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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Dec 1955, p. 18

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PAGE NIGETEEN TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMANVILL. ON&Tm Cormack. - 494*. Centre, _____164 Wellingrton St., Dept. B, Bake sale in Hydro Sboo 19i Kingston, Ontario aKg St. stia cak esda fe ndn Plae ]etehveullinfrma Dec. 20 at 2 a'clock. Home- tion on an Army Cancer. cookes, tc.Sponsoned by the,- W n e C l b a d the S kating 1S tree ft _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ Farmens, this is your invita- I arn --~ Years Old tattend the annual meeting aif 49-I the Durhamn Soil and Crop Imn- * ~provement Association an Fi-I E X T dey, Dec. 9 et 1:30 pan. ini St PETS_____FOR ___SA _ John's Parish Hall. Bowman. %-Ille. Gucat speaker, Dr MF E. IMALI: PUPPY ta) a good home. Tossel, Associate Directo4 Field Phone M A 3-3744.49 i 1!usbamdry Depantrnent, O.A.C.. EDISfrsl.PooM GuelPh *U well, there will ke 3-5543.PoeM 4nid On haY, Pasture. silage491 *nid good secd. Telephone vour GERMAN Shepherd dog, eight ibbours anîd bring them maOnths aid, with Papers. Phone .198g, ..~ 48-2-MA 3-3885. -4- HAMPTON MA 3-2936 48-4 CHRISTMAS TREES FOR SALE SCOTCH PINE, asaorted sizes About 4,000- Any quantlty of 100 or more Sacrifice sale at 35c t.e lear lot for Sprint planting. Corne quickly for beut selection LEROY HAMILTON, Grower Orono 1 r 16 49-1 LIFE-TIME GIFT ALUMTNUM STORM IDOORS AN» WINDOWS Cail Lorne Allin MA 3-3871 ~"FURNftUn AL STOVE OH. ()ffice MA 3-5897 Phones: Yards MA 3-5410 TURKEYS j MILK FED CHOICE YOUNG BIRD S H. S. COUTTS HAMPTON MA 3-2851 ~Wal1 - T L E 44-4 Ceramnie - Glazed- Quarry Wan - AIl Kindu - Floors H. G. HEAL phono MA 3-2902 Bowmanville 44-tf Aipply . . Benschop. Phione MA 3-2926. 49-4* HIGHEST prices paid for ]ive poultry, raw furs, deer skîns, goose feathers, feather ticks, scrap imn. rags .and metals.1 Phone RA 3-2043 Oshawa, cl- lcct. 46-tf ALL kinds af live pouifry want- led. Top Toronto prices paid at vour door for large or sinahl quantifies. We have aur awn market. M. Flaft, Bethany R.R. 1. Televhone colleet toi Befhany 7 r 13. 28-tf Logs and Timberland HARIDWOOID PRIEFERRED H. M. KYTE ]Blackstock s..iensea and Fuly Insured Contact: GENERAL TRUCING JonF DeWh P.C.V. Clam ."c"," .Fi' and "WR on".DeWt Preston Transporti N:wcst:e Phono 3341 Phone MA 3-2493 Bowmanville Doald M untjy o mnl MA 3-3950 BULLDZINGPaul Dlamond, Port Perry EXCAVATING 49-1 TRECHM - CADNr, Roomn and Board IJRAGLINE - CLAM WORK BALMORAL Hofel, MA 3-5081 Trucks and Loader for now bas moomn and board avail- Gravel and FI!jobs able. 49-2 FME ESTIMATs Tripp Construction For Sale or Rent PORT FERRY 392W COTTAGE. Apply D. Bothwell, 32ti Maple Grave. 49-1 ____________ Cards of Thanks Articles For Sale Articles For Sale j Articles For Sale Aucfion at Mem-oialHosia, Bowman- ne ihseortheir kîindswondsok7 3 ~RO N-Cn Turday De. st, We is tathak rieds ndBALED hay, 40c. Phorre Black- 'CHILD'S jeep. Phone MA. 3- DO your own floors - rent a The estate of vile orJack ndHospia Bown, cardbs nfexrtes in oky socm72r-3.49-1* 3463. 