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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Dec 1955, p. 10

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- FGUTmv- * -.... -s-- r TEE CANADIAN STATESIMN, 8OWMiiqvn= ONTAE!O <UESAY. DECC. St, 1958 Gordon Agnew, Edilor Phone 3621 Trophies Presented to Black and White Day Winners Top winners in the Black and White Day at Orono's Champion Female; Sandy Muir, representing A. T4uir & Fair this Fali recei'ved their awards at the annual Sons, with the A. J. Tamblyn Trophy for the Best Uddered Holstein banquet Friday evening at Trinity Sunday School Female in the Show and Ron Brooks, winner of the J. T. room. From lef t to right: Francis Jose, representing J. H. Brown Trophy which is a True Type model of a Holstein Jose & Son, with the Jack Kellough Trophy for the cow. He won the award for the best caif in the Dairy Caif Premier Breeder; James T. Brown, winner for two consec- Club. utive years of the Master Feeds Trophy for the Grand. Mrs. P. F. LeGresley bas e- turned home foliowing a week's visit ini Peterboroug à with ber brother and sister-in-I law, Archdeacon and Mrs. Bal- four. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Martin and family et Islington, spent tbe weekend witb Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Kelsey. Guest preacher at the morn- Ing service in the United Church an Sundey was the Rev. R. B. Green, M.A., B.D., et Enniskilien, formerly et Grand Fells, Newtoundlend, wbo spoke on behaît et the Missionary and Maintenance Committee et the chumch. Mr. Earl Waltan left en Tuesday for Halitax, Nova Sco- tia, heving been chosen by the Federel Department of Agriculture ta inspect apples being exported ta the United Kingdom. Mr. and Mysg, Ken Walton and daugbter Helen et Agin- With approximately 75% ot tbe elîgible voters et the vil- lege turning eut ta tbe polis on Mondey despite poor weatber, several changes were meade in the municipal administration of the village. D. J. Cunningham deteated the sitting Reeve J. H. Jase by ea majenity et 65 votes leedinz. in bath polis. In the council race Frank Hoar led the poli with Ross Dickinson a close kiPTRC' court vlsited with Mr. and Mrs. H.' C. Dennis on Sunday. Congratulations te Mr. and Mrs. George Arthur Jaynes (nee Miss Annie Wragg, ot Newcastle) who were married in Lethbridge, Alberta on Nov- ember l5th. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wood ot Orono, visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Crowther and family on Sunday. Miss Eileen Allun ot Taran- te, spent the weckend visiting with hem parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Allun. Mr. and Mrs. Saxon Grahamn left on Monday for their winter home in Florida. Her mariy tniends will be- pieased te learn that Mms. Carl Gould bas returned te hprj home tram Memoriel Hospital foilowing ber ecent eperation. Mrs. Thomas Enwrigbt was in Strathroy for a few days lest week owing te the death et her sîster, Mrs. Earl Robinson. j second witb anc vote hess. R. B. Rickemd, a newcomer ta tbe cauncil wes third tolwed by Fred Couch a member et lest yeer's counicil. Rev. D. R. Dewdney a per- ennial member and chaimen of the Schoal Board was de- feeted with John Rickerd, ex- Reeve and councillor leadingc the poli. Irvin McCullaugh ws re-elected te the Board- and Douglas Welton wes electedi May We Estimale @»n 1EATING SYSTEM Your Plumhing LET US PLAN.Jand «r TOsuIT Heaiing WEI 5R OUSE Requiremenis 0 LOCAL TfAD.tx. 1- ~ 0 Improved type and production means .more profit for you. Service is available for the followln.g breeds: Astein Hereford (polled and horued) rsey Dual Purpose Shorthon ernsey Scotch Shorthorn Ayrshire Whether you have one cow or a hundred, pure- bred or grade, yeu get full velue for our $5.0 service fe. when you breed artificially. For comploe.informaiston or service, telephone our closest representative between '7 and 9 a.m. MR. DICK WOOD, Bowmianville, MArket 3.3405 Mr. JAAN TAAVET, Clarke, 461R.03 MR. KEITH WOOD Orono., 171-R-10 W.M.S. Christmas Meet Elect 1956 0f ficers The annual Christmas meet- ing efthte Women's Missionary Society was beid in the Board Raom et the Newcastle United Cburch on Thursday etternoon last with a goodly number -)f members in attendance. The President, Mrs. W. F. Rickard opened tbe