on Nov. 26, 1955, Wiil Robert Charles, a brother * Vilda Madelene. 4ý PATERSON-Mr. and Mrs.E mond Paterson are happy announce the birth of their Gary Douglas, on November 1955, at Memorial Hospital, Bg manville. A brother for P and Cindy.4 TENNANT -Keith and1 Tennant are happy to annou the safe arrivai of their dau t er, Deborah Ann, on Nov. 1955, at Memorial Hospi Bowmanvjlîe- A litIle sister Carolyn and Linda. 4 ENGAGEMENTS * Mr. and Mrs. Howard (H.] Philp announce the engagei Jean Adele 10 David Edwi Phasey of Orono, son of 1Fred Brooks of Oshawa.1 marriage will take place onS 3 oa, c1c, i rone Un1955 3 rday, Decembro3lstU1955 Church. 481 Mr. Alex Barclay wishes finfounce the engagement of1 daughter Barbara Joan, 1Ronald Albert Frederick Bt gess, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ho, ard Burgess of Bowmanvil The wedding wili take place Trinity Unitedi Church, Bci manville, on liday. Decemi 23rd at 7:30 p.m., the Rev. T. Morgan officiating. 48- MARRIAGE STUCKLESS - EDDY - At Il United Church parsonage, Nev castie, Ont.. Friday, Nov. 25t Joyce Bernice Eddy, only daugl ter of Mr. and Mrs. Freema Eddy, to Mr. Harry Stuckles Toronto, Ontario, son of Mr-. an Mirs. Samuel Stuckless, Twillir gate, Newfoundland. 48-1 DEATHS DRAKE-Suddenly, at the Sic Children's Hospital, Toroni( Edna Adelia Drake. infar daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harol Drake, Bowmanvjlle, passe, away Nov. l6th and is survivei by parents, three brothers, San nie, Johnnie and Harold, ais grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Johi Drake and Mr. and Mrs. Willian Gardiner, New Brunswick. 48-1 1-iARRIS. Russell-Suddenly, a resuit of an accident at Kmn City on Saturday, Nov. 26, 1955 Russfll Harris, beloved son oC Mr. and MËs. Ernest N. Harr. of Bowmanville, in his 2lst year Rested at Northcutt & Smith Funeral Home. 53 Division St. Bowmanville. Service was held on Tuesday. November 29, al 2:30 p.m. Ies-ment Bowman- ville Cemetcry. 48-1 WILLMOTT -At the residence, 79 Church St., Bowmanville. on Friday. November 25th, 1955, Etta Willmott, aged 80 years, el cst daugliter of the laIe Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Willmott, and deas- sistcr of Mildred, Bowman- ville, and Emma (Mrs. Charles Warder), Rochester-, N.Y. Ses- ice was heid at the Morris Fun- eral Chapel, Bowmanville, or Monday, November 2nth, ai 2:30 p.m. Interment Bowman- villc Cemete&v. 48-i IN MEMORIAM MORDEN, Joseph Henry - In Iaving memos-y ai busband ansd fatheî-. who passed away Dec. 6tli, 1954. One ycas- bas passed since that sad day When one we loved was called Go.d toaokhbim bame - il was His, wiil; Within aur hearts he liveth still. -Ever rcmembered by wifel Ella and daughtes-s, Olive, Lil- lian. Helen and families. 48-1'- Wanted ToBuýy WHEAT, up 10 200 busheis for chîcken fecd. Phone MA 3-2720. 48-1 * COAL furnace with pipes, for 6-roormed bouse. Phone MA 3- 3542. 48-1 BALED straw,, any grade. Prookdae-Kingsway Nurseries. 48-1 COW, good milker, young and quiet, (nol Hostein). Write Box 446, c/o The Canadian States- Mnan.________ 48-i HIGHEST prices paid for live poffltry. raw fuss deer skins, goose feathers. feather f ick.1 scrmp iran. rags and r Phonle RA 3-2043 Oshawa le9b. &UL kinds ai liv. poultryi cd. Top Tos-onto prices pa ,four door for large os- quanlities. We bave our mar-ket. M. Plaît, Bethany 1. Tetephone coUlcet to Bet 7 r 13. Le'gs and Timber1a HARDWOOD PRFER H. M. KYTE Blacksiock v Reception Aricles For Sal e Law- Mr. and Mrs. Nqeil Mutton, 93 FIFTY bushels mangels, can- Concession St. E., wiil be at bushel. Phone MA 3-2887. 