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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Dec 1955, p. 7

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?!fl~sDAy flIC OUlegs5 -~~ - é4~ W~ZIIJAN LL1 lAT.LSIUAN, BOWM.ANVILLEONTARIO - AES Special Music Q. (7 i ~World Evangelist Speaks Here Mr. and Mm. Norman GE more, Lefroy, were weeken visitors with Mrs. W. A. Edgei ]Rev. F. K. Malane is attend Ing the funeral of his brothei J. F. Nialane, in Detroit, Mjcl Misa Marion Brillinger, Tc ronto, was a weekend gues ,with Mr. and Mrs. Charie 4Mrs. Harold Hammond ani Murray spent a few days wit] Mr. and Mrs. Frank Prouse SPickering. Mrs. Jack Glanville and Mrs Sarn Glanville spent the week end with their brother, Mr. anc Mrs. Howard Pingle, Toronto. Rev. and Mrs. Gordon Wei and tbree children visited he niather,' Mrs.a G. L. Wagar anc ber sister, Jrs Howard Jeff ery, last Friday and Saturday Guide and Brownie Motheri Auxiliary Christmas meetinr has been changed ta Thursday ]December l5th, at Mrs. Danaé McDonald's, 99 King St. opposite Stevens' Taxi. We are pleased ta annauncE Mn. Fred Moore wha has beer a patient in Memonial Hospital for the past three weeks i5 convalescing at Miss Barton5 Rest Hame, 24 George Street Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Dutnal] and son David, farmerly cl the Gaodyear Tire & Rubber Co. staff, Quebec City, noý, with Goodyear at Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs. Ra]ph Ames. Winners af the Lions Club Hockey ticket draw are as fallows: for Saturday, Decem- ber 10 - Dr. Chanles Cattran and Morley Vanstone; and far Satu1rday, December 17 - Jack Ernmerson and M. A. Sleep. Msgr. P. P. Butler, a former parish. priest af St. Jaseph's Roman Catholic Church, Bow- manville, was recently ap- pointed Vicar-General of the diacese af Peterborough, sue- ceeding the late Mons. F. J. O'Sullivan. Mrs. Doland Rogers- (nee Ada Tyler) ai Vancouver, B.C., was a recent guest ai Mrs. M. E. Leask. Mrs. Rogers was formerly af Maple Grave, her father Philip Tyler, owning the farm naw operated by Harvey ]Brooks. Mrs. Rogers is spend- ing the winter with ber niece, Mrs.. William Cameran, the former Eleanor Shephard, in Toronto. Mrs. Alberta Layman, 531 lSth St.,, West, Bradenton, OsTe JOHN'S CHURON Sùnday, December 11 MOLY COMMUNION 10 and 1 i .M. - CRURCH SCHOOL 11:00sarn. MORNING PRAVER 7:00 p.m. - EVENING PRAYER il- Florida, in sending The State id mani as a Christmas gift ta er. fniend in Western CanaÉ i.writcs: Weatber has been idei eever since aur arrivai mn Fia: Cr, ida until taday when we foun iit necessary ta stake up tih ro fines for a short duratian st hope. Best wishes toalahifan les Happy -Christmas Season. Mn. H. N. Wagar ai the Be id Telephone Laboratonies, Ne, ith York, bas been visiting h. se, niothen, Mrs. G. L. Wagar, an his sister, Mrs. Haward Jefi rs. ery. The Bell LaboratoriE !- have just published a ne,, Ld- book called "Switching Rela D.Design," whicb serves bath e ir an engineering text and as ir reference baok and desig id manual for Relay Engineen: ff Mn. H. N. Wagar was ca-autho ai o the book. rs Chickenpox meems ta be ou ng the dechine in Bowmanvihll ,y accarding ta figures on th d weekly report ai the North umbenland - Durhamn Healti Unit. Only two cases are list 'e cd for the weck ending Dec en3rd. Five cases ai red measle Sare reported. In Danlingtoi STownship one case ai chickeri ,s pox, two ai scarlet fever an( et three ai red measies are lust L. e d. Clarke Township bas on, kl case ai mumps. erJ Many TV viewens in Bowman ,wj ville were interested tai see Bih jo Cale of Kitchener and Toronti [r an the pragram "Pick The Stars' an Tuesday night, also ta fin( b1 that be was, the winner for