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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Dec 1955, p. 19

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Eletilon Cards of Thanica TOWNSHIP 0F CLARKE Te the. Ratepayeru er Clarke Township- 1 would like ta take this op- POrtunltY ta thank ail wbo votcd i9r 1ne. May I wish evcryone tue Cmplients of the Scason. Russell Savery. TOWNSHIP 0F MANVERS * Te thie Ratepayers et M&Bvers Toyrnshlp: I wlah ta thank the Manvers ratepayers for loyal support i grantiyig me a seat in CounciL Slncerely, Harvey Malcolmi. 49-lt TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINGTON Te thie lecterb etftthe TibwmshiP ot Darllngton: I wlsh ta take this oppartunity of thanking ail wbo supported nme at the polis on Monday, December 5th and would thank thase especially who wonked an Mny behalf. I would like ta express appreciation. ta Mr. Mumford for bis coutesy. I tru4t I niay be able ta tuifii yaur confidence in me. Wlahing yau ail a Menry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Gurnet B# Riekard. 49-l* T. thie Ratepayers et Township of Darlington: I Wouid like ta take tbis op- partunity ta thank the atepayers of the Tawnship ai Dariington for the vcry gratiying way ini which thcy supported me. A speCial thanka to ail those wbo assisted in any way at Monday's clection. Best wishes for the Christmas Scuson. Arthur L. Blanchard. 49-1* I sincerely wish ta tbank the Vaters ai Darlington Township who turned out ta vote and wark for me at the clection on Man- dlay. I wouid aiso like ta cangrat- tate the successfui candidates and ta wisb the cauncil as a whoie cvery succss duing the caming year. ,Season's grectings. William H. "Mickey" Brown. 49-i May I express my thanks ta the ratepayers ai Darlington and especially those who womked ta help eleet- nie as Cauneillor for 1956. I will do my beat ta war- rant Uic confidence yau bave Placcd in me. Again tbanking ygv ail and wishing yau the 4Çýhpliments af the coming sca-i sah.1 Chas. E. Osborne. 1 49.* »arllagten Citirens: S I wlsh ta th ank those who uupparted me on Dec. th, and 77 te ail I pledgc my best for aur Township next year. Wlahing aIl a Merry Christ- amas and a Happy und Prospemous .New Year. Rosa Stevens. 49-i TOWN 0F DO WMAN VILLE Te th*. Citliena ef the Town of Bowmanville: 1 wizh ta sincercly tbank the votera ai the Town af Bowman- '. ville who so gcncmously support- * 4 NAT. M. @. lm15 %d ates- Star Singi Enjoyab le Trinity Ch Dr. Leslie Bell and bis 5 light Singers of Toronto sented an enjoyable prog in Trinity United Church Thursday. evening. Dec. This was a Star Weekly1 Concert, sponsored as ic years, by the Senior Choü Trinity. rniyChoir was under dircio of Mr. Arthur C son and 'opened the prog with two numbers, IlHail th. Lord's aAnointed",, "The Lord's Prayer" bv ette. The Starlight Sing Ca'rol Vesç WiII be HE HOME for a good male watch- dog. Phone MA 3-2720. 49-10 DEM&D1 STOCK rcznoved tram your fanm pramptiy for sanltary disposai. Telephone coilect: Ca- bourg FRanklln 2-3643 or Toron- ta EM 3-3636. Gardon Young Limited. 42-tf Nofice fo Crediiors AND OTRERS IN THE ESTATE 0F PATIENCE ELLIOTT, late of the Township of Dariington ln the County af Durhamn (tormeriy oftheii Town- ship ai Harvey in the County af Peterborough) Widow, de- ceased. Ahl persans having dlaims againat the Estate ai the said Patience Eiliott, who died on orj about the 22nd day ai October, 1955, are rcqured ta file proot ai same with the undersigncdj Solicitors on or befare January 2, 1956. Atter sudh last-mention- cd date, the Executons will pro- ceed ta distribute tbe Estate having regard only ta Uiec daims ai whicb thcy then shahl havej bad notice. DATED this lat day ai Decem- ber, 1955. JOHN GALE ELLIOTT and ELIZABETH JANE WHITE, Executors, By: CARLEY, STANDISH, CLARKE & CARLEY, Na. 8 Commerce Building, Peterboroughi, Ontario, Their Solicitors hercin. 