meeting with a reeding entitled, "The Message et Cbmistms". The. devotionel service wes in charge et Mrs. C. Cowan's grou p, the theme being "Whet bhild Is This". It was a most impressive presentation et the Christmas Story through the use et prayer, carols and other hymns as given by Mrs. Cowan and Mrs. W. Cemerice and the scripture lesson as read by Mrs. L. Milîson. The Christmas theme was cantinued by Mrs. Cowan i.a interesting stary teken- tram the "Study Book", telling of the Indien Mission Churches. During the business period, conducted by the president, it wes decided ta send a giftet fruit, cenned geods etc., to the Fred Victor Mission in Taran- te, end a gift ta Miss Cora KiIl- bumn, Superintendent et a Mis- sien Hospital in Ethelbet, Manitoba. In the absence et the supply secretary, Mrs. M. C. Fisher ne- perted that 295 lbs. et clothing bed been sent te Saskatchewan and another parcel sent for overseas relief. The president brougbt a report tram the dis- cussion group held at the Na- tional Evangelistic Mission in, Bawmnvile, which empha- sized a deily period et Prayer and Bible Study. Mrs. Hare spoke feelingly et the passing ot a tormer devoted Presîdent et -the Society, Mrs. Norman Allin and a moment ot silent prayer was observed in her memory. The Rev. M. C. Fisher pre- sided for the annual election et etticers and veiced bis ap- preciation et the work et the Society during tbe past year. Officers elected for 1956 are as toilows; President, Mrs. W. F. Rickard; lst vice president, Mrs. Percy Hare; 2nd vice pre- for his first term in elective civic office. How The Village Voted Name Reeve E.W. W.W. To. 121 2301 75 16.3 Cunningham ---- 102 Jase -- ------- - 90 1 Council Hoar----- 129 132 261 Dickinson 144 115 260 Rickard 116 112 228 Couch - 10 119 219 LeGresley 99 100 190 School Board Rickard-------- 124 131 255 McCullough - 113 115 229 Walton ------- 91 88 179 Dewdney - --- -Q 79 175 Total eligible voters-555. To- tal votes cast 409. Spoiled bal- lots 9. Thea. <aya Mout people work under pressue, worry more, &Jeep leau. This train en body and braisn makea physical ibnuaessier to Ioe-barder <o regain. Today'a <anse living, lowered resisamnce, overwor, worry-any of <hese May affect normal kidney action. Wlien kidneys get e@t of erder, Oxcesa acidea nd wastea dialw m rat, <bat -tiredou"hoavy- beaded feeling o.1km fol-wTt'a u "im to takeDod'a Kidney Pilla. D.dd'a stimulai. the kdneys to normal action. fluen you teed beter-aleep heter-work better. AÙf or Ddd'& Kidney Pillat1 UV~ drug coumer. 33 sident, Mrs. Floyd Butler; 3rd1 vice president, Mrs. Howard' Aluin; recording secretary, Mrs. Archie Glenney: treasurer, Mrs. Ed Hoar; Christian stewardsbip convenor, Mrs. M. C. Fisher; community friendsbip cenven- ors, Mrs. George Alhin and Mrs. Earl Fisher; cerresponding secretary, Miss Tena Ferguson; assaciate helpers secretary, Mrs. Awde; press secretary, Mrs. L. Milîson; supply secretary, Mrs. Herb. Toms; literature secre- tary, Miss Ruth Hancock, Mis- sienary Monthly secretary, Mrs. Harold Toms; pianist, Mrs. Ed Hoar, and Mission Band Lead- ers, Mrs. Stanley Brown and Mrs. Charles Megit. Evening W.A. Mem bers Sew Choir Gowns The Evening Branch of St. George's Woman's Auxiliaiy met in the Parish Hall on Nov- ember 30th with twenty-six members in attendance. The Branch was pleased to weléome a new member to the group, Mrs. Janet Martin. Followlng the opening pray- ers the minutes were read and the treasurer's report given. The Dorcas secretary reported the arrivai of the materiai for the choir vestments and the flower secretary read thank you cards from Mary Wallace, Mrs. Vera Barchard and Mrs. Janet McCracken. A note of thanks was receiv- ed fromn Miss Hazeil in ac- knowledgement of a recent contribution from the Branch for her work with the Mission- aries in the far north. K finan- Eleclion Cards of Thanks I wîsh te thank all who sup- ported me in the municipal elec- tien end te cengratulate Mr. D. Cunninghem on bis elevetion ta the office et Reeve. Yours for a better Newcastle. J. H. Jose. I wish to thank the electors et the Village of Newcastle wbe supported me in the election on December 5th. 1 will act te the best interests et the taxpayers in the coming yeer. Wishing the Compliments ot the Season ta ail. D. J. Cunningham. I wish ta teke this opportun- ity ta express my appreciation ta the voters of the Village et Newcastle for the fine support accorded me et the poils on Monday. I will try te warrant Yeur confidence. Ross Dickinson. My sincere thenks and ap- preciation go teail the voters who supperted mie in Monday'5 municipal election. Toaial, I take this opportunity et wishing the compliments et the season. Fred Couch. I wish ta extend my thanks te the voters et the Village et New- castle for their confidence ini electing me te the Council. I will do my best te make New- castle a better place in which te live. Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. R. B. Rickard. Many thanks to the veters of Newcastle for the confidence placed in me on Mondav lest in electing me te the Scheol Board. Your interests are my interests and will'be teken came et ta the beat et my ability. John Rsckard. I would ike ta express my thenks te the electors who sup- ported nie on Mondav, electing ni to the Sehool Board. 1 will do my utmost ta warrant yu confidence.yur __ Douglas G.Walton._ cial report1 of the Horticultural Society 'banquet, catered ta by thie members of the Branch was given by the President, end a sum was voted.- by the Branch toward the ailotrnents and a donation ta the Wardens. A bale of second band cloth- ing was packed, and a toy shower held for the worlc of. the Sisters of St. John in Bracebridge. During thc meeting, the members sewed on the choir outfits and the meeting was brought ta a conclusion with the serving et retreshments by the committee in charge. S....S. No. 9, Clarke The Ladies' Club met last Monday evening at Mrs. Au- drey Turner'# with an excel- lent turnoui of niýembers andl guests. Several items were dis- cussed. Our projeet for the commng year has been left over until the ne:xt meeting for fur- ther discussion. It was decided ta give $5.00 for games at thie school. Mrs. Gwen Barchard introduced the guest speaker Mrs. Ed Ruthven otfZion, who gave us a very înteresting dis- play of gift wrapping and how to make fancy bows. Everyone enjoyed it. Mrs. Elsie Fisk thanked Mrs. Ruthyen for cern- ing. Mrs. Turner, Mrs. Mildred Allun and Mrs. Irwin Allin servèd a delicie)us lunch. Next meeting at Mrs. Elsie Fisk'., with Mrs. Wylma AluIn and Mrs. . Gwen Barchard on the committee. Date Jan. 23, 1956. Mrs. Brude McClure and Douglas, Port Credit, were re- cent guests with her mother, Mrs. R. Branch. Mrs. A. Fisk spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. C. Bar- chard and four chlldren. Miss Helen Turner and friend, Mr. and Mrs. Ceci Cowan -and famlly, ail- cf To- ronto, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Austin Turner. Mr. and I4rs. Bill Barchard and Mr. and Mrs. Austin Tur- ner attended the Vegetable Growers' Convention hast week at the Royal Connaught Hotel in Hamilton. Mr. and Mns. Maurice Ped- well were unfortunate last Tbursday cvening when their car was stolen tram beside their back door. The Prov. Poi- lice were right on the job and cbased the culprit from the junction of No. 401 and No. 2 ta Lansing Cutoff bef are they stopped them because they were travelling at such a high speed. Mi. Pedwefl went and gat their car on Fniday. Luck- i]y, it had flot been damaged. Miss Claramae Fisk, Toronto, spent the weekend with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fisk and Fred. Several tram the communityj attended the shower for Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stuckless, the former Miss Joyce Eddy, at the Lions Room, Commun.ity Hall, Newcastle. Congratulations tui Mr. and Mrs. Stuckless who were married two weeks ego.1 ~ ~tj4 -~ beid a cerd party at the school Frlday. LM~~L' Q)VflV~ stod¶-up for Ca.., &'IL . 30C 3-lb. piece Approx. 