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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Dec 1955, p. 17

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d~4~AU~L1. 8OWMAIIVTLLE, ONTAMO PAGE SEVEN'! ordan, aylor, Tony Gev. Osh- risitec plast Satur- iwith fillan, ihelc Mns eveti- Osh- Carl ce 1Ser- Drono even- :plor- ith a The 1was G.I.T. the twas and Shir- Anti rt LIî Tiony trilynî Joan tiem- ne- their ieish God Ex- Iy in n be they arry- wor- as at their the ined ithe fol- cele- ath- 'hase ring,. f i t Vesper Service HeId by C.G.I.T. Sunday Dec. il The C.G.I.T. Christmas Ves- per Scrvice fan Oshawa Pres- bytery was heid in Trinity United Churcb on~ Sunday ev- ening, Dec. 11 . Leaders widi' their C.G.I.T. and Explorer groups attendcd and taok part in this annual service wbich concluded with the beautiful candlc-lighting cenemany. Mrs. Clanence Penfound ni Courtice, president af the Osh- awa Leaders' Council, canduct- cd the service, and guest speaker was Miss Marjonie McBride, Assaciate Secretary, Department af Christian Edu- cation af the Canadian Council af Chunches. Hcr subject wds "White Gifts."I Miss Joyce Fond af King Street Church, Oshawa, nead the scriptune, and Mary Cano- lyne Warburton, Courtice, led in respansive reading. The choir was compased ai girls fnom St. Paul's and Trinity in Bowmanviile, Hampton and Newcastle groups. Miss Dora Pundon of Trinity led the candie igters who wene composcd ai Jean Gimb- lett af St. Paul's Presbytenian Cburch, Oshawa; Ina Benyl Read, Haydon; Joanne Mackie, Ebenezen; Judy Silhs, King Strýeet, Oshawa; and Elva Smale, Hampton. C.G.L.T. members aiso acted as ushers and took up the af- fering. TYRONE L.0.B.A. Election Officers of the L.O.B.A., Ty- rone Unity Lodge, 1244, heid their annual election Wednes- day, Nov. 16, as follows- W.M.-Sis. Ray Scott; DM.- Sis. Reta McRoberts; Jr. D.M. -Sis. Ethel Goble: Rec. Sec.- Sis. Grace Smnith; Financitil Sec-Sis. Marie Taylor; Treas. -Sis. Ruth Bradley; Chap.- Sis. Jacobine Vaneyk; Guard- !an-Bro. Leslie Brooks; DC.-. Sis. Meg Gibbs; Ist Lecturer- Sis. Doris Holroyd; 2nd Ler- turer - Sis. Helen Wallace; Pianist--Sis. Kathleen Davey; Inner Guard-Sis. Patjline Ahl- dread; Outer Guard-Bro. Joh-n Wilson; Standing Committee- Sis. Ethel Byamn, Sis. Fanny Gibson, Sis. Anti English, Sas. Ann Phillips; Sick and Visit- ing Committce - Sis. Pauline Murphy, Sis. Gertrude Delan- ey, Sis. Ruth Murphy, Sis. Ethel McRoberts; Auditors- Bro. Lionel Byani, Bro. Bill Wallace, Sis. Gwen Murphy. Mr. and Mns. G. Planke and boys, Oshawa, were suppert guests at Mr. Howard Philp'sc home. E Mr. and Mrs. H. Hall, Wil-1 fred and Joan accompaniedf E Mn. and Mrs. W. Hall anda IWendy of Bowmanville andc 1vstdMr. and Mrs. H. Spragg. Hamilton.j Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Harmer, Enindale, were weekend visit-j or s of Mr. and Mrs. J. C.' Caok; also Mnr. and 14rs. H. McClre.Miss Jane McClure, Mess i McClure and Jne McGill were Sunday dinner Iguests. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Wilkinsj and Ray, Bowmanviile, were ISunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. C. Bigeiow. Miss Giadys Maynard andi friend, Oshawa, Miss Phyllis IMaynard, BoWmanviile, visitel at Mr. and Mns. Roy May- nard's. Mr. A. H. Brent, Mr. Gordyri Brent visited Mr. William Brent, Uxbridge. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Woodiev and Jim werc tea guests of Mr. and Mns. Harry Collacutt, Bawmanville. Mr. and Mns. Herb Nichols, Courtice, were tea guests Sat- urday evening of Mr. and Mrs. S. Goble. Mr. and Mrs. H. Burgez-, Salem: Mr. and Mns. A. Geis-' bcrger and Lynda. Zion. visî-, cd Mr. and Mrs. W. Park, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Virtue Vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Laiic, OifhaNva. Mr. and Mns. Lloyd Alldread and Maxine, Mr. James Ail- dread, Mr. and Mrs. O. Beck- ett visited Mr. and Mn.. John Beckett, Scugog Island. Mr. and Mrs. W. King, Osh- awa, Mr. and Mrs. S. Rahrn and family. Blackstock, with IL-. andL Mr&. Arthur Tobacco Assn. to Make One Final 'Attempt .ai Controlling Acreage with'Mr. Sherwin were Mrs. 0. A. Sherwin. Mr. and Mirs. Thea. dore Sherwin, Waterdown; Mzn. and Mss. Benny Sherwin and daughter Marguerite, Hamnil- ton; Mn. and Mss. Edwin Litt, Toronto, Miss Edith M. Sherwin, Orono. Aiter a sump- tuous turkey dinner various gits from relatives and friends were presentcd ta Mr. Sher- jwin. A happy and joyous day can oa close with the fam- ily atheed aoundthepiano snging a iew of the oid hymns ending with "Blest Be The Tie That Binds". On Tuesday aternoon the W.M.S. and W.A. held a show- er for "The Whyte's Home for Childncn", at Maple Grove, of canned goods, cookiés and bed- ding in the church auditorium. Next Sunday marning in Or- ono United Church we shall be privilegcd ta have in aur pul- pit the Rcv. A. Pinto Ribeira, a Protestant misslonary from Portugal who is now associated with the wonk of the United Church in Angola, and who !S pastor of the Afnican church In Novalisboa, Portuguese West Afrîca. Mr. Ribeino is now on a speaking mission in Canada. Ncxt Sunday evening, Dec- ember 18th, the choir wiil pre- sent a Christmas Pageant, e- titled: "The Christmas Cru- sade". Time: 7.30 o'clock. Do plan on being wityx us. Youn correspondent wouird be pleased ta take your new or nenewals for The Statesman. Phone, Orono 127. be ne-established immediateiy. St. Pouls Club'Enjoy Illustrated Talk on World St. Pauls Chu rches St. Paul's United Church Men's Club and their ladies, and augmented by St. John's Men's Club and ladies eniayed Fniday evening with Dr. L. B. Williams' film production en- tifled "St. Paui's Churchcï ai Wonld History." Stanting at Jenusahem, as the Bible isys, the early church ié of Bow- manville was touched on. Back in 1827 in this, town there were: 45 aduht and 180 under 16 yrs., Methodists; 18 adult and 72 under 16 yrs., Pnesbyterians-; 7 aduit and 28 under 16 yrs., Anglicans; 10 adult and 40 under 16 yrs., R. Catholics. Tnibute was paid to the sulent presence that St. Pauls in moral upiift has wnought on succeeding generations ai youth attending nearby Bowmanville Central Sehool. The Doctor binted that some day he might give a talk with- out pictunes ai the early life hîstary ai Bownianvîflle - the prominent families, industny, politics, churches, schaols, in- cidents and progress from mill site on Danlington Creek ta free rural postal delivery of 7,000 township citizens. The apening picture was a big nai rase which "By any other name 'would smell as isweet" wbrich was passed on to the names ai churches. Some - bighlights were the ancient gates of Rame, still in i existence, through which. Ran- j an citizenry tbrust out their, umwelcome guest, St. Paul the Apostle, and according ta tra- dition then stoned him ta death.1 The nuits of the great Cal- iseum, an whose theatre stage early Chnistians wcré thrown to the lions in pagun Roman holiday. St. Paul's