48-3 0,.A.Cs i TelIls HoIs, 0f Farmin ;,ns. and 2-tf Co., 83. -tf rig- oer- gon .E. 5-tf TIE ANVADIAN IS -EM- BMA __ O- T Boairders WCmte BOARDERS wanted. Wrlte 448 c/o The Canadian St man. Bowmanvllle. Over 230 members ai Di bam's Holstein Assn., thi wives and guests, gatbered Trnity Sunday Schooi roc 5Friday cvcning for the ana' Holstein turkey banquet. The cvening featured an2 Edress by anc ai Canada's fta mast aiter-dianer speakers, F dre Wm. A. Young, Public F lations directar ai the Ontai Agricultumal Callege, Guell Who discussed "Agricultu Ycstemday, Today and Tom( raw". In addition, traphies a certificates wemc preseated1 autstandiag achievemeats a long term, produ'ction necori Presideat "Sandy" Muir w in charge af Uic meeting, ai aiter the deliciaus dinner scr cd by Maple Grave Wamc. Institute, introduccd Mr. a. Mrs. Joh n M. James, wbo 1 in a nausing sing sang. Ficîdman Jerry Nelson i troduccd hcad table guests, 1 cluding several praminent vi itors froni outside ai Durbai Officiai wehcaming greetinj ta the orgenizatian werc giVE by Mayor Nelson E. Osbor -o! Bawmanville. .D uing the evcning a ladie trio, Mms. Sam Black, Mrs.1 W. Van Dniel, Mms. Russell 0k accompanied by Mrs. Jame sang severai dclightiuh aur bers. An instrumental quart( tram the Ontario Trainir Sehool for Bays also pravide music during and falawing th dinner. eau! Club Members Agnicuitural RepreseatativE E. A. Summers and Francý Jase cambined ta introduce th members ai the Caît Chu wbich bas donc 50 mucb make the annual Black an White Day ait Omona Fair great success. They are: Pat Aluin, Robert Allia, Bruce Bow man, Ron Brooks, Ken Brook, James Coonîbes, James Crydeî man, Grant Dowa, Allan Gla: peli, Grant Glaspell, Edwar Haas, Jerry Hasiuk, Dougiz Jase, Helen Knox, Patrici Knox, Edward Kowal, Joh 8anderson, Bill Tamblyn, Grar ramblyn, Lamne Tink, Bi] roniuinsan, Donald Welsh, Ror îld Welsh, Allen Woodlock Hbarold Yehhowlecs, Gerald As selstine, Lloyd Gilbank, Gera!( Preston, Barry Staples. Severa were unavaidably absent fror lhe meeting. Present Four Trophies The four main traphies iný cluded the Master Feeds Tra pby for the Grand Champiai female, won in 1954 and 55 1bý James T. Brown. It was pre. eatcd by Mr. Ray McKaren Ron Brooks was the winaer n, the Truc Type Holstein, donat- d anaualhy by James r' Brown. J. H. Jase aad Soný won the Jack Kellaugh trophy ând a silver tray for the Prem- er Breeder Award, wbich Mr, Kellough ai Punina Feeds pre- ;eted. A. J. Tamblyn presen- ýd bis own traphy for the Best rddened Female ta SancN luin, rcpmesenting A. Muir aons. Long Terni Production certi- cates were presented by icaorge McLauglila ta Trewin kSon, Cedardale Stock Fanms, larence Tink, Carias Tamblyxi, Tîired Bowman, Archie Muir, aurence Malcolmi, Hamry and irancis Jase, J. W. Banaister, rmes T. Brown, Neil Malcolmi id Archie Maare. Speaker Padre Youn"g as; ntraduced by James T. Brownî, ho outiined baw Mr. Youin, Ld spccialized la Animal Hu"- ondry at O.A.C.: hater studieci hcolagy at Knox Cailege and fter graduation, preached ini everal Ontario communities. )uing the war lie was ovez- as with an anti-aircnaft unit Ld returaed ta take aver bath he Chaplain and Pubic*Rel.