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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Dec 1955, p. 14

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- ~, vv~.n v LaL.IjIILTAJ~ - -.THURDY EC Sb Social and Personal Friends o! Mr. C. R. Carveth Myr. and Mns. Les McSwain will be pleased ta leara that bis and family o! Actan and Mn. and condition has improved su!- Mrs. Joseph Astles o! Peter- ficiently following bis recent borough were weckcad visitors serious ilaess ta allow bis re- with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Car- turn ta his home from Memor- veth and family. !l Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Bernard Mrs. H. R. Pearce and grand- and Eric visited in Brampton son Ricky spent the weekend in on the weekend with Mr. and Toronto visiting with the form- Mrs. Adam Cassie. er's daughter, Miss Peggy Pearce. Mr. and Mns. Frank Rickard, Mr. William Fowler o! Beth- Mrs. E. H. Joîl, Mrs. W. H. any visited with Mr. and Mrs. Clemence and Mrs. H. R. Pearce D. M. Bernard last wcek. visited with Mn. and Mrs. Will. The members ot the Friend- Chestnut in Welcomc on Friday ship ýClub wlll be out on Sunday an the occasion o! their bSith- evening makîng their annual days. trip araund the village singing Mrs. Olive Harmer o! Van- Christmas canais at the homes couver, B.C., bas beca visiting o! the sick and shut-ins o! the with Mns. C. R. Carvetb. village, a public service feature Friends o! Mrs. Thos. Len- of the club wbich bas donc much nard will be sorrv rta leara that ta foster the Christmas Spirit she is seriouslyilîl and a patient duingpast scasons. ia Memonial Hospital. ____ Mrs. Jose Re-elected President Women's Assn. The annual Christmas meeting pointed to pack boxes for the oL, the Woman's Association Of sick and shut-ins. Mrs. Fother- the Newcastle United Chu rch, gill was appoirited a represen- was held in the Sunday School tative from the W.A. to the 1&all on Thursday afternoon last, Christian Education Committee with a good attendance of mem- of the Church. bers and visitors. The room was nicely decorated in keeping with Rev. M. C. Fisher presided the Christmas Season. for the annual election, of of- The devotional service was in ficers, which are as follows: Past charge of Mrs. Colwill's group, President, Mrs. C. A. Cowan;, With Mrs. Fisk presiding. Carols Vice- ent, Mrs. J. H. Jose; lst Were Sung andi the Scripture was ViePresident, Mrs. George read by Mrs. Tamblyn. Mrs. C Walton; 2nd Vice, Mrs. Clarence A. Cowan rendered a verv fin Allun; Recording Secretary, Mrs. Piano solo "Finlandia" by Si- Garnet Rickard: Corresponding belius, who was that day cele- Secretary, Mrs. Wallace Holmes; brating his 9th birthday. Press Reporter, Mrs. Fothergili; Mrs. Fothergili brought the Treasurer, Mrs. Ross Dickinson; Christmas message and based Kitchen Commi ttee, Mesdames her remarks on the passage o!f euFruo, aodTmC Seripture found in the second A. Cowan, Frank Parker. Par- chapter of St. Matthew, the llth sonage Committee, Mesdames H. verse, "And they presented unto Jose, Percy Hare, W. J. S. ,Rick- Him gifts; gold and frankincense ard and Herberi Toms. Flower and Myrrh". Mrs. Colwill ex- Committee, Mesdames P. Brown, pressed the thanks o! the grou C. A. Cowan, Cecil Ferguson and ta, both Mrs. Fothergili and Mrs Archie Glenney. Pianist, Mrs. Cowan for their fine contribu- C. A. Cowan. tions to the meeting. At the conclusion of the meet- During the business period ing, members of Mrs. Colwill's conducted by the President, Mrs. group served re!reshments and J. H. Jose, a committee was ap- a social haif hour was enioved. 