4ý ugh- Ihome 10 their friends ca Wed- Nov. nesday, Dec. 7, 1955, from 2 t0 4, 100( SCOTCH pine Christîn rieral and 7 10 9, on the occasion of trees. Phone MA 3.2124. 41 48-1 their 45th wedding anniversary. 47-2* ONTARIO potatoes, 75 lb. baý ount delivered in Bowmanviile. Phc Dr.n Mr. and Mrs. Aibin H. Clem- MAS-24.73. 31. Cor- ens, 38 Concession St. W., wili --- a be aI home to their friends at PINE Christmas trees, 35e ai Iimthe Lions Community Centre, up in lots of 25 or more. cut ai for Beech Ave., Satus-day, Decembes- piied. Phone MA 3-2194. 4E 18.1* 101h, from 2:30 until 5 o'ciock - in the afternoon, on the occasion SIX-PIECE stained dînette suil Ra-of their 501h wedding anniver- good condition, $35. Phone M~ toy sary. 48-2* 3-3957. 48 son VENETIAN biinds-Newest cc 3rd, Cards of Thanks ours wiîh plastic tapes. V~ ow- _______________ measure and install. Morris C Pti ws othanký my friends PhoneM -480. 6- 48-1 and neighbors for their cards, PLANTATION of about 4,01 flowers, fruit, magazines and Christmas trees, Scotch Pin Kayhei wiieI as n os plai for sale; pianted Iwo yea: unce Hazel English. Write Box M, Kendai, Ont.47- 19,- ____48-1 * - . 19,PORCELAIN top kitchen tai: , o We wish to thank friends and and four chairs; also, Sing( 48-1 neighbours for their kind words, drop-head sewing machine. Teli cards and expressions of sym- phone Newcastle 2441. 48 - pathy ait the passing of ourSAEo ubrdietfo S brother. John Ney of Barrie. SV nlmer ietf- -Elien and Lew Fitze, mil] 10 you. Phillips Lumbf ap) Blackstock. 48_ 1* Co., Kinmounî, Ont. Phor nent 17rIl. -13-1 ilyn. Mrs. W. Archer, Biackstock, FINDLAY o11 space heates-, goo 'ard ' very Igrateful to ail her condition; 2 drums wiîh tai Mrs. friends and the organizations and number of pipes. Phor The who remembered her with cards, MA 3-2735. 48-1 Sat- lettes-s, fruit and flowes-s while 1aI in Community Hospital, Port THREE pair good skates: lady'ý ted Perry, and since she came white; boy's, size 7, and girl'! B-* home. 48-1* white, size 2. Phone MA 3-305 after 5 p.m. 48. 10 We wish 10 convey our sincere TAB3LE turnips, $1.25 bushel his thanks 10 ail our Tyrone friends fresh cider-, 75 cents gallor to for the good wishes, the beauti- Charles Frank, Manvers Road ýur- fui gifts and the very enjoyable MA 3-2403. 48-2 >w- evening spent in the hall on Sat- lle. urday evening. MAN'S evening suits, tuxed ý in Dorothy and Ross Sharp. style, sîzes 36, 38, 42, in excel be)W-___ 48-1* lent condition. Phone MA 3-3231 b er 48-1 A ewish 10 extend our heart- i~fetthanks and appreciation to LADY'S wintes- coats, size I8 -our many friends and neightours one green, one black; two lady': of Enniskillen for the beautiful suits, sizes 18 and 20, navy anc gifts presented to us at Enniskjl- black. Phone MA 3-2943.- 48-1 len Hall on Saturday night. HARDWOOD slabs, $45 per load he Gordon and Shirley Gettîns. approximately three cords, saw. 1h ____ 48-1 ed and delivered. H. M. Kyte The Blackstock. 47-tl ,an ett sisters of the late Miss ý ta Willmott are sincerely KEYS cul automatically, while ,n grateful 1 Drs. Sîorey and you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard i-Siemon, Rev. Turner, friends was-e, 36 King St. E., Bowman- n.and neighbours for their many ville. 