-.i bns positians at O.A.C. Compllcated Farming Furmiag taday is a far Mare Dmphex proposition than was ie case whea axen were used, ce speaker began. It is nat nly mcchanized, but has be- )me marc complicated as our nawiedge graws of such im- rtant thiags as hormones. vi- nians, trace elements, cliemi- ifer tîlizer, nutrition and sbil Wamte d A camai vesper service be held again this Christi season by the Trinity Uni Church, on Sunday, Dec. 18 3:30 p.m. Last year, a g mnany attended this serv including visitors Bawmanville and neighbor ehurches. It is haped the chu will again be filled for1 sacred service, which for T: ity, wiil take the place ai egular evening worshio. The tbree, chairs, junior, termediate and senior, un 1 ý Of*'e Ckssomed iy be mare interesting or 9 1 Repairs RADIO and television repa Prompt service. Pick up î delivery. Lamne Doreen. 85 K E. Phone MA 3-5713. 1 ANY make television or ra( Prof essional, prompt, courtei service. Television Service ( 3? King St. West. MA 3-388 eEPARS toalal makes of et] eratars, domeatic and comni cial; milking coolers. Higg Elcctric Limited, 42 King St. Phone MA. 3-5438. 25 WATCH REPAIRIE nomeiarg d e di U i1. l'li Lumber-men"r-eceived 19 pë-e-y He reminded Reeve Little that We seil African Violets at aur sibl ties and started a brawl with he bad annauaced at the Novemn- Violet rooms, so ai course have - 1Bowmanville players aiter the ber couliril meeting he would bundreds af varieties and yet gamre ini the passageway lead- caîl a meeting ai bis cammittee ivherever I go I am always on iing ta the dressing rooms. ta draw up regulations listinP h okotfrane ait Mr. Han]ey i-alled teLk-haw far cantractors opeaiag sub-th okufrane vriy fiidmnaeen n the diiinLmsaoi dvipn I baven't seen before. l'm surp O.H.. ofics' ii orota aststreets before the town assumesaivoltoyrte tesne O.HA. ffiesin oroto astrespansibility for them. Reeve way, we just can't resist add- Friday ta expiai.n the reason Little admitted tbis had nat been ing a new and mare gorgeaus for the team receiving sa manydneadm etnaiv ar variety ta aur collection. penalties and becoming invalv- rangements for bis committee ta African violets are af two ed in sa many brawls. During meet on the matter Frîday even- general types. The Boy type the meeting, he informed the îng. and the Girl type. Let me em- Lakefield management that J 1A request tram Charles Rank- phasize, this bas nothing ta doo the great aumber of penalties me 'that be be permitted ta erect with sex, thaugli. It seems the which the team incurs con- a sign on King St. W. was re- f irst African Violet that wasl tinue, the O.H.A. wil take ferred ta the Public Prapeety adopted in this country was 1 steps ta deai with the maniage- Committee. caiied a Blue Boy. Then ment and players in a drastic thraugii a geoiagical spart came fashion. He also gave tbe mai- As dew neyer feuls on a another variety with a mark- agement ai the club a severe stôrmy night, sa the dews oi edly different leaf and it was rcprimand. His grace neyer came ta the cailed Blue Girl. Ever since Whether the warning bad restless soui-A. B. Stimpsan. then there have been Boy via- much effect remains ta be-secei, There is no sucli way ta lets and Girl violets af the as the Lakefieid team played attain ta greater measure oi African violet family - oniy another rougli game in Cù- grace as for a man ta live Up they aren't really violets at ail, bourg the saine night that the ta the littie grace lie bas -à re they. warning was issued. I James Gardon Brookes. That sounds as though tie MARR'S IEWELLERY 43 Kinag St. W., Phone MA 3-5463 DO WMANVILLE 1-tf WE do ail kinds of carpent wark. Repaira an buildini garages, barns. Wc shinglei repair roofs, buiid cuphoards ar put down hardwoad and ti floors. We also repair furnitur Work done at your home or aur shop. Lowest price i tow: Free estiniate. Phone MA 2011. 