'Çjaer'man 's 0 PENS AND PENCILS JURY and LOVELL Your Rexail Drug Store a i --11 School Board Reports New Addition WiI Open in January The Newcastle Board of Edu- cation feels that the general public will be interested' to know some of the details re- garding the. changes made at cheoPudig o h lassreo os an thedin Public cl Due o over-n condemnations of the wash- room facilities by the Board o! Health, tis action necessitated the building of the new addi- tion. To do whàt has been donc, it was necessary to obtain the consent of the Municipal Coua- cil, The Board of Health and the Departmcnt of Education as the latter will cventually pay about 50 per cent of the cost. The Dept. set the maximum ex- penditure at $46,200 but askcd that the lowest tender be ac- cepted as the cast must be kept down. Mr. Herbert Cole o! Whitby was chosen as architcct and five tenders were rcceived froin contractors. The highest bid received was $58,107 and the lowest, $43,300. The lowest ten- der was from Mr. Roy Dunn of Oshawa and bis tender was ac- cepted. The- contract called for two new classrooms, four new washrooms, septic'tank, and the enlargement o! a small class- room. upstairs, plus many changes in heating, lighting, floors, etc. to conform with new conditions. Mr. Dunn was asked by the Bgard to make use of as much local trade and .labour as- possible. 1 lI order ta caver the cost, the Municipal Coundil, througl, the Bank o! Commerce bas is. L ued debentures amounting tc .approxixnately $45,090, at 4 per 1cent interest ta run for twenty years.' The interest and part of the principal ta be paid aff each year, the Department of Education paying its share, thus decreasing the cost eaci year. The contractor presents the bills ta the school Bdard each month and these are paid, less 15 per cent hold back, which- WHi be held until all work is said ta be completed, by the arcbitect. After all work is completed the Board still holds the 15 per cent for 37 days. It is hoped that the new rooms will be ready for occu- pation the first of the year and the Board plans to hold an "Open Night" on January l6th. 1956. We hope that ahl citizens interested ia our Public, School will came and sce thewander- ful changes which have been made. Editor's Note:- We are sure aur readers will be. pleased ta be able ta read this report on the new schoal addition. We have been trying ta get sanie information along this line since before the cantract was let, but it seems those la the know did not wish ta let the public know what was going Robert W. Walton Has 25 Years With A& P Mr. Robert W. Walton, o! now accupied by Helen's Gra- Newcastle, recently celcbrated ceteria, before jaining the staff bis 25th anniversany witb the of the A. & P. Store in Bow- A. & P. Food Stores and join- manville in December 1930. The cd more than 1,000 employees following year he was appoint- in the -company's twenty-five cd manager o! the A. & P. store ycar club. in Tilsonburg where he remain- Mr. Walton, who is cmploy- ced until being appainted Su- cd as a Supervisor in the To- pervisor for the Company in ronto Unit joincd the compapy June 1936, which position be on December 2, 1930. still holds. Mn. Walton was a member o! *On bis 25th anniversary he the Newcastle village council rcceivedi a cash award from the in 1930 and is Past Master o! company and congratulatorY Durham-~ Lodge No. 66 A. F. messages !rom Mr. Lawrence and A. M. a! which he bas M. Carayoux, divisional Presi- been a member for the past 32 dent, and L. W. Beebe, vice7- president in charge o! ope'ra- ~er tians throughout this area. A native o! Newcastle, Mr. Walton opened a gnocery storeI ta the property now accupied C u ls C u byteBoahnHardwarein C upe R.uht now, AP haven for thousands of budget balancoes W. re burating nt te eama with the. grandest storeful of splendid holiday food* - &Il A&P-picked for sur* pleasuro and A&P-priced for pocketbook pacal JANEPARlR BIWTIPCI Jans Parker SAVE 6o APPLE PIE e..h 49c: LARGE ANGEL CAKE *&Ch 45 c . BREAKFAST ROLLS »Ceh 253c Jans Parker- Whole 8AVE 100 STUART HOUSE DUNDEE CAKE ech 79c FOLWA Jane Parke Half SAVE10* O W A DUNDEE CAKE each3 9c 12 mcli 25-h rail 29c SUPER-11CHT MEATS BLADE ROAST Blade Bone Remaved SHORT RIB ROAST very meafy lb II SHOULDER ROAST F.11 Cut 37 Extra Lean MINCED BIEF 8uier Right, Smoked Rindiesa SIDE BACON Pure, SmnalI Linkç or Country Style PORK SAUSAGE Poamnealed, 2 ta 3-1b. End Cute BACK BACON ib29c i-I'ý pkgs 57c YUKÇON CL 13 PRODUCE SPECIALS! GINGER ALEu 'orica Pascal, No. 1 Grade, e Co 23-obtS2~ Celery Stalks 2 ~. ,~ 4 Ont r;o Grown, Fancy Melntoth Red Popular Brande iPE 3-lb ceHa ba California Fançy Emperop, Criop Table Stotk CIGARETTES GIAPES 2 ib chi of 10 pkgs of 20 Effective 2.08Y Until __________________ Sturday, Decmber o d t r 17th, 196&5. 