46-ti acts of kindness and sympah THIS Christmas give a tape re- -in their recent bra aiethy Emma and Mildred. corder. The cost is lower thar 48-1 you may think. Television Service Co., 33 King St. W. 48-1 t Mr. and Mrs. Gos-don Moffatt DO yous- own floors - rent a in wish 10 express theis- sincere sander or a floor polisher from ,d thanks and appreciation 10 ail Lander Hardware, 7 King St. E., e& those friends wha arranged or Bomimanville. Phone MA 3-5774. ed contributed 10 the celebration 34tf ,n party in Orono I.O.O.F. Hall, and ý also to those who remembered ONE Junior boy's C.C.M. bicycle, in them with gifts and cards, on good condition, $25; chrome the occasion of their silves- wed- table with red aborite, new coit- fding anniversas-y. 48-1 dition, $25. Phone MA 3-2083. We wish 10 take thîs opportun- 4- as ity ta thank the fsiends and CHRISTMAS trees, top quality ig neighbours of Enniskillen com- Scotch pine and spruce. Fs-eeý ý5 munity for the entes-îanment delivery. Donald Myles, 124 of and lunch and those who helped Liber-ty St. N. Phone MA 3-5887. serve aI the presentation for 48-4 rGordon and Shirley on Salur-INUAI ,blinmthd th day night. NUAIN lwn mehd L Mr. and Mrs. P. Ellis. with rock wool. Workmanship [c 48-1 guarantecd. Free estimates. ilà wult Has-ry L. Wade. Phone Clarke 1 Miko, Ms-s, to thank Dr. 2420. 39-tf M staf fMeriaSteheositandBo PAIN af rheumatism, sciatica, stf fM a ospialhaks ' lumbago, can be helped by tak- manvilie, and eiglhours for ing Rumacaps. Recommended y firs a~0fnd nebssfrsby thousands of thankful uses-s. flowers and boxes during my Aky u rgit 4 - :stay in bed. USED appliances-Easy washing d Mrs. Wilfs-ed Wood. machines completely overhaul- 48-1* ed and reconditioned, $30 and s up; Genes-al Electric refriges-at- - My sincere thanks to the or only $35; Grahamette rang- . nurses and staff of Memorjal cIte, $10; Beech 4-humnes- dec- SHospital, ta Ds-Sturgis, Rundle tric' range onîy $15, at Fas-m tand Ferguson, ta my good friends Equipment and Automolîve, 134 for their kindness ta me at the King St. E., B1owmanvilie. Phone 1 hospilal and aI home, fo lovei MA 3-5689. 48-1 i flwrcards and gifts. My heas-feit thanks. CHRISTMAS TREES FOR SALE Minnîe Oke.48 SC*OTCH PINE, assorted sizes 48 11 bout 4,000 - Any quantlty of I wald ike a tank100 or more 1anvould ficnds. tnigMbou Sacrifice sale at 50e to clear lot and relatives who were sa kind frSrn lnig ta me dusing my long illness at Corne quiekly for best selection Jmy daughter's, also for the lave- LEROY HAMILTON, Grower lyi cards, fruit and fiowes-s and Os-ono 1 r 16 ta those who visjted me and 4- *made telephone calis. Special -4 2 thanks ta Dr. Longficld, Pastor ~ RK ' Fifild -Ad4the ible Cass.T TUP E1 VIZ rnetaîs. g hl n oshl du»'tes For UicelIest %Vorkmanship a. c 1l PHONE RA 3-2993 SG.,eso 6.f32Kingadale Ave, - Oshawa SG.Ptio o waab- E.INDL 48-1* .Phones aid at A351 AMA 3-30 smalLs 44-tl rown Los ýthany WALLE'T, containîng sum of T U RK EY S 28-tf mnoneyan valuabie papes-s. Re- CHOICE YOUNG BIRDS -ward. Phone MA 3-3838. 481 * DRESSED and DELIVERED and ONE Das ariofgayrimmed hi- ORDER FOR CHRISTMAS um focal glasses. Phone MA 3-3284. NOW E» CHD'S 48.1cnaiig ml PHIL FINNEY amount of money, in front ai PHIONE Msn& Dale's. last Saturday. M Findes- please Cail MA 3.3375. A35015 *Pl TI an wi sla tal ch, Mi ci Articles For Sale BUDGIES for sale. Phone MA 3-5543. 48-1 îCONSOLE radio, good condition. must seli. Cl Saturday aI 154 Wellington. 48-1 GIVE African violets for Christ- mas. Order now. We wili hoid themn for you. Visit Stewart's Violet Rooms, 33 Division St., Bowmanville. 48-tf R ENFREW coal and wood range, aiso Findiay oul space heater, both in good condition. Write Jackson Bowman, General De- livery, Bowmanviile. 48.1* F:. REE gift - For every lady that _t visits ous- store - for any reason - - beîween now and Christmas. )00 Television Service Ca., 23 King ne, Ist. W. 48-1 ss. _îf DRY pine 2x4's and -1/" sbeath- - ., inleandes- Murray raafing. fle Eastern Steel products. For these ,er and any cas-pentes- jobs Phone le- The Cas-pentes- Shop, MA 3-2836 -1 and ask for Bill Vivian. 