49-1 ,ty Igs, inc lie ire. ai 3- TAYLOR Repair Shop RADIATORS and HEATERS REPAIRED and CLEANED RECORING General Seldering Repaira Queen St. W. Bowmanvllle Phone MA 3-3459 32-tf Farm Forums eu meaz in eiUcion n mon- Blackstack Farm Forum met day. I wiff cadeavour ta live Up at the home af Mr. and Mrs. te the confidence thcy bave Earl Dorrclh ta discuss "OId piaccd in me and do my best ta Age Security Plans." "Secur- look alter the' intercats ai the ity" thec most papular word in Town ai Bowrnanville duntng the Engish language is it fat? thec caming year.i Best wisbcs fan a Merry The broadcast was veny ln- Christmas and a Happy New teresting and the discussion Yeur, groupa bad a worthwhlhe time Jack Bough. conning over ways and means. 49-1 The genemai feeling was that sanie system should b. plan- Te the. Citizens eft h. ncd but that- maybe the bcstj Town et Dowmanville: anc was ta use camnion sense At this tme I wbuhd ike teanad thrîft tiîrough the ycars thank the pea-phe ai Bawman- and as anc gnoup reported "ta ville who turncd out ta cicet me womk ike sixty until sîxty- te another termi as councilhon at tive".j Monday's clection. I will en- As ta retining on the tari deuvaur during the eaming year it was thouught the tarniwauld1 talilve up ta the trust piaced la be bound ta deterianate if no, me and womk for the good ai the iarmcd or on the othen hand taý tawn and ai its citizeas. build a suitable bouse acrosa Teoanc and ail a Merry Christ- the lan. an on the carner and nias and a Happy New Ycar. tura the. farnm aven ta a son or Dave Higgoa. someane cisc, 15 fat the best 49-1 idea. The intenest is still theme To he itienaet ueand advice sa very chcap. If a Te te Ciizen of hebouse must be buit why net Tewn et Bowmanvilllc: build in the nieanby town and I wisi'i ta sincemciy thank ai if onc's behp la necded on the the citizens ai the Town af Bow- farn it isn't toa fam away. manville who turnnd out ta the An active fanmer shouhd not polils and electcd me ta Council for thecocming yean. This iS my teresting observation in aur firit year la this office and I vilgmny ouae y1 will do my best ta work ton the rlile agemainly . popatcd ohav goad of ail citizens arnd thc pretiredtrers, as that e v town as a wiîoîc. aonxmaee e widowmns wta A Merry Christmnas and a 9cwdwe-wnanswr Happy Ncw Yean ta anc and ail. is neyer donc." Keitb Lathangue. Next meeting will be ut the 49-1 home ai Mr. and Mrs. Tenny- son Sameli's. A ecreatian pro- To the Voter. ef the grami by Raiph Lammen a.ndi Town etfleOwmanvilleu lunch by thc hosteas concludcd I wlsh ta siaccrcly thank ahu a fine evening. those wbo turned out ta the polils (Intended tor Lat Week) and votcd ton me on Monday. Blackstock Farm Forum by I will endeuvoun ta live up ta arrangement bud the Ontario thc confidence thcy havepacdFirc Manahal preseat, Mr. in me durng my tenia Campbell af Lindsay. councilor. f Best wishes ta anc and ail fan He gave us a very informa- ahappy. Festive Scason. tive taik on the causes ai farn Lloyd Preston. tires and haw ta prevent theai.t 49-1 Most fines are due ta came-s lessacas, he said, and pnecaui- Te the Eleeters et the tiens and common sens. were Town et Rowmanvilez mucli more effective than fire- s 1 would iike ta take thls op- tighting equipment. partunity te Uiank ail those who Howevcr, if a tire lad brokent voted and wonkcd for me at the out sanie nians of cambatting t clection on Manday. As I have it must b. taken. He suggestcd been electcd ton another terni I a iew things that mght be txwjl ,try te curry on the saine undertakenaut fnot taa great ce oflcyAionkiag for the good expense and a committe. was ti et yI towad ahI afis citizeas. appalnted ta lok into these. ti thut I have tried ta tollow dur- He pnomised cvery assistance c ing my previaus tennis, ta the cammittee..ce Best wlshes tanrtth. Holiday This meeting la Comimunitv 1 k Seàsan. Hall was open ta evcryan a-id Pl TarnuRchder. aur township was vcry wel t 49-1 mprescatcd. ci y d f v t] fi S( e ti 1 SE ffi G CI Li Fi Ja ar in wl ai