,ý- U!UVAY'r oT ~AZI.Â~ ~ A i~A~dONAJLI~. ~JiYIUTV3ZaLI~, ~ZTX~I~ Election in Cla rke As Four Nominated For 3 Coun cil Po'sts Deputy-Reeve James T. Brown was elected Reeve of Clarke Township by acclamation on Fri- day' afternoon and Earl Walkey was also givln an acclamation tor the Deputy-Reeve's position.1 There will be an election, as' ior qualified for the threa 7 .~ncil seats, between Fred Iekîn,' Hartwell Lowery, ,ke Dent and Russell Savery. The last two named are running1 for the first time.1 Retiring Reeve Arthur MacKay! Sgave a review of the work ba-1 ing accomplished or considered by the Counties Ctuncil, includ- ing improved county roads, the Polio immunization program and the work of the Health Unit which had increased its staff to handle the growing population. He stated his intention of retir- ing from municipal politics. After further speeches by Mr. Brown and Mr. Lowery on township topics ihcluding the bridge building and the assess- ment programs, there was con- siderable discussion concerning the advisability of incorporating Orono as a village. Election in *Man vers Following Interesting Nomination Meeting,, There will be a municipal troducing the candidates, who election in Manvers township each spoke briefly. this year due to the retirement Reeve Allan Beer announc- of Allan Beer, who has been ed bis intention of retiremetit Reeve for several years and and gave a detailed account of during the past year, Warden the expenditures of the coun- of the United Counties of Dur- ties council, thanking his coun- ham and Northumberland. cîllors for their able support in The list of those nominated past years; also expressirig are as follows: thanks to the ratepayers for For Reeve: Allan Beer; John their loyalty and confidence. Payne, the present deputy- Deputy-reeve John Payne reeve: Earl Argue and Lewis spoke of what had been donc McGill. to promote better roads in For Deputy - reeve: Joha Manvers township and an- Payne, Robert Brown, Lewis nounced his intention as a can- McGil1 and Fenton Fallis. didate for the Reeveship. He . For Councillors: Clarence also commented on the equal- Brown«, Robert Brown, Lewis ized assessment this year in- McGill, Fenton Fallis, Henry troduced in the township and ~Jakeman and Harvey Malcolm. regretted the feelings of dissat- Ernest Cavano, a former isfaction that had arisen ovcr reeve:,6f the township was it. "This law was inevitable. It chairftii' for the meeting, in- cornes fromn the Province and the County. Your new assess- ment may be higher, but the ,~ mill rates will be lower. The purpose of the change in the - assessment system is to achieve a more equitable distribution of taxes on a township an~i county Javel". Mr. Payne has served seven years on the council, four years as deputy- *Councillor Lewis McGil gave, a report of the road ex- penditure in the township, in- -.-. cluding new culverts, fences, *-- maintenance, new hard-top DOES YOUR, PICTURE MATcHYOUR surface on main arteries in thc HERRINriBONE SUIT? CALL US! villages of Pontypool, Janet- ville and Bathany. The sum of $25,084.70 had been spent up ML S to the end of October. Robert Brown, newly eleet- RADO T SE VIC edto the Council last year, Exper Repirs t AU akesmaining in tha field. 1 Expet Reair to il Mkes Fenton Fallis, also with onp Jýiver st. MA 3-3482 year' s experiance, solicited the BOIVMAVILLEelectors support for 1956. BOWMAVMLEEarl Argua, last year's de- leated candidate for the dep- Custom Cut Meats for Your Freezer1 Wýa-r« nowablii to offer you special quantity prices t 0nmeats, eut up and wrapped, ready for your fredzer with your needs. EITHER BLUE OR, RED BRAND BEEF See us about Our pricest We cana also supply j TOUR FREEZER NEEDS with FROZEN FRUITS - FRUIT JUICES VEGETABLES AND FISH YEO'S MARKETIERIA ; YOUR RED & WHITE SUPER MARKET 55Ilâng St. E. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3367 C ou pie Wed at Enniskillen Pictured following teir wedding which took pis at the United Chur7ch Parsonage, Enniskillen on Saturda November 19, are Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Thomas Gettir The bride is the former Shirley Anne Ellis, daughter Mr. and Mrs. Perey Edward Ellis, Enniskillen and t] groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gettins, Caesare The couple will reside at Caesarea. -Photo Courtesy Times-Gazette,, Oshav HAYDON National Film Board pictures will be shown in the church on Wednesday evening, Dec. 7th. Adult Bible Class meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Garrard on Tuasday evening, Dec. 6th. Mr. Torrance and pupils are busy practicing for their Christ- mas concert on Dec. 2lst. Mr.Gaorge Torrance attended the Teachers' Convention in uty-raeveship signified his in- tention of contasting the reeveship this year. Mr.,Argue h'as had savon yaars' axperi- enca on the council, serving for three years as deputy-reeve prior to 1955. Clarence Brown, a newcom- er, stated his interest in muni- cipal affairs. "I sarved my country as a navigator with the R.C.A.F. for four yaars and now would like to try sarving at home." Harvey Malcolm, a second newcomer, axprossed thanks to thosa who nominated him and signîfied bis intention of running for office. Henry Jakernan expresse] his gratification of the good administration of the past council, but questionad the wisdom of the naw assessment rule. "It is tailored for urban districts. It discourages im- provamant; of property." He also suggestad that improve- ment of township roads coudà better ha carriad out with