48-1 Om HEARING aid service, testing ,er service and complete stock of nd batteries and cords at Higgon IfElectrie Limited, 38 Knrg St. E., od Bowmianville. Phone MA 3-5438. ps 20-tf te 1* TYPEWRITERS, dding ma- -chines, new and used, for sale s, or renI; also Cale steel filing s, cabinets, office furniture,' cash 5o regîsters. Walter Frank, MA 3- 1 2403 or Newcastle 2114. 48-tf l; CHRISTMAS trees-Quantity of ni. spruce trees, a few Scotch pines d. fsrn 6 ta 12 fI. in height, suit- *able for chus-ch and other os-gan- -izations. Ms-s. M. Olesefi. Phonef loMA 3-2932 afler 5 p.m. 48-lf S'46 CHEVROLET motos-, sîrip- -ped down, $40 - witb carburetor, starter, generator, $50; also, 7.50a 'x20 tires' with tubes and sim, d $7.50 each. Apply 74 King St. 1 West. 48-1*4 1, WHERE ELSE can you gel a I - one-year full caverage guaranîe with your television, aI NOM ;f EXTRA CHARGE - except at -iTELEVISION SERVICE CO., 33C King St. W., Bawmanville? C 48-tfb fHOT waîer boles-, 275 cu. ft.T radiation; alsa one 8-section, two 7-seclion, one 5-section wall or ceiling radiators. Each section 12 cu. ft. of radiation. H.- J. *Brooks, Bowmanvillc, R.R. No. fL 3. Phone MA 3-3961. 48-1 W, USED teleysion--Reconditioned b and in gaodioperating condition. , JusI the thing for the game room, for bedside use, or for the T smalier home. Cali in and sec tbcmn in operation at Television Service Co., 33 King St. West, N. Bowmanville. 48-1 dc JNEW-Mali and Clinton chain 3 saws, a large selection on the be floor to choose from. Mail saws an are Canadian made, 100% built i in, Toronto. S. S. Mort on & i Son, Pas-m Equipment Dedler, Maple Grave - Bowmanviile. g, DRAPERIES and venetian blinds Irl custom made, os- draperies sold a by the yard. Our- representative ai( will caîl at yaur home any lime 10( with a complete range of samples th( and suggestions without obliga- hi tion. Fabric Town, 59 King St. dis W. Phone MA 3-3609, Bowman- ville. 48-tf Singer Sewing Centre For Used os- New Ne, Sewing Machines Sal Rentais or Repair -o Phone OSHAWA 5-5443 44-tf Phone 246 R 48-1 ALUMINUMNOIE 11 Windows and Doors Notice O abTCunErS.10 Reasonable will be paid for each rabbit. R ~ ~ L AR K Please he careful when bunting R OSmCAnvihlors nurses-y ps-opes-ty. Bookdale BIONEMA 3-3801 Kîngsway Nuseries. 48-tf PHO E M 3-801 41-tf Tap, ballet, batan - Registes- Saturdays. 9 - 12 noon, for les- sans, at Canadian Legion Hall, OSBO NE F ELS 84 Qucen Street, Bowmanville. Best Quahits-: Teacher, Daxwn Joncs Abramoff. FURNACE OIL 47-2 STOVE OIL We as-e now marsufacluring Phones: cemnent blocks, bath inteslocking Office MA 3-5897 and standard, and wouid be Yards MA 35410 pleased ta serve you with a good 4-fproduct at a reasonable price. S Tsipp Constrýuction. Phone 392W, TURKEY Port Perry. 40-tl MILK FED O O N CHOICE YOUNG BIRDS OS RN FUELS APPLY Best Quaiity: FURNACE OIL H. S. COUTTS TVOI [AMýTON MA 3-2851 Phones: 48-4 Office MA 3-5897 JohEF.De OR PEALoRe34 al ste P .oe 04 ýnlesme n g Bw anil MAad Wo3-395Bwmn0il MalDAni3-3Por950 r 45-Il eramic - Glazed- Quas-ry Articles For Sale lalls - Ail Kinds Floos PRINTS af photos af public H. G.HEAL events appcas-ing in Ibis pape- 'hone MA 3-2902 Bowmanviile taken by Cas-son Studio rnay be 44-If ohtained far $1.00 an 8x10 inch glossy ps-Ins. Cas-son Studio, 'WO second band washes-s, $39 Port Hope. 48-iI id up. Metal beds, compiete SOSTefloigbad îthSOS-h sprig-filcdmaîtesse an ilt sping-f $49.50; esed and name sboes as-e now in stock: lat pirngs $4.50- seon irsn children's Savage sboes, Brouw- ab an4 chairs and bu~ffetin er Research shoes, Sisman work cam; chrome sets and new boots, Sisman Scampers. Scott- .esberiields a nd davcnoes. fuphy Co., King St. West. McHaie sboes, Dack sboes, 481*Grebh asch support wrk boots,1 F81 ýoam Ts-adslîppe-s, ladies' G racia shoes. Lagroliers, Dr. T U K EY S Scboll's foot remedies and shoe supports, plus rnany aîbe- unes; holce Broad-b-easted Bsonze Kiwi, Esquire, Panda, Hoily- Drme.d s»d Deliiired wood Sani-white and Propes shoe polishes; modes-n shoe s-e-1 lyme s urky FrmiDai sevice in bbes-cas- ai store. P LloydEllîs Shoes, 49 Kinu St. PJ»ONE MA 3-5849 W., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-j 47-3 5911. 