se, i an to 'a aol 1 THA NKS, To ail whe subiported me wlth thefr vote. A speclal "1THANK YOU" te thone who personally went out on Election Day and worked no talutull>' for me. Our job (as in the. past> la te serve &Il eitizen* regardlesa ot how yeu vote. If yeu have auj complainte or' anj suggestions for the betterment et flowmanwllle - let£ hANe them. Wo wiIl neyer be to. butr te represeat vou. Norm Scott ýers Present I Concert Here i urcèh Dec. Star- composed of ten girls and elght O re-n mgave a varied prograni ion sacredting of both secular and 1st.sce numbers, many of, them, Free sung unaccompaflîed. ther The Starhight Singers under ir of Dr. Bell s direction appear on television and also sang at the the Canadian National Exhibition .olli- this year. Their program' here Yrami was much enjoyed. Following 1to the concert, the guest singers and were served with refreshments Mval- by the members of Trinity . . .. gers, Choir. Ponfim na'-coia fuis y~r the 1956 Star Chief Custom Catalmna ~eroer ic ofa 24-inch wheelbae, and 212.6incheuilong, the new car is powere Id De . i 8four..door «hardtop" of ers more spaciousness than ever before seE eld ec. 18 fur-oor"hardtop" is aiso available ini the 870 and 860 series. will the direction of Mr. Aý,rthur ýmas Collison will take part, render- ited ing special Christmas music "- reat which will 'Include carols of Tow n Truck Irnpor tant E her bers, the senior choir wil sIng (otne eo aeoe ring the Halleiujah Chorus from ton pickup trucks, and the Fin- ~ a trch Handel's Messiah. There will ance Cammittee was instructed D i c ssed ca this be cangregational singing of to meet on or shortly after De- rin- carols as well. The minister, cember 15 to determine if there 5h conduct the service of worship. Purchase one. The Finance D uring F n in- Everyone is invited to attend Committee was given power ta der this service on Dec. l8th. act an the matter.1TonCuclreid - Reeve Sidney Little reported cammendatians fram the Bow- as Chairman af the Roads and manville -Planning and Devel-1 Streets Committee that hie had opinent Board at its meeting1 ad e o ng fot yet received the surveyor's Tuesday night regarding threet adre Young ~ ~~Plans for Waverly Road. mtesafcigtebidn He stated tkat some time ago materaffctn tebul i Fred Ward had built a founda- A letter fram the Board Jein D inner tion for a bouse an Jackman satgarageat Aturar aiisn pr r Road and then found that this stauted htArrisinCo isa hdr was an a natural watercourse.reutdprisanabil ig ro p e ts but stili was unable to build, so perty an Prince St., although0 he later sald the property ta the it will mean be will have ta Christian Reformed Church. The build it dloser ta the property Î )ur- management. We naw have minister ai the cburch then ap- line than the five feet called eir production records ta shoot at praached the Roads and Streets for in the building by-law. at for milk eggs. Cammittee asking what tbey in- The letter also pointed out f Dm, Tbis bas made for more pro- tended ta do about the pipe that Frank Hooper had built, *a ,ual duction from aur farms, which installation and the house foun- foundation for a garage at is should have brought more dation. house an Southwày Drivec ad- prasperity, but, instead bas The committee met, Reeve nearer ta his bouse thani theb )re- created surpluses, deficits and Little said, and decided tlhat the 10 feet called for ia the by-law. t Pa- definite marketing problems, best thing wauld be for the town He had also failed ta obtain aa Re- Padre Young contiaued. ta remave the pipe, which can building permit before startingc Lr Prepare With Optimism be used for culverts elsewbere, the fouadation. Building In-p P. Asw1aprah1h restore the open dith and pay spector Clarence