4-lb. piece 100 MAPLE GROVE sWa:% Nov. 30th. A spent. High score wvas W1f The C.G.I.T. girls wil con- by Mrs. R. Jarvie, Mts. VI duct a vesper service on Sun- Clarke, low score, Mrs. Hemp- day; hope te see a gaod turn- hill, Mrs. Bruce Stalker. out, to encourage the girls alongNEW NVIL White, gift on Sunday, Dec. E T N IL 18th. Mrs. Ada Ragera (nec Ada* Misa Beflha Thompson left Tyler) .Toronto, a former rosi- on Sunday ta spend thc balance denit of Maple Grave, spent cf the winter in Taranto. Sunday wlth Mr. and Mrs. C. Mr. and Mrs. Sld Brown and H. Snowden. Infant daughter spent Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Roy Snowden, with her niother, Mrs. Victor grand-deugbter Terri Lau Wagg of Markham, wha ne. Weeks, Taranto, were Sunday turned home with thema. L visitors with their parents, Mr. Miss Alice Nesbltt of Taoii- and Mms. R. R. Stevens, Mr. W. te, spent the weekend with her J. Snowden. sister, Miss Annie Nesbltt. This community extends con- Mrs. Gilmer-Smith and Mr. gratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. andt Mrs. Milton Kimbaîl mev- Artbur Gibson who last wcek ed up £ram the lake on Friday celebrated their 4th wedding ta spend the winter in their anniversary. cottage in thc village. Mrs. H. C. Hurlbert, Toron- Mrs. Willis Joncs and Miss ta, spent the weekend wlth Gloria Lane attended a Teach- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. ers' Institute held et Brantford F. Spencer. on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. N. Inglesan and Congratulations ta Mrs. An- Bernard and Miss' Marae drew Relchrath wbo was 82 Currie, Tarante, were d=ne years young on Dec. 7th. guests with Mr. and Mrs. A. F. " Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Shaw Spencer on Sunday evening. and family of Bolton, have About 35 friends and neigh- moved down ta her mother's, bars of Base Line, gathered et Mrs. R. S. Johnston, for the the home et Mr. and Mrs. Ar- winter. thur Gibson, on Tbursday even- Recent visitors witb Mr. and ing ta help them celebrate their Mrs. Sid Lancaster weré, Mrs. wedding anniversary. A very Wm. Nichais of Port Ho*pe, and enjoyable evening wes spent. Mr. and Mrs. Caroil NichaIs They were presented with a and tamily of Wesleyville. step end table and planter and Mr. Willred Cox met with a a bququet et 'mums. paintul accident-he broke his Home and Schaol Association wrist while at work et Ajax on 'tii" l,~ j PLTM4 Christmas Baking Supplies GOLD BELL 15-1 Dleached Raisins -JOLLY GOOD 16-1 Pitted Dates - .- SAXONIA - CUT 4-oz, pkg. 8- Mixed Fruits Ilc SAXONIA - RED 4-oz. pkg. 8- Glace Cherries 18c A USTRALIAN - Seedless 15-oz. Sultanas ,24c, Delicieus Fruit! Serve tepped with1 BRTGHT'S - Choice - Red Pitted Cherries A meal in itself! Serve on toast CULVERHOUSE - Fancy' ;O.pkg. 25c I-z. pkg. 25c 43C Ice Creani' 15-oz. tin 2 for 39C 12-oz. tin Asparagus Tips 37c Metealfe In Tomato Sauce 20-z. tin Oak Leaf - Choice 14-oz. tUn Beans wilh Park 16c Kernel Corn 2 For 29c Oeean Spray Whole or Jellied 15-az. tin Cranberry Sauce 26c Maple Leaf Ninceiueai 28-oz. tini a43c I CHRISTMAS CANDY. s HOWE'S lb. cello bag 1 SATIN HARD MIX 35c Î HOWE'S lb. cello bag CREAN and GUN DELLS 35c iHOWE'S lb. cello bag ! FRENCH CREANS 39C.I * CANDY CANES Pkg. of 6 2 19 A dd Variety to your table! Stuffed Manzanilla McLaren s Olives Box. Jar 3 5C Pure, full-flavoured at a low price ST AFFORD'S - Pure 3Fruit Marmolade 12 I. .2.7c Pure Vegetable Shortening CRISCO' GRAY DUNN - Assented Biscuits China Caddy. Approx. lb. piece Apprex. 2-lb. piece lb. pkg. 35Sc i5~z-oz. 95C 1.50 1.95 N 'o'.. 100% Guaranteed Meats Fresh - Grade A - 21/2 te 3 Ibs Roasting or Frying Pre-dressed Chickens Lb. 45c Devon Brand Breakfast Bacon Lb. 49C Maple Leaf - Sklnless Pork Sausage Caldwell - By the Piece Bologna*- Maple Leaf Ground Suet - Lb. 41C - Lb.23 - Lb.25 Garden Fres h Produce Thin skinned and 'j... - Florida - No. 1 Marsh Seedless - Size 96's Grapefruil - 1OPor49c California - Eirm, Crisp, Red Emperor Grapes, 2 Lb. 25c Make Your Cranberry Jelly early New Christmas Stock - Ocean Spray Cape Cod No. 1 - 1-lb. celle. bag Cranberries 25c Florida - No. 1 Zipper Skinned - Easy to Peel - Size 176's Tangerines - fez. 29C First of the season - Crunchy and Crlsp Florida Celery 2 eii. 25c NcInfosh Apiles 6-t. 49C Real Value! P-acked in an attractive plastic re-usable container - Box of 20 Westwood Cigars Values effective i» Bowinanville until 6 p.m., Saturday, December IOth Dominion Stores Llmited Order Your Christmas Poultry Noi,ý Social and Personcil ~MINIO is the place to Cunningham Is Reeve Hoar Heads Council Poli Rickard Tops School Bd. If Doesn'i Cosi 'I IlPays to breed your herd artiflcially through the service of the QUINTE DISTRICT CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION Jez Delicious! Chuck f ulI of fruits and nuts RICHMELLO FRUIT CAKE

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