26-ti LRectl Estate for Sale BUILDING lots, in good residen- liai district. Contact G. McCoy, 59 Concession St., or Phone MA 3-2307. 48-tf . LEASK REAL ESTATE t. 7-roomed brick house on 15 acres of land, 4 bedroonis, hard- wood floors, heavy wiring, ex- cellent condition, garage, flow- ing spring on land, good barn; on No. 2 Highway at Welcome corner, Exsceilent business lo- cation. $12,000 with haif cash. 1, 5-roomed bungalow, near new 1schooi and church, on pavement, 1coal furnace, 2-piece bath, heavy wiring, low taxes, some finish- ing ta be done. $4,000. with 1$1,200 cash. 1. We have lots, houses, bunga- lows, farms, businesses for sale. Consull us before buying. S M. E. Leask s65 Ontario St. Bowmanvîlle ý,Phone MA 3-5919 48-1 PAUL Réeal tstate For Sale REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 1 Propes-ties Sold, Rented, Managed and Appralsed' L. M. ALLISON Real Estate Broker Phone 2566 . Newcastle, Ont. Two blocks nos-lb of traffic signal, Newcastle 32-tf De' With Real Esfafe 100 acre farm aI Pontypool, 65. acres workable sandy lanyd, 12,000 Christmas trees planted, 30 acres wood, well, 50'x30' bank bar-n, large hen house, îm- plement shed, garage; 8-roomed frame bouse, heavy duty wired. Siîuaîed one mile fs-om highway. Price $7,500. Tes-ms as-sanged. 200 acre dais-y farm, 140 acres workabie clay.loam, 40 acr-es wood, creek, welis, 75'x34' loaf- ing bas-n witb milking machine, milk pas-las-, milk house witl' eiectric cooler for 17 cans, im- plement shed, ben house, pig pens; 8-roomed frame bouse (5 years aid)onwith 4-piece bath, furnace, water under pressure, kitchc'n cupbasds, beavy wir- ed. Situated 1/ mile fromý high- way. Price $14,000.. $4,000 down. 150 acre farrn an paved road1 with 110 acres workable dlay- loamn land, 10 acres wood, s-e- mainder pasture, large creek, 95' x 36' bank bas-n witb run- ning water, L-shapcd extension, drive-in shed, 2 hen bouses, garage, etc.; 10 roamed solid brick house with s-unning water, beavy wis-ed. Asking price $15,000. Tes-ms arranged. 105 acre farm, almost level, clay-loam, 85 acres workable, 10 acres wood, creek, 2 weils, good fences, 50'x30' barn, drive-in shed, ben house, new garage; .-roomed, real good, solid brick house witý furnace, heavy wired, cistes-n, etc. Price $9,000. Tes-ms arrsanged. 30 acres of land, between Bow- mianville and Oshawa, soubh of 401m Highwa, 28 acres work'able, '/mie4s-r pavement. Asking price $8,000. Tes-ms arranged. 6-s-aomed frame bungalow with ail fus-nace, bathraomr, full basement, hardwaod floors, kit- chen cupboards, s-unning hot and cold water witb 15 acres of land, barn, implement shed, e couse, garage. Asking $10,000. Tes-ms. Situaîed 12 miles fromn Oshawa. 5-roamed (3 bedrooms) new ranch style, brick veneer bunga- lw in Bawmanville with ail Limnace, nice fireplace, hard- wood and tule floors, 4-piece atbroom, running hot and caid fater, kitchen cupboards, nice ving-room with dînette and :icture wIndow. Price $ 12,00t). esms arranged.f Two new ranch style brickr ecs-r bungalows, bult under i.H. 'A. with $ 1,500 and $2,000 wn.a 5-roomed frame bouse with h pice bathsoom, kitchen cup-b )ards, running water, stos-ms Il id screens; garage. 