Oke had re- re, A epoc the ege of the Reformed Church $100 for fused ta issue permits in eitber s ýO-teatomie age, lie felt farmers takiag out the founidation built case-as required by the build- t in must prepare for it with great by Mr. Ward. His motion that ing by-law.h for aptimism. Immigration into an agreemeat ta this effect be To Proteet Appearances t idCanada sbould take care o u drawn up and signed by the Th -ds. surpluses in the flot too distant Mayor and Clerk .aspaTheb Board stated that the >,future and we can continue council. apsedb regulations, which were con-P vas tbe unbelieveable progress we To Instali Culvert travened in these cases, are de- e und bave made in the past 50 years. signed ta prevent garages being i ai H ud frest olwtbe Deputy-Reeve Wilfrid Car- built which upset the arcbi-b n' l adage that the more you ruthers reported that be had tectural canformity of a neigli-d ind put into farmiag, the mare examined the flaoding conditions borhood and make it less at-b edwilcaeau i auhvefitI a Haol.Cornell's residence an tractive. An amendment wil l i Gad, utiyyose ave nfa urhjtt, t along with Coulson be passed ta allow for special s in- bred nin threlfte Wi l- pTtthe straad superintendent. cases such as these where the n- fred Bowan-nteftresedtbaa- Tsaidws t ayintaîcoraeculv he appearance ai the neighbor- i- trd o dr auan esd tHwsard, Durho, inta D ue r ho'od is not being adversely ai- e ,i- o ade ongan Hwadacross Dra t oDk t fected. Mr. Oke pointed out f mn. Fardertthanked al athers who ta keep water from gathering an that in the Southway Drive igs made te evening a great suc-1h el pry e ttdS 'n cess. ,t eor el'lPro re t.Hest case there are other' garages in s Jackman Road cauld be used ontenigbhod uit es this Job. than .ten feet tram the bouses. a Rev Legtion Ladies d ta mney He pointed out.however, that ( eLs' Legion Lad es fro roads andstreets budget teonrms rcrag es, for other cammittees for which abead witb any building or Ti- H ld an Early they do not reimburse tbe Roads alteration plans on his pro- t bet ~and Streets Cammittee. The perty. l ng ~Clerk stated that an adjustment In tbese two cases counicil pi ed Y letde P rty would be made befare the end felt that an exception couid The Ladies' Auxiliary af the such work made against the ath- ia being made ta the by-law, hi Canadian Legion held their er Cammittees. Reeve Little feit and permission was granted to ec Christmas party on Monday, that this shauld be done every Building Inspechr Oke ta is- fo es Dec. 5. month sa the Roads and Streets sue the two permits. W 15S Ail members partook ai a Committee would know where Another letter from the PI he pat-luck supper and when the it stood fiaancially. Board stated that they saw no ga ,b tables were being cleared, they A letter was received tram objection ta Alan G. "Jimmy" se tsang Christmas caraîs. the Canadian Pacific Railway Williams being given a quit fri a C omtileBtssn w stating that the farm crossing on claim deed for the unopened Of ulsolos, fallowed by a readiag by the north end ai Chapel St. is road allowance- at the foot of I Com. Willatts. Mr. and Mrs. beiag used by the public. This Scugog St. S., where it curves th .-Len Sommerscales faurc is,very azardous because there aroud ta form Queen St., SY r- th a xiiay it sv eral are no crssing signs, the letter since there is litte likelihood th .