THE C IAZ4AULPJV TATE5MAN. DBOWMANV7LLE. ONTARIO PG OId Soldiers of the 136th Battalion Lions VY c5ocaI ( U-'rsont ~Third A Phone MA 3-3303 Th hjdanuld ____ ___ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___sored by the w ves Club members attra( Dr. and Mrs. Charles J. Aus- represented 63.5 per cent of the ~"" iga h in e tin sPent the weekend in Buf - employees. ~Ae shsbe falo, ~~~~ ~~The ast day of the season for . r,' w t h s a c s Mns. Richard Greeness will steelhead trout on- Wednesday withphere a nedlyt oelebrate e 9t irthday on proved lucky for local angler pfine wtîm e Good Thunaday, December lst. Nels Couvier. He landed a 22-fietm.Go n Mr. Gordon FIL Sou ch, Edmon- inch beauty weighing over four Irvddb o i.ton, Alta., has been visiting Mr. pounds at tle Goodyear damanhioretrf< >4;ferbertRogers, Jane St. early in the %fternoon. aTdhe itoriumtra p P r .B. Nichoîs spent the Mrs. Geo. W. James and Mrs. festive appearancev Iveekend with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lunney attended Smîth's ed Christmas trees at Douglas Nichols, Kingston. Literary Luncheon at the Royab ad eatfevrgneen Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kennedy, York Hotel bn Monday, and the Teoae G rreenRom 4 Targ, visited Mrs. R. M. Jam- receptoin preceding in honor o! coue oftbesn enj ieson and Mrs. D. H. .Jamieson. the speakers, Mr. Roger Lemelin cospaisof taylewi Mn. and Mrs. Donald Masonan MrLielSpro and candies on the and family, Toronto, were week- Mr. and Mrs. Russell Moffatt, the fireplace. endgesta with his mother, Mrs. Vincent and gail, Wexford, spentWnes C. '. Mason. the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wnesof lucky s Misses Ethel and Mildred A. E. Moffatt and àttended the with the prizes goiz ITowner, Westfield, New Jersey, eilver wedding celebration for visited Miss Eva Hellyar over Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Moffatt in the weekeî?d. Orono on Saturday evening. B r n Mrs. E. E. Fielding and Mrs. Measies and chicken pox are B r n -W. L: Rowe, Toronto, visited stili with us in Bowmanville ac- Mrs. H. Hunxphries and Mrs. W. cording to this * week's report H. Densem last week. of the Northumberland-DurhamIn F s Mrs. Alan Bail, Toronto, and Health Unit. There are 16 cases Bwavle Br daughter Mrs. Arthur Webster, of chicken pox and 17 of red tersvnhgm Beiiiford, Mass.. called on mhirreasies. Darlington Township Pcre abv aesrîvn Bomanville members of the,136th Battalion o ~ne loss on Monda' aurit Miss Margaret Allen, Beech has 5 chicken pox, 1 German Pcue bv r uvvn o tr er hnte Ave. on Monday. measies and 2 scalet lever. which served in France and Belgiurn during World War I. They were photographed the Orono Orphans Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hum- Mrs. W. H. Densem, teacher at the 87th birthday party held for George Crombie in the Legion Hall recently. fast, dlean gante. page and daughters Beveriy and at the Ontario Training School Seated, lef t to right, are: Thoinas Hayes, George Crombie and George Humpage. The Orphans led Jean, Kitchener, spent the week- for Boys, attended the Annu'aI Standing, lef t to right: Bill Fairhead, J. E. "Hap" Hobbs, Perey. Greenfield and Alvin end of the firstp end with his parents, Mr. and Banquet of the Ontario Civil Stacey. Bowrnanville tied it Mrs. G. W. Humpage. Service Quarter Century Club second and sniped fc Miss A. Bentham, Mrs. K. held at the Royal York Hotel, f~-- Oiaj onie hnapas din thfrst frmed Nik n r.R .Wstaway Toronto, Nov. 30th. The guest Displays of books in