fight for -Trantops Paper1 Peveloping Between Port Hope and Cobourg :After years o! lobbying, Co- stops, long a bone of canten- ý.ourg may he nearing succe.;s tion between the two towns, dits attempts to obtain listing bas been sparked by a survey as a pravisional stop for C.N.R. of ticket sales now being made Dassenger trains No. 6 and NW. irr Port Hope, Cobourg and Pe-. ,15. Meanwhile it is 'believed terborough., During the past 12nlikely that thé Port Hope eknD Mcan CNR itops now made by these trains weed .MLa~CNR wiil be removed from the tini2 sales representàtive, checked table. Port Hope passengers in arder - Bone of Contention ta determine the number o! -No. 6 is a fast eastbound people from Cobourg and Pe- rain stopping in Port Hope at terborough using the two .:13 p.m. EST. No, 15 is west- trains. bound and stops here at 8:33 D.m. EST. Both are pool trains, P.Hp-eebru~jt ýheaviIy travelled, and for C.N.R. officiais in Port Hope jbdut twenty years have stop- pointed out that the weight of ped at Port Hope but not Co- Peterborough traffic using the Pourg. Port Hope station w ouid make -H. J. Willis, C.N.R. station it impractical for.thefe stops ta ligent in Port Hope, said yes- be taken off. When the C.N.R. .lrday that he thought it un- and C.P.R. pooied the 5:13 train likeiy that the Port Hope 5:13 in 1935, it was the Quaker Oats Ind 8:33 stops wouid be taken Company in Peterborough that off, "in view of the amount of lobbied successfuily for a stop jraffic going through Port in Port Hope rather than Co- ieope." He said also that CO- bourg, Bill Austin, chief clerk .lourg wouid "probabiy get ad- at the' C.N.R. freight office, ex- Wl itional stops - maybe before pîained.ý ehristmas." Odac eo New interest in the pool train our'Cta Ordnance Depot is a strong argument in faorof Cobourg stops. Most ofismen however travel on mywarrants at a reduced i,« rate of 2% cents. a mile. While Cobourg,'s -population --figures are higher than Port Hope's, it has approximately 700 less fac- tory emoployees. With only two operators an dUty in the Cobourg C.N.R. station. telegrams must be sent throu'gh Port Hope for hree and a bal! hours each eývening. Resident.s believe that if No. 6 ..A ~ M. and l Mls. E M a rion W1the station would maintain .24 -o Rugi Glen Smith, Hampton; with other business transac- Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Reg. hu uy. ENIKI.LLEN ' 99 - Smocked Dress, Mýs. C. tions. Everyone was well satis- Weaving and Rickey, Thorn- b A B II BROWNIE paget isintsothe otal ioevr Mnrddolr. J e, TAc to;2517 - o f iosess ie meting Wîn heof a aa ndrail , were te r.andguests6yovr dffrtcous Eo han the imr H peso tancen The Service Club bazaar was Bedspread, Mrs. Andrew Todd, Lunch was served by Mrs. H. W. H. Moore. !gete lspotes tops tton very successfuî, making a pro- Bowmanville; 101 - Doily, Eva Ashton, Mrs. A. Werry and Mr. and Mrs. Allan Werry, We have in stock over 25 piecesoLai'Lgge vau f ttontcetsls nMs.t cNiprsnto anîn crsto. Wils- oCstms prtymeetnMrs. SandaMrRs e e a nd Frme ghveG son n erlyBg 1 P R W I vlor t topew ictsalhes nc tor- he erce Cub, ped thlar Tornto;84 Me's oiCk h erytms Dec. l3t . A oe 1 ife Pr t esd ing v lue o!psalte codr- azrs É w ith th e si n of itined Ye, Ens k eo il son28 , r F a k 'D e , De i' M . a dM rs. R AsLa e Mren i an or m nc haad y, T s it e r a d Br e C s s ~ ~LAH UTIT inshwa nt e eaibe orNational Anthem, and welcorp- Mauve Blanket, Earl Masters, Lake, North Dakota; Charles and Grant, Bowmanville, with in tan. 'FLA H OU FIT "Itwoud no be easble or d aIl the guests. Their tables Bowmanville; 333 - Pillow Drew, Forrest River, North Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Virtue. ;Brond-new camera mode by these stops to be taken off," he were welî stockèd with many Cases, Mrs. Frank DoradiDkoa;a' Abet re, Ms.Caern ke *Kodak with Flasholder, Flash. ad articles. The C.G.I.T. girls had Burketon; 275 - Quilt, Mrs. F: Dearborn, Michigan; were re- Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Clar-La es Prcs fm$109 q uo rd, batteries, flash bulbs, Diacounta Report their booth as usual. W. A. la- W. Werry, Enniskillen: 287 - cent callers at their cousîn's, ence Avery and children, fl.A later report !rom an un- dies served lunch at tables in Sweater,L Mrs. Ross, Burketon; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin's. Burketon, wered Sunday visit- Men PrAfllro ~ flm.named source indicates that un- the basement. Draws were 317 - ucheon Cloth, John Mr. and Mrs. Roy MGill and ors with Mr. and Mrs. A. Oke.Mesrrcs rm der no condition would the made for Penny Arqade arti- Lyle, Bowmanville; 114 -Lace Reva, were visitors o! Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Harrison, alway cansider-stops at bath cles at 9 o'clock. Prize winners Table Cloth, Jim Webb, Hay- Mrs. Keith McGill's, Bowman- Toronto, were at Mr. and Mrs. CI MV J ury 8<.Lo e" Port Hope and Cobourg for ts -are as follows: SeMClbmatMs. ville. Bin John Slemon'tehm !Ms. 1 fl ast trains. Frconclusive fcs 445 -Cetril eM,, evc lbmta r.F Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brad- Missiond Band boys and girls Jh nl SItuEt 19A 3-5718 BowmranviIle anly the passage of tume will Jack Large, Bowmanville; 188 Becket's, Nov. 29, with 12 pres- with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Stenger for their ChristmasPh eMA353 provide the correct answer, ap-- Plastic Cloth, Mrs. HarrY cnt. Exchange o! names for Brunt. Program, Dec. l7th at 2.30. 