-selection on the electric guitar. stated. The C.P.R. asked that ai the road ever being operied. th the tawn make this a public Tbey did recommend, however, fr( d Com's. Knight, Rundle, Cor- crassing and pay the costs of that sufficient property be 're- Br as son, Perris and E. Richards maintaining it. tained ta allaw a faot-path ,q dr i, gave their interpretation ofai Deputy-Reeve W. Carruthers1 be built down ta the ravine. Pl n "Can-Can" le. painted out tbat Chapel Streeti On motion ai Deputy-Reeve te( nt At this point, the jally aid does nat cross the railway and Carruthers the planning baard's il an imelfappard ad. î5the praperty in the areas recommendations were accept- 1 triputed the gifts brought by private p rnperty.Th atere ad h cer asauh'+ tascinating. Tram the .first Blue Boy, wC 110W have our b«utitu1 doubles, aur frlngýj blooms and aur blooms of many" colours. For years we have been de- llghted -wlth the many lovely single in'k varieties, i bth boy and girl pat (with*,boy or girl leaves hat Is.) Thie year excitement ha be$i running higli over the breathtaking new, double pnk vaiie. We have possessed nianY QU' these dar- lingas Izice last June, whîn they tirat came on the rfamr4t, and Yet we can stili- neyer pas one ot thene i.n bloomi, without stopplng and gazing ut it mn aniazenient. Sa many of aur custamers, when they firat ses the new double Pink Cloud. which we consider the tlnest of ail the double pinka, ex- cluini, 'Wby it looks mare liks a rose than a violet," No violet collection cauld ever be quite complete without anc. Maybe someday we wiil even have a& pretty yellow or a b;ight true red violet, who knoWs,. but even if wc do, I have a feeling that Double Plnks will remuin Qucen over ail. ,Whcn, atter cousiderabie study, we stocked African Via- lets for sale, I tound it r&ther heartbreaking. It always gocam- cd that the vemy* ane someane wanted ta buy was one ar my favorite pets. I suspect this is Tagiy due ta the helpessness ot Lttie Boy aad Girl Violets. They can't shift for theniselves; tbcy are dependerit on human frlcnds. Thcy must have ýust the riglt amount of watcr; just the right amaunt of good light; just the right afinaunt of fertl- lizer. After you have lavssbed that mucli care on samcthing, it lsn't surprising that yau feel just a bit mare than ordinary attach- nment for àt, is it? 1Next week I.-wlll try ta an- swcr sogne of thc many ques- tions reclived from aur violet Far'm Foruim PROVIDENCE FARMb FORUM Providence Frm mta donh Barre ofMr. and Mrs. Gar- r do Bariewith 18 Ilresent. ThI, topîc $or discussion was "Re- tirement Plan for Farmers". t Question I.. When thc farîn- cm la -planning ta retire, do you -think It better for hirn ta me- - tire off thc farm or ta remain r an the- tanm? Give ressorts for eyour unawer. We think retirenient is a pen- sanal problem and there, la na mule that wiil womk in ail case&. >Howcvcr, if it can be arranged, .etirement on the tarm la the .thing ta do. Reasans: Wlth the .transportation theme la today, . 10 or 15 minutes will take you ta anyr town. (a) Living costa arc lawer and are flot as read- ily aiiected by changes in ment and food prices as in tawn, By~ staying on the famm you can 1kccp up with previaus interesi s and associations. Extra yca r eare added ta your lite by sta- lng on the farm as anc waul-1 be hiome happy and conteated. Most tarmerg want the farîit ta >remain i the farnily and -f arrangements can be jid with the son then it givpïs iiîîi a chance te get an bis feet fi- n ancially and also provides aa income ion thc parents on me- tirement. Question 2. How shauid far- mers prepare iinancially for this retirement? We thlnk the casicat way ta prepame financially is ta t9ke out insuranees, govemnment an- nuitis, savings acount i the bank. Yaunger farmers mlght. cansider the de!emned type ofi annuity which can be bougbt in rcguiar instalinients and Iwill begin yieldiag -a regular i ncome at any dcsired age. However, witb the prices farmn- crs are gctting today for their produce, it la almost impos- sible ton the average farmer ta prepare iinanclaliy for retire- ment and help