four shop ý>ta o! ciswhnaprih efron tGofrdon Daeeh Nicks and Mrs. R. H We u Wi dows on K ng St. an in the d from the viewpoint o ih r f o od n D eh nesday o! Mrs. C. Millican, the Honourable Leslie M. bulletin board o! the Recreation olrcizesHaltn de n Toronto, the forrner's sister. Frost. Q.C., Prime Minister of Dept. at the Post Office recentîy I sou oi ci aties. and the Hamsesltont adde a incngrtulteyoupasesfrooHope iOnhnorr!oYong anada s County. ardi. Tickets in the Lions Club Otro Book Week attracted a good deali~ UhII.. Witl'r kind personal regards, Maxie Yourth tali hockey draw for November 30 Remember Monday. Dec. 5, is o! attention. It was sponsored I arn, second frame on paý were won by Don Gilhool y and Voting Day for Bowrnanville. by the Bowmanville Public Windsor, Ont. Yours sincerely, Bob Bird and Don Gi ý.. 3n Childs, and for December Make sure you have a voice in Library in co-oiperation wîth Nov. 14, 1955 The William Weld Company DnGrri rn 3by Bill Yeo and Ed. Leslie. the town's government by vot- libraries ail across Canada, un- Dean Mr. James: Limited eDaWln iardLFran Rev. K. Malane o! St. Joseph's ing for the councillors of vour der the leadership o! the Canad- Wto otr Romàan Catholic Church, Bow- choice. Get out and vote on ian Library Ass6etîlion. Sorne In the absence o! Mn. Mc-EWatso-n Ponter, Joned WilorandeLlo xnanvile, took part as Thurifier Monday, and remember to mark childnen went into the shops to Caîl I arn taking the liberty of Edior-i-Chif ac outd.frteg in the funeral service at Peter- your ballot with an X only try and buy these books. Young expressing our appreciation Tom Depew played borough recently for the Rt. Rev. opposite the rinmes you favor. Bowmanvillians can read ail the for the wonderful tneatment ac- In the month o! July Cana- standing game for F. J. O'SuIlivan, DP, PA, VG. Ten men are running, six may books they want at the Bowman- corded Mn. R. W. Todgharn's dians spent $126.7 million on ville on defence ari be elected. Six is the maximum ville Libnany for only lO)c a appointment. Not only do suc" new moton vehicles, an ail- and Hamilton were t Atotal o! 378 employees o! nurnber you may vote for. year. O! course they may be stories seldomt even make the tirne monthly high. the fonwards witht teodana Saings Bonds ura- Inte oebrsue!th bought too through local stores, Editorial page they certainly _____________________________ ing the drive held during the Blue Bell, magazine- published' n hitnsi ietm oaenyracre h fn latter part of October. This by thé Bell Telephone Corn- add to, or begin a child's oyn personalisation treatment you pan o!Candawe oun ahome library. They will wbe brought to this 'story. ______________________Pictureofankdha ms, Bfow- arnong his most treasured pos- I arn sure Mn. Todgham will maile mnar Frank ilasBw sessions for years to cone. enjoy the way in which you showm seated at the wheel o! a handled the story. S O N 907 Baker Electnic car, a real i Sincerely yours, Tesnappy model, well ui off the O p n cnool hyse Corporation o! Cana- ca ad asedthouhBow- (Continued front page one) Don Tucker, Uavleti al according to was a former Hamptonite, Rev. Assistant to the Director CHU CH hecapion athogh hepic- Ted Kensey, B.A., B.D., o! To- o! Public Relations. turewastake attheBell's ronto, who rerninisced about Editor's Note - Besides the (Anglican) plant in Oshawa. the happy years hie and others above letter o! acknowledg- 1Bon Voyage Party badl spent in the old school ment Mn. Tucker enclosed the __ ______ Sc'ond Sunday Bob IM. L. Roenigk