43'xl50' lot P n Bowmanville. Price $4,500. t( ls-ms. 7-roomed frame house with [rage in Newtonviile. Heavy is-ed, with new roof and eaves- rougb. Asking $5,000. Any ffer cansidcred. Besides above mentîoned we( e able to show approximately O more farms and homes in ie Oshawa, Bowmanvilie, Ca-M ous-g, Trenton and Peterboro istricts. Contact:E wiblh o-car large witii with witb 'Ider land. iring and 3982 o Iisiegfor antiead s L1 ingEstngs wted l M8 3lgEat -32o30 n 48-1 REAL ESTATE BROKER 52 King St. W, MA 3-2453 Aile- bous-s MA 3-2762 Saiesman: F. ALVIN BOYD Enniskillen MAs-ket 3-2487 100 acres ps-aven potabo land. 5,000 off anc field Ibis yea-. s-iced ta seli. 112 acres, goad land, brický )use, no bas-n. $8,500.00 Goodl s-ms. 100 acres choice tabacco land. lighest test. Higbway frontage. lowrnanville li riles. $8,500.00. la cash. HIamptan-1 ½ slomey insul- ric, 7 roorns, ail furnace, bath- oom, electrie bot waber, ps-es- se system, l¾ acres, $5,000.00. ~rsa-agcd. Hampton - 7-s-oom frame, ydra, necds some repai-s. ,000.00. Burketan-5-room. neal insul- ric, hcavy wired, full basement, stern, good srnall bas-n. Inspect d make an offer. Incarneborne, 21 roams, in vwn, central. Sec this. A garage, bwo groce-y stores, 48- Harold C. Pedwell REAL ESTATE BROKER 112 acres, nos-lb ai Welcorne on paved road, adjoining village 8-room brick bouse, ail con. veniences, double garage, bani bas-n 40'x90', cernent floors, im. plernent shed and ben bause, besi ai soil. $17,000 with good tes-ms, Salesman Daniel Boehmi Phone MA 3-5512 5-roomed bouse close ta Ponty- pool, 2 acres land, wate- in bouse, hydro, built in 1949. Only $.I%,00 with tcrms. Salesmian Wilfrsid Richas-dson Pontypool - Phone Orono 8 r 16 150 acres, al cquipped, stock and impiemenîs vaiucd aI $10,000, on Lake Scugog, good building proposition, with a good sale for cottages facing the lake. l0-s-oom bouse, bath, fus- ace, pressure system; bank bas-n. A~ reai buy for sorneone. Price .ncluding eves-ything, $25,000 ,viîh tes-m. 100 acres close ta Bowman- ville; modes-n brick ,house, ail fusnace, bath, huilî-in garage. arge bank bar-n, silo, impiement shed, 30 acres in wbeat, 10 acres in standing cob corn, some ma- 'inesy incuded. Owing ta ilI health must selI. Would con- side- a bouse in Bowmanviile, os- best offer. We need listings ai small as-ms around $10,000. We have mos-Igage rnopey fr residential properties. NewcaU. Phono 3854l $5s Pr 'tel Hi Bo Ha I hi Isur Tei $31 bri CiSI ané b1 fi I il i s ic *1 am.--uzo ELCLANCAE Ta Uic Electors of Clar-ke Township. As 1956 wiil be a heavy iness year for Council, Lovekin for fais- businessd îngs 10 ail concerned. Yours truly, P. B. Loveki Te the Citizens #of Clar-ke Tolwnship. I have allowed my namE stand as a councillor for1 Russell Save: To Ratepayers of ToWnship of Das-ington: I, having accepted the nomi lion for Councillor for bbe Toi sbip of Darlington, solicity vote and influence, and if e( ed, will bs-y ta represent Townsbip ta bhec best of ability. To the Electors of thb Township of Daslington: I bave allowed my name to 1stand far bbc position of Council- ls- for the Township of Darling- rtan. If eiected I will endeavour bo look afler tbe affairs of the township ta bbe best of my abil- iîy and ta sec that business of bbch council is cas-sied on econ- omically and fais-iy. BesI wisbes for the Christmas Season. William H. "Mickey" Brown. 48-1 In accepting the nomination for Darlinglon Township Coundil I feel the experience gained in township affairs in 1955 should enable me 10 serve you belles- Ibi cming ear I will do my best ta belp the other councl members adminisber township affairs. I wil not be able 10 contact ail votes-s pessonally but I would appreciate your support at the polIs on December 51b. Councillos- Charles E. Osborne. 