gravel being placed on the roads at an earl er date rathar than waiting for faîl freeza- -'ps. Several of the candidates having been nominated for more than one office, hail twenty-four hours to qualify. The efinal resuits of the nom- !nation are as follows:« Running for Reeve will ha John Payne and Earl Argue both of Pontypool. Deputy- Reeve will ha Lewis McGill of of Bathany by acclamation, the )ther nominees qualifying for councillors. Those standing for election as councillors are Clarence Brown, R. R. 2, Bethany; Fan- on Fallis, R. R. 1, Pontypool;j Harvey Malcolm, 'Yelverton: Robert Brown, R. R. 1, Ponty- pool, and Henry Jakeman, 3ethany. Election date le set for De- cember 5th. R tc H BOWMANVILLE' STORE HOURS for Month of Décember 1955 as issued by the Rea,, Merchants Conuuillee of the DO WMAN VILLE CHANDER OF COMMERCE Sun. Mon.- Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Cloued ai Closed -at Cloued aÎi ____ M.9 . 3 4 56ý7 8910 6:pM. 6:00 .M. 6:00 .m. 6OOpM. 9:00 P.M 60 il 121314.15,16.17. 600Dm. 600Dm 6091: 60 ]m. 9:0 P.M 9:00 Dm 18 19 20 21 22t23 24 Cloued Cloued Closdea 11526 2712829 30 31 laeclip this out for handy referencej ce nIs. of ;he ea. wva Oshawa on Wednesday after- noon. Congratulations to Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Corrigan (nea Olivýe Rankine) on the birth of their son, a brother for Vilda. Sorry to report Mrs. Tom Tabb had the misfortune to fal on the ice and fracture her col- larbone. Sunday' visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. Garrard ware: Miss Jean Griffin, Blackstock; Mr. Bruce Garrard and Patsy, Mrs. Clift Douglas and Erica, Port Cradit; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gay, Osha- wa. C.G.I.T. are having an Affil- iation Service on Sunday aveni- ing. Guest speaker, Mrs. Clar-1 ence Penfound. Everyona wel- coma to attend. Mr. and Mrs. D. Fontain and Nail, Toronto, at Mr. and Mrs. A. McNail's. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ashton and family, Torzonto; Mr. and Mrs. Hanry Ashton wara tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Read on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Walk- er and family, Bowmanville: Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Walker'andI Barbara, Mr. and Mrs. MacAl-1 pine and Aileen, Toronto, weral Sunday visitors at Mr. J. Walk- er's.J Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark,' Mr. and Mrs. Allan Malcolm and family, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. David Malcolm. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Trewin and Judith, Mrs. Clifford Trew- in, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Martyn and family, Bowmanville, at Mr. and Mrs. Win. Trewin's. Mr. and Mrs. Mol Bertrim and family visitad Mr. and Mrs. George Bertrim, Oshawa, on Sunday. Mrs. Lloyd Ashton and Marie visited Mrs. Forfyth at Weston. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Rabim wara linner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Sheffield, Oshawa, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon visited Dr. and Mrs. Gordon Slemon, Don Mills, Toronto, on Sunday. Kathy and Judy Rahm were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Dawson, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. W. Blackburn and family and Mrs. T. Cowling visited Mrs.ý Cola and Miss Blackburn, Bowmanville, on Sunday evening. I Many, many limes! WHEN your property ln damnaged - then the value of your Insurance proves to be many tumes greater than what you have ever paid in premniums. That's when you're mighty glad you kept up ail your policles! 1INSURE adequately through STUAIT R. JAMESI Insurance Offie MA 3-5681 Klnt Street . Real Estate Residence MA 3-5493 Downmnvill LEAD THE COUNTRY IN BOTH QUALITY ANDFLA VOUE For Cooking or Eating Mclntosh m Spies -Delicious ARE NOW' AT THEIR BEST F h Now is the time to buy crisp, juicy, rosy-red Durham County Apples- With the country's top delicious tangy f lavour. Wonderful for eating, for baking, for nourishing, tempting apple desserts. So good so many ways. Buy them at your grocer's or if you prefer, see your own local grower. for the f amily-size bushels at to-day's. low economical prices. APPLES ARE GOOD'FOR .YOUU. Apples f iii an important part in our everyday diets. They are one of nature's most perfect ""food packages". Inside its crisp glossy skin, locked in its deliciaus, taste-tempting flesh, are many of those things you need in your every day diet. * VITAMIN C - Apples are a good dietary source of Vitamin C * MINERALS AND PROTOPECTINS - Apples supply useful quantities of minerais and at least as many protopectins as any fruit to help ""tone"' the digestive system. *CALORIES - Durham County Apples have a definite place in low-calorie diets. *TEETH - An apple after a meal gives your gums stimulating ben ficiai massage, helps cIean your teeth, leaves your Motr'h sweet and clean. *ENERGY - Apples are a quick and nutritious energy food when, you're tired. FOR FLAVOUR AND ECONOMY BUY A BUSHEL 0F I4PPLES TO-DAY- FROM YOUR LOCAL GROWER or at the Durham Growers' Co-operative Storage Plant - IN NEWCASTLE For That Special Gift.. THIS CHRISTMAS GIVE A Box of Durham Cou nty APPLESL ORDER THEM FROM YOUR ORCHARDISI TO-DAY 1 F OR HEALTH EAT A DURHAM -COUNTY APPLE TO-DAY! This space donated by The Canadian Statesman TI1C KE TS TO EVERYWIIERE Air. Rail or Steamship Consult JUVR Y & LOVE LL, 3owmanville 15 King St. W. MA 3-5778 ýN mmmwi BY ACTUAL TESTS «rwm nAmiar7TAm qe1rIL-r-wr-.WReARlu - TO-DAY