and Mrs. which will now go into disuse. ±ollowing pensonal letter to the party at the fonmer's home, the seven p illars o! wisdom or er readers will find intenesting: orufflsta, in Àdvent 157 King St. West, Bowman- education, as quoted in Pro- Aiquetca ville, on Wednesday afternon, verbs. These, hie feit, included Mr. James: No.1n, nhnr'!Mi knoývledge, undenstanding, de- Visiting with my Father1, 8 md i aNov. . (M rrt)iaas ho isofeav- mocracy, freedom, truth or Harold 1'ucker, over the week- aHadOlYCMMUNION rgatnp tr wo i erave philosophy, persnality a nd end I asked him if he knew the No !1OC E HOL COMUNON ollnd.character, each of which a Todgham farnily. This started lou ofEU About 16 guests were pre- mosl important in its relation-' a flood o! rerniniscences fromn lB aa»d il &.M. -set inudg egh Dtc ship 10 schooling and in life a native-born Bowmanviile !riet iy u CHUCH CHOL niedso! he uet o hoorafterwards.~ man. He referred to pnanks o! - j whHOL frenofastherged woflhontI dAt the conclusion o! his ad- a gang o! boys including Geo. 3 SUPlE SPE giftws. Alre thgh onîv ness, he declared the school "Geddo" James, Herbert "Dai - St uR TFE 7 P.rn. j wl it. lhuhol officially open by cutting a ky Todgham, Clarencet 'Mike" Ar FOR THg iCanada, for a year and four ribnhl 'tb w eirMsn isl n es PHILISHAV] EVENING PRAYEB, months, Miss Baars read aloud ribnhl atb w eirMsn isi n tesR AR S al the gift cards, which were students, Sandra Lockwood His late mothen evidently rotary shai Canon J. 8. Harringtop of course in English. and Kent Williams.i Board lived next door to Mrs. Tod-Oehsxatyherg dero UpperCanada Bible Society A miniature passenger boat memben Jack Macnab express- gharn and they were great a ne dbaepsreacnyteright tedge g 25 fornMed the unique centre- ed the thanks o! those present fidsormnyesatn-1 nleg epsr n wiltt 8 3 p i -piece o! the tea table, and was frth ine tfoesae churh,aet. match your face for superb shaves. , CHIK "25 BIBE OCETYEALY flanked by lighted yellow He said he had seen -yu Cen ofralln.atn ueh anles. Dainly refreshments (~. ihro iittorygad -iWere senved by the hostesses. Gar bage inother's grave on at the tinte &have& are guaranteed. 1~ L E <Continued !rorn Page One) o!teinia.I lw*sa h Blades and tu int th mater'vey crefllyfuneral I must have ' met you1 hvn Cra a in nthe m att e v ry an eu ly m ysel! as I w as jus l back frontî av n C e "Tdhin wanounba ese anner-. England at the lime. ' SHAVING Bf PENTECOSTAL CHURCH "hswsnt' esnlpo Stil] in the 'isn't it a srnal' For men with by Rubberset, jeet as fan as 1 was concern- wrd eatet aemt 21 Ontario Street North cd," he declared. 'It was soedndeptimnveI hveiet ONSON Lubbr sorethngtha I el wa ned-your son Bill on several occa- sosîvki thrRbe Rev.F. B FifeldPastr soethig tht I elt as ned- ionsconnected with the Can- RNO I Re F B Ffild Pstr d 10 raise the standards o!f da ekyNesaesA-"Windlite"- the town. Sanitation is very sociation. important to a munîcipahity nu li, I'a'~awm lLand we are not getting il now, My parents listen to the Sun- F R M L S UD IZ, DU&EMIIADE R IE I ar n ot being citical o! the day 'Neighbourly News' broad- F R M L men doing the work now when cast al the ime and it tickes aeBihp i SUNDAY SCHOOL - 10 ami. I say that, but only about haîf my Fathen immcnsely that the For average sk.i y:HzlBso the citizens are using thein Bownanville papen is men- nd b=ard 'iece Lady's1 11 arn. and 7 p.rn. services." tioned so rnuch oftener tha*n ..e emey Magic1 Hesae htteoealthe Mitchell Advocate as y: Gemey Eau de itidiuts from te E.atern Ontario Peptecostal Bible expenditure for a municipal Mothen cones front the latter isOter Musdel1 College, Peterborough, Ont., ln charte of both services, collection system would not be town. any greaten for the whole town Perhaps sorne lime I will be ,GiiOhrmdl opinion.