thi asevenîng. Bill is the son ai Mr riand Mrs. Raymond Cale, Kitch ener, and a nephew ai Mn. anc in Mrs. C. H. Dudley. Bill sani :r the papular number, "I Go .k Plcnty ai Notbin4'. He was ir the revue, "Fine Frcnzy" ir er Toranto this Fali duning iti ýs lengthy run, and was also in thf 1- Stratiard Festival cast. On Dec J- 12, Bill and athers wbo playec Le at Stratiord will stant rehiearsal: > for '"Tambunlaine" which Direc- Jton Tyrone Guthnie is taking tc New York in the New 'Year ýeNext week Bill will appear ar the semi-finals on "Pick The Stars," Tuesday nigbt at 9:30. *Friends bere wisb bîm. the best ai luck. ed beave been mast interest- Y dta learn that lemons cari 1- e grawn indoors in th;s !country. Miss Betty Morris, eQueen St., bas a plant about rtwa feet bigh which grows a giant vaniety, anc hast year 1weighing 1 lb., 5 azs. The plant, which is ai a sprawling nature and samewhat Ilke a vine, now has three hemons on it in dif- ferent stages af growtb. The anc wbicb is almost ripe mca- sures over 14 inches, and be- cause ai its weight, mUst be suppartcd or it Would drap. Up until now, the plant has anly had ac lemon at a time. Betty got it as a sinal plant from the Dominion Seed House five yeans ago out ai curiosity and has been amply rewarded in watcbing it grow, hlossom and bear fruit. The juice is ai excellent flavor. Mr. Ray Dudley aiter a con- cert engagement in Grand Farka, North Dakota, U.S.A., on Navember 28th, made a stop-aven in Winnipeg, Man., and met bhis two cousins, mar- ried daugbters ai Mn. Jack Dudlley, Regina, Sask., also the D. A. Ritchie famuly, Mn. Rit- chie a* former Alderman ai the City and very close iniend of his grandparents, the late Mn. Bowmanville's Youth for Christ celebrated their second anniversary in this area an Wednesday, Nov. 30, with an evening dinner meeting fallowed by a large rally in Tninited United Church. Guest speaker for the occasion was Dr. Bob Pierce, President of the World Vision Inc., an organization which is doing a great deal of practical and spiritual m rissionary work in undeveloped countries in an effort ta stem cammunismn by introducing Christianity. He is shown here, left, with Jim Blackwood, local directar.. and Mns. W. C. Cale, when d they lived there iorty-*five yeans eaga. Mn. and Mns. Wreiond Socformerly ai Bowman- - ville, entertained Ray and in- troduced him ta Radip Man- Sagement and Mr. and Mns. Mon- a to Miler, riens ofEditon al and Mrs. Gea. W. James. A scommittee af the Woman's Music Club ai Win'nipeg had a tea in Ray's bonor. Ray is jnaw in New York City pre- sparing for his recital on Sun- day, Dec. 111h, in the Town Hall. It is always a pleasure and isense ai pride ta see Durham ?County Boys climb ta the top -in their profession or business. LWe therefore join with lais many friends in bis native caunty in -extending congratu- lations ta Mn. Wm. H. Wickett, K.T.C.M., F.C.C.O., ai London, Ontario, son af Mns. C. H. Wick- ett, Port Hope, in being award- ed the highest bonor ai the Fellow ai the Canadian Collage ai Organists. Mn. Wickett is arganist and director ai music at the Wesley United Chuncli in London. At the church's recent anniversany service thle Board pnesented Mn. Wickett with his official robes which be wore for the iirst time. Citizens who were intenasted in promnoting the Durhamn County Music Festival before World Wan II will necaîl that as a yaung lad Willie Wickett was one af the outstànding contestants in the piano class and was among the gold medal- ists. Laten be was gold medal- ist far Canada at the Toronto Conservatory ai Music with the bighest marks ai bis year. Kids - Attention! The Hydro Shap windaw has b e e n attracting cansiderable attention this week. Boys and