49-1 Isander or a floor polisher tram George Buttersa vill, t Jac an Norh Bowncars an exressonsof Sm-I Lander Hardware. 7 King St. E., of the late Mrs.C the gift of a son, Jamnes Leonard. pathy at the passlng of our sonl FIFTEEN bags fresb cernent. KEYS eut autamatlcally. while Bawmaziville. Phone MlA 3-5774. wil be sold by pu 491 Rsl. adMs N ars and Apply Carl Wright, Blackstock. yau wait, at Mason & Dale Ha.rd.- 3-tf the Durham Couri COCRAE....fonan Brbra . a rotN.herrb.49149-.j* ware. 36 KJ.nn St. E., Bowman- Orono, on Frlday CnOCHFosE; Donl annBarbar ONTARIO pBoato49,-75 lb.illgs 46-tf TYPEWRITEn clearance - An 9th, commencing (neeFoser)prodlyannunc ONARI poatos, 5 l. bgsideal Iasting gift: Remington, Bedrooni, living-ro the birth of their son. Craig Roy, We wish ta express our ap- delivered in Bawnianville. Phone LLOYD baby caraeFec Underwood, Royal, Smith Stan- en furniture, two 8lbs., l1½ ozs.. on Frida 'v, Nov. preciation and sincere thanks to MA 3-2473. .31-tf gray, and large play pen; both dard, recanditioned, regularly frigerators, two cc 25, at Memorjal Hospital, Bow- our neighbours. friends and in excellent condition. Black- $79.50, reduced $39.50. Also, space heater, near manville. A litie brother for relatives for the beautiful gifts, FEED oats for sale. Swain Seed stock 39W.491 new 1956 portable with case, re- ing machine, Elect Donna Louise. 49-1 * flowers and cards we receivedi Cleaners. Phone Blackstock duced $59.50. Adding machines, cleaner, cane bott oit the anniversary of our fiftieth 89 r 11. 49-1 KITCHEN TABLE, 42x20, gray adds ta $99,999.99, subtracts, only kinds of dishes. FORD-an nauncetd Catherine ,-digay- Arborite top, utensil draweÏ; $19.50. Each fully 'guaranteed. Plan to attend ti Herdar n.onc Searriai of. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Foley. SHORT formnai, gray suit, like good condition. Phone MA Deposit $5.00, balance C.O.D. auction. Terms Hea___________on___________Nov. 49-i*n w i e1 . R a o al .P o e 33 0 .4 -f Immediate shipment. Crown, Reid, auctioneer. 26,195,anvillc. 49osita.* I ihtoeprs * iMA 3-3971. 49-1 1011 Bleury, Montreal, Que. ________ Bwavlc491 1 vsteepesour sncere WHY guffer the agony of rheu- 49-3 } Ms.Mura tanks ta 'al aur friends of PINE Christmas trees, 35e and matîc pain, sciatica, lumbago, - Livestock 1 Hoskin (eeSrley Bid vone ommuntrrfryth up In lots of 25 or more, cut and when Rumacaps wili help you toerD"~r _______ ta hfl. a~re betîful ty fdrte piled. Phone MA 3-294. 48-2 welcome relief. Ask your drug- DE 'J.LLL1.INGUTNpis ih * hte anuger.tLidaSirleyf special thanks ta the con- 'ONE Hilîman white wall tire, gist. 9- For the Latest Papera phone MA 3-2485. 7 lbs., 5azs. n Dcembe yd venors who made it such an size 5.50-15. Phone MA 3-2011. 19bs55 bar n n Ohawa enra enjayable evening. We would 4î HEATER with 10" ýSuent Glow * For the Finest Paints TEN nice chunksc 195Hospital. hawa 9ncra alsa like ta thank the boys in 49h i umner, in gaod condition. 