1w- lb 3,5c ib45c 19c 'g 25 c -- - *-... .- .~ .%JrAnT LIS. With some sixty members in Iattendance the annual meeting Iof the Merry Marrîed Couples' IClub took the form of a turkey Idinner served in the Lions Room of the community hall by the members o! Mrs. Garnet IRickard's group of the Unitedi JChurch Woman's Association. The attractive decorations o! the room and the tables per- me ated the room with the spir- it of Christmas. Wbile the ladies were clear-i ing the tables, the members joined in the singing of Christ- mas songs and carols with Mr. Williams playing the piano ac- companiment, followed by a short business period conduet- ed by the President, Marlowv Hancock, during which plans for the new Sunday School floor were discussed, and it was decided that new office-s f or 1956 be elected by advanc- ing each officer one office above thus leaving the office of corresponding secretary open.1 This office was filled by the election of Mr. and Mrs. Mur- ray Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jose who have recently moved from the village were welcomed to the meeting and were present-1 ed with a small remembranýe from the group by Mr. Brenton Rickard. For the program which fol- lowed, Brenton Rickard was the chairman with Frank Hoair introducing "The Haymakers" who presented two musical se- lections which were enjoyed by ail. Two films, supplied by the Imperial 011 Company were shown, the !irst entitled "Tim- berline" and the second "Gods o! India"~. "i5 î Dj~LaIluej Elects Officers- Dear Mr. James-'Trno udsaanl umam maaa-dtiàààm ur& Enclosed please fmnd maney arder for Statesman. I get a USE YOUR OLD FURNITURE AS A DGWN PAYMENT great deal o! pleasure reading The' Statesman, getting news o! sa many different commun-, No Payments Until End of January ities whene sa many o! My friends reside. 1 amn nearing my 83rd bîrtbday and thankful I arn still -active and able to go i tr Ronald a::in Sun:ybrook Jh et l u n t r , Hospital for a few weeks. Heýon Hal u n re e v s a p en sio n fr m th e ~m ' n l t w u u . . g last war aand*ueoncem 'a' ui uunrw obasm ta go there for a checkup an CONE ÜVA@AI uai andOEE T. BW u.M.AuwaL bis health. mashn and H a ewYeahrst mashng apyouewa Merrvhrit-PHONE MA 3-5091 NEWCASTLE -PHONE 3616 Sincenely yours, X M946 Qua Ji. Cour"~ I 9.5th Birthday, Thomas Couch Congratulations ta Mr. Thomas Couch, a lifelong resideat o! Newcastle and Clarke Town- ship, who will celebrate quictjy the 95th anniversaryof-his birth, tomorrow; Friday, Dec. 16. Mr. Couch, despite bis advanced years, is enjoying comparatively good health and is able ta be up and around every day. Newcasle Bull In Shipment To M exico ~ý Whil th membezriors o the Th AuiianyirMesale bu iAnT U A ýHoîstein bull from the---------------bountiful lunch,l addition ta the amount made BTE AOI. herd o! James T. Brown, New -_________________________________________ castle, was among a shipment o! 53 head o! high class Cana- dian purebred cattle shipped ta MVexico recently, it was an- byth oîtenFnes1 FINISH YOUR DRESSES! ian Association o! Canada. The shipment cansisted a! 39 " bulîs and 14 females purchascd After your dress has been spotlessly cleaned by the Mexican government Ipesadfns ardesss htte r largely for use in artificial 1retsuran fneds tayou ikesss new.t hy r brceding centres that are being reuhdt o ienw established tbnoughout that country for the improvement Have your party dresses cleaned naw o! livestock. Cattle o! the Hal- for the holiday season. stein, Ayrshire, Jersey, Short- born and Herçford breeds were included. FOR FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY Mr. Brown's bull was among a graup o! 17 richly bred Hol- 4, stein bulîs that headed the Phn M -52 group: These were secured *hn A352 from breeders in the caunties o! Haldimand, Wentwortn, Wellington, Waterloo, Oxford, Simcoe and Durham. They Ï Bowmanville were bought ta supplement a shipment o! 40 bulîs purchascd h ,. by the Mexican Government Clu es& D esU . from the same area in June. Dr. (.C e n rs& D esLd J. Fernandez who is in charge Operated by Carl and Ed. Leslie o! the artificial' breeding çcri- tres in Mexico stated thathle p ~*. . 