Cathedrai, London, "where pais the cnowded thrangs ai lufe," and St. Paui's, Halifax, in celebra- ion oi 300 yeans ai its found- ing, when the late Canon Cody of Toronto pneached. .St. Augustine fnam Rame 597 A.D. reached Britain's bores whene Julius Ceasar landed and the audience view- d the massive stone wall fort- fications stili deiying Father rime. As the Docton glamon- ied in commentary with his retinue af 40 monks St. Augus- me reaches what Is today the ignity af Canterbury Cath- adrai, the niothen church of :nglish Christianity. 'In cantrast, St. Columba, rom Ireland in bis little cor- ie neaches the barren shore~s )f little lana island af the tI if T hi di e( El fi ýai af Hebrides ini 563 A.D. and pro- cecded thraugh his monks in missionary work ai pagan nanthern Bnitain. Architectural diversity o 1 churcb construction aven coun- tries and centunies was inter. estlngly educational. The Doctar was sa fuil ai an.. tîme uni reverse chargea R.R. 4, Bowmanville. Aetivity Aduit Swimmng Adult Art Smocking Dressmnaking Leathercraft Dancing Class Women's Health Public Speaking Choral Society Teen Town Minor Hockey Instructer Mr. W. Bagnel Mr. A. Hodgkins Mrs. L. Highfield Mrm F. Dillng Mrs. F. Dilling Miss 1. Harvey Mrs. L. Lucas Mr. E. Morley Mr. N. Martin President Ken Kelly Time LocalIty Fees Thurs. 7:00- 9:00 B.T.S. Pool $3.00 Fri. 7:30- 9:30 Lions Centre Sec Instructor Mon. 7:30- 9:30 Memorial Park $3.00 Tues. 7:30- 9:30 Lions Centre S3.00 ýV7ed. 8:00-10:00 Lions Centre $3.00 We. 1:0- :0 iosCentre Sec Instructor ______4_0 930LinsCentre $3.00 _____ 7:30-_9:30._Lions Centre $5.00 Mon. 8:00-10:00 Town Hall Sec Instructar Fr!. 8:30-11:30 Lions Centre Membersblp - 50e ______________ _______________ plus nightly admission Tues. 7:00- 8:30 a.m. Cornmunity Arena None Sat. 7:00 arn. - 12:30 p.m. 1956 -.6 The Board of Dinectors af the Flue and Marketing Asso- ciation ai Ontarioaut their meeting Fniday, Dec. 9 in Sin- cae, had under consIderation. the discrimination and ijus- tice, in respect ta acreage allot- ment suffened by mrembers of the Association, as compared ta non-members. They mIsa considerei taking apprapniate action ta relieve the members ai the present dlscniminatory pollcy that is being followed. Alternatively, they consldered thc dissolution and winding up of their Association. This matter has been under consideration for some time and there were two schaols of thought among the Directons.ý One was, that it seemed almost impossible ta contrai acreage. Members of the Association were the chief vialators and the opinion was «expressed that 80% af the independent tabac- Ca was produced by members of the Association through one subterfuge or anothen. Same Dinectors felt that the only wvay ta handle'the matter would be ta abolish acreagià contrai. They realized that this would bning on chaot4c condi- tions for a yemr or two but thaught it was the only effec- tive answer in the long rni Othen Dfrectons thought that the Board should make one more, and only anc more, at- tempt ta continue acreage con- trol. In this cannection, a byi-lavr was pnepared ta be submitted ta a special general meeting ai Now! Enjay the wanderful convenience or a freezer PLUS refrigeraton in your kitcheal The amazing new Amana FPR (Freezer-Plus- Re/rigerator) gcnuinely fulills the function of both appliances. Yet relquires no mare fonr space than a refrigerator alone! The big, raomy automatic -defrost refrigeratan section holds as much food as a 12 