43 lre the football teamn for their useful SPECIAL, highway tire, tube Apply 87 Liberty St. S., any ONorE het Vrkunhnd10 lre ol KOOY-Mr. and _ Mrs. Fred 1gft. and wheel, 8.25x20, $50. MA night after 6 o'clock, except G Lrso n.PoeM Kooy are happv ta annaunce the Joyce and flan. Philp. 3-5008. 49-1 Wednesday.e49-1 S.Sonli _______ safe arrivai9of theirPson, Fred- 4r9ck (Fred0v)WaITMemoria saearvlo hi oFe-COAL and waod annex, white SCOTCH pine Christmas trees, Phones 150 WyhIT egl Hoital. Bowmy)avileo e- cwul ie atan u enamel, used one year. Phone ail sîzes. Walter Frank, Kurv MA 3-5912 MA 3-3701 Jnayhthd nesday, November 3th. 49-1* many friends and relatives for M -57 91In r hs rnMnes44-tf the lovely platform rocker and MAN'S grey coat with zippered-240a . oeNwcsl149or3SO PSHA.R E ra PARGETER-.r and Mrs. Don- hostess chair which we received in lining, size 36-37. Phone MA M -20.T UR K v' ad A . nld Pargeter (nee Grace Graham) at the presentatian held for us 3-5521. 49-1 GIVE African violets for Christ- Esaw A -93 are happy ta annaunce the birth in Leskard, Friday, December of their daughter, 7 lbs., 5 ozs, 2nd. A special thanks ta those VIEW Master projectar, 8 films, mas. Order now. We wili hold CHOICE YOUNG BIRDS 'ORKSHIRE boan atPotPeryCmmniyHo-who helped ta make it such an like new. Phone MA 3-393â them for you. Visit Stewart's DRESSED and DELIVERED able age, from adva pia n Dort err'yCmer 2, 1955 enjayable evening. 25 Brown. 49-1* Violet Raomso, 33 Division St., ORDER FOR CHRISTMAS stock; reasonably pi 49.1* Shirley anmLioneITe9nantBowmanville. 48-tf NW!Glenn Larmer.P 49U1DShiRae and Helenl nee 49. ELECTRIC stol!e, used, very O stock 5 r 22. RUDERa n eln(ee4-*cheap. Phone MA 3-5577. ONE twelve-inch Paks wood PHIL FINNEY Cr o Pete) re apy t anoune e wuldlik t exres ou - poWer motor and switches. Very PHONE C r o the arrivai. of their son, Scott sincere thanks ta al aur good VENETIAN blinds-Newest Cal- reasanable. Apply SimpklnA Erie, 8 lbs., 3'ý4 ozs., at Memoial friends and relatives for the ours witli plastic tapes. We Cabinet Ca. 49-1 MA 3-505 1938 FORD coupe,$ Hospital, Bowmanville an Tues- ivarm welcome and good wishes measure and install. Morris Ca.4- raegodmtr day, December 6th, 1955. A given us on aur homecoming Phone MA 3-5480. 6-tf. INSULATION, blowing method, ~baego aa b r o th e r f o r D e a n . 4 9 1 * a n d ta th o s e w h o a r r a n g e d th e w t o k w o . W r m n h pF r C n d ' i e t' 7 A E I A lovely showers and parties. We SPRUCE Christmas trees fr gWimth ocew. rkemasi FrAadasWindost '47 AMEicCAll MARRIAGE are se very pleased with ahl the sale. We Will eut yourcehoice. garante e. PFre Ctlnare. lumin um WPdo s hodeaMAt3c2Ca3. beautiful gifts given ta us and Can be seen a 55 LibertySt.N 2420. Wde hoe hneMA3253 LEAMAN - CLARKE-Mr. and the children. Thank yau ahl Mr. J. C. Alldead. -4 and_______1953_____________ Mms. Garfield Clarke announce again. as eae n th araeo terduhe. Bun and Barb Welsh. BABY carniage, folding type; NEW Smith-Comona Skywriter nlhae n th Do r ernti auLawre49i also baby swing and car chair, typewmiters at only $74, The Triple Track - Self-storlng Studebaker with o% rncis Lemn, t.ohLwne Aah practîcally new, cheap Tele- ideal, useful Christmas gift.1 Also SHIELDALL heater;, 1948 Interm Fruncswick S. ohnmi ewo ih atk hi en fphone MA 3-5449. 