girls and many aIder boys and girls bave been looking at the Kinsmen Club Elactric Train and equipment that is ta La raffled off on Saturday, Decem- ber 17th. The winner wilI ne- ceive $250 worth ai train and cequipment. Procaeds will be used fan the Kinsmen Artificial Ice Fund. Town By-Law (Continued from Page One) and subsaquent offences. Discuss Plaque Deputy-Reeve Wilfrid Car- ruthers suggested that a plaque listing tbe namas ai Mayons wbo have scrved Bowmanvihie in the past should be enected -I inh the counilliciamber. H-e stated that the United Counties Council had recently purchas- ed such a plaque for their chamber listing the names ai thase wha'have served as war- dens. It is very attractive, he said, and he believed thato the would also make a similar ane for the town of Bowmanville. A motion that Reeve Sidney Little and Deputy-Reeve Car- ruthers contact this man and find out the cost af having the plaque made was passed by couincil. Mayor Nelson Osborne ask- ed Reeve, Little what progress was being made on selling the town's street sander. Reeve Little replied that he is still working on selling it ta the United Counties. Aiter discussion on wbether such a move was necessary, a motion was passed that the Mayor proclaim Tuesday, De- cembet- 27 as 9oxing Day. A cheque for $ 139.90 from the Cammunity Programme~s Branch ai the Department of Education was received with thanks.' This is the balance nf the grant ai approximately $2,700 made ta the town by the department ta be used in con- nection with Bowmanville's recreation program. Mayor Osborne stated thât he had Iearned that the Sub- way Lunch of Oshawa is com- ing io Bowmanville with a roffee and canteen service at ane af the local factories. He pointed out that a request rom this iirm for permission ta carry on this service had been turned down earlier in the year because the Chambter aif Commerce feli the oppor- tunity should be left open toaa local firm. Coun. Tom Rehder pointed out that a local man had tried ta set up such a ser- vice and had been unsuccess- fuI. He stated that the fiim was calling at the Bawman- ville Foundry and >4 was very -Lively Singing BOWMANVILLE TOWN HALL SATURDAT, DECENDER 10-8 P.14. "Everyone Welcom" Trinity United Church Minister - Rev. T. Arthur Morgan, dB.A. 11 A.M.- "The- Dangerous Presence" SACRAMENT 0F INFANT BAPTISM 7 P.M.- C.G.I.T. CHRJSTNAS VESPER SERVICE Special Speaker - Miss M. McBride National C.G.I.T. Secretary,, Toronto Organist-Mr. Arthur Collison, -Mus. Bach.,. L.R.S.M. a da la d he a ell d 3y as a gn r le se to i The grawth ai grace is ike týhe polishing ai metaIs. Therir is first an opaque surface; b:, and by you see a spank dant- ing out, then a strong light; ilil at length it sends back a perfect image ai the sun that shines upon it.-Edward Pay- son. Je né( satisiactory. «"They make good coifee,"' he declared. Some council members feit that there was no way that council could prevent the service from coming ta town pravided it did flot sel its wares on tha streets. Congratulates DePuty-Ree've The Mayor cangratulated Deputy-Reeve Carruthers on the autstanding success he hadi had in exhibiting bis apples at the Royal Winter Fair. -We are proud that one ai aur mnembers bas made such a good showing, and also grateful for the good publicity for Bawmanville and Durham,"!