48-1 * To the Electors aio Township ai Dariington: Having accepted the nomina- tion for the office af Deputy- Reeve I bereby solicit your sup- port on December 51b. I have served five years on Scbool As-ca Board, four years as member af Cauncil, two years as Deputy-Reeve as a represen- tative at Caunty Council. If elected I shall endeavour 10 give you progressi-se and bonest administration. In the interesîs af democs-acy I urge everyone to vote. DS bus- elect deal- zin. 48-1 .e ta 1956.1 iina- wnm- ,'ouie the My To thc Elcctossoa Das-ling-ton: Having been nominated for the office of cauncillor for an- other tesrm, I ask your support, and if eiected wili serve you with bbc best af my judgment witbout fear or favour. I wili endeavour to keep the financial position of Ibis munici- paity in sucb a condition, that 1the cbildren of Darlinglon, aur greabest asset, may have an adequate education. Ross Stevens. 48-1 * HOUSE for ent neas- Bus-ketai Phone 80 R 12, Blackstock. 48-1 HEATED s-aoms, modes-n cor HEATED apastment, 30 Silves- St. Phone MA 3-5784 ailes- 7 p.m. 48-1* THREE-roomed apas-Iment, ab- stainers, suitable for pensioncdj elderly couple, heabed. Phone MA 3-3273. 48-1 4-ROOMED heated apasrnent, clo tio. sal8es r a .Purniture sale of the Igte Ms George Buttes-s will be -held at Commriunity Sales As-ena, Os-ono, on Friday, December 91h, com- mencing aI 8 p.m. Jack Reid, auc tioror 48-1 THREE sows with nice ltess (seven, ten and ten). Phone~' MA 3-2672. ONE Dus-ham cow and eauf, 38 'ORKSHIRE 'pigs, nine weeks y a]IX V. dE. CWoisonLMAg3-216. 10 mnthsoldin fll o48- SIX hne MWAit-2L2g.ons1 10 moNtb oidet, inful reRodc-s tio.5PahneMA 3-2720. H48-1 LBrNGoukets.Bare8Roks YORKSeaHRE MAr3-3961.rH.cJ- able age, fs-rn advanced regists-y stock; reasonably priced. Apply' ERVICE age Holstein bull, son fGrand Champion Cow, Os-ana, 949; seven neas-est dams grad- 13 excellent, 3 ves-y good and good plus, with average of best ýcords of eacb, 20,861 lbs. milc Si -ed * s-e tes 'IVE-room bouse on No. 2 High- ay witb conveniences. Im- F m ii Teit ossso.Poe21 SELP-CONTAII'ED apartment, hardwood floars, kitchen cup- b oards, ths-ec-piece bath, aduits. jWrite Post Office Box 67. Bow- manvîlle. 48-1* FOUR-roomed gs-ound floor, apartment. furnisbed and heated for two or tbs-ee manbhs, begin-1 ning Jars. 1. Write Box 440, c/o Canadian Statesman. 47-2 duplex witb sun- pas-ch, 3-piece bath, ail con- veniences, n e w 1 y decos-ated. ONEfoundbal, htewt brw akns-oedg ht ONEh frnand ba aglwbbkith Phon MArk3ng547n. dog,8-i ;tn F40%.Apy .W.Bd Phoe M 3547. 4.1 YGIENIC supplies - (rubber cds) mailcd postpaid in plain aled envelope with prie list. x samples 25c, 24 samples 00 Mail Order DepI, T-28. 1 I-IY goo sea, S*1-1-ý $1 Nl ro. toi v.~Rubber Co., Box 91, Ham- The Canadian Stateamua CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES ARTICLES 7O3 SALE LIVESTOCE FOR SALx FOsRBERT ' amm.W AjrrD CAM voit Sm LOST -FOUiS» . ETC. Cash Bat* -- . cSaretWor witb a minimum .of8SU Muet b. Puid by date of ln».rto Il chazq.d. an additionai 85o wil b. added. A chrq o125cwifl b. mode SMr ail rePies 0dir.ctd to "bi office. NOTICES . comma ramWV AND CARDS Or TRANlE 3c a word with a miaimum of $1.00 for 33 wordis or les. MR T HAS N A E U $1.00 Per insertion IN MEMORIAJIS 31.00 plus l10a alin. for vwe COMMERCIAL CLASUM1S Includes a1l advertininq fat r ersons or firme selq services, deasaor qoods af any 1escription -ic per word; minimum charge 75c cash with order. Ta reguiS advertiser.ipayable montbly. Dis loy Clasuilied at 81.50 poir ,C9~ with a minimum of cane incI. Addtîonal insertions ai ý1 the sme rate* Ail Caietf4AdASmua b. la d"isffi ce mot lofer thon 12 Wock fbom, Wedn«ed. Bond cash, utampg or moy 1 FRAME bouse, bot adcl water. 