49-if Walter Frank, MA 3-2403 or AUIU ANNS truck cab and c Brnwc.Temriaeto iht tk hsmaso ewcastle 2114. 49-3 i'zrI.Z International 3-tor lace in St. John's Church, Bow- thanking My triends and rela- WHEALT baled straw. Felix Warwick &-WightL Farm Equipment Manile, Saturday, Decemnber tîves in Bowmanvilie and vicin- Babairz, Solina Road. North No. HARDWOOD and 'softwood PHONE MA 3-2677 tive, 134 King St.1 3rd, af 4 p.m. 49-1 ity for their unfiing efforts, bY 2 Highway. Phone Oshawa RA mnixed. $14 per card: cedar or Easy Terms ville. Phone MA 3- - nursending cards, etr5509 49-1* saft wood, $10 per card, sawediFree Estimates No Obligation D A HSand gits, and last but fnt least, WHnTE enaml ail.humeoceokNcast493776. 49- JoAhm Meomial prayers, tec49nutonWIE.nme*ilbrnrLokcste376 4-t REDY onI eoilof these has been a marvel ta stove with warmîng closet and - TRADE-IN - Washers, radios, SPANIEL pup, blonc Hospital, BowmanvilUe, on Wed- me. I arn now able ta hop along four lîds. Phone MA 3-2624. PRINTS at photos of public televisian, angettes, kitchen months old, chi:( neda, ecmbr7,195,Jonon crutches with the support of 49-1* events appearing in this paper tables, chairsbuffet, G.E. me- answers te Tiny Ti n edry, Debev.e195hus Jndo a nurse. faken by Carson Studio rnay be frigerator, closed unit. New- know where he isp Ainnaybel Emskine ndy of Emma M. Werry. ONE pair of tap dancing shoes, obtained for $1,00 on 8xiO inch Ios oses n als a-M -95 u A rninbleEis nh eam. loO44Sai d. oono iz 0, nearly nw.Apply 8 sypins asnStudio, fetables, cte rus Oooinhs7tiya.Resf- ~SaiaR. îenw 5gos rns asntesatrmgbunk "caaraken. in f othut mihFu-49-lt Duke St. or Phone MA 3-5825. Port Hope. 48-iî bds chestertields, space savers, crai Home, 53 Division Street. OE49-1-fo mpe kibaedomsies, f b1dso , spvring, Work XVc Bawmanville. Service on Fmi- We wish ta take this opportun- PLANTATION of about 4,000 OaNEsspir 7-footsmape si,1trse, t$I5;a r oe,_________ daDecenher 9th, af 3 parm. ify fa express aur sîncere ap- Christmnas trees, Scotch Pine, hanes pale s1,-oossie1,$5 squares and by the yard, chrm ADULTS' and child: day, omnileCm-peitint red ndnih o ae;patdtoy ane ai ½fot skis, harness, kitchen sets, space heaters, me- maing. Phone MA KntealentlBowma5;leoCerne-rpbeactionefahfriendsend neigh-rforesae;aplanted fwo e tery. Masonic service wili be boums for their kindly help in Write Box M., ndal, Ontr. paleboos, $5; ne tp, ir lczeather5. held af the tuneral homne on saving the surraunding buildings washbot,1-nh os îe 0 ieafrs, an g es, llatoati Thursdlay, December 8, 8 p.m. at the time of aur tire; for kind YOUNG geese for Chitao Phone MA .3-3186. 