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ and the position I will take if mothens wene sistens.-G.W.J. VI) re-elected." He felt that theNWoli a ae public meeting had not given F1A pr h Ar u.I-re oll Tsu "The Keys of the Kingdom" pruiy omk hervesCanadian Countryrnan Nw" i@U oton. Tfrizz-Tie Nk known. London, CtroauNE Paperre "I arnwholeheartcdly behind November 23, 19à,5. Il@.Ii.ored i.J ble-fre a municipal collection," Coun. DanMnnJme:-Pope ________________ Son Srvcecoduted by Mr. A. A. Merkley Regan declared. Howeven, Takr o o enigu NEW caId@ M al do not agree withethe Irntghoi marked PYo! your Novem- R. Mnera Oï before the people o! Bowrnan- Durhamn County's winnings i SUPER ~ U ~ z Pw Suaday, December 1Il1h Reeve Little stated that he aIteRylw elyn-VEuY CENT[[ 22 had spon.sored the motion thal mankable. I _______________Floc__ il A.M . the question o! a muniia t was a striking win for colecton e pt t avote of Carruthers & Son. We have heSca e fIfthe natepayers. "Il rnay cost always Ihought o! course, Ihat RS IP ( T eSca efo Infant ats $18.000, and before we spend the charnpionship apples a that amount o! money the mat- 10 corne fnom the Georgian Bav ter should be put to the gen- area. Prepanation and prese.n- - ~eal public." he said. tation o! an exhibit apparent-A l eMc Mayor Nelson Osborne de- ]y bas a great deal to do with clared that be is in favor o! a the judge's decision.A x c Oran8tMr Athr olisnMu. ac.,L..S!. municipal garbage collection Jyou have catalogued the orgaiâtbfr ArhurColiso, 1us.Bac., .R.fl. system as being in the best awards thal went o 10 a- interests o! the town as a Countv in a wav that wil ut W e Deiver r Local whole. Durham right upo at the top of rives flflU4 dance spon- ýof Lions .cted about irday even- mtre, Beech 1customary the atmos- and inform- iad a very mnusic was Tomiinson om Ajax. resented a with light- at each end inked wi!h ,branches. 1where a jyed cards, evergreens mantel of spot dances, Lng to the Beal Gay kons won as against ky night in ey trounced s7-3 in a 3-2 at the period but' Up in the four in the 'ilson scor- eon a pass and Lloyd riother on rarld Gir- lied in the isses, frorn xilhooly. nk Hooper, d Hamilton 'ais in the ýd an out- Bowman- id Wilson the pick of COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS EFFECTIVE ALL THIS WEEK '11FTSAGEf RLRE I.D.A. D EUG STO RE 1 THEPEC [AT MAN 0F YOURS H lu RSSN 'E Electrie Shaver - the new 41 btudons jors ver with 12 self-sharpenîng EEFC otary action blades, 1 -ý i i..,i tubes" the new Silver Jubîlee model, .. ned head, curved combs, 1 H-Power motor 1 GIFT PACK contaîns Super- g two dispensera of Gillette Blue tube of Gillette Mohy rtLcon~ IR U SH E S ! 1-.-t$2.2nI n, othem hoir d messnq in the wortM b$4.00 Value --$2.98 - rset Brushes $1.00 up 10 $4.50- Others $4.95 up 1 LDY .50Valu fo 'I LOTION e Beauty Box, 3i au o $2.50 DISCOVERY tlee D resser Set ---- $4.98 md Lantern Perfume -- $1.75 du*P ftcn cCologne ---- $1.75 facial Powder Box---- $6.95 eensev ----------- - - -$3.95 - $6.95 . cl<eans )GRAPHIC GIFTS your skin up ta day--- Com-lete-----$14 3 TIMES CLEANER vkeye Flash Camera __ $8.75 thon any soap - ony eteans Iay Flash Camera ___ $5.90 ------------- -- -- $39.75 del ---------------------- $37.75 ga s-Eye Camera , $16.25 ash Outfit - -$---1,95------- flxIlFlash Camera- $17.95 519.