3-piece bath, garage, onel child wclcome. Avaîlabie Dec. SELF-conbained, beated apart- ment, 4 rooms, kitchenette and bath; built-in cuphoards, tule floors, washes- and eiects-ic dsyes-. Available Jan. 1, $60-00. Apply Ap r mes 3 n g S. cs BOARDERS wanted. Write Box DEAD STOCK removed fromi your farrnt promptly for sanibas-y disposai. 'Telephone collecb: Co- bourg FRanklin 2-3643 os- Toron- ta EM 3-:3636. Gos-don Young Limited. 41 order and mave money. Clip this ouI for handy refereace M à. I 1- 1 ý-, à " - 1 9m% . . - - DARLINGTON ýewcastle Il - . TI-L-E 'l ELECTION CARI RISTO REA TfJ6 Orano-7-room home modes-n equipmenî, has twc garage and ben bouse on i lot. Excellent location. jLiberty St. Soutb-6-r home with garage. $6,300 berms. I Liberty St. Soutb-4-r white ciapboard bungalowi new ail furnace. $5,2001 tes-ms. North Ward-6-room c type bouse on acre choice 1; $4,500. We have bwo clients desi: fas-ms for possession Mas-ch April. Please contact us. PHONE MA 3-3517 Ailes- Hours OWEN NICHOLAS - MA 3-3 37 King St. W. Bowmanville 48-1 J. VAN NEST Real Estafe Broker We as-e cnlas-ging ta enable us ta serve you bettes-. Office open as usual dus-ing altes-ations. Neas- Division, on Wellington, 5-roorn insul brick, large living. room, conveniences. Sec Ibis onc for centrai location. Ten. roomed àoiid brick duplex, centr-al, a gaod invesîrnent ps- pei'ty. Reasonable tes-ms. Pasrn, 110 acres, 9 miles narbh wesI of tawn. Recenîiy modes- zed house, ou bheat, cuphoards, fireplace, close to scbool, witb ceal \ good land; 9 acres fal whbeat.1 Tobacco farm, 75 acres, 231 cres M.B.R., four kilns witb ail àcal , 100'x24' greenhouse, good1 barn, double garage; 6-roorn house being offcred with com- lete line ai equipment. Corne -.1 ýlj v 1 :: ý 1 - 1 -- 1 ý Il CQMING EVENTS Bingo. Communîty HaIl New. castle, Monday, Dec, Sth, 8 p.m. Good prizes and jackpot. Ad-w mission, 50c. a Reses-ve Tuesday, Wednesdaile.e Thursday, Fs-idmy, November 29, 30, Dec. 1, 2, for the High Scbool IOperetta. 39410 Plan to attend St. John's Chus-ch Guild Poinsettia Tea and Bazaar on Fs-iday, December 2nd, in the Pas-ish Hall, frorm 2:30 to 5 p.m. 47-2 The next meeting of 'the Winter Club will be held at the Bowrnanville Memorial As-ena on Thus-sday afles-noon, Decemnber lst aI 4:30 o'clock.4I- Salem W.A. are holding a home-baking sale in the Hydro Shop, Friday, Dec. 2,' at 2 p.m. There will also be a few bazaa- items for sale. 48-1* To-night, Dec. 1, Toronto Star Weekly Concert featuring "Starlight Singes-s" unde- direc- tion of Dr. Leslie Bell, at Tria- ity United Chus-ch aI 8 o'clock. Admission free. 48-1 The Home League of the Sml- vation Army invites you to attend their annual sale of work and afternO tea, Friday, Dec. 91b, 2 - 5 p.m., 10 be held at tbe Salvation Army Citadel. 48-1 Pa-me-s, attention-The Car-t- wr-ight Pa-mes-s' Union invites you to êttend their regular montbly meeting aI the Town- 'hip Hall, Blackslock, aI 8:30 sharp, Friday, Dec. 2nd. Special guest speaker, John M. James, M.P. 47-2 Pa-me-s, this is your invita- to attend the annual meeting of the Durham Soil and Crop Im- provement Association on Fs-i. day, Dec. 9 aI 1:30 p.m. in St. John's Parisb Hall, Bowman. ville. Guest speaker, Dr. W. E. rossell, Associate Director Field HIusbandry Deparîment, O.A.C., Guelph. As well, there will be a panel on hay, pasture, silage and good seed. Telephone your - 1 a 1 - 1 siof 1-9 .- 1 m

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