49-1wahsandyesAlato- y _____________ est prices. No finance campany, STORM sash and doo 49-1 donations, and ta those men who New Year's, alive or dresse . HEARING aid service, tesfing easy ferms. Murphy Ca., King pentmy. F. A. Osmo worked and dmew lumber with E. Hockaday. Phone MA 3-2985. service and camplefe stock af West. 49-1 MA 3-5881. MINAXER - Suddenly at the trucks and tractors for us. A491batrean oda ign home of Mrs. D. G. Marrîson, special thanks fa Mrs. Mary 49.1* bateries ad cords t Higgo 18 Aie tre, saw, n Vike, Clre eep on pea- ONE registered Shothorn bull Electrie Limited, 38 King St. E., CHEITA OS PUMB g ing, e a tim Sunday, December 4, 1955, Mary for, and ta those who wamked on wth papers anchfordblamnl.Poe 1MA, 3-438À CHRISLMAS SUPPL 0F tunr, Tfroe si A. Keileft, beloved wife af the te o ittee. Womds cannot withaut ppes-Phne164-20tfA PLK AeTymohrne. late Peter Minaker, and loving express aur gratitude for alCae.4 -if TYPE WRITERS, adding ma- E SO iSKA'Te Shmpned mnother of Lawrence Kellett af your kind help, when we needed IBLACK seal coat, seldom wamn, chines, new and used,- for sale anSO iesn's Tree so, Solina, un hem 7frd yea'm. Ftineral If. We can only say ta each and I l ielk ew ha.or ent; also Cale steel tîîing andPiLve Strefs * was held from Luke-Mclntosh ail, tram the bottomno a I ur WitèBx40 /oCnd ,cbinets, office urntAr,-casL JUII4Llow a Funemal Home, Oshawa, on Wed- hearfs, "thank you very much . Saemn 4- eite Bx 50 co andialtc er urnktr, Ash3WIL esceu ad er, nesday, December 7th, at 3:30) "thank you very much." 2aesa.49-1 rewasle F1ank, MA 50cgal.ttRees tenp ardel p.m. Inferment Mount Lawn Mr. and Mrs. Sam Boyko SMALL boy's bicycle, 6.50,: ring RichtemConMaine Cemetery. * 49-iý and famiiy. 49-1 pedal tractor, A6.50; 2 smaîî GENERAL Electric blonde 21" BigVu w otie - - YMON, Ssan ane-At ew-tricycles, heavy duty cook stove television set, table model, baseW T. "' -, csYie nS Tusd ayc ebw.lp n e $10. MA 3-2215. 49-i if desimed. Used only three W. T. CO WELL DIG( castleon Thusday, ecembe Help antedmanths, goodi as new, moderate- Phone MA 3-2927(PwrEup 1sf 155,Suie ym ns f ow SAVE on lumber, direct ram y priced. Frank Hoar, New- R.R. 4 BOiWMANVILLE( ow r E ip anville, age 88 yeams. Rested GIRL or youog woman as clerk- MW tefayou. Phillips Lumber castie. Phone 2666. 49-1 North of Boys Training Schoel Cmn iesl WNorthcutf & Smith Funeral baak-keeper. Write Box 447,Ca, 1Kinmount, Ont. Phonea491 J me Mefo h-ome, 53 Division St., Bowman- c/o The Canadian Stateman. 17r 1. 13-ff WH RfElSE cean youargtet 9- ams MePlto ville. Service was held Safur- 49-1* aeya ulcvrg umne iday, December 3rd at 2 p.m. In- COLEMAN ail heater, $25; smaîl with your television. r'O CE CR AM * trinnt owmnvilc emcer. RLIALE an a divetm ck. l and wood heater, $15. Write EXTRA CHARGE - excepf at terentBowanv49-1emey.eLA-ro an ob frighe man.k BOsinaGeneral Delivery, TELEVISION SERVICE CO.,33 Ideal Dairy, Oshawa)A. E. C mus beovr 2. Wit Bo 45, anville. 49-1* King St. W., Bowmanvilîe? Reception c/o Canadian Statesman. 