- he said. Mr. Carruthers thank-1; ed the Mayor for bis remarks 1 and alsa stated that he bad received a very nice letter ai congratulations irom the Bow- manville Chamber aofCom merce. ý Since it was the final meet-i ing of the year, Mayor Os- borne paid tribute ta two( members, Councillors Glennr Lander and John Regan, who2 will not be Sitting an the 19506 council. He stated that it had been a pleasure ta work with them and the ather members af council during the year, and he was - glad that six of t1het 1955 council would be backc again in 1956. lange crawd from Oshawa.I hlope they continue to *enioY!Annual Bazaar aur dancee. ~ u t IPlans are just %b o m- lete for aur Christmas Dance on Dec. 16. There will be en-- JoIhnlI~' .,UIl et-i I ~tertainrnent from Oshawa and H etieA better get your best suits and, dresses out ai math halls and A decorated Christmas tree <~nbe prepared! 1,11 tell you mare and evergneens banlied along Mn about that next week. the platiom gave St. John's Parsh Hall a festive air for the Guild annua'l bazaar an Decem- 1*1 ~fjeber 2nd. .JaIil Es apee The tea table also carried out th hristmas theme with a cetr-iee fai alittle tree in Soo R tur ed 1 ilvr sunrounded by figures of angels and choristers. Pouring te durn the aiternoon were flis Fath r ,T. E. Flaxman and Mrs. A Necasle an ho scapedMabel Humphrey. Mrs. W. J. * A ew asle ma w o sc pe !Ormiston r si edo t eG A mn will be a week- from the Bowmanville jail in on rsdn iteGi okeep you posted on the al hor f Saturdav 1 a eea ovnro h earlyhaur ai a gener a conenorai te ;t news and happen- morning was brought in by his ' bza hc a eatne 1Teen Town. father ater a ew hours ai free- and also successful financially. lons, ea th fistdom and surnendered ta police Convening the tea raam were onsner hefisiagain. Mrs. Elmer Hennings and Mrs. tnce, last Saturday The escapee, John Hicks, 22,! Alan Densem, assisted by Mrs. ýd ta liven thing' up ai R.R. 2. Newcastle, was arrest- V. H. Storev and Mns. L. M. eryone in the danc- ed in Whitby on Friday by thei Rathhun. 'Convenons ai the Tlhe first spot dance O.p.p. charged with chicken hamebaking booth were Mrs. y Marg Goheen and stealin'g, and Iodged in the Bow- Wilbert Hoar, Mrs. R. L. Mitch- wis, .who started a manville jail. In the earîv eh a nd Mrs. M. L. Roenigk. hours ai Saturday he laosened Mrs. D. Brough and Mrs. W. J.. ~onstable, M.C., for one ai the cell bars and was able1 Tait canvened the iancy work g, Introduced theta t remove it. He used the bar table, and Mrs. Rogers was in Mr. and Mns. With - ta break the lock on the inner charge ai the white elephant rhis popular couple celi door and force the outer 1 booth. Mothers ai the Little ned warmly by the doan leading ta the Town Hall Helpers also had a fancy work 1and I hope they basement. table, and this was canvened by =selves. They pick- Aiter a few bours ai ireedom, Mrs. Bob Evans. for the next novei- Hicks was brought back ta jail; vhich was won by by his father and gave himselff ýae and Jim. Park- up. He was charged with jail Wha t we mast need is the ýt was won by Elva break and removed ta Cobourg prayer of fervent desire, for Bob Dow. jail ta await trial on the two growth in grace, expressed in nrs seem ta be aur charges. patience, meekness, love, and nt supporters this He appeared in courtbT uesdaiy good deeds. - Mary Baker Ed- we usually draw a and remanded an bail ta Dec. 13.1 dy. ALEX. MCOGREOOR, DRUOS We Deliver Your Local I.DA Drug Store Phone MA 3-5792 Youth For Christ SPECIAL SOLOIST Miss Vivian Sadier of Bownianville GIJEST SPEAKER REV. A. E. KEMP Whitby Anglican Church --77 ZCME-.MM- iji,ýý- M à- --- -- ý- - - - - 1- __»ý This colur ]Y feature tc ail the latesi ings araund A Paul J1 af the dai night, helpe( and put evE ing mood. 1 was won by Hartley Le' bingo dance Sandra C the eveninj chaperones, erspoon. ' was welcarr teen crowd enjoyed the ed the spot ty dance, m Barb Bathg hil. The las Smale and1 Finît Fornr Most arder season and i Il id ie )t ýn n ts ýe C. d Is n e ;t 1 s ,, qlýrr CAVAimilrÀkv «MRAmweuRikio mowmoa- .- , 21

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