15 King St. E. parently. Grubb, Enniskillen; 466 - Mo-. Christmas party was held along Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gettins,1 Everyone welcome. J SUi Features Famous Mclntosh Apples The picture above showing Harry Jose of Newcastle with a basketful of delicious 'McIntosh apples from bis large orchards east of the village appeared in the Toronto Globe and Mail last Friday. A n article accompanying t his and other pictures traced, the history of the McInto sh, which was first developed at -Dundela, near Morrisburg, about 1811 from wîld apple seedlings found by John McIntosh. The North Amerîcan crop of Mclntosh apples is now estimated at between 15,000,000 and 18,000,000 bushels a year with a cash value of up to $35,000,000 and somne of the finest of these are jzrown right here inf Durham Coutny. -lb n alpit -Globe and Mail photo Caesarea, with ber parente, Mr. and Mrs. P. Ellis., Mr. Harold Spry, Rochester, N.Y., bas returned home, after spending holidays with. Mr. and Mrs. E. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bottreil, Newcastle, visited Mr. and Mr&. Carl Ferguson. Mr. Francis Werry was a de- legate to the V'egetable Grow- er's Convention, at Hamilton last week. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Werry spent a weekend recentiy with Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Van Camp, Listowel., Mr. and Mrs. Charley Lang- maid and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Langmaid, Solina, visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Me- Gi. Misses Jean Strath, and Beth Milne, Toronto, were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sharp. Miss Phyllis Howell's. spent the weekend with Miss Heather Bissonette, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sobil, Taunton, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Reid and tchi1dren, were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Werry. Mr. and Mrs. R. Palmer and family, were visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Charles Langille, Bow- manville. Mr. John Fleet has returned home from visiting in Toron- to. Mr. and Mrs. L. Stainton with Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Milis, Port Perry. Mrs. Florence Caughill, Bur- keton, visîted with Mrs. E. Strutt, and Mr. and Mrs. Clif- ford Pethick, recently. The annual turkey supper was held at Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sharps' for the Senior Football boys. Cards were played after supper. Miss Linda Stainton, and brother David, spent the week- end with Misses Barbara and Nesfleton, Statfi Mi. and Mrs. Tho s. G. Lan.c,- feld left Saturday for. Florida. Friends wish them a pleasant trip and may a winter in the sunny south restore in great measure their former 'good health. Miss Muriel McKee. Oshawa, is hoiidaying with her mother, Mri. S6, McKee. Mr. and Mrs. 'Glen Gibson visited Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Williams and Jamice. .Donald McLeod, Toronto, was a weekend visitor with his grandiparents, Rev. and Mrs. A. S. McLean. ENDORSED DYBy 0AC on Sunday tp visit the Fret. love famnly. Mrs. Marion Rohrer, return- ed to ber bomne ln Tillsonburg after spending two weeks at tbe Oliver Rohrer borne. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Hernianus Vander Heul, Mr. and Mrs. John De Vries, their daughter Jennie and ber busband, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Vander Meulen, who on De- cember 2nd, 1955, at Cobourg, received their Canadian citizen- ship papers. More than 50 men and women who have been five years in Durham became Canadian citizens. The Ca. bourg Business and Profession. al Wornen's Club pinned nîaple leaves on each of tbe iadie~% For thaf Special Name Y1o1 Crisa L.sri4 .uive ruours ot Pleasure to your FamiIy Give AT THE LOWEST PRICES WITH THE LONGEST GUARANTE $1.59.95 1956 MARCONI TELE VISION Attractive modern-styled Mastercraft cabinet Complete with Matching Base as shown iPull Factory lVarranty: No Charge Guarante for 3 Months on Parts, Tubes and Service One Year Guarantee on Picture Tube MARCONI DELUXE 'l MARCONI TV 29311 17"ilTELE VISION *Transformer Operated *21 Powerful Tubes *Tone Control *Front Speaker *Signal Monitor *Coimpletely Guaranteed, One Full Year at no extra j Matching Base Optional LARGE SCREEN 21" TABLE MODEL - with Aluminized Picture Tube Removable Tinted Safety Glass *Full Transformer Chassis *Front Speaker O 7 *Tone Control *Signal Monitor COMPLETELY GUARANTEED ONE FULL YEAR at No Extra Cost ?datching Legs or Base Available OUI AERIALS are designod by experte ta work the best with our sets. Take no chances- It actually coats Iess- Cail in and diseuss yaur new Aerial with us- You'I alîvays be glad You did. BtUDGET TIME PAYMENTS GLADLY ARRANGED. O UR BUDGET TERMS INCLUDE LIFE INSURANCF New '1956 Admirai 21" Television CONSOLE MODEL " Top Front Tunlng " Super Cascade Chassla * Alumlnized Tube wlth Opti Filîter *New Off-the-Floor Cablnçt Styllng *Larger 6"'x9" Speaker *ONE YEAE GUARANTEE -s319oo Top -Tune No Obligation elevisio - Fre Fui! Rânge. of Models to' Choose From Se, Protection Company 33 Kinci St. West AAA -- - - ww~ EyI~ vic 043 Eý1 4 -w _AAZUM_TATUMI._8OWANTLLEOAI___________M__________?UAT._uM._MU10 r. .f if Demonstration 1I LIr j 'Y.00 1 Free AAA' 1-100*1