49-1 -TABLE tumnips, $1.25 bushel;48tBRKSa30 PLUMBING AND I fmesh cider, 75 cents gallon. NEW-Mail and Clinfon chain QUARTS at 55e Authorized Mm. and Mrs. Albin H. Clemens, MIARRIED Man, experienced, Charles Frank, Manvers Road. saws, a large selection on the HALF GALS., $1.00 Mor-Sun and Lenrno &8 Concession Street, W., wiîî for daimy farm, $140 monthly MA 3-2403., 48.2*- floor ta choose tram. Mail saws 2 nai t o be at home ta their triends at with separate modern house, are Canadian made, 100% buiit 'GAOLtari, St.7B L Lions Communty Centre, fuel, mlk, hydro, etc. Write HARDWOOD slabs, $45 per load, in Toronto. 'S. S. Morton & GAL NS $.75 Phone Night or Dayà .ech Ave., Saturday,. December Box 452, c/o Canadian States- approximately thrce cords, saw- Son, Farmm Equipmcnt Dealer, 2 11 GALLON $.5 * lth, tram 2:30 until 5 o'clockc man- 49-1 cd and delivered. H. M. Kyte, Maple Grave - Bowmanvilîe. ? l in flhc affernoon, on theocso TTENTION! YBuackstock. Hos49-1 Carload Store OSBORNE FI ofsa r -ediganie- rm $75 te $100 weekly in: CHRISTMAS trees, top quaiity DRAPERIES and venetian blinds a Best Quality: try 9-fBwam vle Newcastle, Ponty- Scotch pine and spruce~ Freec cutom made, or draperies saîd Blckstock FURNAI COMING VENT ol, if you like meeting people. delivcry. Donald Myles, 12 yth4ad.Orrersuttvs4- STOVE ________________________ ite immediately for details. Liberty St. N. Phone MA 3-887. wilI caîl at your home any trne Phones: Familex. Dept. A, Station C, 8-4wt apcernea apsegM Bingo at Union H-al. Tuesday, 1 Montreal. 49-1 -1ihacmlt rneo ape SHOES-The following bmand- Office M 3-à Dec. 13. Three jackpots; good " RTYE~ ' and suggestions without obliga- name shocs are now in stock: Yards M 3-5' prîzes. Admission 50c. 49i .URKEYS tion. Fabrie Town, 59 King St. children's Savage shoes, Brouw -__________ flT'T'"'T1~T~T~r'W. Phone MA 3-3609. Bowman.. cm Reseamch shoes, Sisman womk Bigo Uio Hll tniht UJ.ITANLIJ? U Choice Braad-breasted Bronze ville. &R4f.l botsSima ameV,_cot B n g o ,k h n i oH a l l, d a , D c m -S h o i s f o t r e n d i s a s cG e e a FEA UR NG GO D P Y, fi e ewi g ac in s upp rt, lu rnniot- es NTCS- COMINO £cVET AND CARDS 0F TH4mI 3c ci word with a mini2mum oi $1.00 109 33 words or les*s. OMARRIGE ENGAGEMENT $1.00 Po: inserLtion IN MEMORIAUS 81.00 Plus l10eca lin* fa: verse CObMECIAL CLAU 3IJ> lUclucles aliladvertising fos persans or firme sejlmnq Services, ideas0or qods a n escription - c -Septwod iium charge 7'c cahwibore.To teauk D'89 laY Ciassified at 81.50 Pem 1. V with a milnlm cion@' inch. Additionali bsertions ci the sane rates AUl ClassUlied Adi mut 1t this Ofic, flot blet than 12 e'c1ock acon, Wedisisal. Sand cash. stampq o1 mon", order and cave moite,. Clin bhis Out for bandv ret*rence 1Sales Real Estate For Sale Real Estate for Sale the late Mm BUILDING lots, in good residen- CHABLES RANKINE1 and the estate tial district. Contact G. McCay, Charles Cooper 59 Concession St., or Phone M .îblic auction at 3-2307.- 48-ff Real Estate Brokery, cvenmngeADec. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 52 KING STREET WEST 9 t7:30 p.m. Propertes Sold, Rented, Bowmanvîlle roorn and kitch- Managed and Appmajsed DFrigidaire me- . L I O A 32 5 n t m A 32 6 cook stoves, cil L.M.ALLISON M 3-53-AyîeMA-28 ny new wash- Real Estate Broker Salesman: F. ALVIN BOY» ftrolux vacuurn Phone 2566 - Newcastle, Ont. Equiiskillen MArket 3-2487 ttom chairs, ahl Two blocks norfh of trattie eealfe ghiswaimportnt signal, Newcastle Svet nc cish.mpoJack 32-tf BUSINESS OPPORTUNITMS~ 9.1*ac Have Clients Waiting for Farmes 9- LEASK REAL ESTAT 171 acre tarin, an paved moad, COME AND SEE US or PHONE 6 miles tram city; daimy barn Whether BUYING or SELLINQ F or S ale wifh new sfabling, steel stan - rv t u d via l o chions, tic up 29 cows. Water PiatFndAalbefo cceks old. Tele- bowls, 6 box stalîs, pig pen, First Mortgages 5. ~49-1 cernent silo, driving shed, all9- buildings steel roof, 9-moomed ai pi. Phone solid brick bouse, new tumnace, NOTICES 49-1 hcavy wînmng, 4-piece bath. 26 ______________ ck ulets ly-acres af hardwood bush. Full Ahl kinds ai mepairing and k uits a-price s$20.00. Terms. This remodelling done pramptly. No -2442. 491 tarnisOinA.-1 condition and job fao sinal. Phone 2181 Clark. iamrns, end ai first fîme affcmed- for sale. C.F. Mason, Bolton St., New- laying. Phone We have bungalows, hauses, castle 49-1* farms and businesses for sale.e. 49-2* Cansulf us before buying. Notice ta rabbit hunters. $1.00 rn, two years M. E. Leask will be paid for cach rabbit. faster. Phone 65 Ontario St. Bowmanvilîc Picase be cameful when hunfing W. 49-1* Phone MA 3-5919 on nursery property. Brookdale rs a service- 49-1 Kmngsway Nurseies. 48-tf 7anccd mcgistry JAMES NIXON We are now maiutàctuning priced. Apy REAL ESTATE BROKER cernent blocks, bath inferlocing Phone Black- 7-moorn trame bouse in New- adsadradwudb 48-.2* castle, hydro, well, garage, base- pleascd ta serve yau with a gaad 'ment. $3,500 full pnce, m- prduef at a reasonable price. rSale mediate possession. Tmipp Construction. Phone 392W 5 acres level land, 6-roorn Part Pemm. 40 $60; hydraulic £rame bouse, 3-piece bafh, hot BO N r.MA 3-2706. air fumnace, full basement, heavy OSBO N FUELS 49-lf wiing, an highway in village, close ta school, church and shop- Bcst Quallty: Olds. eight ping centre, $9.500. FURNACE 011. befome 6 p.m. 2-roorn trame bouse, insulate d, STOVE 011. 49-1 hydro. This property wauîd suit Phones: recioalsi o nc or two people. OfIfice MA 3-5897 radtioa ig Extra lot lOOxiOO, $500, bahf Yards MA 3-5410 vradiv;e1andcash. 5t ionardiv3-fand 3-oorn bouse ta ment, not tam nais 195 toram Bowmanvilîc, with water, VVanted To, Rent n stake, 1af hydro, etc._______________ :)nstwmat 10ierS. R. ~FURNISHED moom, with Phone -5689 49om- Dmiall A .3R. 5 privileges. Write Box 453, c/'o E., Boman- ial M49-518 Canadian Statesman. 49-1 -HOUSE or fam h ouse, near n nri nischo. Write Box 449, c/o The Die vyin.Rieal sfi Canadian Statesman. 49-10 nde, male, six idrcn's pet; 200 acre tarin, situated '/- mile Tim. If you tram Highway, 140 acres work- For ReLnt please Phone able dlay-boain land, 60 acres childmen are Wood, pond, wells, 94'x40' bank APARTMENT on main street in 49-1 bamn with running water, drive- Bowmanville. Phone Oshawa in shed, hen house, garage; 10- fRA 3-3559. 