cubic foot conventional refrig- erator . .. whille the precisioa-etigineered, ful-. scale freezer section actually offens greater ca- pacity than an 8 cubic foot freezer ... hoids 297 lbs. af food. A real bargain-in space, conven- lence and performance. Sec it today! Three Band Members 0f 5 7 Years Ago Present ai Banquet history It wus hard- for him ta keep ta his. text and clos,-d on a patriotic note ta Canada with a couple of stanzes of his own composition: My ho me, my hope, niy land of heart's deslre, Across thy nugged mountains, plains and streams I would lie restlng, listening ta thy earthly choir 0f Blessings, neath a panopiy of dreains. The only land with frontier yet ta be reveald,- Sa vast aur country's acres, shores and commerce seen, In Anctic's trek of solitude, muchtreaureseaied 'Till Tme and Seed and Mercy shall push back the screen.J Dr. Williamns was introduced by Rev. IR. Turner and thank- ed on behaîf ai the gathering by Mr. W. Teeple, Meeting was presided over by President Geo. W. Graham and devotional ivas in charge oi Mr. S. Parsons. Refnesh- ments were served and Dr. and Mrs. Williams enjoycd chatting with bath aid and new friends. Young Singers Oshawa Niemorial Service Natural atone monument& markers and corner atones No. 2 HIGHWAY E. OF CITY LEMTS Dia! OSHAWA RA 5.6611 S4 CHECK THESE e a" 49FEATURESI RIPRIGERATOR. * Lesg, Chees.ed uniBte, Comportments a average Pitcher, Crisper, Roll Out Shelyes, Meet Keeper - Large Fruit- and-Vegotable Fresheners - Automatic De. frasti ns FREEZER: a à Gemere., les Cube Trays - Amono-Mot6c Frooziug Surfaces * Auto- unatic Food Dispensera - Froaty.Fruit Juice Rock, Dessert Sur * Leffover Sheif BACKED SY A CENTURY- OLD TRADITION OF FINE CRAFTSMANSHP E"lo s Amana Plan PHONE NA 3-5578 Recreation cil congratulated the band on their suczess through the years and stated that the band wvas certainly an asset ta the Town- ship. It was also polnted out that Orono has had a band for a goodznany years and has sur- vived both the good and flot se gaod years. At one Urne there were four bands in the vicin. ity being ini Bowmanville, Neiv- tonville, Newcastle and Orono. Pollowing the banquet mdf entertainment some of the. mnembers of the band grouped together ta provide dance mnu- sic for both round and square dancing. This portion of the evenîng a]so received the as- sistance of Mr. Robt. Steveni- son, Mr. Mac ]Ransberry and Mr. and Mrs. Hartwell Lowery. YOU WILL the members which will prevent any rneInber af thc Association through any seheme or subter- fuge whatsaeven, from haVing any interest in an independent farm. The pnopased By-lmw provides that the penalty for .any such action be the payment af 50 % af the proceeds af the tabaccô grown an lands in con- travention ai this By-law, to the Association and in addition the vioiator'a membcrship may be cancellcd. The much discussed matter af indeperident growers vas can- sidened at length and a resalu- tian passed, as follaws: l'Inde- pendent gnowers who produc- ed tabacco during or before the 1955 crop year wiii be affened membenship in the Association on a basis ai six (6) acres af basic acreage for each stand- ard kiln on bis farm as- af Oc- tober 1, 1955, pravided that al accept or a number suffîciently large, ini the opinion of the Di- nectors, ta justify their admis- sion." Unless acreage cantrol can bc firmly established, as a resuht af - substantially ail praducens in Ontario joining the Associa- tiori, it is aimast certain