77 KING STREET WEST was very happy with the first SdeFe shipment and the present pur- SdeFc chases bear out this statement. . Io Overhead Means Low Prices! Lion ettes'Sur prised When Husbands Crash <14 e ewcadeY"&pfcet LGordon Àgnew, Edilor Phone 3621 frain the sale af tickets on the lovely Christmas cake, sa klnd. ly donated by Mrs. E. Alldread, the lucky winner being Mrs. R. Embley. The entire proceeds af the affair will be devoted ta a fund for the installation of heav'y wfiring ini the Parish Hall. * 0 * The Afternoon Auxiilary af the Woman's Auxiiary is hold- ing its devotional and business Imeetings during the wlnter months at the homes af the members. A very well attended meet- ing was held at the home of Miss Thorne on Tuesday, tiêe- ember 6th. The opening -jN- ers were taken by the P*-I dent, Miss Mclntosh with Mts John Ferguson reading the Scripture lesson. The treasurer reported that' the full amount of the pledge for the year, $115, had been sent to the Dioscesan Treasur. er, and announced that 110 cook books had been sold. The literature secretary took up a chapter from the Study Book entitded "Who Dares T,, Stand Idie'>, and Miss Bulter read an account of the wvork of the Bible Society in Korea. The annual meeting of th* Branch 'will be'held at the home of Miss Mclntosh on Tuesday afternoon, January lOth., RFFRIGERATORS Admirai Refrigeralor 72D Model 0n>y $189 Norge Refrigeralor Jet D-Frost 9.8 0nI~,' $269 January, 1956 --t -. --- - .-.--- - -.-t.= ~ TELE VISION Motorola Admirai C.D.S. CoIumbil ais low as $10.00, Monthly No payments until end of ELECTRIC RANGES.- ADMIRAL 30" OVEN a m a a FULY UTMAIC 3N9-ORG0Ed $229.00 GENERAL ELECTRIC I R ON S .. ICHESTERFIELD SUITES IREM ON $149 CHROME SETS FEATHERWEIGHT DEDEON SUITES MRON .-. GENERAL ELECTRIC Pop-up Toasters $2150 GENERAL ELECTRIC Floor Polishers -VRTICPI ii- Ut Wr 4- M EL *U.I il W - The regular December meet- Jolly aid Santa Claus arrived ing and Christmas Party o! the and proceeded ta hand out giftsi Newcastle Lionettes Club was ta everyone present from under held at the home o! Lionette the beautifully decorated Christ- Mrs. Charlotte Riekard on Mon- mas tree. After deliciaus re- day evening' with 18 members freshments were serveci and a in attendance. time o! fellowship enioyed, Lion Lionette President Mrs. helen President Rod Carveth express- Carveth conducted a short bus- ed to the ladies, an behal! o! the iness period during which final men present, sincere apprecia- plans were completed for distri. tian for a most enjayable even- bution o! remembrances ta shut- ing. ins during the holiday season. Winners a! prizes for holding It was'1 decided ta change the lucky marked cups were Lions meeting night for.- the Club. to Harper Kclsey and Howard Toms the second Tuesday a! the monthI and Lionette Mrs. Kay Stephen- ta suit better with other com- son. mittments o! the members. This portion of! the meeting concluided, the ladies were astanishcd ta hear f rom the m s R.E be background the'strains of thatM r.R Emb y happy song -'"Don't you hear them Lions roar," as the hus- L c y W n e bands a! the members paraded into the room and joined the party. The president and hostess O m sC k had planned this surprise with- ,X m sC k out the knowledge o! the mcmr The Woman'às Auxiliary o! bers and with the co-operption St. George*s Church held a very of the mcnfolk the whole schemc successful Tea and Sale on Fni- was carried ta a most successful day a!ternoon December 9th and enjoyable conclusion. in the Lions room o! the New- Following the arrivai o! the castle Cammunity Hall. men, partners were drawn for Tetatbe n eln and progressive Court Whist was Tetatbe n ela played with the following pize booths were gay with Christ- winners: ladies high. Mrs. Irene mas decorations and the assort- Roberts; low, Mrs. Orena Megit; ments o! apronà and other a- men's high, Thos. Lewis, and ticles displayed for sale would low, Chas. Gllkes. make pleasing Christmas gits. Il.ý "[Il PAM Fouwrmn --- Tm CMADUN STAqqmuAlw vwwaeawmpw vin à%«MAIBVM 1 1» . 9& UnUTU-q Tn ipiv ia NORGE

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