$0 2 î,Holiday --- -$150 * b y«'7ZM --- -- --- -- --- -- --- --$ 3 .2 5 ,orHIM or HER f*W os orocco Billfold, 4.00 value $2.50 Ih'ms sh and Comb, reg. 1.65 - 98e effective and oand ion Lighter $1.98 Cnein ýox ----- -----$1.00 c n e i y Sbulton $1.50 Y I jl Salts ------------------ $2.00 - ---$1,50 - $2.50- $3.25: treatment SPECIALS "MYP ENS" kle. 7.96 25c - 2 For 49c Reg. 2/25e 4 For 49c f aPnd1:.I ýS Reg. 17e 15c - 2For 29c STREPTOMYC IN M's * Reg. 89e 59C Reg. 55e, 87e 43c - 87C / [er Reg. 75c, 1.95 59C - $1.49 $5 Sponsor OIUR MISS ETTA WILLMOTTI g tuI D ance After a long illness, Miss Etta Willrnott passed away at he« ladies, were: Mrs. Don Morris residence, 79 Church Street. and Mn. Cuthbert McDonald, Bowmanville, on Friday, Nov. Mrs. J.E. Houck and Mn. Jack 251h. Miss Willmott, *ho was Syer. 80 years o! age, was a daughter Holders of lucky numbers o! the late Mn. and Mrs. T. G. who reccived pnizes were Mrs. Willmott, and was bora in Jack Syer, Mrs. Cli!! Barnett, Bowrnanville.1 Mrs. Ken Maguire. Dancing Miss Willmott took pleasure in coatinued until midnight whcn ber church wonk at St. Paul's a delîcîous lunch was served United Chunch, o! which she was by Lions ladies. a member. In leisure hours, Mrs. J. W o!she fou7nd gadening a pleasant Mrs J.W.Braden, wî!e o exencise and pastime. Miss Presideat Wally 13raden, was Willmott was held in high genenal convenor o! the evefff. esteem and affection by ber Other convenons were: Mrs. neighbors, towns!olk and church Art Constable- lunch; Mrs. associates privilcged 10 know ber Robent Kent- draws; Mrs. oven the yeans. G len L ander - tickets -, M ns. e . H r l T u n r o St Byron Vanstone - cards. Ai Rev.HarcoducTurnter o! Sal the Lions ladies co-operated .inalsevcndcted helfneral- full measure t10 make thisaservice 2, ic a thedMonriMoFn- most success!ul and enjoyableeday, Nov. 8, aIAlhe risCFun social evening.- presided at the ongan. Pail- beaners wene: Messrs. Ken Buck- ley, L. A, MacDougal, Harry O rpha ns Bartiett, Charles Shortridgé. Sam McAllister and John M. ay James, M.P. ie M ondFriends and relatives attende.d each. Frank Hooper hadoe Solina and other centres and goal and four assists 10 fatten included Mn. and Mrs. Ken bis sconing average. Buckley, Mrs. John Preston, Toronto; Miss Marjorie BounsaUl, Oshawa. Arnong the lovely Baro s Le din floral lokens was that o! St. BaronsLeadig Paul's Evcning Auxiliany, in addition 10 the rnany from I. * !iends and neighbors. Inter- ment was in Bowinanville Cerne- ITneir League ey Bowmnvile Bron wer in Sunviving are two sisters, Mns. Bowanill Bros wreinCharles, Warder (Emma) of front in the Lakeshore League Rochester, New York, who un- standings by two full games as !ortunalcly was unable 10 attend o! November 281h. Cobourg the funeral service owing 10 ill- was in second spot and Oron'jncsadaisrMdedwh were holding down the thirdis at home at the nesidence, position. Church Street. Following are the standings including Monday night's garne: W L F A PIs The cîty o! Sydney, N.S., is Bowmnvihe 7 47 7 feet abQve sea-level, while Bowmnvile - 7 147 3%14Kimberley, B.C. is 3,661 feet Cobourg 5 2 39 21 10 above sea-level. Orono 4 5 48 50 8 About Time-Did you know? Port Hope 2 4 20 32 4 That Canada was the first country in the wor)Id 10 adopt Lakefield 2 3 30 29 4, the standard time system that IOrS WAx PEC3AL aregor, I I.D.A.. Drug Store Drugs Phone MA 3-5792 r. IW~UuDA-~, DEC. lue, lui L- 1 .og3lp PAIWAiIPAý --- - à 1 .-U. bill %0%0%0 1