49-1 inted roomcd trame bouse wib ard- COURTICE tarinfor ýnf, w o d floors, heavy duty i i g mi e s u h T l ' to - O w r iren's dress- Close fa school, etc.. Pric e spouet Truh's sr.- 4n9r-2 'A 3-3407. $12.500. Tel'm s arranged.opr p tyw e nd 4 2 48-3 160 acre farm on lake shore APARTMENT for ment. 5 Orch. wifh 120 acres ai warkable dlay- ard View.' Phone MA 3-3624. ors, andi car- ain land, 10 acres in wood,6 lond. Phone crcek, 105'x41' bank ban, im- 49-' 474e plement sed, heu bouse, garage; HEATED tbree-room apatmk 8-roomed solid brick bouse, and bath, hardwood floors, kicr.. Ing, caves- heavy wired, running water, etc. dn cupboards. Phone MA 3-3446.' iates. Harvey Price, including stock and equip- 4- 38-tf ment, $30.000. Terms arranged 4-1 - Sec arn- 120 acre dairy tarin, 90 acres COTTAGE tor rent, monfhly, 1. ner King workablc, 5 acres wood, spring near Newcastle, $35.00 per 36-tf ingpond, 51'x36' and 30'x50' L- manth. Phone Newcastle 2357 - 3-tfshaped bank barn with steel 49-1 - nd rernove stanchions, implement shed, ORroe etdaate cns, etc. Cali garage, milk bouse witîi eîectric FOUR-moo imedate apatmenf :t 3-3836. cooler, silo; 7-roomed solid brickaviae imeaty. Cic 48-2* bouse witb running bot and cold welcomne. Apply 178 Duke St. water, kitchen cupboards, 3- 49-1 GIG piece bathroorn, Close ta paved SELF-contained, hcatcd apamt in) $13.000. an Tr scarrnge. Pnice ment, 4 rooms, kitchenette an pmet) $3000acr daran, 2 ilesbath; built-in cupboards, fil Son tr23amchighaiy fNo. 2 iles30loors, washer and electric dryer olacres workable lbain land, 50 Apartinent 7, 63 King Sf. West ne96r 2acres wood, remainder pasture, 47-t )n 6-41 streain, wchis, 92'x35' steel bank 4-*barn with steel stanchions, hen r house, pig pens, milk house witb APABTMENT O LE electric cooler, garage; 8-roomed IEAING brick bouse, heavy dufy wired, on Duke Street HEATING with cistern and pump in kitch- 1cn. Has 4 cans per day milk (Above B.-K. Office) »x Dealer quota. Price $13.000. Terms Heated, self-contained, separatq 'wmnvrîeamran-ged. 40acesentrance, stove and refrigerator MA 3-3473 able good clay-loam, 50 acres Suitable for adult& ùudi! 16-f 1wood, creek, 50'x32' bank barn, This is excellent for somneone chicken bouse, garage; 7-roomed desiring parf-time office work?. IJELS trae bouse with partly bard- Brod1 'UEL f.woord floors. Hydro close y-Kigwy' Price $6.500. Terms. Brngswaye &CE OH. 6-roomed renewed and re- OH. rnodelled bouse on main street Nurseries in Newcastle with heav y du ty -5897 wiring, septic tank, tixtures for 5410 bathroom, stoi windows, com- Personal 45-fi binafion door, etc. Price $4.500.________________ Terms armanged. - HYGIENIC supplies - (rubbe placem ent 7r o cd ta eo s i e - goods> m ailed postpaid in pia casfîe with 1 acre land, 55'x20'sac neoeOt nc i Ss 1an., shevydu- ird M 0 V I N 1- 11

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