bis famiiy. Ournenxt meeting will be et the home ai Mn. and Mms. Clar- "hardtop" four-door sedan. Built red with a 227 horsepower Strato- 'dra-Matie tranmsson. The new een in a model of thtyp. The 9usiness ,t Council --l weding same loase bars in the police cels and putting a' bot an the autside woaden dor lcading ta the celîs la view ai the tact that a prisaner escaped last Fi- day night. This permission was grantçd, He also pointed out that, ail necessary street signs bave beci purchased but some have not yet been put up because ai lacli ai time ta devote ta tbc work. The remainder will be emcted in the spriag. Coun. Lloyd Preston askecl why the police could nt do traf- fic duty at faon at the corner ai King and Temperance Strets where the bigh sebool students came uptown and also at other busy intersections. He stated that this was done -at Trenton and wanted ta know wby il could nt be donc here. Coun. Rehder. replied that the Bow- manvile Police force la under. staffed and should bave two or tree more cnstables. If they had these mca, lie said, mare tume could be devoted ta traffic duty. Chairman Dave-Higgon of the Public Property Committee stat. ed that the concrete steps hcad- ing up ta the police office bave been fiaished exccpt ton. the ad- dition ai handrails. The bill will oe paid later on in the mnonth when the work is finished,È ~A ppoe lep.t Heand'rohe Blue nit ad eandthebFierit bacth finesae teblueriats for tbe sore escapeoftahe eTedn tlb saut ide d o themn all, bec taid. and fotind tehatisfac Lpproved end sent back ta the compay so that wrk may be. gin as soon as Possible was pass. ed by council. The praposed by-law for set- iîg up a municipal garbage col- lection system has fot yet been prepared, lie said. Chairman Jack Brougli ai the Pire Committee reported that be had ordered 16 pairs af insulat- ed rubber boots in variaus sizes for the firemen. He bad met %vitb officias of the Bell Tele- Phone Company, le said, r- garding the firm's plan to mave several of its telephane ples from'the main street ta the rear )f the buildings on the street. 'is will necessitate changes in fe Bawmanville ire alarm ;stem. He also pointed out that he Bell Company requimes that àe aarm wires be 40 inches 'rm the telephone wires. Coun. 3rough stated that the firm wrnl lraw up three different wiring laîs and these will be submit- ed ta counil for cansideratian. The ire chairman alsa reprt- Id that the International tire uck is on tue down grade and he pump is fot la the best of ape. Since this is the truck sed for ires in Dalington ýownship and considerabie rev- ,ne is derived ram. this source, nsideration should be given ta îdgeting ta replace thia truck nthe next twa or three years. e should make plans ta con- iue ta give them good protcc- in," b e declared. Accaunts for $6,446 for Nov. ;ere preseated by Finance airman Carruthers and passed )r payment. Also passed were ccounts for $2,040 in caastruc- on ai'the Vincent, Massey V0 olets frîcan violet is a canfusing ant, but it may simply be at it is the humans wba are mifusd. Very possibly the olet knows it is't a violet idthat its boy plants and its rl plants bave na seX difer- ies. It is realy a clevem ant and no plant culd ps- 1- Le :1 ýt s Virtue, wisclomn, goodacas, and reul wanth, like thebaud- stan., neyer las. their limer. -Richard E. Burton., Thinty-ioum business arganiza- tions. 12 national agricultural as- goclations and federal and pro- vincial departnients of agricul. turc niake Up the Canadian Council on 4-H Clubs which tbis ycar brouglit 118 baya and girls bctween Uic ages ai 16 and 21 ta Torontoanad Ottawa tram al 10 provinces for the 25th Nation- al 4-H Club Weck. elq". dqàwalTÀLIU

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