that the Directors wiil recommend. at the next meeting af the Board, the ending ai acreage contrai. It naw seeins that the tobacco gnawer wiil most certainly ne! canfranted witb a survivai of the fittest, unless a satisfactory system, af acreage contrai canl NOOPERWS r«i-TWOj RENEE FLEX. 1) jewel moment. White or yellow case, matchinig expansion VsrI.Thlm ROMA FLIOL Il jewel moveinent. Whitegor yellow case, matching expansion bracelet..'42,50 .Vfi.TllnPRUDENCE FLEX. i7 jewel mmv- ment. Whiite or yellow case, matching ex- pansion bracelet. S 49.713 VaYg-Thlu JOLIET, set with tqf diamonds! 17 jewel movement. Whijte or yelow CaM. black nylon cord. USIE OUR EAISY BUDGET TIERMIS H@@PER'FS Jewellery & Gift Shop 28 King W. MA 3-5741 * ~ w~w~w~ w~-ri~ Dates No. o Sessions Jan. 5 - Apr. 12 15 Jan. 6 - June 29I 26 Jan. 9 - Apr. 16 15 Jan. 3 - Apr. 10 1 5 Jan. 4 - Apr. il 15 Jan. 3 - Apr. 10 13 Jan. 5 - Apr. 1251 Jan. 4 - Apr. l11 Jan. - May Every other Frî. Jan. -May jan. 7 * Mar. 31 22 Bowman ville j j j j j j j i I I j SPRING ACTIVITIES - Department REGISTRATIONS ACCEPTED AT -RECREATION' OFFICE OR AT FIIST SESSION For furiher information - Phone MA 3-5761 e4i 3-1 eý4%06*4" One hundred persans Monday evening, Dec. 5, enjoyed a ban- quet and entertainment when present and past menibers Af the Orono Band with thefir wives and friends Jalned in a most successful evenlng. The banquet was held in the Orono Oddfellow's Hall and was ca- tered ta most capably by mcm-. bers of the Heather Rebekah Lodge of Orono. The banquet consisted of turkeY with sîl the trimniings. Mr. Ivison Tarnblyn, president of the Band, acted as chairnian for the evening. Mr. Charîle Prust, following the banquet, proposed a toast ta the ladies wvhich was replied to by Mrs. Mi J. Tamblyn. Mr. Ivison Tamblyn, in his remarks wvelcorned the gath- ering to the banquet. The c hair- man then called on Mr. John Tamblyn who spoke briefly of the Band somne fifty years aga. Also remîniscent af past years were words by Mr. E. J. Hamm and Mr. M. J. Tamblyn. It was pointed out at the meeting that three members of the band some fifty-seven years &go were present at the banquet. These members were Mr. A. J. Tamblyn, Mr. E. J. Hamm and Mr. M. J. Tamblyn. Mr. Donald Hamm, vice-president of the Orono Band nioved a vote of t4anks to the ladies of the Re- bekah Lodge and also to 11r. Hircock af Cobourg who was the guest soloist for the even- ing. Mr. Hartwell Lowery, on behaif of the Township Coun- 1 1 .-- -- -- Du ring Service Allin Jamieson, son ai Mn. and Mrs. Oscar Jamieson, Pet- erbonough, formerly af Bow- manville, and Leslie Manni also ai Peterborough, cantributed two lovely vocal duets at the monning service i Tinity Unifed Church hast Sunday. The boys sang , "Beils ai Christmas" and "Star Candies", thein Young, wefl trained voices being vcry lovely in the nendi- thon ai these numbens. The Men's Chorus, sang "Fin- landia" in hanon ai Sibelius' 90th birthday. Mr. Arthur Collisàn, arganist and chair dinecton, presided ut thc argan. Four children were also baptîzed at this service. Tbey werc: Duncan Mark Tilîsan, son ai Mn. and Mrs. L. B, Till- son, Kingston Rd., E.; Gary Lavenne Shiels, son ai Mn. and Mn. Melvon Shiels, Martin Raad; Marilyn Marie Gibson, daughtcr of Mr. and Mns. Non- mati W. Gibson, 4, Osh- awa: Barny John Bragg, son oi Mr. and Mns. Wm. J. Bragg, i 'Iowa, P.ib.11,1 * îa . 1 1 1 b-. 1 1 «ý b 1 THE NEWEST ON TOME by

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